Photoshop CS5 watercolor painting effect tutorial

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Ph hotosh hop C CS5 w waterccolor paintting e effect tutorrial Here, we are going to sshow how to o simply make a photo look like a w watercolor paainting. Creaating this efffect is as easy as d duplicating ssome layers,, applying so ome filters, aand using some different layer blend d modes. Following image will bee used for th his tutorial.

And this is what it will look like afte er applying tthe watercolor painting effect.

Step 1: Dup plicate the B Background LLayer 3 Timees Open the image in Pho otoshop, if w we look in our Layers paalette, we caan see that w we currentlyy have one llayer, the Backgro ound layer, w which contaains our imagge.

Use the keyyboard shorrtcut Ctrl+J (Win) / Cmd++J (Mac) 3 times for thee 3 duplicatee layers. In laayers palettee, we can see thaat we now have four layers, with thee original background layer.

Step 2: Hide the Top Tw wo Layers You’ll see a a small eyeeball icon, left of each layer in th he layers paalette. It is Layer Visib bility icon, and it determiness the layer iss currently vvisible or nott. Hide from m view the to op two layerrs by clickingg on their eyyeball icons and itt disappearss when clicke ed on.

Step 3: Seleect “Layer 1”” Click “Layer 1” to selecct from the LLayers palettte and the seelected layerr is normallyy highlighted d in blue.

Step 4: App ply the “Cuto out” Filter First we’re going to sim mplify our im mage using Photoshop’s “Cutout” ffilter. With “Layer 1” seelected, go u up to the Filter m menu at the ttop of the sccreen, choosse Artistic, and then cho oose Cutout. When the Cutout Filteer dialog boxx appears, set s the Num mber of Leveels to 4, Edgge Simplicityy to 4, and Edge Fidelity to 2 2.

Click OK to apply the seettings and e exit of the dialog box. Step 5: Chaange the blend mode of “Layer 1” from “Normal” to “Lumin nosity” Click Blend Mode optio ons in the to op left of thee Layers paleette. By defaault, layers are set to thee “Normal” b blend mode. Click on the dow wn‐pointingg arrow to th he right of tthe word “N Normal” and select the LLuminosity b blend mode from m the bottom m of the list.

Your imagee ought to no ow look like this, after changing the blend modee of “Layer 1 1” to “Lumin nosity”

Step 6: Turrn On the “Laayer 1 copy”” and Select the Layer

Click on thee visibility icon for “Laye er 1 copy” to o turn it backk on, and theen click the llayer to seleect it.

Step 7: App ply the “Dry Brush” Filter Select Filter menu at the top of th he screen, cchoose Artisttic once again and choo ose Dry Brussh. when thee Dry Brush Filters dialog boxx appears, se et the Brush h Size to 10, tthe Brush Deetail to 10, aand the Textture option tto 3.

Click OK to apply the filter and exitt out of the d dialog box. Step 8: Chaange the Blend Mode of “Layer 1 copy” from “N Normal” to “SScreen” Select Blen nd Mode op ptions, clickk on the do own‐pointingg arrow to change thee blend mode for the layer “Normal” tto “Screen”.

The image should now look like thiis:

The image appears brigghter now affter changin ng the blend mode.

Step 9: Turrn On the “Laayer 1 copy 2″ and Selecct the Layer Turn On the layer by clicking on itss Visibility ico on and then click to seleect the layer.

Step 10: Ap pply the “Meedian” Filterr Select Filter menu choose Noise, aand then cho oose Median n. When thee Median Filters dialog box appearss, set the Radius value to 12 pixels.

Click OK do one to apply the filter an nd exit Step 11: Ch hange the Blend Mode o of the “Layerr 1 copy 2” TTo “Soft Light”

Change thee blend mode of the laye er to “Soft Liight” to com mplete the efffect.

When, changed the bleend mode to o “Soft Light””, you’re done! Here the orriginal imagee once again n for comparre with “wattercolor pain nting” effectt.

And here th he final “watercolor pain nting” effectt.

n Chennai bassed companyy. Tutoriaal has been prrovided by MenSagam Tecchnologies(MST), Yes it is aa Web Design

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