2 minute read
The Dream
A Dream is a visual in-motion experience, like a movie but the Dream is always an unconscious experience. Unlike a Dream, the Vision is a fully conscious experience. Interestingly, a Dream is usually an experience that cannot be remembered, and when it is, it seems as though it’s only a small part of it.
In these situations, we are fully aware that there exists another part of the Dream that cannot be remembered. It seems like we are living on the edge of it, knowing it is there, but not completely into it and yet, neither are we completely out of it.
Although this unremembered part of a Dream is somewhat beyond our worldly minds, it somehow exists within us, and the awareness of it is always a very real and conscious feeling. It’s a different part of ourselves.
We can only describe the part of the Dream that arises into memory. Often, the majority remains in our unconsciousness, all the while remaining aware of its existence. This reaction to a Dream is just like the experience of spiritual awareness, as described throughout this Handbook. We all know certain things in life exist and are real but can’t always be described even if we have experienced them. Likewise, the human mind can become aware and comprehend but maybe not describe a spiritual experience.
In addition, we also know that the Dream is driven, in part but only once in a while by whatever it is that we have experienced or something we have read or even heard just before going to sleep. A Dream can also result from a discussion, like an experience of daily life or even a Bible verse.
-- The Power of the Inner Self -What Lies Behind Us and What Lies Before Us are Small Matters Compared to What Lies Within Us
R. W. Emerson
No matter who you are, whatever your background or religion, you can easily escape from the dominance of and the addiction to worldly thought. This occurs through The Power of your Inner Self its Spirit which was gifted to each of us at birth.
A transformation into the reality of your Inner Self is driven by an escape into a quick and simple meditation. From it, you will more easily overcome the pressures of daily life, including its stress and anxiety, anger and hate the thoughts that often dominate your mind even depression.
From this experience, you will quickly develop a personality that contains more peace and calm, kindness, perseverance, and patience. Each produces the selfcontrol you have long desired. The result is “a Newness of Life,” one that is now driven by your mental muscle to more easily project this new personality out unto the world. And by setting an example, others will begin to follow it and the world will be changed, one person at a time.
This book describes a simple method for entering the meditative state allowing readers to easily develop the mental strength to achieve goals they might otherwise have thought too difficult to reach. This Handbook is a confidence builder.
Don Eminizer