Engineering Research Report

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Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Research Report

Message from the Interim Associate Dean of Research WEI QIU

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) is

Kevin Pope is developing systems for hydrogen production

the home of excellent researchers residing in departments of

and storage. Dr. Carlos Bazan leads the building of an

civil, electrical and computer, mechanical, ocean and naval

aspiring entrepreneurial environment to turn student

architectural, and process engineering. Through strong

research into business.

partnerships with industry, government and industry, FEAS continues excelling in research and innovation while still

Training of high-qualified personnel is an integrated part of

facing challenges due to the pandemic.

our research programs, which not only train students to solve complex problems, but also promote the interaction of

This Research Report highlights the research excellence of

students with industry. With the support of Mitacs and

faculty and students in our strategic areas, including energy,

industry partners, students gain a comprehensive

ocean technology, information and communication

understanding of real-world problems and develop

technology, environment and sustainable infrastructure,

professional skills through many research projects. The

and other emerging areas of importance. They have made

research programs at FEAS have also facilitated students to

significant contributions nationally and internationally in

develop their skills in communicating complex ideas and

terms of innovation, training of highly qualified personnel,

results. Winners of 30-second video contests highlight how

new knowledge to fields through publications, problem-

students are well trained to effectively communicate their

solving and technology development to support industry,

research problems and outcomes.

and dedicated professional services to the community. As an example of supporting industry, Dr. Steve Butt and his team

The faculty values very much the partnership and support

developed a novel mining technique to solve a problem faced

from industry, government and funding agencies, which make

by Anaconda Mining.

successful innovation possible. In 2021, federal and provincial governments and industries provided approximately $10.6

Researchers have advanced in various areas and contributed

million through over 200 grants and contracts to support

to building a greener, technologically advanced NL

research and laboratory development. Among them, 21 new

economy and to Canada’s Blue Economy. For example, Dr.

funds were dedicated to supporting entrepreneurship.

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