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Design and Technology

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DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Students are introduced to the impact of cyber security and information privacy, learning the importance of keeping our information safe. Students explore the systems in a functioning robot. They write block-based code to control the robots, learning how to respond to inputs from sensors. Students understand and employ a range of coding concepts such as variables, loops, binary selection and functions. They use robotic systems to solve simple problems and understand the impact that robotic systems are having on society. Students present their findings in a website format they design, incorporating images, text and video. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Students investigate how people communicate using digital systems. They explore how different technologies allow for efficient transferring of ideas and how different systems connect together. Students evaluate how different systems secured against cyber threats. Students create a digital solution to a real-world problem using a range of technologies. FOOD STUDIES In this unit, students make informed and healthy food choices when preparing food and how their food choices influence the environment. They understand how a balanced eating plan is critical for optimal growth and development. Students explore the roles and importance of energy, nutrients, fibre and water outlined in The Australian Dietary Guidelines. Students will have the opportunity to understand the importance of food safety, food storage and hygiene practices whilst improving their practical skills. Students explore why food is wasted and what can be done to reduce waste and how they can contribute to a sustainable food system for the future. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating underpins the Year 8 course, focusing on nutrition and improving performance in both sport and study.


DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY – PROGRAMMING SUBJECT LENGTH: SEMESTER UNIT VALUE: ONE In Year 9 Digital Technology - Programming students investigate the creative and logical processes of problem solving through programming. They develop algorithms to describe logical processes they encounter in everyday life and learn how computer simulations help solve complex problems. Students discover how data is represented in computer systems and ways in which can be manipulated to ensure efficient and secure transmission and storage. Students explore a range of different programming contexts such as robots, web pages and networked components. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY – DATA ANIMATION SUBJECT LENGTH: SEMESTER UNIT VALUE: ONE Students will develop an understanding of how data is collected, manipulated and presented through a variety of formats, for specific audiences. They learn how privacy concerns can be managed while still collecting important data about the world around them. Students explore a range of techniques to analyse their findings and tell a story to their audience through static and dynamic data visualisation tools such as infographics, spreadsheets, websites and animations. DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY – MATERIALS SUBJECT LENGTH: SEMESTER UNIT VALUE: ONE This is a design-based curriculum that focuses on critical and creative thinking through the lens of product design. At the core of this unit of study, students implement the design process to develop a viable solution to a specified ‘real-world’ need or problem. Students are encouraged to undertake focussed research, generate a range of design concepts before fabricating their own solution. A reflective evaluation is used to conclude the process. In this unit of study students also employ a range of traditional and digital techniques to produce their final products. As part of this students are further introduced to the safe use of hand tools and plant machinery.

DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY – CAD/CAM SUBJECT LENGTH: SEMESTER UNIT VALUE: ONE This unit of study is directed in developing a range of highly practical contemporary design and production skills that give students insight into the rapidly changing manufactured world we live in today. Though a design process students research to develop creative yet targeted design concepts that are finally refined and modelled through Computer Aided Design (CAD) in preparation for manufacture. As a continuation, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) techniques such as Laser Cutting and 3D Printing are then employed to bring the student’s final design to fruition. An analysis of the final product and process is used to evaluate the final design.

FOOD STUDIES LENGTH: SEMESTER UNITS: ONE Students explore nutrition and how different nutrients in different foods contribute to growth, energy and health. Students investigate how food is digested and absorbed. The nutritional needs through the life cycle are analysed. Students create nutritious, healthy food based on food in season, reduction of waste and consideration of sustainability. The Australian Dietary Guidelines underpins the Year 9 course, focusing on nutrition to improve performance in sports and study.



OVERVIEW In Year 10, learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as precisely and accurately describing problems; and the use of modular approaches to solutions. ■ Students have opportunities to analyse problems and design, implement and evaluate a range of solutions, such as websites and simulations. ■ Students consider how human interaction with networked systems introduces complexities surrounding access to, and the security and privacy of, data of various types. ■ When defining problems, students consider the functional and non-functional requirements of a solution through creative and critical thinking. ■ They consolidate their algorithmic design skills to incorporate testing and review, and further develop their understanding of the user experience to incorporate a wider variety of user needs. ■ Students progressively become more skilled at identifying the steps involved in planning solutions and developing detailed plans that are mindful of risks and sustainability requirements. ■ When creating solutions, both individually and collaboratively, and sharing them online, students comply with legal obligations, particularly with respect to the ownership of information.

SEMESTER 1 TOPICS ■ Data Analysis ■ Web Design ■ Java Script

SEMESTER 2 TOPICS ■ Project Management ■ Game Design and Development ■ Networks and Data Security


OVERVIEW This is an industry focused curriculum that is designed to develop a range of traditional and contemporary design and manufacturing techniques leading to VCE Product Design & Technology Units 1-4. Delivered through a design process, students are directed to creatively respond to a design brief and to develop a viable product that considers both aesthetic and functional qualities. Much like within the designer/client relationship an analysis of the design process and the final product, throughout its development, concludes the design folio. SEMESTER BASED ENTRY AND SKILLS REQUIRED

Students should

■ Have a passion for problem solving and innovation. ■ An interest in understanding the designer’s role in industry. ■ Enjoy developing new and creative ideas. ■ Be able to plan and organise themselves for extended projects. ■ Enjoy concept generation with both manual and digital methods. ■ Be interested in developing skills with a variety of materials, tools and plant machinery. THE PRODUCT DESIGN PROCESS ■ Investigation – Gather research to establish understanding as well as identify a range of creative directions. ■ Generation – The develop and document a range of possible design solutions. ■ Production – The planning and production of the final design using both traditional and contemporary methods. ■ Evaluation – An analysis of the final of product and the design process.


OVERVIEW Robotics and AI are fast beginning to impact on our daily lives. An understanding of robotics is therefore key to flourishing in a technologically impacted world. In this course, students begin to explore some of the key systems that are needed in order to make a robot perform a real-world function. As the course progresses, students will begin to manufacture their very own peripheral devices in order to enable the robot to have greater capacities.





YEAR 10 Food Studies can lead students on the right path to one of the 25 million jobs available in the future.

YEAR 10 FOOD STUDIES The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating underpins the Year 10 course, focusing on nutrition and improving performance in both sport and study. Investigating the role of the metabolism and the nutrients that enable us to make healthy food choices. VCE Food Studies takes an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of food, with an emphasis on extending food knowledge and skills and building individual pathways to health and wellbeing through the application of practical food skills. ■ Improve practical skills by understanding cooking processes and methods. ■ The environment including sustainability. ■ Food science and how to retain nutrients in food. ■ Nutrition and you. Improve your overall performance. ■ Understanding food labels for optimal health. ■ Nutrition guides and guidelines for selecting food for optimal health. ■ Diet-related diseases and disorders. ■ Factors influencing food choice. ■ Understanding nutrient density and energy density.

FOOD STUDIES • Units 1 to 4

■ UNITS 1 & 2 ■ The environment including sustainability and food miles. ■ Food science and our food systems. ■ Horticulture veganism, freeganism, lovacore, organics. ■ Global spread of food. ■ Feeding a burgeoning population. ■ Industrialised, technology and globalisation of food availability, production and consumption. ■ Are we exhausting our natural resources? ■ Food production, processing and manufacturing industries as part of the food system. ■ Food subcultures, emerging food movements and changing social behaviours.

Practical classes weekly, analysis, incursions, food tastings, excursion to Deakin University and to Peppermint Ridge Farm. UNITS 3 & 4 ■ Physiology of food. ■ Microbiology of the digestion system. ■ Biological difference in dietary requirements. ■ Physiology of food allergies and intolerances. ■ Prevention of diet related diseases and obesity. ■ Functional properties of food. ■ Prediction of data and trends and the relationship between systems and behaviours. ■ Social factors in Australia. Influences on food accessibility, choice and healthy eating. ■ Food marketing/media. ■ Feeding a rising population. ■ Environmental sustainability. ■ Environmental effects of food processing and manufacturing. ■ Primary and secondary food production including GM and organics. ■ Policy making and research. ■ Regulatory food standards.

Practical classes weekly, analysis of food and tasting and excursions.


OVERVIEW VCE Applied Computing focuses on the strategies and techniques for creating digital solutions to meet specific needs and to manage the threats to data, information and software security. UNIT 1 AREA OF STUDY 1: DATA ANALYSIS Students use software tools such as spreadsheets and data bases to collect, interpret and manipulate data, draw conclusions and create data visualisations that represent their findings. Data visualisations may include charts, graphs, histograms, maps, network diagrams and spatial relationships diagrams. Students examine the features of different design tools to represent the functionality and appearance of software solutions.

AREA OF STUDY 2: PROGRAMMING Students use a programming language (Web-based PHP) and apply computational and design thinking skills when preparing solution designs and transforming them into a working solution. A project plan is prepared to support an organised approach to problem solving. Students record and monitor the progress of their working solution throughout the stages of the problem-solving methodology.


OVERVIEW VCE Applied Computing focuses on the strategies and techniques for creating digital solutions to meet specific needs and to manage the threats to data, information and software security. UNIT 2 AREA OF STUDY 1: INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Students work collaboratively to develop an innovative solution to an identified need or opportunity. They apply all stages of the problem-solving methodology to investigate the use of digital devices and emerging technologies and their applications. Students choose from a selection of topics to explore in greater detail including AI, assistive and wearable technologies, robotic devices, games development or another innovative digital solution.

AREA OF STUDY 2: NETWORK SECURITY Students investigate how networks enable data and information to be exchanged locally and globally. They examine the hardware and software components and procedures required to connect and maintain wired, wireless and mobile communications technology. They apply this knowledge to design a Local Area Network (LAN), describe its components and explain the transmission of data and information in this network. Students develop an understanding of cybersecurity issues. This subject leads into both Software Development and Data Analytics in Units 3 and 4.



UNIT 1: SUSTAINABLE PRODUCT REDEVELOPMENT This unit focuses on the analysis, modification and improvement of a product design with consideration of sustainability. It is common for designers in Australia to use products from overseas as inspiration when redeveloping products for the domestic market. Sustainable redevelopment refers to designers and makers ensuring products serve social, economic and environmental needs. Generating economic growth for design and manufacturing in Australia can begin with redeveloping existing products so they have positive social and minimal environmental impact. In this unit students examine claims of sustainable practices by designers. Students consider the sustainability of an existing product, such as the impact of sourcing materials, manufacture, distribution, use and likely disposal. They consider how a redeveloped product should attempt to solve a problem related to the original product. Where possible, materials and manufacturing processes used should be carefully selected to improve the overall sustainability of the redeveloped product. UNIT 2: COLLABORATIVE DESIGN In this unit students work in teams to design and develop an item in a product range or contribute to the design, planning and production of a group product. They focus on factors including end-user/s’ needs and wants; function, purpose and context for product design; aesthetics; materials and sustainability; and the impact of these factors on a design solution. Teamwork encourages communication between students and mirrors professional design practice where designers often work within a multi-disciplinary team to develop solutions to design problems. Students also use digital technologies to facilitate teams to work collaboratively online. In this unit students gain inspiration from an historical or a contemporary design movement or style and its defining factors such as ideological or technological change, philosophy or aesthetics. Investi gating and d e ni n g Pl anni n g and p r o d u c t ion Evaluation Design and development (conceptualisation) Any step can be revisited throughout the product design process ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜

10. Product evaluation 1. Identify end-user/s,

Evaluation of product quality using need, problem or evaluation criteria and end-user/s feedback. Recommend improvements opportunity

2. Design brief

Outline of the context, constraints and considerations

9. Production 3. Evaluation criteria

Product and production record. Development of criteria to evaluate how well the including pattern drafting may be made throughout the design brief production

8. Scheduled 4. Research

production plan Sequenced plan and timeline, listing tools, equipment and Research into factors related to the design brief: materials and process investigations machines with risk assessment and a materials list

5. Visualisations

7. Working drawings Concept sketches and Drawings including technical drawings, showing product 6. Design options drawings, mock-ups and 3D modelling of whole or part of (presentation potential ideas to meet the construction methods) needed for production planning drawings), selection requi brief rements of the design

preferred option

A series of potential solutions evaluated to determine which best suits the requirements of the design brief



CERTIFICATE III UNITS 1 & 2 If you have an interest in Vocational Education Training (VET) combined with VCE assessment, then VCE VET Creative and Digital Media (CDM) may be a choice for you. Students develop skills in industry standard Adobe software applications, to produce their creative solutions to given vocational situations. This subject examines the ways in which people at various levels within a design organisation manage resources to achieve the objectives of the organisation.

Entry and skills required This is a two-year course of study whereby students who complete both years will be eligible to receive a VET qualification (issued by IMVC) and also eligible for VCE accreditation of, two units at Units 1 & 2 and two units at Units 3 & 4 levels. Students who are assessed as competent for all the modules (Units 1-4) will have successfully completed the Certificate III in Creative and Digital Media CUA31015. The VCE VET Creative Digital Media program aims to: ■ Provide participants with the knowledge and skills to achieve competencies that will enhance their employment prospects in media related industries. ■ Enable participants to gain a recognised credential and to make a more informed choice of vocation or career paths.

Students should

■ Have a passion for creative expression. ■ Enjoy developing new ideas and exploring a range of creative solutions. ■ Be able to plan and organise themselves for detailed projects. ■ Develop concepts on paper using the design process. ■ Be interested in electronic media. ■ Be interested in developing an understanding in a variety of industry related areas.

ASSESSMENT The teaching staff at Mentone Grammar assesses the requirements for Units 1 & 2. Work is assessed through initial developmental exercises and culminating in final design projects. Students must also complete semester examinations (20 per cent) demonstrating their ability to apply their developed knowledge within a structured tight timeframe. Student work is shared with Inner Melbourne Vet Cluster (IMVC) who issue a formal certificate (for units covered) to successful students. CERTIFICATE III UNITS 3 & 4 This subject continues to examine the ways in which people at various levels within a design organisation manage resources to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Student work is shared with Inner Melbourne Vet Cluster (IMVC) who issue a formal VET certificate to successful students

Entry and skills required This is a two-year course of study whereby students who complete both years will be eligible to receive a VET qualification (issued by IMVC) and also eligible for VCE accreditation of, two units at Units 1 & 2 and two units at Units 3 & 4 levels. Students who are assessed as competent for all the modules at Units 1-4 will have successfully completed the Certificate III in Creative and Digital Media CUA31015. The VCE VET Creative Digital Media program aims to: ■ Provide participants with the knowledge and skills to achieve competencies that will enhance their employment prospects in media related industries. ■ Enable participants to gain a recognised credential and to make a more informed choice of vocation or career paths.

Students should

■ Have an interest in expressing themselves creatively. ■ Enjoy developing new ideas and exploring a range of creative solutions. ■ Be able to plan and organise themselves for detailed projects.

■ Develop concepts on paper using the design process.

■ Develop skills in electronic image and text development, manipulation, and animation, using a variety of computer applications.

■ Be interested in developing an understanding in a variety of industry related areas.



OVERVIEW ■ Solve real world problems.

■ Create web-based programs to meet a need or opportunity.

■ Developing problem solving and systems thinking skills which can apply across wide range of fields, not just IT.

UNIT 3 PROGRAMMING Develop a solid grounding in programming fundamentals using PHP, a web-based programming language. Explore different data types and stuctures such as arrays and objects. Read and write with permanent storage. Understand the complexities of sorting and searching algorithms. Validate inputs and test code. UNIT 4 CYBERSECURITY: SOFTWARE SECURITY Understand different threats to organisations through technology systems and how organisations can mitigate the risks. Identify why organisations use and develop software solutions and manage the collection, storage and communication of data. Develop strategies for solving ethical issues related to data management practices within organisations.

SAT INDIVIDUAL MAJOR PROJECT ■ Find your passion – write the code! ■ Find a real world client with a need for your best solution, or develop that killer game or app to change the world.

Students will plan, design, develop and test their own program, using PHP and other web languages in support, to meet needs of their users. They will be their own project managers, developing timelines and monitoring progress.


DATA ANALYTICS • Units 3 & 4

OVERVIEW ■ Find patterns and meaning in data – lots of data! ■ Creatively communicate that meaning to a range of audiences. ■ Developing problem solving and systems thinking skills which can be applied across wide range of fields.

UNIT 3 DATA ANALYTICS Review large amounts of data. Develop strategies and skills for finding and extracting the data relevant to a specific audience. Develop skills for storing and manipulating data using relational database software and spreadsheets. Develop skills for displaying data in meaningful ways for specific audiences, including data visualisations.

UNIT 4 CYBERSECURITY: DATA AND INFORMATION SECURITY Understand different threats to organisations through the collection and use of data and information, and how organisations can mitigate the risks. Identify why organisations collect and use data and how they manage the collection, storage and communication of data. Develop strategies for solving ethical issues related to data management practices within organisations. Evaluation of disaster recovery plans. SAT INDIVIDUAL MAJOR PROJECT ■ Find your passion – do the research – present the findings! ■ Propose a research question on your topic of interest.

Students will collect and analyse data around a topic of their choosing, determine a range of relevant information from primary and secondary sources and design a way to present their findings. They will create an infographic or dynamic data visualisation to inform their target audience, be their own project managers, developing timelines and monitoring progress.

ASSESSMENT Students are formatively assessed though ongoing developmental tasks. Mentone Grammar staff provide summative assessments of the requirements for Units 3 & 4. The majority of the work (66 per cent) is assessed through major SATs. The students sit a final VCAA examination (34 per cent) that also moderates their SAT marks.

SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Units 3 & 4 (Discontinuing)

OVERVIEW If you are interesting in knowing how things work, making them better and applying your design skills to bring your ideas to life, if you enjoy learning by doing a project and working with your hands, if you are interested in pursuing a career in engineering, architecture or the technical trades such as electrical, plumbing or building – then Systems Engineering is a good choice for you. In Systems Engineering, you will learn, through a series of projects, about mechanical systems and electronic control systems in order to build a working self-actuating product. You will make use of contemporary technology including 3D Printing, Laser Cutting and CNC Milling in order to produce a device of very high aesthetic quality that also performs a useful function. UNIT 3 INTEGRATED AND CONTROLLED SYSTEMS In this unit, students study engineering principles used to explain physical properties of integrated systems and how they work. Students design and plan an operational, mechanical and electro technological integrated and controlled system. They learn about the technologies used to harness energy sources to provide power for engineered systems.

UNIT 4 SYSTEMS CONTROL In this unit, students complete the creation of the mechanical and electro technological integrated and controlled system they researched, designed, planned and commenced production of in Unit 3. Students investigate new and emerging technologies, consider reasons for their development and analyse their impacts.

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