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I can't commend your staff highly enough for their amazing online classes that they've held during these challenging times. Please know they've all gone above and beyond to make our learning experience enjoyable, engaging and enlightening. —Tammy H. This was my first year at MPOA. I was nervous and excited to start an online class. Having said that, I would like to thank you for being my teacher. You made it easy to participate, understand the material, and still have fun. —Zoie

Get 10% off classes through March 15 using the code EARLYBIRD.

Classical Composition

by James A. Selby Grades 4-12

$85 Set ea.

(student, teacher, videos)

Student Guide $19.95 ea. Teacher Guide $29.95 ea. Instructional Videos: DVDs or Streaming $45.00 ea. (available for I-VI)

Composition Bible Heroes: Writing Lessons in Structure and Style

Grades 1-2 $29.00 Get to know the heroes of the Bible while working through writing exercises that include key word outlining, paraphrasing, and summarizing stories. Teacher's Manual eBook is included.

All ings Fun & Fascinating: Writing Lessons in Structure & Style

Grades 3-5 $29.00 Humorous characters and fascinating creatures will help young students enjoy learning to take notes, summarize narrative stories, write from pictures, and compose creative

Introduction to Composition

Grades 3-4 Student $10.00 | Key $10.00 is introductory program focuses on narration, outlining, dictation, and copywork to help students become more pro cient in listening and writing skills, a great preparation for Classical Composition. is year long writing course uses focus passages from Charlotte's Web, Farmer Boy, A Bear Called

Paddington, Mr. Popper's Penguins, and e Mo ats.

I: Fable II: Narrative III: Chreia & Maxim IV: Refutation & Con rmation V: Common Topic VI: Encomium, Invective, & Comparison VII: Characterization (1 semester) VIII: Description (1 semester) IX: esis & Law

Classical Composition is our study in the progymnasmata ("the before exercises"), which encompassed the pre-rhetoric study of all the educated West from ancient Greece to the early twentieth century. is combination writing and pre-rhetoric program teaches students the fundamental writing skills of style, arrangement, and invention in clear and systematic lessons. e stages of Classical Composition will not only teach the art of communication, but are designed to produce what Quintilian once called "the good man, speaking well." e structured lessons in the Student Guides help students become con dent writers as they thoroughly master the incremental skills of each stage. e Teacher

Guides provide sample answers for every exercise as well as scripted Chalk Talk.

Optional Instructional Videos are also available if you'd like the support of a master

teacher to help guide you and your students through the lessons.


English Grammar Practice

Grade 2 Student $7.95 | Teacher $10.00 Designed for the nal year of primary school, this program is an oral practice of many basic aspects of language arts, from capitalization and

essays. Teacher's Manual eBook is included.

punctuation to language and reading skills.

English Grammar Recitation

Grades 3-8 English Grammar Recitation $9.95 | Flashcards $12.95 Student $11.95 ea. | Teacher $12.95 ea. Memoria Press' English Grammar Recitation is perfect for the student who needs an English grammar program that coordinates with his study of Latin, from Latina Christiana through the Latin Forms Series. 150 grammar questions with answers and examples, designed to be studied and memorized much like a catechism, are compiled in the English Grammar Recitation reference book. ese questions are learned over the course of six years in just thirty minutes a week, and students are given practice in exercises in the Student Workbook, and opportunity to practice immediate recall with the Flashcards. e Teacher Guide provides answers to all exercises.

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