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Extract from the text: "So we will never know if this sleeping man is like the "Dormeur du Val" by Rimbaud, that is to say for eternity, shot down on the way by some sneaky militia or if his sleep lasted only the time of a pause on the edge of the path.

Throughout the period of the worldwide conflict, Guttuso worked tirelessly, multiplying his still lives punctuated with humble everyday objects, the sights of the Gulf of Palermo and a series of drawings entitled "Massacri", clandestinely distributed, which denounced the abuses of the Nazi army, especially the ma ssacre of the Ardeatine Pits in March 1944." Want to read more comments or look at others paintings ? You can buy Men Portraits Series Issuu here : https://issuu.com/menportraits


The Faun, Barberini c. 220 Marble copy o f the Greek original in bronze Copy after derestoration Munich Glyptothek

Paul Cadmus (1904-1999) Study of a sleeping manPrivate collection

Konstantin Somov (1869–1939) Reclining naked man, 193 8 Private collection

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1899) Adam Study for Paradise lost Fabre Museum, Montpellier

Carolus Duran (1837-1917) Le Convalescent, 1860 Musée d’Orsay, Paris

Raymond Voinquel (1912-1994) Louis Jourdan, 1939

Want to read more comments or look at others paintings ? You can buy the extended version of Men Portraits Series on Issuu : https://issuu.com/menportraits

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