3 minute read

Week 1 Hunger John 6:35



The House of Body

Week 1 Hunger John 6:35 Week 2 Restlessnes & Rest Galations 5:1 Week 3 Chastity Genesis 3:1-7 Week 4 Taste, Smell, Tough Psalm 34:8-10 Week 5 Seeing & Hearing Psalm 34:1-5 iii

2 5 8 12 15

The House of Mind

Week 6 Intellect Regions of Science, History, Math, & Philosophy Daniel 1:17-20 20 Week 7 Intellect Regions of Literature & Art John 1:1-5 23 Week 8 Beauty Sense Psalm 27:4-5 26 Week 9 Beauty Sense Its Dæmon Exclusiveness I Samuel 16:7 29 Week 10 Imagination I Corinthians 2:9-10 31 Week 11 Imagination Its Dæmon Self I Corinthians 3:18-20 33 Week 12 Imagination Its Dæmon Sin I Corinthians 10:12-15 36 Week 13 Intellectual Life Colossians 3:1-3 38 Week 14 Reason James 3:17 40 Week 15 Reason, Thoughts & Actions James 4:1-3 42 Week 16 Reason & Will Romans 12:2 45 Week 17 Desire of Appropriation I Thessalonians 2:4 47 Week 18 Desire of Excelling II Corinthians 8:7 49 Week 19 Desire of Wealth Luke 16:13 51 Week 20 Desire of Power II Chronicles 17:3-5 53 Week 21 Desire of Society Colossians 4:6 55 Week 22 Knowledge Hosea 6:6 58

The House of Heart—Love

Week 23 Love and Self-Love I John 4:7-11 Week 24 Jewel of Love I John 3:18 Week 25 Pity Matthew 9:35-38 Week 26 Benevolence Luke 2:10-14 Week 27 Sympathy Luke 8:45-48 62 65 67 70 73

Week 28 Kindness Ephesians 4:32 Week 29 Generosity II Corinthians 9:6-7 Week 30 Gratitude Lamentations 3:21-25 Week 31 Courage in Actions II Timothy 1:7 Week 32 Courage of Thought Proverbs 18:2 Week 33 Loyalty to Country I Peter 2:17 Week 34 Loyalty to Others Matthew 18:15 Week 35 Humility I Peter 5:5-7 Week 36 Gladness Psalm 30:10-12 76 78 81 84 87 89 92 94 97

The House of Heart—Justice

Week 37 Universal Justice Micah 6:8 102 Week 38 Justice to Others—Gentleness & Courtesy 105 Week 39 Justice to Others—Candor & Respect I Peter 2:17 108 Week 40 Justice to Others—Discernment & Appreciation I Thessalonians 5:21 111 Week 41 Truth—Justice in Word—Calumny, Envy, & Fanaticism Exodus 20:16-17 114 Week 42 Spoken Truth—Veracity, Scrupulosity, Exaggeration, Generalization Matthew 5:37 117 Week 43 Spoken Truth—Accidental & Essential Luke 6:45 120 Week 44 Causes of Lying—Causes of Lying Colossians 3:9-10 123 Week 45 Integrity Colossians 3:23-24 126 Week 46 Use of Time Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 129 Week 47 Money & Property, Buying & Borrowing Matthew 6:24 132 Week 48 Opinions Proverbs 18:2 135 Week 49 Principles—Acting on Opinions II Timothy 2:15 138 Week 50 Self-Ordering—Chastity & Temperance Galatians 5:22-23 142 Week 51 Self-Ordering—Soberness & Interests I Peter 5:8 146


Week 52 Calling Ephesians 4:1-3 150


Charlotte Mason’s Volume 4 is one of Charlotte’s most beloved works. Beloved, because it teaches us about Ourselves, who we are as people. As she says, it teaches us what a human is; it teaches us that we are not so different from one another as it may seem on the outward surface. It teaches us to know ourselves. To study this Volume is an exercise in character awareness and growth in humanness.

The purpose for this revision was to simply arrange Charlotte’s extensive thoughts into smaller daily servings. Providing the reader with focused portions in a regular, organized way aids in more thorough application because even too much of a good thing, is too much.

Limited changes were made to Charlotte’s original text. Each daily quote has page numbers indicating where it can be found in the original. Some changes were minor, such as replacing a pronoun or phrase with a noun to refresh the reader of the topic at hand. Occasionally text was added for clarification or to modernize a thought. An asterisk following a page number indicates that a change was made to the original wording. British spellings were changed to American spellings for the benefit of the student to see the word spelled as they should know it to be spelled following the principle Charlotte used for teaching spelling.

Because Charlotte’s claim that Scripture is the foundation for her educational model, and her continual weaving in of Scripture throughout her writing, Bible verses were incorporated into each lesson. This might be used as your verse for the week.

It is with joy that I bring you my edition of Ourselves Volume 4. I hope that it takes a large assignment, and breaks it into manageable pieces. I pray it daily blesses each family that uses it and every person who reads its words.


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