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We have been given the power to create the future we want to see

The democratisation of fashion. The invention of the Little Black Dress. The rise of e-commerce. Fashion has always mirrored what is happening in society. Fashion is always forward-looking. It is always cyclical.

You know, I thought about what I would write about in this column. I could easily take the approach of analysing the future of fashion and commerce, exploring the different ways in which women and tech are revolutionising the fashion industry. Although informative, I think it would be quite boring for most of us! I’m almost always “that practical girl” when it comes to fashion and getting dressed. I just can’t get away from the desire to leave you with some super practical tips to help YOU shape the future of our society. So that’s just what we’re going to do today. There’s three major fashion consumer trends that I want to briefly unpack. Understanding these trends and allowing them to shape our fashion choices, will allow us to partner with the future!

These trends are:

1The Trend Towards Transparency

2The Rapid Change in Consumer Behaviour.

3Resale is Taking Over the Fashion Stage

The trend towards Transparency

It’s no secret that the fashion industry has done some major damage to our planet. The greater concern is not that thousands of factories across the world are polluting the earth or underpaying and mistreating their workers. The concern is that they continue to do so, because there is a DEMAND for what they are producing. Cheap, accessible, trendy pieces that might not even last you one season. How do we partner with the future?

- Plan your wardrobe and outfits. Only buy an item that you know can be used with what you already have in your cupboard. - Before you buy something, ask yourself: Do I know where this was made? Will I wear this more than once? - Wherever possible, buy local. Some of my favourite local and international brands are: Me&B (south Africa), Hannah Lavery (South Africa), Patagonia (International) and Everlane (USA).

Consumers are becoming smarter and more informed than ever before. We are more aware of sustainability and the negative effects that fast-fashion has on the environment.

How do we partner with the future?

- If and when you can, invest in high quality, core and statement garments that last longer in your wardrobe. These items should be styled with different looks. This reduces fashion waste as the product life span is increased with wardrobe changes and updates sitting at a lower rate. Here are some of my top core statement pieces: - Pair of Linen/linen-like fitted trousers - Basic Collared Button Through Shirt - Leather mules - Biker leather jacket. These are all pieces that you will use in- and out of season. They are basic pieces that will outlast trends and you’ll be able to utilize them for years to come.

Resale is Taking Over the Fashion Stage

Now this one is something I’m still trying to get some of my clients hooked on. The art of thrifting.

I totally understand that not everyone wants to go to some dingey shop that reeks of moth balls! However, we have to understand the importance of circular fashion and all do our part to invest in the future of fashion.

How do we partner with the future?

- Visit the second-hand shops in your area. Take a friend and go on an adventure to find some one-of-a-kind pieces. - There are so many online stores that specialise in these kinds of items!

One of my favorite South African online brands that specialise in pre-loved items is Maven Sustainable


and one where you can become your own reseller is WISI-OI


Some of these trends might be totally new to you or you might be practicing some of these principles already. We have been given the power to create the future we want to see. I believe that as we partner with these powerful slow-fashion principles, we will not only find the joy in getting dressed, but also partner with good, solid change and shape the future we want to see in fashion! If getting dressed or shopping is

something you find challenging, reach out to me over Instagram @moh_nah_ or email and we can chat!

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