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Unlearning article by Zanele Njapha SUSTAINABILITY

Creating Change Together

If you feel that some aspect of an industry or economy is exclusive and hard to access, chances are that others experience this feeling as well. Knowledge, access to economic means and ability are just some of the ways some industries have been designed to benefit the few rather than the society at large, the fashion industry is one of them. The fashion industry has a multitude of issues from overconsumption, inhumane treatment of workers, polluting the environment and a lack of supporting the local communities. These issues are part of an extremely complex system where the issues and potential solutions are interconnected. Yet, the current sustainable fashion solutions mostly address actions individuals can take and better materials. Sustainable Fashion Scotland (SFS) is a communityled social venture with the mission to connect the fashion community in Scotland and facilitate a sustainable fashion transformation through collective impact and knowledge exchange. Although the fashion industry faces problems on a global scale, we act locally in Scotland. This is because we believe that systems change will only be achieved through the collective impact of many innovative local solutions working together towards a shared vision. A place-based approach to systems change can inspire action and empower individuals to work towards


solutions that are relevant and tangible to them. More than this however is the need for a community approach to systems change, where social relationships are strengthened and multi-stakeholder collaboration is enabled. A better connected infrastructure will increase potential for synergy by opening access to exchange knowledge, resources, and practical skills, and inviting new diverse perspectives to contribute and expand our collective knowledge - all supporting the community to develop equitable, effective and innovative local solutions together. By creating an open and accessible space for people to share knowledge no matter their expertise or level of involvement we aim to shift the existing power dynamics in the fashion industry. We are working to welcome people who are often excluded from the spaces where fashion is discussed to help shift these dynamics. Through using positive and solutions-oriented language rather than problemfocused communication, we hope to inspire action and encourage people of all levels of understanding to get involved. This has unlocked new ideas previously not explored and has worked particularly well at providing insights for us to direct our strategy and meet the hidden needs of the community. Providing spaces for open conversation means we also create space which enables collaboration between those working towards a shared vision of a sustainable fashion transformation for Scotland.

Why Sustainable Fashion (SF)

SF is the answer to current destructive practices of the mass fashion industry (often called fast fashion) - Conversation predominantly centres around consumption - buy better, buy from certain brands that use certain sustainable materials (often the only way to participate in SF). - SF can feel inaccessible due to price, convenience and limited size and style range. - Buyers often need to make effort to ensure the brand is not greenwashing. - Considering a person as only a consumer distances them from actively participating in the solutions. This can be alienating and pressuring people to consume better in a system that doesn’t support it will only make them feel frustrated. - People who are working on imagining this system in their own ways can be isolated which makes the work difficult. - Power and contribution of western countries and their effect on other countries through fast fashion. - By opening up conversations, explaining terminologies, shifting what we value, we can open spaces where everybody can join and be active in changing the system.

How SFS is making a difference

At SFS we are determined to develop our strategy through challenging the current norms that have driven the social and environmental crises of today. We are challenging the competitive and elitist global fashion industry that celebrates successful individuals by instead showcasing the multitude of essential skills, roles, and opportunities that are available locally from research to manufacturing, home-making, crafting, farming, teaching and more. By centering the narrative on community, transparency, and collaboration we are redefining the value and meaning that fashion has in

our lives. We are also looking to shift the role business has in society by setting up as a social enterprise. On top of being mission-led and providing a much-needed service to our community, we are working on a business model that supports wealth and resource distribution instead of private accumulation. This will enable us to create more equitable opportunities within the industry making it accessible to anybody wanting to participate, inviting marginalised communities to get involved. We regard people as active citizens with multi-faceted roles within society rather than simply a passive consumer whose only power and responsibility is to shop ‘better’, therefore shifting the narrative of the level of change individuals are capable of achieving within their communities.

At Sustainable Fashion Scotland our role is not to prescribe what the solutions for this systemic change are, but to enable the community’s collective capacity to thrive and develop innovative local solutions together. Acting as a connector, we support new social relationships that improve wellbeing and bring us joy, as well as improving the infrastructure of our local networks to help individuals and organisations collaborate and create change together.

We are incredibly excited at the potential for communities to transform fashion from an industry based on mass production and consumption to a practice that strengthens joyful community relationships, develops community capacity and resilience, supports people and the planet’s wellbeing, and develops more diverse, equitable, regenerative and distributive economies. SF can be about so much more. By connecting with others in your community you can join mending groups, remaking workshops, be an activist, care for your clothing, and swap with friends or through apps with others in the community.

Sustainable Fashion Scotland


Instagram: @sustfashscotland






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