5 minute read
Helping the Helpless
from Helping the Helpless
by Menc_Ale
based on a true story
“Throughout the years, artists have been variously portrayed as under-appreciated geniuses, eccentric celebrities, starving recluses, and passionate visionaries.”
-Abigail Cain
This book was created with the sole purpose of lightening a part of life that is too serious, too mature and stressful. Looking back, all the obstacles of the past are nothing but memories that help us grow in this crazy path called “life”.
Everything can be overcome, you are not alone, there are those who have already passed this and those who still have to pass it, but this does not mean that we can have fun during, no?
Always remember to focus on your dreams, fight to make
them come true, no matter how difficult and exhausting, and never let anyone tell you they are stupid or impossible; if you think about it, even going to the moon seemed impossible, yet.
Believe in yourself, in your abilities and let the world speak for you.
I hope these little tips are a help, even minimal on the path you’re about to take or you’re already doing.
With love, Alessandra

78The doubts of the student who wants to attend art universities are understandable. Many girls and many boys fear that they will not have future outlets after graduation. In a world in crisis, where science and technology dominate, a title in Art might seem useless. In reality, it’s not so; The study paths of the different departments include various art forms, such as visual
arts, painting, sculpture, graphics, illustration etc. Design and applied arts useful for those who want to work with sets and photography.
In the communication and didactic paths we are concerned with the enhancement of the artistic heritage and art education. There are also second level courses for the teaching of arts.
Act! This is the only winning choice. The university did not give you what you expected, it did not open to you, that is, the doors of the world of work, as it had instead made you believe. Now you find yourself with knowledge that is a lot but is an end in itself. This is because the universities have prepared you for professions that are now saturated in the labor market, which moves driven by the simple mechanism of supply and demand. To date, the demand is growing but its direction is increasingly towards the search for digital skills, on which unfortunately most university courses are not yet able to train you. It is therefore good that you address yourself elsewhere, discovering alternative training courses that allow you to acquire specific and concrete skills that make you “attractive” within the world of work. Depending on the course
chosen, different professions can be carried out in the future. The most creative, without limits, could choose to become freelancers.
A choice that could be right in many circumstances. Those who specialize in design and applied arts will have the chance to enter the world of theater, and beyond: even the television and cinema environment needs set designers. Photographers can start their own business or collaborate with the entertainment world, while graphic designers and specialists in new technologies will have space in advertising agencies. For those who want to work in museums, schools and galleries, communication and education are the right choice.
And last but not least, you are not alone!

“I feel both nervous and excited! I’m happy that it’s over and that the period of studying in my life has finished. However, I feel a little worried about the future as it’s so uncertain! It’s kind of nice to confirm that we’re all clueless, and that other feel the same way as me. At the same time I would probably find really helpful to have with me a tips book!”
Victor Vu, graduating in BA Advertising at UAL London
“I’m scared actually, because I feel like I’m not ready for what is outside. I would like to make pubblications and be part of an editorial studio. If I have with me a guidelines or some useful tips to how approach the working life, my worrying will be less!”
Miriam Garofalo, graduating in BA Graphic design at London Metropolitan University

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DON’T GET A JOB...MAKE A JOB by Grace Burton
I WANT TO BE CREATIVE by Harriet Griffey
These are books that I strongly recommend, books that have helped and still help many people I have met. Sometimes getting out of reality and immersing yourself in some reading helps clear your mind. A good art book is a tool for reading and interpreting beauty. Contrary to popular belief, the history and criticism of art are subjects in continuous evolution, always in step with changes in society.
Reading presents such an important number of benefits that it would be almost impossible to list them all:
-Stimulates the mind -Reduces stress -Improve your knowledge -Improve memory -It strengthens the analytical capacity of thought -Improve your level of attention and concentration -Improve artistic skills -It gives tranquility
So what are you waiting for?
18Why would this books worth a read? Well, if you are an artist, I’m sure life hasn’t always been a smooth ride. This is one of the ways to be ready to make it in a highly competitive field. “Make Your Own Luck” features chapters on how to thrive in art school, developing your own style, how to self-promote, collaboration with other artists, how to deal with ‘copycats,’ when to consider working for free, how to find an agent, and how to build your career.
While “Don’t Get a Job... Make a Job” is an excellent resource for students and graduates on how to make it as a creative in the competitive real world. Packed with advice on how to successfully forge an entrepreneurial path and get noticed while doing so And last but not least, “I Want to be
Creative” features simple ideas on how everyone can get in touch with their artistic side. Whether you’re a creative professional or an aspiring amateur, we would all like to experience the benefits of being more inventive in our day-to-day lives. This book includes a range of simple and adventurous solutions, providing tips and tricks to suit everyone. Harriet Griffey provides a practical guide on how to promote and maintain a creative mind. Featuring exercises such as daily doodles and advice on how to break through the dreaded artist’s block.
Still not sure? Stop lying to yourself and go to read them.
Creative Mentor Network www.creativementornetwork.org
This is a London based charity supporting young people to find their way in the industry and building their confidence and skills.
“Our mission is to make the creative world of work more diverse & inclusive through mentoring. In our model everyone wins: career opportunities for young people, coaching skills for your employees, and access to diverse talent for your business.”
It’s a beautiful opportunity for both sides (Mentor and Mentee) and an inspiring concept.
“The not-for-profit organisation, founded by former teacher Isabel Farchy, aims to connect creative talent with young-people from diverse backgrounds. Through this, Creative Mentor Network hopes to make the advertising industry more accessible as a career for rising talent.”
So, if you are struggling a lot, I would probably recommend to take a look at the Mentor programme, it’s free and can help you a lot.

From the article “Who the f*** is Halil Altindere?”
Good luck!
life is a game