Memories Can Be Rewritten to Make Them Less Traumatic
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What we know of memories and how they shape our lives is just the tip of the iceberg. Therapies taking advantage of the fact that memories can be rewritten to make them less traumatic can help millions of individuals function normally. Human memories can be modified and made less frightening or manipulated while they are being retrieved. A great way to manipulate them is to teach the mind and the body that they are no longer existing in the present moment. To bring into awareness that the past does not exist. Problems arise when the subconscious triggers the mind to recreate the event from the stored memories. For an individual suffering from even the mildest traumatic stress, these events seem real and the body automatically shifts to a stressed state. Unaware, the individual then produces myriad of behaviors that are not really beneficial and unhealthy.
Rewriting the Memories – Conditioning the Mind When memories are being used by the mind to form a response or a reaction. It actually recreates the entire event. The neural pathways holding the “proof of reality� of the event becomes active. This means that the person remembering actually perceives the event not as part of the past but an actual on-going or current event. This then triggers the body to be placed on a highly stressed state, needless to say, torrents of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline floods the bloodstream, placing the body at glut of health risks. The mind can be conditioned by using several points in the body which directly affects our stress response.
Related Post: Memory Reimprinting: The Way To Your Happiest Life
While the memory is being retrieved stimulating the following points can help rewrite the function of the memory:
The area between the eyebrows The acupressure point named GV 24.5 a.k.a. the “third eye point,� is known for alleviating mental stress when stimulated by applying slight pressure. This point can also immediately calm an upset stomach and effective when dealing with mental congestion, migraines, headaches and other stressrelated issues.
The area beside the eye Just beside the eye outside the eye socket is your G1 point, it helps temporal headaches, migraines and conjunctivitis. This area is just outside the eye but not exactly your temples.
Under the eye The point just under the eye or where your eye bags sits can relieve headaches and reduce stress responses originating from visual strains. The point under the collarbones The LU1 point or the letting go acupressure point is known for relief of anxiety, overwhelm and depression. In acupressure therapy, this point is stimulated when helping a person overcoming grief and loss or any emotions that evokes negative emotions.
The wrist acupressure points The wrist as whole contains numerous acupressure points. When dealing with memories or creating new neural pathways to overcome negative memories, the points TW5, P6 and TW4 are local points that are known to have effects on our subconscious programming. These points are used in acupuncture to treat wide range of syndromes and disorders that are mentally influenced. Furthermore, wrist acupressure points can immediately relax the fingers and hands and other stress responses on the arms.
Related Post: The Power of Changing Memories to Reduce Stress Responses
The following graphic guide maps the above points:
It Doesn’t Seem to Work? Memories can become part of our identities and the level of their imprinting in the subconscious mind can vary in intensity and depth. Some traumatic memories might seem difficult to change or a memory being aimed for to be rewritten may not always the root of a problem. If this is the case, it is best to set an appointment with a guide who knows how to reimprint memories. I offer memory reimprinting sessions for different types of memories that are causing problems. Please click here to book a session and learn more how you can be free. For more information on Why and How to Change Bad Memories: Please click here.