1 minute read
Book Notes by Michelle Swope
Summer 2022
2 Letter from the Editor by Cheryl Swope
3 Book Notes by Michelle Swope 4 Two Mothers with a Shared Hope by Cheryl Swope & Anita Veyera 10 In Weakness, Strength by Rev. Erik Rottmann 20 From the Dark Side to the Light Side: Moral Imagination
by Dr. Gene Edward Veith
6 Simply Classical Curriculum Packages 17 Curriculum Map 19 Copybooks & Cursive
Ages 2-18
Ages 4-12 23 Enrichment, Language Arts, & Character Building Ages 3-13
For students older than 18, contact CherylSwope@memoriapress.com for free customization.
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BOOK NOTES A Book Review by Michelle Swope
Prairie School
by Avi
*Th is book is included in Simply Classical Curriculum Level 3. Noah, a nine-year-old boy in the 1880s, travels with his parents from Maine out west to Colorado. Noah refuses schooling. He says words like "ain't" and others that today would seem rude and uneducated. Interestingly enough, school and education were not considered important to most folks. You were considered fortunate if you knew your name and could count to ten. Most people thought school a waste of time and money. Work and chores were therefore more revered.
Two months after settling into his new home, a new marvel comes into Noah's life: his Aunt Dora. Handicapped from an injury to her legs, she tries to teach Noah but he avoids her and school as much as opportunity occurs. Th eir fi rst days result in depression, confusion, and heartache. Later Noah accepts his aunt for who she is and accepts the gifts she represents: schoolwork, education, and fellowship with God and man. Even though after a time she returns east, he continues to respect what she has given him and to appreciate what God has given him.
Happy tales!
Michelle Swope was born in 1995 with her twin brother, Michael. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and working in a coff ee shop. Despite having schizophrenia, autism, and learning disabilities, Michelle graduated from her classical Christian homeschool in 2013 and has since written two books of fi reside poetry, Th rough Time's Looking Glass and her most recent release, God's Harvest.
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