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Lenses for Learning

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People learn most powerfully and deeply when they focus on the ‘how’ and ‘why’ as well as the ‘what’. Developing an ability to think deeply and clearly, excites, engages and inspires the learner as they grow intellectually and emotionally. Students are encouraged to reflect and unpack their thinking throughout the day. By learning how to question and understand the important role that thinking has on their understanding, students grow as learners and a broad culture of thinking is developed, allowing students to critically and creatively apply their understanding. As a school we are now moving beyond thinking routines to the type of thinking we want to make routine. We are developing a culture of thinking through a focus on: ■ critical thinking within and across disciplines ■ understanding phenomena from a systems level ■ seeing things from the perspectives of others ■ asking good questions ■ having routines and structures readily available to support deep and deliberate thinking and metacognition.


Leadership of self and others requires an investment of time, firstly in ourselves, to understand how we function and how we lead, then an investment in those we support to determine their needs, how they can be supported and then our response to it. A range of contexts will exist within this community of leadership. At the forefront we need to draw on the wisdom of our School values:

Respect, Discipline, Care, Resilience, Endeavour, Integrity and Service.

These should be drivers of our approach to leading. Opportunities to reflect and collaborate are also required as we work together for the greater good as life-long learners and thoughtful global citizens. Through a range of opportunities for our staff and students, our local and global leadership involves a significant investment in: ■ personal development ■ service to others ■ working in teams ■ coaching ■ mentoring.


Our identities, understandings, skills and relationships are shaped by our experiences. As we learn and grow, we change. At Mentone Grammar we aim to develop well-rounded young people who are happy, healthy and high achieving through a focus on: ■ Having a sense of belonging that has a powerful effect on their social, emotional, academic, spiritual and physical wellbeing. ■ Understanding notions of Identity –

Who am I, how am I developing and what does it mean to be human? ■ Having a sense of agency so that students see themselves as the designers, creators and makers of the world of tomorrow. ■ Humility – not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. ■ Empathy and responsiveness to the needs of others. ■ Resilience - students develop strategies to cope and thrive in school and in their lives. ■ Emotional Intelligence and Agility – being able to tolerate high levels of stress and to endure setbacks, while remaining open, engaged and receptive. Facing emotion with curiosity, self-compassion and acceptance.

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