15 mento hoses and couplings 30 09 2015 hammer lug unions and flowline equip low

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Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment • • • • • •

Hammer Lug Unions overview Hammer Lug Unions Plug Valves Swivels and Pup Joints Crossovers and Fittings Forged Elbow and Protectors

15. 1 2 10 11 12 13


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

Anson Hammer Lug Unions Pressure rating (psi) Fig. No

Standard Service Cold Working


inches mm

Nominal Pipe Size

Sour Gas Service


Cold Working


































































1 25

1 1/4 32

1 1/2 40

2 50

2 1/2 65

3 80

4 100

5 125

6 150

8 200

NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Available Butt Well only: All Fig 2002-2202, 4", 5" & 6" Fig 1502, 5" & 6" Fig 1002-1004 Fig 1003. Foe other sizes and types, please consult the factory. Pressure ratings are dependent upon type and wall thickness of pipe used. For Standard Service, Fig 1003 4" and 5" and Fig 1002 5" and 6" respectively, are pressure rated at 7,500 psi cwp and 11,250 psi test. For Sour Gas Service they are rated at 5,000 psi cwp and 7,500 psi test respectively.



16 Anson Hammer Lug Unions

Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue Fig 100 – 1,000 psi cwp (69 bar)

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

gure 50

A low pressure general purpose threaded union suitable for air, water, oil or gas service. Anson Fig. 100 unions are manufactured Anson suction and low pressure Figure 50 is manufactured from from or steel, not cast throughout and is available Threaded Socket Weld in 4iron. inch This has enabled us to reduce the weight physical at the same time retaining inch sizes. The same nut and “O”and ring are used indimensions, both sizes, – 1,000 psiinterchangecwp (69 bar) and female blanking caps are also available. ability with other leading brands.

Figure 50

uct Code: HUTE - 50 aded End - Red Subs & Nut psi cwp 4”


omplete 050401 b) 27.28

050501 21.78

050402 10.56

050502 10.56

050403 8.80

050503 5.28




050404 7.92

050504 5.94

050505 0.02

050505 0.02

Size Inch

Weight lbs

Nut Radius A

Total Length B

Body Dia C

2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8”

4.8 10.0 16.5 23.0 32.5 47.5 66.0

2.88” 3.50” 4.06” 4.56” 5.75” 6.50” 7.25”

3.23” 4.25” 4.56” 4.83” 6.00” 6.84” 7.19”

2.75” 3.38” 4.12” 5.12” 6.38” 7.38” 9.56”

Threaded End



Line Pipe Threaded

Note: Where dimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory



Figure 100

pe Threaded

Nut Radius A

Total Length B


Socket weld


Union Complete Part No. 100201 Weight 6,00




100251 10,00

100301 14,00

100401 100801 suitable 100601 for air, water, oil or gas service. Anson 18,00 45,00 64,00

Weight (lbs)


A low pressure general purpose threaded union


Nut and low pressure Figure 50 is TheLength Anson suction B Part No. 100252 100302 manufactured from steel100202 throughout and is available 27.5 5.13” 6.00” 26.0 4.06” WeightWeld 3,00in 4 inch 5,00 Threaded or Socket or 5 inch7,00 sizes. 22.0 5.13” 5.62” 20.5” 4.06” The same nut and “O” ring are used in both sizes, Male Sub ere dimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory. male and female caps are also available. Partblanking No. 100203 100253 100303

Weight bs)










Product Code: HUTE - 50 Sub & Nut Threaded EndFemale - Red Subs Part No. 100204 100254 500 psi cwp


Fig. 100 unions are manufactured from steel, not cast iron. This has enabled us to reduce the weight 100402 100602 100802 at the same time retaining and physical dimensions, 7,00 19,00 25,00 interchangeability with other leading brands. Line Pipe Threaded




Weight Nut Total Body Dia lbs 18,00Radius A Length B C 2” 4.8 2.88” 3.23” 2.75” 2.1/2” 10.0 3.50” 4.25” 3.38” 100404 100604 100804 3” 16.5 4.06” 4.56” 4.12” 6,00 14,00 4” 23.0 22,004.56” 4.83” 5.12” 5” 32.5 5.75” 6.00” 6.38” 6” 47.5 6.50” 6.84” 7.38” 8” 66.0 7.25” 7.19” 9.56” 6" 8" Note: where dimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory. Size Inch13,00 6,00

Size 4" 5" Union Complete Blind Subs Part No. 050401 050501 Weight (lb) Size27.28 2" 3"21.78 4" Nut Male050402 Part No. 050502 Weight (lb) 10.56 Part10.56 No. BL100203 BL100303 BL100403 BL100603 BL100803 Threaded End Male Sub Female Size 2" 2.1/2" Part No. 050403 050503 Part8.80 No. BL100304 BL100404 BL100804 Weight (lb) 5.28Catalogue Union Complete MentoBL100204 Hoses and Couplings 281 BL100604 Female Sub Part No. 100201 100251 Part No. 050404 050504 Weight 6,00 10,00 Weight (lb) 7.92 5.94 Nut Seal Ring Part No. 050505 050505 Part No. 100202 100252 Weight (lb) 0.02 0.02 Weight 3,00 5,00 Line Pipe Threaded Socket weld Male Sub Total Total Size Weight Nut Weight Part No. 100203 100253 Radius Length Mento Length Hoses and lbs Couplings Catalogue Inch lbs 282 A B B Weight 2,00 3,00 4" 27.5 5.13” 6.00” 4.06 26.0” Female Sub 5" 22.0 5.13” 5.62” 20.5” 4.06” Part No. 100204 100254 Note: where dimensions and weight are critical please Weight 2,00 3,00 consult the factory.





100301 100401 100601 100801 14,00 18,00 45,00 64,00 100302 100402 100602 100802 7,00 7,00 19,00 25,00 100303 100403 100603 100803 4,00 6,00 13,00 18,00 100304 100404 100604 100804 4,00 6,00 14,00 22,00

Blind Subs

Blind Subs

Size 5" Male BL050503 Part No. Female BL050504 Part No.

Size 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" Male BL100203 BL100303 BL100403 BL100603 BL100803 Part No. Female BL100204 BL100304 BL100404 BL100604 BL100804 Part No.


0302 200402 200502 200602

200802 200112







Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

0303 200403 200503 200603

200803 200113







Figure 200 – 2,000 psi cwp (138 bar)

0304 200404 200504 200604

200804 200114





tion pplie at ical eld.



15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

A general purpose, all steel construction union designed to meet a variety of applications up to and in including service at 2000 psi. It is a compact and economical union, available Threaded and Butt Weld. HUBW-240

Butt Weld Sch.40 Blue Nuts 1,500 psi cwp

Line Pipe Threaded Line Pipe Threaded Size

Weight Nut Total Weight Nut Total Body Body Dia lbs Radius lbs Radius A Length Length Dia B C A2.00” B 2.48” C 1” 1.7 1.59” 1.1/4” 2.2 2.25” 2.78” 2.00” 1” 1.7 2.00” 2.48” 1.1/2” 2.7 2.44” 2.90” 1.59”2.28” 2” 1.1/4” 4.8 2.88” 3.19” 2.00”2.75” 2.2 2.25” 2.78” 2.1/2” 8.4 3.50” 4.12” 3.31” 2.7 2.44” 2.90” 3” 1.1/2” 14.8 3.88” 4.59” 2.28”4.09” 4.8 2.88” 3.19” 4” 2” 18.2 4.50” 4.94” 2.75”5.12” 5” 2.1/2” 32.5 5.75” 6.00” 3.31”6.38” 8.4 3.50” 4.12” 6” 47.5 6.50” 6.84” 7.38” 14.8 3.88” 4.59” 8” 3” 66.0 7.25” 7.19” 4.09”9.56” Note: and weight are critical please 4” where dimensions 18.2 4.50” 4.94” 5.12” consult the factory. 5” 32.5 5.75” 6.00” 6.38” 6” 47.5 6.50” 6.84” 7.38” Threaded End Grey Subs, Nut 2,000 8” 66.0 7.25” Blue 7.19” 9.56”psi cwp Size 1" 1.1/4" 1.1/2" 2" 2.1/2" Note: Where dimensions and weight are critical Union Complete please consult the factory Part No. 200101 200141 200151 200201 200251 Weight (lb) 2,00 2,00 3,00 5,00 9,00 Nut Part No. 200102 200142 200152 200202 200252 Weight (lb) 1,00 1,00 1,00 2,00 5,00 Male Sub Part No. 200103 200143 200153 200203 200253 Weight 1,00 Couplings 1,00 Catalogue 1,00 2,00 2,00 Mento (lb) Hoses and Female Sub Part No. 200104 200144 200154 200204 200254 Weight (lb) 1,00 1,00 1,00 2,00 2,00

SizeInch Inch


Size 2" 3" 4" Union Complete Part No. BW200201S40 BW200301S40 BW200401S40 Weight (lb) 5,00 14,00 19,00 Nut Part No. See threaded fig. 200 for nut parts numbers Weight (lb) Weight (lb) and weights Male Sub Part No. BW200203S40 BW200303S40 BW200403S40 Weight (lb) 2,00 4,00 6,00 Female Sub Part No. BW200204S40 BW200304S40 BW200404S40 Weight (lb) 2,00 4,00 19,00


Blind Subs Grey 2,000 psi cwp

Size Male Part No. Female Part No.



















200301 14,00

200401 18,00

200501 33,00

200601 42,00

200801 65,00

200111 90,00

200302 6,00

200402 7,00

200502 14,00

200602 14,00

200802 23,00

200112 31,00

200303 3,00

200403 5,00

200503 9,00

200603 13,00

200803 19,00

200113 28,00

200304 3,00

200404 6,00

200504 9,00

200604 15,00

200804 23,00

200114 31,00


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

6 Anson Hammer Lug206 Unions Figure – 2,000 psi cwp (138 bar)

2,000 psi cwp (138 bar)

The Figure 206 is the Figure 200 with a secondary seal to supplement the metal-to-metal ball and cone seat. All dimensons and weights are the same as for the Figure 200 range of unions.

the Figure 200 y seal to metal-to-metal at. All weights are the Figure 200

rey Subs, blue nut 2,000 psi cwp








HUTE 206 Threaded end Grey Subs, blue nut 2,000 psi cwp 4"





Size 1" 1.1/2" 2" 3" 4" Union Complete Part No. 206101 206151 206201 206301 206401 206201 206301Weight 206401 206111 18,00 (lb) 2,00206501 3,00206601 5,00206801 13,00 5,00 13,00 Nut 18,00 33,00 42,00 65,00 90,00 Part No. 206102 206152 206202 206302 206402 Weight (lb) 1,00 1,00 2,00 6,00 7,00 Sub 206202 206302Male 206402 206502 206602 206802 206112 206103 2,00 6,00 Part No. 7,00 14,00 206153 14,00 206203 23,00 206303 31,00 206403 Weight (lb) 1,00 1,00 2,00 4,00 5,00 Female Sub See fig 200 female threaded subs for part numbers and weights O-Ring 206203 206303Part No. 206403 206105 206503 206155 206603206205 206803206305 206113 206405 2,00 4,00 Weight 5,00 9,00 13,00 19,00 28,00 (lb) 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,05 0,10 Blind Subs Grey 2,000 psi cwp threaded subs for partMale numbers and weights Part No. BL206203 BL206303 BL206403





206501 33,00

206601 42,00

206801 65,00

206111 90,00

206502 14,00

206602 14,00

206802 23,00

206112 31,00

206503 9,00

206603 13,00

206803 19,00

206113 28,00

206505 0,10

206605 0,15

206805 0,15

206115 0,20


– 246 Butt Weld Sch206605 40 – Blue206805 Nut – 1,500 psi cwp 206305 HUBW 206405 206505 206115 Size 2" 3" 4" 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,15 0,15 0,20 Union Complete Part No. BW206201S40 BW206301S40 BW206401S40 2,000 psi cwp Weight (lb) 5,32 11,75 21,25 3" 6"206 for nut part numbers, weights Nut 4" See threaded fig Male Sub Part No. BW206203S40 BW206303S40 BW206403S40 BL206303 BL206403 BL206603 Weight (lb) 1,25 2,99 5,39 Female Sub Part No. Sett butt weld fig. 200 female subs for part numbers and weights Weight (lb) 40 – Blue Nut – 2,000 psi cwp O-Ring Part 206205 206405 3" 4"No. 6" 8" 206305 Weight (lb) 0,01 0,05 0,1



206205 0,01

BW206301S40 11,75

BW206401S40 21,25 Size Union Complete ded fig 206 for nut part numbers, weights Part No. Weight (lb) Nut 3S40 BW206303S40 Part BW206403S40 No. 2,99 5,39 (lb) Weight Male Sub Part No. weld fig. 200 female subs Weight (lb) Female Sub umbers and weights Part No. Weight (lb) O-Ring 206305 206605 Part No. 0,05 0,1 (lb) Weight

uplings Catalogue

BW206601S40 BW206801S40 40,26 68,53 2" 3"



BW206601S40 40,26

BW206801S40 68,53

BW206603S40 13,49

BW206803S40 20

BW206604S40 15,07

BW206804S40 24,99

206605 0,15

206805 0,15

HUBW – 286 Butt Weld Sour Gas Sch. 80 – Green Nut – 2,000 psi cwp SGBW206201S80 5,32

SGBW206301S80 12,85

BW206603S40 BW206803S40 SG206202 SG206302 13,49 20 2,51 6,01

SGBW206203S80 SGBW206303S80 1,25 BW206604S40 BW206804S403,65 15,07 24,99 SGBW206204S80 SGBW206304S80 1,25 3,65 206605 206206 0,150,01

206805 0,15

206306 0,05



SGBW206401S80 23,03

SGBW206601S80 40,26

SG206402 9,24

SG206602 11,79

SGBW206403S80 6,27

SGBW206603S80 13,49

SGBW206404S80 6,27

SGBW206604S80 13,49

206406 0,1

206606 0,15


O-Ring Part No. Weight (lb)

206206 0,01

206306 0,05



Mento Hoses 0,1 and Couplings Catalogue 0,15

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

Fig 207 2,000 psi (138 bar) Figure 207 – 2,000 psi cwp (138 cwp bar) Figure 207 Blanking Caps and unions are fully Figure 207 Blanking Caps and unions are fully interchangeable with Figure 200interchangeable and 206 with Figure 200 and 206 unions. For use where the blanking off at the end unions. For use where the blanking off at the of a lilne is desirable. The cap is fitted with an “O” ring to ensure a end of a lilne is desirable. The cap is fitted leakproof seal. with an “O” ring to ensure a leakproof seal. HUTE 207 Threaded End Grey Subs, Blue Cap 2,000 psi cwp Size Union Complete Part No. Weight (lb) Cap Part No. Weight (lb) O-Ring Part No. Weight (lb)




207301 9,90

207401 20,57

207601 44,77

207302 5,72

207402 14,52

207602 29,70

207305 HUTE 207 207405 207605 0,10 0,15 0,152,000 psi cwp Threaded End Grey Subs, Blue Cap

Size 3" 4" Line Pipe Threaded Butt Weld Sch 80 6" Size Inch Weight lbs Nut Radius A Total Length B Body Dia C Cap Height D Weight lbs Total Length B Union Complete Line Pipe Threaded Butt Weld Sch 80 3" 9.9 2.88” 3.69” 4.09” 2.38” 8.8 3.56” Part no. 207301 207401 207601 4"Size Weight 20.6 4.31” 2.63” 21.8” 4.35” Nut Total 3.66” Body Cap Weight Total 5.12” Weight (lb) 9,90 20,57 44,77 6"Inch lbs 44.8 3.19” 46.3 5.25” Radius Length5.00” Dia Height 5.60” lbs Length 7.38” Note: where dimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory. Cap A B C D B

er Lug Unions

3” 14 bar) 4” 6”

9.9 20.6 44.8

2.88” 3.69” 4.09” 2.38” 8.8 3.56” 3.66” 4.31” 5.12” 2.63” 21.8 4.35” – 6,000 psi cwp (414 bar) 5.00” 5.60” 7.38” 3.19” 46.3 5.25”

Figure 602

Part No.




Weight (lb)







O-Ring Part no.

Note: Where dimensions and weight are critical please consult the Weight (lb) factory Line Pipe Threaded

0,10 0,15 0,15 Size Inch Weight lbs Nut Radius A Total Length B Body Dia C 1” 14.07 2.25” 3.52” 1.79” 1.1/2” 9.0 3.00” 4.88” 2.56” 2” 13.5 3.50” 5.25” 3.06” 3” 21.5 4.50” 6.19” 4.20” 4” 34.0 4.94” 8.19” 5.30” Note: where dimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory.

nson Hammer Lug Unions

00 psi cwp (414 bar)

Body Dia C

1.75” 2.56” 3.06” 4.20” 5.30”


Threaded End – Silver Hubs, Black Nut – 6,000 psi cwp

Size 1" Union Complete Part No. 602101 Weight (lb) 3,00 Nut Part No. 602102 Weight (lb) 2,00 Male Sub Part No. 602103 Weight (lb) 1,00 Female Sub Part No. 602104 Weight (lb) 1,00 Bronze Seat Insert Part No. 152105 Weight (lb) 0,02

Mento 1.1/2" Hoses and 2" Couplings 3" Catalogue4"

602151 9,00

602201 12,00

602301 21,00

602401 30,00

602152 5,00

602202 7,00

602302 10,00

602402 11,00

602153 3,00

602203 3,00

602303 5,00

602403 9,00

602154 3,00

602204 3,00

602304 7,00

602404 10,00

152155 0,10

152205 0,10

152305 0,16

152405 0,22

HUBW SG-6XX2 Butt Weld Sour Gas - XXS – Sour Gas Green Nut

Union Complete Nut

Male Sub k Nut – 6,000 psi cwp

3" 4" Female Sub Green Nut 3"Seal Ring

201 602301 602401 00 21,00 30,00 SGBW602301XXS 24,00

Size Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. 4" Weight (lb)

1" SGBW602101XXS 5,00 SG602102 2,00 SGBW602103XXS 1,00 SGBW602101XXS 1,00 152106 0,02

SGBW602401XXS 34,00

2" SGBW602201XXS 15,00 SG602202 7,00 SGBW602203XXS 4,00 SGBW602201XXS 4,00 152206 0,10

3" SGBW602301XXS 24,00 SG602302 10,00 SGBW602303XXS 7,00 SGBW602301XXS 7,00 152306 0,16


4" SGBW602401XXS 34,00 SG602402 11,00 SGBW602403XXS 9,00 SGBW602401XXS 9,00 152406 0,22


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

16 Anson Hammer Lug Unions

Figure 1002 – 10,000 psi cwp (690 bar) 1” to 4” – 7,500 psi cwp (483 bar) 5” and 6”


wp (690 bar) 1” to 4” – 7,500 psi cwp (483 bar) 5” and 6”

nd – Blue Subs, Red Nut –




Size 1" Union Complete Part No. 102101 Weight (lb) 4,00 Nut Part No. 102102 Weight (lb) 4,00 Male Sub Part No. 102103 Weight (lb) 2,00 Female Sub Part No. 102104 Weight (lb) 1,00 Seal Ring Part No. 102105 Weight (lb) 0,02


02151 102201 102301 102401 ,00 13,00 22,00 32,00

02152 102202 102302 102402 ,00 13,00 22,00 32,00

02153 102203 102303 102403 ,00 7,00 10,00 13,00

02154 102204 102304 102404 ,00 3,00 7,00 10,00

02155 102205 102305 102405 ,10 0,10 0,16 0,22




102151 9,00

102301 22,00

102401 32,00

102152 9,00

102302 22,00

102402 32,00

102153 4,00

102303 10,00

102403 13,00

102154 3,00

102304 7,00

102404 10,00

102155 0,10

102305 0,16

102405 0,22

HUBL SG-1002 Blind Subs Sour Gas – Sour Gas Green 1”– 4” = 7,500 psi cwp, 5” & 6” = 5,000 psi cwp

Sour Gas Green

, 5” & 6” = 5,000 psi cwp 2"

HUTE 1002 Threaded End – Blue Subs, Red Nut – 10,000 psi cwp





BL102103 SGBL102203 0 3,00

SGBL102303 7,00

SGBL102403 10,00

SGBL102503 30,00

SGBL102603 40,00

BL102104 SGBL102204 0 3,00

SGBL102304 8,00




Size Male Part No. Weight (lb) Female Part No. Weight (lb)






SGBL102103 SGBL102303 SGBL102403 SGBL102503 SGBL102603 2,00 7,00 10,00 30,00 40,00 SGBL102104 SGBL102304 SGBL102404 SGBL102504 SGBL102604 2,00 8,00 11,00 30,00 35,00

HUBWSG-1XX2 Butt Gas - XXS – Sour Gas Green –1" – 4" = 7,500 psi cwp, 5" & 6" = 5,000 psi cwp 11,00 30,00Weld Sour 35,00

Size Union Complete Part No. Weight (lb) Nut Part No. Weight (lb) Male Sub Part No. Weight (lb) Female Sub Part No. Weight (lb) Seal Ring Part No. Weight (lb)






SGBW102101XXS 5,00

SGBW102301XXS 22,00

SGBW102401XXS 33,00

SGBW102501XXS 57,00

SGBW102601XXS 81,00

SG102102 2,00

SG102302 10,00

SG102402 13,00

SG102502 26,00

SG102602 37,00

SGBW102103XXS 1,00

SGBW102303XXS 6,00

SGBW102403XXS 10,00

SGBW102503XXS 15,00

SGBW102603XXS 20,00

SGBW102104XXS 1,00

SGBW102304XXS 7,00

SGBW102404XXS 10,00

SGBW102504XXS 16,00

SGBW102604XXS 23,00

152106 0,02

152306 0,16

152406 0,22

152506 0,15

152606 0,15

HUBW Mento 1XX2Hoses ButtandWeld - XXS – Red Nut – 1" to 4" = 10,000 psi cwp, 5" & 6" = 7,500 psi cwp Couplings Catalogue 287

Size Union Complete Part No. Weight (lb) Nut Part No. Weight (lb) Male Sub Part No. Weight (lb) Female Sub Part No. Weight (lb) Seal Ring Part No. Weight (lb)


BW102101XXS 5,00


BW102301XXS 22,00


BW102401XXS 33,00



BW102501XXS 57,00

BW102601XXS 81,00

See threaded Fig. 1002 for nut part numbers and weights.

SG102502 26,00

SG102602 37,00

BW102103XXS 1,00

BW102303XXS 6,00

BW102403XXS 10,00

BW102503XXS 15,00

BW102603XXS 20,00

BW102104XXS 1,00

BW102304XXS 7,00

BW102404XXS 10,00

BW102504XXS 16,00

BW102604XXS 23,00

152105 0,02

152305 0,16

152405 0,22

207405 0,15

152605 0,15


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

16 Lug Unions Unions 16 Anson Anson Hammer Hammer Lug 15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

Fig 1003 Fig1003 1003 Fig – 10,000 psi cwp (690 bar) 2” and 3” – 7,500 psi cwp (483 bar) 4” and 5” 10,000 7,500 psi psi cwp cwp (483 (483bar) bar)4” 4”and and5” 5” 10,000psi psicwp cwp (690 (690 bar) bar) 2” 2” and and 3” – 7,500

All Fig. misaligning types and will allow for a misalignment All Fig.Unions 1003are Unions are misaligning misaligning types All1003 Unions are types of upand to 7.1/2º offallow the centre 15º included. Theof exception will for line, a misalignment misalignment of upto to is the 2 inch and for a up which has anoff included maximum of 7º or 3.1/2º off the centre line. Available as 7.1/2º centre line, 15º included. 7.1/2º the centre line, 15º included. LineThe Pipe exception Threaded or Butt Weld22with 5 inch unions available Butt Weld only. The is inch which has an is the the inch which has an included maximum included maximum of of 7º 7º or or 3.1/2º 3.1/2ºoff offthe the Line Pipe Threaded centre line. Available Pipe centre Available as as Line LineNut Pipe Total Body Weight Threaded or Butt Weld with 5Radius inch unions Length Dia Threaded Butt Size Weld with 5 inch unions Inch lbs A B C available only. available Butt ButtWeld Weld only. 2” 12.4 3.50” 4.73” 3.00” 3” 43.0 4.88” 9.12” 4.45” 4” 78.4 6.00” 11.00” 5.50” 5” 6.00”

Butt Weld Sch 80 Total Length Weight lbs B 4.73” 13.2 9.12” 44.3 11.00” 81.2 10.95” 80.0

Note: where dimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory.

Line Pipe Threaded Line Pipe Threaded


HUTE - 1003 Threaded End – Green Subs, Butt Weld Sch 80 Butt Weld Black Nut 2" Sch to 3"80 = 10,000 psi cwp 4" = 7,500 psi cwp

2" Weight 3" Total Total Weight 103301 103201 Length (lbs) Length (lbs) 12,00 45,00 B B 103202 103302 Nut (lb) 7,004.73” 13.2 23,00 2” 12.4 3.50” Weight 4.73” 3.00” 2” 12.4 3.50” 4.73” 3.00” 4.73” 13.2 103303 3” 43.0 4.88” Part 9.12”No.4.45” 103203 9.12” 44.3 Male Sub 3” 43.0 4.88” 9.12” 9.12” 44.3 14,00 Weight4.45” (lb) 3,00 4” 78.4 6.00” Part 11.00” 5.50” 11.00” 81.2 No. 4”Female 78.4 Sub 6.00” 11.00” 5.50” 103204 11.00” 81.2 103304 5” 6.00” Weight (lb) 3,0010.95” 80.0 9,00 5” 6.00” 10.95” 80.0 No. are 103205 Note: Where and weight critical please consult103305 the Seal ring dimensionsPart Note: Where dimensions Weight and weight are critical the (lb) 0,01 please consult0,05 factory

4" 103401 72,00 103402 35,00 103403 22,00 103404 16,00 103405 0,10

Size Weight Nut Total Body Size Weight Nut Total No. Body Inch lbsComplete Radius Part Length Dia Union Inch lbs Radius Length Dia Weight (lb) A B C A BPart No. C

HUTE SG-1003

Threaded End Sour Gas 2" to 3" = 7,500 psi cwp 4" = 5,000 psi cwp

2" SG103201 12,00 SG103202 7,00 SG103203 3,00 SG103204 3,00 SG103206 0,01

3" SG103301 45,00 SG103302 23,00 SG103303 14,00 SG103304 9,00 SG103306 0,05

4" SG103401 72,00 SG103402 35,00 SG103403 22,00 SG103404 16,00 SG103406 0,10


UBW - 1XX3 Butt Weld - XXS – Black Nut – 2" to 3" = 10,000 HUBWSG - 1XXX3 Butt Weld Sour Gas - XXS – Sour Gas HUTE SG-1003 HUTE psi cwp,-4"1003 to 5" = 7,500 psi cwp Green Nut – 2" to 3" = 7,500 psi cwp 4" to 5" = 5,000 psi cwp HUTE SG-1003 HUTE 1003 End Sour Gas Threaded – Green Subs, Black Size - End 2" 3" Nut 4" 5" Threaded Threaded End Sour Threaded End – Green Subs, Black Nut Union Complete 2" to 3" = 7,500 psi Gas cwp 2" to 3" = 10,000 psi cwp Part No. BW103201XXS BW103301XXS BW103401XXS BW103501XXS SGBW103201XXSSGBW103301XXSSGBW103401XXSSGBW103501XXS 2" to 3" = 7,500 2" to 3" = 10,000 psi cwp 4" = 5,000 psi cwppsi cwp 4" = 7,500 psi cwp Weight (lb) 14,00 48,00 78,00 76,00 48,00 78,00 76,00 4" = 14,00 5,000 psi 4" = 7,500 psi cwp Size 2" 3" 4" Size 2" cwp 3" 4" Nut Size 2" 3" 4" Size 2" 3" 4" Part No. Union Complete Complete See threaded Fig. 1003 for nut part numbers 103502 UnionSee threaded sour gas fig. 1003 for nut part numbers. SG103502 Weight (lb) 35,00 35,00 Union Complete Union Complete Part No 103201 103301 103401 Part No. SG103201 SG103301 SG103401 Male Sub Part No. SG103201 45,00 SG103301 72,00 SG103401 Part No (lb) 103201 103301 103401 Weight 12,00 45,00 72,00 Weight (lb) 12,00 Part No. BW103203XXS BW103303XXS BW103403XXS BW103503XXS SGBW103203XXSSGBW103303XXSSGBW103403XXSSGBW103503XXS Weight3,00 (lb) 12,00 72,00 Weight (lb) 12,00 45,00 72,00 Weight 16,00 26,00 23,00 Nut 16,0045,00 26,00 23,00 Nut (lb) 3,00 Female Sub Nut No. Nut Part No 103202 103302 103402 Part SG103202 SG103302 SG103402 Part No. BW103204XXS BW103304XXS BW103404XXS BW103504XXS SGBW103204XXS SGBW103304XXS SGBW103404XXS SGBW103504XXS Part No. SG10320210,00 SG103302 35,00 SG103402 Part No (lb) 103302 103402 Weight (lb) 3,00 103202 7,00 23,00 35,00 (lb) 7,00 23,00 Weight 10,00 17,00 19,00 Weight 3,00 17,00 19,00 Weight (lb) 7,00 23,00 35,00 Weight (lb) 7,00 23,00 35,00 Seal Ring Male Sub Male Sub Part No. 153205 153305 153405 153505 103206 103306 103406 103506 Part Sub No(lb) 0,01 103203 0,05 103303 0,10103403 0,10 Part SG103303 SG103403 MaleNo. Sub Male Weight 0,01 SG103203 0,05 0,10 0,10 Weight 3,00 Part No (lb) 103203 Weight (lb) Sub 3,00 Female

14,00 103303 14,00

22,00 103403 22,00

Weight (lb) 3,00 Part No. SG103203 Weight (lb) Female Sub 3,00

Part NoSub Female Weight Part No (lb)

103204 3,00 103204 3,00

103304 9,00 103304 9,00

103404 16,00 103404 16,00

Part No. Sub SG103204 Female Size 3,00 Inch Weight (lb) Part No. SG103204

103205 0,01 103205

103305 0,05 103305

103405 0,10 103405

3,00 Note: where dimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory. Part SealNo. Ring SG103206 SG103306 SG103406 Weight (lb) 0,01 Part No. SG103206 0,05 SG103306 0,10 SG103406




Weight (lb)

Fig 1004 – 10,000 psi cwp (690 bar)

Weight (lb) Seal Ring PartRing No Seal Weight Part No (lb) Weight (lb)

5” Weight (lb) Seal Ring 6”

14,00 SG103303 22,00 SG103403 14,00 22,00

Butt Weld Sch XXS SG103304 SG103404 Weight lbs Nut Radius A 9,00 SG103304 16,00 SG103404 85.0 6.00” 9,00 16,00 140.0 7.25”

HUBW-1XX4 0,01

Size Union Complete Nut Male Sub Female Sub Seal Ring

Butt Weld XXS 10 000 psi cwp 0,05

Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.


0,10 5"

BW104501XXS 104502 BW104503XXS BW104504XXS 152405


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue Butt Weld XXS Sour Gas

The 5 inch and 6 inch Fig. 1002 Unions elastomer "O" rings for sealing purposes. This type of union must be made up perfectly square and if not it can be troublesome. To improve matters ANSON have introduced two new sizes of Butt Weld Unions that utilise lip type elastomer seals similar to those fitted into the smaller unions. We have called them "Figure 1004". They are available in Standard Service or Sour Gas trim.

Total Length B 8.25” 9.38”

SizeCouplings Catalogue 289 5" Mento Hoses and Union Complete Part No. SGBW104501XXS Nut Part No. SG104502 Male Sub Part No. SGBW104503XXS Female Sub Part No. SGBW104504XXS Seal Ring Part No. 152406


BW104601XXS 104602 BW104603XXS BW104604XXS 152605 7 500 psi cwp


SGBW104601XXS SG104602 SGBW104603XXS SGBW104604XXS 152606

HUBL-1XX4 Blind Subs 10 000 psi cwp

Size 5" Male Sub Part No. BL104503 Female Sub Part No. BL104504

BL104603 BL104604

Size 5" Male Sub Part No. SGBL104503 Female Sub Part No. SGBL104504

SGBL104603 SGBL104604

HUBL-1XX4 Blind Subs 10 000 psi cwp




Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

Anson Hammer Lug Unions

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

Fig 1502 – 15,000 psi cwp (1034 bar)

15,000 psi cwp (1034 bar)

dy a

17” 97” 22” 50”

Butt Weld Sch XXS Total Weight Length (lbs) B

4.36” 5.39” 6.17” 5.25” 8.50” 9.00” 9.75”

HUTE 1502

Threaded End Red Subs, Blue Nut 1" to 3" = 15,000 psi cwp Union Complete

8.2 16.5 21.0 28.5 75.0 95.0 145.0

Nut Male Sub Female Sub Seal Ring

Size Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb)

Size Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb)

Union Complete

ical please consult the factory. own for illustrative and weight

Nut Male Sub Female Sub Seal Ring


2" SG152201 19,00 SG152202 9,00 SG152203 5,00 SG152204 5,00 152206 0,10

3" SG152301 30,00 SG152302 12,00 SG152303 9,00 SG152304 9,00 152306 0,16

HUBL - 1502

Blind Subs: Red 1" to 4" = 15,000 psi cwp



152301 30,00 152302 12,00


152303 9,00


152304 9,00


152301 30,00 152302 12,00 152303 9,00 152304 9,00 152305 0,16

Threaded Ends Sour Gas Green 10,000 psi cwp

union please specify wall thick-


2" 152201 19,00 152202 9,00 152203 5,00 152204 5,00 152205 0,10

HUTE - SG1502

s 4” and for the 6” Butt Weld it

201 0

1" 152101 3,80 152102 1,90 152103 0,80 152104 1,10 152105 0,02

152305 0,16

HUTE - SG1502 Line Pipe Threaded

Butt Weld Sch 80

Body Threaded Ends Sour cwp Weight Nut TotalGas Green 10,000 Total psiWeight Dia lbs Radius A Length B Length B lbs Size 2" 3" C Union 2” 12.4 Complete 3.50” 4.73” 3.00” 4.73” 13.2 3” 43.0 No. 4.88” 9.12” 4.45” 9.12” 44.3 Part SG152201 SG152301 4” 78.4 6.00” 11.00” 5.50” 11.00” 81.2 Weight (lb) 19,00 30,00 5” 6.00” 10.95” 80.0 Note: where Nutdimensions and weight are critical please consult the factory. Part No. SG152202 SG152302 Weight (lb) 9,00 12,00 Size Inch


Size Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb)

1" SG152303 SGBW152101XXS 9,00

2" BL152203 3,00 BL152204 3,50

3" BL152303 10,00 BL152304 9,00

4" BL152403 25,00 BL152404 20,00


Blind Subs Sour Gas – Sour Gas Green – 10,000 psi cwp Male Female

Size Part No. Weight (lb) Part No. Weight (lb)

HUBWSG-15XX2 Butt Weld Sour Gas XXS Sour Gas Green 10,000 psi cwp Male Sub

Size Part NO. SG152203 Part No. Union Complete Weight (lb) Weight (lb)5,00 Part No. Female Sub Nut Weight (lb) Part No. Part No. SG152204 Male Sub Weight (lb) Weight (lb)5,00 Part No. Female Sub Seal Ring Weight (lb) Part No. Part No. 152206 Seal Ring Weight (lb) Weight (lb)0,10

1" BL152103 2,00 BL152104 2,00

2" SGBW152201XXS 9,50

1" 2" 3" 4" SGBL152103 SGBL152203 SGBL152303 SGBL152403 2,00 3,00 10,00 25,00 SGBL152104 SGBL152204 SGBL152304 SGBL152404 2,00 3,50 9,00 20,00

3" SGBW152301XXS 13,00

See Threaded Fig. 1502 for nut part numbers and Weights. SG152304 SGBW152103XXS SGBW152203XXS SGBW152303XXS 0,80 9,00 2,50 3,30 SGBW152104XXS SGBW152204XXS SGBW152304XXS 1,00 2,50 3,20 152106 152306 152206 152306 0,02 0,16 0,10 0,16

4" SGBW152401XXS 34,00 SG152402 17,00 SGBW152403XXS 9,20 SGBW152404XXS 7,80 152406 0,22

HUBW - 15XX2 Butt Weld XXS Blue Nut 15,000 psi cwp Size 1" 2" Part No. BW152101XXS BW152201XXS Weight (lb) 8,00 22,00 Part No. See threaded Fig. 1502 for nut part numbers Mento Weight Hoses (lb) and Couplings Catalogue Part No. BW152103XXS BW152203XXS Weight (lb) 2,00 7,00 Part No. BW152104XXS BW152204XXS Weight (lb) 2,00 6,00 Part No. 152105 152205 Weight (lb) 0,02 0,10

Union Complete Nut Male Sub Female Sub Seal Ring


3" BW152301XXS 29,00 BW152303XXS 9,00 BW152304XXS 8,00 152305 0,16

4" BW152401XXS 75,00 152402 36,00 BW152403XXS 21,00 BW152404XXS 17,00 152405 0,25


psi cwp (1034 bar)

Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment


15,000 psi cwp

Fig 2002 – 20,000 psi cwp (1380 bar) g Unions




BW152301XXS 29,00

BW152401XXS 75,00


nut part numbers

2203XXS psi cwp

Standard Service Figure 2002 Unions are manufactured throughout from the finest of steels selscted to give the ultimate in performance. Lip type elastomer seals with anti-extrusion rings are supplied with this union. Available Butt Weld only.

152402 36,00

BW152303XXS 9,00

BW152403XXS 21,00

2204XXS BW152304XXS 1XXS BW152401XXS 8,00 75,00

BW152404XXS 17,00


152405 0,25

Size Inch 2” 3” * 4” * 5” 6”


152305 152402 0,16 36,00

3XXS psi

21,00 Union Complete Part No. Nut Part No. UnionMale is Sub ruggedly Part No. 4XXS BW152404XXS Female Sub Part No. ctured to the 17,00 Seal Ring Part No.


BW202201XXS 202202 BW202203XXS BW202204XXS 202205



202302 BW202303XXS BW202304XXS 2023205

to ensure safety HUBL-1XX4 Blind Subs 20 000 psi cwp ip type elastomer 152405 Size 2" anti-extrusion Male Part No. BL202203 BL202303 0,25Sub Part No. BL202204 BL202304 Service d. All Female H2S Sub Anson are mination to bar) – 15,000 psi cwp (1034 bar) ments of N.A.C.E. oduct is fit for dly

Fig 2202

ty mer






202402 BW202403XXS BW202404XXS 202405 4" BL202403 BL202404

E. 1.25”

2.06” 3.00” 4.00” 5.00”

HUBW - 2202

Female Sub Seal Ring Segment (Set 3) Ret Ring

BL202503 BL202504


202602 BW202603XXS BW202604XXS 202605

BL202603 BL202604

Butt Weld (Thread not available) Weight Nut Total lbs Radius A Length B 23.0 3.75” 7.40” 48.0 4.88” 9.56” 76.0 6.00” 8.50” 110.0 6.50” 10.75” 170.0 7.25” 13.00”

Butt Weld Sour Gas Sour Gas Green Nut 15,000 psi cwp (1034 bar) s 2.1/2” and Size 2" (1.25" I.D.) 3" (2.1/16" I.D.) 4" (3" I.D.) ease do not

Male Sub

202502 BW202503XXS BW202504XXS 202505




Weld Prep O.D. I.D. 2.50” 1.25” 4.125” 2.06” 5.50” 3.00” 6.12” 4.00” 7.25” 5.00”

Note: Weight indicated is for the weld prep shown. Differing O.D. and I.D. prepes can be supplied upon request. Anson* 3” and 4” unions are sometimes referred to as 2.1/2” and 3” respectively by other manufacturers. If in doubt please do not hesitate to ask.

ffering O.D.




The Figure 2202 Sour Gas Union is ruggedly proportioned and manufactured to the highest quality standards to ensure safety and reliability in service. Lip type elastomer seals with stainless steel anti-extrusion rings are fitted as standard. All H2S Service Unions manufactured by Anson are subjected to vigorous examination to ensure the latest requirements of N.A.C.E. are adhered to and the product is fit for purpose. Size Inch 2” 3” * 4” * 5” 6”


Union Complete

Weld Prep O.D. I.D. 2.50” 1.25” 4.125” 2.06” 5.50” 3.00” 6.12” 4.00” 7.25” 5.00”

Note: Weight indicated is for the weld prep shown. Differing O.D. and I.D. prepes can be supplied upon request. Anson* 3” and 4” unions are sometimes referred to as 2.1/2” and 3” respectively by other manufacturers. If in doubt please do not hesitate to ask.

HUBW-1XX4 Butt Weld XXS 20 000 psi cwp

BW152403XXS cwp (1034 bar) Size

Butt Weld (Thread not available) Weight Nut Total lbs Radius A Length B 23.0 3.75” 7.40” 48.0 4.88” 9.56” 76.0 6.00” 8.50” 110.0 6.50” 10.75” 170.0 7.25” 13.00”

Part No. SGBW222201 SGBW222301 SGBW222401 Weight (lb) 23,10 47,74 75,90 Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue 293 Part No. SG222202 SG222302 SG222402 Weight (lb) 12,32 19,80 37,40 Part No. SGBW222203 SGBW222303 SGBW222403 Weight (lb) 4,40 15,84 20,90 Part No. SGBW222204 SGBW222304 SGBW222404 Weight (lb) 5,50 11,44 17,60 Part No. 222206 222306 222406 Weight (lb) 0,10 0,12 0,17 Part No. 222207 222307 222407 Weight (lb) 0,90 1,30 2,60 Part No. 222208 222308 222408 Weight (lb) 0,01 0,01 0,02

Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue


HUBW - 2202

Blind Subs – Sour Gas Green – 15,000 psi cwp 2" 3" 4"

SGBL222203 6,00 SGBL222204 7,00

SGBL222303 21,00 SGBL222304 15,00

SGBL21689 30,00 SGBL16679 27,00


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

High Pressure Plug Valves The Compact Valve The Compact Valve is designed to meet the needs of Service Companies who encounter high erosion rates as a result of having to pump such compounds as cement, sand and slurry mixtures. It is available with Hammer Union ends 1” and 2” for service up to 15,000 psi. The ANSON DB series Plug Valve • • • • •

Sub compact - only 50Ibs / 23kgs Three models: DB6 - Dual service, 6,000 psi cwp DB10 - Sour service, 10,000 psi cwp DB15 - Standard service, 15,000 psi cwp Size: 2" NB Handled safely by one person Patents pending

DB Series Plug Valve Dimensions Standard Service Product Code CPV-HU-SS

Type CDR150WU Fig 1502 Union Ends – Red – 15,000 psi cwp Size 1" 1 x 2" 2" 3" F.M.C. Part No. 3255585 3248720 3247527 Part No. A22946 A22931 A15561 A14976 Weight (lb) 37 43 87 305

Part No. A47444 ASG67128 A66545

Weight kgs Ibs 2" 8.07 9.75 5.42 2.65 3.92 5.83 3.44 19.5 43 2" 8.06 10.31 5.42 2.64 4.13 6.18 3.98 23 50 2" 8.06 10.31 5.42 2.64 4.13 6.18 3.98 23 50

Size A







Anson/Plug Valves Sour Gas Service (H S) Product Code: 2

CPV-HU-SG Type CDR150 WU. Fig. 1502 Union Ends Sour Gas Green – 10,000 psi cwp Size 1" 1 x 2" 2" 3" F.M.C. Part No. 3252285 3258139 3248705 3255791 Part No. ASG27710 ASG27414 ASG27406 ASG27712 Weight (lb) 37 43 87 305

mier Plug Valve


The Premier Plug Valve

andard Service Fig 1502 – 15,000 psi cwp

" x 2"



MxF 14948 SS 5,00

MxF A14778 ESS 106,00

xF 14960 SS 0,00

FxF A15041 ESS 94,00


ard Service



MxF A28159 HSS 500,00 FxF A28160 HSS 460,00

The Premier Plug Valve is also available with Hammer Union Ends for use with portable ‘Flowline’ Equipment. Pressure ratings, sizes and classes are as for the API.6A Premier Flanged Plug Valve. The availability of full bore from 2” to 4” with pressures up to 15,000 psi for use with portable flowline equipment makes this range of plug valves unique.

Product Code P.P.V.S. - HU.-SS15

Product Code P.P.V.L. - HU.-SS15

The Plug Service Valve is –also HammerPremier Lug Union Ends Standard Fig 1502 15,000 psi cwp Hammer Lug Union Ends Standard Service Fig 1502 – 15,000 psi cwp available Ends Size with Hammer 1" 1 xUnion 2" 3 2" Size 3" 4" 2 End Connection M x F M x F M x F End Connection M x F M x F for use with portable ‘Flowline’ Part No. A14947 A14948 A14778 Part No. A14976 A28159 Equipment. Plug (Ref) GSS GSS ESS Plug (Ref) CSS HSS Weight (lb)




End Connection ratings, FxF F x F and F x F Pressure sizes Part No. A14949 A14960 A15041 classes are as Plug (Ref) GSSfor the GSSAPI.6A ESS Weight (lb) 38,00 Plug 50,00 Premier Flanged Valve.94,00

Weight (lb) End Connection Part No. Plug (Ref) Weight (lb)

Product Code P.P.V.S. - HU.-SS15 Hammer Lug Union Ends Standard Service Fig 1502 – 15,000 psi cwp 2" 3" MxF MxF ASG15274 ASG14975 ASG CSG 101,00 218,00 FxF FxF ASG14967 ASG14977 Plug (Ref) GSG GSG ASG CSG Weight (lb) 38,00 50,00 88,00 215,00

Size 1" 1 x 2" 3 The availability of full bore from End Connection M x F M x F 2” to 4” with pressures up to Part No. ASG15269 ASG15271 15,000 use with portable Plug (Ref) psi forGSG GSG Weight (lb) 42,00 55,00this flowline equipment makes End Connection FxF FxF range of plug valves unique. Part No. ASG15270 ASG15272

218,00 FxF A14978 CSS 215,00

500,00 FxF A28160 HSS 460,00

4" 2 MxF ASG28157 HSG 500,00 FxF ASG28158 HSG 460,00


e Equipment

ne Equipment

Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

16 Anson/Plug Valves Pressure h Pressure Anson Extra High Anson Hammer Union ius Swivel dius Swivel Anson Hammer Pup Joints Pressure Longlife Long Union Pup Joints er Union Ends mer Manufactured Union Ends from externally Radius Swivel Joints upset high specification tubulars. – with Fig 1502 Hammer Union Ends They have none of the disadvantages of welded types which can restrict their use. Available in lengths up to 10ft long in 1”, 2” and 3” sizes with pressure ratings as high as 20,000 psi using Anson forged pup joints enables the user to obtain the maximum results from their equipment. Features – Forged pup joints are inherently stronger – Smooth uninterrupted bores – Eliminates post weld heat treatment requirements that restrict the material’s potential strength – End fittings machined integrally – No costly weld inspection – Full material traceability – Available with hammer union, hub, metseal or special end Sizesconnections and pressure ratings available Sizes pressure ratings available 3” and 4”and up to 15,000 6” up to 10,000 psi 8” up to 5,000 psi – 2”, Standard service orpsisour gas to NACE MR-01-75

Sizes ratings 2”, 3”and andpressure 4” up to 15,000 psiavailable Product Code LRHU-SS-15

6”3”upand to 10,000 2”,Standard 4” up topsi psi Service – Red – 15,000 15,000 psi cwp 8” Size up to 5,0002"psi 3" 6” up to 10,000 psi Style 50Code: SwivelPJ.INT Joint F.B. SG.1502 Product with Integral Fig 1502psi Union Ends, Male & Female 8” up to 5,000 Fig. 1502 Full Bore Integral Construction


Part No. A12534 A14275 Weight (lbs) 50,00 124,00 RedJoint Std. Service Sour Gass Style 10 Swivel with Integral15,000 Fig 1502psi Union & Female cwpEnds, Male 10.000 psi cwp Part No. A13012 A14274 Weight (lbs) 2" 56,00 Size 3" 157,00 2" 3" Style 10 Swivel Joint with Integral Length 1 footFig 1502 Ends, Male & Nut, both ends Part No. A12533 A14358 Part No. (lbs) A28531 A28733 Weight 67,00 168,00 ASG28576 ASG28748 Weight (lbs) Code 25,00LRHU-SG-10 42,00 Product



Sour Gas (H S)Sour Gas Green – 10,000 psi cwp Length 1 foot2 8 inches (1/2 Mtr) Size 2" 3" 4" Part No.50 Swivel A28532 A28734 ASG28577 ASG28749 Style Joint with Integral Fig 1502 Union Ends, Male & Female59,00 Weight (lbs) 31,00 59,00 31,00 Part No. ASG13303 ASG14494 Weight 2 (lbs) 124,00 Length feet50,00 Style 10 Swivel Joint Part No. A28735 ASG28578 with IntegralA28533 Fig 1502 Union Ends, Male & FemaleASG28750 Part No. ASG13297 67,00ASG14488 Weight (lbs) 33,00 33,00 67,00 Weight (lbs) 56,00 157,00 Style 103Swivel Length feet Joint with Integral Fig 1502 Ends, Male & Nut, both ends Part No. A28534 ASG28579 ASG28751 Part No. ASG13298 A28736 ASG14489 Weight (lbs) 92,00168,00 42,00 92,00 Weight (lbs) 42,00 67,00

Length 3 feet 3 inches (1 Mtr) Part No.



ASG28580 ASG28752

Weight (lbs)





Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue


Manufactured from externally upset high specification tubulars. They have none of the disadvantages of welded types which can restrict their use. Available in lengths up to 10ft long in 1”, 2” and 3” sizes with pressure ratings as high as 20,000 psi using Anson forged pup joints enables the user to obtain Length 3 feet 5 inches the maximum results from their equipment. Part No. A33748 ASG33749 Features Weight (lbs)pup 45,00 45,00 – Forged joints are inherently stronger – Smooth uninterrupted bores – Eliminates post8weld heat treatment requirements that Length 3 feet inches restrict the material’s potential strength – End machined integrally Part No. fittings A28544 ASG28589 – No costly weld inspection Weight (lbs) 47,00 47,00 – Full material traceability – Available with hammer union, hub, metseal or special Length 4 end feetconnections – Standard service or sour gas to NACE MR-01-75 Part No. A28536 A28738 ASG28581 ASG28753

Product Weight (lbs)

Code: F.B. SG.1502 51,00PJ.INT 117,00 51,00


Fig. 1502 Full Bore Integral Construction Red Std. Service Sour Gass Length 4 feet 8 inches 15,000 psi cwp 10.000 psi cwp Size 2" 3" 2" 3" Part No. A28545 ASG28590 Length 1 foot Weight (lbs) A28531 55,00 55,00 Part No. A28733 ASG28576 ASG28748 Weight (lbs) 25,00 42,00 25,00 42,00 Length 15foot 8 inches (1/2Mtr) Mtr) Length feet (1.1/2 Part No. A28532 A28734 ASG28577 ASG28749 Weight 59,00 31,00 Part No.(lbs) 31,00 A28537 A28739 ASG28582 59,00 ASG28754 Length 2 feet Weight (lbs) A28533 60,00 142,00 62,00 142,00 Part No. A28735 ASG28578 ASG28750 Weight (lbs) 33,00 67,00 33,00 67,00 Length 3 6feet Length Part No. feet A28534 A28736 ASG28579 ASG28751 Weight 92,00 42,00 Part No.(lbs) 42,00 A28538 A28740 ASG28583 92,00 ASG28755 Length 3 feet 3 inches (1 Mtr) Weight (lbs) 68,00 167,00 68,00 167,00 Part No. A28535 A28737 ASG28580 ASG28752 Weight (lbs) 44,00 99,00 44,00 99,00 Length 3 6feet 5 inches Length 7 inches (2 Mtr) ASG33749 Part No. feet A33748 Weight (lbs) 45,00 45,00 Part No. A28539 A28741 ASG28584 ASG28756 Length 3 feet 8 inches Weight (lbs) A28544 73,00 182,00 73,00 182,00 Part No. ASG28589 Weight (lbs) 47,00 47,00 Length 4 8feet Length Part No. feet A28536 A28738 ASG28581 ASG28753 Weight 117,00 51,00 Part No.(lbs) 51,00 A28540 A28742 ASG28585 117,00 ASG28757 Length 4 feet 8 inches Weight (lbs) 85,00 217,00 85,00 Part No. A28545 ASG28590 217,00 Weight (lbs) 55,00 55,00 Length 5 9feet (1.1/2 Mtr) Length feet 10 inches (3 Mtr) Part No. A28537 A28739 ASG28582 ASG28754 Weight 142,00 62,00 Part No.(lbs) 60,00 A28542 A28744 ASG28587 142,00 ASG28759 Length 6 feet Weight (lbs) A28538 100,00 263,00 100,00 263,00 Part No. A28740 ASG28583 ASG28755 Weight (lbs) 68,00 167,00 68,00 167,00 Length 6 feet 7 inches (2 Mtr) Length Part No. 10 feet A28539 A28741 ASG28584 ASG28756 Weight 182,00 73,00 Part No.(lbs) 73,00 A28541 A28743 ASG28586 182,00 ASG28758 Length 8 feet A28742 ASG28585 ASG28757 Part No. Weight (lbs) A28540 102,00 267,00 102,00 267,00 Weight (lbs) 85,00 217,00 85,00 217,00 Length 9 feet 10 inches (3 Mtr) Length Part No. 12 feet A28542 A28744 ASG28587 ASG28759 Weight 263,00 100,00 Part No.(lbs) 100,00 A28543 A28745 ASG28588 263,00 ASG28760 Length 10 feet Part No. A28743 ASG28586 ASG28758 Weight (lbs) A28541 119,00 317,00 119,00 317,00 Weight (lbs) 102,00 267,00 102,00 267,00 Length 12 feet Part No. I.D.A28543 A28745 ASG28588 ASG28760 2" = 1.75" Weight (lbs) 119,00 317,00 119,00 317,00 3" ==1.75" 2.75"I.D. I.D. 2" 3" = 2.75" I.D.


nson/Flow Line Equipment

Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

rs and Crossovers Fittings and Fittings

gs with mer Union, e and Hub Ends s ows sses wsfoot t Heads erals Pieces ge Elbows ge Tees








Crossovers – Hammer Union to Hammer Union – Hammer Union to Flange – Hammer Union to Hub – Hammer Union to Thread – Flange to Flange – Flange to Hub – Flange to Thread – Hub to Hub – Hub to Thread – Thread to Thread

Anson Integral Forged Tee's

Size 2" Configuration Male x Male x Fem 3" Part No. ASG15618 Male xWeight Male(lbs) x Fem. 44,00 Size 3" ASG18825 Male x Male x Fem Configuration 84,00 Part No. ASG18825 Weight (lbs) 84,00 2" 2" Male xSize Fem. x Fem. Configuration Male x Fem x Fem ASG15616 Part No. ASG15616 35,50 Weight (lbs) 35,50 Size 3" Size 2" Size 2" Size 3" Configuration Male x Fem x Fem Configuration Male x Male x Fem Configuration Fem.Part x Fem. Fem. No. x Fem. ASG21602 No. x Male A15617 Configuration Male xPart Weight (lbs) 68,50 Part No. A15623 Part No. ASG21602 Weight (lbs) 44,00 2" 3" Weight (lbs) 35,50Size Weight (lbs) 68,50 Size Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Configuration Male x Male x Fem Part No. ASG15622 Size 3" Part No. 2" A29394 Size Weight (lbs) 26,50 Weight (lbs) 97,00 Configuration Fem. x Fem. x Male Configuration Fem. x Fem. x Fem. Size 3" Size 2" Part No. A29395 Part No. ASG15622 Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Configuration Male x Fem x Fem Weight (lbs) 68,50 Weight (lbs) 26,50 Part No. ASG21572 Part No. A15615 Weight (lbs) 55,00 Weight (lbs) 35,50 Size 3" Size 2" Size 3" Configuration Fem. x Fem. x Fem. ANSON Integral Fem x Fem x Male Configuration Configuration Male x Fem x Fem ASG21572 Part No. ASG15624 Part No. A21601 Part No. Forged Tee's Weight (lbs) 55,00 Weight (lbs) 35,50 Weight (lbs) 68,50 Product Code TEE-SG Size 3" Size 2" Size 2" Fem x Fem x Male Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Configuration Fig. 1502 Sour Gas Service No. x Male ASG27499 x Fem. Part No. A15621 Configuration Fem. Part - Green Weight (lbs) 68,50 Weight (lbs) 26,50 Part No. ASG15624 10,000 Sizepsi cwp 3" Weight (lbs) 35,50 Anson Integral Forged Cross Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Product Code Cross-SS Size 2" Part No. A21571 Size Fig. 1502 Standard Service – Red – 3" Configuration MaleWeight x Male x Male (lbs) 55,00 cwp Configuration Fem. x15,000 Fem.psi x Male Part No. ASG15620 Size 2" Size 2" No. ASG27499 x Male Configuration Fem x FemPart Configuration Male x Fem x Fem x Fem Weight (lbs) 55,00 Part No. A15623 Weight (lbs) 68,50 Part No. A29398 Size 3" Weight (lbs) 35,50 Weight (lbs) 45,00 3" Size 3" Configuration Male Size x Male x Male Configuration Fem x Fem x Male Configuration Male x Fem x Fem x Fem Part No. ASG27083 Part No. A29395 Part No. A29400 Weight (lbs) 97,00 Weight (lbs) 68,50 Weight (lbs) 88,00 Size 2" Size 2" ANSON Integral Forged Tee's Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem x Fem Product Code TEE-SG Configuration Male x Male x Fem. Part No. A29402 Fig. 1502 Sour Gas Service Part No. ASG15618 Weight (lbs) 36,00 - Green - 10,000 psi cwp Weight (lbs) 44,00Size Size 3" 2" Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem x Fem Configuration Male x Male x Male Part No. A29404 Part No. ASG15620 Weight (lbs) 75,00 Weight (lbs) 55,00 Size 3" Anson Integral Forged Cross Male xHoses Male xand Male Configuration Mento Product Code Couplings Catalogue 299Cross - SG Part No. ASG27083 Fig. 1502 Sour Gas Service - Green Weight (lbs) 97,00 10,000 psi cwp Product Code TEE-SS Size 2" Fig. 1502 Standard Service Size- Red Configuration Fem. -x15,000 Fem.psi x Fem. Configuration cwp Size 2" Part No. A15621 Part No. x Male Configuration Male x Male Weight (lbs) 26,50 Weight (lbs) Part No. A15619 Size 3" Weight (lbs) 55,00 Size 3" Configuration Fem. Size x Fem. x Fem. Configuration Male Configuration Male x Male Part No. A21571 Partx No. Part No. A29393 Weight (lbs) 55,00 Weight (lbs) Weight (lbs) 97,00

Fittings with Hammer Union, Flange and Hub Ends – Tees – Elbows – Crosses – Crowsfoot – Goat Heads – Laterals – ‘Y’ Pieces – Gauge Elbows – Gauge Tees

Size Configuration Part No. Weight (lbs) Size Configuration Part No. Weight (lbs) Size Configuration Part No. Weight (lbs) Size Configuration Part No. Weight (lbs)

2" Male x Fem x Fem x Fem ASG29399 45,00 3" Male x Fem x Fem x Fem ASG29401 88,00 2" Fem x Fem x Fem x Fem ASG29403 36,00 3" Fem x Fem x Fem x Fem ASG29405 75,00

Anson Integral Forged "Y's"

Product Code "Y" – SS – 90º Fig. 1502 Standard Service - Red 15,000 psI cwp Size 2" Configuration Fem x Fem x Male Part No. A26568 Weight (lbs) 33,00 Size 3" Configuration Fem x Fem x Male Part No. A29406 Weight (lbs) 68,00 Size 2" Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Part No. A26567 Weight (lbs) 22,00 Size 3" Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Part No. A29408 Weight (lbs) 57,00

Anson Integral Forged "Y's"

Product Code "Y" - SG - 90º Fig. 1502 Sour Gas Service – Green – 10,000 psi cwp Size 2" Configuration Fem x Fem x Male Part No. ASG27058 Weight (lbs) 33,00 Size 3" Configuration Fem x Fem x Male Part No. ASG29407 Weight (lbs) 68,00 Size 2" Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Part No. ASG27057 Weight (lbs) 22,00 Size 3" Configuration Fem x Fem x Fem Part No. ASG29409 Weight (lbs) 57,00



Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

15. Hammer Lug Unions and Flowline Equipment

With well over two thousand established and d proven designs proven designs the Anson range of crossovers and fittings is probably most comprehensive s probably the the most available. Most fittings are manufactured from closed die forgings and all are fully certified. manufactured from Many of the popular sizes and types are available . from stock. Where the customer requires something

Hammer Lug Unions Protectors

special this can usually be accommodated on very

ilable from short lead times. stock. cial this can usually


Anson Forged Elbows Anson high quality forged elbows have none of the disadvantages of welded types which restrict their use. The range of Anson forged elbows is the most extensive available in the oil industry and they enable the user to obtain the maximum results from this equipment.




ANSON Integral Forged 90o Elbows

Product Code ELB-SS Fig. 1502 Standard Service - Red -15,000 psi cwp Size 2" Configuration Male x Female Part No. A13588 Weight (lbs) 31,00 Size 3" Configuration Male x Female Part No. A21365 Weight (lbs) 50,00

ANSON Integral Forged 90o Elbows

Product Code ELB-SG Fig. 1502 Sour Gas - Green -10,000 psi cwp Size 2" Configuration Male x Female Part No. ASG22863 Weight (lbs) 31,00 Size 3" Configuration Male x Female Part No. ASG21364 Weight (lbs) 50,00

Part No Description UPF0050050 PROTECTOR 5" 50 FOR FEMALE UPM0050050 PROTECTOR 5" 50 FOR MALE UPF0100030 PROTECTOR 3" 100 FOR FEMALE UPM0100030 PROTECTOR 3" 100 FOR MALE UPF0206020 PROTECTOR 2" 200/206 FOR FEMALE UPM0206020 PROTECTOR 2" 200/206 FOR MALE UPF0206030 PROTECTOR 3" 200/ 206 FOR FEMALE UPM0206030 PROTECTOR 3" 200/206 FOR MALE UPF0206040 PROTECTOR 4" 100/206 FOR FEMALE UPM0206040 PROTECTOR 4" 100/206 FOR MALE UPF0206050 PROTECTOR 5" 100/206 FOR FEMALE UPM0206050 PROTECTOR 5" 100/206 FOR MALE UPF0206060 PROTECTOR 6" 200/ 206 FOR FEMALE UPM0206060 PROTECTOR 6" 200/206 FOR MALE UPF0602020 PROTECTOR 2" 602 FOR FEMALE UPM0602020 PROTECTOR 2" 602 FOR MALE UPF15/602030 PROTECTOR 3" 602/1502 FOR FEMALE UPM15/602030 PROTECTOR 3" 602/1502 FOR MALE UPF0602040 PROTECTOR 4" 602 FOR FEMALE UPM0602040 PROTECTOR 4" 602 FOR MALE UPF1002010 PROTECTOR 1" 1002 FOR FEMALE UPM1002010 PROTECTOR 1" 1002 FOR MALE UPF1002040 PROTECTOR 4" 1002 FOR FEMALE UPM1002040 PROTECTOR 4" 1002 MALE UPF1002050 PROTECTOR 5" 1002 FOR FEMALE UPM1002050 PROTECTOR 5" 1002 MALE UPF1002060 PROTECTOR 6" 1002 FEMALE UPM1002060 PROTECTOR 6" 1002 MALE UPF1502010 PROTECTOR 1" 1502 FOR FEMALE UPM1502010 PROTECTOR 1" 1502 FOR MALE UPF1502020 PROTECTOR 2" 1502 FOR FEMALE UPM1502020 PROTECTOR 2" 1502 FOR MALE UPF1502030 PROTECTOR 3" 1502 FOR FEMALE UPM1502030 PROTECTOR 3" 1502 FOR MALE UPF1502040 PROTECTOR 4" 1502 FOR FEMALE UPM1502040 PROTECTOR 4" 1502 FOR MALE Also available for other types/sizes on request for Hammer Lugs, Hubs and Flanges.


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