Diet to Follow to Keep your Mental Health Strong
You may have come across a well-known saying, “You are what you eat,� but what does that imply? In a simple sentence, we can say that food is the fuel that keeps our life running. According to a psychiatrist in Bhopal, the nutrition in our system relies on the sort of foods and drinks that we intake, and it also impacts the functionality of our mind and body to a great extent. We, being the best psychiatrist in Bhopal, are going to discuss a diet that should be followed with the end goal to keep our mental health fit and fine. So, without wasting any time, let us begin: According to a psychiatrist in Bhopal, you ought to maintain a distance from sugary drinks and excessive amounts of caffeine. Calories are not present in sugary drinks, and they can have a negative impact on your tooth enamel. Excessive intake of caffeine needs to be avoided as it can cause panic attacks among individuals who are suffering from an anxiety disorder. Rather than consuming coffee, you can try tea as tea have a lower percentage of caffeine as compared to coffee. With the end goal to maintain a distance from dehydration, a psychiatrist in Bhopal suggests drinking nothing less than 2 liters of water every day. The best psychiatrist in Bhopal says that dehydration can lead to fatigue, mood change and it can also weaken your concentration capability. It is not a good idea to skip your breakfast as it can decrease your metabolism required for a day, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal. Skipping breakfast can trigger brain fog and lead to fatigue. You ought to make sure that you take healthy foods in your breakfast. If you do not have time to cook one, you can go with a whole grain granola bar, yogurt and a piece of fruit to get you off to a good start.
In lunch and dinner, do not take dairy products that are high in fat, fried, refined and sugary foods as they lack nutrition value. Intake of such foods can give rise to conditions like diabetes, obesity, cholesterol and so on. The best psychiatrist in Bhopal says that consumption of such foods can also elevate your state of depression.