There are several value drivers for organizations regarding time and attendance solutions

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w simpllified our wo orks using Clo oud Computing How sim mplified our w works using C Cloud Computing

Th here are sever s ral va alue drive ers fo or organ nizations rega r rding g tim me an nd atten ndan nce solutiions.

+91 + 95667 738366

T There are e several value drrivers forr organizaations reegarding time and d a attendan main valu ue driverrs is policcy enforccement. ce solutions. Onee of the m O Organizat tions neeed policiees to keeep their e employeees honesst and a accounta ble. Another is th hat organ nizationss are tryin ng to avo oid any u unnecess sary cost,, whetheer it is sto olen time e, buddy punching or hum man errorr. T Time and attendaance solu utions help to elim minate un nnecessaary costs. Also, in ncreased d workplaace productivity iis a value e driver. Companies are kkeeping e employee es accountable an nd honesst. Additiionally, w when maanagement has the abilityy to get ffull visibility of th he employees’ wo ork time and makke sure on task, tthat insigght drivees value. they are o T There are e a lot of reasons that tim me and attendance projectts are no ot s successfu ul and thaat organiizations d do not find valuee in them. MST(M MenSagam m T Technolo gies) hass a right ssolution for your success time maanagement. T The prod uct that is chosen n is not tthe right product.. A produ uct will o only ccreate value if it aaddresses your un nderlyingg businesss needs. Im mplemen ntation iss poor. TTo drive vvalue, yo ou must h have a prroject plaan and y your team m members mustt be identified. An n implem mentation n plan en nsures that everything faalls in linee and thaat you meet yourr compan ny’s goalss. U User ado ption is low. It is importan nt that users are trained aand that e everybod dy is on b board and d user ad doption is high fo or the pro oject to b be s successfu ul in the eend. ensagam.ccom


+91 + 95667 738366

The wayy that com mpanies tried to achieve value in the past was by ccalling the usuaal vendorr suspectts, viewin ng demos and getting priccing, then decidingg on and implemeenting a solution based on the demo and tthe lowest p price, whether it ffit their ccore busiiness neeeds or no ot. Todayy, best‐in n‐ class com mpanies look mo ore at theeir people and theeir proceesses. They thoroughly docu ument their proceesses and d then th hey seek out the ttools thaat p to impleement an nd solidiffy those processees. will help Time Collectio C on Work kflow

nies are u using time and attendance e system ms with to ools that were no ot Compan really deesigned tto fit into o their bu usiness w workflow w. For insttance, I h have visited m many peo ople who o print ou ut reportts, put those big, thick rep ports on their dessk, leaf through tthem, cirrcle missiing punches on th he reports, and then typ pe them iinto the time and d attendaance systtem. Theey use too ols, but the tools do not fit their businesss need orr optimizze their syystem. p‐to‐datee time an nd attend dance sysstem sellls itself aas automated. It is Every up true that we can n automaate time iin and ou ut, calcullate timee worked and me, but there aree still man nual proccesses th hat a lot o of peoplee calculatee overtim in human resourrces havee to go th hrough in n order to get theeir time d data to fiit nvironmeent. their business en


+91 + 95667 738366

T The optim mal soluttion would be flexxible eno ough to b be able to o use the e a automate ed data tthat we ccreate, but minim mize the m manual impact off either c correcting g the datta or pusshing it in nto otherr systems like payyroll systtems. M Most peo ople lookk at time and atteendance d data from m punch to punch, w whether t they are looking at overtiime calcu ulations, leave reequests, p paid time off ((PTO) or other daata. A bettter way to look aat it is to see how w that d data fits i into theirr businesss processses. The en, they ccan selecct the right tool to satisfy the need ds of tho ose busin ness proccesses. M MenSaga am



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