Enhance the longevity of your knives with these tips Be it kitchen knives or the automatic ones, unless and until you take care of them, they will not last beyond few months. Contrary to the misconception of many, knives are one of the most delicate and to-be-cared for commodity. Being not careful can harm the performance of the knife as well as it can risk you too!
Shop rightly. Check the grip of the knife; check whether you can handle it properly or not. Unless and until you hold it properly you can use it easily. Else you will look for alternative ways to hold it and
subsequently will either bruise yourself or else break the handle of the knife.
Always keep it covered. Many people leave the knives uncovered after use. This attracts moisture from the atmosphere. The knives which chop off almost everything born on this planet can never escape the wrath of moisture. It will get rusted and the metals will wear off.
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