The Llama

An Admirable Traits Book for Children
Written by Julie A. Garrett with Mariah K. Garrett Illustrated by Susan G. Walker

Lilly’ s probl em was not wi th t alking all day, but the wor ds she ch ose for what she wou ld say.

When she op ened her mouth, all that came out wa s nothi ng but lies, of that ther e ’ s no doubt. S he t hought that her lies wer e al ways enjoyed, wh en, i n fact, they only mad e others annoyed.

The Lying Llama is the second in a series of books exploring behavior that pleases the Lord.

The books are simple but the message is not.
The Lying Llama is the second in a series of books exploring behavior that pleases the Lord. The books are simple but the message is not.
At CG3 Publishing, our desire is that our books will be a catalyst for further sharing of the gospel with young children.
At CG3 Publishing, our desire is that our books will be a catalyst for further sharing of the gospel with young children.
We hope you will be watching for the next book in our series, Spider, Control Yourself!
We hope you will watching for the next book in our series, Spider, Control Yourself!