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Many people are attracted to the word leadership and in some shape or other we all aspire to be leaders. What most people would like to exclude from that leadership journey and process equation is servant-leadership. Leadership requires humility, humility requires vulnerability and vulnerability requires honesty. To be a leader you need to know that you are to use your gift to serve others and in this, focus of “breaking barriers and creating access”, it is about making sure that your gifts make room for others to thrive. It is not about you and the ambitions of standing on the podium and being applauded, you are to put others before you so that they can be applauded. When I initially started Alice’s Honey it was a means to create employment for myself as I struggled to find employment because I was pregnant and needed a flexible job that would enable me to be available for my children. As I grew in “wisdom”, and I say this devoid of all pride, I became more resilient, had


more grit, unparalleled fortitude, and creativity I never thought I possessed. I managed to expand my pure and raw honey line and added various infused honey, lip balms and even wrote a book.

So what does my story above have to do with leadership, breaking barriers and creating access for others?

An important lesson to remember is that sometimes along your journey, or should I say your quest for success, in your endeavours you may be derailed for a short while because there is a greater purpose.

What do I mean? How many of you in your time of need have had people come to you for help?

Be it financial, time, ideas, connections, whatever need that individual has? What goes on in your heart and head when you have someone who has a need to be fulfilled and you have an even bigger need? This is when your true character and your values are put to the test. It is easy to give and to avail of yourself when you have more than you need, but more challenging when you too are lacking or in need. In these times, know this truth: “whoever refreshes others will themselves be refreshed” – Proverbs 11:25.

Kindness is doing ordinary things with extraordinary measure. Be encouraged always to sow seeds of kindness wherever and whenever you have been entrusted with the responsibility of leading others in any and every capacity. Leaders will get tested more often because they have great responsibility in the position they hold and in their testing there is growth. Leaders understand that life is just like the seasons on the planet.

There will be seasons of growth, seasons of trials and tribulations, seasons of sowing and seasons of triumph. In whatever season leaders are in they ought to never forget to be humble, especially when tested. Leaders are never deterred by extreme valleys and humps on the road. Those humps and valleys refine and channel the potential of leaders and inspire them to devise novel ways of solving challenges. In this process they create a platform where everyone is treated equally, the opinions of all are respected and valued, and everyone’s purpose unleashed.

I believe that because of their psychological intelligence, psychological quotient (PQ), leaders can think laterally, making good decisions which come from experience. Experience and good decision-making are as a result of life experiences and at times making bad decisions along the way which makes for a colourful way of solving problems and adapting to new situations. This reminds me of scripture in Roman 5:3-4, “We can rejoice too when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance and endurance develops strength of character and character our confident hope”.

As a leader when you face challenging moments and seek alternate problem-solving tools and methods, reflect upon the following statements:

- Where you are now, someone is trying to get to. - Where you are now, someone else has already been. - Where you are now, someone will always be better. - What are you going to do about it? - What do you bring to the table that will benefit someone else even if you do not gain from it?

That is a successful leader, servant-leadership is not an optional extra, it’s a necessity. An inspirational and transformational leader is able to blend all the colours and flowers to create a wonderful bouquet without overshadowing any flower or reducing the aroma of the flowers. Leaders create a perfect blend that brings the best melody from everyone. The trap that so easily ensnares us is believing that we are above others. When we are entrusted with this magnificent role, we ought to treasure the responsibility of humbly knowing and believing that we are to hold others and their needs before our own. The greatest leader who had no sin and knew no sin came to serve. He washed people’s feet, healed the sick, fed the thousands and still expected no one to pay Him back. How much more us mere mortals?

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