Viewsq1 2017

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Q1 2017

BOMA Award Winners Recognized for Their Outstanding Talents Gathering at Oakland’s opulent Scottish Rite Temple on February 9, the Bay Area’s commercial real estate community celebrated the winners of the TOBY (The Outstanding Building of the Year) Awards and other honors at the 2017 BOMA Bay Area Annual Awards Gala. The event, a joint endeavor of BOMA San Francisco and BOMA Oakland/East Bay, recognizes prestigious BOMA member buildings. In addition to the TOBYs, awards were announced for the Innovative EARTH Awards and OMYs (Outstanding Members of the Year) for both BOMA San Francisco and BOMA Oakland/East Bay. The Ordway in Oakland, managed by the CIM Group, won the TOBY in the largest category (500,000–1 million square foot). Other East Bay awardees: Treat Towers in Walnut Creek won in Renovated Building the 250,000 – 499,000 square foot space, which 201 Third Street, is managed San Francisco by CBRE. Kilroy Realty RiverRock Real Estate Group won in the suburban office park/low-rise category for the Dublin Corporate Center in Dublin. On the San Francisco Best Office Building 250,000 –499,000 SF side of the Bay, Treat Towers, Walnut Creek the TOBY in the CBRE historical building category went to 140 New Montgomery, managed by Cushman & Wakefield. The rejuvenation of this Art Moderne gem honors its masterful design while also transforming the building into a technologically advanced space. CBRE was victorious in the 100,000–249,000 square foot category (500 Washington) and in the government building category (180 Howard), both in San Francisco. Kilroy Realty’s teams scored two TOBYs. 301 Brannan won in the under 100,000 square foot category, and 201 Third Street was honored in the renovated building category. “This year we had a record number of entries Historical Building for the awards, now in the third year of the joint 140 New Montgomery, effort between the two area BOMAs,” said Cortney San Francisco Shadel, who played a key role on the committee Cushman & Wakefield (Continued on page 8)

2 Are You a Real Estate Curry, Curry or Curry? By Wes Powell BOMA San Francisco President Along with Marc Intermaggio’s message, I write to you with a BOMA Golden State Warriors–themed article. Are you a real estate Curry, Curry, or Curry? You may know that there are three talented basketball players named Curry: Steph Curry of the Warriors, his father Dell Curry—a talented NBA shooting guard from 1986 to 2002, and brother Seth Curry who is a point guard for the Sacramento Kings. All are talented individuals in professional basketball— but there is only one Curry whose statistics have separated him from his brother and father— Steph Curry. Am I going to compare real estate ownership and management to basketball stars? You bet! As we all spend our workdays among a group of successful real estate professionals, have you ever wondered what separates good from great? Ever look around and wonder why someone is so good at what they do? It’s often simple: practice and training. Look at the statistics for your company, team and yourself. As either an owner or manager, I’ll challenge us all to think of our team and company relative to the practice and training available at BOMA. With the following 10 questions, give yourself 2 points (3 pointer if specified) if you, your team, or your company does the following: Please note the hints at the end of each question on how to improve your statistic. 1) At least 75% of the team has a professional designation (such as a BOMA RPA) or is currently ‘in training.’ 3 Pointer. 2) Either I or the team has at least 35% of professionals actively participa ting in industry organizations (BOMA, CREW, IREM, NAIOP, ULI). 3 pointer. 3) I or at least 10% of the team are in an industry leadership position (committee leadership). 3 Pointer. 4) Most of our young professionals are in an industry networking group (Young Professionals or Careers Committee). 5) I/we have people actively doing something about the talent shortage (The BOMA SF Foundation and CREATE). 6) I/We have over 85% of the team current with ‘best practice’ emergency preparedness training this year (Emergency Preparedness Committee). 7) Someone on the team knows which code issues are changing (Codes Committee). (Continued on page 10)

Thanks to Our 2017 Corporate Sponsors* Platinum Sponsor

Able Services

Gold Sponsors ABM NRG Energy Center San Francisco Pacific Gas & Electric Paramount Group, Inc. ProTech Security Services, Inc. Recology Golden Gate San Francisco Electrical Contractors Assn., Inc. Silver Sponsors Allied Universal Bannerman Security CBRE Columbia Property Trust Hines Hudson Pacific Properties Kastle Systems Kilroy Realty Corporation Marble West Metro Electric Unique Elevator Interiors, Inc. Bronze Sponsors Alliance Roofing Company, Inc. Boston Properties CBF, Inc. Cushman & Wakefield GPPro GSH GROUP Hathaway Dinwiddie Impark JLL LAZ Parking McMillan Electric Perfection Services Inc. RiverRock Real Estate Group Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. Shorenstein Realty Services, L.P. The Swig Company, LLC Friends of BOMA BCCI CB2 Builders Cole Supply Co., Inc. CTC-California Technical Contracting, Inc. eWaste Direct Field Construction, Inc. GCI General Contractors Rossi Builders, Inc. Swinerton Builders The Lawson Roofing Co. Inc. Township Building Services, Inc. Wilson Meany Young Electric + Communications Media Sponsors California Buildings News San Francisco Business Times The Registry *For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Tory Brubaker at


Congratulations award winners! Recology is proud to partner with outstanding BOMA buildings

SMART BUSINESS = SAVING MONEY AND RESOURCES. Sorting stations in public spaces, like this one at Embarcadero Center, divert materials away from landfill to recycling and composting facilities.

4 Principal Member Profile

Rick Buziak, Senior Vice President, Asset Management, Kilroy Realty Corporation

Rick Buziak oversees the 5+ million square-foot Bay Area portfolio for Kilroy Realty, which continues to expand its footprint with innovative projects. “We have a terrific and growing team in the Bay Area, so my day-to-day responsibilities are focused on making sure the team has the resources they need to execute on their responsibilities,” says Buziak. “This is a service business so, as a team and individually, we are 100% focused on providing first-class service and state-of-the-art work environments. Strategically, Kilroy is long on the Bay Area, and we continue to look for acquisition and development opportunities to grow the portfolio.” What’s on the horizon for 2017 and beyond? “Most of our product is low-rise, large floor plate, but the beauty of the Bay Area is the diverse tenant base making both product Buziak with his family. types appealing. We’ve focused more recently on SOMA–type product in San Francisco as the ‘tech’ tenant base continues to grow and increasingly desires this type of product. By the way, when we think of tech tenants, we think of all the companies or divisions thereof that have been transformed by technology. The auto industry is a great example of that, as is banking and many others. We are constantly in touch with our tenants and as a guy from Buffalo might say, we skate not to where the puck is, but to where it is going. In 2016 we broke ground on 1.1 million square feet of spec space in San Francisco that delivers in 2018, so we are actively working on filling up those projects. We are also working on entitlements for the Flower Mart, which will be a transformational project for San Francisco.” Buziak has served on the BOMA SF PAC Board since 2014 and encourages BOMA participation at Kilroy. In addition, Kilroy has generously contributed to the BOMA SF Foundation/CREATE program at SF State. “CREATE is a terrific program to introduce young talent to the industry, and Kilroy is proud to be a part of it. Last year we announced a four-year $100K commitment to the program, and we encourage other organizations in this business to consider supporting the program as well.” Family activities keep Buziak engaged during his downtime. “I am blessed with two girls, 9 and 11, that love to be active and in turn keep me active. They play many sports, and we love to ski together as a family. I am also coaching their track and field team and look for rewarding ways to give back to the community.”

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Associate Member Profile Jim Bruntz, President Commercial Interior Builders, Inc. Clients such as Kilroy, CBRE and Cushman & Wakefield have relied on the expertise of Commercial Interior Builders for their projects. “Our main focus is smaller projects in the TI spectrum,” says President Jim Bruntz. “We perform projects ranging from changing a lockset to building out a full floor.” A customer advantage is that “we are a small company, so you are dealing directly Along with his kids, Bruntz makes with people who can make decisions. We are detail-oriented, and we try to work out a pick-up for the Toy Drive. potential problems before they become schedule and cost issues,” Bruntz adds. “We ask our clients questions about how things should function and then build to exceed those expectations.” Asked about commercial interior developments, Bruntz remarks that “the implementation of the latest Title 24 standards is the latest trend we are dealing with. It has added significant costs to the projects, as well as increased the amount of time it takes to get the final inspection. There are now documents that need to be filed with the municipalities after the work is done.” Around BOMA, you may know Bruntz for his dedication to the San Francisco Firefighters’ Toy Drive. He is the longest continual driver for collecting toys from BOMA member buildings. “I wanted to give back to the community where I work and thought collecting the toys was a great way to do that. The sheer quantity of the toys the tenants give is amazing. It takes two of my children and me the better part of a day to pick up the toys and deliver them to the Toy Drive Center. It is very heartwarming to see people picking out toys for their Christmas gifts.” During his leisure time, Bruntz takes an interest in barbecuing, as well as snow and water skiing.




Kilroy Realty congratulates 201 Third Street and 301 Brannan Street, the winners of the San Francisco / East Bay 2016 TOBY Awards. Great job team!

k ilroyre a

Wh e re I n n ovat i o n Works.

Programs Help BOMA Buildings Become More Sustainable Building owners and managers who want to make their properties more sustainable have two new programs to explore. BOMA BEST® is an affordable, easy-to-use green building rating system for existing building environmental certification. It is focused on long-term building performance and results in healthier buildings. Over a three-year period, certified buildings average a 15% reduction in energy use and increase asset value by 8–10%. To learn more, visit Another development is the U.S. Green Building Council’s new platform, ARC. This is the next generation of LEED for existing buildings and simplifies how existing buildings are scored. It replaces the dynamic plaque and provides a path to performance for newcomers. Learn more at


CBRE’S TOBY & OMY WINNERS 180 Howard Street, San Francisco (Government) TOBY AWARD 500 Washington Street, San Francisco (100K – 249,999 SF) TOBY AWARD Treat Towers, Walnut Creek (250K – 499,999 SF) TOBY AWARD John Eckmann, Oakland – Engineer of the Year, OMY AWARD | 415.772.0123

8 Annual Awards (Continued from front page) Best Office Building 100,000–249,000 SF 500 Washington, San Francisco, CBRE

Best Government Building 180 Howard Street, San Francisco, CBRE

Best Building Under 100,000 SF 301 Brannan Street, San Francisco, Kilroy Realty

that organized the awards competition. “Not only were there more competitors than ever, there were also creative innovations undertaken by the building teams. Bay Area buildings continue to raise the bar and inspire their peers in this dynamic commercial real estate market.” After bringing home a TOBY, winning teams advance to the Pacific Southwest Region to compete against other buildings for the honor of moving on to international competition. The Outstanding Building of the Year “TOBY” Awards were developed in 1985 by BOMA International to honor and recognize the quality in office building operations and award excellence in buildings management. The TOBY mission is: “recognizing operational efficiency, tenant retention, emergency planning and committee impact.”


BOMA SF OMY (Outstanding Members of the Year) Winners




2016 Principal Member of the Year Nicole DuBee Columbia Property Trust


2016 Associate Member of the Year Manuel Fishman Buchalter Nemer

Congratulations to these building teams, who won Innovative EARTH Awards for sustainability initiatives!

2016 Engineer of the Year Dennis Cornish Shorenstein

Nicole DuBee

Building: 201 Third Street, Kilroy Realty Innovation: Goodwill goBIN Comes to Third Building: The Flood Building Innovation: Zero Waste Diversion for the Triple Bottom Line Building: The Flood Building Innovation: Building-wide LED Lighting Make-Over Dennis Cornish

Manuel Fishman (center)

9 TOBY Winning Building Teams Congratulations to These Outstanding Teams!

Dublin Corporate Center/ RiverRock Real Estate Group team

201 Third Street/Kilroy Realty team

500 Washington/ CBRE team

140 New Montgomery/ Cushman & Wakefield team

180 Howard Street/CBRE team Treat Towers/CBRE team

301 Brannan Street/Kilroy Realty team Photo credit: Olivia Smartt Photography

The Ordway/CIM Group team

10 Center Hardware & Supply Co. Provides Concierge-Level Service to the City’s Building Managers and Engineers


city’s only Milwaukee Tool destination store and the only enter Hardware & Supply Co., one of San Francisco’s certified full line dealer (CFLD) for Stabila. The store oldest family owned hardware stores, recently moved has expanded its selection of paints and has added paint to a new building in the Dogpatch neighborhood mixing services. offering more parking, an expanded For upgrading spaces, Center inventory, and easy access to the Hardware has a complete line of freeways. A full-service independent lighting, ceiling fans, LED hallway commercial and industrial hardware lights, appliances and more. store serving the city’s building Center Hardware also provides: managers, contractors and engineers, free estimates, free delivery, drop Center Hardware offers 65,000+ shipments directly from vendors, products in stock and 120,000 more weekly onsite sales calls and available within 48 hours. New location is primed to serve the commercial market. special orders. “We like to say we are woven An independent, family-owned business, Keith Gentner into the fabric of this city,” said Jamie Gentner, a store and his daughter, Jamie, have operated Center Hardware since owner. “Every day we supply building professionals with the 1980. They are committed to continuing Center Hardware’s products and tools they need to keep their properties running esteemed reputation and extensive product lines that have smoothly. And we deliver them for free.” served the Bay Area since 1880. The Gentners and their team Center Hardware stocks products for general property look forward to welcoming BOMA members! maintenance, as well as for TI projects. The retailer is the 3003 Third Street, San Francisco w 415-861-1800 w Center Hardware is open Monday–Friday from 7 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm

President’s Column (Continued from page 2)

8) I/we are at the forefront regarding public policy and legislation affecting real estate and can report on the status of just about any topic (Government Affairs Policy Advisory Committee). 9) Building ownership regularly encourages property managers to participate toward achieving #’s 1 through 8. 10) Building ownership budgets its team’s participation in #’s 1 through 8. Scoring: 0 to 4: You will likely get left out of the next draft (AKA— a new sport is in your future) 5 to 10: A player; but you’ll likely get minimal playing time (but a serious opportunity for improved scoring achievement) 11 to 15: Strong Franchise Player; they’ll keep you around (new contract coming your way) 15 to 20: Star Player; A huge contract and new sneaker named after you is part of your daily life (your real estate

talents are top tier as well) 21 to 25: Super Star; You could be a Curry! You and/or your company will be rewarded beyond your wildest imagination. (Congratulations for being involved, a leader and supporting yourself, your company, clients and the commercial real estate industry.) 26 to 30: Shame! Like professional-level sports, this arithmetically, systematically, scientifically developed questionnaire is not designed to be scored so perfectly. (You will be investigated for cheating, drug tested, and asked to come to the BOMA office—not for psychoanalysis, but to learn how to really get involved and score correctly!) I encourage us all to evaluate ourselves, teams, and organizations; and find ways to improve our scores. Betterment in our business is a process and a journey. Importantly, opportunities to improve our scores abounds in our BOMA organization. So, the question is: Are you a Real Estate Curry, Curry or Curry?

11 BOMA Members and Staff on the Move NicholsBooth Architects — whose architecture, interior design, and consulting clients include Splunk, Autodesk, Tishman Speyer, Stanford Health Care, Union Bank, and Informatica­— announced that Scott Clement (shown at left) has joined Gary Nichols as a partner in the growing firm. Clement’s operational expertise and futureoriented focus will help the firm as it continues to expand and bring its creativity and ingenuity to both long-term and new clients. Clement was previously a senior project manager at RAPT Studio. The firm also added four staff members: designers Sashi Murthy, Jeffrey Ypon and Dafer Haddadin and senior project accountant Petch Somsakul. Kudos to BOMA Vice President of Public Policy Ken Cleaveland who was named president of the San Francisco Fire Commission. He joined the fire commission in 2014. Following concerns raised after the Oakland Ghost Ship fire, the commission will work with the building department and other departments to help improve buildings with issues. He said the fire department’s first responsibility is “making sure that all of the buildings in our city are safe.” Congratulations to Fred Kalbrosky, Senior Account Executive at Waxie Sanitary Supply for achieving the 2016 Sales Consultant of the Year Award for Waxie’s NorCal division. In addition, he also qualified for the 2016 President’s Club award. In the eight years that Fred has worked for Waxie, he has attained both of these honors five times. As many of his customers have said, “If Fred can’t do it, no one can!”

J. Timothy Falvey, CPM, President of Hanford Freund & Company, was honored for his long service on the board of directors of BOMA’s political action committee. (Shown from left: Ken Cleaveland, J. Timothy Falvey and Marc Intermaggio.) Cushman & Wakefield has promoted Claire Layton to assistant property manager of 100 California Street. Layton is active on the BOMA San Francisco Careers in Real Estate Committee, which promotes awareness of opportunities within the commercial real estate industry to students and emerging professionals.

Mariah Michaud joined Infralinc, LLC as director of business development– Northern California. A new BOMA member, Infralinc is a leader in secure infrastructure networks for commercial properties. She brings deep commercial real estate and property management experience to the Infralinc team. Most recently, she was general manager of Thor Equities in San Francisco with responsibility for a portfolio of commercial office and retail properties, including the historic and recently renovated Phelan Building at 760 Market Street.

Send personnel changes for Members on the Move to Tory Brubaker at

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The SFSU Commercial Real Estate Certificate Program is addressing our industry’s talent shortage by providing BOMA San Francisco members with job-ready internship candidates for the summer. As a host, you can help students explore their career interest by offering a short-duration internship (from three to eight weeks, 15 hours to 40 hours per week, or anything in between). The SFSU CRE Certificate Program is funded by the BOMA San Francisco Foundation and the CREATE initiative, a workforce development, industry alliance of NAIOP SF Bay Area Chapter, BOMA San Francisco, BOMA Oakland/East Bay and IREM San Francisco. Offering an internship is a great way to get an early look at a potential hire. Since 2014, our members have hired many students from the CRE Certificate program. Contact John Bozeman at if you would like more information. And be sure to mark your calendar for the CREATE Gala on May 18, which supports the program.

Last Word (Continued from back page)

talents to achieve the shared objective, and works hard to perfect the processes (the strategies and plays) that the team employs. They have a very high standard of performance, which they are always pushing higher! The Warriors are an impressive model of collaboration to achieve the envisioned goal, and I encourage you to VISUALIZE them as you perform your own work. I believe that BOMA San Francisco has some of the attributes that I see in the Golden State Warriors, including a supportive culture where everyone can contribute, a very high standard of performance, a nimble infrastructure, and a belief that as good as we are, we can always improve our performance! That’s surely a formula for success, so let’s keep it going. Marc Intermaggio, CAE, is Executive Vice President of BOMA San Francisco and Executive Director/CEO, BOMA San Francisco Foundation.

13 New Facility Helps BOMA Buildings Divert Waste Retooled Recycling Plant Best in the West Recycle Central, the 200,000-square-foot recycling plant on San Francisco’s Pier 96, completed a major upgrade in November and is running full speed. The improvements, which included the latest technology and engineering standards, increased throughput capacity at Recycle Central by 170 tons per day. The new line also gives San Francisco the flexibility to adjust to changes in the number and type of materials in the City’s recycling stream. Improvements completed include: z An advanced metering system for inbound materials.

“These units allow for system-wide recovery of a multitude of plastics and different material types at a very high efficiency level,” said Kevin Brogan of Van Dyk Recycling Solutions, which designed the modernized system. “With this state-of-the-art equipment, Recycle Central and the sorters who work here will recycle more material and send less to landfill,” says Mark Arsenault, Regional Vice President for Recology operations in San Francisco.

Recology and the Department of the Environment urge all San Francisco residents, businesses, Recology’s presort line is the longest in the nation. and visitors to take steps to reduce, reuse, and recycle more.

z A presort line with 14 sorting stations, the longest in the U.S. z Modern equipment that mechanically separates card board and glass bottles from other materials. z Two new lines of spinning disk screens that separate paper from plastic containers. z New high-tech optical sorters that separate different types of plastic. z An advanced glass-cleaning system.

“Thanks to Recology’s continued innovation and infrastructure improvements, our city is now ready to capture more of the recycled material that comes into our homes and businesses,” said Debbie Raphael, Director of the City’s Department of the Environment. “We each can do our part to reduce waste by making sure we place all of our recyclables in the blue bin every day.” To sign up for a Recology Commercial Tour, contact Amanda Simons, (415) 575-2466, (Thanks to Recology for article contribution.)

Mark Your Calendar for These BOMA San Francisco Upcoming Events Membership Luncheons

Networking Events


March 23 July 13 • September 13 October 19 • November 15

April 12 – BOMA at the BALLPARK May 18 – CREATE Gala September 18 – Elmer Johnson Golf Tournament December 7 – Holiday Party

May 1 –Membership Benefit Review October 17 – Annual Emergency Preparedness Seminar November 9 – Annual Codes Seminar


Dedicated to quality craftsmanship, the Tile & Stone Council of Northern California is a resource for BOMA members who wish to feature distinctive and lasting tile and stone installations in their projects.

Tile & Stone Council of Northern California 415.989.1175 z

BOMA San Francisco Holiday Revelers Celebrate and Donate BOMA members celebrated at the Annual Holiday Party and generously donated toys for the SF Firefighters Toy Program.

From top left: Brian Sandstrom, Hathaway Dinwiddie; Kristen O’Keefe, Cushman & Wakefield; and Marsha Ramsey, Cushman & Wakefield. Mark Buckingham, Hines, with toys collected. Michelle Stringer and Sandy Baxter, Cole Supply Company and Mike Cashion, CBRE.

15 Mixing & Mingling Scenes from the BOMA Bay Area Annual Awards Gala.

About BOMA VIEWS Published quarterly by BOMA SF Associate Publisher: Tory Brubaker Editor: Henry Eason Ad and Art Director: Ellen Eason Eason Communications LLC Contact Ellen Eason at 415.596.9466 or

From top right: Venue set up for the awards. Anne Hinz and Jeff Tucker, RiverRock Real Estate Group. Carol Leytem and Rick Leytem, Rossi Builders; Lindsay Wood, BOMA Energy Program; Brennan Zerbe, Hearst Corporation; Sheila Marko, Wilson Meany; and Ken Cleaveland, BOMA San Francisco. Karen Cowan, Restoration Management Company; Warren Mead and Kelly Jauregui, Cushman & Wakefield. Team from ABM celebrates. Photo credit: Olivia Smartt Photography

BOMA San Francisco 233 Sansome Street, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104-2134


Printed on recycled paper.

The Last Word: Marc Intermaggio

Of Basketball & Business... What We Can Learn from the Golden State Warriors


uch has been written about the characteristics of successful business entities, and similarly, thriving sports teams. There is no shortage of thought-provoking reading material on the topic! Certainly, there is plenty about winning strategies that one successful enterprise can learn from another, whether or not they operate in the same field. And often, it is quite instructive to look beyond one’s normal sphere of operations for a fresh perspective. Especially within our innovative Bay Area, there is no shortage of amazingly accomplished companies from which we can draw inspiration and valuable lessons. Of late, I’ve been paying a lot of attention to the Golden State Warriors, and I believe we can learn much by observing this team with the best record in the entire

National Basketball Association. I encourage you to watch how they play, and ponder how the way their team operates compares to your team at work, or our team (staff, leadership and our association-wide enterprise) at BOMA San Francisco. For any successful organization, teamwork is paramount. As demonstrated by the Warriors, everyone contributes, whether it’s the starters or the bench players. Just observe how they move the ball. Their passing demonstrates shared responsibility for organizational success; they support one another’s effort to score points and win the game. An outgrowth of this superlative teamwork is a sorely lacking quality today: HUMILITY. There is no personal grandstanding and no credit-hogging; everyone just keeps their eye on the objective, does what needs to be done, and lets their actions speak for “For any successful themselves. organization, teamWhile the Warriors execute incredibly well as work is paramount. the winningest basketball As demonstrated by team in the league, they’ll the Warriors, everyone be the first to say they’re not perfect. They take contributes, whether risks, and some don’t it’s the starters or the pan out… but there is bench players.” NO QUIT. Even after an amazing blowout win, the coach and players will say “we can do better; there are some things we need to work on.” Underlying their great teamwork, we see in the Warriors a culture where everyone clearly shares a common goal, understands their individual role, utilizes collaborative interpersonal relationships and differing (Continued on page 12)

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