Engine 4213 Beats Endurance Record A night on the Endurance Engine Letters to the Editor
Memphis Chapter Officers President – David Chase
Vice President – Bruce Smedley National Director – Bill Strong
Secretary – Oliver Doughtie
Treasurer – Thomas Doherty
Librarian – Mike Pendergrass Publication Editor – Tom Parker
Last Month’s Meeting Election was held for officers of the Memphis Chapter of the NRHS. Inasmuch as there was no interest shown by candidates other than the incumbents, the current officers were nominated and re-elected by voice vote. Bill Strong showed a video of a presentation “The History of the Illinois Central Shops in Paducah” by John Rogers, a former supervisor at the Paducah Shops. The same presentation was given at the ICHS Annual Meeting in Paducah in August of 2008. After the video, Bill shared some of the photos he took during the tour of the shop which was part of the ICHS meeting.
This Month's Meeting February's program will be a multi-media presentation by John Stefanac “A New York Central Retrospective”. BUFF ONLINE: User Name:Member Password: Buff (Capital “M” & “B”) Cover Photo: Frisco's Mikado 1351 on display in Collierville, TN. Built by Schenectady for SLSF in 1912 as 2-8-0 No. 1316. Builders Number 51815. Rebuilt by SLSF to 2-8-2.
Tom Parker Photo
Engine 4213 Beats Endurance Record New Locomotive Raises World's Endurance Mark, Operating 9,700 Miles Under Contiuous Fire (From October 1930 Frisco Railroad Magazine)
This photograph of engine 4213 was taken at Sprigfield, Mo., on August 29,as the engine completed 9,097 of the 9,700 mile record endurance run.
D.L. Forsythe, general road foreman of equipment, and the man in charge of the Frisco's endurance locomotive, the 4213, set 9,700 miles as his goal when he began the 1930 endurance run on August 1. However, when the endurance locomotive tied up at Kansas City on September 1, after having been in service for an entire calendar month of 31 days, It registered 9,743
miles.The engine had been under continuous fire during the entire time, and the record was made between Birmingham, Ala., and Kansas City, Mo., a distance of 737 miles, with the last four trips being made between Kansas Clty and Spr.ingfield, Mo. This endurance record will stand as a world's record for some time to come. In fact, according to Forsythe, the only way to surpass the record
would be to run an engine on faster schedule and show more mileage at the end of the calendar month. Forsythe, who only a year ago established a record of 7,350 miles in 24 days and 11 hours, was not satisfied with that record and immediately upon receipt of the 4213 engine by Frisco Lines, set out to break his own record and establish one which could never be equalled except on faster
schedule, when more tractive effort is 69,600 FACTS ABOUT THE 4213 mileage might be piled pounds and the grate area Fired up at 2:00 p. m. August 1. up. is 80.3 square feet.They are Fire knocked 10:00 a. m. September 1. equipped with a radial stave Total hours under fire - 740. Today one may find Total gross ton miles - 25,271,415. firebox and heating surface him in his office at Total crews on engine - 80. in the firebox is 390.0 Springfield, pouring Average train handled - 2,696 tons. square feet, with heating over charts and notes Total tons coal used - 1023 1/2. surface of flues, 3994.0 Pounds coal per 1,000 g.t.m. - 81. which he kept during Total gallons water used 1,479,628. square feet, or a total heatthe trip, for he rode the Total time on road - 460 hours, 12 minutes. ing surface of 4384.0 square engine the entire disTotal time in motion - 371 hours, 21 minutes. feet, with a boiler pressure tance with the excepAverage speed between terminals - 21 m.p.h. of 235 pounds to the square tion of 400 miles, when Average speed in motion - 26.1 m.p.h. inch. Modern throughout, he was called to Sprlngsion), taking care of the fire, they are equipped with many field, his home terminal, on shaking the grates only when new features such as a Coffin business. the engine was drifting or feedwater heater. Thermlc SyHe has at this time condensed standing still and keeping the the report and secured the fig- water down to a safe low level phons and Type "E" superheater, which increases the ures on the run, which show in the boiler, and to good lubtemperature of steam to 730 that during the test eighty dif- rication. degrees Fahrenheit. ferent crews were used; The booster, wlth which the Perhaps one of the most mod1,479,628 gallons of water: engine is equipped, was used a ern improvements is the 1,023 ½ tons of coal and the total of nine hours and forty alemiting system which does charts show a total of minutes. It was cut in on steep away with the old hand oiling 25,217,415 gross ton miles and grades and in starting the system. The booster increases 2,696 tons per train mile. heavy trains. The average the total tractive effort to According to Forsythe there pounds of coal per thousand 82,000 pounds when in use. was not a minute's delay due gross ton miles averaged 81 The main valves and cylinders to the engine. It handled its pounds. are equipped with the force full tonnage over the entire feed lubrication which opertime and the engine hauled its The 4213 is one of a fleet or twenty, new freight locomotates automatically while the heaviest train on its last trip ives numbered 4200-4219, engine is in motion. The eninto Kansas City, which was ordered from the Baldwin Lo- gines are fired by the Dupont 121 cars or 6,023 tons. comotive Works only a short B-K Stoker which does away He says the success of the test time ago, and embodies all the with hand firing. These enwas due to the systematic latest in freight locomotion. gines are capable of handling blowing out of the boiler so The 4200's are among the 8,000 tons on level track, or a many minutes on each sub-di- heaviest engines in this section train of 160 loaded cars of 50vision. (an accurate check was of the country, with weight on ton capacity each. made which showed that the trucks, 37.000 pounds; weight Reports from the Kansas City water from the boiler was on drivers, 274,690; weight on roundhouse show that when blown out from six to eight trailer, 64,100; weight of enthe engine was taken out of minutes over each subdivigine, 375,790 pounds. The service for inspection follow-
ing the last trip, the firebox, grates, arch and front end were in good condition. This engine has 201 3 ½ inch flues and 66 2 ¼ inch flues and at the completion of the trip there were only 58 of the 3 ½ inch flues stopped up and one small one. On inspection of the boiler, no scale or accumulation was shown at any of the washout plugs except about five inches of soft mud in the back water leg. Arch tubes and syphons were absolutely clean. The feedwater heater was in perfect condition without intermediate washing and the B-K stoker was in A-1 condition and gave a good distribution of fuel which contributed to the good performance. No flues or staybolts showed the least simmer and the valves and cylinders were examined and a scant one-sixteenth inch wear was shown on the piston heads and the packing was not renewed. Before the record endurance run this engine had only made 3,234 miles in June, 3,264 in July and the endurance mileage of 9,743 miles, a total of 16,241 miles since receipt from the Baldwin Locomotive Works by Frisco Lines. It made more mileage during the endurance test than in the two months previous to the run.
Forsythe has made all three tests with an engine numbered in the 4100-4200 series. The first test, made with engine 4100, ended by the engine having made 2.940 miles. This was in 1927. In 1928 Forsythe took the 4113 and between July 19 and August 13 broke the former world's record, held by the Great Northern Railway of3,500 miles, by making a record of 7,350 miles. This was not equalled or broken until he broke his own record on the last run with the 4213. "The run was made with three things in view," Forsythe said. "First, to definitely prove that a freight locomotive could be run for an entire calendar month without the flues getting stopped up to such an extent as to impair the steaming qualities of the engine; second, to see if a freight locomotive could be run without having the fires knocked and the boiler washed out from one government inspection period to the next and third, to see if the engine would steam as well at the completion of the calendar month period as it did at the first of the trip." In speaking of the run, H. L. Worman, superintendent of motive power said that the test meant the speeding up of freight transportation and
also clearly showed the need for fewer engines with which to handle the tonnage. "I am greatly satisfied with the test," Forsythe said. "The 4200 locomotives are the last word in locomotion and I cannot say too much for them. Only the greatest freight locomotive in the world could make such a record, under continuous fire with heavy tonnage for a month, only to turn around after government inspection and be placed in regular freight service, with only running repairs reported and no more work given than we give an engine on a through freight run. "And now that the test is over, I am going to rest up a few days and await the blue printing of the charts I kept on the locomotive performance which I intend to send to each division point as an example of what one of the 4200's can do and what can be done in freight service by conserving coal, proper care of engine and the blowing out of the boilers in a systematic way.”
A NIGHT ON THE ENDURANCE ENGINE Frisco Girl Learns About Railroading First Hand By Martha Moore, Associate Editor (reprinted from October, 1930 Frisco Employees Magazina)
"I'm Crazy About It'' She Says DIEUDONNH COSTE, the French aviator, has just the completed a 4,100-mile ocean dash in 37 hours, but he hasn't a thing on me. I just completed a 201-mile ride on the world's endurance locomotive. I'm air-minded, but I'm sold on that 4213, and the fascination the throttle takes precedence over the "stick" in my estimation.You know it's a rare treat for a girl to ride a locomotive. I fished around for an invitation and finally "Dee" Forsythe, the man in charge of the run, asked me to ride with him.And may I pause right here to say that of all the dresses and hats and shoes I have bought in my life. I never experienced a thrill like I received when I went Into the Army Store to buy a pair of coveralIs. The clerk asked me the size. I told him "small", but I could have taken somebody else along Inslde of the pair he sold me. I turned up the bottom and cutoff the sleeves, and put them most carefully into my overnight bag. A pair of old shoes went in, too, a close-fitting tam and a pair of
goggles. I forgot the handkerchief that you wear around your neck to keep the cinders out, but somebody loaned me one. But I'm g e t t i n g ahead of my story. I was to catch the engine at Springfield. It was expected in at 10:30 a.m. on the morning of August 29 and when I called the dispatcher's office to find out when it would leave for Kansas City, he seemed to know I was going along and said he would have me called along with the rest of the crew. Gee, I got a real thrill when he said that! He said I'd be given an hour and a half before train time. After a hasty meal and a trip to the bakery, where I bought an angel food cake (for the crew), I hurried back to the office where I would be ready for the call. It came! Somebody's voice said, "Miss Moore, engine 4213 leaves Kansas City a t 2:45--2:45 p. m.!" Whoopee! I got into those all-enveloping coveralls In the Frisco Building and the photographer met me at the door and we went to the north side, wound in and
out among the tracks and found and the 4213, coaled, tank full of water,and ready to couple on to the train, We stood beside that big monster and had our pictures taken, and then the brakeman said we'd better get out and "get going," and I said I thought so, too. I went into the caboose - that famous little red caboose where Mr. Forsythe has lived during two endurance tests which have each time broken the world's record. On each trip he has taken with him a road foreman of equipment, and this time it was Mr. Frank Reed from Southern division. I feel pretty sure that that crew had gone to a lot of trouble to make things comfortable for me, for the first thing they handed me was a piece of white canvas to put over the seat. I guess they expected to see me in a white of linen dress, but I fooled 'em. I wanted to get dirty. I wanted to get cinders in my hair and grease for spots on my coveralls, for I intended to go in for class 1 repairs when I returned, which would include a facial, a shampoo and a hot, steaming bath.
Left to right: Fred Long, fireman; C. J. Kirkpatrick, engineer; Miss Martha Moore, Associate Editor, Frisco Magazine, andD. L. Forsythe, general road foreman of equipment.
I sat up in the brakeman's cupola while the 4213 coupled onto the train of 59 cars, and away we went. At Lockwood we had to go in the siding to let the Sunnyland by and I went up to the engine and met all the crew. The Sunnyland shot by and we were on our way again, and this time I was in the engine. They had fixed a wooden box between the cab and the
tender, and on it was a big, soft cushion. There I sat! All eyes! All ears! I watched the engineer pull the throttle a notch wider. I watched the fireman, with his eyes glued most of the time to the steam gauge, for he had to keep her up to 230 pounds. Stations were passed. The country never looked so beautiful to me as it did from the cab of that locomotive.
There was ice water from a tank right on the cab and I drank from a tin dipper. At this writing, and a week later, I'm just getting over some red spots on my face which came from watching that livid red fire box. The fireman would open those butterfly doors to see if the fire was just right, and I coulsd see almost all of the square feet of grate area The wonderful part of it all to
me was the fact that that fire cake. Everybody got a piece had been just as I saw it for al- and it tasted great. At Paola I most thirty days. got back In the cupola and slouched down in the seat. The It seemed as if it would have little front window permitted melted the lining. Every once me to see the track ahead, in a while the flreman wouldle right through the engineer's ave his seat and pull the coal window, and what a great time down into the conveyor, I had. where, by means of a firing valve and steam jets, it was "Dee" came back and asked distributed in the fire box me if I didn't want to rest on evenly. It wasn't long before I one of the bunks in the cawas straddling that gangway boose and I told him I could and pulling down the coal for sleep when I died, that the him. I guess it would have thrill hadn't near worn off and been work if I had to do it, but I was good for all night. I found it great sport. And I was. I rode the engine all the way First "Dee" came back off the into Ft. Scott. We got there engine and sat down in a chair just at dusk,and I think the before his charts and figures, crew thought I had had and I saw him nodding for enough and would deadhead many a mile. Then the brakeback from there. But they didman came back and sat down n't know me. I might never get in the caboose for a few moto ride an engine again and I ments. wanted the thrill of some night riding. But most of the time I was alone, thrilling with the ride So we pulled into the Fort watching the big locomotive Scott yards and hopped off pull its 115 cars up those hills. and went to a little restaurant Having been in the cab. I where we ordered a substancould see. in my mind, that tial meal, while our train was steam gauge registering 230! I being made up. Then up into could see the engineer, Mithe yards, where the engine chael Mullane, leaning out of was ready again for the last the cab - I could see the firelap of the journey to Kansas man feeding the stoker and City, with a new crew, and a pulling the coal down in the train of 115 cars. hole. There must be no delay I rode in the engine as far as to that endurance locomotivePaola,Kans., where we took the steam must be up, coal and water, and - cut the everything must be just right.
That searching headlight blazed the trail and every puff from the exhaust that shot up into the air through the stack made one marvel at the power-and when the booster, which they called the "little man", was cut in, it seemed that the countryside fairly rocked. I thought of the old days of railroading that those veterans have toId me about. I pictured the contrast the automatlc signals - the long trains and the steep grades which would have required a "helper" in the days of long ago. The brakeman said I slept for a few moments, but I don't believe It. Anyway, he came in after awhile and said we were nearing Kansas City, and it was time to "wash up". I wasn't very dirty, but I wiped the cinders from my eyes and washed my hands and we pulled Into the yards at 2:30 a. m. I caught a train back into St. Louis at 3:45 a m., so there was time to get to the Union Station. I told the Pullman conductor that I probably looked like I had taken part in a holdup, as my coveralls were over my arm, and my bandana handkerchief in my hand, but that I had just gotten off the world's endurance locomotive! I had to tell somebody, even at 3:45 in the morning!
And I awoke the next morning at 10:30. Some lady was talking across the aisle and I couldn't help but hear. And here is what I heard: "A girl - rode the endurance locomotive? My I'd like to see her. Isn't she ever going to get up? I have to get off at the next station." And the porter said, rather proudly, I thought, "No'm, she never got on here until 3:45 last night. She's been ridin' it for all night and I ain't gonna get her up 'till I have to." I opened my eyes and sat up. A glance in the mirror told me I could stand a bath, and yepthere they were. My great big coveralls. I've gone over that trip, in memory, thousands of times! I got all cleaned up before long, and, except for the coveralls and the dirty handkerchief, you wouldn't know I had ever ridden an engine. I've folded those coveralls away, grease spots and dirt, cinders and dust, and when the years are mellowed with time, I'll unfold them sometimes and remember the most thrilling day I ever had, the 4213, and "Dee".
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tom, The Dec Buff article about the big Frisco landslide has one glaring error in it (not yours). It claims 10 billion cubic feet of land was washed away! I calculated that amount. It would come to a volume that would be 1000ft by 1000ft by 10000ft. Substantially larger than the rail yard itself. I wonder if any one else caught that. Kenny Young Memphis TN
Answer: Kenny: Good catch. Maybe it drifted across the river and became West Memphis! ▬▬▬▬ Tom Parker Editor- Memphis Buff You always do a terrific job with "the Buff" and I enjoy each issue. David Johnston forwards me a copy each month. Regarding the article on the Observation cars "Memphis" and "Gulfport".....The color photo at Hammond, LA is actually neither the "Memphis" or "Gulfport", That is ParlorObservation car 3310 and this was the substitute car
used after the "Memphis" was wrecked at Halls. (Note 6 the wheel truck. Car built was at Burnside Shop for 1947 Green Diamond train.) After the "Memphis" was wrecked, the two cars used on the "PL" were now "Gulfport" and the"3310". The latter car was no longer needed, as Parlor car service had been discontinued by summer of 1965 on the lone train, the "Green Diamond" on its CHI-StL route. It was impossible, during the era, to figure which particularcar would be operating on "the Panama" each trip, so it was determined to stop selling the rooms in the "Gulfport". Only 17 "Parlor Car" seats were sold in car 3310, and 17 of the Lounge seats as "Parlor Car" in the "Gulfport". (I have copies of the IC notices effecting this change.) So the Pullman rooms in the "Gulfport" were not occupied after the Halls incident. I was unaware of the additional photos used in the most recent IC of the "Green Diamond" magazine. More importantly, I was unaware of that first derailment of the "Memphis" at Kerrville in 1942 and I tend to agree that this particular car had, perhaps, a hex upon it. While the "Gulfport" obtained all the fame, being used in Pull-
man builders photos, advertisements and company brochures, it received and obtained all the glory. The "Memphis",on the other hand, had nothing but bad luck and fate. One minor point was the other Pullman (ahead) in the Kerrville derailment was named "Land O' Strawberries" It had the apostrophe ' behind the letter O, and spelled plural ...Strawberries. I realize these cars were named for natural resources located along the "Main Line of Mid America". However, this was a most unique name for a Pullman car. I have been on a quest to acquire photos of the IC observation which was named for my hometown city. Would it be possible to obtain a view of that interior scene of the Observation car you have featured in your article? (Is this an IC photo? Have not seen this one.) Thanks for your time, Tom. You do a great job and I appreciate all your dedicated time and effort in producing "the Memphis Buff". Best wishes to you and your family in the new year. Sincerely, Phil Gosney Answer: Phil:
One of the challenges in putting together "The Buff" each month is the fact that a lot of the readers are more knowledgeable on a given subject than I. However, the error with the picture of the "Panama" at Hammond, LA can only be attributed to a lack of attention to detail, not to a lack of knowledge. The photo, which I found at tm, was taken in July of 1967, which was after the wreck at Halls, TN. Aside from the six wheel trucks, I should have been alerted by the differences in the placement of the rear light, side marker lights and grab irons in this photo copmpared to the photo of the "Gulfport" in the Mississippi woods. I found the picture of the interior of the observation car at m and it is indeed an Illinois Central photo. I'm attaching a copy of the articles in the "Commercial Appeal" on July 15, 1942, about the wreck at Kerrville which may be
of interest. Searching through old, scratchy, out of focus microfilm sure makes you appreciate modern digital technology! With your permission, I would like to publish your e-mail in next months "Buff". Happy New Year to you and yours, Tom Parker
I found a picture of the “Memphis” at : photo.php?id=167576. Although the photo is dated September 1965, it was obviously taken earlier, as the name on the side of the car is “Memphis”, not “Gulfport” . The wreck at Halls occurred the previous July. The “Memphis”, is this month's “caboose”.
Southbound “Panama Limited� at Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, IL.
Photo Copyright by John Dziobko
Meeting Schedule February 9, 2009 March 9, 2009 April 13, 2009 May 11, 2009 Meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month in the White Station Branch Library from 7-9 pm. 5094 Poplar Avenue Memphis, TN (in front of Clark Tower)
Contact the Editor Tom Parker 3012 Wood Thrush Drive Memphis, TN 38134
THE MEMPHIS BUFF welcomes contributions for publication. Copyrighted materials must contain the source. Original documents and photos are preferred for clarity. Enclose a SASE for the return of your materials. Articles sent via the Internet should be in Microsoft Word format. Photos should be JPEG files @ 72 dpi and at least 800x600 size. Consideration for a cover photo would require a much higher resolution. THE MEMPHIS BUFF is a not-for-profit publication for the Memphis Chapter of the NRHS. All credited photos herein are copyright by the photographer and may not be reused without permission.