Gazette july 23 vol46no17issuu

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July 23, 2014 Volume 46 Number 17

Publication Mail Registration No. 40062527



Untold story An alumna reveals her connection to Memorial and the Newfoundland Regiment.



Real relief

School’s in The business faculty hosts a Chinese contingent for a summertime cultural exchange.

A recent investment will provide critical emergency preparedness training in N.L.

Writer in (permanent) residence By Janet Harron


Everyone has a story.

And those who

choose to study creative writing have a powerful desire to tell their own stories. So powerful, in fact, that desire creates its own energy. That’s according to Memorial’s new assistant professor of creative writing, Lisa Moore. And as one of Canada’s preeminent novelists, she ought to know. “That energy is exciting to be around. It’s mega-watts of power,” said the internationally celebrated novelist and short story writer. “A creative writing class is sort of like a hydroelectric plant — the Muskrat Falls of the imagination.” “I’m very excited about Lisa’s appointment,” said Dr. Larry Mathews, director of the creative writing program and considered by Ms. Moore to be the best writing teaching she has ever had. “She’ll be the standard-bearer for our graduate program in creative writing. This is an especially sweet moment for me, since Lisa was a member of the first creative writing class that I taught, back in the fall of 1985. “It’s been amazing to watch Lisa’s career develop over the last three decades, and I couldn’t be happier that dave Howells PHOTO

she has decided to accept this position,” continued Dr. Matthews. “Her charisma and reputation will make our program a magnet for talented creative writing students from across the country, and beyond. And of course, to fulfil the research component of her responsibilities,

Celebrated novelist Lisa Moore is now an assistant professor of creative writing at Memorial.

she’ll continue to write her own brilliant fiction.”

See WRITER on page 4

Multimillion dollar investment to overcome challenges in oil and gas sector By Krista Davidson

gas sector, particularly in harsh offshore environments.

“This is an important time in our history,” said Dr.

These Memorial University projects aim to improve

Gosine. “Opportunities for our province continue to

safety, environmental protection, efficiency and asset

grow in the offshore petroleum sector. There are still

of $2.3 million invest-

integrity associated with challenging oil and gas proj-

many challenges related to harsh and Arctic environ-

ment in 17 Memorial-led R&D projects was made on the

ects, both in Newfoundland and Labrador and around

ments, however, that must be addressed.

St. John’s campus July 8. The projects will address op-

the world.

An announcement

portunities and challenges related to harsh and Arctic environments.

“Memorial University’s researchers are positioned,

RDC’s investment in 17 projects is $2.3 million and

both geographically and academically, to undertake

will leverage an additional $4.4 million from other

research to address these opportunities and challenges and support the development of our natural resources

The news conference was hosted by Dr. Ray Gosine,

funding sources, for a total project value of $6.7 million.

associate vice-president (research). He was joined by

Twelve of the R&D projects are being carried out in

Susan Sullivan, minister, Innovation, Business and Ru-

collaboration with industry partners or other research-

Memorial’s Dr. Christina Bottaro is one of the re-

ral Development, minister responsible for the Research

ers. Five projects are aimed at attracting highly qualified

searchers benefitting from the funding who attended

& Development Corporation (RDC), and minister re-

researchers and building new R&D capacity in areas rel-

the event. She discussed her current project, which fo-

sponsible for Francophone Affairs, and Glenn Janes,

evant to the Newfoundland and Labrador economy.

cuses on the development of a sensor technology design

chief executive officer, RDC.

The investment also builds capacity at Memorial Uni-

The Research & Development Corporation is invest-

versity through the purchase of specialized equipment,

ing more than $2 million in academic-led R&D projects

the training of students and attraction and retention of

that help overcome technical challenges in the oil and

highly qualified researchers.

and our province.”

for rapid detection of contaminants in remote and harsh environments. For a list of projects and project descriptions, visit .

‘Time of renewal’ By Michelle Osmond

Memorial University has appointed a new director

community. I look forward to working on campus and in

of varsity athletics.

the community to create an environment of excellence

A Memorial alumna, Dr. Karen Murphy is no stranger

where student-athletes can find success in their sports,

to varsity sport. From 1996-2000 Dr. Murphy was head coach of Memorial’s women’s volleyball team and still

Dr. Murphy’s qualifications also include graduation

serves as an assistant coach and a sport psychology

from the National Coaching Institute, level 4 National

consultant to the Sea-Hawks team.

Coaching Certification, head coach for Canada Games

Dr. Murphy graduated with a bachelor of arts from

and provincial team programs, serving as a sport

Memorial in 1995 before going on to the University of

psychology consultant for the Newfoundland and

North Carolina at Greensboro to complete a master of

Labrador Volleyball Association and she is a member

science (kinesiology) in 2003. She also has a doctoral

of the Newfoundland and Labrador Volleyball elite

degree in kinesiology with a specialization in sport

development committee.

psychology, including advanced courses in exercise

Dr. Murphy has received several coaching recognition

physiology, nutrition, strength and energy system

awards, including the Reg Soper Memorial Award from

training, and sport program development, also from the

the Newfoundland and Labrador Volleyball Association

University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

for dedication and outstanding work in the sport,

“Dr. Murphy has the perfect background for this job

Memorial University’s Dr. J.D. Eaton Coach of the

and her connections to Memorial and to our varsity

Year Award for the women’s volleyball coaching staff

athletics programs means she’s already invested,” said

in 2012-2013 and the 3M Atlantic University Athletic

Dr. Heather Carnahan, dean, School of Human Kinetics

Association Female Coach of the Year recognizing

and Recreation, the home of Memorial’s varsity athletics

excellence in coaching.

programs. “She understands the different aspects of

Since 2011 Dr. Murphy has been the manager of

sport and I think this kind of diverse knowledge will

the Janeway Pediatric Research Unit in the Faculty

bring the varsity program to a new level of success.”

of Medicine. Before that, she spent three years as a

“This is an exciting time of renewal for Sea-Hawks

research co-ordinator with the eHealth Research Unit

sport,” said Dr. Murphy. “Athletics makes an important

of the Faculty of Medicine. She starts her new position

contribution to Memorial and is a source of pride for the

on July 15.

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excel in the classroom and emerge as leaders.”

Dr. Karen Murphy


your next project By Amy Tucker Special to the Gazette is Memorial’s online connecting tool. One of its most significant jobs is to provide a way for people from outside Memorial

amy tucker photo

The Town of Nain’s power plant is pictured in the top right corner.

to ask for research help. With hundreds of community-suggested opportunities to choose from, your next project is just a click away. Here’s one …

“These other forms would need to be reliable and co-

The opportunity:

ordinated, and provide steady and affordable power for

Sustainable and renewal energy is top-of-mind for

Nain,” she added.

most communities, and that is particularly true for areas that depend on turbines fuelled by diesel oil as

The project:

their main energy source. Such is the case for Nain,

There are challenges to providing renewable energy for

the northernmost community in the province. With

Nain and other communities in Nunatsiavut, including

a steady population of around 1,200 people, diesel

its cold climate, the nearby ocean being frozen for most

turbines are an expensive source of energy, and not as

of the year and its isolated location, accessible only by

environmentally sustainable as other renewable options.

sea or air. These factors also make it challenging for

Nalcor has recently erected a wind turbine on the

communities on the coast to work together; however,

outskirts of the community.

residents are hoping there may be more ways to do so.

“The wind turbine started last fall,” said Dasi

The Town of Nain is looking for someone from

Ikkusek, Nain’s town manager. “While it isn’t currently

Memorial to study power generation options for the

generating any electricity, it is being monitored to see

community, and make recommendations on the best

if wind energy is an option for us. However, if it is

way forward to implement sustainably generated

an option, it is unlikely that wind alone will provide

electricity. Ultimately, the focus is to replace the current

sufficient power to replace the oil-fired turbine.”

non-renewable power plant.

Ms. Ikkusek would like to see the town, other levels of government and industry work together to develop

Interested in learning more about this project? The Harris Centre’s

more renewable and cost effective forms of energy for

co-ordinator of knowledge mobilization would be happy to tell you

the town.

more. Call Amy Tucker at 709-864-6115 or email .

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Editor Graphics Mandy Cook Helen Houston Regular Contributors

Laura Barron Melanie Callahan Nora Daly Paula Dyke Kelly Foss Elizabeth Furey Pamela Gill Sharon Gray Jeff Green Janet Harron Jill Hunt Diane Keough Jackey Locke Virginia Middleton Classified Advertising Kelly Hickey

Cathy Newhook Naomi Osborne Michelle Osmond David Penney Marcia Porter Kristine Power Dave Sorensen Melissa Watton Meaghan Whelan Susan White-MacPherson Heidi Wicks Laura Woodford Sandy Woolfrey-Fahey

Photography Chris Hammond

Advertising Mandy Cook Telephone: 709 864 2142 Email: Next Gazette deadline Aug. 6 for Aug. 13 publication. The Gazette is published 17 times annually by the Division of Marketing and Communications at Memorial Uni­versity. Material in the Gazette may be reprinted or broadcast without permission, excepting materials for which the Gazette does not hold exclusive copyright. Gazette, Room A-1024 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, NL A1C 5S7 Telephone: 709 864 2142 Fax: 709 864 8699 Email: ISSN 0228-88 77 With the exception of advertisements from Memorial University, ads carried in the Gazette do not imply recommendation by the university for the service or product.

‘Innovate, collaborate and achieve’ New CIO focused on transforming information practices By Sandy Woolfrey-Fahey

Evolution of the Reid Theatre By Janet Harron

When Memorial


commenced recruitment






for its first chief information officer (CIO), the search

recommendations on the future of the Reid Theatre

committee had a clear vision.

and is asking for community feedback.

Committee members were looking for someone who

“The Reid has always been a gathering place for the

could significantly impact the culture of information,

Memorial and St. John’s community,” said Dr. Jamie

security, privacy and technological advancement within

Skidmore, a faculty member in the Department of

the university. They were also looking for someone to

English and a key member of the committee.

lead information strategy to enable academic, research,

“Through our consultations, we want to figure out

teaching and administrative functions.

how we can continue to strengthen our links to both our students and our town. We’re all in agreement that we want the Reid to be the crown jewel of

the vision, strategy and long-term implementation

Memorial, where we can go to learn, to create art and

approach to transform information practices across the

to engage with one another. We want to make sure

university. “Universities are stewards of large amounts of personal,




data  —  both

academic and administrative,” explained Ms. Smith. “In such an environment, I see my role as a collaborator and a broker across all disciplines and mandates. I want to bring people and technologies together in ways that

chris hammond PHOTO

On June 24 Shelley Smith became Memorial University’s first CIO. She is tasked with setting

that the Reid continues to be a wonderful classroom and performance space, and we’d like the advice of our community in deciding how best to make this happen.” The Reid Theatre opened in 1961 in the Arts and Administration building on the St. John’s campus.

Shelley Smith

Over the course of its history, the theatre has

enable them to innovate, collaborate and achieve their

hosted a diverse range of performances and events,

mandates, and to do so through an efficient, effective

personal and professional data, and creating liabilities

including local theatre, music and drama festivals,

and integrated use of resources.”

for individuals and organizations.

film screenings, artistic celebrations and awards

Ms. Smith is a Memorial alumna of sociology/

Although still in the early days of the role, Ms. Smith’s

presentations, orchestra and opera workshops, and

anthropology and history and she has had a career

immediate goals are guided by Memorial’s frameworks

cultural galas. It was closed in 2012 due to health and

spanning nearly three decades in the public sector.

and the community of students, faculty and staff across

safety concerns.

Immediately prior to coming to Memorial, she was

the institution.

Following the consultations the committee will

executive director of corporate and information

“I am excited to be part of Memorial’s renewed and

report on the design, budget and specifications of a

management services at the Office of the Chief

strong commitment to teaching and learning, research,

new and improved Reid Theatre which will become,



public engagement and to growing enrolment, especially

once again, a valuable cultural resource for the people

Newfoundland and Labrador. She brings a wealth





in graduate studies. I want to ensure that through the

of St. John’s and the province of Newfoundland and

of knowledge and experience and a particular focus

mandate of the office of Memorial’s CIO, I can promote


on information management policy, practice and

and support an environment that enables students and

The first consultation took place Tuesday, July 22, at

awareness to improve efficiency across organizations.

faculty to generate knowledge and contribute to it in

The Rocket Room, 272 Water St.; the second will take

Ms. Smith recognizes one of the greatest challenges

ways that benefit the university, and the community

place Wednesday, July 23, at 3 p.m. in room 1046 of

ahead undoubtedly is the pace of technology change,

as a whole. I also want to ensure that administrative

the Arts and Administration building.

combined with what she referred to as the “nexus of

systems and processes which support the university

Please visit for further

forces” created by mobility, the Cloud and the explosion

are maximized through the use of technology and

details and to complete a survey on the future of the

of information in all forms and in all places, blurring

information management best practice.”

Reid Theatre.

The flip side of the coin Taking summer

courses is not a fun thing

Another benefit that is often overlooked is that of

to do. I have gone through the experience for two of

establishing and maintaining a rhythm by not taking

my three years at Memorial and can confirm that the


above statement is largely true. There are a thousand

Darlington Mandondo

summer off. The “hangover” effect from a long summer sabbatical becomes apparent when students ease

things you would probably rather be doing instead of

themselves back into the school cycle come September.

attending classes in the summer. Spending time with

Unfortunately, in the 15-week semester, you are thrown

family and friends, working a summer job to ensure you are financially comfortable for the upcoming school year or relaxing and enjoying the sun while it lasts.

into the deep end from the word go. Sluggish perforIt is probably wise to take on “easier” courses, possibly

mance for the initial two or three weeks will put you on

electives, in the summer semester. This allows you to

the back foot and you will be engaging your prof in a

However, amid all these disadvantages there are com-

devote more time to more demanding core courses in

game of catchup for the rest of the semester. More often

pelling reasons to taking summer school courses that

the subsequent fall and winter semesters, as well as even

than not the student is an overwhelming underdog in

most students are not immediately aware of. After all,

out the amount of work you have to handle throughout

this game.

it is human nature to be risk averse; hence, not many

the academic year. I feel that distribution of workload

This piece concentrates on the possible benefits of

people find it worthwhile to give up their long awaited

for students is particularly paramount. Likewise, other

summer school with the intention of highlighting

summer break in order to venture into an endeavor, the

people may find it worthwhile to get that one difficult

a different perspective as so much has been said to

benefits of which are anything but guaranteed. It is not a

course out of the way without the distraction of other

ridicule the idea of even contemplating setting foot on a

secret that a lot of students are keen to go through their

courses during the summer. Whichever way you look at

university campus during your break. Food for thought,

programs of study quickly and leave behind the has-

it, the underlying principle of distributing the workload


sles that accompany a university lifestyle. Taking a few

still prevails. If I had to pick out a single factor that I

classes in the summer effectively cuts down the duration

could change to enhance my performance, I would cer-

Darlington Mandondo is a third-year student in the

of most academic programs. This allows students to grad-

tainly spread out my annual course load (unfortunately,

bachelor of commerce program at Memorial. He can be

uate earlier and take on new challenges in life.

my program is heavily structured).

reached at

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014


A life inspired by sacrifice he and my mother were committed to public service and charitable causes. I’ve designated a gift to Memorial

By David Penney

in memory of my parents, to support a scholarship for


a student of Innu or Inuit heritage, which reflects my father’s interest in Labrador and my own interest in

Dr. Margot

Duley’s story with Memorial

indigenous cultures.”

University begins in the trenches and on the battlefields

Each year a Legacy Tea event is held at Memorial to

of the First World War.

celebrate and thank those individuals like Dr. Duley

On Jan. 22, 1915, Cyril Duley, the man who would

who have made a planned gift to Memorial.

become her father, answered the call to serve in the

Earlier this year, Bert Riggs, head, Archives and

Newfoundland Regiment.

Special Collections, Queen Elizabeth II Library, gave

A chance administrative assignment as a newly

a special presentation at the event about some of the

minted second lieutenant kept him away from the

untold stories of the Newfoundland Regiment. In doing

front line on that fateful morning of July 1, 1916, at

so, he told the story of Cyril Duley.

Beaumont Hamel, but he had the grim task of burying

“Margot Duley’s connection to this university is

the dead, friends and comrades, the next day. Later that

quite remarkable,” said Mr. Riggs. “This institution is

fall, he sustained multiple wounds in fighting at the

a living Memorial to both her father and uncle, one a

French village of Les Boeufs — one just a half-inch from

survivor of the war and the other killed in action. Her

his heart. Those injuries ended his active service on the

aunt Margaret is one of Newfoundland’s first great nov-

Front but he continued in uniform in support roles; he

elists and a Parks Canada historic plaque to her mem-

was promoted to captain and was named a member of

ory is attached right outside the entrance of the QEII

the Order of the British Empire.

library. The university has also been a great resource

Following a return to civilian and business life, Cyril

for her research, in particular for the book she pub-

Duley married Florence Pitcher of St. John’s in 1941. A

lished in the ’90s on the history of women’s suffrage in

few years later they welcomed a daughter, Margot Iris Duley, to their lives.

Newfoundland and also her more recent work. And she

Dr. Margot Duley

is also engaged as an alumna and a donor to Memorial.”

Although she was always aware of her father’s service

In telling Mr. Duley’s story, Mr. Riggs referenced a let-

in the regiment, Dr. Duley recalls a particular moment

ter sent from a French hospital in 1916 while Mr. Duley

as a student at Memorial when the weight of her family history stood out for her.

After a successful academic career, Dr. Duley retired

recovered from his wounds. To his friend Captain Hugh

in 2009 as the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and

Anderson, Mr. Duley ends his correspondence by say-

“My freshman year coincided with the opening of the

Sciences and professor of history at the University of

ing, “I had a pretty narrow squeak another ½ inch &

campus on Elizabeth Avenue,” she said. “Around that

Illinois at Springfield. A theme that emerges from a dis-

one piece [of shrapnel] would have gone thru the heart

same time I recall seeing the name of my uncle Lionel

cussion of Dr. Duley’s life is the influence of her family’s

instead of stopping between my chest bones — However,

in the Book of Remembrance that sits in the foyer of

history of public service.

a miss is as good as a mile.”

the Arts building. He was my father’s youngest brother

“My father carried on his life after the war in a spirit

“Those are prophetic words,” said Mr. Riggs,

and was killed just weeks before the end of the war. Of

of idealism,” she said. “He never let the pain of his inju-

“from a man recognized for his outstanding abil-

course I knew about him and his story, but that made it

ries slow him down, and believed very strongly in an

ity and resourcefulness, and one who had served his

very personal.”

obligation to improve the country he fought for. Both

country well.”

Cont’d from writer on page 1 Dr. Lynne Phillips, dean, Faculty of Arts, says she couldn’t agree more.

NOTABLE writers — everybody talks about what they are reading, who are the wildest writers out there, who is funny,

New appointments to the board of the Research &

“We are so fortunate to have Lisa Moore join us this

who is forging the new, who is writing the surprising,

Development Corporation were announced July 17.

year as a permanent member of the Faculty of Arts. Lisa’s

exhilarating, soul-quaking stuff. And of course we talk

Dr. Terry-Lynn Young, professor, Faculty of Medicine,

international reputation, combined with her ability to

about how we can write that sort of stuff ourselves. I

has been re-appointed chair of the board; Fred Cahill,

translate — in such a compelling way — the realities of

love being in that environment.”

Genesis Centre, has been appointed director of the

Newfoundland and Labrador, will surely help raise the

And students love being in that environment with

board (effective Oct. 31, 2014); and Dr. Brian Veitch,

visibility of the program. Students taking this stream

her. Writer Lynette Adams (BA ’11) completed a creative

professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science,

now have a rich array of faculty with whom to hone

writing fiction course with Ms. Moore in 2007. As a

will return as a board member.

their writing skills.”

student in Ms. Moore’s class, Ms. Adams says she was

Despite a heavy schedule of writing and promoting her books, Ms. Moore has amassed considerable teaching

impressed with the respect Ms. Moore treated each person’s work.


experience during her career. For the past three years

“Her critical process was one more of curiosity than

she taught online writing courses for the University of

of correction. Rather than saying, ‘You shouldn’t do

British Columbia, while supervising 12 master’s theses.

that,’ it was her style to say, ‘Why do you choose to do it

Norman John Peppin Brown

She also taught at the University of Guelph, the Banff

that way?’ As writers, this approach liberated us to take

Norman John Peppin Brown, founder of Memorial’s

Centre and was Memorial’s writer-in-residence in 2004.

chances, while at the same time challenging us to think

Department of Philosophy, passed away April 19,

critically about our choices.”

2014. He was 91.

When it comes to teaching writing techniques, Ms. Moore says the rules are different for each writer and

Ms. Moore credits creative writing programs for the

for each piece of writing. However, she maintains that

“explosion” of writing across Canada and believes that

Tom Perks

creative writing can be taught and that every writer can

strong communities of writers encourage writing. She

Tom Perks, a retired staff member with Technical

benefit by mastering certain key devices.

says writing is a craft as much as it is an art, and it

Services, passed away July 3, 2014. He was 66.

“There are tools – the infinite number of ways a writer

helps to have a community, especially if it is generous,

can employ point-of-view, for example. Examining

and close-knit, as she says the artistic community in

how point-of-view works in a variety of texts, how it

Newfoundland is, to talk about the secrets of craft, as

can create an emotional distance that the writer can

well as art.

manipulate to her own end, those sorts of conversations can bring a writer closer to articulating her own story. Whatever it is she is burning to tell.”


“The act of storytelling begets storytelling begets storytelling.”

The Marine Institute as a whole has achieved ISO

For further information on the creative writing

9001:2008 registration, not just MI’s Centre for

Teaching, she says, is inspiring.

program, please visit

Fisheries Ecosystems Research, as was incorrectly

“It provides the chance to talk about writing with

Writing.php .

stated in the July 2 issue of the Gazette.

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Frameworks at work: Memorial’s frameworks in action The three overarching frameworks guiding Memorial’s future direction — the Research Framework, the Teaching and Learning Framework and the Public Engagement Framework — are the result of several years of consultations with the university community and the people and organizations of Newfoundland and Labrador. This regular feature will help showcase the frameworks in action by sharing projects and highlighting the successes that are bringing them to life.

public engagement QEII Library shines as cultural and community hub By Cathy Newhook and Kristine Power


a library — hushed, still and filled with

studious minds exploring and absorbing all the information





bestowed upon them. Now imagine the captivating sounds of spoken word, poetry, a dozen giggling preschoolers and dazzling dancers performing the This past spring, the Queen Elizabeth II Library’s (QEII) innovative Check It Out! Celebrating Culture series brought the library to life by bringing together an interdisciplinary mashup of spoken word, dance, poetry and storytelling all in the pursuit of inventive teaching and learning strategies and community collaboration. Check It Out! at the QEII began as a pilot project backed

submitted PHOTO


The Idealicious dancers, Andrea Tucker (in front) and Calla Lachance, entertain and educate a captivated crowd at the QEII Library.

by a group of librarians and library administrators who wanted to challenge the preconceived notion of what a

professor of education and students training to become

“Usually libraries are where researchers begin their

modern academic library is and what it does, as well as

teachers. In total, there were more than 60 people in

work,” she said. “We wanted to host a celebration in the

remind people about its relevant and timeless resources.


library, which is an ideal location to showcase the prod-

“Check It Out! was conceived as a way to highlight

“Thanks to the Quick Start Fund we were able

ucts of those research efforts. As well, by including

our unique materials and expertise,” said Jeannie Bail,

to publicize our event to the wider community, as

different partners, we were able to highlight in a very

information services librarian, QEII Library, and a

well as pay honorariums to the local dance artists

tangible and exciting way, the different perspectives

member of the Check It Out! organizing team.

who contributed their time and vision to the event,”

and expertise each partner brings to the process.”

“Keeping in mind Memorial’s Engagement Framework,

said Colleen Quigley, librarian responsible for the

Ms. Quigley says Check It Out! is about exploring

the element of performance is important, as we want to

Performing Arts Collection, Archives and Special

interdisciplinary expertise, drawing on participants’

expose our users to the notion that libraries aren’t just

Collections. “For most people the library is a place for


repositories for books, they also function as cultural

study, dialogue and contemplation. It is also where

connect the libraries’ collections, archival materials

and community hubs in society.”

unexpected intersections happen and we wanted to

and resources with the communities they are about and

highlight that particular magic.”

for which they exist to serve.

With a little help from Memorial’s Quick Start Fund for Public Engagement, the most recent installment of





“We hope the result will be new and inspired ways of thinking about culture, history, art, research and

ABCs of Learning — included the Idealicious dancers,

initiatives within Memorial’s libraries, says working


a group of attentive preschoolers from Memorial’s

with academic and community partners was a primary

Childcare Centre, a poet, an education librarian, a

goal of the program.

A faculty



Grenfell Campus, and lead on library public engagement

By Naomi Osborne



the Check It Out! series — Poetry and Performance: The

Aquaculture enthusiast claims prestigious award



Association of Canada (AAC) Lifetime Achievement

to receive the award.

Award at the organization’s annual conference last

“The support and collaboration I have experienced

month. He was honoured with the award for recogni-

at the Marine Institute and Memorial over the past

tion of his contributions in education, training, research

20 years has been instrumental, and in great measure

and development for the Canadian aquaculture sector.

responsible for me being considered for this award,” Mr.

Mr. Couturier was nominated by industry members

Couturier said. “I am extremely appreciative of the ded-

member within the Marine Institute’s

across the country as well as by senior government offi-

ication from the MI employees I’ve had the honour to

(MI) School of Fisheries was recently recognized for

cials and academics. In past years, the AAC Lifetime

work with. My greatest satisfaction in my career so far

his significant accomplishments to the Canadian

Achievement Award has been bestowed to recipients

has been to see students from all segments — junior high

aquaculture sector.

from industry or government development branches,

to PhD — of the sector engaged in rewarding careers in

making Mr. Couturier the first educator and researcher







Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014



‘A great decision’ Rural teaching site engages medical students and trainees By Sharon Gray

Twillingate, N.L.,



known for its scenic beauty, especially the icebergs that crowd the harbour this time of year and draw tourists. What is not so well-known is that the community’s Notre Dame Bay Memorial Health Centre is a model rural teaching site for Memorial’s Faculty of Medicine. Medical students and postgraduate HSIMS photo

trainees (residents) move to Twillingate to learn about rural medicine; some residents spend up to a year in the community as part of their training. (See related story on page 8.)

Dr. Mohamed Ravalia in Twillingate, N.L.

Under senior physician Dr. Mohamed Ravalia, the four doctors on staff are all

coverage is all part of Dr. Keough’s life.

earned their MD at Memorial in 2009

Memorial graduates. Dr. Rav, as he is

He is also a teacher for medical students

and settled in Twillingate after their


known around the hospital, is engaging

and residents. He says he loves the

family medicine residency.

Twillingate, we still need to find a

and fully committed to Twillingate and

teaching and that the students get to do

“After three decades, our hospital is

way to attract doctors to more isolated

to rural medical education.

a lot of procedures that they wouldn’t

now fully staffed with doctors trained

communities like Fogo Island, which

get to do in an urban setting.

at Memorial,” said Dr. Ravalia, who is

depend heavily on international medical

also assistant dean for the Faculty of

graduates who do not stay long in the







Ravalia moved to Newfoundland following postgraduate training in the United

“After four years here, I know I’ve made a great decision.”




“While we’ve succeeded in attracting graduates




Kingdom and settled in the small rural

Dr. Colin Newman, who grew up in

Network. “This is a great example of the

Mr. Shea says Dr. Ravalia has worked

community 30 years ago. He’s created a

Grand Falls-Windsor, N.L., is another

success of the medical school’s program,

tirelessly for 30 years to bring Memorial’s

warm and inviting educational environ-

Memorial graduate who has settled in

which encourages medical students and


ment, and Twillingate is a favourite place

Twillingate. He finished his family med-

family medicine residents to do much

Twillingate and to give them a positive

for rural electives.

icine residency in 2012 and has worked

of their training in rural communi-


at the Notre Dame Bay Memorial Health

ties and then set up practice in rural

Centre ever since.

Newfoundland and Labrador.”

Dr. Mike Keough, who earned his MD at Memorial in 2008 and finished his family medicine residency in 2010, has been working in Twillingate ever since. “I was here as a resident and loved the community — Dr. Ravalia is a great preceptor and creates a comfortable, sup-





“He understands the challenges of rural health — right now we have the

“The work is challenging, but we all

Victor Shea, director of health services,

oldest demographic in a province that

feel like we are using all our skills. It can

Central Health, for the Isles of Notre

has the highest aging population and

be daunting at times, but it is a huge

Dame, says one of the reasons he enjoys

the highest rate of diabetes. People

learning experience,” he said.

his job is that Twillingate is a teaching

need consistency in their health-care

As well as Drs. Keough and Newman,

centre. He notes that Central Health and

providers — we’ve been able to do that

the other two physicians on staff are also

Memorial University work together to

at the Notre Dame Bay Memorial Health


graduates of Memorial  —  Drs. Andrew

provide accommodations and facilities

Centre and now it’s time to extend that

outpatient clinics and emergency room

Hunt and Jason Mackey, who both

for medical students and residents.

success to other rural communities.”

portive environment,” he said. A




MI receives funding for mobile burn unit announcement. The unit will be based

By Naomi Osborne

at MI’s Safety and Emergency Response

With the help

of a recent

Training (SERT) Centre in Stephenville,


N.L., and will provide training to work-

Marine Institute (MI) is on the leading

ers in industrial sectors for situations

edge of industry training and research

that reflect real-life emergency scenarios.



This investment will also support the

More than $463,000 through the

design of a new command and helideck

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s

simulator at MI’s Offshore Safety and

(ACOA) Business Development Program

Survival Centre (OSSC) in Foxtrap,

will support two MI initiatives for emer-

N.L. This technology will increase the

gency response training.

institute’s ability to provide critical

The announcement was made by Rob





Newfoundland and Labrador and minister of state (ACOA), at MI’s Ridge Road campus on July 10.

ACOA photo


From left are Rob Moore, Craig Harnum and Glenn Blackwood in front of the Mobile Live Fire Training Unit.

emergency preparedness training to industry that is not currently offered in the province. The funding will enable MI to continue

oil and gas, energy and mining.

to provide industry required training to




funding assistance to provide unique appreci-






Participants and spectators watched

companies and employees operating in

ates the ongoing commitment of the

equipment,” said Glenn Blackwood,

the live demonstration of a new Mobile

Newfoundland and Labrador’s marine-

Government of Canada to ensure safety


Live Fire Training Unit as part of the

and land-based resource sectors, such as

in resource industries through this

(Marine Institute).

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014




Don Ricker photo

Passion for cycling pays off

Jordan Baird is pictured competing in the Memramcook Road Race in New Brunswick. By Michelle Osmond

A School

time of 2:47:01, as well as an overall event win by 13

dedication, passion and all the hard work both my par-


ents have put into my training and racing. My dad is

of Human Kinetics and Recreation

Mr. Baird has been biking for eight years but didn’t

student has won a major cycling event for the third year

begin cycling competitively until 2009. He started out

This summer, Mr. Baird plans to concentrate on

in a row.

in the sport while preparing for that year’s triathlon

his studies but he is still planning on competing in

event in the Canada Summer Games in Prince Edward

provincial races, including a return to Atlantic and


national racing in the under 23 category next season

Jordan Baird placed first in the 2014 Impact Cycling race — a two-day event that took place in the Humber Valley region on Newfoundland’s west coast at the end of May. On day one, the second-year student in Memorial’s

not only my father but also my coach.”

After that, he became more focused on cycling and

during the semester break. Also, although he won’t be

attended the 2013 Canada Summer Games in Sherbrook,

eligible to compete at the next Canada Games in three


years, Mr. Baird is currently completing his cycling

bachelor of physical education program won the 15

“Being a full-time student and competing at the

kilometre time trial stage in Steady Brook with a time

national level in the sport of cycling can be very chal-

of 22:48, giving him a 23-second lead over the other 50

lenging,” said Mr. Baird. “As a physical education stu-

registered riders. Day two was an 80 kilometre road race

dent, I’ve learned that managing my time effectively is

in Pasadena, where he finished in the sprint pack with

very important for success in both academics and racing.

a time of 2:24:13. That gave him a combined two-day

“Also I wouldn’t be where I am today without the

coaching certification in the hopes of coaching the team. Mr. Baird’s studies consume a lot of his time, but he still trains five to six days a week, averaging 20 hours. “I have a true passion for cycling and my studies, which makes it all that much easier to pursue.”

Proposed uranium mine creates unique research collaboration River in Northern Saskatchewan to the site of the world’s

By Kelly Foss


a professor of earth sciences might

“We wanted to learn how Cameco, the multinational

not be expected to have much in common with a

company that operates this mine, manages their explo-

public health physician. But a potential uranium mine

ration in an environmentally-friendly and sustain-

in Labrador is bringing together two very different

able way, while, at the same time, engaging the local

researchers at Memorial.

Aboriginal communities,” said Dr. Sarkar.

Dr. Atanu Sarkar is a public health physician and

During the trip, the pair toured the mine site, located

an assistant professor with the Faculty of Medicine’s

almost 500 metres underground, and dialogued with

Division of Community Health and Humanities. He’s

company executives, Aboriginal leaders, physicians,

currently involved in a project with Dr. Derek Wilton,

government members and researchers at the University

a professor with the Faculty of Science’s Department

of Saskatchewan.

submitted photo

largest high-grade uranium mine.

The MacArthur mine in Northern Saskatchewan. these experiences with the community in Labrador so

of Earth Sciences, to assess potential environmental

“Many mining sites are in Aboriginal areas, includ-

health risks of uranium exploration and possible min-

ing this one in Saskatchewan,” said Dr. Sarkar. “Cameco

In addition to seeing how various members of a com-

ing in central Labrador. They are, in part, examining

has had a positive working relationship with their

munity can co-operate on such a project, Dr. Sarkar says

the environmental effects of an old development at the

local community for a long time. In fact, some of their

the trip was an opportunity to encourage a unique col-

Kitt’s uranium deposit near Makkovik.

Aboriginal employees are second- and third-generation

laboration at the institutional level.

Dr. Sarkar says the two researchers have been col-


hopefully they can learn from this example.”

“Often researchers at Memorial work in silos with

lecting information on best practices to help all parties

“This facility is a great example of how all of these

members of their own disciplines or faculties only,” he

work together to develop a proper strategy of environ-

parties can come together to manage day-to-day affairs,

said. “The collaborative research of public health and

mental protection in Labrador before any actual ura-

such as regulating mining activities, and addressing legal

earth sciences in the field of environmental health is a

nium mining begins.

issues and employment and training, while protecting

rare example of how two very different disciplines can

human health and the environment. We will be sharing

come together and do excellent work.”

To that end, they recently travelled to the McArthur

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014


‘Current, evidence-based and inspirational’ chris hammond photo

National pharmacy conference coming to St. John’s showcasing the array of research being done at the

By Heidi Wicks


A number

of faculty members and alumni from

Dr. Carlo Marra, dean, School of Pharmacy will

the School of Pharmacy are involved in planning the

present on the topic Pharmacotherapy of Rheumatoid

2014 Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)

Arthritis (RA).

Summer Educational Sessions, which will take place

“This disease was once a disabling, progressive dis-

Aug. 9-12 at the Delta Hotel and Convention Centre.

order for which there were no adequate treatments,”

The event hasn’t been held in St. John’s since 2003.

he said. “However, in recent years treatment strategies

Known in the pharmacy community for its high-qual-

have emerged which have drastically changed the out-

ity educational events, CSHP partners with one of its

come of RA. The goal of therapy is now remission and

branches each year to offer registrants across the coun-

not merely alleviation of symptoms.”

try the opportunity to participate in problem-based workshops. “Education provided by the speakers is always of high

From left are Drs. Jason Kielly, Tiffany Lee, Justin Peddle and Erin Davis. “The purpose of the session is to provide the hospital pharmacist with an overview and review of drug interac-

Dr. J.M. Gamble, assistant professor with the School

tions in oncology,” he said. “Cancer patients are at a high

of Pharmacy, will discuss Communicating Health

risk for drug-drug interactions, and are commonly pre-

Statistics to Patients and the Health-care Team.

scribed medications that can further increase the risk.”

quality: current, evidence-based and inspirational,”

“The discussion will appeal to those who wish to

The School of Pharmacy has sponsored an exhibit at

said School of Pharmacy faculty member Dr. Tiffany

better understand health statistics and which ones to

The Rooms, which will take place during the opening

Lee, who has attended several previous sessions.

use when speaking with patients and clinicians,” he

reception. The exhibit showcases Newfoundland and

“Summer Educational Sessions is a unique conference

said. “Using a case-based approach, we will review why

Labrador’s unique culture, history, and art, and will

in that it also offers delegates a series of social events,

statistical literacy is critical for pharmacists and other

provide delegates with the opportunity to learn more

providing delegates from across the country with an

health-care professionals in order to understand and

about the province.

opportunity to network and collaborate. I think all

communicate risks in health care.”

pharmacists can benefit from attending the sessions,

Dr. Scott Edwards, who is cross-appointed with

not just hospital pharmacists.” A number of faculty members from the School of Pharmacy are also presenting at the conference,

For more information on the CSHP’s SES 2014, visit .

Eastern Health and the Faculty of Medicine, will dis-

For frequent updates and to join the conversation

cuss Drug Interactions in Oncology for Non-Oncology

online, follow them on Twitter @SES2014 or Facebook



‘Trained here, for here’

some experience in a variety of practices and emergency room coverage, plus get a better idea of what she wants her future practice to look like.

By Sharon Gray

“I have loved my journey through the Family

Upon the recent

completion of a two-year

Medicine Residency Program at Memorial,” she said.

family medicine residency at Memorial University, 31

“The two years have given me so much exposure

newly qualified doctors have begun planning their

through rotations both in the city as well as rural and

future practices — many of them in rural Newfoundland

remote parts of the province and beyond — including

and Labrador. (See related story on page 6.)

Nunavut for maternal health and obstetrics.” In addition to providing vacation coverage and

Residency Program provided her with the opportunity

putting down initial roots in rural Newfoundland and

to complete her second year of family medicine training

Labrador communities, Dr. MacLean says that seven

in her hometown of Lawn on Newfoundland’s Burin

members of the newly graduated class will be taking

Peninsula. “It was an amazing and very rewarding experience to work at home in both the clinic and emergency room settings,” she said. “The experience enabled me

HSIMS photo

Dr. Laura Edwards says the Family Medicine

additional training in palliative care, care of the elderly and developmental disabilities to better serve particular

Drs. Laura Edwards and Cathy MacLean

to follow patients over time and develop strong and trusting doctor-patient relationships.”

areas. Another piece to the family physician retention puzzle is encouraging the province’s health-care regions to

Medical Home (PMH).

start recruiting for primary care within the community

Because of her positive experience in Lawn, Dr.

The PMH is a vision presented by the College of Family

itself  —  not just in regional, health authority-run,

Edwards has chosen to start practice, for at least a year,

Physicians of Canada for the future of family practice in

primary-care clinics. Dr. MacLean says retention rates

as a fee-for-service family practitioner based out of the

Canada. The goal of the initiative is for every family

are growing in Canadian rural communities where

community hospital in St. Lawrence, located just 10

practice in each community across Canada to be able

family doctors have been recruited in groups — cohorts

minutes from Lawn. The practice will include clinic

to offer comprehensive, co-ordinated and continuing

of two to four residents at a time for a specific location.

and emergency room coverage, as well as long-term care

care to their populations through a family physician

Looking forward, the next step in encouraging new


working with health-care teams. Dr. MacLean says

graduates to build practices in Newfoundland and

Dr. Cathy MacLean, chair, Discipline of Family

Newfoundland and Labrador needs a model like the

Labrador is to change the program’s training model from

Medicine at Memorial, says the Family Medicine

PMH to facilitate the integration of family doctors with

a “nomad” model to streams. The change will allow

Residency Program is succeeding in its mission to

family practice nurses, pharmacists, social workers and

more residents to train in one region of the province for

prepare more doctors for practice in Newfoundland and


the full two years of their residencies, says Dr. MacLean.

Labrador, especially in rural areas.

Medical graduates are also attracted to group practices

Some have already been focusing on a particular area of

“A study last year showed there were 300 of our

that have an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system in

the province — such as the Northern Family Medicine

graduates practising in the province,” she said. “That’s a

place, says Dr. MacLean. EMRs allow authorized health

Education program in Happy Valley-Goose Bay or at the

lot of family doctors, all trained here, for here. This year

professionals to access patient information electronically

Notre Dame Bay Health Centre in Twillingate.

we have added 16 more well-trained family physicians

rather than through a traditional paper chart.

who are going to places all over the province, including Happy Valley-Goose Bay in Labrador.”

“Once Newfoundland and Labrador puts this model in place, we will retain more of our trainees.”

Many family doctors in regions across the province are coming on board with the idea, and some have already submitted proposals for streams in their particular

Dr. MacLean says Memorial’s medical school can

Dr. Raie Lene Kirby spent the last 10 months of her

region. Dr. MacLean says the Family Medicine Residency

train residents, but it also has to create the conditions

family medicine residency in Botwood, N.L. She is

Program is in the process of reviewing the proposals;

the graduates want in order to stay and practise in

currently scheduled to remain in the community for

program administrators hope to have changes made

Newfoundland and Labrador. She says one of those

the summer to provide locum coverage — holiday relief

to some locations as early as 2015 so that students can

conditions is a primary care model, such as the Patients

for local physicians. The locums will allow her to get

begin to select their preferred locations.

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Signature presence Concept design for core sciences facility approved By Kelly Foss

The Board

of Regents has approved the concept

design for the future core sciences facility. The design was one of three put forward by the building’s





months of discussions with HOK Canada, the prime consultant on the project. The three proposed options were presented to the Memorial University community at a town hall session June 25, when the firm’s science and technology planners, senior designers and architects discussed the design elements and functional program requirements that led to these concept designs. The selected three-pavilion option is comprised of three interlinked learning/research “neighbourhoods”, featuring back-to-back research labs, with shared support in the middle, which are then connected to

An artist’s rendering of Memorial’s new core sciences facility.

teaching labs and surrounded by collaboration spaces and faculty offices.

I would like to thank the provincial government for

While building materials and colour schemes have

This compact and efficient design will encourage

their support of the project and also to the members of

yet to be determined, the designers say they intend to

interdisciplinary collaboration and student crossover

the steering committee who have worked so hard to get

stay true to the natural character of both the university

from teaching to research spaces, forming a vibrant,

us to this juncture.”

and the province with a building that incorporates a

collaborative academic community where people can come into contact with each other and share ideas.

A gateway site for the university, the building, which will be located in what is now lot 16, will be

dynamic shape and colour that reacts to the natural elements such as light, fog and wind.

The neighbourhoods will rest above highly active

highly visible to anyone driving or walking along the

HOK is expected to deliver a detailed concept report to

lower floors devoted to undergraduate-focused functions,

Prince Philip Parkway. As such, the designers felt it was

the university by July 22 and following that, Memorial

some of the Core Research Equipment and Instrument

important to make the facility a signature presence that

will make a submission to government for approval to

Training (CREAIT) Network’s dynamic facilities, partner

would showcase sustainability and put the excellence of

proceed to the next design stages.

spaces and gathering places with convenient connection

the units housed inside on display to the world.

into the broader campus.

The first tenders on the project will be called in March

The building will also be connected to the University

of 2015 and continuing throughout that year with

“The dynamic and aesthetic design of the new facility

Centre via a walkway, and allow for future connections

construction ongoing through to the summer of 2019.

is inspired by Memorial’s spirit of progressive innovation

to the Education building and the new parking structure,

Occupation of the new facility is expected for the fall

and Newfoundland and Labrador’s distinctive natural

with a goal of eventually connecting that facility to the

of that year.

heritage,” said President Gary Kachanoski. “In particular

Health Sciences Centre.

‘Visceral and dynamic’ Developing tomorrow’s leaders through song By Kristine Power


When Drs. Angus

and Jean Bruneau gave

recording or do a tour, that’s what most of the youth

“We are very thankful for the generosity of Drs.

choirs in Canada do. This is an opportunity designed to

Angus and Jean Bruneau, especially for their vision of

be a whole life-learning experience built around a choral

choral music as a positive force for social transforma-

experience. Singing is what gets us together but every-

tion,” said Dr. Ellen Waterman, dean, School of Music.

thing else that we are planning radiates from that.”

“In a culture with deep musical roots and traditions,

a $1-million gift to create the Bruneau Centre for

The Pan Labrador and Newfoundland Youth Choir

we are fostering new ways of thinking about choral

Excellence in Choral Music (BCECM) at Memorial, they

will bring groups of youth and their mentors or choir

music and its impact on our lives, our province and the

hoped the donation would help people “make ripples

leaders from around the province to Labrador to partic-

world around us.”

within their communities.”

ipate in a four-day event that will involve collaborating

Nowhere will this impact be more obvious, though,

Since then, the BCECM has been hard at work

and networking with some of the best minds the prov-

than on the young people who will come together to sing.

cultivating leading-edge choral research and community

ince has to offer. There will be industry leaders, political

“It’s a confidence booster for our students and will

projects that build on the idea that the power of choral

leaders and Aboriginal leaders, all of whom will share

provide them with a chance to perform, share throat

music is life-changing. A series of public consultations

wisdom and skills for youth to take back to their respec-

singing and drumming traditions, and bring back

were held across the province about the centre’s

tive communities for lasting impact.

those songs, those performances, and build on them in

mandate and a process was established to distribute

It is as much about young people realizing their future

their schools,” said Janet Wiseman, a Pan Labrador and

up to $100,000 a year to fund projects from both the

possibilities in the province and the world, as it is about

Newfoundland Youth Choir project co-ordinator based

university and the wider choral community.

the music they will sing, explained Dr. Dunsmore.

in Labrador. “Students begin to realize through song, ‘I

Dr. Doug Dunsmore, director of the BCECM and

“The Labrador choir has existed for six years. We

retired professor of music at Memorial, is proud to reveal

decided what we wanted to do was join a successful event

The BCECM not only funds projects such as the Pan

the centre’s first major endeavour scheduled for this fall

and make it into an even bigger event…the concert,

Labrador and Newfoundland Youth Choir, it also has

— an innovative approach to the first ever provincial

much of it, will be like a traditional performance…

a mandate to hold an annual competition to provide

youth choir that will go well beyond the boundaries of

standing up on stage and singing…but the way we tell

funding for both community-based projects and uni-

a musical performance. The event will bring together

the stories that we sing, the words, the expressions, the

versity-based research on choral music. Applications

more than 100 young singers and choral teachers from

actions will be visually visceral and dramatic. If one

will be available online as of July 30, 2014, with a dead-

across Labrador and Newfoundland.

experiences an effective choir concert, one hears words

line of Oct. 1, 2014, for projects that begin as early as

but also the sights and sounds that contribute to making


“The Pan Labrador and Newfoundland Youth Choir will be a choral experience like no other,” he said. “Provincial youth choirs are usually a gathering of the best singers who get together and perhaps make a

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014

a meaningful and engaging experience. We want the students to engage themselves and engage with others

can become a leader. I can sing with the best of them.’”

For more, please visit bcecm.php .

through choral music.”


Submitted photo

Memorial’s business faculty is hosting 27 students and teachers from China for its first Global Business Summer School.

Creating cultural connections Business faculty hosts students from top Chinese university for cultural exchange By Susan White-MacPherson





dual-degree program in partnership with XJTCC since

participate in guest lectures on topics such as the music

2006. This program allows students to simultaneously

and culture of Newfoundland and Labrador, take in cul-


complete the program requirements for both institu-

tural and tourism activities such as visits to The Rooms

students and teachers is visiting Memorial over the next

tions and earn degrees from both Memorial and XJTCC.

and local businesses, and a boat tour from the harbour

four weeks as part of a summer school hosted by the

To date, 28 students have earned degrees through the

as well as experience some social events.

Faculty of Business Administration.

program and a further 60 students are currently com-

Twenty-three students and four teachers arrived from

pleting the Memorial portion.

Xi’an Jiaotong City College (XJTCC) in Xi’an, the capi-

This is the first time the business faculty has hosted

tal city of Shaanxi province in China, on July 15 to take

a summer school targeted at a two-plus-two partner

part in the Global Business Summer School.


The teachers accompanying the group will also sit in on business classes and meet with some local professors to gain a better understanding of teaching techniques at Memorial. “Teaching techniques in China are very different

“The purpose of this summer school is to build a

“It’s not our expectation that these specific students

from here,” said Dr. Bauer. “There, it’s primarily lecture

stronger relationship with one of our most important

will come to Memorial as part of the two-plus-two pro-

based, whereas here it’s more participatory. They’d like

partners in China,” said Dr. Larry Bauer, associate dean

gram. It’s very much about cultural exchange,” said

to learn more about that style of teaching, and we’re

of academic programs at the business faculty. “The idea

Dr. Bauer. “Our hope is that the students and their

hoping to learn from them as well.”

is that it helps to strengthen the relationship between

teachers will come to Memorial, love Memorial, love

The business faculty currently has 11 partner schools

Memorial and City College and it also fosters cultural

Newfoundland, and go back to their college and help

in four countries across Asia and Europe offering two-


raise awareness about Memorial and our province.

plus-two programs. Dr. Bauer says he hopes to grow the

Xi’an Jiaotong University, one of China’s top

“It’s very much a relationship-building kind of expe-

universities, created XJTCC in 2006 as part of a system

rience. The better we understand them [and] the better

“We hope in future years to expand it to other insti-

of residential colleges that provide a greater student-

they understand us, the stronger our relationship will

tutions in different countries as well. It would improve

focused experience within the environment of a large


the multicultural aspect immensely.”


The Chinese students will have the opportunity to

The business faculty has offered a two-plus-two

complete a non-credit course in international business,

summer school in the future.

The Global Business Summer School will be ongoing until Aug. 8.

New award recognizes research ethics By Krista Davidson

The Marilyn Harvey Award will be given annually

nominators. Nominations may come from alumni,

Harvey Award to Recognize the

to a student, staff or faculty member who has distin-

faculty, staff, students and other members of the uni-

Importance of Research Ethics was announced recently

guished themselves by their actions and contributions

versity community. The nominee’s manager, dean,

in support of the university’s commitment to excellence

to scholarly research and embodies the institution’s

director or supervisor must be included as either a nom-

in scholarly research activities and ethics.

commitment to excellence in research ethics. These

inator or a signatory on a letter of support. All letters

efforts may take the form of service to ethics commit-

should clearly indicate how the candidate has demon-

The Marilyn

The award is open for application to all students, staff and faculty. The deadline to apply is Aug. 15, 2014.

tees at Memorial University, mentorship of colleagues or

strated outstanding contributions to research ethics at

The award was named as such in honour of Marilyn

students on matters related to research ethics or other

Memorial. Examples of their service that has exceeded

Harvey, BN, a research nurse who brought forward her

demonstrated contributions or achievements associated

what is normally expected of someone in their position

concerns regarding research ethics to senior adminis-

with research ethics. The award will be based on evi-

would be beneficial. The nomination package is limited

trators at the university. It was created to recognize the

dence of continued distinction, in excess of expected

to the completion of the nomination form, a letter of

commitment to research ethics excellence as demon-

levels of performance.

nomination and three letters of support. The letters of

strated by students, staff and/or faculty members. “Memorial




The recipient of this award will receive a personalized

support may be endorsed by numerous individuals.


framed scroll, their name added to a permanent nota-

Nominations for the Marilyn Harvey Award to

although exciting and revolutionary, must rely upon the

tion on a university display which lists the names of

Recognize the Importance of Research Ethics should be

application of fundamental research ethics to ensure

those that have received this honour and a citation and

submitted to the Office of the Vice-President (Research).

that the highest standards are met,” said Dr. Richard

presentation at an awards reception.

For more information, visit or

Marceau, vice-president (research).

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Nominations must be supported and signed by three


contact Ellen Steinhauer at or 864-2651.

chris hammond photo


Smashing the gender binary

Pride on Campus kicked off Tuesday, July 15, with the annual flag raising event in front of the Arts building on Memorial’s St. John’s campus. For the first time, the pink, blue and white flag representing transgendered people flew with the familiar LGBT rainbow flag. Pictured from left are Travis Perry, Canadian Federation of Students (N.L.); Tyler Drake, Memorial University LGBT Resource Centre; Kimberly Drisdelle, Memorial University Students’ Union; Rebecca Stuckey, Memorial University Graduate Students’ Union; and Dr. Susan Dyer Knight, chancellor, Memorial University.

For more on these events and other news at Memorial, please visit

Bird Watching at the Garden, 8-09:30 a.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd.,

Wednesday, Aug. 6

Sponsor: Friends of MUN Botanical Garden

An Afternoon in the Garden, 2-3 p.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Wednesday, July 23

Monday, July 28

Public Consultation on the Evolution of the Reid Theatre,

Afternoon Guided Nature Hikes, 2:30-3:30 p.m., 306 Mount

Sunday, Aug. 10

3-4:30 p.m., A-1046, Sponsor: Faculty of Arts, School of

Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Sundays at the Botanical Garden, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 306 Mount

Graduate Studies

Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden Summer Nature Program: Beyond the Backyard – Fun Beyond

Education Teacher Development Seminar Presentations, 12:40-

Your Fence, 10:30-11:30 a.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd., Sponsor:

Bird Watching at the Garden, 8-09:30 a.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd.,

4:30 p.m., various classrooms in Education building and

MUN Botanical Garden

Sponsor: Friends of MUN Botanical Garden

Tuesday, July 29

Monday, Aug. 11

Inaugural Code N.L. Talk: Tara Jane Feener, 7-9 p.m., IIC-2001,

Afternoon Guided Nature Hikes, 2:30-3:30 p.m., 306 Mount

Sponsor: MUN Computer Science Society

Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Wednesday, July 30

Beyond the Backyard – Fun Beyond Your Fence, 10:30-11:30

Thursday, July 24

An Afternoon in the Garden, 2-3 p.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd.,

a.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

CCV and Research Portal Workshop, 12:30-2:30 p.m., SN-4030,

Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, Sponsor: Faculty of Education An Afternoon in the Garden, 2-3 p.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Wednesday, Aug. 13

Sponsor: Faculty of Arts Nominations Due Today for 33rd Alumni Tribute Awards,

Flapper Skate: Using Sparse Data to Understand the Dynamics

When Does a Slime Mould Compute?, 1-2 p.m., EN-2022,

9 a.m.-4 p.m., campus-wide, Sponsor: Alumni Affairs and

of an Endangered Species, 3:30-4:30 p.m., SN-2067, Sponsor:

Sponsor: Department of Computer Science


Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research

2014 Shad Valley Open Day, 1-4 p.m., Bruneau Centre for

Thursday, July 31

An Afternoon in the Garden, 2-3 p.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd.,

Research and Innovation lobby and IIC-2001, Sponsor: Shad

Cancer Vaccines and Autoimmunity, 12-1 p.m., Health Sciences

Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Valley, Memorial University

Centre, Theatre D, Sponsor: Division of BioMedical Sciences Monday, Aug. 4

Building Emergent Ontology from Folksonomies, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., EN-2022, Sponsor: Department of Computer Science

Afternoon Guided Nature Hikes, 2:30-3:30 p.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Friday, July 25 Studies on the Immunoregulation of Autoimmune Thyroiditis,

Beyond the Backyard – Fun Beyond Your Fence, 10:30-11:30

1-3 p.m., IIC-2014, Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation,

a.m., 306 Mount Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

CLASSIFIED For rent in CBS Kelligrews area beautiful

Sponsor: School of Graduate Studies

Tuesday, Aug. 5

2-bedroom bungalow house. Recently renovated.

Sunday, July 27

Analytical Approaches to Planning Intermodal Transportation

Ample parking and large garden. With f/s/w/d/

Sundays at the Botanical Garden, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 306 Mount

System for Regular and Hazmat Freight, 1-3 p.m., IIC-2014,

dw. No smoking. No pets. Available now. $1200/

Scio Rd., Sponsor: MUN Botanical Garden

Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, Sponsor: School

month POU. Phone 834-4635

of Graduate Studies

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014


‘Valuable information’ By Janet Harron

significant hurdle in the race to secure FACEFORWARD CULTURE, HERITAGE, CREATIVE ARTS

the archives for the next generation of



through family

application to the Canadian Foundation

photo albums, we create our own

for Innovation (CFI) to support arts

personal memory banks — occasionally


from events that happened even before

“The president’s office made a signifi-

we were born. An archive provides the

cant commitment to our CFI application

same for an entire culture, enhancing a

and will provide about 76 per cent of the

collective memory and creating cultural

matching funds needed for this project,”

touchstones that bind us together.

said Dr. Carrie Dyck, associate dean of

And, unlike a library, the documents in an archive are usually one-of-a-kind. It’s an exciting time for the Faculty of Arts’ archives, which include the Maritime History Archive (MHA), the

Submitted photo

students and faculty by submitting an

research and graduate studies, who is

Ledgers, journals and day books from the James Ryan Ltd. Collection, housed in the Maritime History Archive.

excited about the possibility of a potential design lab that could incubate brainstorming around social problems. “The CFI minimum commitment for

to be able to use it to address social ques-

Death Notices from Newspapers, 1810–


matching funds is 40 per cent. If all goes

tions in Newfoundland and Labrador.

1890, contains more than 40,000 records

(ELRC) and the Memorial University of

well, this key funding will go towards a

There might very well be significant

documenting birth, marriage and death

Newfoundland Folklore and Language

new building and processing facilities.

commercial potential in the archives

notices listed in newspapers throughout

Archive (MUNFLA).

We’ve got a huge amount of valuable

that we could leverage.”





The faculty has recently jumped a

information in our archives — we want









“These records represent a compre-



hensive online collection of histor-

between the Maritime History Archive

ical information about the lives of

A sample of the one-of-a-kind documents in the Maritime History Archive:


people from Newfoundland and the, Canada’s leading family

other Atlantic provinces, and we are

• Cecil Mouland’s sealing card granting him a berth on the SS Newfoundland for

history website, offers members access to

thrilled to share them with Canadians,”

the 1914 sealing season, the year of the infamous disaster when 78 men died.

129 million searchable Canadian fam-

said Lesley Anderson, genealogist and

The card would have been in Mouland’s possession while he was at the hunt

ily history records. The website recently

content manager, “These

and was stranded on the ice for three days and two nights.

purchased two large databases from the

records are unique, and the birth, mar-

MHA for an undisclosed lump sum.

riage and death records from newspapers

• Daily schedule for the maid employed by James Rorke of Carbonear, written in

The first database, Canada, Seafarers

in Newfoundland are helpful when iden-

the 1920s or 1930s. Includes hourly detailed instructions for household duties

of the Atlantic Provinces, 1860-1899,

tifying major events in the lives of one’s

and personal grooming.

contains almost 300,000 records and


includes details from 10 major ports in





• A ledger from Lake & Lake Ltd. in Fortune for 1917 that records accounts for

Atlantic Canada and crew agreements

Wareham, the MHA will continue to

women who were employed curing fish. It lists all the goods they bought from

of vessels registered in Atlantic Canada.

sell the databases to their own networks,

the firm, the amounts they paid for them and the amounts they were paid for

The second database, Newfoundland,

which they have been doing since they

their work curing fish.

Canada, Index of Birth, Marriage &

were first created.

‘Special obligation’ MOU signed with Miawpukek First Nation dimension to the relationship between the










Miawpukek First Nation.

standing (MOU) was signed July 5

“During a recent meeting of the board

between the Miawpukek First Nation

of the AHI, interest was expressed from

and Memorial’s Faculty of Medicine,

other communities to establish an MOU


with us and we will be working on this





collaboration in capacity building by

in the fall.”

providing opportunities for qualified





members of Miawpukek to pursue a

Program, three seats per year are reserved

career in medicine.

for Aboriginal students. There are now

Dr. James Rourke, dean, Faculty of Medicine, and Chief Mi’sel Joe signed the MOU during a short ceremony in Conne River, N.L.

13 students of Aboriginal ancestry in medical school at Memorial. “This




University’s special obligation to the

Submitted photo

By Sharon Gray

From left are Chief Mi’sel Joe and Dr. James Rourke at the MOU signing.

“It was most touching when Chief

people of Newfoundland and Labrador

Mi’sel Joe commented that in 1985 he set

and the importance of engaging and

out to try to improve education opportu-

partnering with our communities to

to sit on any steering committees at

education program for Aboriginal stu-

nities for their Aboriginal people,” said

achieve common goals,” said Dr. Rourke.

the Faculty of Medicine related to the

dents, to provide a program such as the

Dr. Rourke. “And now there is a member of his own band in medical school.”

The community of Miawpukek serves

recruitment of potential medical candi-

Aboriginal Health Initiative to support

847 on-reserve and 2,011 off-reserve

dates from the community, providing





John Jeddore, who recently finished

members. The MOU formalizes the part-

representation on either the admissions

their application for admission to med-

his first year of medical studies at

nership between the Faculty of Medicine

committee and/or the admission inter-

ical school, to seek the participation and

Memorial, is a member of Miawpukek

and the Miawpukek First Nation in set-

view panels and providing resources

advice from the Miawpukek community

First Nation. He attended the MOU sign-

ting up the conditions that will support

from the community for learning expe-

in the operation of support programs, to

ing in Conne River.

Miawpukek community member to suc-

riences for all medical students in areas

solicit and support current medical stu-

Dr. Carolyn Sturge Sparkes, co-or-

cessfully complete their studies towards

such as traditional medicine and culture.

dents to serve as mentors to prospective

dinator of the Faculty of Medicine’s

the degree of doctor of medicine. The

Among other activities, under the MOU

candidates and to create an environment

Aboriginal Health Initiative (AHI), says



the Faculty of Medicine agrees to reserve

that is welcoming to medical students

the formal agreement will add another

tion from the Miawpukek community

three seats in the undergraduate medical

from Aboriginal communities.

Gazette | Wednesday, July 23, 2014




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