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Strategy for Goal 3: joining forces across the University of Applied Sciences

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STRATEGY FOR GOAL 3: We are joining forces across the university Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences has long made excellent contributions to education and research in several areas. The increasing complexity of social issues now requires us to combine these areas better and more intelligently in order to create even greater added value. This means sometimes surprising combinations in terms of content, sometimes also obvious combinations that - due to focus from the past - are not yet being made. We rally around our mission and bring out the best by inputting who we are.

Over the next decade, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences aims to develop into a community where strengths are optimally combined. The strategy towards 2025 is therefore to increase the vitality of our internal collaborations. We do this by creating new combinations and further integrating existing connections.


These are our five goals towards 2025:

1. We are creating stronger links between education and research.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We fund the professors and teacher-researchers partly from our primary cashflow. Each teaching team has at least one teacher-researcher. We are developing transparent standards for their deployment. b. We will strengthen the research capabilities of students in the various programmes.

All students will also participate in research at some point during their studies. c. Based on best practices, we learn about the link between education and research. d. Our professors actively participate in education and educational development, for example by taking part in curriculum committees. Lecturers commit themselves to modules and structurally deliver suitable projects. e. We organise lecture series where pairs of teachers and lecturers discuss a theme.

2. We are standardising the working methods at both our locations where possible, ensuring that the basics are in place.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We jointly determine what we will regulate centrally and what we will do at the site level. b. We are optimising the systems in the departments across the university, with local variation where necessary. c. We encourage and facilitate consultation and connection between departments and management on cases, with comparison of solutions. d. We will make additional budget available for the development of cross-site education. e. We use Blended education as a bridge between the locations: the use of digital resources makes it possible to follow educational units and minors taught at one location while present on the other.


Coordinator Master RDD Researcher CoPSEL

"The River Delta Development master curriculum is an excellent best practice: lecturers and professors jointly provide the education and students work in living labs on relevant research assignments."

3. We strengthen the cooperation between OP (primary process) and OOP (the services).

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We ensure that the basis is in order, make effective and uniform use of educational systems and create predictability in our information provision on the basis of a roadmap per calendar and academic year, clear to all departments and bodies. b. The directors, programme managers and lectors have integral responsibility for the quality of education and research. For this reason, they work closely with the relevant experts from the departments (information specialists, R&D staff, finance, HR, internationalisation, marketing, grant advisors). c. We are continuously prepared for the institutional quality assurance assessment, by closing the PDCA cycle at all the different levels (team, study programme, department, management and Executive Board). d. We have clear points of contact in the staff departments, for both students and faculty.

4. We achieve an optimal combination of physical and digital contact.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We are incorporating the learning points from the corona time into our vision on blended learning. b. We invest in varied modules using different didactic methods. c. We will evaluate which digital tools students like to use and make these more available. d. We promote flexibility through policy, for example through the 'bring your own device' project and other forms of support.

5. We are developing our teams into excellent examples of transition experts.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. Our staff teams are exemplifying the collaboration that comes with transition. b. The HVHL-Academy contributes to team transitions and developing employees to be exemplary transition experts. c. We focus on leadership; the management facilitates employees in their development in line with the transitions by applying serving leadership.

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