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Online meeting of the “AKTIF” project 26
initiative consists of University College Of Northern Denmark (Denmark, project coordinator), Crossing Borders (Denmark), Youth Europe Service (Italy), University Of Thessaly (Greece) and Comparative Research Network Ev (Germany). You can find more information on the website https://paesic.eu or on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/paesic/".
36. RAI service on the animation "The Third Way"
In the date 03/05/2021, RAI3 Basilicata aired during the TGR of 14:00 a beautiful report by the journalist Igor Uboldi, which celebrates the great result achieved by the animation "La Terza Via" and the entire project "Let's work for real migrant inclusion" (a strategic partnership Erasmus Plus KA2 funded in 2018 in the same programme by the National Agency INDIRE in Italy) that has developed many useful products for the integration of migrants and refugees in Europe, including an ebook of good practices on inclusion.The project and all its products can be seen on the website http://migrantinclusion.eu/ and on the official Facebook page of the initiative https://www.facebook.com/LWRMI while the 2D animation can also be viewed directly on the YouTube link https://youtu.be/500xZqrpCts and, shortly, also on the website of the Erasmus Plus National Agency.
In date 27/05/2021 took place a fifth virtual meeting of the project "Foster Social Inclusion: volunteering, social entrepreneurship and art for social inclusion" (acronym Foster Social Inclusion), an initiative approved by the Polish National Agency as action n. 2019- 1-PL01-KA204065375 as part of the Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education Exchange of Good Practices. During the meeting, the Lithuanian partners presented one of the social inclusion methods, namely the neuroeducation method used in their project activities with people in crisis and at risk of social exclusion. In 1992, Italian neurobiologist More information on the project on the official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Foster-Social-Inclusion-109112230563838/.