The Last Word: Marc Intermaggio, CAE
Committee Teamwork Drives BOMA Goals & Engages Members Curious about how to get more value out of your BOMA membership? Take a cue from your colleagues who engage in BOMA committees that run the gamut from Codes and Regulations to Energy and Environment to Government Affairs. Choose one that fits your expertise — or get involved to learn about a new area and gain knowledge that may benefit your company.
Committee activities help drive BOMA’s mission, long-term goals and member engagement. By participating in a committee, you will expand your network, hear early warning signs about issues impacting commercial real estate, and help shape the policies of our organization and industry. Most committees are open to any BOMA member. Getting involved is as simple as contacting the appropriate committee chair. Visit www.bomasf. org and select the “Get Involved” tab to see when and where each group meets and whom to contact. I encourage you to dive right in and discover the advantages—and enjoyment— of committee engagement. Below we
highlight our various work groups, the chairs, and key goals for 2020. Commercial Real Estate Alliance for Tomorrow’s Employees (CREATE) – Chair: Tawni Sullivan, CBRE CREATE, formerly known as the BOMA San Francisco Foundation, works to expand and diversify the CRE workforce, partnering with other CRE associations to grow our industry’s talent pool. Says Chair Tawni Sullivan, “we focused this year on four areas of strategic development: governance re-structuring, marketing and communications to increase awareness of CREATE and the internship program, scalability of the program, and ensuring financial stability for the long term. We engaged an instructional design consultant who supported the development of consistent curriculum, including training for instructors.” BOMA-SF-PAC –Chair: Andrew Junius, Reuben, Junius, Rose, LLP The BOMA SF Political Action Committee (PAC) maintains relationships with elected officials, raises funds for electoral campaigns, and deploys funding to influence candidates and issues for the benefit of BOMA members. (Continued next page)