The Mentonian 2019

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It is one of being highly encouraging and highly supportive of one another and one where we all work together to ensure the happiness, health and attainment of personal best, for all the people within our community-based School.


School, like any other organisation, is only as good as the culture that underpins it and I am delighted to report at the end of the School’s 96th year that the culture underpinning Mentone Grammar at this time is one of great positivity.

We have so much to be proud of and many of these areas are celebrated in this edition of the Mentonian. I commend to you this edition of the Mentonian as an accurate record of so many of our undertakings this year. Congratulations to Jennifer Blackburn and Joanne Kamp, the Editors, on producing such an informative Thanksdocument.also go to all members of our School Community, in particular, our staff and students, for your ongoing support throughout 2019. I thank the Chair of the School Board, Mr Geoff Ryan AM, for his ongoing support along with all of the Directors. I also thank the School Executive and my Executive Assistant, Kathryn Lawlor, for their high-level professionalism throughout another great year. 2020 will see the roll out of our next Strategic Plan which promises even greater success for our School into the future. My sincere thanks to all.


The environment underpinning the School is one which we should all be proud of and one which, increasingly, is being acknowledged for all that is being undertaken within it. This year


The Age newspaper acknowledged our improvement in VCE performance. This improvement is not only evident in our VCE performance but in our Teaching and Learning across all levels of the TheSchool.strong, positive culture ensures that there are growth mindsets in place which will continue to enable ongoing growth in our School in all that we undertake. You won’t see, for example, better School Productions than those exhibited at Mentone Grammar. It would be hard to find a school that exhibits camaraderie in the way that our staff and students do, and it would certainly be hard to find a school that has a mindset about ongoing improvement at both an individual level and a schoolwide level as ours has.



As the 2019 School year draws to a close, we can look back over the past 12 months with a great deal of satisfaction. For the third year in a row VCE results placed us in the top rank of non-selective coeducational schools, NAPLAN and our own internal testing showed a similar picture throughout the School and to top it all off Mentone Grammar was named by The Age newspaper as one of the 10 Schools that Excel, in a series of in-depth articles that examined how 10 schools throughout Victoria had been able to demonstrate significant improvement in their academic results.



Whilst2019this external recognition was welcome, it was something that all in the Mentone Community have been aware of, as for the past decade the Principal, staff and students have been working hard to translate the lessons learned from current research into excellent teaching and learning, and the benefits in terms of improved educational outcomes have been obvious for some time.

On the capital works front the major project for 2019 has been the refurbishment of the Peter Royston Aquatics Centre. This $3 million project has revitalised the facility and extended its life for at least 20 years. The work was completed on time and on budget and caused minimum disruption to the School’s swimming program with the pool only out of operation for the winter months during Terms 2 and 3. Several smaller projects were also undertaken including development of a new Discovery Garden in Eblana and the addition of a new car park at the end of the Frogmore Oval.


A lot of the Board’s work in 2019 has focused on finalising the School’s next Strategic Plan. Research into developments in teaching and learning, detailed commissioned market research, a thorough review of our current operations and a detailed analysis of our academic performance have all played a part in developing the plan. This plan will cover the period leading up to, and including, Mentone Grammar’s Centenary year. It is designed to build on current success and lead us confidently into the School’s second century. As was the case with previous Strategic Plans, a summary will be made available to parents in due course.

The process of Board renewal continues, and this year two new Directors were added to the Board. Christopher Hewison, Executive Director of Property Services and Chief Procurement Officer for RMIT University, and Darren Murphy, a Partner in the International Law firm of Jones Day. Both have had an immediate impact on the Board, bringing their expertise to bear upon the Property Committee and Risk, Audit and Finance respectively. At the end of this year we farewelled Gigi Williams from the Board after 11 years of outstanding service. Gigi brought her knowledge of marketing and design and her deep understanding of the local community to her work on the Board making a valuable contribution to the undertakings of the Board during her time as a Director. I wish to publicly acknowledge the leadership of our Principal Mal Cater and his Executive. They provide strong, visionary and caring leadership and direction to the daily work of the School. In Mal Cater, the Board believes we have a truly exceptional leader. I would also wish to acknowledge the work of the Directors. Ross Joblin (Deputy Chair and Chair of Risk, Audit and Finance Committee), Simon Appel OAM (Chair of the Property Committee), Amanda Codila, Chris Hewison, Darren Murphy, Rev. Kevin Pedersen, Troy Riley, Kylie Watson-Wheeler and Gigi Williams have all worked hard using their considerable talents and skills towards the work of the Board for the benefit of the School.


For me, when I experience this feeling, I try to be still and become present in the moment. To think of what is happening in the now and to not focus on what has passed or is about to become. I think this is true for our students also – their journey through their schooling can at times seem so long, yet, too often, we hear them say it went by too quickly. Whether it be Year 12s coming to the end of their time at Mentone Grammar or the Year 6 student who is about to move into their secondary years of schooling, it does at times, seem to be a blur. I hope our students spend time reflecting on their challenges and triumphs; the funny moments; the teachers they got to know so well; the moments of connection and true friendship; the unforgettable events and the sense of learning they have achieved. Our hope is that students fully immerse themselves in all that they do in order to experience the complete richness that schooling has to offer. Is it that time again? Each year we all experience that same sense of wonder as to where that past year went. It sincerely feels like only a short while ago that we said goodbye to the 2018 cohort and yet here we are, at the time of writing, only weeks away from farewelling yet another impressive group of young women and men.



No doubt many of our Year 12s will feel a sense of pride in their work ethic and a belief that no matter the outcome, what matters most is the process and knowing that they, when committed to the task, can achieve so much. I am sure that many of our Eblana and Bayview students felt a sense of accomplishment in attending, completing and thriving at their first Shoreham, Central Australia or International Learning Journey. There will be further memories from the sports field or on the stage and so much to be proud of academically that I hope all students, take the time to pause and reflect on.

The challenge of assisting to run a school of this scope, variety and quality is a significant one and there are many to thank for their role in achieving so much.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my team that leads each Campus –Cameron Lancaster, Natalie McLennan, James Walton and Jessica Richards. Each brings their own unique gifts and strengths to their role and I am so appreciative of the outstanding work they do and care and support each brings to their role. I would also like to extend my thanks to their Deputies and Campus PAs who bring so much to the positive culture that exists within each Campus. I wish all students and families the very best for the next stage of the educational journey.


Throughout 2019 I have had the great honour and privilege of seeing remarkable sporting achievements, selfless acts of charity and goodwill, service to less fortunate communities and entrepreneurial spirit across all ages and stages. I have heard of stories from the general public who have witnessed firsthand the maturity, character and good nature of our fine young people as they represent the School beyond the gates in various contexts. Through Cadets, community service programs and local and overseas expeditions, students continue to develop an understanding of their place in the world and how they can be leaders, giving back to others and contributing as active, productive and informed citizens. The amazing creations coming out of the Design, Art and Technology subjects and the many wonderful performances in our Drama and Music faculties are matched equally by the powerful learning that I Someone who I see as a great friend, colleague and mentor once told me that ‘There are no ordinary moments.’ This sentiment resonates strongly in everything I have seen in my first 12 months at Mentone Grammar.


As we enter the New Year may we continue to embrace and relish each and every moment. Every moment in our lives is special and should be embraced so that we continue to learn, grow, develop and aspire to be more than we could ever Congratulationsimagine. to all staff and students at Mentone Grammar on an outstanding year.

Education is a lifelong process of helping each young person discover their own uniqueness, talents, capacities and potential. It leads us to an increased understanding of ourselves and the world, to think critically, have courage, perspective, be able to communicate effectively, care deeply and act wisely. Education is unique to each individual, but everything we do, everything we see, everything we hear and everything we experience form part of our education. Whether we are waiting in line at the supermarket, watching young children play in the playground, or finding ourselves caught out in the rain as we rush to our next appointment, any and every moment avails itself of deeper meaning and import, etching its experience into the story of our lives. This is particularly true of young people as they go about their day, often experiencing a multitude of new experiences for the first time.

There are no ordinary moments.



have witnessed daily as I walk around the school visiting English, Mathematics and Science classrooms.


More recently author Yuval Harari plots the course, that having overcome every other obstacle to humanity, the next quest for human scientific progress is for humans to become God. While we, as parents and teachers, seek to value those we love through nurture, provision, education and resourcefulness; deeply influential cultural and technological forces are also at work which determine how their lives will be ultimately valued.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.


This ethical dilemma resulting from our technological development was seen by 19th Century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who famously declared ‘God is Dead!’ His insightful declaration is not the way most people superficially understand it and has many provocative implications; one of which is, if there is no God, then whoever holds power determines what is and isn’t valuable.

It is a far more complex issue than it first seems, and we have been exploring some of the interwoven layers in Year 12 Chapel. Historically, the value people placed on human life came out of their religious beliefs and practices. In the previous century with newer definitions of identity, nationhood and globalisation, we began to look to global and secular organisations to determine the rights of a human life. Yet as many philosophers and ethicists have pointed out, nowadays technological ability more often than not, drives what humans can, can’t and ought to do. A dilemma that is only going to get more complicated not less, with our ongoing development of Artificial Intelligence.


Victorian Anglican School Chaplains meet together every term and at our last meeting, the Principal whose school was hosting us, mentioned a midweek, midday service that their school has, and she referred to it as being part of the very DNA of the school. That struck a resonance within me and I reflected on what could be said to be in the DNA of our School Community – what is our deepest essence carried through from foundation and adapting to each generation? Yes, while it has to do with our core values; it is worth probing as to why it is that those values are the ones we want for our children and clarifying the undergirding world view that promotes those values above Ultimatelyothers.the value of each human life comes from an overarching value greater than a single individual, community or nation. So, to truly value human life we need to become aware of, engage with and embrace our founding value – the love which makes all other loves that we so cherish, purely a shadow.


John 4:7-12


In our Year 12 discussion, one of the things we looked at was CRISPR – the ability to edit human DNA and the ethical implications this raises. Every choice we have brings with it consequences, responsibility and its own share of stress. In our Year 8 RE classes too, where we have been discussing the relationship between science and religion, we have looked at DNA. This time to marvel at the amazing code of programming that is at work within each of our cells making us who we are, adapting us to a new world, while carrying within us stories of many generations ago.



To conclude the year the team took part in volunteering at the Sacred Heart Mission to provide meals to those less fortunate than ourselves. Throughout the day students assisted in preparing, cooking, serving and cleaning up after the meals. This was an experience that was thoroughly enjoyed by students as we all valued getting to interact with the wider community and provide help to those who are experiencing hardship.

Overall, it’s been a great year and we would love to take the opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in the Social Service Committee, Mr Prabaharan, Mr Stewart and to all the staff and students who assisted along the way. Best of luck for next year. SPITZER


Our next event was for the White Ribbon Foundation, where we focused on educating the older year levels on the impacts of family violence. Throughout this event students received pamphlets to provide them with strategies on how to overcome or help someone who they may know is experiencing violence.

Additionally, students and teachers alike wore white ribbons to show their support for the cause as well as to act as a conversation starter. In total we ended up raising $1,000 to help provide assistance to those experiencing violence.

This year the Social Services Team ran and organised a number of events and activities for the betterment of the community. We kicked off the year with our biggest event, The World’s Greatest Shave. At this event we saw a number of brave and courageous young people step forward to help raise much needed funds and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation. The day was packed with live music performances, sausage sizzles, hair colouring, hair shaving and smiling faces as so many people came together to support this great cause. The day was a huge success with plenty of awareness raised as well as $23,000 to help support those affected by leukaemia.

As the Head Prefects of 2019, we have had the privilege of leading and representing the School throughout the year both at Mentone Grammar and at various events. We have been lucky enough to be involved in myriad opportunities ranging from addressing all 30 Victorian Anglican Schools at the Biennial Anglican Schools Service at St Paul’s Cathedral to running a Year 12 House Dodgeball competition. Mentone Grammar bolsters so many opportunities both within and outside the classroom and we continue to encourage everyone to take full advantage of all events.

There have been a lot of highlights throughout the year, many of which have allowed students to step outside their comfort zones, build new skills and develop strong friendships and lasting memories. Some of these included the Years 9 to 12 production of FAME, which showcased over six months of hard work and the amazing talents of many students at our School. Additionally, there were numerous Learning Journeys throughout the year and the annual Cadet Camp that gave students the opportunity to gain new experiences and knowledge about the world that we live in. Moreover, no one can forget the supportive and high energy atmosphere at Mentone Grammar’s countless sporting competitions including AGSV Swimming and Athletics which allowed our athletes to perform at their very best. The list of highlights goes on. Being involved in extracurricular activities such as these helps to improve individuals holistically and makes the schooling experience full of irreplaceable memories. Participation and the willingness to try something you have never done before is the key. We hope to leave a legacy upon the School where participation in all of these extracurricular activities is actively encouraged. We are all very lucky to have all that Mentone has to offer, so take advantage of these valuable opportunities!



Leadership at Mentone Grammar is seen as service. Again, in 2019, Students were encouraged to explore the concept that good leaders are required to serve others in order to be ‘Leadershipeffective.isnotaselfish pursuit, rather, it is an intangible quality that allows others to learn and grow. The School acknowledges the important role students can play as leaders of industry, politics, sports, arts, commerce and society. As educators, we must examine what skills and traits our students need to possess in order to be confident, inspiring and respectful leaders.’

Whether it be sport, where you are broadly involved, productions, dance, singing in the Senior Vocal Ensemble, Cadets where you hold a leadership position, as a member of the Social Service Leadership program, as a volunteer lifesaver in our community, playing club sport or serving your House, you are a leader of the highest calibre exhibiting the School Values both at School and outside of it. You support your peers and are well respected by staff and students alike. Your care in our community is evident in the outreach you make to others. You have true blue and white blood having a father and grandfather attend the School before you and your passion for the School is only too evident. I am delighted to appoint you as a Head Prefect of Mentone Grammar.




I admit you, Bronte and Zac, as the Head Prefects of Mentone Grammar, in the confidence that you will do your utmost to maintain its standards, values and reputation and I commend you, the Head Prefects, to the prayers of the School that God will strengthen you to serve Him in your role.

we, as a School Community, have strong expectations that you will assume responsibility to assist with the good order and conduct of the School and do your utmost to maintain its good reputation and values in scholarship, sport, performance and Christian conduct at all times by your influence and example.  Are you prepared to assume this responsibility?

Head Prefects: I am.


In badging you as Head Prefects of Mentone Grammar


You are heavily involved in our Sports Program with your core sports being Volleyball, Football and Athletics. You have represented the Firsts Volleyball and Football teams. You are also a member of the School Athletics team. You have undertaken a number of public speaking opportunities including co-hosting our recent Keith Jones Oration. You exhibit the School Values so much so that in Year 9 you organised your peers in a fundraising activity to support a family in need. In Year 9 you were awarded the Roly Wettenhall Medal for Scholarship, Leadership and Teamsmanship. You support your peers in your House, in our classrooms and outside of them and your hardworking nature is respected by all who encounter you. You are a very high achieving student and have the strong respect of staff and students. I am delighted to appoint you as a Head Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to appoint these two young leaders, outstanding role models and fine young people to lead you, the student body for the next 12 months.

Mal Cater, Principal




Anyone who has experienced your roll call will know that you are an amazing leader of people. With good humour, genuine care and endless energy you lead not only members of your House but others to be better people. You display high level initiative and you are not frightened to laugh at yourself which is a great trait of a good leader. You are appropriately driven to be successful and you help ‘drive’ others to better outcomes. I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.


A dedicated student who is extensively involved in the Music and Sport programs of the School. In today’s citations we will hear a number of critical traits of our leaders. You represent the ideal diversity that a successful young person should exhibit. You have challenged yourself along your MG Journey to undertake a range of activities and see them through into your final year. A willing, enthusiastic participant in House activities and, as such a strong role model to others in the School. You uphold the School Values and are supportive of your peers. I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

• Cat’s Meow • Part of a singing duo

You have an innate ability to bring out the best in others. You do so by being a great organiser whilst displaying care and enthusiasm. You do not ask others to do things that you are not willing to do yourself. In doing these things you bring great energy to all of the activities you undertake – sport, performing arts, cadets, House activities and in our classrooms. You are a wonderful role model of our School Values and I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.


As well as performing extremely well as Jones House Captain so far in 2019, Holly has also demonstrated leadership through the following activities:

• A member of the Wellbeing Committee (showing a very proactive approach to this initiative, which has been of benefit around the school)

Whilst it would be easy to acknowledge your appointment as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar based on your involvement in our Sport Program, where you have captained two Firsts teams this year, your leadership qualities are broader than that. You are another fine example of a person who cares for others, who encourages others and who genuinely puts in, in both your House and in our classrooms. Congratulations on your appointment as a School Prefect.


Cadets, School productions, public speaking, choirs, swimming, mentor to others, actively engaged in your House with a learning profile that suggests excellent focus and achievement within our classrooms, you are a student who clearly demonstrates the School Values and the attributes of a genuine leader. You hold a number of official and unofficial leadership positions within the School and I am delighted to add to these, that of School Prefect. Congratulations Josh on all that you have achieved and, no doubt, all that you will go on to achieve.

• Social Service representative



• A member of First Basketball Holly, it is not so much in the list of activities for you, it is more about the manner in which you go about your involvement here at School and outside of it. You clearly demonstrate the School Values, you are a student who focuses clearly on achieving personal best in our classrooms and you are a role model. I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.



You make a strong commitment to others and you do so in a caring, good humored manner. As International Student Captain you embrace the diverse cultures that we celebrate having in the School. Your endeavour to not only support international students but to embrace local culture is a credit to the leader you are. You demonstrate the School Values strongly and l am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect.

In this series of citations we have heard a number of critical leadership traits which have resulted in young people in this School being appointed as School Prefects. The trait l wish to highlight with you, Matthew, is that you commit and once you commit you are dedicated to the cause. This has been evident in your school work and in your sport where you have sacrificed other areas of involvement to serve your School to a high level. You are another example of an encourager and a supporter of others. You display great loyalty to your fellow students and the School even, I understand, wearing the prototype School beanie in Europe over Christmas before its official release! I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

EMMA SCHERGER (ANDERSON HOUSE) You influence others not in what you say but in what you do. Your involvement around the School is broad, you are well respected by your peers and staff and you demonstrate a very genuine care for others.

The All Blacks Rugby team do not leave their changerooms, wherever they are in the world, until the rooms have been thoroughly cleaned and swept. It did not go unnoticed at this year’s AGSV Swimming Sports that when others headed off to celebrate their victory (and appropriately so) you chose to be the last person to leave the stands having helped a number of us clean up – this is genuine leadership of the highest order! This example typifies that it is not about you, it is about helping others and that style of leadership should always be noticed and acknowledged within the School. I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.


You role model our School Values to a very high level and you do not turn it on and off. You are true to yourself both at School and outside of it. I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

I am not sure there were many more delighted girls in the School about the introduction of AFLW than Bella. Standing in front of me covered in mud I feared that her delight at having been part of a strong team performance might result in her wishing to hug me! Fortunately, commonsense prevailed on her part but it is this infectious, enthusiastic, friendly demeanour that underpins your personality and that has such a significant impact within our School. You put in around the place and you endeavour to bring happiness to others. You exhibit the School Values in a really positive manner and I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect.





Your cheeky grin disguises a young person of great substance. You engage in a number of activities across the School and, in sport, in particular, you are a strong role model to the young people around you. You are determined to succeed in all that you undertake including your studies. Your cheerful demeanour and your genuine resilience are great attributes to have in life. You role model the School Values and I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

It is not easy being the fourth child through the same school as your older brothers! I well recall meeting you as a nineyear-old who had just run a community festival on a significant scale and wondering what would become of that young person standing in front of me. He has grown up to be a really pleasant young person who genuinely cares about others, who is highly resilient, positive and who has the wonderful capacity to inspire others. He is highly approachable, completes all the assigned requirements of him as a student of this School and exhibits the School Values in a very appropriate manner. I am delighted to appoint the 18-year-old version of that wonderful nine-year-old I met all those years ago, as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

Leads humbly and graciously, supportive of others in a number of different spheres, highly resilient, great team player, emotionally mature and socially responsible. These are all words used by those who nominated you and they are what we all ought to aspire to have as the foundation of our leadership. You choose to opt in rather than opting out and you are well respected for this. You give things a go, exhibiting the School Values as you do so. I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.


Charlotte, you were part of the first intake of girls at Mentone Grammar and began your schooling journey here in 3YO Kinder. Throughout your schooling life you have represented the School with great passion. You wear your uniform with pride and you are committed to your academic studies, always trying your best. You have participated enthusiastically in numerous School activities including:

You are a selfless leader and this is an excellent platform on which to be a very strong leader. Most of your peers will not know that every Friday afternoon you stay behind to clean up the Year 12 Study. You do not seek recognition for this but when you combine this selflessness with a strong learning profile, broad involvement in sport, great respect from your peers and teachers and your involvement in the Performing Arts program, where you also display great courage as a young man who is willing to dance in front of your peers, you are an ideal candidate to be a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar. I am delighted to appoint you to this position.


Firsts AFLW Football

• Aerobics

Despite not being officially badged a leader within Drinan House you accepted the opportunity to be part of the unofficial leadership team where you are always willing to help out. You assisted in organising the swimmers and ensuring that the Athletes got to their events. In the House environment you are always front and centre leading and cheering on the House. You are someone who can be relied on. In addition, you are respectful to staff and students and a true leader amongst the School Community. I am delighted to not only award you with the Jon Wyatt Medal for Drinan House but to also appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

I greatly admire young men who are willing to dance in front of their peers. I have this admiration because it displays being true to yourself and being a person of great character. You not only demonstrated this to us in the recent production of FAME but you have done so over many years here, bringing great pleasure to many people. Your Learning Profile is something that many would aspire to, you are actively involved in House and School activities such as your involvement in the Firsts Tennis team in summer. You are humble, caring and gracious, well respected by staff and students and you truly exhibit the School Values. You let actions speak the words for you on so many occasions and I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect of Mentone Grammar.

• Cross Country – House and AGSV

• Every Production you have been eligible for • Cadets – CUO Platoon Leader


• Member of Eblana, Bayview and Senior Choirs

• Gymnastics

• Athletics – House and AGSV


Outstanding role model, genuine carer of others, opera singer extraordinaire, highly active member of our Social Services team and Wellbeing Committee, highly regarded member of your House, a representative in the First Softball team and a Learning Profile which is extremely positive. Active participant in the Performing Arts program, generally and all-round nice person. Zoe, despite the fact that you have been subjected to more bad dad jokes than most in this gathering you have managed to be true to yourself all along your long journey here and as a young person who truly exhibits the School Values, I am delighted to appoint you as a School Prefect.




Zachary Angus, Bronte Reark

Row 2: Phoebe Wearne, Fengyun Li, Jefferson Bauer, Jeremy Miao, Matthew Scott, Joshua Cooley, Emma Scherger

Row 1: Zoe Lancaster, Vincent Thai-Chan, Zachary Angus, Mr Cameron Lancaster (Head of Frogmore), Bronte Reark, Carl Simondson, Charlotte Pate

PREFECTS Row 3: Tarn Smith, Megan Bresnehan, Isabella Daddo, Cate Rausz, Holly Svojtka, Charlotte Bratuskins, Ruby Timms


COCURRICULAR CAPTAINS Row 2: Tiffany Spitzer, Megan Bresnehan, Alexander McCann, Matthew Scott, Iona Rich, Ruby Timms


Row 1: Ziqi Ou, Joshua Cooley, Cate Rausz, Fengyun Li, Zoe Lancaster Absent: Andrew Lancaster


HOUSE CAPTAINS Row 2: Gemma Reynolds, Isabella Daddo, Christopher Perkins, Kayla Skafte Row 1: Jefferson Bauer, Holly Svojtka, Mr Cameron Lancaster (Head of Frogmore), Phoebe Wearne, Charlie Officer


Row 1: Loren Henry, Nathan Harbutt, Phoebe Wearne, Iona Rich, Tiffany Spitzer, Tom Dyer, Mekhala Bera


Row 1: Elyssa Osianlis, Helena Papasimeon, Mia Watkins, Alexandra Sheppard, Charlotte Pate, Ruby Timms, Bronte Reark, Sam Pritchard


Row 2: Iona Rich, Kira Walters, Claire Syme, Olivia Dickson, Isabelle Leonidas

Absent: Ms Bridgitte Roberts, Mia Watkins, Erica Dudek

Row 3: Mia Watkins, Olivia Dickson, Tessa Styles, Kira Walters, Holly Svojtka

Row 2: Aaron Moore


Row 1: Tiffany Spitzer, Alanah Heidecker, Alexander McCann, Zoe Lancaster, Loren Henry

Row 4: Mackenzie Howe, Steven Chandler, Spencer Blain-Bartle, Andrew Lancaster, Joshua Cooley, Jesse Turner, Daniel Carruthers, Kegan Timms, Alexander McCann



Row 2: Mr Michael Prabaharan, Alanah Heidecker, Mackenzie Howe, Matthew Corcoran, Jeremy Miao, Claire Syme, Bronte Reark, Isabelle Leonidas

Absent: Rev. Andrew Stewart

Row 3: Declan Latchford, Tessa Styles, Dylan Tomlinson, Grace Phillips, Stuart Bainbridge (Officer Commanding), Megan Bresnehan, Riley Friso, Ben Sorrenson, Jeremy Miao

2019 William Mutton, Mr James Walton (Head of Bayview), Tilly Meagher








BAYVIEW 2: Mr James Walton (Head of Bayview), Nicholas Di Rosato, Gemma Hollingsworth, Rocco Scott, Fergus Rann, Nichola Di Tirro, James Appel, Keira Patron


Jude Scott, Nathaniel Petty, Megan Lewis, William Nish, Mr James Walton (Head of Bayview), Ava Gibbons, Christian Howe, Amelie Hall, Ethan Green

Row 1: Eliza Schmidt, Luka Pajic, Claudia Hollingsworth, Jake Daniels, Keisha Jacobs, Patrick Riley, Jennifer Bodinnar

Absent: Mathieson Meakins CAPTAINS Elliot Grant, Olivia Monro CAPTAINS Dunn, Basin


20 THE MENTONIAN 2019 LEADERSHIP2019DEIGHTONHOUSECAPTAINS Adyhaan Tata, Mary Mae Welton DRINAN HOUSE CAPTAINS Zac Bartlett, Emily Murray FINLAY ANDERSON HOUSE CAPTAINS Annalise Di Tirro Absent: Sullivan O’Donnell JONES HOUSE CAPTAINS William Adams, Jonathan Kalogerakis

21THE MENTONIAN 2019 LIONEL LARGE HOUSE CAPTAINS Benjamin Nish, Brooke Bernasconi WERE HOUSE CAPTAINS Angela Hooker, Alexandra Hooker WHITE HOUSE CAPTAINS Baxter Chan, Isabella Mirhom

It has been a year filled with achievements, exciting events and rich learning taking place in our Campus. Quality teaching and learning is at the very core of what makes Eblana such an impressive place to be and visiting classrooms is often the highlight of my week. It is during these times that I am able to experience the high-quality learning taking place each and every day, both inside and outside the Ongoingclassroom.development of our teaching practice saw us continue to encourage students to activate prior learning and become independent learners, setting their own goals for learning and reflecting on their success. We introduced student reflections as part of the reporting process this year, and I was impressed to see how the students embraced this new idea. They are well on their way to developing the skills they need to reflect on themselves as learners and to set meaningful goals for the future. This year, Eblana students have done some of their best learning outside of the classroom. Foundation students stepped into life as a firefighter, crawling through tunnels, lifting heavy hoses and carrying people to safety, as well as visiting Chesterfield Farm, IMAX and the Melbourne Museum. Year 1 stepped back in time right here on Campus, writing on blackboards, lining up for nail inspections and learning by rote, as well as visiting the Melbourne Zoo and exploring the local beach. Year 2 visited the MCG, CERES and the Melbourne Aquarium while Year 3 enjoyed the drive out to Healesville Sanctuary, Scienceworks and a very impressive personalised tour of the HMAS Melbourne. Our Year 4s enjoyed Indigenous games, robotics, the Royal Botanical Gardens and time down at our Shoreham camp. With strong links to the curriculum, these experiences enriched the learning happening in the classroom and created memories for the children that will remain forever.




I am so proud of all that we achieve in a school year. Our students grow as learners, as people and as citizens of their wider community. The School’s seven values underpin all that we do and frame the conversations we have about friendships and the way we interact with each other.


It is hard to capture a whole school year in so few words. So much happens in Eblana and, without doubt, our students finish their school year with many fond memories. This is all made possible by the highly able, passionate and dedicated staff I have been blessed to lead over these past 12 months.



Our new Discovery Garden has been a wonderful addition to our grounds and provides an environment for the children to navigate important social skills. In this space, students have learned to share, compromise, work together, negotiate, cooperate, communicate and problem solve. Not to mention getting dirty and having fun! My thanks go to all the staff in Eblana for another exciting, productive and successful year. I thank the Eblana families for working supportively with us to ensure a consistent approach both at home and at school. Most importantly, I thank the students of Eblana for bringing their joy and laughter to our Campus. I look forward with anticipation to what is in store for 2020.


Our buddy system with Years 2 and 3 students continued to provide great reciprocal learning and fostered friendships with the Eblana children, creating lovely connections for our children prior to their move into their Foundation year in Eblana. Our relationships with our students’ families is very important to all, and we have really appreciated each family’s support in the classrooms, and the positive feedback we receive regarding the encouraging changes in their child and the eagerness in the way they get up and get dressed on school days. Happy, eager children make it a joy for both staff and families and children learn best when they start the day on a positive Asnote.the year begins to draw to an end, I wish to acknowledge the wonderful team in the ELC, the Centre certainly has a nurturing feel and is a place where all feel at Havehome.awonderful Christmas everyone, and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.


The children established what may become life-long friendships and took ownership of their feelings through the School’s RULER program and developed skills such as resilience, which will hold them in good stead for life’s challenges.

By design, the learning program in our Early Learning Centre is play-based and the children have had so many opportunities to develop skills not just within the class, but in the playground, the whole-school campus and its external facilities such as our Shoreham beach site.

It was a fabulous year in the ELC with classes abuzz with happy, inquiring, engaged children who, with the support of their teaching team, made new discoveries, set goals and worked towards achieving these.




The children also visited the shops in our local area such as the bakery, post office and supermarket and took what they saw and learnt back into the room. It was amazing to see the enthusiasm of the children baking their own bread in the room, filling their own rolls with food they had bought at the supermarket and consuming this for lunch.

The children’s learning was enriched by incursions such as the Drama Tool Box, Murrindindi, Rockpool discoveries, Ben and Molly and the Wiggerly Worm Dance Company. These outside presenters exposed the children to native wild life found at our local beaches, our indigenous heritage and reconciliation, healthy eating to fuel our bodies and minds, the chance to express ourselves through movement and understand spatial awareness and what our bodies can do with a little imagination and a few props.






30 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS 3YO KINDERC Henry Baker Blair Bryla Sherdil Chaudhry Alex Cregeen Frederick Crook Nicholas Derham Oliver Griffin Ivy Hampton Caleb K Leonard Kuruc Riley Matulick Cassandra Overell Kai Sayasane Tilly Welsh Liam Yong Yusheng Zhang Libby Chislett TEACHER 3YO KINDERF Beau Alapont Kai Axton Lucine Bromidis Evie Cabrera ChorianopoulosCosta Ella Devereux Thomas Driscoll Levi Duggan William Forde Imogen Gec Ethem Guclu Xavier Heafield Patrick Marshall Maya Tregear Emma Walton James W Miriam Floyd TEACHER 3YOMKINDER Evie Biggs Oscar Clancy Maxwell Erickson Hugo Hart Gemma Hooker Sienna Khong Kent Kulakovskiy Willow Lettieri Alexander Nomikos Fletcher O’Donnell Ashton Poulios Marcus Schiffner Eliza Smith Molly Walker Benjamin Wane Wayne Wang Mei Mah TEACHER CO-EDUCATORS3YO Debra Bernasconi CO-EDUCATOR Samantha Cunnington CO-EDUCATOR Tammy Frankland CO-EDUCATOR Caroline Hegarty CO-EDUCATOR Yvonne Simmonds MUSIC Sally Smith CO-EDUCATOR

31THE MENTONIAN 2019 4YO KINDERB Hunter D Abigail Greig Eliza Griffiths Emily Griffiths Bobby Hegg Nicholas Joseph Celia Khong Xavier Kirwan Taylor Lyons Rishaan Patel Andrew Phillips Harvey Quirin Joshua Ruigrok William Tian Ryan Watapaldeniya Aden Zhang Vicki Beaumont TEACHER Lemme Haralambakis TEACHER 4YO KINDERL Liv Bainbridge Charlie Bristow Jacqueline Buksh GeorgiadisAlexander Luca Karras Thomas Lander Anthony Lanthois Levi Lombard Charlotte Lorinc Riley Pavicic Jai Schultz Isabelle Walker Izabel Welsh Lachlan Woods Max Xie Alana Leahy TEACHER 4YOMKINDER Rocco Becconsall Rachael Chun Max D’Andrea Roman Fritsch Caleb Gec Will Gu Franklin Ingle Margaret Ingle Caitlin Lam Eric Li Scarlett Marshall Beau Messina Aiden Pham Henri Varnell Sharman Wang Max Widdison Ken Morrish TEACHER 4YO OKINDER Harper Lettieri Anna Nagato Mason Pascoe Ojas Pradeepkumar Hunter Redward Eva Roach Mischa Robinson

32 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Minato Sata Edison Te Hudson Toovey Jesse J Turner Micah Wahono Rana Wassman Jarvis Wishart Ayaan Zaheen Maximus Zou Vikki Octigan TEACHER CO-EDUCATORS4YO Jacqueline Atwell CO-EDUCATOR Marina Basin CO-EDUCATOR Sarah Byrne CO-EDUCATOR Veronica Byrnes CO-EDUCATOR Melanie Di Rosato CO-EDUCATOR Zoe Levey CO-EDUCATOR Yvonne Simmonds MUSIC Sarah Smith CO-EDUCATOR Not Pictured: Olivia Let

We arrived back at school after our first set of holidays, ready to learn. We enjoyed studying the importance of farms and consolidated this learning by visiting Chesterfield farm; where we watched a sheep shearing demonstration, rode on a tractor and milked a cow. We had our first chance to compete in the Eblana Cross Country as well as dress up and enjoy a variety of activities for Chinese Day.



TERM 1 We were so excited to begin the school year! We settled into routines, met our teachers and played with new friends. We began to read, write and use numbers. We shared stories about our families and celebrated our cultural diversity during Harmony Day. A wildlife ranger brought in some native animals for us to meet and hold.




Term 4 saw us scurry into the world of minibeasts. We enjoyed visiting the Melbourne Museum’sBugs Alive exhibition and worked collaboratively to research and present a project on a minibeast. The year concluded with our Eblana Christmas Pageant, where we entertained the audience with our cheerful rendition of favourite Christmas songs.


TERM 3 This term, we investigated communities. We had a visit from the Mentone Fire Brigade and ‘JD’ from Heat Kids. We were lucky to have some of our parents visit and talk to us about their important roles in the community. We reached the 100 Days of School milestone and celebrated in style by dressing up as 100-year olds. Complementing our Literacy focus, we celebrated Book Week with book activities and an illustrator visit.


We have had such an incredible year and we have so many wonderful memories to treasure! We have embraced new challenges, explored new concepts, demonstrated the School values and celebrated our successes.

Thank you to all of our parent helpers throughout the year and to everyone who has supported Year 1!

Each learning opportunity was approached with positivity, enthusiasm and eagerness. Further to our learning in Literacy and Numeracy, we particularly enjoyed; learning about the weather, chemical changes, light and sound and living things during Science, historical family life during History and spaces and places during Geography. We will never forget our Mentone beach walk and Melbourne Zoo excursions, our Mad About Science incursion, dressing up for our historical school experience, working with our Year 4 buddies and exploring the Eblana Discovery Garden. In addition to this, we participated in Harmony Day, Chinese Day, Mindfulness sessions, Book Week, Footy Colours Day, the Eblana Dance Spectacular and the Christmas Pageant.

As the year progressed, we became increasingly independent learners, developed strong working relationships with our peers and cemented long lasting friendships with old friends and new friends. We know that we are now ready to set new goals and embark upon the challenges of Year 2!




Year 2 is a wonderful time of emerging independence in learning. This year, we wanted our students to feel empowered in their own learning, which they did via the many learning opportunities presented to them. We have enjoyed celebrating our many magical successes, some of them highlighted below. Our first excursion for the year was to the CERES Education Centre. Students were immersed in Aboriginal culture whereby they learnt about the history and culture of the Wurundjeri people. They also excitedly partook in the Dreamtime story of Tiddalik the Frog.

In Term 2 the students embarked on an underwater journey through the Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium. Students were able to understand the importance of marine environments of these beautiful sea creatures. Term 2 also saw our students perform their very first instrumental concert. The Year 2 Strings Ensemble was simply brilliant! By far the most popular experience was our wonderful excursion to the MCG in Term 3. The children were able to view the inner sanctum inclusive of the players’ change rooms and ice baths. They tested their goal kicking skills against AFL players and tested their speed and reaction times against elite athletes.



Overall, 2019 has been jam packed with learning experiences and we have enjoyed teaching this wonderful group of students and wish each of them every success in Year 3.

September’s spectacular Year 2 Travel Expo empowered students to investigate, create, collaborate, share and reflect on the differences between states and territories by using photos, drawings, videos and text. Students proudly displayed their work for their parents, Mr Cater, and Mrs TermRichards.4immersed us into the world of science. The students adored getting their hands ‘science-dirty’ and performed loads of hands-on experiments leaving many of the students determined to become real scientists! We spent a morning with our grandparents and entertained everyone with our energetic renditions of favourite Christmas songs at our colourful Christmas Pageant.



Year 3 students have been involved in many exciting activities including House Sport, Book Week, Footy Colours Day, Christmas Pageant and visiting HMAS Melbourne. We particularly enjoyed the sessions with our ELC Buddies. We taught the younger students how to make paper planes, play games of chance and practice sports skills. It was great to be a teacher and see the excited looks on our ELC buddies’ faces when they mastered a new skill. We would like to thank the amazing Year 3 parents as well as Jessica Richards for their ongoing support of our Year 3 community!



Year 3 has been an awesome year, full of wonderful excursions, relevant learning activities and outstanding trips to Shoreham Camp! We made new friends, supported each other and celebrated achievements. We studied a range of interesting topics, particularly in Humanities and Science, where we investigated Celebrations, Earth and Space, Chemical Sciences, Change Over Time and Australia and Its Communities. A standout this year was our study of Space. We used our understanding of the Solar System to design a new planet, using Paint and PowerPoint, to present these. Our units of work were enriched by visits to ScienceWorks and Healesville WeSanctuary.headed to Shoreham for the first time over two sunny, but chilly days in May. We explored the local area on bush walks, competed in a trivia contest and went body boarding at the beach. We loved our time there and can’t wait to go back!



Leadership is a major element of the Year 4 program. In addition to our School Captains and House Captains, we were thrilled to see so many other children apply for the position of Student Leader. These students were offered leadership opportunities such as running assemblies, speaking at special events and performing extra duties to support Eblana staff and students.


The Mentone Grammar values of Caring and Service were demonstrated through the Year 4 contributions to the Helping Hands charity. Helping Hands is an organisation that distributes prosthetic hands to amputee landmine victims throughout the developing world. Our students organised a barbecue and novelty hands stall to raise funds to buy the kit hands. Under the guidance of senior school students, the Year 4s worked cooperatively to construct the hands. SONJA COWELL AND MATT HARDIE


Shoreham Learning Journeys in May and November were a highlight. For some students, this was their first experience of being away from home and family. For others, it was the first time they have shared time away from home with so many other children. Experiences such as beach activities, games, hut building, nature walks to name a few, helped to ensure that most of our campers were sound asleep well before any homesickness could take hold.

Students participated with enthusiasm in STEM rotations, undertaking challenges to help them develop critical thinking, technical and scientific skills. Basic coding was explored through and Tynker. Students were challenged to design and build a marble run. Features of Microsoft Word and Excel were investigated and students used the Wix site to build their own websites. They used robots to further develop their programming skills, and proudly shared their scientific interests and learnings with their peers during our Science Showcase sessions.

Many students dressed up for the occasion, there were lots of eye-catching and creative costumes with close connections to China and Chinese culture. Congratulations to the costume winners in each class!


In June, Eblana students celebrated Culture Day through various activities and performances. They were exposed to and immersed themselves in traditional Chinese culture. Students participated in a selection of exciting activities: paper sticky rice dumplings paper dragon boats Chi workshops Chinese music workshops Diabolo workshops Chinese games


• Traditional

• Tai

Students also enjoyed a special yummy Chinese lunch of special fried rice and fried noodles.

• Making

• Making

• Traditional


BREE WALKER, SONJA COWELL AND LAUREN TREVIS What an amazing Wakakirri journey we had in Eblana in 2019. After months of rehearsals, 87 Eblana students performed their exciting item, Queen Cat in the Hat on stage at Frankston Arts Centre, with the help of 12 Bayview students assisting backstage.

Many thanks to our wonderful team of parent helpers for creating the amazing sets, costumes and make up and a massive congratulations to our amazing performers!

Their performance retold the classic Dr Seuss tale of The Cat in the Hat set to a rocking soundtrack of Queen classics. The performance was bright, colourful, well-rehearsed and full of happy enthusiasm. Comments from the judging panel highlighted these strengths: ‘The sets, costumes and props were amazing in this performance. Such a fun energetic and theatrical piece. The expression on all performers faces was brilliant and the lead characters, in particular, did an exceptional job. The soundtrack was definitely rockin’ and the finale finished on a high. This was a very well-rehearsed performance.’ The Show award we received was Best Individual Costume Design and the Performance and Production awards received were: Excellent Lead Cast Excellent Ensemble Excellent Soundtrack Mix Excellent Staging (Combination of All Aspects) and Well-Rehearsed Performance.






In the classroom, children created Indigenous instruments and performed traditional songs with them. They composed music, they read traditional and graphic notation. They danced and they sang. Our Year 4 students were excited by a special invitation to sing The Blessing for the Year 12 students at their Valedictory chapel service. Once again, our Assemblies provided the children with regular performance opportunities in the Thorold Theatre. As always, there were many students who were keen to perform and we had a great variety of performances. Some of the highlights were violin, piano and vocal solos, and a very amusing vocal duet. The Eblana strings also combined with the MG2 Orchestra for a special performance of Smoke on the Water There were, of course, our formal Instrumental Concerts, which showcased our two major ensembles, the Eblana Strings and the Eblana Singers, as well as our Years 2 and 3 instrumental groups and a variety of solo performers and small ensembles. This year saw the introduction of a string quartet, featuring advanced players from Years 3 and 4. This ensemble made its debut at our second Instrumental Concert. The Years 2 and 3 instrumental classes continued to produce some excellent work from our students. The String Ensemble continued to perform the National Anthem at each assembly and all string students were invited to play in this ensemble.



The children from Years 2 to 4 once again participated in Wakakirri. Many weeks of rehearsals and a special performance in the Thorold Theatre, prepared our students for their final big performance at the Frankston Arts Centre..

Overall, 2019 has been another busy year for all our Eblana performers. Thank you to our wonderful ensemble leaders, Tian Tan, Viktor Kirsta and Mary Mae Welton, for your leadership and for the excellent job you did introducing performers at our instrumental concerts.

It was another exciting year of great participation in the Performing Arts at Mentone Grammar. In Eblana, instrumental music, musical theatre, acting, singing and dancing all played an important part in developing our students’ creativity and willingness to create and perform.





During Library and Information Week in May, the FAL had a competition for the Bayview students where they had to match a selection of teachers to their favourite childhood book. Competition was hot with Andrew Wang (Year 6) prevailing and taking out first prize. The book featured for National Simultaneous Storytime this year was Alpacas with Maracas by Matt Cosgrove. The ‘alpaca’ books are always a popular choice and Eblana students were able to relax and watch the story in their classrooms through the online platform Storybox Library.


Eblana students from Foundation to Year 4 visit the Library each week with their class to borrow from a wide range of books as well as discovering how the Library and its facilities can support them in their learning and recreational reading. Bayview students attend the library for one session per fortnight as part of the English curriculum and are given the opportunity to discover new books or relax with an old favourite for a period of sustained reading. Students are also encouraged to try new authors, new genres and explore the range of our library’s physical and digital resources.


The Finlay Anderson Library continues to be a busy place during lunchtime for Bayview students. Students are welcome to come in to make a start on their homework, collaborate on a project, read books, browse through magazines or play games. It is always pleasing to see students taking the opportunity to make the best use of our wonderful library service.

Children’s Book Week in August is always a highlight of the year for the library. The theme for Book Week 2019 was Reading is my Secret Power. In the lead up to Book Week, the Bayview students examined the books nominated for Book of the Year to gain an understanding the sophisticated use of theme, narrative structure and visual grammar that places these books at the top of their field. During Book Week, the Eblana students were treated to a professional performance of a play in which the characters, themes and action were drawn from several of the nominated books and were entertained by storyteller, Kym Lardner. An integral part of Eblana Book Week is the costume parade where students from the Early Learning Centre to Year 4 come to school dressed as a book character. It is always a delight to see the amount of effort children and their families put into this special day.

The Finlay Anderson Library Program is designed to enhance the literacy skills of students across Eblana and Bayview and to ensure that by the time the students move to the Greenways Campus in Year 9 they are competent, independent users of our library service and its resources.

Students in Years 5 and 6 were treated to a visit by author and Mentonian, George Ivanoff. George’s presentation guided our students through his writing process and provided some new strategies for them to incorporate into their own work. Year 6 students were also visited by adventurer, Tim Cope. Tim had a childhood dream: to travel the 10,000 kilometres from Mongolia to Hungary on horseback and his three-and-ahalf-year odyssey became the ABC TV series On the Trail of Genghis Khan and is now a memoir called Tim & Tigon His presentation covered the themes of courage, resilience, patience, friendship and curiosity explored through the unique approach to the life of nomads. Tim provided an inspirational end to our Year 6 Global Changemakers’ journey.

In my role as Teacher/Librarian in the Finlay Anderson Library, I teach students from the ELC to Year 4 and thought this was the perfect age to introduce students to a Sustainability Initiative.

• We were the lucky recipients of a CERES grant program that has unlocked a series of educational workshops and incursions.

As we move through a time of growing environmental concerns, it is important students adopt a ‘sustainable lens’ in how they go about their daily lives. Thereby the Eblana Growing Greener Initiative started, part advocacy, part education, but all delivered in a hands-on engaging manner. It is through close engagement with their natural surrounds that a connection to the environment is formed.


• We have formed a Green Team with over 36 Year 4 students signing up for a role in the team.

• We have initiated group planting sessions involving Year 3 and Year 4 students with their ELC and Foundation buddies.


• We now have Waste free Wednesdays - to reduce the amount of waste in students’ lunch boxes.

• We have relocated the Greenhouse to the Eblana Magic Garden for growing seeds.

• We have hung bee and insect houses to encourage bees and insects into our garden.

• We compost our food scraps.


• We are reducing and reusing everyday waste by making bottle cap mobiles for the garden. The journey has just begun in 2019, the support and encouragement from staff, students, parents and our Community has been overwhelming. I am very excited to see where the Eblana Green Initiative will take us.



Each and every day we see our children perform a multitude of small acts of kindness that build a culture of caring. Helping a friend to the ‘green teacher’ for a Band-Aid, asking a fellow student, looking lonely, to join a game, supporting or comforting a classmate with kind words or a hug. Helping others comes fairly naturally to our young people and, with the right guidance, this can grow into a habit that will serve them well into their adult years. Whilst caring is encouraged and nurtured daily in Eblana, there are some special events throughout the year that give students a chance to practise demonstrating this important value. The first this year was Harmony Day, back in March. To mark this day, all about celebrating diversity, our students reflected on the theme of ‘Everyone Belongs’ and wrote of ways to ensure that everyone is included and cared for. Eblana families led by example, with generous donations for the Red Cross to support all they do to help others both here in Australia and globally. Our Eblana families also reached into their pockets to donate to the ‘Helping Hands’ program. This program helps build prosthetic hands for amputee landmine victims.


The Oxford dictionary defines caring as ‘displaying kindness and concern for others’, but what does caring mean to our students in Eblana?

Year 4 students ran a barbecue, activities for the younger children and collected bottle tops to complete a very successful fundraising campaign.


The generosity of Eblana families was again demonstrated this year during our Christmas appeal for the Brotherhood of St Laurence, with plentiful donations of toys and books for families in need. Never be so busy as not to think of others. - Mother Teresa Thank you to all in our community for your generous support.

The majority of our students are lucky enough to look forward to the Christmas period as a special time of rest and celebration, and in many cases a visit from Santa. It is important that at this special time of year our students are encouraged to spare a caring thought for those less fortunate.



Term 3 saw the Caring of Eblana shared once again, this time with our animal friends. Eblana students, families and staff rallied to help support the animals in the care of Keysborough Animal Shelter. Through a very successful pet drive, a multitude of food varieties and toys were donated for animals in need, delivered proudly by some of our Year 4 student leaders.



On a sunny spring day in September, Dolamore Reserve buzzed with colour and fun as the whole Campus turned out for a morning of traditional, and some not so traditional, games. It was a chance for all eight Houses to show their colours, pride and enthusiasm for what is the beginning of many memorable House competitions at Mentone Grammar. Although everyone was a winner on the day, it was a great showcase of the sports skills and physical confidence the students have gained throughout the year. It was also a great day of House spirit, fun and friendship and we can’t wait to do it all again next year.



The content covered in Visual Art comes directly from the student’s interest and ideas, which helps to foster enjoyment and pride in what is created. The Art room is an engaging and creative environment, with lots of ‘works in progress’ and projects which are ready to share and display. Students have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of different art mediums such as drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, clay, sculpture, construction and textiles. By enabling students to experiment with a broad range of materials and styles, we aim to nurture individual expression and creativity and develop an understanding of the elements and principles of art and design.This year, all students had the opportunity to display their artwork in our biannual art show, Under the Big Top. This was such an enjoyable theme to engage in, with clowns, acrobats, jugglers and strongmen filling the Eblana campus.


The Visual Arts program at Mentone Grammar aims to provide students with the skills, techniques and processes needed to design and create a wide variety of artworks. It also engages and challenges students to explore and develop ideas with confidence and enjoyment.



Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.


55THE MENTONIAN 2019 FOUNDATIONA Harrison Behera Eloise Carroll Addison Dannals Hugo Donovan Alyssa Duman Thomas Forde Blake Galanos Max Hancox Yi He Jordan Joseph James Karlaganis Toby Kitchen Chloe Lin Maia Livolti Patterson Manning Rohan May Adit Prakash Connie Ruigrok Amelie Strickland Lionel Wang Ronnie Weng Lucinda White Kaleb Yang Laura Savage FOUNDATIONB Xavier Alapont Advai Aradhya Isaac Barron Anush Bromidis Cathy Fan Pierre Gilardi Ziqi Gong Torres Liu Kaelan Majstorovic NguyenArthur Huynh PapanikolaouMichael Joy Piao Shanuth Premaratne Aisha Rahhali Mischa Robinson Kimi Song Charlize Stephens Harry Ward Joshua Webster Duomi Xu Lachlan Yang Sheree Smith YEAR1A Aprameya Awasthi Luka Bozic Dominik Buschkuehl Alexandra Coates Penelope Connell Harvey Dannals Hamish De Livera William Dormer Lila Forkes Yigit Guvenir Ella Hancox Leroy Karras Brightyn King Lachlan Kirwan Elissa Lanthois CLASS PHOTOS

56 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Pippa Leonard Adam Nagib Grace Newman Riley Oliver EJ Paice-Brandt Kiarah Perera Ryan Piao Alice Rabak Muchen (Tracy) Wu Jocelyn Hartley TEACHER Jackie Liepa TEACHER YEAR1B Jules Alapont Alexis Antoniou Sura Chen Eliza Cregeen Anokhi de Silva DeMandelZoysa-Lewis Oliver Evans Zaden Goodson Kennedy Grant Ashleigh Hooker Zixuan (Joy) Huang Felix Jia Abel K Isla Lettieri George Lyons Farid Nagib Abbey Neeman Ethan Rogers Adam Savahl Phillip Tsiatsias Trinay Vinothkumar Jack Widdison Yichi Zhang Linxi Zheng Jennifer Harrison TEACHER Jessica Richards TEACHER YEAR2A Sophie Apostolidis Mia Basin Harry Bowers ChorianopoulosHelena Taron Clarke Luke Colliver Hunter Daemen Imogen Donaldson Pippa FitzGerald Bronson Galanos Addison Hamilton Adam Hussain Nathan Jones Zixuan (Kevin) Meng Mali Nayna Hudson Park Madeleine Saunders Zhenling Shen Tiffany Te Callum Tzounos vonHenningZweigbergk Ryan Wagner Lawrence Walton Anastasia Antoniadis TEACHER Briana Walker TEACHER

57THE MENTONIAN 2019 YEAR2B Bailey Bartlett Emily Birch Christian Burrows Yanxiang Cao Hudson Chan Alexander Cook Benny Crook Levi Dayaseela Harrison Edwards Dylan Falvo-Karakurt Rory Garrick Steven Karlaganis Summer Lettieri Kaylee Lyons James Murray Thomas Newman Sienna Panopoulos Jordi Poulios Fergus Riddle Taylor Sweeny Lexie Tomas Leo Wang Violet Winestone Kate Wright TEACHER Meg Hayes TEACHER Briana Walker TEACHER YEAR3A Rahul Aravindth Kallis Bernasconi Ruby Castello Charlotte Ellix Riley Evans Eddie Forkes Ava Glotzer Zac Hones Emma Jung Lily Kerr Brandon Milat Raegan Nguyen Samir Rahhali Patrick Reynolds Ashlee Schultz Lachy Smith Ben Soar Tyler Ward Isabella Welsh Kimorah Wong Shalice Wong Cooper Wuillemin Greg Evans TEACHER YEAR3B Mika Arvanitakis Chloe Britter Holly Burnside Sophie Carr Harrison Coulson Oscar Cox Kushlan de Silva DeMarliaZoysa-Lewis Oliver Derham Zoe Dwyer Christopher Hobbs Alexander Tariq Hussain

58 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Connor Jackson James Kerr Lachlan Majstorovic Julian May Sonny McKinnon Hudson Nicholson Claudia Piotrowski Yenuth Premaratne Lucy Sweeny Jack Wall Jasmine Webster Anna Xue Lauren Trevis TEACHER YEAR4A Zac Bartlett Jack Bowers Oliver Connor Annalise Di Tirro Zoe Donaldson Riley Dunn Olivia Edmondson Alexandra Hooker Oscar Karras Jasmine Lombard Keanu Lucarelli Christopher Lucas Emily Murray Jamie Newgreen Benjamin Nish Jake Pyszczek Adhyaan Tata Bailey Tomas Mary Mae Welton Mandy Chamberlain TEACHER YEAR4B Myra Arya Rhys Basin Baxter Chan Mora Cimino Sam Colliver Benjamin Fraser Amelia Hall Ruby Harper Lucy Kitchen Nikolas Lynch Zara Measures Isabella Mirhom Olivia Monro Islah Neeman Sullivan O’Donnell Leahm Orfanidis Levi Svec Max Tan Henry Walker Sonja Cowell TEACHER YEAR4C William Adams Brooke Bernasconi Lizzy D’Andrea Stevan Dakic Paolo Fragale Ariana Goralski Elliot Grant

59THE MENTONIAN 2019 Angela Hooker KalogerakisJonathan Vitya Kirsta Dash Leonard Elise Lewell Tianyu Li James McGrath Helena Murphy Lenny Reark Blake Schultz Sophie Shing Xiaoyi (Wesley) Wei Matthew Hardie TEACHER


The RULER program continued to play a significant part in how these values were lived in the School.

Students began the year by establishing class charters, the first anchor of the RULER program which is an agreed set of words for how they would like to feel in school and the actions they would take to help each other feel that way. While many students set these up in mentor sessions within the school environment, our Year 7s took some time out during their Learning Journey to Shoreham to bring them together. Alongside the excitement of snorkelling and tree surfing, they took the time to think about others’ thoughts and feelings, building a culture of respect and care that would permeate through the year. With journeys to Sovereign Hill, Canberra, Central Australia and different parts of Asia once again taking students’ learning outside of the classroom and building their resilience, there were also many opportunities to demonstrate their endeavour through programs closer to home. Bayview students participated in Philosothons, a Robocup and Tournament of Minds, to name a few. With each event, students had a chance to solve problems, innovate and work within teams, helping them to develop key skills for their future. Learning beyond the classroom also happened with some presenters coming to us. Term 3 saw Robogals visit our Years 5 and 6 girls, talking to them about engineering opportunities and letting them experiment with robots. We also had visits from Project Rockit and Digital Thumbprint to discuss cyber-safety with Years 7 and 8, as well as other presenters who ran mindfulness and active yoga sessions, all helping students to continue to develop as healthy and happy young people. Within classrooms, students also continued to grow and started to take greater ownership of their learning. Once again, Bayview was an environment where students’ thinking was encouraged and students learned to value the process as well as the outcome. Building on the successes of previous years, Formative Assessment was common practice in classrooms, and students increasingly acted as resources for one another and grew in their confidence to reflect on their learning and thinking. This led to some fantastic original creations, such as a group of students who explored parts of speech through Minecraft. Through our leadership programs, students also had the chance to demonstrate their care, service and integrity. At Years 5 and 6, Class Captains assumed portfolios of responsibility, heading up committees of other students seeking leadership experience in the areas of sustainability, sport, wellbeing and the arts. New initiatives were trialled, from writing and colouring competitions to nude food lunches, each one showcasing the committees’ passion.




Year 8 leaders also stepped up once again this year, acting as peer supports or House Captains.

In 2019, the students in Bayview certainly lived our School values, demonstrating respect, caring, resilience, service, discipline, endeavour and integrity. We talked a lot through the year about what it means to be a student at Mentone Grammar – to put on the blazer with the School crest, and to play a part in defining how that is perceived by others in the community. The Bayview cohort certainly wore it with pride this year.



Led by the Bayview Captains for 2019, Will Mutton and Tilly Meagher, they were the first to volunteer for public speaking at community evenings, to help with leading School Tours, and regularly welcomed students at the gates to start the day. With everything underpinned by the values of the School, it has been another fantastic year in Bayview, with students immersing themselves in the myriad opportunities that exist both inside and outside of the classroom. We look forward to seeing what 2020 brings as we continue to build on the positive culture that exists within the Campus.


When was the last time you had to think outside the square and felt a little messy and uncomfortable in the process, all before ideating and eventually working out some sort of Makingsolution?mistakes and experiencing ‘messy’ is becoming routine for our Years 5 and 6 students who are quickly gaining an understanding that every problem posed provides a learning opportunity, and more often than not, such problems provide us with rich learning. Many have been enlightened about the importance of process, rather than a glossy final product.



Students have worked collaboratively within similar interest groups. Depending on the year level, they have either investigated a perceived community problem or an ongoing global issue with the view to propose a local context solution. Activating themselves as the drivers to solve problems, students interviewed relevant stakeholders and were then guided to respond in an appropriate manner and use their gathered information to produce a prototype of their solution.

Students adopted a Design Thinking approach and investigated entrepreneurial skills as a means to present their solution.


William Clayton 6C

The Solar Buddies incursion was a great experience. Our guest showed us how we are living life so much better than other people across the world who experience ‘light poverty.’ Our guest was working on a project that was giving people in third world countries light by providing them with a small solar battery LED light. It made me think about how we are living life in such better conditions than lots of people by just having something simple that we often take for granted. It made me think how we can make a change.

James Salisbury 6D

Ella Whittaker 5A


Rosie Meagher 6A

As I was watching the movie, 2040, I was thinking about all the different ways in which I could help (plant trees, make everybody aware, etc.) I was trying to think in the minds of others to figure out what would encourage them to help with beach clean ups and other activities like that. I was thinking about why we need to get involved in small activities like this to make a big difference.

I believe Global ChangeMakers has changed my thinking because it makes me think about how other people feel and their needs instead of thinking about how I feel. I am more empathetic about other people’s positions and needs.


Curtis Murphy 5D I usually use deep thinking skills to enrich the argument or question. I used logical thinking skills to work out different questions at the Maths Incursion, but when it came to the ‘chains’ we had to mentally solve the problem and after a long nine minutes we finally figured it out. During these challenges we used multiple thinking routines e.g. guess and check, use a table or graph, critical thinking and we collaborated together in teams to get the answer.

Nikki Malotsis 5B When I was watching the Rabbit Proof Fence trailer, it made me sad to think about why people would do such horrible things to others. Why did they need to do it? What made them do it? I was kind of disappointed because I kept on wondering if it was the difference in skin tone, their nationality or religion. It had made me think about many different things and feel different types of emotions.

Oliver Tzounos 5C


There are lots of different types of Thinking Routines that we can use. When doing our immigration projects, we used a thinking routine called ‘See, Think, Wonder’ where we would look at a picture and write down what we saw, thought and wondered about the picture.

When I was watching the Rabbit Proof Fence, I was brainstorming words that related to the trailer. I was thinking about how awful it would have felt for the children and their mum. When we then got into a group, I saw how others felt and the words they used to describe the trailer. Some of the words were Power and Freedom. We also used our thinking ideas to produce mind maps that would help us get all our ideas onto one page.

Zach Raffaut 6E

Sarah Chun 6B

When I was working in my team for the GooseChase Scavenger Hunt, it was competitive. I needed teamwork and knowing what everyone specialised in to be successful. It helped us to grow as a team.

Learning about the 17 United Nations Global Goals involved lots of thinking and learning. We had to have a fairly good idea of each goal in order to create our top three preferences. I used skills such as judging and decision making to decide which goals I’d like to explore further.



On 29 January we welcomed 179 students to Year 7, over 100 of whom were new to Mentone Grammar. With the help of their mentors they quickly learned how to find their way around our large campus, navigate their timetable, organise their lockers and negotiate new social relationships. For many, this was the first time that they had a different teacher for each subject area and they soon discovered that it was vital to stay organised and on top of their Ashomework.theyear progressed it was lovely to watch the students become more independent and willing to embrace the myriad opportunities available to them. Many joined the Chess Club, performed in the stage production of The Actors or Spamalot, sang in the choir or simply had fun during ‘Monday Games’ at lunchtime. It was common to find students working hard in Mathematics support classes before school and during lunchtimes. Most significantly, it was rewarding to watch students form new friendships and support one another through difficult moments. Working tirelessly in the background were the Year 7 mentors. Every student was allocated a mentor who organised, supported and guided them throughout the year. Our Year 7 Mentor team, comprised of Vanessa Riach (also Assistant Year 7 Coordinator), Jeffrey Welsh, Leonie Redfern, Amelia Wong, Jo Huang, Wendy Hong, Caitlyn Platt and Linda Barnard. These mentors acted as the ‘parents away from home’ to their mentees. No matter what was happening in their students’ lives, the mentors were there for them – and their parents. The mentors were also responsible for delivering our Year 7 pastoral care program. Every Monday and Tuesday they would explore different areas of the RULER program, which forms the backbone of our Mentor curriculum. By the end of the first term we had established our Class Charters and discussed the importance of having a growth mindset. Later in the year we explored the Mood Meter Blueprint and discussed the importance of taking a meta-moment before making decisions.


Emily Dickinson (and my grandmother) once said that “If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves’. While this may seem simplistic, it has been our focus in Year 7 this year, and we have been very happy to see that both ladies were indeed correct. By focusing on the little things, like writing down homework, wearing uniforms neatly, focusing during class and asking for help when they were unsure, the students have thrived. As I look at the Year 7s preparing to enter Year 8, I am very proud of the happy, healthy and high achieving mindset they have developed during this year.

The mentors also made use of our two Learning Journeys to further explore the RULER anchors and to get to know their mentees. The students started their year with our Shoreham Learning Journey. The week was packed with activities that encouraged the students to work together and form relationships with their classmates and mentor. Their favourite activities included snorkelling, tree surfing, Trangia cooking, bridge building and, for some, just walking along the beach.


Emily Dickinson

“If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves”.



However,2019 when asked what the highlight of their year was, without doubt it was their amazing Learning Journey to Central Australia. In Central Australia, the students learned a great deal about Aboriginal culture and were given the opportunity to visit a local aboriginal school in Lilla. They also visited Uluru, walked over Kings Canyon and slept in a swag under the stars. While the focus of each of their Learning Journeys was different, the memories of both will stay with the students throughout their time at School. Aside from their Learning Journeys, the students also attended a range of incursions. They were taught valuable mindfulness strategies by Vic Crombie and Julia Hall. They were visited by presenters from Digital Thumbprint who spoke to them about being safe online. Also, during Term 3 some of our Year 12 students came to our mentor classes to provide the students with useful study tips to help them to better navigate their time with their future studies as they move towards senior Overall,school. this year marked a wonderful new beginning for our Year 7 students. It was also extremely rewarding for the Year 7 team to be able to watch them develop into independent young adults who are ready to navigate the next step of their educational journey. My deep thanks go to all the Year 7 mentors who supported the students and our team endlessly and cheerfully all year. I would also like to extend a special thank you to Vanessa Riach who provided outstanding leadership and guidance to both the staff and students in her capacity as both mentor and Assistant Year 7 Coordinator. 7 COORDINATOR





The three-hour bus ride from Yulara along the Lasseter Highway provided more spectacular scenery with salt lakes, large cattle stations and Mount Conner or Artilla before we headed towards Lilla and the Watarrka Ranges. Visiting and camping in the remote aboriginal community of Lilla is a very special experience that began with a smoking ceremony whereby we were welcomed to the land. The students were taken on a tour by local community members to understand the history and responsibility as caretakers of the land. The students ate kangaroo tail, learnt about astronomy and saw a galaxy that is only visible to the naked eye from this area. A slow realisation of just how amazing these experiences are began to develop in the students - as well as, how hot dry summers lead to so many flies still being around in May and June!


The Year 7 students arrived early in the darkness of a Monday morning during Term 2 to board the bus to Melbourne Airport and the start of their Learning Journey. The students were well prepared during their weekly Mentor sessions for the experiences and sights of Central Australia and so were excited and full of anticipation for this adventure. Initially, the chatter was about whether or not they will have a screen for movie watching on the first leg of their flight to Alice Springs, however, conversations quickly turned to who could see Uluru first. As the plane approached Ayers Rock airport all passengers were afforded a fantastic view of Uluru and Kata Tjuta. Spectacular from the air with the red dirt and brilliant blue skies, it still does not provide any clue to the sheer scale of this rock. Walking around the base of Uluru, students learned why the rock is no longer climbed, and why it’s culturally and spiritually significant for the Yankunytjatjara and Pitjantjatjara people. As the sun set over the rock, swags were set up in Yulara and our tired students began to take in the once-in-a-lifetime experience of sleeping under the stars that shine brilliantly throughout the night.

It is undoubtedly the highlight of the Year 7 experience, both for the students who look back upon their Year 7 journey, and those looking forward to Year 7 in 2020.

The Learning Journey is not just about spending a week with your Year 7 peers, it is a celebration of the uniqueness of our country and one that few Australians actually experience. All secondary students (Years 7 to 12) at Mentone Grammar have journeyed to Central Australia, so it is fantastic that another group of Year 7 students were able to attend this Learning Journey and establish a common experience that can be shared amongst the year levels.



This year the students once again visited the small school located at Lilla and were lucky to have a tour through the new school building which has effectively doubled the available teaching and learning space for the school. They quickly comprehended that a remote classroom is not to dissimilar to their own, however, the range in age 5–15 within the one class did surprise them.


This Learning Journey will unite 2019 Year 7 students for a lifetime. It is truly a rich experience that provides a deep appreciation of our land and our people. The students’ connection with the people and the land of Central Australia and especially Lilla, is indescribable, but can be best summed up in a discussion by some students this year … ‘I feel relaxed and at peace and wish I could visit whenever life gets just too much. The people of Lilla are truly lucky.’


A very special thank you to our Year 8 Mentors, Mr Luke Wintle, Mr Leigh Chislett, Ms Elli Monro, Ms Naomi White, Mrs Wendy Garnder, Mr Luke Thompson, Mrs Heather Stone and Mr Aaron Cook. An extraordinary team, supportive, inspiring and so deeply caring for their class and the year level as a whole.



Leadership was certainly a central focus for the Year 8 Bayview students this year. All our students are leaders in one way or another. Many opportunities exist for students to be leaders of their peers as well as the younger students of Bayview. At the end of 2018, a rigorous process was undertaken by students in their quest to be a Bayview Captain. The successful candidates, along with students who applied and are keen to enhance their leadership skills, applicants of our House Performing Arts and Sports Captains all took part in a Leadership Course run by Stride Training. We commend all the students who took part in Leadership this year and congratulate those who have been placed in their positions. Leadership is an ongoing process at our School and within our community and we added three newly identified leaders throughout the year. Congratulations to all our Leaders and their hard work this year.

It was a tremendous year for our Year 8 cohort with exciting events, travel and general wellbeing. With a terrific start to the year led by our Leadership Day, students began 2019 with a bang. They swiftly became a part of their new mentor groups and were able to build great relationships with the staff and Bayview community. A true credit to all.

8A Our time together in 8A has been such a rewarding experience. The girls enjoyed each other’s company and have matured in their approach to understanding relationships and what it takes to be a good friend. They have all grown up so much and are developing into impressive young adults. Throughout the year, we have had delightful conversations, for example, about weekend activities, footy games, movies, and holidays. We have also had some very thoughtful and serious discussions about issues that face adolescents today and modernday Australia. For example, experiences of anxiety and stress, mindfulness and gratitude, and broader topics like social status and entitlement. The stories and ideas they shared were heartwarming and sincere. They set the bar high for themselves in terms of academic achievement and personal growth. One of the most enjoyable times of the week involved discussing our emotions.

Students worked together to develop special strategies to address resolving conflicts. Some strategies were: will use ‘I’ statements and speak to the person privately (e.g. I don’t like it when you make fun of me.) All of the students signed the Charter and it was displayed in the room for all to view.

The girls enjoyed having regular mentor sessions; we aimed to make our sessions a safe place to discuss any concerns and help one another with possible strategies to deal with challenges that they may be facing. It also allowed them to ‘gel’ as a class and we had some great laughs as well. I believe that the girls thought it important for them to develop the Charter about how they want to feel as they follow the journey through Year 8. They have taken ownership of the values they identified as important because they developed the Charter together as a team. I think the 8C Charter has not only set the theme for our class this year but has also brightened up our classroom as a collaborative artwork.


Each student had an opportunity to contribute by working together to develop a consensus of the 5-8 most important feelings everyone in the class wants to feel each day.


• I am… (insert personal strength)

1. How do you want to feel at School?

Students worked together to identify specific, observable behaviours that they could do to help each feel the feelings they want to have in our classroom. For instance, for the feeling ‘included’ instead of saying, ‘I will be nice’, students need to develop something more specific such as, ‘I will greet each of my classmates by name in the morning’.

• I will… (insert specific action). For example, ‘I am resilient’, ‘I can improve my understanding of Maths’. ‘I will study this Saturday afternoon for one hour’. The quality of their inner speech is critical; positive words generate positive benefits. It stimulates self-reflection, increases motivation, and connects us with our emotions. The girls recognised this and have improved their inner dialogue and relationships with others. It has been a pleasure to spend 2019 with such an industrious, engaging, and lively group of students.

ELLI MONRO 8B As the year comes to a close and we reflect on our class Charter, pledging to provide an environment where others feel: Respected, Comfortable, Motivated, Calm, Included, Safe. Student reflection: Year 8 has been amazing for me, I’m very happy to be in this class with these people who have all been really nice to me since day one. I think we have all fulfilled the Class Charter because I have seen people respect one another all the time. I personally feel very safe, included and comfortable in this environment and hope everyone else feels the same, I believe everyone is very motivated in our class and at the same time, when needed, we can all be very calm and thoughtful.

2. What can you do in order to have those feelings?

The girls all focused on developing their self-talk with the model of:


HEATHER STONE 8C 8C demonstrated that they lived by their Charter in many ways throughout the year. It was fantastic to see them rally together to support one another through the many challenges of Year 8 and ensure that our new class members always felt included and happy. We have been working on demonstrating respect for one another within the classroom, actively listening to one another and valuing each other’s contributions to the class.

WENDY GARDNER 8D In mentor this year, 8D discussed what it means to be empathetic, and what it means to have empathy. As we embarked on our International Learning Journeys this year, we learnt to put ourselves in other’s shoes to see what life would be like in a foreign county. We used our acquired knowledge of empathy to do this, to get the most of our experiences. We talked as a collective about manners, and why we need them on our Learning Journeys, to have fun, but be respectful, that we know we represent Mentone Grammar and its values, even off campus.

The Bayview Charter helps to build a positive, caring, and compassionate classroom climate – where all members support each other in achieving common goals. It serves as an alternative to classroom rules. In building the Charter, students learn how to pay attention to their own feelings and those of their peers, being mindful of the emotions we all want to feel, and how we need to treat each other in order to feel that way.

3. How will we handle conflicts when they arise?

• I can… (insert positive mindset)

The Charter is comprised of 3 questions:

This is a key way that we are working together to create the kind of emotional climate we know is a lesson for learning and succeeding in school.



72 THE MENTONIAN 2019 8E 8E has worked hard in 2019 to live the agreed words in its Charter. The students were particularly focused on the words ‘respected’ and ‘involved’. The increased level of active involvement in their learning has been a key focus for the group and staff have provided positive feedback on the progression and engagement across many of their subjects. The boys have also been very driven to come together, as in the Bayview Sports competitions, to represent the mentor group in a positive and competitive environment. This led to increasing levels of respect for one-another, others within the School and for themselves. This hard work and ongoing focus was recognised by many members of the teaching staff, and resulted in a highly anticipated pizza lunch together on our final day together in Term 3, before heading overseas on our Learning Journeys. The mentor program has enabled the group to focus on what is important to them and how they want to be viewed by others, allowing time for discussion into what form this might take and ways in which they might be able to put these values into action in their daily lives.

LUKE WINTLE 8H 8H students began the year with a wide range of abilities and personalities. They developed a Charter which would require sustained effort to uphold. To their credit they have for shown care and respect to each other and developed a reputation as a likeable and well performed group. Academic and social development has been a goal all year. They started the year using Rudyard Kipling’s IF as a stimulus. New students to the School were integrated quickly and became valuable members. One of their greatest moments as a class was playing AFL in Mentor sports days. The joy on their faces when even the least sporting members achieved some success, at the expense of team success, showed they were a close and cohesive unit.

AARON COOK 8G 8G Respectful, Disciplined, Hard Working and Organised. A key component of the mentor program was to create a Class Charter where all mentor students felt involved in, ownership of and accountability towards. The aim was to have a Charter that gave 8G absolute clarity on how to act/behave, what to review against and another way to assess our progress. The Charter was also developed to encourage leadership, both individually and as a collective.The process of building the Class Charter involved responding to the question: How would we like to be viewed? We considered teachers, other classes, our parents and each other. After great open discussion and the use of behavioural examples, the boys narrowed their charter words to; Respectful, Disciplined, Hard Working and Organised. They had decided that these four words were most important in shaping the 8G class environment in all facets of school Thelife. next task was to provide a list of aspirational behaviours to best elicit these traits. The class split into four groups with each group having ownership of a charter word. We created a sub-committee, a group of five students who represented the wider class. They would review the charter words following discussions with their groups. Their role was to review the relevance and effectiveness of the charter. To keep the Class Charter ‘alive’, we created a Charter Word Wall to which we added examples or inspirational quotes that best exemplified the words. As a class, we also completed ‘blind’ voting to highlight the students who had best exemplified each of the four charter words over a set period of time. The 8G Class Charter certainly gave the boys clarity around what was required from them and their peers. To be in 8G meant that they were also aspiring to be respectful and considerate, disciplined in their pursuit of excellence, dedicated towards all aspects of School and highly planned and prepared to tackle each day.

LUKE THOMPSON 8F 8F uses its minutes within Mentor to delve into the underlying skills that will propel students beyond the books and into life. In these weekly sessions, we discussed and role played the all-important, but often overlooked, social cues like body language and voice projection, and the subtleties these strengths play in the portrayal of the personalities of people around us. Confidence, collaboration and the need to find a mental balance between the stresses of life have similarly found their way into our sessions, with dedicated mindfulness and meditation sessions taking place throughout Term 3. As the year progressed, we continued to build on these social and personal skills so that the students of 8F leave Bayview with more than just the knowledge from their books.

Year 8 was an amazing year, filled with many new experiences. This year was fun! We took part in the International Learning Journeys which was a special moment for many students. Going to foreign counties to help out smaller schools, helped us realise that we always need to be grateful about the lives we have and the opportunities we get. Throughout Year 8, we met new teachers through learning journeys and classes. The teaching staff in Year 8 are kind and nice and they do know when it is time to work. In Year 8, many new friendships were created, whether it be in class or at lunchtime. Although Year 8 is a big step up from Year 7 with homework, classwork and exams, this year is definitely a year to remember!



Year 8 was my first year here at Mentone Grammar and I was very nervous about what people were going to be like and if they were going to be nice. I was pleasantly surprised when they included me immediately and were very nice to me. Overall, my first year at Mentone Grammar has been an amazing experience with awesome friends, friendly teachers and great facilities. The most special moment was definitely the ILJ. I am very thankful to have been able to go on this learning journey and experience what it’s like to go overseas with my classmates and discover a different country with them. This has changed me for the better, it has made me understand other people and be more open to meeting new people.


I definitely found my learning journey to South China to be the most special moment throughout the year because it was an experience I will remember forever. Amazing opportunities, being with my friends and growing those friendships that will last throughout School. It made me realise how lucky I am to live where I live and go to the school I attend with such great opportunities, especially after visiting the schools and local houses in China.




This year in Year 8 has been the year to remember. We have done things such as going overseas, for most of us, to a place we’ve never been, to working hard for preparation for end of year exams. To be honest, this year has been the most enjoyable of my schooling journey. The cocurricular opportunities that we are given and encouraged to do in this year level is amazing. I have made many new friends and friendship groups, especially from my learning journey group. Those 10 days made me friends that I never thought I would have. The subjects and the units that we have done have been very enjoyable and also very new and interesting at the same time. The class teachers have probably been the best I have ever had. The ways in which they teach allows us to work to our best, at a pace that only just pushes us so that we are still comfortable but working hard. There were also many laughs along the way both in class and outside. Of course, the highlight of my experience in Year 8 was the International Learning Journey. The events leading up to it were even up there for the most enjoyable things apart from the trip, such as the trivia night, the 12km walk and also the market days that we went on with our groups. But as might be expected, the trip overseas was an experience of a lifetime. Overall, Year 8 was one for the ages and I wish every year could be exactly the same. Same teachers, same friends and also the same fresh experiences.

In mentor this year, we have been learning about a range of topics including cyber bullying, building relationships, people who inspire us and positive mental health. We have been doing mindfulness lessons including learning about how to relax the mind, utilising the Mood Meter and being in the present. Year 8s have also been learning about what to do if you have some sort of problems either socially, at school, in sport or family related. This was done using Headspace and Youth Beyond Blue as they are trustworthy organisations that can help us. Also, in mentor periods we have been reviewing our 8G Class Charter and values which include the words: organised, hardworking, discipline and respectful in which we strive to abide by.



ELLA CLARK 8B My year was full of new learning experiences including the amazing ILJ trips we were able to embark on. Transitioning into Year 8 at the end of Year 7 was certainly a change and took a couple of weeks to adjust to but once the year level got going and I became more confident around the teacher, I eventually got into the swing of things. I was confronted with some new challenges along the way but overall it was an amazing year. New friendships were made throughout the year which made the year that much better but my most special moment, which was the Cambodia ILJ, opened my eyes to new things and helped me form new friendships. The teaching staff across the School have done such a good job of making this year go well and I’m very grateful for that. All of the opportunities I’ve been able to experience this year have changed me in little ways and the obstacles that have been overcome have made me a more stable person and more confident in what I do.


I think having the opportunity to go overseas and experience new things in an Asian country with my friends was something that the whole of Year 8, and myself, will probably never experience again. I think that it was a great way to get to know my teachers better and connect with the whole group.

To me, Year 8 has been a fun, crazy and eventful year. From travelling overseas, exams and the never-ending extra curricular activities, I never got bored. The year was jam packed with everlasting memories, fun and excitement. With so many memories coming from just one year, if I had to choose one it would be our awesome opportunity to travel overseas, and I was lucky enough to visit Nepal. We had a really fantastic and supportive group of teaching staff. Although homework was never fun, they tried to make lessons as enjoyable as possible and support our learning in the best way possible. The tight bond that our class has formed this year has been incredible. We have all become really close and many new friendships were created in the schoolyard also. Year 8 has changed my perspective on the world. Mainly from my learning journey to Nepal where we got to experience another culture outside of Australia and appreciate how lucky we are.


It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything is the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realise what’s changed is you.


The quote by F Scott Fitzgerald sums up how the students of Year 8, 2019 felt when they returned home from their Cultures, Communities and Civilisations International Learning Journey. Throughout their learning, students progressively developed their knowledge, skills and behaviours to support them to become active and informed global citizens.

The International Learning Journey supported students to consider and engage in the roles and responsibilities they have as active and informed citizens through connecting with peers in other countries, experiencing new cultures and developing new understanding of their place in the world.

Scott Fitzgerald

In order to complete the community service aspect of each Learning Journey, students held a BBQ fundraiser, a chocolate drive, Market Day and a record breaking 12km walk around bayside. The money raised went toward the schools they visited whilst they were away. They used this money to purchase stationery supplies, pavers, school seating and many more items desperately required by the schools. Upon return, students put together an International Film event for their parents, and other students. The School came alive with their learning and understanding of the places they visited. Parents and families were able to spend one-on-one time with each other to truly discuss their growth and experiences without Theinterruption.benefits and outcomes of the journeys were immeasurable. The goals set by the School for this Learning Journey to occur were met and exceeded by all. Each student returned to School with a very different perspective and understanding of their own way of life and the lives of others as well as an element of gratitude for all that they have. Thank you to Leigh Chislett, Michael Prabaharan, Michael Martin, Jillian Watkins, Nichole Hargreaves, Wendy Gardner, Bernard Quay, Jeff Welsh, Sonia Hu, Hayley Meeking, Sarah Connell, Naomi White, Luke Wintle, Elli Monro, Heather Stone, Kate Frazer, Aaron Cook, Luke Thompson and Catherine Poulton who gave of their time and took on these challenges with such good humour. I could not have asked for a more energetic and enthusiastic team who returned with many wonderful stories of high achievement and endeavour.



In Year 8 students were able to connect with others through their family, School and local community; and became increasingly aware of national events, environmental, social and political issues, and international events. As students journeyed across the globe on their 2019 International Learning Journey, their awareness of political and international issues developed as they considered their roles and responsibilities as members of a community. They were able to appreciate their own worlds and lives with a whole new perspective.

Arriving at Melbourne Airport for our midnight flight, tiredness was the last thing on the minds of everyone as we said our final goodbyes to loved ones and headed off towards adventure. After a long and tiring flight, we landed in Kathmandu to be greeted by an over stimulation of the senses. The sights, sounds, smells and insanity of the traffic were almost overwhelming as our driver saw us safely to the sanctuary of the hotel. Here we met Bikas, our warm, wonderful and knowledgeable local guide for the duration of the stay. Our feet had hardly hit the ground and we were off to enjoy the local meal of Dal Bhat, complete with traditional dancing. After a night to recover, absorb and start to enjoy our new surroundings, we woke early to explore the vibrant city. We visited Hindu and Buddhist temples, witnessing some of the many religious ceremonies and enjoying the skills of local artists. The following day, the time came to make the highly anticipated journey with Yeti Airlines to the trail head. This saw some nervous faces, a new song in honour of the airline and a collective sigh of relief when the wheels touched down safely. The trek provided challenge and reward in equal measure. The effort of the steps and heat of the first day gave way to spectacular views across the snow-capped Annapurna Ranges.


Not a word of complaint or negativity were heard from the group, with the shared challenge of the walk, leeches and evening rainstorms being embraced with games and laughter, rather than being resisted. A day at the school gave sore legs some respite. Hours of soccer, dancing and teaching made for some of the biggest smiles of the trip and was a highlight for many. A final four-hour stroll to the bus, a farewell to our amazing local team of porters and cooks, and we were heading back to Kathmandu. The final night saw our last opportunity to enjoy the amazing local food and to look around the markets before heading back to the comfort of Melbourne. An incredible trip with an outstanding group of young men which has created memories for life.



There is something incredibly special about sharing stories, laughing, dancing and singing with people from a completely different culture to yours. The Mentone Grammar Vietnam boys did exactly this as we spent 10 wonderful and action-packed days across eye-opening Vietnam. High up in the mountains of North Vietnam, the Hmong people welcomed us with open arms and kind hearts. We enjoyed the breathtaking landscape and hospitality of the 120-family village as part of a two-night homestay. We had a magnificent time together cycling the karst mountains of Ninh Binh and Mai Hich, climbing high to visit a sacred pagoda and took in the serene landscape as we floated down the H. Hoa Lu River in between the karst mountains and through ancient river caves.


The group felt a great sense of satisfaction after a challenging climb to the top of the Xa Ninh Xuân Mountains and showed remarkable teamwork and determination to trek 18km through the H. Mai Châu mountainside. The boys were all amazing, taking time to enjoy the magical views as we strode single file along water buffalo Throughouttracks.the journey the boys were intrigued by the rich history and stories of Vietnam. They spent time in the Hanoi Old Quarter markets and visited the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. They were given the opportunity of soaking in the amazing aspects of current and historical life in Vietnam with tours of Buddhist temples dating back to 1070 and linked old and new by exploring the teachings of Confucius at The Hanoi Temple of Literature.

It is with great confidence and satisfaction that as a travelling staff member that I can say that the boys who ventured to Vietnam this year may not have new eyes, but certainly have a new lens with which they can view the world.

The group will forever remember walking into a quaint mountain village school and being greeted by extremely excited, yet shy, primary aged Vietnamese children. They sang and danced for us. We sang and danced for them. The boys planted many peach trees at the school, a gesture very much appreciated by the locals. A significant part of our preparation was raising funds for those less fortunate than ourselves. It was rewarding to have our boys select items that would benefit the children, teachers and wider village community. We left them gifts, however, we also left with a deeper appreciation of how happy the people were, with seemingly little.

It’s difficult to put a tangible value on the benefit of travelling, but I know for sure that in a Melbourne classroom we can’t play an impromptu soccer match with local Hmong children, will struggle to teach the exact skill and techniques of Batik painting and the impact of wandering through a weird, wonderful and eye-opening P.Minh Khai food market would be certainly be lost.


The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

I saw all the members of my group grow as people, become empathetic for those people we met that are less fortunate than us. We became more grateful by realising how lucky we are to have this amazing opportunity, to travel to another country away from the place we all know too well; this was an amazing privilege.

Southern China was an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity that we will never forget and has taught us a lot. All the different experiences have taught us valuable lessons and have changed our view and how we live versus how people in rural south China live. One of the major lessons that myself and the group took away was that often we take things for granted in our everyday lives and realise we are very fortunate living in a place like Australia. The school taught us a lot about gratitude as they were very thankful for the little things they had and didn’t worry about what they were missing out on. Overall, the South China Learning Journey helped us understand a lot of valuable lessons that we will use in our daily lives.

Throughout our trip to Cambodia, stronger relationships and deeper gratitude were developed between the girls in the group. I thought we would be divided by already formed friendships, however, we bonded and connected as one large group. A big part of our realisation of how fortunate we are was when we visited the primary school. Having come home, we realise how privileged we are, and we are grateful to live in this country and attend this School


Nowadays, 18 days after the trip, I still see my new mates across the schoolyard and say ‘gday’ and have conversations with the people I was away with, but without having this experience together, none of this would have occurred, and this is why I am so thankful for the opportunity I’ve had and to go where I did.


At the beginning of our trip we all started off being nervous, excited, intrigued and many more emotions, but as we ventured on, we started to relax and soak up the amazing environment and culture around us. Sadly, along the way we had one broken leg but that only made us stronger and closer as a team. Overall, we all developed in our own personal ways but the one way we all developed as a team was to get out of our comfort zones. A simple example of getting out of our comfort zone could be trying new food! And I know for a fact that this group was taken by surprise with the food we had on the first night. Although we were very grateful, we all thought the meals would be similar to the ones we had before our departure, but we were definitely wrong to say the least…. In saying that, we all developed as a team and appreciated every moment we had.

At the beginning of Term 3, I didn’t have homework, study, assessments or projects on my mind, but instead, the 10-day International Learning Journey trip I was about to embark on. And soon enough, the first Monday discussion session came around, and then the next, and the next, and the next, until the last session together had arrived prior to our journey, and by then the bond we attempted to create over the eight sessions was surprisingly tight, which definitely motivated me for the trip to come. This bond only strengthened on our arrival in Nepal and the subsequent first mountain we had to climb. As the trip progressed, the boys and I were hit with the heat, cold, moss, slipperiness, bugs, leeches, unique foods, and high altitudes.




I was lucky enough to travel on my Learning Journey to Cambodia. On this journey, I saw the people in my group change and develop throughout the experience by adapting to the challenges that we faced on a daily basis. We faced many challenges together on this adventure. By supporting each other through these challenges we developed strong friendships that we will have forever. Some of these challenges were laying bricks at a school and riding 50km in blistering heat and being so far from the place that we call home, which caused some homesickness.

Gradually as the days passed, from the lack of sleep, smelly clothes, sore bodies and desire to get home to our warm and comfortable beds, the challenge got more and more difficult, but once again, the friendship we had among the 22 people in our group aided us towards completing the trip. This was further strengthened, night after night, through the after-dinner awards of Thanks Mate and Best on Ground, which was a special speech given in front of everybody showing courtesy and respect to the winners from our group for their efforts during the day.


Although it seemed undoable at first, we all pushed onwards and challenged not only our legs and our minds, but also each other, which was something very special that helped us persevere through the harsh conditions together.



The Years 7 and 8 students participated in the Victorian Model Solar Vehicle Challenge. In a very tight race to the finish line our Year 7 teams took out second place (Rohaan Thilak-Mathew, Riley Shilson-Josling) and third place (Aiden Laurent, Justin Li) in the Sheridan Car Division. Our Year 8 team consisting of Ethan Green, Ruben McSwan, Mathieson Meakins and Avelyn Reynolds finished in the Top 10 in the Designed Car Division. Subsequently, this team was selected to represent Victoria in the Nationals. As we look back at the year gone by, it is again incredible to reflect on the depth and growth seen within the Dare2Dream! cohort. The calendar was full of a diverse range of programs and competitions. The year started with the Science Talent Search competition where students completed projects on the theme, Destination Moon: more missions, more science. Due to the overwhelming number of high calibre Primary school projects submitted by our students, Mentone Grammar was awarded a School Award, the Hugh McKnight Encouragement Award. This is the first time we have won such an Award for Science Talent Search.

In Term 2, many students completed inquiry projects for the Maths Talent Quest competition. For the third year running Mentone Grammar was awarded an Outstanding School Award. We also had two entries that made the National Finals – Rhys Basin (Year 4) and Lucy Riddle (Year 6). Rhys Basin was presented with a Special Award: Originality and Communication of High Level Problem Solving. After the Award Ceremony Rhys exclaimed: ‘For me it felt so good coming up for a special award… It took so much work and effort, but it was all worth it in the end.’

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) units of focus have once again played a major role in the calendar.


The Year 8 team also had much success placing first in Cartography and Creative Producers, and only missing out on a podium finish by a few points. ‘At the end of the day we were incredibly happy and even though everyone’s brains hurt, we all had fun and that’s what it’s all about.’ (Nicholas Corcoron, Year 8).

The Da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition in the style of an Olympic Decathlon. This year we had teams compete from Years 7, 8 and 9. ‘We were all astonished when we found out that we had been placed second in Creative Producers, Ideation, Science and General Knowledge, placing us in fifth place overall out of 19 teams - the best a Mentone Grammar team has ever done!’ (Hannah Wagner and Reva Thaker, Year 7).

Once again, we had four teams compete in the Tournament of Minds (TOM) competition. For a second year in a row one of these teams made it through to the State Final, taking out second place. This was the Primary Social Sciences team consisting of Year 5 students Kate Pregnalato, Alice Fletcher, Kristof Buschkuehl, Henry Przychozen and Year 6 students Jaxon Stephens, Thomas Hoyles and Zachary Raffaut. This was Jaxon Stephen’s second time at the State Finals. ‘TOM is all about having good thinking skills and teamwork. I have fortunately been able to compete in two competitions so far in TOM, both of which made it to the State Finals. Making it to the State Finals again was amazing for me, because we worked hard for weeks and it paid off in the end.’ (Jaxon Stephens, Year 6).

Primary and secondary students attended a variety of ‘Philosothons’ throughout the year with students from many different schools. This was the first time our students participated in the Ethics Olympiad and the Secondary Philosothon. Akul Saigal (Year 11) proudly proclaimed: ‘Seeing as it was our very first time, many of us had cold feet going into the first round, but our experience in debating and public speaking paved our way to a second place finish!” The Year 4 Dare2Dream! group visited the National Gallery of Victoria for the Primary Schools Philosothon. ‘The art is telling us what we think we are doing right could be wrong and will affect the future.’ (Jake Pyszcek, Year 4). The theme was Future Earth and the students made some incredible connections between the art and the state of our world. We are incredibly proud of the efforts and achievements demonstrated by the students involved in the Dare2Dream! program this year. Every year this program continues to evolve and progress, providing new and exciting challenges for the students at Mentone Grammar. Congratulations to all those who were involved in 2019.


It has been a fun, happy, exciting year for Bayview Chinese Language students with activities to extend and enrich their learning for languages.


Bayview students continued to develop their understanding of Chinese through participating in Chinese culture related events and excursions, such as Year 7 Chinese Cultural Day in Term 1 and the Year 8 International Learning Journey to northern and southern China.


It has been wonderful to see our Chinese language students return from China with a deeper and more solid understanding of the language they are learning. The joy and excitement when they communicated with local Chinese, the awe while learning about the history, the sense of accomplishment while climbing the Great Wall and some amazing Chinese bargaining in the markets of Xi’an all enhanced their connection and memories of their amazing experience in China.


The Education Perfect Language Championship was one of the highlights, with intense learning and competition across all levels in Bayview. In June we participated in the Education Perfect Victoria State Championship 2019 and Mentone Grammar ranked No.1 in Overall Score and No.1 in the subjects of German and Chinese. In the World Language Championship 2019, we also achieved No.1 in the subject of Chinese. Our students particularly loved the range of ICT provided in the Language subjects to engage and enhance their learning. The Language department collaborated with different departments to enrich Bayview students’ experience in Language learning. One of the highlights this year was collaborating with our Greenways Café team for a fun dumpling-making session for our Year 8 students, celebrating the Food unit. Students had a handson experience learning about the history, different dumpling wrapping techniques and refining their chopsticks skills with great enthusiasm.

Our students of German have developed their language skills with a variety of reading, listening, writing and speaking activities, and have also enjoyed language games and songs during their classes.

Another opportunity to have fun with language is the annual German Poetry Competition. Poetry is an essential part of German culture and our students made their teachers and the School proud, with a record number participating in the Regional and State Finals. Congratulations to Amelia Lea, Max Topor, Ben Chamberlain and Derek Wong who represented the School in the State Finals.

At the beginning of each year, Mentone Grammar offers our German students in Years 9-12 an eightweek exchange to the city of Bayreuth to improve their language skills and cultural awareness. And what better place to develop your German skills than a visit to a German Christmas Market or on a skiing trip to the Alps. This year, our students Yani Ryan, Charlie Webster, Sam Tucker, Grace Felsenthal and Hardy d’Alquen visited Bayreuth and lived with families from our German partner school the Markgräfin-

To make use of their language skills in real-life scenarios, they are offered an array of different opportunities throughout the year. One of those reallife opportunities is our exchange program with our partner school in Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany.

In Term 2, our Year 7 students visited the German Language and Cultural Centre, the Goethe Institut, to attend science workshops with some of Australia’s leading German scientists. A great way to immerse yourself in the German language without having to pack your passport.

Focusing again on cultural learning is our annual Oktoberfest celebration. There is no better way to immerse yourself in the German culture than to yodel, play cowbell music and eat German pretzel! RABE



Wilhelmine-Gymnasium. Their partners Maxi Schinner, Max Tittlbach, Adrian Bär and Yanneck Wolinski then spent Term 1 with us. During our short stay program in March, some of our students also hosted guests from Bayreuth for two weeks. Besides visiting Healesville, the Great Ocean Road and the Australian Garden in Cranbourne, our German guests also visited many of our language classes, creating a fantastic opportunity for all students to communicate with them in German.


It has been another exciting and fun year in our German classrooms!

Once again, Mentone Grammar has performed well at Zone tournaments being recognised as one of the leading chess teams in the competitions we enter. Both our Open Secondary and Primary teams have won through to State Final tournaments and at the time of writing the Open Secondary team has qualified, once again, for the Nationals to be held in December at University College in Melbourne. Also, very pleasing are the high levels of interest and participation in our chess clubs in Eblana and Bayview. Bayview Chess Club often had more than 20 students regularly playing chess at lunchtimes. Many come just to enjoy playing socially with their friends while others come to spend time with chess coach, Matt Cheah, to hone their skills. Matt has been really fantastic with the students, particularly in Eblana, enabling them to enjoy the game as much as develop their skills. We try to give every student who is interested and plays chess at tournament level, a chance to play in an interschool tournament and this provides much excitement in the junior campuses. At the senior level we have a more established team of players who have worked hard at improving their personal rating and tournament performances. Kevin Zhong (Greenways) and Liam Jakob (Bayview) are particularly worthy of mention for their tournament performances and for having earned a place in the Open Secondary Team. We are also proud of fiveyear-old Hamish de Livera who has been a standout performer for the Eblana team, and Daniel Poberezovska who won the individual Silver Medal at the Chess Vic - State Finals. PRABAHARAN CHESS CLUB





Following on from the Year 5 Sovereign Hill Learning Journey, students were tasked with managing a technical project from conception to completion. To do this they planned, designed, and built a scale representation of Sovereign Hill. With a diverse range of learning styles comes a diverse range of Technology learning tasks, and that is what occurred in Year 6 this year. Students began the year with Design Technology, focusing on Food Preparation and Health, in the form of their Build-a-better-burger unit.

Technology in Year 5 is always about handson, active learning. Students began the year developing their understanding of the visual programming language, Scratch. Through a sequential and structured approach, students designed personalised Sprites and created animations within a gaming scenario.

Students investigated the theme of Farm to Plate, focusing on health and nutrition, whilst planning, designing, creating and resolving their final piece, ‘Cowcium’ the Picasso Cow.

An investigation into the Australian Dairy Industry allowed Year 6 students to participate the Picasso Cow program. This crosscurricular, interactive program appealed to a diverse range of learning styles and encouraged the development of ideas and creativity through cooperation and teamwork.

Robotics can be quite daunting for many, however, the students of Year 6 became innovative, problem solvers when learning about coding robots.

Students in Year 8 Food Studies developed and mastered their hygiene and safety skills whilst learning practical preparation of food based on the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.


In Year 8 Digital Technology students worked collaboratively to design, test and perfect their codes while working their way through a range of skills to program their robots.

Digital design students in Year 7 designed and produced a 3D printed wheeled toy that was stylised by them, based on characters of interest. They later developed their 3D modelling skill to design and produce a LED light housing and diffuser.


Students in Year 7 Design Technology created a wheeled toy and a personalised bag tag.

Year 7 students were involved in a range of printmaking activities that included etching with a focus on architectural design and imaginary topics like ‘sea monsters.’ Pop up cities and gardens inspired by American artist, Barbara Gilhooly, provided a colourful display in the Creativity Centre. After producing designs in their Visual Diaries, students combined balsa wood and acrylic paint to each produce an individual freestanding model. Digital painting was explored by different classes to produce a variety of outcomes. Some students combined it with traditional acrylic painting to produce amazing portraits, while others produced colourful paintings of the Australian bush. They investigated the work of David Hockney and his use of digital imagery using the Brushes Redux App to produce a wide range of different effects.


Visual Art is such an exciting part of the School, with loads of enthusiasm and intrigue. This year, our students were exposed to a wide variety of media and new techniques whilst researching and exploring in the art studios in the Creativity Centre. All levels from Years 5-8 experienced Painting, Printmaking, Drawing and Sculpture in all their many forms.


Year 5 girls were also involved in art activities inspired by the location as they worked to capture the wild and windy foreshore on canvas. Students started by sitting on the foreshore at Shoreham Beach and completed a quick study using watersoluble pencil to explore the direction of light and tonal values. Back in the studio they painted a major artwork using acrylic paint on canvas. One of the highlights for Year 6 was the 3D unit incorporating various forms of textiles.

Year 5 students were involved in art workshops while on their Learning Journey at Shoreham. Classes engaged in various art activities with the boys being enthused by the Shoreham Pirate theme and to create fabulous treasure maps. Their final results were produced on large sheets of brown paper using mixed media and acquired knowledge about the peninsula landforms.

Year 8 students worked with gouache paint to produce images of decorative letters, teacups and masks. They examined a variety of inspiration for this topic that included the Book of Kells, superhero masks and Wedgwood design. Learning to manipulate the gouache using fine brushes was a challenge that students mastered by experimenting with gouache techniques in their Visual Diaries. The final results were very effective. They also learnt about two-point perspective drawing and enjoyed the mixed media textiles topic of Boho bag design, using fabric paint to embellish as well as decorative stitching.


Year 6 girls engaged in the delicate techniques of beading and embroidery to embellish their beautiful fabric bird collages while stretched over embroidery hoops. The boys were inspired by observing images of fish, leaves and bugs to produce their collages using felt and a variety of stitches including running stitch, backstitch and cross stitch. They also learnt how to sew on a button-definitely a necessary skill for later in life.


Performing Arts in education provides students with the opportunity to engage the mind, the body and emotions into a collaborative expression of all that it means to be human. Through study and performance, students explore and present great themes and ideas. Performing Arts students grow in understanding of what it means to not only be human, but to be good, noble, honourable, kind and compassionate.


From the onset this year, the students were guided by our inspiring leaders and were challenged to make the song choice themselves. Once again through sheer hard work and perseverance, an incredible show was produced. The students gave their all, shining in their best rapper and hip hop outfits, creating a wonderful Arts event. Well done to all students. Everyone in the room was a success in their own right. What a wonderful pool of accomplished performers we have. Congratulations to all the Finlay Anderson performers for being this year’s winning House!


Mentone’s Bayview House Arts provides an opportunity to showcase all the incredible talent in our campus. A variety of music and choreographic styles demonstrate commitment, persistence and beautiful artistry. We were much obliged by our judges including Louise Daly, Jamie McCarney and where would we be without our fierce Hip Hop rappers 6 Pac, Tupac’s cousin (aka Mr Martin and Mr Walton) for a true Hip Hop event. Following each group performance were some extraordinary solo performers who all contributed to their overall House scores.



The first, Limelight, intended as a musical platform for soloists and small groups was held in Term 1 where the audience was treated to many new, well-honed Bayview performers.

The second, the Performing Arts Showcase, replacing what was previously the Winter Concert, was held in Term 2 and highlighted all aspects of the performing arts undertaken at School. Indeed, the Showcase demonstrated the essential and innovative nature of Performing Arts at Mentone Grammar, as well as introducing creative uses for new performance spaces throughout the Creativity Centre. At this event, dance, drama, music, film, ensembles, soloists, costuming, staging and lighting all combined in an impressive program. The audience moved from venue to venue and encountered entertaining pop-up musical moments along the way. The performers greatly benefitted from the new program format, repeating and honing their performance skills across two performance sessions.




The third concert event, the Ensembles Concert, was dedicated to larger instrumental music ensembles and choirs, and replaced the former Spring Concert. Although Year 12 students have a particular interest in the Ensembles concert performance, often informally defined as a valedictory performance, students across all campuses and year levels greatly enjoyed their involvement in a more integrated event.



In a new-style program for 2019, our Bayview performers enjoyed being a part of a new format that centred about three principal concert events that created great mentoring through cross-campus interaction.




As the performing arts continues to grow at Mentone Grammar, this year our Bayview students had another opportunity to perform in the Thorold Theatre as the School offered students two production experiences this year, a Semester 1 stage play as well as an end-ofyear musical.

The Actors, a play by Alex Emerson, is a one act comedy. It starts as our protagonist, Harbo, stumbles into an unfamiliar place, dressing gown on and a toothbrush still in his mouth. He is greeted by the most unlikely vision: a full barbershop quartet singing at him, who call on celebrities composed of pretty famous, but also pretty dead people (such as William Shakespeare) to support Harbo along his journey in this comedy about the afterlife. With a large cast of 30 actors and a short rehearsal period during Terms 1 and 2, it was all hands on deck. I was confident in the students’ abilities after strong representation throughout the audition process, there was certainly a high calibre of performers. As an ensemble, the students worked in two groups as well as a whole. It required a lot of teamwork and discipline to bring this show to life. I am very proud of the cast’s efforts, we had seasoned performers as well as new comers. They all delivered an outstanding show to a very proud audience of parents and friends, and for the School. I look forward to what next year will bring for these great performers.



Isabella Becker, Charli Bucci, Thomas Burton, Oscar Cheah, Reilly Clark, Hudson Close, James Cramer, Amelie Davis, Samuel Dumoff, Alexander Dumont, Lachlan Dwyer, James Evans, Samuel Ferguson, Ryley Finnis, Nimra Haseeb, Arabelle Jeffery, Sean Kulakovskiy, Rose Mackenzie, Chloe Nimorakiotakis, Olivia Parkes, Marcus Peachey, Nina Pertzel, Diesel Reid, Riley Shilson-Josling, Reva Thaker, Rohaan Thilak-Matthew, Cooper Topp, Finn Vickers, Erik von Zweigbergk, Diesel Yoxon. Heath Canazani, Nicholas Corcoran, Aras Harbutt, Zenas Nimorakiotakis, Fergus Rann, Archer Read, Samuel Clark, Shem Glasscock, Jack Heaven, Felix O’Neill-Pugh, Callum Prior, Charlie Webster.




Now for something completely different… This year’s Bayview musical was a step back in time; not only to the Medieval days of Camelot, but also to introduce many of the students to the classic, absurd comedy stylings of Monty Python. As was expected, the students took to it like a fish to water or perhaps more appropriately, like a fish slapping dance!

Spamalot was the culmination of over 50 students and countless staff members hard work, with the students rehearsing music, choreography and acting diligently weeknights and weekends across two terms. The end result was nothing short of amazing with audiences laughing, dancing and clapping along to the brilliant work of the students who were able to satirise our modern world using classic comedy. The tradition of a celebrity Bayview teacher appearance that started in Shrek continued with Mr Liam Bassett and Deputy Head of Bayview Michael Martin revelling in the role of the out of place Jedi Knight, ‘Sir Not Appearing in This Show’. Everyone involved helped the audiences to ‘Find their Grail’ inside of each of them, while keeping them laughing throughout every performance, reminding them to ‘always look on the bright side of life’.






100 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS YEAR5A Mia Antoniou Harper Carroll Mia Daniell Alice Fletcher Olivia Foster Zahra Jacobs Emma Kombol Sienna Lyons Reahn Orfanidis Valerie Pilarinos Kate Pregnalato Taj Reynolds Ella Watkins Ella Whittaker Isabella Williams Jacqui Cartwright TEACHER YEAR5B Olivia Apostolidis Zoe Becker Kate Clark Carol Duan Emma Evans Jade Knight Nikki Malotsis Mai Monro Natalie Nomikos Phoenix Park Alitsia Piotrowski Hannah Pitt Ava Pregnalato Rimjhim Singh Alyssa Tam Elizabeth King TEACHER Adam Eastick TEACHER YEAR5C Campbell Brown Alexander Burrows Kristof Buschkuehl Julian Dimopoulos Luke Georgiou Matthew Harford Jai Heib Benjamin Ingram Ben Jackson Landyn King Ilias Kurmanov Liam Lazzari Alex Marriott Malcolm Nguyen Henry Przychodzen Diesel Reid William Richardson Elliott Savage Luke Sheppard Freddie Stafford Cooper Topp Oliver Tzounos Tyler Veza Jett Yoxon Cameron Riley TEACHER YEAR5D Harvey Burnside Byron Castello

101THE MENTONIAN 2019 Nick Chambers Hudson Close Christopher Coates Sarab Sarabjeet Lucas Derham Lachlan Dwyer James Evans Utkarsh Garg Lachlan Glotzer Jae Hadjiyannakis Riley Hadjiyannakis Jack Messina Curtis Murphy Zakaria Rahhali Ned Robertson Patrick Saunders Scott-BranaganMax Josh Turner Harrison Tzounos Lucas Wagner Marcus Welsh Angus Todd TEACHER YEAR6A Lana Cananzi Madison Carr Anika Cherney Shaya Clarke Ashley Dunn Poppy Hudson Arshpreet Kaur Georgina Laws Indy Mannix Rosie Meagher Piper Nicholson Eve Opie Siobhan Phillips Lucy Riddle Grace Sibbald Caitlin Smith Emily Welton Olivia Haynes TEACHER YEAR6B Emma Adams Abigail Barrett Jessica Chaplin Montana Cheers Sarah Chun Lina Fedotova Soph Goble Asha Jewell Indiana Kruss Madeleine Lewell Zoe Nixon Jasmin Prior Zoe Richmond Emilie Royale Poppy Samild Morgan Shearer Sara Weeks Pip Madden TEACHER YEAR6C Curtis Bates Ian Chaplin William Clayton

102 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Will Douglas Samuel Dumoff Jenson Flower Cooper Gallant Thomas Hoyles KarageorgiouAnthony Hugo Large Kai Mitchell Toby Notman Cody Perring Cameron Perta Oliver Prince Dmitry Sorokin Joshua Villanti Erik von Zweigbergk Thomas Wale Alan Zou Kristopher Little TEACHER YEAR6D Luke Bennett BountroukasPanayiotis Jake Frankland Edward Hall Lachlan Hecker Edward Holmes Thomas Hutchison Angus Jackson Archie McNeill Ben Parr Hugo Roest James Salisbury Jaxon Stephens Nate Trowell James van Heerden Flynn Walker Andrew Wang Atahan Yildiz Justine Hamilton TEACHER YEAR6E Dimitri Aravindth Aaron Britter Thomas Burton Lachlan Caldwell Lachlan Christie Michael Di Tirro Ryley Finnis Hugo Flower James Georgiou Lachlan Hill Thomas Humphreys Alan Jiang Nicholas Leydin Scott Marrow Oscar Mentiplay Zach Raffaut Matthew Shing David Sprung Marlon Turco Wayne Essing TEACHER YEAR7A Isabella Becker Tilly Best Sophie Bond Anna Brady

103THE MENTONIAN 2019 Charli Bucci Jodhi Carter Sarah Daniell Amelie Davis Isabel Ellix Emily Holmes Ava Kombol Ella Michell Eloise Miller Kiara Morris Clea Mumford Ellie Newman Paige Oliver Jessica Rafferty Chloe Selby Lulu Stansby Sally Stevens Aimee Stewart Lexi Wheeler Lucy Wloszczak Leonie Redfern TEACHER YEAR7B Sienna Beynon Caitlin Brown Mia Castello Sophie Frost Arunita Ghosh Bridie Glanville Nimra Haseeb McKenzie Hood Aimee Lancaster Elise Laws Trinity Madden Charlotte Maddern Kate McCormack Sahana Paine Elisha Parkes Lily Parsons Flora Peng Nina Pertzel Sarah Rafferty Kiyomi Rossborough Jessica Smith Noemi Sniezek Reva Thaker Hannah Wagner Linda Barnard TEACHER YEAR7C Remy Barker Ava Bizzotto Ava Collins Nelly Connor Charlotte Cowan Pippa Davies Paige Gallagher Olivia Hine Aurora Hogios Arabelle Jeffrey Charlie Karras Brooke Knight Amelia Lea Rosie Mackenzie Courtney Male

104 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Sienna Moore NimorakiotakisChloe Holly Nish Lily Oldham Scarlet Park Jordan Pyszczek Ella Rankin Nicola Thompson Kayleigh Wallwork Amelia Wong TEACHER YEAR7D Jakob Albiston Charlie Atlee Johnny Bakas James Cramer Angus Hall Ben Hawker David Hayes Flynn Hodgkinson Ryan Jeoffreys Aiden Laurent Owen Lazzari Oscar Lewis Justin Li Sam McCauley Anthony Mirhom Justin Pregnalato Harry Riley Alex Soden John Toby Rueben Verdiants Evan Vrionis Noah Whitehouse Reno Zoggia Caitlyn Platt TEACHER YEAR7E Lochlann Bellamy Harry Cotton Hunter Creelman Samuel Ferguson Ben Forster Lachlan Fraser GourgoutasChristian Sebastian Gude Nicholas Harris Ethan Hunt Maksi Kaurin Ryan Langenfelds Will McGlone Kieran McNamara Ryan Porter Aidan Rankin Samuel Robertson Finn Vickers Jake Vorrath Archie Weldin Cooper Wilcock Tim Arnold TEACHER Wendy Hong TEACHER YEAR7F Tomas Barlow Oscar Cheah Alexander Dumont Aras Harbutt

105THE MENTONIAN 2019 Dylan Hoang Liam Jakob Sean Kulakovskiy Harvey Lansley David Liu Joshua McGrath Lachlan McNamara Callum Orr Cayle Parker Max Pavlidis Marcus Peachey Shilson-JoslingRiley Dane Taitoko Jamie Taylor Matthew Temby RohaanThilak-Mathew Liam Welsh Christian Williams Diesel Yoxon Vanessa Riach TEACHER YEAR7G Fletcher Batty John Bleakley Ernie Brook Ollie Campbell Luca Cavarra Reilly Clark Loke Egede-Poulsen Oliver Fitt James Fotomaras Hayden Gilligan Alfie Hegg Leo Hennessy Macca Manning Trent Neumann Lachlan O’Hara Hamish Rankin Dimitri Rellos Oliver Rowley Noah Ryan Brendan Sheppard Kieran Vorster James Wu Jeff Welsh TEACHER YEAR7H Mayukh Bera ChambersChristopher Lachlan Cusack Zachary Granell Luke Growdon Jareth Haagen William Hood IatropoulosAlexander Thomas Kurta Alexander Large Duy Le Kingston Marsh Joel McCall Benjamin O’Connor Joel Ruberu Benjamin Seers Jeremy Stevenson Ayden Tezay Tierry Vayenas

106 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Derek Wang Alexander Wilson Josephine Huang TEACHER YEAR8A Lexie Allan Tiffany Bates Pippa Bethune Amelie Blackham Sienna Block Alana Carruthers Ginger Fennessy Jemma Forstner Julia Gerresheim Amelie Hall Ella Hinton Eliza Hulley Claudia Irving Maya Jacobs KarageorgiouAngeline LeembruggenJessie Ella Mahoney Madeline Miles Thea Orzinski Keira Patron Zara Quin Avelyn Reynolds Keira Richmond Jada Stephens Elli Monro TEACHER YEAR8B Alanah Becker Jennifer Bodinnar Mia Callow Kiara Campbell Ella Clark Elisha Fitzgerald Molly Forster Ava Gibbons HollingsworthGemma Mady Kalogerakis Olivia Katsouranis Alyce Kerr Meg Lewis Jessica Male Tilly Meagher Nalisha Ong Bella Orchard Lucy Page Marieke Roest Ruby Samild Jamie Shepherd Emily Zallmann Heather Stone TEACHER YEAR8C Willow Bailey Ceri Cooper Zoe Crombie Lelani de Silva Nichola Di Tirro Abrielle Duker Alexandra Ewart Tess Farrow HollingsworthClaudia Keisha Jacobs

107THE MENTONIAN 2019 Julia Kokkinos Miranda McLean Olivia Parkes Ebony Phelps PoberezovskaJessica Ruby Raymond Eliza Schmidt Skye Shipton Zoe Tesoriero Tara van Straaten Lucia Vega Jessica Watson Charlotte Wood Wendy Gardner TEACHER YEAR8D Rhys Bellamy Harrison Cowan Archie Cullen James Dimopoulos Alex Enkelman George Fennessy Phoenix Hall Michael Kelly Sean Lai Harrison Long Blake McClure Lachlan McLaren Declan McNamara Samuel Morgan William Mutton Jiahao Qian Fergus Rann Archer Read Darcy Richards Jude Scott Lachlan Smith Jett Spence Finn Vorrath Lewis Wagstaff Naomi White TEACHER YEAR8E James Armit Heath Cananzi James Dennis Nicholas di Rosato Murphy Dickson GourgoutasJonathon Anirudh Hariram Zane Ishchenko Sam Lewis Tianqi Li Flynn Magennis Ryan Naismith Campbell Paroz Jackson Pastor Patrick Riley Owen Rowlands Ollie Stafford StavropoulosAlexander Toby Straw Elliot Tibb Declan Styles TryfonopoulosCostas Kristian Varsamis

108 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Brandon Veza Luke Thompson TEACHER YEAR8F James Appel Alexander Barrett Billy Bond Ben Chamberlain Daniel Charles Zachary Chen Hayden Cooley Jake Daniels James Davey Joe Davie Oliver Dipietrantonio Fraser Helliwell Charles Holmes NimorakiotakisZenas Hamish O’Donnell Luka Pajic Chethiya Ranaweera Jeremy Sheppard Thomas Staunton Alexander Thow Gabriel Truelove Matthew Vyshenkov Luke Weeks Jensen Wong Aaron Cook TEACHER YEAR8G Jayden Bedford Matthew Bourke Will Brown Jack Callow Luke Caris Thomas Dumoff Thomas Federici Matthew Georgiades Ethan Green John Humble Joshua Lai George Lewis Ruben McSwan Mathieson Meakins Thomas O’Rourke Nat Petty Guy Richards Rocco Scott Ashar Shahzad Hudson Sims Maxim Topor Luke Trantino Zack Warmuz Ned Wilson Luke Wintle TEACHER YEAR8H Sam Albiston Cohen Brown Aidan Cafarella Nicholas Corcoran Toby Duckinson Jack Falconer Makenzie Flower Declan Fogarty Aariyan Gokhale

109THE MENTONIAN 2019 Jade Hanson Christian Howe Jackson Kemelfield Harrison Kidd Frederick Liu William Nish Max Noble Alfe Peng Luca Pinzana Fraser Rich Nicholas Saunders Luke Tucker Steven Wan Tim Wang Oliver Xiang Leigh Chislett TEACHER YEAR GRADUATION8



We started the 2019 academic year with an assembly which involved a traditional indigenous smoking ceremony. This was symbolic of making a fresh startan opportunity to enter the smoke haze, walk through it and begin a new year. In a year where we have celebrated diversity, our students have embraced the vast range of opportunities on offer in our Greenways Program. These opportunities are designed to tap into the interests of our Year 9 students and ignite their zest for learning. In our Changeover Program, we commenced the RULER journey by creating one of the four anchor tools - the Charter. The Greenways Cohort Charter established agreed upon norms and guidelines, rather than rules, that helped create a more content, emotionally safe environment at School. Everyone in Year 9 had a voice and responsibility for developing the Charter and for upholding it. Our 2019 Greenways cohort agreed to the following guidelines within the campus: An established robust learning culture in Greenways continued throughout 2019. The campus opened at 7.40am to accommodate the early risers for a study session. The attendance at morning study sessions has been exceptionally pleasing. Most adolescents want to sleep at this time of day. The fact that Year 9s were at School and actively involved in meaningful work at this time of day is something we are proud of. The afternoon sessions were bursting at the seams and I honestly believe that this is one of the many successful aspects of the Greenways Campus. Our staff and students continued to strive for excellence in all that they do. Teachers delivered meaningful programs that challenged our learners in a range of different contexts. The Mentone Grammar Teaching and Learning Framework underpins our core business of learning and we continued to focus on Formative Assessment and Feedback as the main drivers of progress for each student. The Greenways longitudinal data indicates that we are successfully achieving growth each year in most of the key learning areas.


Greenways students have also undertaken a journey of investigation and enquiry as part of their Personal Project. This was a project-based learning prospect where students were encouraged to start with a big idea that explored an area that they were passionate about. One of the aims of this unit was to enable students to take responsibility of their own learning, to Last year, I had the pleasure of attending the Year 8 Graduation Ceremony. As part of his address, Mr James Walton described the 2018 Year 8 group as caring and nurturing. As this class graduated from Bayview and became our new 2019 Greenways cohort, I couldn’t stop thinking about how exciting it was to have another wonderful, high calibre group move across to experience the Greenways program. As I reflect on the year, these students have certainly upheld their reputation.


The ability to empower a team, earn respect and lead by example is invaluable to their future. The Leadership Diploma challenges students to be outstanding role models, encourages them to do so consistently and requires voluntary participation. Successful completion of the Student Leadership Diploma is mandatory for any student wanting to apply for a leadership opportunity in Years 11 and 12. Students taking part in the program are provided with a workbook and mentors to help guide them through the activities, workshops and requirements. The Diploma assesses student engagement and conduct across academia, cocurricular activities, House and School events, social service and citizenship. The School now offers a number of opportunities for students to learn and practise leadership Learningskills. in Greenways continued to be hands-on and engaging. We have been privileged to witness this Greenways class deliver wonderful role plays of Romeo and Juliet, explore Pythagoras Theorem collaboratively on the whiteboards, help those less fortunate through community service, embrace physical and emotional challenges on Learning Journeys, witness the spectacular talents of those in the stage production of FAME and to taste some of the best lattes we’ve ever had. They have immersed themselves in Cadets, embraced the cocurricular SMART Program and have taken to the field in both winter and summer sports with a positive was set high from the beginning and this group embraced the many opportunities in Greenways. I would like to wish our 2019 Greenways graduates every success as they continue their journey into Frogmore.

The Personal Project also helped students to develop greater global awareness and an appreciation of cultural diversity. The aim was not simply to display knowledge, but to apply what students had learnt and showcase this at the Personal Project Exhibition Night, in a public forum. This year, we unveiled the inaugural Student Leadership Diploma which commences in Year 9 and runs for 18 months. This program is aimed at deepening the learning around our suite of positions of responsibility in senior school, so that students with leadership aspirations can develop tangible skills to give them a head start for their future.


111THE MENTONIAN 2019 develop their personal organisational skills and learn to manage their time. The project ran for three terms with checkpoints along the way that students needed to meet.


This year we welcomed the newly renovated Greenways Café kitchen and barista area, the renovation has created more opportunities for students within the Café program. There is a permanent bagel bar and sandwich station that are proving to be a favourite amongst staff and students. The students prepare and serve freshly filled sandwiches and bagels every day. Another popular addition was a bigger espresso machine which is run by three baristas at all times to meet the demands of our customers. This new system teaches students about workflow and teamwork as the two new additions to the Café require multiple students at all times to operate.



We say every year ‘the Café has never been busier’ and I’ll say it again, ‘the Café has never been busier’. Along with making over 100 coffees per day we have taken a healthier approach to the food that is prepared in the kitchen. Healthier snacks such as fresh cut fruit, vegetable sticks and dips, tortilla chips and salsa and reduced sugar muffins are on offer every day. We are all about sustainability in the Greenways Café and at the beginning of the year we encouraged all staff to BYO a mug for coffee to reduce the amount of one-use cups we use and the response has been fantastic, thank you to all staff who BYO. We also changed coffee and milk suppliers to keep with our sustainability theme. We use Commonfolk Coffee Company in Mornington for coffee and Mooven Milk in Mordialloc for all our dairy needs. The Commonfolk roast their own fair-trade beans and deliver to us as required, their baristas and roasters are all trained inhouse. Along with this they put on training nights each month for anyone interested. I would recommend going to their café in Mornington for a coffee and lunch. We continue to engage Complete Hospitality Training for our Barista and Food Handling courses. They come out to us and deliver the Food Handling coursework during Changeover and we go to their TAFE on Elizabeth Street in the CBD for Barista training. The quality of the food and coffee produced by our students week in and week out truly amazes us, they arrive for their Café week with a can-do attitude and bursting with enthusiasm. The collaboration between the students and staff really makes the Café program a success. Thank you to Katherine, Melanie, Atsuko and Eliza for the wonderful environment you provide for the students to flourish and to our staff customers for making the Café program as real a hospitality experience as possible. We look forward to seeing everyone back in 2020 for aromatic coffee and tasty food.


114 THE MENTONIAN 2019 What a week! In September, 182 Greenways cadets were bussed off to Puckapunyal Army Base for a week of exposure to army life, new skills and new platoon friendships. ARMY CADETSANNUALCAMP

• First

The continued growth of voluntary participation in the Cadet unit is in itself a mark of its own success and we look forward to welcoming the many Year 9 students who have expressed interest in pursuing leadership skills courses at the end of Term 4, to step up as leaders in 2020.

After a night around the fire getting to know their Frogmore Corporals, Sergeants and CUOs, the days were filled with team building activities, army related lessons and spending time ensuring that they did their part in maintaining their campsite, water supplies and collecting dry firewood. They soon learnt the valuable connection between great teamwork and surviving in the bush.


It is not an easy job to impart important information to students not much younger than themselves and they did so with great maturity, humour and care. In turn, the respect shown by the Year 9 recruits towards their leaders was great to see.

At the beginning of 2019 all Greenways recruits attended an introductory training day to receive their cadet uniform, webbing and essential items for their time in the bush. Following that, all students attended training days to learn the unique skills required to be a successful Army Cadet. They spent these days being mentored by Frogmore cadet rank who had volunteered to complete leadership and skill-based courses following their Year 9 experience. These training days included an introduction to: Parade drill Bushcraft Camouflage and Concealment Health and Hygiene aid Cooking with trangias Hutchie construction, and • AAC protocols and hierarchy. Along with 150 senior cadets, the Greenways recruits packed their limited belongings into their webbing and set up camp in one of two Companies and discovered the rigour and traditions of army life. Acclimatising to the unique landscape, erecting hutchies and building a serviceable fire were just some of challenges of Day 1 for the Greenways platoons. The reward at the end of the day was a food drop and the surprising discovery that army ration packs are full of great snacks and meals that quickly become the currency of the bush. For the platoons of A Company and B Company, this was home for the week.

• Navigation •

With a basic knowledge of navigation, maps and a good compass, all recruits were challenged to complete a full day navigation exercise. This involved plotting grid references and completing data sheets to ensure that all platoon sections made it to each marked point without getting lost. The warm weather and hilly terrain meant the radio specialists in the Signals team and the senior Medics were busy ensuring everyone made it back safely before dark. It was a day that challenged the recruits’ practical knowledge of map reading and scaling and was a great lesson in optimal packing to ensure they had all the essentials required to survive a long day in the bush. For many, the highlight of the camp was spending time at the Range where the recruits had the opportunity to spend one-onone time with a soldier learning how to shoot a semi-automatic weapon (F88 Austeyr) or a machine gun (F89 Minimi). For some, spending the last night of camp in the National Service Lines barracks was a highlight. A mattress, a hot shower and egg and bacon rolls were a great reward for a big week in the bush.

As with every year, the last night on the Base is a time for reflection for all our Year 12s as they end their time in Cadets. With sadness and pride that these fantastic leaders realise just how much they have learnt and gained from mentoring our Greenways recruits over the past three years. Our Year 12 CUOs are the epitome of the AAC values of Courage, Initiative, Teamwork and Respect.


The students’ Personal Project study is a project–based learning opportunity where students begin with a big idea and then explore an area that they are passionate about. The Project aims to enable students to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop organisational skills and learn to manage their time. The project runs for three terms with checkpoints along the way that students must meet. This process allowed students to work within a self-paced environment. At the beginning of the year each student chose a topic that was both a significant challenge and had enough scope to sustain a long-term venture. The exciting culmination of this project was the Personal Project Exhibition Evening in October, where many students were acknowledged for their well-considered concepts and project outcomes.





Our Greenways Learning Journeys challenge our Year 9 students with new places and perspectives, building on their skills and relationships and empowering them to push themselves to new limits. Whether it be in the Shoreham kitchen cooking a three-course meal, taking a deep breath below the surface of the ocean whilst SCUBA diving, or coming face-toface with a larger than life dairy cow and her calf at the Dookie robotic dairy. Each destination offers something different throughout the year. Just the same as each individual and group dynamic is unique. During each program, we asked students to share their passions and speak to their classmates about their experiences, heroes and highlights. This took place across their four week program; some in the dense bushland of Healesville Sanctuary, some within earshot of Shoreham beach, others overlooking Brunswick Street on the rooftop garden of the Brotherhood of St Laurence building. All locations bringing their own special atmosphere.


I never realised how stressful catching public transport could be until City Week. If you were to ask me what I learnt that week, it would be that no matter how much planning you do, plans change.


What our Year 9s showed us was incredible. These young people showed their courage while running into 10-degree ocean water at Shoreham, with enormous smiles. They showed their resilience while walking up surprise snow-capped hills in their runners and cotton jumpers and then pushing through the day with wet socks. They demonstrated endeavour when tackling the dynamic tracks of Lysterfield’s mountain biking trails; and they shared their care and respect when listening to the stories of their peers. So, we say, remember those freezing mornings or roasting afternoons, remember those cold wet feet, the tight grip on the handlebars, the nervous laugh before biting down on the SCUBA regulator. Remember how you overcame so much, to face life’s challenges like you did on your Learning Journey and you will get through it.

My favourite activity has been the mountain biking. Although it was a struggle to get to the top of the hill, it was all worth it for the ride down, where you go really fast over obstacles! I really enjoyed it even though we were covered in mud!


We took the bus down to Flinders Pier and most of us had our first scuba diving experience, which everyone was looking forward to. As we arrived, we suited up in tight wetsuits, masks and fins and all our other diving gear and were taught how it all worked and the importance of it when we are underwater. I really enjoyed it! I enjoyed messing around in the water and being with my mates and I also enjoyed the fact that I learnt a new skill which makes me even more interested, as it is something I might use in the future.


Having always been scared of deep water, I was, to say the least, hesitant to go swimming with heavy diving gear strapped to my back. Though, I was offered solace through the encouragement of both my Learning Journey teachers and fellow students alike. In the end, I (literally) stepped into the deep end and embraced and battled the fear. It was an amazing experience, as soon as I stepped out from the water, my fellow classmates were there to cheer me on and congratulate me. For that, I will be forever grateful.


The views on the climb to the top were breathtaking, with snow covering the trees, it was like being on the cover of a winter Christmas card.

My first time experiencing snow, was hiking to the top of a waterfall in Marysville. I know it sounds crazy, but there was snow lining the trail all the way to the top. As soon as we got off the bus, everyone ran to the nearest pile of snow and started making the biggest snowballs they could hold in their freezing cold hands. The sound of snowballs hitting unsuspecting victims could be heard from everywhere.








122 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS YEAR9A Josephine Bohlken Emma Burton Caroline Clark Maddi Cox Priya Gill Ella Heidecker Breanna Hill Ashleigh Horton MarrierBella D’Unienville Sasha McLennan Clemence Neylan Phoebe Palmer Zoe Pertzel Emilia Piciocchi Eleni Rellos Lily Riley Ellie Rosaia Sienna Salisbury Ashika Sarma Tess Shilson-Josling Zoe Turnbull Amy Watkins Hayley Zakic Wenrui Zang Emma Lindsay TEACHER YEAR9B Olivia Brady Madi Brown Paris Burlock Mia Collins Molly Frankland Grace Huxtable Ava Ivanov Olivia Lea Elizabeth Leahy Zoe Leaver Irene Lu Eve Marsh Evie Mitchell Lulu Moore Madeleine O’Hara PapagiannisJamieson Sophie Sibbald Tiana Skafte Jessica Soar Riley Spence Georgia Stewart Scarlett Tibb Emilie Toby Charlie Turner Ashley van Rooyen Hannah Watkins Sarah Connell TEACHER YEAR9C Summer Albiston Emma Bennett Camille Brewer Anna Calvi ConstantinouGeorgia Peri Dart Charly Donchos Mia Georgantis Charli Glanville

123THE MENTONIAN 2019 Emily Growdon Mia Henwood Alex Hutchison Daisy Laws Summer Leonard Amelia Luca Eliza Matthews Lola Murphy Luci Neumann Eliza O’Connor Hayley Parr Tanaya Porter Shani Russell Evie Stansby Jayde Temby Mikayla Watson Catherine Poulton TEACHER YEAR9D Ginger Brodie Rhianne Brown Sarah Connell Dominique Doig Emily Fitt Victoria Gelbak Georgia Griffin HadjiyannakisJasmin Ella James Amelia Johnson Ulyana Kondratova Jazmine Kruss Grace Laidlaw Charlotte Laws Alannah Marriott Maddison Moore Gabrielle O’Sullivan Mia Perry Cece Porter Amelia Pritchard Ash Rundmann Holly Wale Monique Zahra Bernard Quay TEACHER YEAR9E Michael Alford Ryan Aligianis Layfe Darken Noah Davis Kristijan Djurovic Presley Evans Henry Hamilton Lachlan Harrington Chris Hirst Ryan Huang Hamish Hughes Dylan Kluge Tully McKinnon Alex Morgan Hamish Neumann Jake Newman Jayden Paine William Robertson Fred Rose Sascha Selacki Hayden Selby

124 THE MENTONIAN 2019 CLASS PHOTOS Carter Staggs Enrico Tirta Coen Ursprung Christopher Vorster Jacob Whitehouse Cameron Wilson TEACHER YEAR9F Charles Anderson Max Athanas Bill Barden Cameron Berry Luke Chaplin Ethan Gorringe Justin Grant Brendon Holmes Oliver Hughes Samuel Ingram Thomas Jackson Jordan Kurta LangenfeldsMatthew Tao Morgan Sam Murphy Phong Phan Ashton Phillips Harry Rowan Byron Shim Joshua Simmons Zachary Sniezek Jincheng Zheng Kevin Zhong Stuart Cleeve TEACHER YEAR9G Thomas Byrne Mason Cartwright Matthew Chambers James Commerford Liam Davis Thomas Felsenthal Benjamin Fenech Cooper Friso Lucas Ioannou Will Jeffery Kevin Jin Mitchell King Cooper Levey Tom Madden Matthew Mairs Angus Marcombe Clement Prebble Joshua Rabak Jared Ruberu Sijia Sun Dennis Tezay ThomasvanAmeyden Jed Zammit Peter Zhu Joe Monro TEACHER YEAR9H Riley Barker Hamish Berry Archer Bethune Hudson Bucci Oscar Constantinou

125THE MENTONIAN 2019 Sebastian Culley Charlie Daddo Luca Duffin Ethan Esakson TimurKaanGuneysu William Hughes Joshua Jakob KarageorgiouTheodore Ryan McCormack Jack McNamara Henry Mentiplay Atticus O’Brien Carlos Reynolds Ethan Riach Stuart Ross Matt Scherger Darcy Tadich Akshay Taneja Tenzin Young Thomas Christiansen TEACHER


Opportunities to demonstrate or develop these character traits are inherent within our learning programs and activities both within and beyond the classroom; within our Houses and the sense of connectedness they provide; on the stage or sporting field or in the myriad projects our students passionately pursue both within and beyond their School. Indeed, student passions were clearly on display during the applications and presentations for Foundation Awards and it was wonderful to be able to sit with those who applied and discuss with them their interests, their development within those areas and the sense of achievement provided by these pursuits. Conservation, equestrian, lifesaving, martial arts, mountain biking, photography and triathlon were just some of the areas of interest for our students.

The ongoing focus on learning and teaching within the Frogmore Campus has continued under the leadership of Ms Kara Baxter, our newly appointed Head of Teaching and Learning (7-12), who alongside our Heads of Faculty and dedicated staff, engaged within our Teacher Learning Communities to continue to build on the excellent work undertaken during previous years. Our continued emphasis on cooperative learning, student self-assessment and self-regulated learning through the use of effective classroom techniques ensures our students continue to benefit from the structures and support designed to assist them in becoming independent learners, as they look to achieve their personal best. Working towards achieving their personal best our students continue to be supported through the nurturing pastoral program provided within our Houses. The pastoral role of the Houses, and indeed the strong sense of connection students feel to their House, is fundamental in facilitating the wellbeing and happiness of our Frogmore students and I commend our House Coordinators and Captains for the role they play in establishing these nurturing and supportive House environments. In looking to further support students throughout 2019, Houses implemented The Resilience Project as a key pillar within our pastoral care program and it has certainly resonated with both our students and staff as they looked to incorporate gratitude, empathy and mindfulness into their daily routine. Understanding how they are feeling, and why they are feeling that way, looking at what makes them feel happy, identifying the things that went well or that

While the focus of Frogmore students is rightly directed towards their academic pursuits, our senior students also enthusiastically engaged in the wonderful opportunities that abound within the Campus. These are often targeted toward the holistic development of each individual and our students have embraced such opportunities with infectious enthusiasm.


Happy. Healthy. High Achieving. This is our aspiration for all students at Mentone Grammar and incorporating opportunities for our students to regularly reveal these characteristics is an important component in the programs that we offer and the activities that we undertake within the Frogmore Campus.

The joy that these passions sparked was clearly evident throughout and they are commended for their application but, more importantly, on their efforts and achievements within each of these areas.


The chance to be involved in public speaking and debating events, including our Model UN, is one such opportunity and enables our students to develop their presentation, public speaking and debating skills while at the same time demonstrating their awareness and connectedness to global issues. This year’s Model UN theme of Enough is Enough: Ending violence against women and girls, resonated strongly with our students as they prepared position statements and sought resolutions regarding quality education, gender equality, reducing inequality within and amongst countries and revitalising global partnerships for sustainable development, to name but a few. The discussion and debate were engaging, and often times entertaining, as students assumed the position of their assigned countries within the Model UN Assembly. It is always a wonderful day with students from a large variety of schools visiting Mentone Grammar to take part. Thanks, and congratulations go to all students involved and to Mr Mark Smith who has overseen this initiative throughout the past few years.

That strong sense of support and camaraderie is clearly evident in the intense sense of pride and allegiance students have in their Houses and is always on show within the various House competitions.

Our sports teams have again represented the School extremely well this year, producing numerous highlights and personal best performances. The efforts of our swimmers, with our Boys’ team winning their sixth consecutive AGSV premiership this year, while our Open A Boys’ Volleyball team, our Girls’ Firsts Touch Football team, our Girls’ Cross Country team and our Sailing team all claimed premierships. In addition, and deserving of specific mention, congratulations to our Girls’ Athletics team who won the AGSV competition for the first time in the School’s history. An outstanding achievement. It has been another wonderful year in sport and our thanks go to the numerous coaches and managers, and in particular Mr Stuart Bainbridge, Mr Peter O’Gorman and Ms Erin Hunt for their leadership and organisation. Student leadership is evident in many of the activities within the Frogmore Campus and we have again been extremely well served by our student leaders in 2019. Led by our excellent Head Prefects, Zachary Angus and Bronte Reark, our student leaders have made a wonderful contribution to raising school spirit, stimulating interest in myriad topics and enhancing student engagement within our School. Covering areas including Academics, Cross Campus activities, International Student involvement, Public Speaking/Debating, Social Service, Wellbeing and Sporting and Cocurricular activities, our leaders have developed and implemented numerous initiatives throughout the year.

127THE MENTONIAN 2019 they are proud of, and anticipating what they are most looking forward to tomorrow or later in the week are all elements of the program that our students have cheerfully engaged with to assist them to create an optimistic view of the future and be better placed to support each other when things, inevitably, don’t go as planned.

Further, our Wellbeing team has worked to ensure appropriate support and programs are in place to assist our senior students as they complete their VCE studies, including morning gate greetings and raising awareness regarding sleep, mental health, bullying, IDAHOBIT and RU OK? Day while our House Captains, in addition to their House responsibilities, ensured there was some fun along the way, including Saturday Study BBQs, our inaugural Year 12 Dodgeball competition and the highly entertaining Year 12 BBQ & Games

OnAfternoon.thatnote I would like to offer congratulations and a very fond farewell to our wonderful Year 12 cohort. They have contributed much to our Campus throughout the year and, indeed, throughout their time within our School. They have remained positive role models for our younger students and we certainly wish them all the very best for their lives beyond Mentone Grammar. Finally, I am fortunate to be extremely well supported in my role. Indeed, the vibrancy within the Frogmore Campus owes much to the assistance, support and wise counsel of Deputy Head, Paul Stockdale, and the efficient organisation and planning of our Frogmore PA, Rebecca Russell. Mr Stockdale is finishing up as Deputy Head of Frogmore at the end of the year and it would be remiss not to acknowledge the impact he has had throughout his time in that role. His strong sense of care and compassion, combined with his positivity and passion have been significant factors in the growth and success of our students, particularly our Year 12s. My heartfelt thanks also to the House Coordinators, Faculty Heads and staff who have provided their support and encouragement, both within and beyond the classroom, and maintained their excellent work to ensure the Frogmore Campus continues to provide a productive and engaging environment for our students as they look to be happy, healthy and high achieving.


The House Championship was passionately contested again this year, with high levels of participation and endeavour evident in all activities. While each event has its own appeal, including the colour and chants at House Swimming and Athletics, the all-in approach to both the House Summer and Winter Sport competitions and the fervent support at Tug of War being notable, it is the energy and vibrancy of the now highly anticipated House Music that sits above all else and is a fantastically fitting finale to the House competition. While all Houses and participants are to be commended, congratulations in particular to Jones House, including House Captain Holly Svojtka, whose high level of endeavour and persistence earned them the House Championship plate again this year. Ms Kate Gratton will be moving on from her role as Deighton House Coordinator at the end of the year. We thank Ms Gratton for her contribution, both within the House and beyond, and we wish her every success moving forward.


The Certificate II in Business equips students with practical administrative skills and includes a focus on customer service and sustainable business practices. Students have applied this knowledge to the running of the Ventura Pizza business on the Frogmore Campus. They have sought feedback from Frogmore students about their product and service, which they have responded to by providing new toppings and making changes to their ordering system. Students also studied Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation, and took their knowledge of teamwork, safety, navigation, belaying, bowlines and sweep strokes into the great outdoors, on camps and excursions that have included caving and white water kayaking in the Yarra Valley, rock climbing at Wilson’s Prom and snorkelling at Ricketts IntermediatePoint.VCAL students explored the pros and cons of living independently and developed personal budgets based on their prospective incomes. They learnt to manage personal finances, filled in application forms for rental properties, did the grocery shopping at Woolworths and Queen Victoria Market and visited IKEA to furnish their ‘rental home’ on a shoestring. Meanwhile, the Senior VCAL students challenged themselves on the Harbour Bridge Climb and navigated their way around Sydney for their Amazing Race project. They put the knowledge and skills attained for running such an event into practice, by creating their own race, for the Intermediate students back in Mentone.

The VCAL program at Mentone Grammar continues to give students every opportunity to demonstrate their skills, knowledge, ideas and values and this year our students are completing additional VET units (Vocational Education and Training) as part of their VCAL studies.

The students continued to apply many of the skills they have obtained in the workplace to our projects, with the construction of a new decking and seating area adjacent to the pizza oven, and the refurbishment of their learning space in the Frogmore Campus. It is affirming for them to see that we learn a lot from them and the experiences they are having on-the-job or in their training, just as they learn from their teachers and projects here at School.

A highlight of the VCAL program is the various community service opportunities that foster further development of empathy and community partnerships. Our students completed the Scope Young Ambassadors program, which involved class-based sessions to develop skills for communicating with people with a disability; and then attending an ice-skating event, helping people with a disability to get around the ice rink and to engage in conversations.


Several students were involved in organising the Year 8 Learning Journey 12km walk, liaising with staff about times and locations, supporting the Year 8 students at checkpoints along the way, and providing them with a gift bag at the end which contained a memoir of their own Learning Journey experiences four years earlier.



Year 10 English focused on how meaning is created through a variety of media and timeless texts. Students analysed how writers employ language and for what purpose, through texts that deliver profound messages about the world we live in and the nature of humanity. It was also about enabling students to use more sophisticated language and creating insightful analyses.





In English as an Additional Language, our students developed their English speaking, listening and writing skills. In Years 10 and 11, EAL students engaged critically and creatively with a range of real-world and literary texts. The final Year 12 exams gave students the opportunity to demonstrate their English proficiency while they worked towards achieving their tertiary education goals.


Year 9 English used language with purpose. It analysed a range of texts to learn through writers’ messages and values. It was about conveying opinions and expressing through verbal and non-verbal skills. It was about focusing on individual strengths and areas for improvement so students could achieve their best.

Year 7 English has been about exploring how writers and presenters seek to entertain, persuade and inform us. It was learning how to ask the right questions and listen to the thoughts of others. It was reading a variety of text types about a range of topics while learning to become better thinkers.

Year 11 English read books that created debate about issues that affect all of us in society, regardless of gender. It was about putting a point of view across and defending that point whilst recognising the validity of others’ ideas. It was also about comparing and contrasting ideas presented in all text types, whether persuasive or literary.

Year 8 English was about how the selection of text structure is structured by the selection of language modes. Students were asked to investigate how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent different ideas and issues in the text. It has been about text in various forms including Informative, narrative and opinion.

Year 5 English emphasised the value of talking through answers and highlighted the importance of hearing others’ perspectives. These discussions were developed through preparing and organising annotations of key text. This approach enabled students to bring their ideas to a group and collaborate effectively. English Language

In English Language we explored how our language influences everything that we do, say, think or feel.  In Year 10 we studied socio-linguistic theories and in Year 11 we explored where our language comes from, how it works and where it is going.  Finally, the Year 12s expanded their understanding of everything linguistic.  English as an Additional Language

Year 6 English was about becoming readers, writers, speakers and listeners. We cared about the way authors craft text to engage and impact their readers and students used this to inspire their own writing, which they shared with an authentic audience.

Year 12 English discussed real world issues and sharing different perspectives to enhance understanding of ideas. It’s about learning how to disagree, change your mind and consider others’ views with respect. It’s also about exam success and next steps.



In conjunction with this, a development of curriculum has equally ensued. In Year 6, the teaching team further enhanced their multifaceted Humanities subject - Global Changemakers, and in 2019 Year 6 students have spent the year constructing critical questions, problem solving and researching solutions to solve problems in the world. Students have been engaged in the process by taking ownership of their own learning and collaborating effectively in teams. Similarly, this focus on collaboration, communication and critical thinking, with regard to practical applications, has equally returned as a staple to classroom learning in Year 5. Overlapping studies of both Commerce and Humanities have prevailed throughout Years 5 and 6 in 2019, as students seek to better position their learning within the world around Yearthem.7

students studied Aboriginal, Torres Strait and Islander Peoples and Cultures with great curiosity and imagination, taking their classroom learning with them on their Learning Journeys to the remote community of Lilla, in Central Australia. Moreover, classroom learning surrounding Ancient China was equally enhanced through a Chinese incursion that saw students engage in a diversity of activities that spanned all manner of aspects from Ancient China, including art and dance. Students were able to extend their knowledge of Geography through collaborative and problem-based learning under the topics of Water and Liveability. Most specifically, students unpacked their role in water consumption, both on a household level and state-wide level, and delved further into the many issues and potential solutions that accompany rapid Theurbanisation.students in Year 8 were provided with the opportunity to develop transferable skills of critical and creative thinking in their investigation of Urbanisation. Students also used their experience on their International Learning Journeys to reflect on living conditions within Australia and the countries they explored. Students further expanded their capacity to undertake historical inquiry in their studies of Medieval societies and to develop their analytical skills, use of sources and explain and communicate arguments.

In Years 5-10, the various Humanities teams have been hard at work in their pursuit of prevailing teaching strategies. As with the Commerce and Humanities VCE teams, middle years’ Humanities have been exploring the role of, and underpinning strategies for, effective feedback. The use of data, focused skills that overlap with content, and both formative and summative assessment have, thus, formed the bedrock of teachers’ professional practice throughout 2019.

Year 8 students were also able to experience life in Medieval times through a fun-filled incursion. For Medieval Day, a troupe of performers was invited to work with the students to help provide them with a more realistic ‘hands on’ view of life during Medieval times. The students were involved in a range of activities and learning experiences which demonstrated the culture, education, fashion, games and tournaments of the period. The Year 8s also learnt about the crime and punishment methods experienced by people during this time in Yearhistory.9students heightened their learning experience in Humanities through new collaborative learning tasks such as ‘How do we feed the world?’ and made stronger links to their learning of History through the introduction of a new History day in their Learning Journeys City Week. Students were immersed in early Aboriginal culture in Melbourne through their work with the Koorie Heritage Trust and experienced new exhibitions on WW1 soldiers at the Shrine of Remembrance. Furthermore, our Year 9 Humanities students researched past family members who had served in the Great War, developing a stronger link between their own history and their classroom learning. In Year 10, students were immersed in many new learning experiences across Humanities. Students were given the opportunity to develop their analytical


COMMERCE&HUMANITIES skills in core Humanities through new learning activities and assessment tasks and through excursions to the Jewish Holocaust Museum and their fieldtrip to Hampton to apply their understanding of coastal management. Moreover, Global Politics entered the ranks of a Humanities elective and received healthy numbers of participants throughout the year. This elective was introduced as a bridge toward VCE studies in the subject and saw students unpack the nuances and complexities of both global and state actors within the realms of terrorism. With financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills becoming so vital for this generation, students were offered the opportunity to enhance these skills in Year 10 with the Commerce electives of Money and Markets and Business and the Law. Both subjects were, again, well-received by students with the continued focus in these courses on teaching students to deal critically and logically with subjective and complex information relative to their day-to-day lives. The Year 10 Commerce teams, in both of these subjects, ensured students were highly engaged through the use of relevant case studies and skills that students could readily apply in real-life situations. Students within the Money and Markets elective commented on a better understanding of financial literacy including the calculations of individual taxation amounts and the importance of a healthy economy. Furthermore, students also noted the significant role that supplyand-demand plays in business and the world economy. In Year 10 Business and the Law, students were equally given the opportunity to develop their theoretical understandings of the legal system, this time via an excursion to the Moorabbin Justice Centre.

Overall, 2019 was an exciting year for student and teacher learning in the Humanities and Commerce Ourdepartment.sincerethanks to the hardworking and dedicated teams who have made the Humanities and Commerce Department innovative and progressive, reflecting the needs of 21st Century learning. It has been our privilege to be the leaders of such committed and diligent educators. We look forward to continuing our work with the team in 2019 and beyond.


Year 11 Commerce students were also selected from Year 11 Business Management, Economics and Accounting to attend the Commerce Scholars Day held at Monash University. This extracurricular experience provided students with the opportunity to build upon their knowledge through master class workshops facilitated by university experts. This opportunity enabled students to develop networks by meeting and working with other like-minded people, whilst experiencing what university life has to offer.

The VCE Humanities and Commerce staff again worked continuously to raise the bar for students with the high expectations they set for their students on the own learning and results. Following the strong results of students in these subjects in 2018, students and teachers have been working harder than ever in 2019 to build subject knowledge and, equally important, learning skills. Various formative assessment strategies across the VCE Humanities and Commerce team have allowed students to continually build on their learning and develop understandings of how to improve on their own skills and knowledge. The VCE Commerce and Humanities team has been maintaining its collaborative learning environment, as well as engaging students to critically think and be activated as owners of their own learning in the classroom. The use of ‘Matching Comments’ has been seen as a very beneficial feedback tool, allowing students to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as set future, short-term goals that they wish to achieve. The implementation of these different strategies for learning is to ensure that students, once successful in finishing Year 12, will also be able to be successful learners in the future. Equally, the VCE teams similarly provided students with hands-on-learning through excursions to the Victoria Market for Economics, fieldtrips for Year 11 and Year 12 Geography, a Year 11 History excursion to the Shrine and State Library, the courts for Legal studies including a Mock Trial at Northcote High School, as well as Business excursions to Chadstone, the CBD and Yakult.

The Languages Faculty has had a big year, with exchange students coming and going, cultural celebration days, film festival visits and all of our big variety of classroom activities.

Our French students visited the AFTV School Films Festival to view Rémi sans Famille at the Astor in St Kilda, a new production of a classic French story. Our students loved the experience, maybe because there were also a number of younger students from other schools in the cinema and the enthusiasm was very contagious.


Jake Newman of Year 9 again represented Mentone Grammar in the annual Chinese Reading Competition, a special event just for non-background students of Mandarin to demonstrate their Chinese reading skills.


The Chinese students in Years 9 and 10 visited ACMI to see Long Time No Sea, a film from Taiwan telling the stories of the modern struggles of indigenous Taiwanese peoples, who lived on the island prior to the arrival of the Chinese and still live side by side with them.

In Eblana, we again celebrated our annual Chinese Cultural Activities day, including Calligraphy, Lion Dancing, Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chinese Traditional Music. This day is always a hit with the students, including the Chinese noodle lunch and the brilliant costumes. Eblana students experience a great range of activities in Chinese classes, including storytelling and role-plays, basic character writing practice and learning about cultural practices and traditions.



The ‘World of Maths’ team visited Mentone Grammar in Term 3 and provided our Years 5 and 6 students with 17 hands-on activities. The students and teachers often worked in teams to collaborate and then solve the mathematically based tasks. The activities highlighted mathematical thinking that supported concepts and methods studied in classrooms and created a direct link to the required problem-solving strategies.

This year the Year 1 to Year 6 students submitted a total of 24 entries to the Victorian Maths Talent Quest. Congratulations are extended to Rhys Basin (Year 4) with his individual project titled, Humans v Animals and Lucy Riddle (Year 6) with her individual project titled, A study of Homework, Sport and Extra-curricular Activity who were the shortlisted candidates to enter the National Maths Talent Quest.

World of Maths

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) skills are critically important for our current and future productivity, as well as for informed personal decision making and effective community, national and global citizenship. As such, the need for high quality Mathematics learning and digital literacy is crucial. The Mathematics program at Mentone Grammar is structured to deliver the appropriate methodology and expertise to best equip our students for their future employment opportunities. It provides many opportunities and experiences that directly relate to a mandated curriculum and rich mathematical applications. Each experience exposes our students to the world of Mathematics and adds breadth and depth to their knowledge. Some of the highlights for our students this year are summarised below.


Of the 24 entries in the Victorian competition, six received a High Distinction, 10 received a Distinction and eight were awarded a Credit. Congratulations to all students who entered and also to the staff who made this possible.


The Maths Talent Quest, run by the Mathematics Association of Victoria, again proved to be a popular competition for some of the students in our Dare2Dream! program. The focus of the competition is to involve students in the methodology of project-based learning by allowing them to complete an inquiry based Mathematical investigation on a topic of their choice. Students who meet a list of success criteria when completing their project, which can be presented as a book, poster, model etc., are eligible to enter the Victorian competition. The projects are significant investigations which take a term to complete.

Maths Talent Quest

Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) and International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

Mentone Grammar students continued to participate enthusiastically in the two popular international competitions run by the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS), which this year was limited to Years 2–4 students, and the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC), which was open to all students. These papers are cleverly designed for all levels of mathematical ability and students are provided with the opportunity to build their confidence and stimulate their interest in Mathematics.

VCE results


The number of students participating in at least one of the Mathematics disciplines at the senior level continues to grow, with Further Mathematics enrolments being at their highest levels (122) and numbers in Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics remaining very strong. A summary of the 2018 VCE results showed a similar trend to that seen from the 2016 and 2017 VCE Mathematics cohort and the Mathematics Department congratulates all students on their performance. In 2018, 12 per cent of Specialist Mathematics, 8 per cent of Mathematical Methods and 26 per cent of Further Mathematics students received study scores above 40 and special congratulations must go to Trenton Johnston and Huang Luqi for both achieving the maximum study score of 50 in Further Mathematics. The Mathematics staff continues to encourage and work with each individual student to ensure they approach Mathematics in a confident and positive manner to ultimately strive to ensure their best performances are achieved. Good luck with your ongoing mathematical studies.

The Australian Mathematics Competition awards Distinction certificates to the top 25 per cent of students, High Distinction certificates to the top 5 per cent and Prizes to the very top of their year level. The ICAS competition awards Distinction certificates to the top 10 per cent of students, High Distinctions to the top 1 per cent of students and Prizes to the very top of the year level.


Congratulations are extended to Justin Li, Year 7 and Wang Zixuan (Alan), Year 12 for their outstanding performances and who were each awarded a prize in the Australian Mathematics Competition (Alan also received a prize in 2018). Other notable results were: 64 students from Years 2–4 (27 Year 2 students, 16 Year 3 students and 21 Year 4 students) participated in the ICAS competition, while 582 student from Years 3-12 (206 Years 10–12 students, 72 Year 9 students, 264 Years 5-8 students and 40 Years 3–4 students) participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition. At the higher award levels and separate to the two prizes already mentioned, Mentone Grammar students were awarded 19 High Distinction certificates: Year 3: Patrick Reynolds Year 5: Alice Fletcher, Year 6: Jessica Chaplin, Matthew Shing Year 7: Denping Wang Year 8: Phoenix Hall Year 9: Kevin Zhong Year 10: Joseph Shim, Danny Huang, Aaron Xue, Grant Zhong, Year 11: Yukang Ji, Hao Fan, Alexander Jones, Haihan Yu, Ryan Ruan, Ruidi Jin, Yifan Liao, Year 12: Zhehua (Timmy) Wang In addition, 97 Distinction certificates were awarded across the campuses: (4 at Year 2, 8 at Year 3, 6 at Year 4, 6 at Year 5, 9 at Year 6, 14 at Year 7, 10 at Year 8, 7 at Year 9, 15 at Year 10, 11 at Year 11 and 7 at Year 12).


The questions are diverse in their construction and require students to utilise a range of mathematics skills to gain insight and understanding in order to formulate a solution. They are expertly designed to test mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students compete against other students from all states and territories in the country and in age group categories.


Undoubtedly the highlight of the Science calendar in 2019 was the inaugural USA STEM Tour. Students spent 15 days deeply absorbed in STEM activities accompanied by some sightseeing and cultural immersion. Three days in San Francisco were followed by a week of intensive astronaut training and missions at Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. At the conclusion of the week, Victoria Gelbak was celebrated as the one trainee in 1,000 with the Right Stuff to undertake further training. Several days in Washington DC were followed by visits to NASA and Universal Studios in Florida to complete a memorable once-in-alifetime learning journey. We hope to be offering a similar opportunity again. There were several staff movements during 2019. With Mr Laz Moutafis taking a leave of absence for 12 months, Mr Michael Wilton and Mr Trevor Stevens taking some well-deserved long service leave, the Science Department welcomed the vibrancy and enthusiasm of Ms Katie Connor, Ms Wendy Hong, Mr Stewart McGowan and Mr Tim Arnold on short term replacement stints. Mr Luke Thompson and Ms Emma Lindsay joined the Department at the beginning of 2019 and capably stepped into full-time positions within the junior science Laboratoryprogram.Manager, Ms Amanda Gluyas also took long service leave during Terms 2 and 3. Amanda was ably replaced firstly by Ms Anjali Bhagwat until the end of Term 2 and, from the start of Term 3, Ms Amany ScienceShafik.Week had the theme Destination Moon, in line with the 50th Anniversary of the Lunar Landing and the proposed return to moon program. Students engaged in several activities such a rocket club, a Chemistry and Physics magic show and a screening of the First Man over several lunchtimes. Congratulations to James Hornibrook and Myles Brown for winning the Nintendo Switch Tournament and special thanks to organiser Nelvin Ong. The winner of the Science Daily Quiz was White House Mentor Group C in Frogmore! The week finished with a BBQ organised by the Science Department. Next year’s theme will be the Blue Economy. Earlier in the year Ms Emily Lok, a Bachelor of Engineering student at Monash University and President of RoboGals was invited to speak to the VCE Year 12 Science students about writing and completing Extended Practical Investigations. This visit culminated in the Years 4, 5 and 6 girls experiencing a day of coding and robotics exploration simulating real world applications. Several other excursions and incursions were held throughout the year. Year 11 biologists attended Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary and the Melbourne Zoo while VCE 3/4 Biology attended several study sessions and completed an incursion to develop glow-in-the-dark bacteria. Year 12 Physicists enjoyed a day on the rides at Luna Park as part of their studies into motion.


SeveralExcellence.students also sat for the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Olympiads. These gruelling tests are used to select potential candidates for selection into the Australian Science Olympiad Team that will travel internationally to complete. Congratulations to Alexander Jones who has been accepted into the Australian Science Summer School to be held in Canberra this January. Alexander excelled in both the Physics and Chemistry Olympiads to receive this national recognition.

Ms Melanie Lane took Yasmin Duffin, Tayla Langenfelds, Sophie Peachey, Aimee Grella, Hannah Schmidt and Zining Zhou to the Monash University Girls in Physics Breakfast. The girls met with peers and mentors and were engaged in STEM Challenges and discussion panels as well as a presentation by Dr Helen Maynard-Casely from Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO).


In this year’s Australian National Chemistry Quiz, Mentone Grammar students once again displayed a superior knowledge and skills relative to their state and national counterparts. Overall, 17 Distinctions were achieved. Notably, Ziyu Zhen received a High Distinction and Alexander Jones received a High Distinction



JENNA WALE, LIVINIA STOCKDALE AND SOPHIE PORTER Units 1 & 2 Health and Human Development coursework explores the roles and responsibilities of parenting, stages of prenatal development and maternal-diet and risk factors during pregnancy. In August, the Year 11 Health and Human Development group travelled to the Mercy Women’s Hospital in Heidelberg to further its knowledge on prenatal development. When we arrived, we were greeted by a midwife named Jacinta who talked us through the ‘do’s and not to do’s’ when pregnant, food and health wise, what happens during labour, different ways to help birth and the three phases of labour. We were lucky enough to even meet a newborn boy named Noah and not so lucky to see a fresh placenta from early that morning. Personally, the highlight of this excursion was meeting Noah and hearing the details about his birth as he was born with a vacuum to help his mum with the birthing.


THE MENTONIAN 2019 Year 10 students also undertook a recreational unit where they elected to undertake Yoga, Self Defence, Personal Training or Zumba. The more activities the students have contact with, the more likely it is they will find something they enjoy which means they are more likely to engage in physical activity later in life.

Our Year 10 Health of a Nation students went to the Road to Zero exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. One of the topics in Year 10 Health is road safety. To start our investigation into this topic, the 2019 class ventured into the city to visit Melbourne Museum’s Road to Zero. This topic is especially relevant to Year 10 because most of us get our learners and start to venture out on the road. When we arrived, we were taken to a cool computer lab where we broke into groups and made an advertisement that was aimed at a specific area, like cyclists, non-vigilant pedestrians. Using touch screen technology, we used pre-recorded clips and sound effects to create an ad. After this we went to the interactive part of the exhibition where we used technology to look at how a human would need to be built to withstand a full force car crash. We used virtual reality to look at how driving in the future would be different. We had the opportunity to replicate the impacts of a car crash through an elevator simulator, which virtually transported us to the height, when dropped, would have the same effects as a car crash at different speeds. It was surprising to discover just how damaging a crash can be even at low speeds and we understood why the TAC had invested so much into this Road to Zero campaign. Losing a loved one to a preventable road accident is something that no one should have to go through, but we learnt the story of families in advertisements who experienced just that. Drink driving, not paying attention near a road and using a phone whilst driving are all causes of avoidable pedestrian and driver deaths.



The Year 10 Sports Science students went to the Richmond Football Club this year for the first time. The students that participate in Sport Science in Year 10 all went on an excursion to the Richmond Football Club for a day. The excursion was regarding their study of training programs. The day consisted of watching the Richmond players train, examining their training facilities, a workout in the gym, a bike spin session in a high-altitude room and, finally, an optional ice bath recovery session. The day was extremely beneficial and as a whole we were very grateful, and all learnt heaps.


In the classroom-based subjects our Health and PE students undertook a range of different excursions to better their knowledge of our subject areas.

Years 11 and 12 PE students embarked on an excursion to Exercise Research Australia.  At Exercise Research Australia some Years 11 and 12 students were given the opportunity to participate in different fitness tests in professional athletic conditions. These tests included a VO2 Max test which measures maximal oxygen uptake, a 30 second Wingate test, which measures how well peak power can be maintained, a hydration test, as well as a 6–jump maximal power test, measuring the rate of fuel depletion.

The Health and PE program continues to thrive across all areas of the School. In the junior year levels, students have access to an array of different sports and activities to improve their skill set and expand their decisionmaking capacity across several disciplines. Whilst our teaching and learning focus is the Game Sense model where there is a strong focus on identifying tactics across different sports, we also explore non-traditional games such as Spikeball and Finska, as well as swimming and fitness testing.

By being able to apply our knowledge in a practical setting it allowed us to further enhance our current understanding of PE, by witnessing firsthand the theory taught in class. This will be a huge benefit to us as we progress though the year. It was also a great chance to gain an insight into potential job opportunities in the exercise science field, and to have our questions regarding possible career paths answered.

Technology in the senior years becomes more selective for the students. Students are able to choose a specific discipline of study and devote more time to that unit. Mentone Grammar has a variety of offerings for students and following the design process is crucial, as well as using critical and creative thinking to effectively solve problems.

Year 11 students also had the following course opportunities:•InUnits1/2 Food Studies, students studied the history and movement of food which explored food from paddock to plate.

In Year 9, students work collaboratively and independently. Greenways has a range of Learning Journeys, so they had to be self-motivated to pick up where they left off. They undertook traditional and/or contemporary techniques, in disciplines such as:


• Animation working with stop motion and rotoscoping techniques, using several Adobe Suite software applications.

• Digital Technology gave the students the opportunity to refine HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop games.

• 3D Design Engineering developing an understanding of gear systems and 3D printing scale beach boxes.

• Both Year 10 and Year 11 students have the opportunity to undertake Unit 1/2 VCE VET Creative Digital Media (CDM) as an early VCE study. This course allows students to refine Adobe Suite applications with industry related objectives.

• Materials Technology student designed and constructed furniture that included implementing a recycled element.

Year 10 students have more class contact time and were able to be more deeply connected to the discipline areas:

• Units 1/2 Computing focused on collecting and presenting data. This was done via databases or with more visual techniques. Key considerations were given to major stakeholders and students worked collaboratively to develop their teamwork skills.

• Food studies looking at the Australian Guide to healthy eating, current food trends, sustainability and zero food waste.

• Food studies students undertook an Australia wide recipe challenge based on McCormick Flavour Forecast 2019.


• Materials Technology working with resolving designs on paper before moving to production with predominantly timber manufacture.

• In the robotics stream students refined their understanding of robotic systems to manufacture and program robotic components.


The Year 12 cohort of 2018 had great success in their final VCE year. This year students aimed to repeat that success. CDM focused on developing their SATs in areas of animation, Interactive sequences using HTML & CSS, visual design, copy writing and creative design processes. In Units 3/4 Informatics, students developed skills in: Spreadsheets, Data Analytics, Information management and project management using Gantt charts. In Units 3/4 Software Development students focused on: programming (CRUDD, algorithms, Searching), Gantt charts, Analysis & Design, Pseudocode, Interfaces, Interactions and impacts. OF TECHNOLOGIES


Throughout 2019, students involved in the Performing Arts have experienced a tremendous year. Packed with opportunity, performance, inspiration, VCE success and external competition success, students have engaged and excelled in all available programs. Change and review was a feature during 2019, effecting a new structure and format of Performing Arts events, productions and concerts.


The Generations in Jazz competition for stage bands, choirs and small ensembles is a favourite annual event for our musicians. I would like to congratulate Froggers for its achievement of first place in its division at the Mt Gambier competition. The Cat’s Meow choir moved to a higher division in the competition this year, and also performed very well. Preparation for the Term 2 excursion to South Australia is demanding, both musically and physically and the students are commended for their hard work and perseverance in relation to this event.


This year Cre8tive Dance was another wonderful production, involving more the 60 male and female performers from Year 5 to Year 12. Based on the stage musical Beauty and the Beast, the story and characters were impressively interpreted through solo, duet, small group and large ensemble performances. The quality and the exuberance of the performance was breathtaking and outstanding.

This year, Bayview students also had the opportunity to choose between two stage productions. The Actors, a comedic play about the afterlife and Monty Python’s Spamalot, a musical comedy adapted from the 1975 film which was a highly irreverent parody of the ageless Arthurian legend. Expanded performance opportunities is an example of changes implemented in 2019 to accommodate a marked increase in interest and involvement of Bayview students.

The Singers Concerts continue to be a very popular performance opportunity, not only for experienced singers wishing to gain more experience in front of an audience, but also for new singers wishing to develop basic performance skills. This is not surprising; the number of students undertaking singing lessons has grown to be the largest group within the Performing Arts and all voice students are involved in choirs and productions throughout the year.


The Amadeus Opera Chorus and Orchestra returned in late November with a stunning program of Opera highlights. The performances incorporated solos, duos, trios and choruses from operas and operettas such as the Magic Flute, Don Giovani, The Marriage of Figaro, The Mikado, HMS Pinafore and Genevieve de Brabant

I am pleased to report that the exciting and innovative developments were well received and increased the involvement, scope, satisfaction and overall value of all events. Performers and audiences alike, embraced the structure of our three principal concert events that highlighted all aspects of the Performing Arts program and absorbed the Bayview Concerts, which allowed for greater cross-campus mentoring.

143THE MENTONIAN 2019 amongst others. The ensemble is comprised of experienced performers, rehearsing throughout the year to tackle the challenging repertoire. New members are always welcome and encouraged to audition anytime throughout the year.


The Eblana Concerts each semester are a showcase for the Eblana instrumental music program, some experienced Eblana music students and the Performing Arts program in general. The afternoon concerts, held in the Thorold Theatre, featured the Year 2 strings, Year 3 strings, Year 3 woodwind, Year 3 Brass, the Eblana Singers, MG Orchestra 3, piano solos, violin solos, a Double Bass solo and a Bouzouki solo.

The Performing Arts calendar also includes the Eblana Christmas Pageant and the Years 5-11 Awards/Speech night, which featured a performance by MG Orchestra 1 of J Die Fledermaus by Strauss. The Carols Service at St Pauls Cathedral is a very special event with preparations beginning at the start of each school year. This year the musical highlights will include three choir items, Magnifica t for choir and orchestra and Ave Maria by Schubert. We congratulate all Performing Arts VCE students for their hard work and perseverance throughout the year. On this occasion we convey a special congratulation to James Hornibrook on the inclusion of his composition in the 2019 Top Acts Concert. Top Acts is the final VCE concert in a series which included a representative sample of the most outstanding 2018 VCE Performing Arts work either submitted or performed. It is an outstanding achievement for any VCE student, and James is the first Mentone Grammar Performing Arts student to achieve such an honour.

The Drama and Dance branch of the Performing Arts had a very successful and positive year. We have seen our cocurricular offerings expand to accommodate more of our budding thespians and dancers who enjoyed the challenges and growth that the performing arts promotes.



Ourcrew.curriculum offerings continue to promote the ‘soft skills’ that are so vital for young people to have as they move through the 21st Century. Performing Arts promotes critical and creative thinking, collaboration, communication skills and above all, confidence. Students were able to be involved in various team building exercises and work together to create highly creative pieces of work. As Drama and Dance are both practical subjects, students are up out of their seats and ‘doing’; learning whilst having fun and building relationships through negotiation and problem solving.

We began in May with The Actors; a one act play that was performed by 30 of our Bayview students. As the play focused on character building and development, the students undertook workshops and rehearsals that built their acting skills in a positive environment. The Actors allowed students with a range of performance experiences to ‘strut the boards’ and learn the disciplines associated with live Creativeperformance.Dance was once again a wonderful showcase of the many talents we have here at Mentone Grammar. This year’s theme of Beauty and the Beast saw students from Years 5-12 collaborate to create a truly magical performance. Our senior students demonstrated true leadership through the mentoring and care they displayed for the younger company members. Cre8tive Dance has an inclusive philosophy and catered for dancers of all skill levels. Spamalot was a raucous ride through Camelot showcasing the many singing, comedic and dancing skills of our amazing Bayview students. Based on Monty Python’s Holy Grail the students were challenged to hit their comedy marks and they did so with great flair and enthusiasm. With over 70 students involved in either cast or crew, Spamalot was a highly collaborative process and crossed campuses with Greenways students managing the hair and make-up



One key focus for the Years 10 and 11 Visual Arts students is to start to work more independently. The creative process is a journey of exploration and discovery inter-weaving thoughts and ideas with personal experiences. We encouraged students to work towards and build their own approach to art practice. Whether they are designing, photographing or painting, an individual self-driven approach to the process can help each student create and form unique ideas.

This year Mentone Grammar has achieved extraordinary success by having three students selected to exhibit at Top Arts 2019. Nina Alston, Harry Kingston and Imogen Schwarz (VCE Art) as well as Alleisha Stephen’s Visual Communication Design work which was one of 20 design folios to be displayed at the Melbourne Museum’s Top Designs exhibition. Imogen Schwarz also won the Macquarie Group People’s Choice award and Harry Kingston was a Premier’s award winner for Visual Communication Design. This was an incredible achievement by both Harry and CreativityImogen. is about connecting things. In the Visual Arts students are encouraged to build on their creativity by learning to connect experiences they have had so that they can synthesise new ideas. Excursions are an essential part of VCE.



In Term 1, Year 12 Art and Studio Arts students attended the Kick Start program run by Art Education Victoria at the NGV and visited the Top Arts exhibition. The Studio Arts students were fortunate to visit a darkroom facility where they all experienced firsthand developing and printing photographs in a darkroom. This is an integral part of their Studio Arts course to help the students understand the process of analogue photography which also aids the students with their knowledge and understanding for their end of year exam. Also visited was the exhibition Trauma, Secrets, and Memories of Holocaust Survivors and the 2nd Generation by Robyn Fuerst, where Years 11 and 12 Studio students were able to visit and gain further understanding on curatorial decisions.

Visual Arts at Mentone Grammar have continued to grow and evolve. Students had the opportunity this year to explore a diverse range of art forms including painting, sculpture, film, photography, design and printmaking.

This year, Year 9 students experienced two teachers, rather than one, adding to the breath of their Visual Arts experience. Amongst the topics explored were a collaborative artwork, of a large-scale silk screen print that was based on the theme of the Creativity Centre and its surrounding flora. The aim of this assignment was to help students learn more about the developmental process of creating and working on a large-scale artwork. The style and techniques explored in the process were informed by the practice of local professional artist, Stewart Russell. Other Year 9 students tried their hand at Body Sock photography, inspired by Polly Borland whose abstract and surreal imagery is infused with humour as well as an unsettling mood. This topic encouraged students to let go of inhibitions and use creative thinking and problem solving through photographing each other in colourful lycra body socks. Collage portraits inspired by Anne-Marie Grigch and wire sculptures based on the theme of faces inspired by Linde Ivimey’s mixed media sculptures were also highlights of the Year 9 Visual Arts program.





The great success of this September’s annual camp at Puckapunyal Army Base was largely due to all the planning and training that had gone before.

The Cadet Unit is student-run and thus we are indebted to the Year 12 students who have completed four years of Army Cadets in their time at School and who have provided such wonderful leadership and support for the Unit in 2019. Their contributions have been immense and are greatly appreciated.

This year saw the re-introduction of in-house promotions courses for Senior Leaders (Year 11s) and Cadet Under Officer / Warrant Officers (Year 12) at Shoreham during school holidays. In total, 70 students took part in these courses with a further 90 students in Year 10 completing the traditional Junior Leaders Course at the end of Term 4. All of these students are commended for their commitment to increasing their leadership capabilities by completing stringent training and demonstrating competency in all areas. These students filled the leadership roles within the Unit as we greeted 191 Year 9 ‘recruits’ for their introduction to the Mentone Grammar Army Cadet Unit.

Cadet awardees include:

ADF Long Tan (Year 12) – Aaron Moore



Thank you to all students and staff involved in 2019 for making the cadet year one to remember.


Also demonstrating great leadership, our higher ranked leaders within the Unit conducted ceremonial drills at multiple services throughout the year ranging from ANZAC Day parades to the Vietnam Veterans’ commemorations and Remembrance Day commitments. It is a mark of respect to our Unit that we are asked by such a wide variety of community groups to provide catafalque parties and student ‘guest speakers’ within their organisations. Training and preparation for these commitments occur outside of normal school hours and our students are thanked for making themselves available for these important occasions. Our four main training days ensured our cadets were adequately upskilled and prepared for their five-day camp. In addition, countless hours over lunchtimes were dedicated by the students and staff in opening the Q Store to ensure appropriate uniform and stores were distributed. The Annual Field Exercise at Puckapunyal Army Base was conducted over the final week of Term 3 with 327 students attending and applying themselves to all tasks, established and coordinated by the student leaders.

The Cadet staff is an incredible group who sacrifice time-off to be part of the unit and staff the programs necessary to ensure the ongoing success of the Unit. Their hard work and dedication to going ‘over and above’ is greatly appreciated by all.

ADF Long Tan (Year 10) – Brayden Miller Ken Smith Perpetual Trophy – Grace Phillips Esprit de corps medallions Amiens Medal (A COY) – Declan Latchford Beersheeba Medal (B COY) – Alex McCann Cape Gloucester Medal (C COY) - Jesse Turner




An ambitious project during the week was the attempt to recreate a section of the Indigenous painting by Sandon Gibbs-O’Neill. The wellbeing committee recruited students from all levels of the school.

This year saw the RAP committee launch the inaugural Indigenous Celebration Week in support of our vision for reconciliation and the idea that respect, tolerance and inclusivity will build a fair and culturally diverse Australia. The theme of the week was People. The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) committee arose as a way to advance the ideals in the Mentone Grammar Reconciliation Action Plan. The RAP Committee aims to educate, inspire and enable all members of our Community to contribute to reconciliation and break down stereotypes and discrimination. We strive to develop respectful relationships and create meaningful opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) peoples.

At Mentone Grammar we recognise the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation as the traditional owners of the land on which our School stands. We respect the People, their lands, their Elders, their cultures, and their traditions. Indigenous perspectives are embedded in the curriculum and day to day learning in all campuses of our School. Our students are lucky to have many opportunities to learn about and engage with Indigenous perspectives and histories within the ongoing teaching and learning program throughout the whole year in English, History, Art, Health and Drama. Murrundindi, an Indigenous Elder, sharing stories with the children of Eblana and all students in Year 10 studying the struggle for rights and freedoms by ATSI peoples are just two examples.

Throughout the week students in Food Studies experimented with ingredients from their Indigenous garden to make and share some authentic foods such as wattleseed damper with quandong jam, aniseed myrtle biscuits, wattleseed and choc chip cookies, and an assortment of Indigenous teas which were available for tasting from the kitchen.

A high point for the week was the involvement of the Indigenous Hip Hop Project. This multicultural dance troupe perform all over Australia presenting to Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. They work with students in an electrifying and empowering way to promote mutual respect and sharing of creativity and ideas. They delivered the message of the importance for all students to care for and respect the wellbeing of their body, mind, spirit and culture.


The week started with students greeting staff and students at the gates to hand out Indigenous celebration bookmarks. These bookmarks were styled on the Indigenous painting by Sandon Gibbs-O’Neill that was commissioned by the school to represent the Mentone Grammar story. The back of each bookmark featured an Indigenous Australian who has made a significant contribution to public life through Sport, The Arts, and Eachjournalism.morningduring Mentor sessions students were encouraged to consider the contribution of people like Adam Goodes (Australian of the Year), Bruce Pascoe (historian and author), William Cooper (Indigenous activist) and Baker Boy (musician), as well as a glimpse into the life of Mentonian Jemma Ford (2014) who now teaches at a school in Arnhem Land.




They used coloured cards to represent the dots of the painting that form the ring that symbolises our whole School Community. It was a fun and vibrant display of our School story and history.

In Eblana, Jed and Dom, two proud Indigenous women, led students in traditional Aboriginal games as well as sharing dreamtime stories. The students enjoyed competing and comparing them to the sports they play today. Students were most interested to learn that Marngrook comes from Gunditjmara language meaning ‘game ball’. Elements of this game are believed to have given rise to the game of Aussie Rules football. The games that we played were called Marnbrook, Jumping Pin, Puloga and Manngruk. Jumping Pin had taggers, Puloga was a last man standing game, Marnbrook was like bowling and Marngrook was like football. We learnt where the games originated and the different equipment that they used. Puloga they used leaves as tags, Jumping Pin they used a Marngrook ball. A Marngrook ball is made of possum skin, sown together with kangaroo tendons and charcoal on the inside to make it not too light. Marnbrook they used a big stone as the target and smaller stones to hit the target.


It has again been a very successful year at Mentone Grammar for our Public Speakers and Debaters. In Senior Debating we saw 30 students compete for our teams in the Keysborough Zone. This year we had one team at Year 12, two teams at Year 11, one team at Year 10 and two teams at Year 9.




All of our Debating teams had success at different times during the year, but our strongest teams were at Year 9, where Team 1, consisting of Ulyana Kondratova, Victoria Gelbak, Emilie Toby and Jake Newman had four wins and one loss for the home and away season. Our Year 11, Team 1 was our top performing team finishing undefeated after its five initial contests. This Year 11 Team, which included Josh Madden, Hannah Schmidt, Akul Saigal, William Currey and Jeremy Campbell then won its first two knockout finals, only going down in the Quarter Finals in a split decision, two adjudicators to one. This Quarter Final result at State level was Mentone Grammar’s best result in Senior Debating since 1990. On an individual note, we were thrilled with the success of Year 9 Debater, Ulyana Kondratova, who won a Swannie Award for being the best Year 9 Debater in the Keysborough Zone. Mooting, can really be summed up as a mock Court Case with each side having a Senior Counsel, Junior Counsel and a Solicitor. This year we had one Year 12 Mooting Team compete at Bond University during May. About 106 Secondary Teams across the Nation competed. Although Mentone Grammar wasn’t among the 10 Finalists, we did have success with both our Senior Counsel, Josh Cooley and our Junior Counsel, Gemma Reynolds, both earning individual accolades for being in the top 40 individual Mooters from 318 to compete. Both Josh and Gemma were very well supported by their Solicitor, Matthew Corcoran. Public Speaking saw Mentone Grammar compete in a range of events from Lions Youth of the Year where we were represented by Zac Angus (Year 12), to Dingley Rotary, Josh Cooley (Year 12), to the Ainger Peck Public Speaking Award, Harrison Huber (Year 10) and Hannah Schmidt (Year 11), and the Model UN Conference, where we witnessed 27 of our Years 10 and 11 student leaders represent nine UN countries on the day. Of these events it was excellent to see Harrison Huber win the Ainger Peck Public Speaking Competition from 90 entrants. A wonderful effort considering he also won this competition as a Year 9 student last year. Hannah Schmidt also performed very well in this competition making the final 10 Ioverall.would like to acknowledge the work of Josh Cooley, who has been our Public Speaking and Debating Captain in 2019. Josh has been a wonderful supporter of our younger debaters and a very reliable representative in a range of Public Speaking and Debating events. Thank you Josh. I would also like to mention those students who earned Colors in Debating: Joshua Cooley and Gemma Reynolds, and those who earned Half Colors: Matthew Corcoran, Alanah Heidecker and Nicholas AsBerry.we look ahead, we welcome William Currey and Sarthak Singh as our Public Speaking and Debating Captains for 2020, and we look forward to the contributions that these students will make. To all involved in Public Speaking and Debating in 2019, I thank you for your commitments and your efforts to this important Cocurricular activity.


All Years 5 and 6 students were treated to a hands-on workshop run by the DAV where they were able to learn all about the debating process. Students interested in taking this one step further then prepared for the Primary Regional Debating Competition, hosted by Mentone Grammar. Competing against a number of local schools, our Years 5 and 6 students debated on heated topics related to needing a licence to own a pet and lowering the voting age to 12. Earlier in the year the Years 7 and 8 students had the opportunity to participate in the Junior Secondary Program. This program is designed to introduce secondary school students to the basic structure and format of debating. Once again, our junior debaters had some excellent results winning two out of three debates at every round. Topics debated included banning junk food in schools, valuing literature more than science, and restricting the driver’s licence of senior citizens.


Bayview students across all year levels were given the exciting opportunity to participate in an interschool debating competition this year.





in the Mentone Grammar Cadet Unit –the Annual Field Exercise to Puckapunyal qualifies as their Adventurous Journey. Those no longer in the unit were able to participate in the School’s trip to beautiful Wilsons Promontory National Park. This year the VCAL students did a canoe trip for their Adventurous Journey.

A reminder: All participants have until the age of 24 to complete their Award so if they have ‘deprioritised’ their Award, they can still complete it. A reminder to contact Mr Kiss at for more information.

Students have been involved in an enormous range of activities which is really exciting to see. Physical Recreation activities range from Sailing to Golf as well as the traditional School sports. Skills have usually involved languages or music but also included driving a car and the VCAL students have been listing their Work Skills. Service to the community is another area with an impressive range of diversity – from volunteering at Sacred Heart Mission ‘Op Shop’ in St Kilda, training a support dog, to arranging and running a fund raising event for the World Vision 40 Hour Famine (the Backpack ForChallenge).thosestudents


The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an internationally recognised award that acknowledges the amazing things that young people can do. The requirements of the Award are for students to commit for three, six or 12 months of Physical Recreation, Skills Development, Service to the Community and completing an Adventurous Journey. Currently, Mentone Grammar has 65 students actively participating in the program across the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.

Congratulations to the following students who have completed their Duke of Edinburgh awards thus far. Bronze Award

Ella Wearne, Blake Rosenberg, Jeremy Campbell, Ulyana Kondratova Aidan Scott, Alannah Marriott

It is worth noting that Ulyana has completed the Award in the fastest time ever – just over six months after she signed up Silver Award Jack Gardner, Emma Rothberg Gold Award

A special congratulations to Tarn Smith (Year 12) and Stephanie Wilson (2016) who are on track to complete their GOLD Awards at the end of this year. At 21 years old Stephanie is a great example of tenacity – it doesn’t matter how long something takes you – as long as you keep making progress. Sometime life gets in the way and things take a little longer.


The year began with the Summer S.M.A.R.T. Program where students honed their skills, put the finishing touches on their artwork, completed final edits of their photography pieces, rehearsed numerous dance and drama performances, which culminated in a Visual Art Show on the last Saturday of the Theseason.Winter Saturday S.M.A.R.T Program saw over 80 students from Bayview, Greenways and Frogmore participate in a variety of programs, including Dance, Drama, Visual Art, Food Technology, Information Technology, Music, Sports Media, Chess and DJing. Each week during the Winter Season, the Creativity Centre came alive with a range of creative sessions taking place. These learning experiences saw our students participate in a wide variety of challenging and engaging programs in unique areas where they had a passion. Whilst it was an outstanding opportunity for our students to further their creative pursuits, the cross-campus learning saw students from Years 8-12 working collaboratively together to produce musical and dance ensembles, theatrical performances, short films showcasing the sporting talent on display at Mentone, and collaborative pieces of visual art. Further to that, was the thriving Saturday S.M.A.R.T Cafe that operated each weekend out of the Creativity Centre. This Cafe allowed our students to learn about the intricacies of running a small business whilst also having the opportunity to showcase their talents in the kitchen by catering for the Firsts Teams after their home games at School and selling their goods to members of the community and visiting teams.

The Summer and Winter Saturday S.M.A.R.T Programs were a huge success, with depth and talent in the program only continuing to skyrocket as we head into the Summer 2020 Season. We would like to thank all staff and students involved.

The enthusiasm, dedication and passion were evident in all areas and it was exciting to work with you all.


S. M . A . R .T Mentone Grammar’s Saturday S.M.A.R.T (Speaking and Debating, Media, Arts, Research and Technology) Program offers students the chance to advance their skills in an interest area by participating in an intensive course during the Summer or Winter Seasons. Each course is hosted by a specialist facilitator who works collaboratively with students on their various projects. Sessions are held on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and on Saturday mornings to run concurrently with Saturday Sport.


Now a tradition within the program, the Performance Showcase and Visual Art Show on the last Saturday of the season allowed our community to share in the creative pursuits of the students and was a highlight of the year.



The tour kicked-off on the west coast with a visit to Silicon Valley, the Google campus and the National Ignition Facility, home to the largest and most energetic laser ever built. Then, they journeyed across to the ‘deep south’ of Huntsville Alabama, to get down to serious business at NASA’s Advanced Space Camp. Throughout a week-long program, students participated in vigorous astronaut training and completed realistic space missions in aviation simulators. It was the perfect ending to a life-changing experience when Mentone Grammar student, Victoria Gelbak (Year 9), was chosen for the only individual medal awarded at Space Camp - the prestigious Right Stuff Award. This special honour is bestowed on the trainee with the greatest potential to be a NASA space explorer of the future. We are exceptionally proud of Vicky!

Next stop was the nation’s capital of Washington DC where students toured America’s most prized exhibits: the Washington Monument, Capitol Building, White House and civil rights memorials. They visited the Smithsonian Museums and the Udvar-Hazy Museum to witness humankind’s greatest feats of aerospace engineering.

The USA STEM Tour 2019 culminated in a visit to the home of NASA operations, past and present: The Kennedy Space Center. Students felt incredibly privileged to attend lunch with astronaut, Jon McBride, lead chase pilot for the maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Columbia. Then the tour finished with a bang with 14 fun-filled hours at Universal Studios. We are exceptionally proud of the 37 young people who represented our School in the USA. They were enthusiastic, positive and made the most of every opportunity. Thank you to the parents and families whose support enabled this life-changing experience.



Down in Orlando, students learned how to defy gravity in the world’s most technologically advanced human flying tunnel before being drawn back to Earth by an airboat ride across Lake Toho, complete with alligator-spotting and a sunset BBQ.

Mentone Grammar students set their sights on the stars in April when 37 students and five staff headed off on the inaugural USA STEM Tour. For almost three weeks the group toured across the vast continent from San Francisco to Washington and south to Orlando, exploring the most advanced technologies the USA has to offer.



• Values for Life (Decision making) Respectful Relationships

• Wellbeing Days, such as RU OK?, Mental Health week, IDAHOBIT

• Use of Resources in the Diary (RULER and Resilience Project)


• Peer Support /Transition Programs Wellbeing Gate Greetings

Cyber Safety, Online Use (Project RockIt)

Throughout the schooling experience, a student’s health and wellbeing is dynamic and ever changing. Therefore, our Wellbeing Program is adjusted and adapted in order to assist our students to develop their attitudes, skills and knowledge so they can build a strong and resilient base and live a healthy and fulfilling life. Our students are provided with a grounding framework of emotional intelligence through the RULER approach. Students are taught how to Recognise, Understand and Label their emotional response to range of real-life situations. They then build on this understanding to then examine how these feelings and emotions are Expressed in order to Regulate their emotional response to put themselves in the best possible position to effectively respond to a situation. RULER approach is taught and built on during mentor periods and throughout the school day. Building on what students have learnt from using the RULER approach, we then move towards a focus on building effective personal relationships and positive experiences. The importance of having gratitude as well as empathy towards ourselves and others becomes a fundamental base. We encourage students and staff each day to consider the things they are grateful for, recognising and appreciating the smaller, positive things in life. is also encouraged and practised as a method to assist students to bring themselves into the present moment, be still and reflect on their thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness is a means to regulate emotions and experiences in order to work towards becoming our best selves. Building a growth mindset and resilience becomes the foundation of self-development. The Resilience Project is part of the mentor program in Years 10–12. Throughout the School, there are many and varied specialist wellbeing programs that run alongside the RULER approach (ELC – Year 9) and the Resilience Project (Years 10-12). These include:

• Funtastic Fridays (board games sessions) – Social Skills Program


• Yoga and mindfulness (being mindful Program)

• Child Safety Information sessions


• Year 10 Cocurricular program (Enterprise Education, Respectful Relationships, Driver Education, Decision making and coping strategies).


• Mindfulness Practice (BeYou Program) Sex Education

• SchoolTV (information portal for parents on youth issues)

At Mentone Grammar we are fortunate to have a strong sense of community and support available to students, parents and staff. A young person who feels a sense of purpose, community and support has more capacity to combat the challenges of life, build resilience and find future personal success. Developing strong, supportive and respectful relationships at School also provides for a safe and inclusive environment for students to engage in their studies and to learn.


Throughout 2019, a very active bunch of young volunteers became part of a Student Wellbeing Committee, who focused on raising awareness and support to others on current issues affecting young people today. Zoe Lancaster and Alexander McCann were also badged Wellbeing Captains. Zoe Lancaster has provided a reflection on her time as the Wellbeing Captain and involvement in events across the School: It has been an abounding year for wellbeing at Mentone Grammar. I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to co-lead such an amazing team of people and showcase our School spirit on several occasions this year. From IDAHOBIT and RU OK? Day to sleep awareness and Youth Mental Health Week, the students have engaged in a plethora of activities; making films, posters, organising speeches, visiting and speaking to students across campuses, gate greetings, attending meetings and designing activities and games to raise awareness and spread positivity, in order to create a happy and healthy environment. As a leader

Overall, wellbeing at Mentone in 2019 has been a pivotal and thriving area of the School with students continuously developing their sense of self and emerging as happy, healthy and highachieving individuals.

– Zoe Lancaster

In Term 4, we welcomed a new member of our wellbeing team, Poppy, the therapy dog, who attends school each Friday and during exam periods, to assist students to feel calm, comfortable and supported throughout their day. Poppy has managed to bring a smile to everyone she has met so far!


161THE MENTONIAN 2019 • Friendship Workshops • Cadets, Youth Leadership Program • International Student Support Sessions • First Aid Training • Indigenous Celebration week • Local and International Learning Journeys • Study Skills and exam preparation • Calming Centre during exam period • Transition sessions • House Events, such as swimming, athletics, tug of war, debating, oratory, music) • Leadership Diploma training • Futures and careers sessions Specialist Presenters provided sessions for students, staff, parents and the community, some of these included: • Hugh van Cuylenberg (The Resilience Project) • Dr Arne Rubinstein (Rites of Passage, Thriving not just surviving Teenagers) • Drug and Alcohol Education and information (Paul Dillon – DARTA) • Building (SpinChat)Resilience

I have found it imperative to understand what issues need to be raised and, therefore, supported by staff and students. It has been truly fantastic to see that students have been exceptionally receptive to all our wellbeing days this year. I hope that student wellbeing continues to thrive as I believe it has allowed students to have their voices heard on issues that they are passionate about, which ultimately promotes equality, inclusion and empathy.

Thank you to Bridgitte Roberts and the wonderful team of counsellors who have helped organise our events and made everything possible. To the students involved in the Wellbeing Committee, and to Alex McCann for being a wonderful cocaptain. Thank you all.

Some of the highlights included The Mentonians Association Course and Careers afternoon, where 44 of our Alumni returned to Mentone Grammar to share their knowledge and experiences across 23 different career areas with our Years 11 and 12 students. Valuable insights and information about the possibilities beyond Mentone Grammar were gained by the Manystudents.ofthose conversations have helped clarify and shape the direction of many of our Year 12 students.


During Term 2, all Year 11 students attended the VCE and Careers Expo at Caulfield Racecourse. This was an invaluable opportunity for our students to learn more about future courses and career options and speak directly to course advisers about a diverse range of programs.


In addition to our career testing program, students heard from Career Strategist, Tyson Day who provided them with ideas and insights into how they could go about making informed decisions regarding subject, course or career choices.

Students from Years 9–12 have had the opportunity to engage in numerous Careers activities alongside individual career counselling appointments this year.

Term 3 commenced with Year 10 Success Day, Mr Lancaster started the day with an overview of the VCE and provided valuable tips on how to manage time and succeed during VCE. For the remainder of the morning, students were engaged by our motivational speaker Darren Pereira who encouraged students to explore their passions, talents and interests providing them with insights into how they might shape their own destiny by identifying their unique abilities and setting goals to help achieve their dreams. The afternoon session consisted of course and career presentations from a range of universities.

Over 130 students undertook work experience and taster programs in fields that they are considering. They gained valuable insights and information about future career options.


Year 9 students were introduced to aspects of Career Planning as a formal part of their Year 9 transition into Frogmore. Students heard from experts on goal setting, financial literacy and interview skills and were engaged in career assessment, mock interviews and resume writing activities.

As part of the Cocurricular program and to help students prepare for work experience, Year 10 students participated in a full day program to help identify and develop key Enterprise skills including problem solving, teamwork, critical thinking, creativity and communication.


At the beginning of my captaincy of Anderson, I believed it was imperative to have a particular focus on the introduction of the new Year 10s and making them feel welcome. I have since learned that it is has been more about the culture set by our senior students that allows them to feel immediately connected to the rest of the House.


Building on this inclusivity throughout the year has brought the House even closer together and made us more united in the various 2019 House events. From running, jumping and swimming to our incredible cheer squad and ‘specialised dancers’ in our excellent rendition of Katy Perry’s California Girls, we have truly embraced everybody’s unique strengths. It is these combined strengths and creativity that make Anderson not just a House, but a strong community. It makes me incredibly proud, as a member of Anderson, to see individuals participate in events that at the beginning of the year they might have done their best to avoid. I think it is really important not to take yourself too seriously, and I encourage all members of Anderson to continue to engage in activities that stretch them beyond their comfort zones, both in and outside of School.

What an incredible year to be a part of Anderson! As a House we pride ourselves on our sense of community and fellowship through our support and encouragement of one another.

The camaraderie, participation and the genuine care and support across Anderson in 2019 has been inspiring. From the guidance given to our new Year 10s, to high levels of eager participation, Anderson embraced that old army adage of ‘one in, all in’. Under Phoebe Wearne’s dynamic leadership alongside the positive and friendly approach of our Year 12 students, the Year 10s were welcomed into the fold and our Year 11 students stepped up to their first VCE year. Like any year, battles have been lost and won, but regardless of all this, Anderson’s strong RED heart has continued to beat on. Thank you for such a memorable year Anderson!

I like to describe our House as a beautiful dot painting of Indigenous Australian art. When we wear our red house colours we are all individual little dots. But when the dots are brought together on one canvas, at one event, they create a far more impactful and incredible piece of art. Anderson students, that is what your contribution and participation has meant to the House this year. As individuals we are just dots, but together we are a painting.



As I reflect back on my own experiences in Anderson, particularly this year, I realise how sad I am to be leaving such a wonderful community. I am so grateful for the friendships and connections I have made within the House, since the very beginning of my Mentone Grammar journey. I will look forward to hearing of the great things Anderson will do in the years to come. I wish 2020 captains Akul Saigal and Teagan Gilligan the very best of luck in leading the House. I know there are exciting times ahead. Anderson, remember my most important piece of advice - give things a go, even if you look a bit silly doing them! Thank you for supporting my crazy ideas and getting involved, Anderson you will be missed.




166 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Denie Bellamy BountroukasTheodore Jayde Boyd Jack Caughey Samuel Dyer Will Garbelotto Olivia Hargreaves Dylan Hinton Isaac Jacques Damon Leffler Mike Ma Luis McLaren Ella McNair Brooke McNamara Angus Murphy Cassandra Newman James O’Day Angus Reark Oscar Robinson Yani Ryan Abbey Samild Maximilia Schinner Marcus Silove

167THE MENTONIAN 2019 Megan Smith Oscar Tulloch James Villanti Ella Wearne Jack Yu YEAR11 Adam Brigo Timothy Bush Rebecca Cao William Currey Tilly Deeks Kieren Dyer Dougal Etheridge Teagan Gilligan Mathew Goedheer Jessica Grant Alex Jones Meg Magennis Lauren Malby-Luke Benjamin Murphy Madeline Rickard Lottie Roberts Tayla Rubin Akul Saigal William Skinner Ben Stephenson Oliver Straw Finn Wheeler Alexander Zhu YEAR12 Frixos Bountroukas Thomas Dyer Abbey Dykas Michael Garbelotto Charlie Howell Ellinor Humphreys Blake Ibrhaim Nathan Klein Abby Leonard Natasha Li Dekota Mark Alex McCann Max McCulloch Jacquie Mendel Mitchell Newman Sarah Petfield Ben Putamorsi Bronte Reark Jessie Rosaia Finn Ryan Emma Scherger Carl Simondson Jakob Sloan Tiffany Spitzer Nicholas Thiele Max Tulloch Jesse Turner Phoebe Wearne Prue Richards HOUSE COORDINATOR


Ouraway.confidence grew but it didn’t stop there because next was the House Tug of War Competition and we knew we had a tough job, but that didn’t matter because we knew we would have fun no matter what. Next was House Oratory and Debating, which was the most nerveracking event of the year. The students who were willing to step up tackled it head on and I commend them for their willingness to get up in front of 100+ of their peers, participate and represent the House. As House Music came around, we knew after coming first place last year we would have some serious competition. Our Deighton Leadership Team gave up their own time to plan costumes, film a music video, cut out numbers and help the House prepare to face the big competition. I cannot thank Zoe Lancaster enough for her amazing choreography and solo performance that surprised and amazed us all, and Maddy Ghent and Sam Pritchard’s leadership as Vice Captains as they put in all their time and effort to make the year end with a blast.


Deighton is a family. Friendships were made that will never be forgotten. I know leaving Mentone Grammar will be a difficult path, but the memories of Mentor and House roll call everyone morning will always be one of the hardest things to say goodbye to. I’m so honoured to have been House Captain this year of an amazing House and I couldn’t have asked for a better year with a better group of people. Thank you Deighton!


This year has had its ups and downs for Deighton House but, most importantly, our participation and involvement in the House over the last couple of years have developed Deighton into a family. The House events have been a highlight of the year, watching all our Deightonians put in their all to make it the best year possible. We started the year with House Swimming and going all out. Everyone covered themselves with Deighton slogans showing their House spirit and the Year 10s started their integration into the Deighton family. We knew when we won the House Cheer Competition for House Swimming we had to go further. With House Athletics around the corner new chants were created and dance moves were added with a show stopping finish that blew the judges

It has been a privilege to work with Deighton’s five Mentors: Miss Allsop, Mrs Edmondson, Mr McCarney, Ms Snell and Mr Woolhouse this year. They have tirelessly dedicated their time, energy and passion into supporting every single student in Deighton House. In addition to this, it has been an absolute pleasure to work with Kayla Skafte as House Captain as well as Maddy Ghent and Sam Pritchard as House Vice Captains. Their enthusiasm, dedication, creativity and consistent positivity made 2019 in Deighton a great success, building a strong culture of participation and enabling us to come third in the House Cup. Thank you to all Deightonians for making this a wonderful year.



170 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Althoff-DowellDaniel Fynn Baxter Taya Brooks Singtong Chan Thomas Charles Zane Cooper Christian Fowler William Frost Connor Hewlett Sam Howell Chanel Kilpady Karson Kilpady Samuel Leahy Jack Littleford Ebony McCarthy Emma McCulloch Andreas Michael Aaron Pickering Lucia Taitoko Teah Vassiliadis Cooper Wigley Megan Wrightson

171THE MENTONIAN 2019 YEAR11 Daniel Alston Drew Barclay Cheng Cao Adam Carnegie Bodie Carter Skye Carter Douglas Corden Josh Culley Sam Davie Chloe Garifalakis Ruby Gonis Adam Hegarty-Laws Rocelyn Huang Joshua Jackson Rachael Kernahan Logan Kwan Charlotte Li Adam Marrow Jake O’Brien Jack Pavlidis Sarah Pontifex Jade Rechner Joel Rotar Ryan Ruan Kira Walters Jason Yu Olivia Zhou YEAR12 Zachary Angus Lucas Armstrong Lucas Bartlett Steven Chandler Nicholas Collins Imogen Davis Jai Florent Madeleine Ghent Tilly Glanville Jonah Howell Alana Jones Andrew Lancaster Zoe Lancaster Jack Melvin Max Pedder Ben Pertich Samuel Pritchard Eleanor Roberts Kayla Skafte James Stavropoulos Tina Tang Daniel Wang Jack Williams Jeremy Williams Edward Yang William Yin Kate Gratton HOUSE COORDINATOR


Finally, good luck to all the Year 12s on their new Rememberadventures.–You’re Always a Drinan Dragon. COORDINATOR



mentors throughout the year. Their passion and determination to be part of a whole – to build connections and support each other has been a pleasure to watch. The developing culture within the House is for students to have the courage to step outside their comfort zone and try something new or different and to get involved. While at times a little prodding or carrot has been needed, many students have shown a willingness to be part of something bigger. Yes, there were bumps in the road – but it is how these bumps were overcome that defines what Drinan students are made of – resilience, strength, kindness and care. In Drinan, participation and being part of something far outweighs winning, yet it often results in just to Chris Perkins, who has led the House proudly this year. Also, thank you to all those other students who stood up and demonstrated leadership throughout the year – you know who you are. Congratulations to Jeremy and Tayla who now take over the House as Captains, strongly supported by a new Leadership Team. I wish them the very best for 2020 and am excited by their initiatives and energy that they will bring in continuing to build House Spirit.


To the Drinan Year 12s - thank you for supporting me through the year, but also for being such great role models for all of the younger students. It’s been a journey, but a journey we can well and truly say we went through together and will never forget.

To all the students who are part of Drinan House I have one message. Treasure being a part of this family because these are the memories that will last forever.



Not only was it an absolute honour to become a House Captain at Mentone Grammar, but to lead such an amazing group of people has made it all the more special. Behind the scenes so many of the student leaders and mentors have assisted to make my job so easy. To Ms Oliver, Mr Tregear, Mr Djajamihardja, Ms Moskowitz and Ms Muir I would like to say thank you on behalf of all of the students of Drinan for your amazing work. Not only have you helped us develop, to become better students, but you have set us on a path to becoming better people. This encapsulates the essence of a true mentor. I haven’t forgotten (and how could anyone), Mrs Turner, who brings so much passion and spirit to Drinan including wonderful melodies throughout House Music and the ability to flip into a Kevin Sheedy type operator at House footy. Thank you for everything you have done over the last two years, which has helped make Drinan the amazing House it is today. Nelson Mandela once said, ‘I never lose. I either win or I learn.’ Drinan fits this quote to a tee. Throughout this year I have had the pleasure of witnessing a range of vastly different people all come together as one. From the outset we showed promise at the first House event at MSAC where we saw an actual dragon swim and started the year with an early victory to assert our place as serious contenders for the House Cup. We followed this up with an equally impressive victory at the House Athletics Carnival. Although many would say we are full of talented athletes, which is true, it was the overall contribution from every Drinan member that got us over the line. The year finished with a House Music performance to remember, where - I never thought I would say it - we all became a bunch of ‘teenage dirtbags’. It has been a magnificent year with so many fond moments, and not once was I able to walk into the library at 8.30am without a feeling of pride.

174 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Douglas Allan Andrew Archibald Adrian Bar Lucy Bond Kate Bowcock Caitlin Burke Natasha Devers Max Fraser Luke Gold Toby Hore Ryan Hornibrook Nicky Layton Thomas Lewis Aarya Mudholkar Bailey Oregan Peter Papadopoulos Daniel Pate Ethan Pate Angus Perkins Andrew Poll Stetson Prebble Thomas Riley Elly Sfameni

175THE MENTONIAN 2019 Joseph Shim Guy Studley Rory Thomas TryfonopoulosGeorge Jenna Wale George Zacharis YEAR11 Margherita Baiocco Jeremy Campbell Bill Chen Jessica Dunkerley Annabelle Eustice Alexander Fennessy Tayla Fox Michael Giannioglou Tom Grant Christopher Green Alyssa Hardy Cassidy Hardy William Hibbs Isabelle Leonidas Josh Madden Thomas Meldrum James Mooney Mitch Olschyna Callum Prior Bailey Reed Hannah Schmidt Spencer Smith Sam Tucker Jake Turnbull Frankie Varsamis Blake Williams Josef Wu Jin Ziyang YEAR12 Piper Beretta Lachlan Fraser James Gold James Hornibrook Ethan Hunt Sophia Kapetanas Sophie Leonard Aaron Moore Amelia Morris Huntar Pace Charlotte Pate Chris Perkins Brett Poll Luke Ray Iona Rich Ethan Staggs Tessa Styles Daniel Walliser Ryan White Kelly Zeng Lizzy Zhou Lisa Turner HOUSE COORDINATOR





At the start of 2019 some goals were set for Finlay Anderson and the House went above and beyond to achieve these. Our main focus as a House was to have 100 per cent participation in all House activities and events. It was made clear that ability wasn’t important, what was more important was seeing a Finlay member in all events and just giving it a go. To say that this goal was achieved would be an understatement, everyone took this challenge up and made it their sole purpose to make sure the events were filled. At swimming people lined up to see what events needed to be filled and took on extra events when they could or found someone who would be willing to fill it, ensuring that the Finlay Anderson lane was always filled. These acts of courage and selflessness were seen in all House events throughout the year and it was inspiring to see people stepping outside of their comfort zone and challenging themselves to ensure that the House goal was met. This year we also stressed the importance of creating relationships with everyone within the House and forming an environment that felt like family, where everyone looks after one another and is incredibly supportive. To do so, on a Wednesday roll call we were all allocated into random mentor groups with a mix of people from every mentor group. Here we undertook different activities to get to know one another better including one on one chats about the holidays or their favourite hobby. On the whole this was beneficial to create new friendships and to bring us all closer. Ultimately, I think it was these relationships that allowed us to be so comfortable with one another and increased our success as a MovingHouse.

up from Greenways into Frogmore is always a daunting experience but we saw the 2019 Year 10s adjust better than ever to the way in which the House is run in Frogmore. We saw them flourish in all House events with our superstar athletes battling it out on the track, in the pool and on the slippery grass in Tug of War. As well as our best public speakers giving it their all in Oratory and Debating, of the most nerve-racking events, our dancers and singers, belted out and grooved to Rihanna’s Don’t Stop the Music. With the implementation of not just one, but two House Captains next year and an executive team of five students from both Year 12 and Year 11, we can expect to see many innovative changes in the leadership of the House. So as the Year 12s exit and the Year 9s move up from Greenways, the Year 12s can leave knowing the House is in great hands and that the bright yellow Finlay Anderson colour will continue to fly proudly and be paraded around on flags, costumes and the shirts that the students Thewear.Falcons have and will continue to always fly as one. CAPTAIN 2019


178 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Liam Beach Luke Bouwmeester Milana Cherney Bailey Clark Ethan Dallas Jake Dickson Sebastian Dobbs Keivon Faizi Katie Goakes Matthew Hayes Qinyan Huang Kate Jeoffreys Brayden Johnson Daniel Matthew Brayden Miller Daniel Nikolayevsky Grace Oliver Mitch Owens Alan Pan Ted Phillips Maddy Preston Maeve Spargo Simon Stevens

179THE MENTONIAN 2019 Max Tittlbach Emily Windram Kevin Yu Monique Zakic Harrison Zammit YEAR11 Edison Ben Lily Bowles Ace Brodie Jessica Chen Teal Darken Bella Davies Will Durston Beau Forster AlejandroGarza-Lainez Ryan Hammer Kevin Helmerson Jamieson Howe Francis Jin Alex Joynson Lucie Kent Mitchell Kershaw Marcus Le Gear Lachlan Leason Ella Mairs Georgia Povah Dougal Rann Tighe Taylor Samuel Ursprung Charles Wang Charlie Webster Ziwen Yu YEAR12 George Algeri Callum Beach Matt Corcoran Joel Cummins Isabella Daddo Olivia Dickson Erica Dudek Nathan Harbutt Mackenzie Howe Dylan Johnson Edward Kent Aiden Koniuszko Alex Lam Phil Lan Westbrook Li Frank Liu Finlay McKinnon Lachlan Nott Tomo Owens Grace Phillips Cate Rausz Benjamin Ryan Joe You Kirsty Petschel HOUSE COORDINATOR

It has been an exciting year in Jones House, as for the fifth year in a row, the Jaguars have secured the House Cup. Our aim all year was to ‘Strive for Five’, and everyone in Jones played their part in ensuring that we achieved our goal. This is the first year Jones House has had a female House Captain, and I have been ably supported by all the fantastic Year 12s in Jones, in particular, Ally Sheppard, who has done a great job in the Vice Captain role. I couldn’t be more proud of the Jaguars for all the hard work they have put in this year! I can safely say that each and every Jones House member contributed to us winning the House Cup and this was evident from the wide-ranging success the House celebrated in 2019. We achieved fourth place in Swimming (which was an outstanding achievement for a House that isn’t made up of star swimmers), and we took out third place in Athletics, which was attributed to the willingness of the Jaguars to get involved in each and every event. Our first victory for the year was in Summer Sport where Jones House shone and gave it their all to come out on top! Our winnings didn’t stop there, achieving first place in the Tug of War competition, for which the girls were practically undefeated and was without a doubt, the key to our success. The results for Learning Behaviours had improved drastically from last year moving up to fourth place (from last) which was an awesome improvement! Jones House stepped it up a notch when Oratory and Debating rolled around, with Jaguars putting their hands up to get involved which resulted in another first place; an outstanding effort! This was followed by a tie for first place with Anderson House in the Winter Sport competition and third place for the final House event for the year in our speciality – House Music. It was wonderful to see the whole House sing Bon Jovi’s It’s Our Life so enthusiastically, and we were the deserving winners for the group ensemble. I am so happy to say that Jones has not fallen below fourth place in any House event this year, which was achieved by the willingness of each Jaguar to give it a go in each event, bringing their House spirit and determination to win with them. The culture has evolved even more this year and I am confident that the House will continue to strive in the years to come. I’m so grateful to have such an enthusiastic and talented group of Jaguars who have given 110 per cent this Iyear.would like to take this opportunity to wish the 2020 Jones House Captains all the best, as they attempt to win six straight House Cups! Tom Spencer and Madeleine Johnson will be excellent House Captains and I know the Jaguars will rally behind them with lots of Jones House spirit.





182 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Joshua Beynon Bethany Bratuskins Elliott Carruthers Sammy Cartwright Nicholas Casa Mia Declase Jack Doulgeridis Cooper Eckert Jacob Farrow Lachlan Jones Hugo Marcombe Jordan Michell Jess Nenke Koki Ono Adam Persic HOUSE MEMBERS

183THE MENTONIAN 2019 Nic Plevritis Ola Radzikowski Aidan Scott Livinia Stockdale Thilak-MathewMaya vanMarcusStraaten Kane Wilson Ellie Wright Fan Xia Aaron Xue Alex Xue YEAR11 Matilda Appel Jason Bartonek James Bull Clark_Sam Harrison Dart Dhishni De Silva William Filer Will Gentle Lilyana Gorringe Jack Heaven Lachlan Howard John Jiang Madeleine Johnson Lawson Jones Emily Kerr Timothy Koulouris Max Leaver Luke Matthews Abbi Moloney Carson Mumford Thomas Mutton Blake Sharp Sarthak Singh Thomas Spencer Koby Thomson Kristy Yin Seb Zahra YEAR12 Jake Adderley SpencerBlain-Bartle Bonnie Boys Charlotte Bratuskins Tess Campbell Daniel Carruthers Distefano Patrick Gracie Geddis Steph Giccominato Angus Grant Cooper Hamlin Lani Heidecker Lachlan Hiscock Declan Latchford Jeremy Miao PapayiannerisGeorgia PapayiannerisParis Emma Rothberg Alexandra Sheppard Holly Svojtka Vincent Thai-Chan Jacob Tinker Bridie Wilson Sally Smith HOUSE COORDINATOR


‘In Lionel Large, support comes naturally. A helping hand is always given whenever it is needed, and the relationships developed between its members are strong. This is the legacy we leave. We take great pride in the green and gold of our shirt, and we must continue to grow the caring, supportive and passionate quality that makes us Lionel Large.’ Charlie Officer It has been a wonderful year in Lionel Large. We will all look back on our time with fond memories created by incredible people. With the support of our magnificent mentors: Mr Wynne, Ms Siew Pyng Lim, Ms Emma Heine, Mr Vozzo, Ms Erdelyi-Götz, Ms Mel Lane, and Mr Murphy, students in Lionel Large were provided with fantastic opportunities. We are very grateful for the positive input the mentors had in our daily lives and thank them for always being there. Superbly led by Charlie Officer (House Captain) and Sienna Bolton (Vice Captain), the Year 12 cohort stepped up to provide the drive and direction. By the end of the year, Lionel Large was proud to have two of our Year 12 students – Megan Bresnehan and Matthew Scott – elevated to Prefect status. This was a wonderful reward for the years of service each of these students has provided the School and the DevelopingHouse.leadership has always been a focus in Lionel Large. In preparation for 2020, a rigorous process to elect the Boy and Girl House Captains was introduced through Term 3. A wrtten application, followed by an interview before a panel, a speech to the whole House and finally a secret ballot was used to determine the most deserved leaders of the House. The number and quality of the applicants made it difficult to determine who would wear the House Captain badges in 2020. Late in the term, it was with great excitement that the winners were announced to the School – Beth Bridge and Trent Meakins. Congratuations to both Trent and Beth who follow in the footsteps of tremendous Lionel Large House Captains. The process revealed a wonderful pool of talented leaders in the House. This has allowed us to establish a Leaderhip Team in 2020 that, no doubt, will continue to drive this House to bigger and better things. We congratulate all applicants, and thank them for all they have done and will continue to do for Lionel Large. In 2019, we focused on having a MEGA year. Each day we practised our Mindfulness, Empathy, Gratitude and Action in order to build our resilience and look after our own wellbeing. It also provided us the with the opportunity to think, care and act on behalf of others in the House. Needless to say, this helped develop a strong sense of connectedness within the House. With Trent, Beth and the Leadership Team steering the ship, the challenge is to ensure this continues to develop through 2020. In 2019, our Summer sporting endeavours were a mixed bag. While Lionel Large often struggles in Swimming (with the exception of Tom Dale), the challenge to improve remains. With the influx of the new Year 10s later this year, there is always an opportunity to quickly jump up the table. Our Summer Sport teams remain strong with victory in the Mixed Softball a real highlight.

The Athletics Carnival in Term 1 was a brilliant day and an opportunity for students from Year 5 through to Year 12 to share the rich House Spirit for which Lionel Large is famous. From the outset of the day, the atmosphere in the stadium was electric. The efforts of Beth Bridge to drive the House Chant to unparalleled levels of enthusiasm will remain a vivid memory.


Lionel Large is not a House driven by trophies – our worth can be found in the relationships between our people.


We congratulate all of the wonderful students who got out there on the track, in the pit or in the circle and gave it goyour determination was inspiring.

The final event on the 2019 House calendar was the House Dinner. We were fortunate to welcome back Dhruv Rodrigues Chico, 2016 Lionel Large alumni and the 2019 winner of the famous Stawell Gift. Dhruv entertained us with stories of his amazing achievement and related the importance of Lionel Large in his development as a person. The night was a spectacular success, with over 20 students involved in creating this special occasion. Those students who spoke on the night did so with great depth, insight, confidence and a sense of pride. Others helped behind the scenes to ensure the night ran smoothly and provided students, teachers and parents with an opportunity to reflect and bask in the caring, supportive nature of Lionel Large.


A House like Lionel Large, which cares for its members, who are proud and passionate of their colours and high spirits, is worth a hundred times more than a House that is solely driven by the competition. For that we are grateful.

Go Lions!


The House Tug of War, was for many, the most memorable activity of 2019. Out on the oval on a beautiful sunny afternoon, every member of the House had an opportunity to pull his/her weight. The joy of winning their ‘tugs’ was etched onto the faces of all. All of the teams had spectacular victories throughout the day. The Winter Sports teams returned a mixed set of results. The standout performance was delivered by the Boys’ Soccer team, led by Lachlan Sinclair, who were sensational with a 6-nil victory in the final. As it has been for the last few years, the House Music was a magnificent afternoon. Meg Bresnehan produced a moving rendition of the song Red Ribbon that had the crowd mesmerised. That was followed by the whole House singing and dancing to Rihanna’s Umbrella. Credit must go to Ava Castle who managed to wrangle the entire House into singing and dancing in time – no easy feat with a large bunch of teenage boys!

186 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Yanni Anastasiadis Christine Carter Jesse Clarke Mia Derham Max Gibb Keenan Haagen Oliver Halbish Thomas Hughes Matt Leembruggen Thomas Litsios Leonard Liu Lloyd Macmillan Alec McComb Declan McComb Brayden Mitchell

187THE MENTONIAN 2019 Jack Mogensen Alyssa Mouzouris Elysee Nitschke Harry Officer Myles Orlenski Sophie Porter Sophia Stoeckl Locky Taylor Serena Zhang Grant Zhong YEAR11 Bethanie Bridge James Carson Ava Castle Thomas Dale Jeremy Di Rosato Eliza Ewart Grace Felsenthal Tom Fitzgerald James Gowan Louis Hanson Loren Henry Euan Hood Peter Katsouranis Tayla Langenfelds Ivan Liao Trent Meakins Ethan Murray Archie Rose Blake Rosenberg Archie Rowlands Lachlan Sallabank Lachlan Sinclair Claire Syme Bella Vitiello Kenny Zhang Vito Zheng YEAR12 Sienna Bolton Megan Bresnehan Oscar Clarke Jordan Evans Riley Friso Karly Georgantis Angus Henry Lachlan Hughes Cyanna Ilic William King Ben Leembruggen Jaylen Mure Charlie Officer Dylan Perry Erin Porter Matthew Scott Zac Vallis Amelia Vise Nick Vitiello Alan Wang Timmy Wang Ella Wilkinson Sandy Xie Craig Best HOUSE COORDINATOR

Bouncing back from Swimming, Were came fourth overall in the Athletics, no doubt assisted by our loud and proud chants lifting everyone’s spirits up. It was incredible to see the support coming from the younger years all the way up. We then had a triumphant effort in our next event, coming second in the Summer Sport, compared to eighth last year. It gave us all a taste of our potential; things were looking up. Continuing our newfound momentum, Were managed to achieve a tied third with Drinan in the Tug of War as our girls and boys battled it out. Our Year 10 boys were undefeated. Were came first in the Academic Competition and second in the Oratory and Debating, placing us in an extremely good position. Winter Sport set us back though, coming in at eighth, but we weren’t going to let this get us down and we stormed home in the House Music coming fourth and cementing us in third place for the House Cup, the highest Were has achieved in many, many years. I am so proud of every Were member’s efforts this year, and it’s fair to say that we’ve all been Warriors in battling for top three in the House Cup. This year has shown that Were is all able to bounce back from adversity by maintaining our camaraderie and mateship treating one another like family. I am so thankful to have been able to lead such an amazing group of people, it has seriously made my Year 12 experience so much better. I’m positive that in the years to come, the Warriors will be a force to be reckoned with as they continue to improve. BAUER WERE





The Were Warriors struggled to overcome other Houses in previous years, constantly placing in the bottom four in the House Cup ever since I joined Mentone Grammar in 2014. Building up a bit of a reputation for ourselves we were not often the favourites to win events, but hey, at least we were consistent. This wasn’t the case in 2019. Led by an excited bunch of Year 12s, Were set goals, aiming for 100 per cent participation and a great House Spirit. However, things weren’t looking too great and history came back to haunt us as we placed eighth in House Swimming.


As the years pass by for us students, many things change. Classes, teachers, campuses and friends. But one thing that will always remain constant is our belonging to Were House. Trophies do not dictate the worth of a House. Our worth is built upon the relationships and passion created over the years, surrounded by pale blue. We strive to be the best we can be, regardless of the outcome. This year I have seen a vast improvement amongst my peers in relation to their commitment and spirit towards our House, which I’m sure Steph and Mitch will continue to build on for Once2020.again, we had a number of intertribal competitions, from scavenger hunts and building spaghetti towers, to egg and spoon races, quizzes, pizza lunches and our very own inter-tribal tug-of-war to name a few, keeping our Were House morale high and preparing us for the real deal House competitions. Points were I am truly honoured to lead Were House and it was made much easier by having two very inspiring and dedicated young individuals. Thank you to Jefferson Bauer (Captain) and Tarn Smith (Vice Captain) for your excellent leadership. You led by example and inspired all to compete and do their very best in each and every event. The change within the House, to the overall camaraderie and spirit this year has been amazing. Thank you too to the many individuals who stepped up throughout the year, participating in the various House events. And finally, a huge thank you to our Frogmore Tribal leaders, Kate Frazer (Mirakoa), Michele Gill (Ohana), Frank Recchia (Valiants), Stacey Gwilym (Bomani), and Trevor Stevens (Baluo) for their leadership and support throughout the year. tallied for these inter-tribal competitions as well as each Tribe’s participation in each House event. Congratulations once again to Mirakoa for taking out first place.





190 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Mia Causer Samuel Chaplin Cooper Cox Mikaela Cummins Hardy d’Alquen Jacob Edwards Ben Gerresheim Olivia Goodman Aimee Grella Simon Hall Maximilian Hine Tom Hu Harrison Huber Paul Hutchison Toby Hynes

191THE MENTONIAN 2019 Lauren Johansson Andrei Krikun Angus Newman Jessica Peachey Danielle Pedersen Zali Reynolds Mo Sha Anna Siemering Harrison Smith Evie Sorrenson Max Zhu YEAR11 Myles Brown Anna Caley Mitchell Callahan Yasmin Duffin Tom Gade Jack Gardner Shem Glasscock Valdis Guppy Sophie Hennig Charlotte Holland Nelson Jaden Christian Lee Claudia Levey Henry Lewis Eliza Leydin Felix O’Neill-Pugh Nelvin Ong Archie Padley Oscar Page Charlee Peachey Sophie Peachey Remus Reynolds Angus Rimanic Noah Scarafile Stephanie Warmuz Ellie Wilson YEAR12 Adrian Arcon Jefferson Bauer Mekhala Bera Hebe Best Mark Butler Michael Byrne Kagen James Huilong Li Jayde Maluga Nathaniel Ong Dalia Ou Theodore Politis Jacinta Reading Alexandra Richards Hayden Richards Damon Rimanic Julius Schulze Harry Siemering Samasidh Siva Ram Tarn Smith Ben Sorrenson Dylan Tomlinson Alexandra Watkin Joanne Kamp HOUSE COORDINATOR

This year in Mentor, we’ve focused on developing our understanding of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through Hugh van Cuylenburg’s Resilience Project. We’ve learned how our emotions and thoughts can often be dictated by the challenges around us, and the importance of building resilience through all that we Duringdo.

I would also like to thank Gemma Reynolds for her strong leadership throughout this year as White House Captain. She passes the flag onto the new 2020 House Captains, Brooke McCullough and Gustaf von Zweigbergk, and I wish them both all the best for the upcoming year.

As 2019 comes to a close, I feel so lucky and grateful to have been surrounded by staff and students in White House this year, where there is such a powerful sense of belonging, respect and care.


Year 12 student, Helena Papasimeon, recently sang I Dare You to Move during our White House Service. Jon Foreman, the writer of that song, says, ‘Welcome to resistance. The tension is here. I dare you to move.’

As the Year 12 Wolves transition out of Mentone Grammar and into their lives beyond, I encourage them to learn from their struggles and successes, to live out the purpose that they define, and embrace the opportunities that await.




I’d like to acknowledge and thank the mentors for all of their support this year: Mr Kuan Li Ms Nadia Janetzki Mr Paul Stockdale Ms Natalie Morgenstern Mr Adrian Payne

the White House Dinner, a range of students spoke about their time in the House, the memories they’ve made over the years and they reflected on the importance of placing value on the things that really matter. As we’ve learned throughout this year, it’s those things that we sometimes forget when we’re fighting fear and doubt, loss and hardship, chaos and confusion; but within all of those challenges, there is humility, there is growth and there is triumph. I’ve been fortunate to see that this year in our House as White House Coordinator.


To every member of White House, thank you all for the opportunities and for the privilege to be your House Captain and thank you for the opportunities I’ve had over the many years of being in the House. It makes me sad to say goodbye, but I know I’m leaving you all in great hands with our amazing 2020 White House leaders.

This year we achieved numerous successes across House events, from Swimming to Tug of War and from Athletics to Dodgeball. It was amazing seeing students from all year levels get involved and give it their all. The high level of participation I have witnessed this year amongst the House has been a huge factor in our many successes; most notably in our amazing rendition of OutKast’s Hey Ya that earned us the prestigious House Music silver medal.

This year I had the pleasure and the challenge of being White House Captain, a role that has pushed me to become the best version of myself. More importantly, it has pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to make friendships from Year 10 all the way to Year 12 that I hope last long into the future.


Year 12 has been a year filled with many ups and downs but I am so thankful to have had the support of each of our wonderful mentors, Mr Bassett and my peers. Over the years in White House we’ve formed a family, a group that looks out for one another despite our differing ages, interests and friendship circles.

194 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE MEMBERS YEAR10 Ben Avni Jessica Bleakley Kate Bosa Lachlan Bourke Cameron Connell Tiana Dimits Harry Durand Richard Fang Ellen Fletcher Laura Forstner Ella Gray Matthew Harris Alex Hassan HollingsworthSunday Lachie Hopkins Patrick Horne Chris Huang William Jackson Thomas Kokkinos Ivan Korlevic Finn McCall Oliver Moran Ihsan Ozturk

195THE MENTONIAN 2019 Daniel Poberezovsky Emily Ryan Callum Sharl Lana Tilli YEAR11 Annika Challice Richard Chen Keegan Chow Tony Fan Sebastien Fernandes Oliver Hamilton Xavier Hogios Daniel Ji Ashley Kent Lucy Li Brooke McCullough Kosta Osianlis Oskar Phillips Thomas Phillips Toby Richards Abi Rossborough Lucas Rowbury Lachie Rundmann Thomas Shepherd Alyssa Stuart VonGustafZweigbergk Michael Wan Yang Eric Wei Ethan Williams Faye Zhen Finnigan Ziesing YEAR12 Torey Bernamoff Nicholas Berry Grace Bunting Joshua Cooley Cian Curley Alice Forster Hugo Gill Finlay Heath Adam Leander Yilin Ma Lachlan Milburn Sophie Milligan Nicholas Opie Elyssa Osianlis Helena Papasimeon Austin Parker Finnbar Reinehr Gemma Reynolds Dominique Taylor Kegan Timms Ruby Timms Mia Watkins Saphire Yaari Liam Bassett HOUSE COORDINATOR

196 THE MENTONIAN 2019 HOUSE SUMMERSPORT SWIMMING MUSIC ATHLETICS ACADEMIC TUGWAROF WINTERSPORT ORATORY DEBATING& COUNTRYCROSS TOTAL POINTS RANKING ANDERSON 1 7 7 5 1 1 7.5 2 31.5 5 DEIGHTON 5 3 8 7 7 2 3.5 4 39.5 3 DRINAN 3 8 3 8 4 6.5 5 6 43.5 2 ANDERSONFINLAY 6 4 2 3 2 4 6 1 28 7 JONES 8 5 6 6 5 8 7.5 8 53.5 1 LIONEL LARGE 5 2 1 2 3 4 3.5 4 24.5 8 WERE 7 1 5 4 8 6.5 1 7 39.5 3 WHITE 2 6 4 1 6 4 2 4 29 6 2019HOUSEFROGMORECUP


Our Cre8tive Dance 2019 production stemmed from the Disney classic, Beauty and the Beast. This year marked a significant milestone for Dance at Mentone Grammar with 63 students involved from across Bayview, Greenways and Frogmore campuses. They performed to our largest audience since the development of this much anticipated dance event. The students commenced this journey back in 2018 when students auditioned for roles within the performance. The creative team was led by Mrs Vanessa Johnston with supporting staff; Chelsea Byrne, Sophie Loughran and Mentonian Peronel Taylor (2018). Our student leaders were two of our VCE Dance students, Alexandra Richards and Megan Bresnehan, who were supported by our largest group of Year 12s to take part in the program: Joshua Cooley, Olivia Dickson, Mackenzie Howe, Jeremy Miao, Alexandra Watkin and Mia Watkins. The performance showcased the passion and dedication of our Dance students, highlighting technical and performance skills learnt across the first semester. Students predominantly focused on the Contemporary style in this production, however, they were also exposed to Jazz and Musical Theatre within some numbers. Audiences were particularly in awe of our Year 10 lead students, Ella McNair as Belle and Taya Brooks as the Beast, with many audience members commenting on how beautiful it was to have two strong female dancers as the lead characters. The cast enthusiasm and exuberance were showcased in the showstopping number, Be Our Guest, where the dancers adorned the stage as cutlery and serving utensils. This theatre opportunity not only highlighted the strength of Dance across the School but also the impressive mentoring and friendships made across each Campus. Congratulations to all. JOHNSTON





TOWNS FOLK Tiffany Bates (8), Kiara Campbell (8), Lana Cananzi (6), Emma Evans (5), Riley Hamilton (5), Mackenzie Howe (12), Ulyana Kondratova (9), Jessica Leembruggen (8), Jeremy Miao (12) Bella Orchard (8), Sahana Paine (7), Keira Patron (8), Zoe Pertzel (9), Jessica Poberezovska (8), Ava Pregnalato (5), Lucy Riddle (6), Emilie Royale (6), Georgia Stewart (9), Gustaf von Zweigbergk (11), Isabella Williams (5)

199THE MENTONIAN 2019 CAST Belle- Ella McNair (10), Beast- Taya Brooks (10), Gaston- Joshua Cooley (12), LeFou- Stephanie Warmuz (11), Maurice- Callum Prior (11), The Rose- Alexandra Richards (12), The Enchantress- Mackenzie Howe (12), Lumière- Abi Rossborough (11), Cogsworth- Claudia Levey (11), Mrs Potts- Ava Castle (11), Chip- Megan Lewis (8), Babette- Megan Bresnehan (12), Madame De La Grande Bouche- Olivia Dickson (12), Sultan- Jasmin Prior (6), Cadenza- Jessica Nenke (10), Plumette- Shaya Clarke (6), Chef Bouche- Samuel Dyer (10), Coat Rack- Elisha Fitzgerald (8), Pepper- Ella Simone Mahoney (8), Salt- Piper Nicholson (6), Tea Cup- Siobhan Phillips (6) & Poppy Samild (6), Phillipe- Bella Orchard (8), Bimbettes- Ella Michell (7), Alexandra Watkin (12) & Mia Watkins (12), The Bookseller- Jasmin Hadjiyannakis (9), The Baker- Gabrielle O’Sullivan (9), Prince Adam- Jeremy Miao (12), Monsieur D’arque- Jessica Poberezovska (8)

CASTLE FOLK Mia Antoniou (5), Caitlin Brown (7), Emma Burton (9), Mia Declase (10), Priya Gill (9), Aurora Hogios (7), Olivia Lea (9), Nikki Malotsis (5), Jamieson Papagiannis (9), Kate Pregnalato (5), Taj Reynolds (5), Livinia Stockdale (10)


From the start of the year we knuckled down and created our Mount Gambier repertoire. We had several soloists including James Hornibrook, Ryan White, Shem Glasscock,Felix O’NeillPugh and Hardy d’Alquen. We gave up some of our Easter holiday break to partake in the annual Jazz Camp. This year we had the bonus pleasure of hosting two amazingly inspiring guest musicians — Ross Irwin (Cat Empire, Program Director GiJ) and Sally Cameron (Idea of North). The students absorbed their wise words and deep insights into jazz interpretation, best practice rehearsal habits and ensemble playing.

As per usual, the students were blown away by the crazy mass of talent found at the Generations in Jazz Festival. Australia is truly home to some astounding musicians – singers and instrumentalists, professional and student alike. This year for the first time in our attendance history Froggers won first place in their division! The Cats also performed very well and received positive feedback from the judge. On our return from Mount Gambier we got stuck into preparing for the Jazz Cabaret. We explored the theme of shadows and secrets: Film Noir. We snuck in a few upbeat high energy tunes as well just to liven up the mood. It was a huge undertaking featuring the full band and 20 soloist singers. It is always tight trying to organise the rehearsals around exams and camps/ excursions. But somehow it all comes together. The night was a great success with bumper tunes, flowing mocktails and sparkling fairy lights.

Exploring the jazz idiom is an amazing way for our students to learn collaboration, analytical and expressive skills and to get themselves outside their comfort zone! Our senior students take on mentoring roles and our younger students are inspired to rise beyond what they thought was possible. All while, exploring an idiom that isn’t yet part of their everyday lives. It affords our students an opportunity to develop their growth mindset and resilience, learn to express gratitude and empathy with emotional literacy and develop a life skill in a social and positive environment.

With ensembles that cross over campuses and year levels it is often easy to miss the inevitable departure of our Year 12 students, who have been in our ensembles for many years. Both Froggers and the Cat’s Meow have now farewelled some key members this year. They will certainly be missed but they have succeeded in creating a culture of love of performance, skill development, hard work and empathy within the ensembles that have nurtured the younger members and will ensure that the ensembles continue to thrive and perform to a high standard.




Enthusiastic audiences embraced the new format this year and we look forward to building on its success in 2020.

Three principal concert events were held in and about the Thorold Theatre during 2019. Limelight was the first for the year and was intended as a musical platform for soloists and small groups which encouraged an exciting program of both emerging and seasoned performances to the delight of the audience.

The second, Showcase, replaced the previous Winter Concert traditionally held in Term 2. The evening highlighted all aspects of the performing arts undertaken at the School. Indeed, the Showcase demonstrated the essential and innovative nature of Performing Arts at Mentone, as well as introducing creative uses for new performance spaces throughout the Creativity Centre. At this event, featured aspects of the Performing Arts included dance, drama, music, film, ensembles, soloists, costuming, staging and lighting. The concert goer experienced this event in a festival format, moving from venue to venue in a rotating concert program. The performers greatly benefitted from the new program format, repeating and honing their performance skills across two performance sessions.


The third concert event, Ensembles, was dedicated to larger instrumental music ensembles and choirs, and replaced the former Spring Concert. Although Year 12 students have a particular interest in the Ensembles concert performance, often informally defined as a valedictory performance, students across all campuses and year levels may now greatly benefit from involvement in this more integrated event.



FAME - The Musical is the story of a diverse group of students at New York’s City’s celebrated High School of the Performing Arts, who all strive to be successful in their chosen areas of acting, dance or music. It is a story that explores the struggles associated with growing up and striving for success in a highly competitive world, themes that are just as relevant today as they were in the 1980s. FAME was a wonderful showcase of the three tiers of the performing arts; drama, music and dance, and we took the opportunity to highlight the three areas that reflect our own performing arts program here at Mentone Grammar. The students totally embraced stepping back to a less complicated time and creating characters that reflected their parents’ generation rather than their own. Our production showcased the vocal talents of our cast through an eclectic and dynamic score under the guidance of Musical Director Lidia Mancini. Our motivated students also rose to the challenge of mastering some very difficult and dynamic choreography led by Vanessa Johnston and demonstrated resilience in their approach. The lighting, sets, sound and costumes were, once again, impressive and highly professional. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our incredible Year 12 students who have given up so much of their time in a very busy year to lead and mentor our younger cast members, work backstage, help with hair and make up and to play in the Orchestra. They were: Charlotte Bratuskins, Megan Bresnehan, Joshua Cooley, Andrew Lancaster, Helena Papasimeon, Charlotte Pate, Bronte Reark, Vincent ThaiChan, Ryan White, Matthew Corcoran, Thomas Dyer, Alanah Heidecker, Sophie Leonard, Olivia Dickson, Iona Rich, Emma Rothberg, Holly Svojtka, Mia Watkins, Mekhala Bera, James Hornibrook and Tarn Smith.

The Year 12 cast expertise and role modelling skills were outstanding, as they took on much responsibility, including running the warm-up sessions and character development work during the rehearsal process. This year’s production was once again a testament to the talented and highly disciplined students we have at Mentone Grammar. They are to be congratulated on the hard work and dedication they embraced and the positivity and fun that they brought to the process.



DRAMA ENSEMBLE Matthew Corcoran (12), Thomas Dyer (12), Alanah Heidecker (12), Sophie Leonard (12), Gustaf von Zweigbergk (11), Mikaela Cummins (10), Emily Fitt (9), Georgia Griffin (9), Ulyana Kondratova (9), Phoebe Palmer (9), Charlie Turner (9)

MUSIC ENSEMBLE Annabelle Eustice (11), Lachlan Howard (11), Daniel Pate (10), Dominique Doig (9), Priya Gill (9), Sasha McLennan (9), Jake Newman (9), Gabrielle O’Sullivan (9), Ashika Sarma (9), Zoe Turnbull (9)


CAST & CREW Charlotte Bratuskins (12), Megan Bresnehan (12), Joshua Cooley (12), Andrew Lancaster (12), Helena Papasimeon (12), Charlotte Pate (12), Bronte Reark (12), Vincent Thai-Chan (12), Ryan White (12), Harrison Dart (11), Charlotte Holland (11), Claudia Levey (11), Felix O’Neill-Pugh (11), Callum Prior (11)

DANCE ENSEMBLE Ava Castle (11), Stephanie Warmuz (11), Taya Brooks (10), Ella McNair (10), Livinia Stockdale (10), Emma Burton (9), Samuel Dyer (10), Emily Growdon (9), Jasmin Hadjiyannakis (9), Jamieson Papagiannis (9)

ORCHESTRA Flute: Ella Heidecker (9), Tenor Saxophone: James Hornibrook (12), Alto and Soprano Saxophone: Tarn Smith (12)

TECH CREW Sam Davie (11), Jack Heaven (11), Olivia Dickson (12), Iona Rich (12), Samuel Clark (11), William Filer (11), Finn Wheeler (11), Nicholas Casa (10), Alex Hassan (10), Ethan Pate (10), Brendon Holmes (9), Carter Staggs (9)

HAIR & MAKE UP CREW Mekhala Bera (12), Emma Rothberg (12), Holly Svojtka (12), Mia Watkins (12), Matilda Appel (11), Drew Barclay (11), Ella Wearne (10), Alannah Marriott (9), Maddison Moore (9)

The 2019 Art and Design Exhibition displayed artworks and products created by students from Year 5 through to Year 12. To complement the artworks, process videos on screens and iPads were also presented throughout the exhibition to showcase the process involved in creating the works. Visitors also had an opportunity to look through visual diaries and ask students what was involved in the making of a work. At Mentone Grammar, it is the entire process, the creative journey that each student takes which we value. Students learn that designing, producing and resolving work are essential to learning. This is just as important as creating finished art and design works.



To be able to see the talent that the students of this School possessed, especially witnessing the hard work and dedication being displayed along the full length of the Frogmore corridor, to be admired by the whole school. The art and technology programs at this School was the place where I could be as creative as my mind would let me. I embraced the many electives on offer from Visual Arts, Technology - Wood to Digital Storytelling and Photography. These subjects all opened up so many potential career pathways and offered me different creative outlets. I will be forever grateful for the art and technology programs at Mentone Grammar. Being able to finish Year 12 as a tall lanky 18-year-old with Studio Art, Visual Communication Design and Creative Digital Media all contributing to my final grade is such a blessing.

The following is an excerpt from the reflection read by Cate Rausz, Visual Arts Captain 2019, at the opening of the Exhibition:


I have always loved this time of year, since beginning my Mentone Grammar journey as a tall lanky 13-year-old, I was inspired by the amazing talent and the diversity of the artworks displayed each year at the annual exhibition.

Cate Rausz Visual Arts Captain 2019





211THE MENTONIAN 2019 Year 5 Visual Art Award Jai Heib Year 5 Design Technology Award Hudson Close Year 6 Visual Art Award Indiana Kruss Year 7 Visual Art Award Ava Kombol Year 7 Design Technology Award Nicola Thompson Year 8 Design Technology Award Joe Davie Year 8 Visual Art Award Ava Gibbons Year 9 Visual Art Award Julie Shi Year 9 Design Technology Award Tom Madden Year 10 Visual Art Award Aimee Grella Year 10 Studio Photography Award Matthew Leembruggen Year 10 Visual Communication Design Award Harry Officer Year 10 Design Technology Award for Wood Livinia Stockdale Year 10 Design Technology Award for Food Maeve Spargo Year 10 Digital Technology Award Joseph Shim Year 11 Art Award Xavier Hogios Year 11 Studio Arts Award Dhishni de Silva Year 11 Visual Communication Design Award Anna Caley Units 1/2 Food Studies Award Lachlan Howard Units 1/2 VCE VET Creative Digital Media Award Keenan Haagen Units 3/4 VCE VET Creative Digital Media Award Sophia Kapetanas Units 1/2 VCE Computing Nelvin Ong Units 3/4 VCE Informatics Daniel Carruthers Units 3/4 VCE Software Development Jake Adderley Year 12 Art Award Emma Scherger Year 12 Studio Arts Award Hugo Gill Year 12 Visual Communication Design Award Michael Byrne Packers’ Prize James Mooney Principal’s Award for Art Kayla Skafte Mentonians Acquisitive Art Award Emma Rothberg People’s Choice Award Xavier Hogios ART AND DESIGN EXHIBITION AWARD WINNERS 2019




Following the many welcome morning teas hosted by the P&F across all campuses earlier in the year, together with The Mentonians, we hosted the Annual Community Golf Day. An earlier start brought in a large number of eager golfers to Woodlands Golf Club for a superb day. In conjunction with The Holland Foundation, we also hosted a fun Trivia Night. Tickets sold out quickly this year and the event was a roaring success with $4,500 being raised and donated to the Eblana Campus for the installation of artificial grass.


The Parents and Friends primary role is to organise and facilitate friend raising events and secondarily, where funds are raised, return the funds back to the School Community through a range of projects that benefit the School and students. In 2019, the P&F donated $30,000 to the art installation on the walkway of the Creativity Centre, the installation of the water feature for Greenways, the ELC sensory garden along with a basketball tower for Greenways.

In September we held our Annual Parents and Friends gala event. This year’s theme was A Midsummer Night’s Dream and was held at the fabulous Okie Dokie. We hosted parents from across all campuses for a night of festivities – capped off by a red-hot dance floor. A huge thank you to our event organisers, Molly Grant and Melinda Lettieri for all the hard work in making the event such a success! Thank you too, to the night’s sponsors: Loan Market, QSR International, Wilson Parking, Vista Eyes and Destination HQ.

In 2019, the Parents and Friends Association has seen a changing of the guard when we farewelled our longtime standing President Mia Le Fevre. The Mentone Grammar Community sincerely thanks Mia for all her years as President, her commitment and dedication has made the P&F committee what it is today.

On Friday 6 December we will host our Annual P&F Christmas Lunch at the School and we all look forward to celebrating the year that has been. For more information on the P&F and events please check the website, pop in to the P&F Uniform Shop or email us at: Ipandf@mentonegrammar.netwouldalsoliketothankallthe organisations and individuals, parents and staff who have helped with our events. We could not be so active in the Community without your support.


In June, Years 11 and 12 students were provided with the opportunity to attend two career sessions, choosing from 23 different career areas, gaining valuable insight into a wide range of university degrees and potential career options post-school. In total, 44 of our Alumni returned to Mentone Grammar to share their knowledge and experiences and to provide mentoring and a sense of camaraderie, having been in a similar position themselves whilst at School. Students spoke very highly of the quality and relevance of the information presented by a diverse and experienced group of Mentonians. For some students the information they gained has enabled them to learn about opportunities they had not even considered before the session and the knowledge and information have helped them reflect and evaluate potential courses and careers; with some feedback recorded below:


‘Listening to the speakers made me realise that it’s good to be flexible when you go to uni because there is so much more to discover once you start, and you’re likely to find your passion along the way.’

‘The presentation on ‘how to secure a job’ was really good because it made me realise what is important in applying for a job, and how to confidently put myself forward.’



‘It helped with my understanding of what uni is like and the standard that is expected. It was good to get the student perspective as well as what to expect when you get a job.’


In a busy calendar of Alumni events, there were two events of note that connected our current students with our wider Alumni community.

Stephanie Wilson (2017), Oscar O’Neill-Pugh (2014), Harry Spencer (2017), Sean Carruthers (2007), Sasha Widelski (2018), Nicholas Minton (2009), Zac Scherger (2017), Nicola Briggs (2017), Paul Freeman (1982), Nicholas Linford (1991), Finlay Dodson (2016), Brett Robinson (2002), Miles Millward (1993), Andrew Merrick (2008), Con Giazi (1988), Nathan King (1996), Ross Seddon (1971), Imogen Schwarz (2018), Mike Shackleton (1995), Galina Enright (2016), Jono Ling (2008), Alister Lor (2004), Simon James (2000), Elliott Cope (2011), Ryan Thomas (2003), Josiah Crispin (2008), Cameron Dunkerley (1986), Emma Doyle (2016), Alex Nesic (2014), Chad Twentyman (1996), Bill Park (2015), Henry Blain (2013), Robert McIntyre (2016), Becca Mendel (2016), Claudia Brown (2018), Zoe Maggio (2017), Eliza Harvey (2016), David Hannan (1987), Daniel Hull (2007), Andrew Garlick (1999), Tim Bail (2005), Nick Sheppard (2013), Dimitri Egonidis (1996), Steve Kitto (1994), Stuart Turner and Taya Davidson.

It was a pleasure to be elected President of The Mentonians Association at the Annual General Meeting in July. At that meeting Mark Pearman (1982) stood down as President, after a decade of exceptional service to the Association and eight years as President. We thank Mark for his passion, leadership and enthusiasm for the Association, Alumni and the many activities he oversaw during his time. Mark will remain on the Committee in a general role, to continue his connection and involvement.

The afternoon, hosted by the Careers department and sponsored by The Mentonians Association, is growing in popularity. This successful event is made possible with thanks to the Mentonians who took time out of their busy schedules to come and share their knowledge and ‘real-life’ experiences.


For many families, it was their first visit to Shoreham and they enjoyed the opportunity to relax and enjoy the grounds. The purpose of the day was to provide families, new to the School, the opportunity to visit and enjoy this amazing facility and to help parents and students to familiarise themselves with the camp, prior to their children attending as part of the School’s Learning Journeys program.

In February, we hosted our annual family picnic at the magnificent R. M. Sykes Camp at Shoreham. Clear blue skies and bright sunshine greeted our guests as they arrived.

This year, our family activities included a jumping castle, a very popular animal farm and super popular pony rides, all of which were a great addition to sporting pursuits such as table tennis, basketball, soccer, cricket and the ever popular ‘chasey’! Due to the warm weather, many families also took the time to visit the beach as well.

Miss Elodie’s vintage caravan was also on hand selling coffee, soft drinks, cookies and their number one best-seller of the day, Choc Top ice creams! With Mentonians Committee members cooking up a storm, over 280 people were treated to a relaxing barbecue picnic. Our Mentonians who attended enjoyed reminiscing about their days at the camp, which we are proud to say, still remains a natural bush environment based around learning and outdoor activities. Sincere thanks to The Mentonians Committee and family members for working tirelessly to ensure that everyone could enjoy the day.




On Saturday 3 March 1923, Mentone Grammar was officially opened with 56 students on the roll. On Tuesday 5 March 2019, Bayview Captains, Tilly and Will, welcomed the School’s 1650 students to the Frogmore Campus, along with staff and special guests including Councillor Geoff Gledhill, Deputy Chair of the Board, Ross Joblin, and Nic Toovey, Head Prefect 1969.

In keeping with tradition, students paid homage to the School’s founders and outlined their early struggles and eventual successes early last Century. As a reminder of changing times, Ashton Phillips from the Greenways Campus read the Acknowledgement of Country, thanking the Bunurong people of the Kulin nation, the traditional owners of the land where the School resides. The focus of the gathering was to acknowledge and celebrate the School’s cultural diveristy.

Senior students, Gustaf von Zweigbergk, Dhishni de Silva, Valdis Guppy and Jade Rechner delivered an enlightening speech that demonstrated the continuing evolution of the School, that began with two classes of local children to what is now a truly global environment, borderless and expansive: This year the theme for Mentone Grammar is ‘Celebrating Diversity’ and, as we come together today as young people and older people, as men and as women, as people of different sexual orientation, as people with vastly different occupations and skills, as people from varying religious backgrounds, as people from Australian and many other heritages it is easy to see that the evolving diversity that has underpinned this School throughout its first 96 years, is evident today. It is this rich tapestry of people that has made this School the amazing place that it is today, and we should value that and celebrate it.

When Mentone Grammar was a boarding school students would come here from all over the world. There were students from Indonesia, from Nauru, from China – Hong Kong in particular, Thailand, Malaysia and from many European countries. The School, in those days, was home to about 80 students. Our current student population includes students from Aruba, Austria, Brunei, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Uzbekistan and OurVietnam.staff profile has also always been multicultural. Currently we have staff from Armenia, China, South Africa, Sweden, the United States of America, Greece, New Zealand, Singapore, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Lithuania, India, Germany, Ireland, Belarus, Vietnam, England, Holland, Thailand, Hungary, Odessa, Scotland, Indonesia and TheCanada.biggest change to our diversity though came in 2006, when the School began enrolling girls and it moved from being an all-boys school to being a coed school. In the first year of coeducation the School enrolled 105 girls and we now have 655 girls in the School. In the evolution of our contemporary School this has been a


It is this rich tapestry of people that has made this School the amazing place that it is today, and we should value that and celebrate it.

217THE MENTONIAN 2019 highly successful initiative. In Year 9 this year there are actually more girls than boys! Our Early Learning Centre, it should be noted, has always enrolled both boys and girls. The introduction of girls saw the popularity of our Performing Arts programs soar in Dance, Music, Drama and Theatre Studies and our girls equally embraced and challenged the boys in all subject areas. Our School has benefitted immeasurably by becoming coed and the cultural impact has made our Community feel complete as we move towards a 50/50 gender Thepopulation.evolution of our subject offerings has also seen the curriculum diversify to reflect the future needs of occupations. For example, Technology classes did not exist here last century, but today we offer 18 different Technology streams with limitless pathways for careers that will demand such attributes. Most notably our Cocurricular programs have evolved to embrace and reflect student interests today. Sport has grown from the traditional to now include our girls’ APS fixture that includes Girls’ Cricket, AFLW and Touch Football. Aerobics was certainly not an option before 2006! This year we will send more than 1000 students overseas and around Australia and Victoria to learn in the most exciting of ways. The diversity of our Learning Journeys are the envy of most schools and we are so proud of the way in which they provide a hands-on, cultural view of the world. They are indeed a celebration of cultural diversity and the connections live on back in the classroom and the memories, for a lifetime. Who could ever forget their first night under the stars at Lilla, visiting NASA, floating down the canals of Venice or climbing the 1000-yearold tombs at Angkor Wat in Cambodia? Today, we are proud to be a school that has true acceptance of social diversity and we thank the Wellbeing team and all classroom teachers who work incredibly hard to promote acceptance around ‘difference’. The openness of conversation around issues of mental health, sexuality, religion, social and cultural questions are exactly what we need to be having as a compassionate, accepting community and we thank you all for the wonderful ‘differences’ you bring to our School and the joy we all share in celebrating them. Thank you. Saving the best ‘til last, the two youngest students of the School, Imogen and Marcus, happily cut the giant birthday cake with Col. Weir’s sword; with help from special guest Nick Toovey and Head Prefects, Bronte and Zac. Once again, it was a celebration of thanks for all the pioneering people, past and present, who keep moving the School forward to meet the ever changing academic, cultural and social needs of the times.


Founders’ Day is always a special occasion for the School as we reflect on the rich history of our School. Today we are celebrating our 96 years through reflections on a journey that began so humbly to the wonderful, diverse school we share today. We appreciate our guests being with us today and hope that everyone has an enjoyable Founders’ Day. Meagher and Will Mutton Bayview



Captains 2019

His films and imagery are what he calls Clayographies - clay animated biographies based on the bittersweet lives of his family and friends. Adam has created six animated films including, Mary and Max, Harvie Krumpet, Ernie Biscuit, Brother, Cousin and Uncle. They have been voiced by some of the world’s leading actors, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Geoffrey Rush, Barry Humphries, Eric Bana and Toni Collette.

Viewed by millions of people around the world his works have won over 100 industry awards. His first feature film, Mary and Max, had its World Premiere on the Opening Night of Robert Redford’s Sundance Film Festival, and in 2010 it was included in IMDB’s Top 250 Films of all time, ranked amongst classics such as Ghandi and The Godfather. In 1999 he was the Young Achiever of the Year for Victoria and is an Honoury Councillor for the Australian Film Institute. Adam was very entertaining and generous with his industry stories, humour and inspiration for our Visual Arts students, who enjoyed chatting with him and were excited to be given the opportunity to view his Academy statue.


In September, the School welcomed Academy Award winning animator and artist, Adam Elliot, to the Thorold Theatre. On the occasion of the Keith Jones Oration, Adam spoke to staff and students on his journey as an artist and his ultimate success in winning the coveted Academy statue.







After a long and loyal time at Mentone GrammarLeigh Rowlands has decided to retire. Leigh was recruited in 1986 by Mr Keith Jones to establish Visual Communication and Design (Graphics in the old days). Out of the classroom, Leigh also coached different levels of Football teams for 22 years, Cricket for five years, Tennis for 19 years, Athletics for nine years and Golf for 12 years. He has mentored countless students, particularly as an Anderson House Mentor over 27 years and has been a friend to many a colleague. He has survived four Principals and a number of Faculty Heads. We thank Leigh for his immeasurable contribution to our Community and wish him well for life beyond Mentone Grammar.




Our Firsts teams’ results were strong in both Girls’ and Boys’ fixtures. Our Girls’ Softball and Volleyball teams approached preseason training with a positive attitude and committed to producing to the best of their ability. Girls’ Firsts teams often include students from a wide range of year levels, and this was very much the case this season with students from Year 8 training and playing in our Firsts teams. After many months of training and honing their skills, our Girls’ Swimming team competed incredibly well at the AGSV Swimming Carnival finishing in second place by only 3.5 points; setting many new Mentone Grammar and AGSV records along the way. Our Boys’ Firsts teams had a significant turnover from the previous season. The Table Tennis and Tennis teams fought hard, finishing mid-table at the end of the season. Both of our Basketball and Cricket teams qualified for a semi-final. Unfortunately, both were eliminated at this stage with the basketballers finishing the season in fourth and the cricketers finishing in third place.


Four Firsts teams achieved the ultimate success in Summer 2019. Our Sailing team won the John Middleton Trophy as the Victorian School Team Sailing Premiers for 2019. The Boys’ Swimming team defeated their opponents to claim the AGSV Swimming Premiership for the sixth consecutive year. The Girls’ Firsts Touch Football team completed an undefeated season finishing on top of the ladder in the Firsts Touch Football competition. The Boys’ Firsts Volleyball team defeated Ivanhoe Grammar in the Grand Final to claim our fourth AGSV Volleyball Premiership. Once again, our boys and girls were supreme on the beach at Mordialloc, triumphant in Lifesaving, both in the water and on the sand. Well done to all students for their approach to sport during the Summer Season and congratulations to the Firsts teams for producing such a wonderful set of results.

With the commencement of the season in Term 4 2018, many students faced the challenge of managing their academic commitments and sport for a number of weeks. To their credit, our students handled this time well, ensuring they competed to the best of their ability on the sporting fields each weekend and worked in their classrooms during the week.




The ecstasy and the agony. The triumph and the tears. The thrill of victory and the heartbreak of defeat. These were the raw dichotomous emotions and results that gripped the Boys’ and Girls’ Swimming teams at the conclusion of the 2019 AGSV Swimming Carnival.


The Boys’ team, led inspirationally by Captain Ben Putamorsi and Vice Captain Carl Simondson, was successful in winning the team’s sixth premiership in a row, ninth premiership in ten years and thirty-sixth premiership since 1965. Our Girls’ team, led dynamically by Captain Bridie Wilson and Vice Captain Phoebe Wearne, performed magnificently but unfortunately finished a mere 3.5 points behind a formidable Ivanhoe team for the first time in the last six years. In his pre-carnival address, Mr Cater explained to the swimmers that in his 41 years of attending the swimming, not once had he left the venue disappointed in a Mentone Grammar Swimming team. The night was a chance for the swimmers to test their athletic mettle but more importantly, a chance to test the depth of their character. The 2019 editions of the Boys’ and Girls’ Mentone Grammar Swimming teams met this challenge and exceeded it in the way they exhibited their ‘competitive greatness’ and in the integrity and class they demonstrated when the results were announced at the end of competition. In the pool, our individual results were again brilliant. The team achieved personal bests in 64 events out of a possible 73, a personal best percentage of 88 per cent. Sophie Sibbald, Ben Putamorsi and Ella James all won individual events whilst Nicholas Layton and Hannah Wagner had multiple victories. At the highest level of the competition, Tom Dale won the U17 50m Breaststroke in a new School and AGSV record time of 30.77. Yet, in a night of unbelievably fast swimming, the ‘Swimmer(s) of the Night’ accolade belongs to both Aimee Grella and Hannah Schmidt. Aimee was superb in winning the U16 50m Freestyle, the inaugural U16 100m Freestyle event in an AGSV record time as well as the Open 50m Butterfly in a new School and AGSV record. Hannah was sublime in winning the Open 50m Freestyle and Open 100m Freestyle in School and AGSV record time and finishing second in the Open 50m Breaststroke and Open 50m Backstroke against elite national level Whilstswimmers.ourindividual achievements were amazing, each year the relays provide us with the opportunity to test the levels of our coaching, preparation, competitiveness and character. In this area in 2019, our swimming teams were again impressive.

The Boys’ team won four relays with the Open Medley of Spencer Blain Bartle, Ben Putamorsi, Josh Cooley and Carl Simondson setting a new School and AGSV record. Their time of 1:52.86 replaced the record held by the Mentone Grammar team from 2006.


One of my favourite coaches, Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots NFL team, uses the following quote when evaluating players for his team: ‘Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling.’ Possessing talent is important but having depth of character makes you coachable, makes you a great teammate, makes you a great person and sustains you under pressure on race day and in the real world. This season we had many examples and amazing stories that reflect the character of our swimmers but also the culture of the 2019 Mentone Grammar Swimming teams. In closing, I would like to thank Mr Cater and the leadership team for their support; ‘The Architect’ Mr Stuart Bainbridge for his counsel; the Sports department for its hard work and our coaching staff of Brad Smith, Joel Watson, Robert Butcher and Kate Frazer. Finally, I would like to especially recognise our Year 12 swimmers. It has been a pleasure working with you over the last three years and you are all amazing young people. Rest assured that you have left a legacy. That the names Cooley, Smith, BlainBartle, Wearne, Garbelotto, Williams, Simondson, Wilson and Putamorsi have become a key part of the history of Mentone Grammar Swimming. You all have talent and gifts but if character sets the ceiling, then for all of you the sky is the limit.



The Girls’ team won six out of a possible ten relays with the U14 Freestyle of Emily Zallmann, Meg Lewis, Claudia Hollingsworth and Alanah Becker and the Open Freestyle Relay of Hannah Schmidt, Chloe Garifalakis, Tarn Smith and Bridie Wilson setting new School and AGSV records.

In reflecting on the season, the 2019 Boys’ and Girls’ Swimming Teams swam faster than any other Mentone Grammar Swimming team ever. Yet their greatest victories this season were not premierships but the rich journeys that revealed the depth of character of these amazing young people.




For our Volleyball Firsts the 2018-19 season was one of expectations. We were defending champions and had only lost two players from the previous season, where we had only dropped one set. We did not just need to measure our performance against the other AGSV teams, but we needed to train and play as hard as we could to see where we were against the APS and other, more traditional, volleyball schools. The boys took this challenge on, winning a silver medal in the three-day Vic Schools Cup (Division 1), as part of our pre-season preparation, beating Haileybury in the Semi Final. We also played scrimmage matches against Wesley College, drawing 2-2 and Haileybury, drawing once and winning once. Back at the AGSV, the boys played week in and week out with a different line up each set, to ensure that court time was reasonably spread for a Firsts team. We finished the round undefeated and without dropping a set, although we were certainly pushed by Ivanhoe Grammar. Come February we were strengthened by the return of Jai Florent from injury, which gave us embarrassing depth at AGSV level. It was no exaggeration to say that we could have played any of our players in the lead up to the Final and still won the game, which is an absolute credit to the way the boys trained and the strong attendance we had at each Thesession.Final was tense, we started poorly and somewhat passively, falling behind badly in both the first and second sets. Coming back from an 8-point deficit in both sets showed great character from these young men. We did split those sets 1-1, our first dropped set of the season. The third and fourth sets were more how we expected to play. Some tactical changes gave us better match ups and the boys ran away with the game for a second successive premiership, and three in just four years.





OCTOBER 2018 We fly out to Townsville to compete in the NQ All Schools tournament. We play six games and walk away with two wins, two losses and two draws. Overall, a great experience and much needed game time and practice. We compete in the TPS pre-season competition. We meet rivals Yarra Valley in the Final and run away with a 6-2 win, winning the comp undefeated. Unfortunately, we lose our Vice Captain Katie Goakes to a season ending knee injury. We compete in the inaugural Caulfield pre-season competition. We meet hosts Caulfield in the Final, winning 5-1 and go through again, undefeated.


Over the summer Touch Football had over 100 girls participate. We were able to fill five junior teams; two Intermediate teams and three Senior teams. Of those 100 plus girls, we had 12 compete in the Victorian Touch Football League, which is more than any other school. We had girls represent Victoria when Maya Jacobs and Riley Spence competed in the Under 14 Division in Townsville and Sophie Porter and Olivia Hargreaves competed in the Under 15 competition in Hobart. Here is a summary of our year…


JUNE 2018 We selected a squad of 20 players to train and trial for our Firsts team as well as prepare for a trip to Townsville. We had lost six Year 12s from the previous premiership team, so it was a massive rebuild.

Our Firsts compete in the AGSV/APS competition. We go into this with good form but still not given much hope to beat the highly fancied Haileybury and Yarra Valley teams. We defeat Haileybury 8-5 and Yarra Valley 5-1 in the Round games to sit on top of the table leading into the redraw. We beat Caulfield Grammar comfortably before taking on Yarra Valley, where we win 7-0 to set up a final showdown with Haileybury.

It was a close battle in the wet, but Mentone would score with 90 seconds to go, to break a 2-2 deadlock and win the game and premiership.

MARCH 2019 Mentone sends an Under 15s and Under 18 team to the Victorian Eastern All Schools Championships. Our Under 18s team continue its unbeaten season, defeating Yarra Valley 6-0 in the Final to comfortably end the year as the best team in the State. Our under15s struggled against Yarra Valley in the Round games to lose 6-1. They would meet again in the Final and Mentone would surprise the more fancied Yarra Valley team to win 2-0 in the Final. The Under 15s qualified for the chance to be crowned the overall best school in the State by competing in the Victorian All Schools Championships. They would breeze through the Round games, building momentum for another showdown with Yarra Valley. The Mentone defence would prove too strong for Yarra Valley and our Under 15s win the final 3-1. Mentone is looking strong for the future. The Touch Football program would not work the way it does without the help of the Sports department, all of our coaches and the wonderful parents who sacrifice a lot to help their girls excel in a sport that is still new to most. We look forward to the next season.


236 THE MENTONIAN 2019 With most of our skippers competing at the national level and in some cases at the international level, representing their country, they bring great skill and experience into the schools’ competition. Sailing links across all school sectors and is organised by Australia Sailing with a clear vision to develop the young sailor for a pathway all the way through to the Olympic competition. Subsequently, when we are competing in the Saturday competition we are not sailing against novices, but the elite in junior sailing. In the past three years our main competition has been Brighton Grammar School. This season we have had the experience of Lachie Hughes and Pat Distefano bringing with them many seasons skippering for the School along with skippering from Eliza Ewart, Cameron Berry and Hamish Berry, as well as the calming influence of team Captain, Grace Phillips. This combination has seen the Division 1 team consistently perform over the season’s regattas winning the majority of races. Outpointing our nearest competitors Brighton Grammar School and Peninsula GoingGrammar.into the last round of Saturday regattas at Albert Park Lake on 23 March, we were sitting clear of the competition and only needed to maintain our position to win the Division 1 Saturday Premiership. Poor sailing conditions in this round produced ‘ugly’ sailing and although we didn’t sail at our best, we still managed to hold out the other contenders to win the series. The Victorian Championships saw us probably go in as the top seed, but many things can occur with so many schools competing and this year the weaker teams really struggled with the adverse weather conditions. After the preliminary rounds, we finished top of the table including a great win against Brighton. We easily defeated Xavier in the quarter finals, and likewise Scotch in the semi final. Brighton, likewise, easily accounted for their competition in their side of the draw and brought the inevitable matchup in the final between Mentone Grammar and Brighton Grammar. To Brighton’s credit they sailed very clinical races in a best-of-three to take the points from our sailors; clearly the two top sailing teams in Victoria. Both teams moved on to the National Championships in Hobart in June, representing Victoria. The Australian Championships in Hobart provided very interesting conditions over the four days, and the local schools had Once again, we have experienced a terrific year in School’s Teams Sailing. Although we lost a wealth of experience at the end of 2018 with several of our Year 12 students finishing distinguished service to our sport, we have been able to cover these departures within our existing squad and mentoring our juniors in active competition. We also welcomed new senior coach, Sam Danks, whose wealth of experience across the sport has been well received by all. Past team captain Brandon Demura has also joined the coaching team, assisting with the development of the junior squad members; being the future of our sport. SAILING


We need to recognise the role that the whole squad has played in achieving a great result. A special mention goes to Hugo Gill one of our Year 12 skippers who has held the Division 2 sailors together and led from the front, and also our Year 8s who have taken that big leap to racing in a team. A big thanks to senior coach Sam Danks and junior coach Brandon Demura, who took over the senior role at the National Championships. Also, we acknowledge the support the parents give to the sailing squad; they are passionate about the sport and provide a great deal of encouragement to their sons and daughters.

237THE MENTONIAN 2019 an advantage in using local knowledge to sail the Derwent current and changeable wind directions. However, it was the Scots College from NSW that once again showed their skill, taking out the title. We acquitted ourselves well, however, and finished with a similar number of wins and losses, finishing around the middle of the fleet. As always, lessons were learnt from these experiences and even though we will be losing some very experienced team members, our future is still looking bright for the next season.

Led on the floor by Year 12 team Captain, Tomo Owens and Year 11 Vice Captain, Jack Pavlidis, the team finished with a regular season record of 5-3, with all eight games decided by 10 points or less. It would prove enough to earn the team a Semi Final berth in the AGSV Finals series, to match up against eventual Premiers, Marcellin College.

The First squad also consisted of Year 12s Aaron Moore, Angus Grant, Finlay McKinnon and Philbert Lan. Rounding out the team were Year 11s Ben Stephenson, Blake Williams, Archie Padley, Oskar Phillips, and Will Durston along with Year 10 player, Sammy Overall,Cartwright.the growth of the team and resilience as a group proved to be the highlight of 2018/19 season. Each player showed improvement from start to finish and contributed to the success of the team.

And this did not happen by accident. The team sacrificed additional time outside of School to improve their skills, develop as a unit and endure rigorous training sessions on a weekly basis. This, in turn, helped the team come together as a new unit, build a bond and create a strong culture within the squad.

The team welcomed Australian U19s Head Coach and former NBL standout, Darren Perry to the helm and from the first pre-season session, the boys demonstrated a commitment and willingness to learn. The players’ hard work would ultimately pay off as they entered the AGSV season.

The team was supported by Assistant Coach Paul Khazaal, whose enthusiastic, positive approach played a key role and this showed in his ability to get the best out of the boys. With a core group of players returning next season, a developing wave of underclassmen, and a season with Coach Perry under their belt, the program is primed to build on and continue the success of our 2018/19 Mentone Boys’ First Basketball squad.



The 2018/19 Boys’ Basketball season saw a changing of the guard and a resurgence back to familiar territory for the program, following a transition season just one year prior.



The boys got off to a fast start, storming to a 4-0 record before the summer holiday break and quickly developed a reputation around the league as a team that simply ‘finds a way to win, any way possible’. One characteristic of the group that would prove to hold true throughout the entire season was their defensive prowess, holding opponents to a stymie 40 points per game!

Round 1 against Camberwell threatened to be rained off but thanks to our grounds staff we were able to comfortably win by seven wickets with three debutants (Alec McComb, Oliver Moran and Angus Perkins) in a 25 over game. We were on top of Trinity all day in Round 2, only to lose wickets in clumps and fall to a 19-run loss after being 3-82, chasing 139. Brett Poll’s four wickets were key in reducing the chasing total. Following our Bye, we hosted Assumption and put together one of our most impressive performances of the season, with Chris Perkins, Jordan Evans and Brett Poll all making 50s on our way to 241. Early wickets in Assumption’s chase resulted in a 93-run win with wickets being shared. After a great tour of New Zealand, we faced our toughest challenge of the season, PEGS away. Posting a respectable 202 on the back of a Chris Perkins 52 we knew we could take the game deep. Unfortunately, PEGS’ two best batsmen got away from us and they passed us with two overs to spare.

Coming off a disappointing semi final loss last season, the side retained a majority of players from last season and went into the 2019 season with confidence. A solid preparation of indoor training, pre-season camp and practice matches brought players from all year levels into a strong team unit.

half century for Oliver Hamilton. Four wickets to Brett Poll secured third spot and an AGSV record for consecutive Finals Onappearances.thehottest day of the season in the Semi Final at PEGS we played exceptionally well to be in a contest that ebbed and flowed until the final over, with us falling an agonising 10 runs short of victory. Brett Poll’s three wickets and Jordan Evan’s 56 almost got us home.

Congratulations to the Award Winners for 2019: Batting Award: Chris Perkins Bowling Award: Brett Poll All Rounder Award: Brett Poll

Continuing our good form with the bat we put together a score of 268 against Marcellin in the last game of the season with Tom Spencer getting 55 along with a hard-hitting maiden

Thank you to the Year 12 cricketers for their contribution to Mentone Grammar Cricket: Chris Perkins (Captain), Brett Poll (Vice Captain), Oscar Clarke, Matthew Corcoran, Jordan Evans, Declan Latchford and Austin Parker.




More rain against our rivals of recent Grand Finals, Peninsula, led to a reduced overs contest in Round 7. Putting together 156 in 30 overs always looked a bridge too far for Peninsula and we finished with a 54-run win, Chris Perkins getting another 50. Round 8 saw one of the best batting performances in Mentone Grammar’s history. Playing at Ivanhoe, Jordan Evans set the game alight, creaming 70 off 50 balls before Chris Perkins and Brett Poll took over. Chris made a stellar 106 not out while Brett added a run-a-ball 52 as we amassed a score of 5-328. Ivanhoe never looked a chance as they finished 164-run.

Most Valuable Player: Chris Perkins Craig Chambers Sportsmanship Award: Oscar Clarke


In another enjoyable event at Mordialloc in February, our Boys’ and Girls’ teams were impressive both in and out of the water.




The Girls’ Lifesaving team showed great involvement and persistence, despite the stifling hot conditions on Mordialloc beach. The day began with a 1km run across the sand. A special mention to Eliza Schmidt for coming in first place in the U13 Girls’ event. Next, the girls were in the water. We had some excellent performances by Jayde Boyd in the swim, Jenna Wale on the board and Issy Becker in the wade. The team then transitioned back onto the beach. A huge shout out to Hannah Schmidt and Chloe Garifalakis who both performed very well, making it into the Sprint Final. Our relay teams were consistent and also placed highly with no batons dropped throughout. Finally, the girls competed in Flags. Bronte Reark put in a great performance and won her age division and Ella Wearne ran well to make the Semi-Final. Throughout the day the girls displayed fantastic sportsmanship and were a great support for each other and were proud competitors. Well done to everyone in the team.

The Boys’ team started off strongly in the beach events with Will Garbelotto winning the 1km run, whilst Jack Williams, Spencer Blain-Bartle and Michael Garbelotto all finished equal fourth. Next up was the beach sprint. Spencer Blain-Bartle won the Open Boys and then went on to win the Flags. With great anticipation, it was finally time for the water events. In the Surf Race (swim) Michael Garbelotto came 2nd with Tom Dale, Jack Williams and Lachie Bourke finishing 4th, 5th and 6th respectively.

Lachie Bourke was the standout performer in the Board Race, coming 3rd. In the Wade, Michael Garbelotto won with Jack Williams and Spencer Blain-Bartle coming 3rd and 4th. In the Board Relay, Mentone Grammar won with a strong team made up of Lachie Bourke, Jack Williams and Michael Garbelotto who all combined in the Aqua Cameron Relay as well to finish 2nd in a very competitive race. The junior age group results were dominated by Luke Tucker, Christian Williams and Oliver Fitt who all helped ensure that the team achieved its goal of successfully defending the title from last year.



The improvement shown by the team in all aspects of the game, both as a collective and on an individual level, was always impressive, and I think I can safely say I have seen every player on the team better themselves in one way or another this season. Coaching the Mentone First Softball team this summer season has been incredibly enjoyable, and I can’t wait to see how this team goes in the future.


This season for the Mentone First Softball team was one to remember. With less than half of the First players returning from last year (including only two Year 11s) and three Year 9s making the First team, we had a relatively fresh group. Our first game of the year took us out to Assumption, and I think we could all tell from the beginning that we would be in for a long season. Although we may not have reached the goal set by last year’s team of actually winning a game, the competition the girls went up against week after week was always strong, and they always did their best to make the most of every opportunity.


Our starting line-ups, both offensively and defensively, saw a few changes as the season progressed. With many players being put into new situations or positions that they usually wouldn’t have been in past softball seasons; this year was very much full of new experiences for the players. The girls always gave it a go however (after a bit of complaining) and did it all with a smile on their face. Despite not winning a game, this season has been full of enjoyable times. Lots of jokes between the players, fun bus rides out to away games, plenty of laughs, and an all-round great team environment have helped form friendships between students that otherwise might not have happened.

Overall, the season can only be taken as a positive and I am really proud of the boys in how they competed and conducted themselves all season. There was real camaraderie in the group and friendships made for a lifetime.

The team won two ties and lost four ties. We had two wash outs against Peninsula Grammar and Camberwell Grammar which cost the team dearly as we strongly fancied ourselves against both schools, particularly being home ground matches for us. In total, 13 players made the First team squad after the initial trials of up to 25 players vying for a place on the list. In the end, 11 players represented the School throughout the season. The team won a total of 50 rubbers and 590 games; losing 46 rubbers and 538 games. These numbers give an indication that we were highly competitive all season, yet we were not dominant. Notable players all season who gave their all were Adrian Arcon, Sama Siva Ram, Jeremy Miao, Tom Shepherd and Nick Collins. It was great to see players fully invested and engaged to get the best out of Afterthemselves.thefirst-round match was called a washout, we hit the season running beating both Trinity Grammar and Assumption convincingly in the next two rounds. Our most disappointing performance on the season was the loss to Yarra Valley, away, in the fourth round. The day brought awful wintery weather, and the boys just couldn’t maintain a high enough standard throughout the morning to get a win. We left on the bus deeply disappointed but determined to improve our standards.

Koki Ono was a welcome addition to the team in the second half of the season. His level of tennis really helped the team’s positive results.

With the high amount of numbers participating in Tennis at Mentone Grammar, we will continue to be a strong competitive school in the AGSV. Further injection of strong players into the First team will, no doubt, help the School to claim a title in the near future.

We lost in early February to eventual premiers PEGS: 10 rubbers, 107 games to 6 rubbers, 81 games. We lost two in close sets that day, however, I could see the boys were so very close to matching it against the league’s best. Our best and most pleasing performance was our very narrow loss to eventual runners-up Ivanhoe Grammar. The boys lost by three games only, 8 rubbers each, 98-95 games.

The 2018-2019 Tennis season provided plenty of highlights for the First Tennis team. It was the final season for many of the boys, but also the beginning for our younger players. We were 6-2 rubbers up during the tie, but just couldn’t hold on for long enough. Every player in the team that day came to compete, it proved to the group that if they all brought a strong positive mindset, they can be a danger to the league’s best. That three-game loss knocked us out of contention for the finals, coincidentally the air was taken out of the boys’ sails for the final match against Marcellin. We lost 10 rubbers, 102 games to 6 rubbers, 100 games. The loss of two tie breaks and some boys underperforming cost us that day.



Apart from Adrian Arcon, our team had very few experienced players compared to schools such as PEGS and Ivanhoe Grammar, who both eventually played off in the Final. Our team mostly consisted of good honest players who had a real crack each week. All season we focused on doing the basics well and for the players in the team to be as competitive as possible, to give real effort during training and matches.



The initial weeks were spent going over basic skill work and offensive and defensive systems. The season began with mixed success. The team was indeed more competitive than last season, pushing other teams to tight set scores. However, we were not able to raise this level of play consistently and get over the line in the end.

The season started on a cold morning at 6.45am with a good turnout for such an early start. This season the tryouts were open to any year level; with the hope of getting some talented juniors in the team to develop the playing group in the coming months and years ahead.

The girls played National Schools Cup, a week long tournament, in December and were able to gain a wealth of experience from playing teams from all over Australia. They were even able to win multiple games, beating one of the top two schools in our division in one of their final games, which was awesome to see. The girls were able to get one win in a tight five-set match against Caulfield in the regular season, which was great to see given their hard work in training. Going forward we hope to see the girls raise their level of play to that of a more consistent and purposeful playing style that will surely see them being a team to beat in the coming seasons.







The Summer Sport Awards Evening was a chance to celebrate the many impressive successes of the season. In particular, our outstanding teams and MVP awardees were acknowledged for the commitment, results and endeavour shown throughout the season. Team awards and MVP awards were presented to:


245THE MENTONIAN 2019 SUMMER SPORT Basketball: Firsts Boys MVP Jack Pavlidis Cricket: 8A MVP Chris Perkins Table Tennis: 9/10 Division 1 MVP Jayde Maluga Tennis: First Boys Adrian Arcon Volleyball: First Boys MVP Ben Ryan Volleyball: Girls MVP Cassidy Hardy MVPSoftball Cate Rausz Touch Football: First Girls MVP Ruby Timms

The Awards Evening was also a fitting time to celebrate and applaud our successful swimmers, Volleyball Premiers, Touch Football champions and triumphant Sailing team. Congratulations to all who committed to a season of improvement, team spirit and success.



It is the jubilation on the face of our Inter A Hockey Coach and Greenways Mentor, Joe Monro, when his team beat powerhouse Hockey school, Camberwell; it is the Wogga sung at Assumption by our Girls’ First Soccer team that could be heard from Mentone as they won their fifth game of the season, more wins in a season than ever before; it is the plotting of team selection and placement behind the scenes from our Cross Country leaders led by Craig Mottram, who, after years of chasing Marcellin’s coat tails are within reach of the Holy Grail. It is our Junior Basketball girls enjoying being coached by, amongst others, Al Westover, who coached the Melbourne Tigers in the NBL to four consecutive Grand Finals in the 2000s, winning two championships and is now a permanent fixture amongst our coaching group; and it is the inconsolable tears in the rooms after the First XVIII Semi Final against Assumption, when the Senior boys dream of being the first MG team to taste Grand Final success fell just short, despite a monumental effort. Our Cross Country team continued its consistently improved performance as our runners pushed each other to their limits in the pursuit of overall success.

Our Junior team, led by the Year 8 Gold Medal winner Claudia Hollingsworth and Bronze medalist Sam Albiston and Year 7 Bronze Medalist Aiden Laurent, was simply outstanding, regularly combining to win their division. Year 9 student Hudson Bucci (Bronze Medalist) and Year 10 William Garbelotto (Silver Medalist) anchored our Inter team that raised its game once again, with Will’s individual win in Round 6, a season highlight and great recognition for his significant commitment. The Senior group, led by Team Captains James Gold and Grace Bunting, knew their job was to compete fiercely and protect points gained in the younger age groups, a job they did admirably ensuring second place for our team overall, and with an acknowledgement from our opposition that Premiership success is now a distinct possibility in the near future due to the great commitment of the group.


In total, 13 Netball teams represented Mentone throughout the season, with a new Firsts Coach, Clare Kenyon, overseeing an enthusiastic group that was able to keep developing skills and game play to great effect.


A season of Sport at Mentone Grammar creates memories that are far more important than the results. It is girls coming to play a game of Netball at Mentone Grammar and instead jumping on a bus to go to Geelong to help another team; it is the pandemonium at Keysborough in the last round when a new student from the UK, who had never played AFL before, kicks his first goal in the 8B game and helps his team to get over the line for a win.

Our Firsts team was very young, emphasised by Zoe Leaver (Year 9) capping an outstanding year by winning the MVP award. Ably led by Dom Taylor, the group appreciated the chance to work on fundamentals that will hold them in good stead for the ensuing seasons. Some great successes and experiences were had by our Inter and Junior teams, with five teams competing in both divisions. After a challenging Round 1 defeat, our First XVIII lost only one more game of the regular season to finish third on the ladder and travelled to Assumption for a cutthroat Semi Final. Despite coming up just short, the boys had an excellent season and were highly commended for their commitment in pursuit of our first ever AFL Premiership. Pleasingly, many of our younger teams enjoyed success, with our Inter A team, once again, the Royston Trophy winners, with many of the Year 10 students having lost less than a handful of games in their school careers. With our Junior development improving, there are high hopes for subsequent seasons. AFLW continued to break barriers, with more girls representing Mentone than ever before. Whilst our Open A team couldn’t quite match the heights of the inaugural season, their attitude and enthusiasm for competing was motivating for others and again, results in the younger teams suggest the time and effort put into this new sport will be worth it.



A season of Sport at Mentone Grammar creates that more than the results.


are far

Led by Captain Cate Rausz, our team retains many of its players for some years to come and high hopes for continued success remain. Pleasingly, the results at the top end were supported by our younger teams, with the highest level of commitment across the program noted and appreciated. With a fresh squad full of new faces, our Boys’ First XI had a relentless pre-season that resulted in a highly competitive season, that saw some excellent wins and incredibly close results against the eventual finalists. Our Inter A and 8A teams also had great seasons, with many of our lower division teams recording some great results and, most importantly, they enjoyed time on the pitch with their friends. Our School is proud to offer a program that caters for all, from those who wish to pursue a professional sporting career to those whose only exposure to sport is through their participation at School, recognising the important role it plays in the development of happy, healthy young people.


Scott Miller oversaw our Soccer program, both boys and girls, for the first time and has started making some positive adjustments. Our Girls’ First XI had its best season ever, winning six games and finishing with a positive goal difference for the first time in our history!


Our Hockey numbers have remained consistent for consecutive years and it is evident watching our teams that skill development and game plan strategy have improved significantly as a result. With seven teams across the program and great depth in each, pressure on selection at Firsts level has increased and their level of competitiveness under Coach Todd Blasse is improving every season. Our Inter A teams have benefitted from a change in approach that goes back three years and as a group, have had a great W/L record in all seasons thus far and we look forward to these students moving into the senior year levels. Pleasingly, some of our most promising players come from our Junior ranks, with our Firsts team represented by players from each year level, 7-12!

Boys’ Badminton became a Winter, rather than the previous Summer option, resulting in higher participation numbers and more teams. With multiple teams playing across Divisions 2 and 3, there were some excellent results and, more importantly, a great emphasis on skill development and game play. Appreciating the option of playing singles and/or doubles, teams often supported one another with games played at central venues. With some positive progress, Mentone will return to Firsts Badminton in 2020, a great sign of improvement!





This year, the Aerobics squad comprised of approximately 50 students from Years 5-12. Mentone Grammar competed in the FISAF State Championships where we had a record number of students qualify for the National Championships, held in Brisbane in August.

The students trained incredibly hard throughout the year in preparation for these competitions, giving up countless hours before and after school over many weeks of the year, and it is great to see such commitment from so many students.


Our Primary School team, the Mighty Mentonians, (Indi, Jessica C, Sarah C, Montana) placed third, with Mentone Shine (Jessica W, Amelie, Ella, Alana, Amelia) also placed third in the Secondary Advanced section. Mentone Magic (Charlotte P, Charlotte B, Maddy, Alex R, Helena) placed second in the Secondary Small Team section, a great reward for these senior girls and their long-standing commitment to Mentone Grammar Aerobics. Eve M and Olivia L placed first in the Secondary Pairs section. Pleasingly, we also had students from Year 4 and a Primary Boys’ pair compete in the Future Champions Cup in September to prepare them for next year. The Nationals competitions, as well as all the lead up training and events, proved not only successful from a results perspective, but the camaraderie and enthusiasm amongst the group were outstanding. A special thanks to all the parents and families of the girls who supported the students throughout the season, including our trip to Brisbane for the Nationals Wecompetition.arealllooking forward to the 2020 competition season.

The Girls’ Cross Country team had another great year, securing its third successive Premiership in outstanding fashion. Results are always the outcome of focused, determined commitmentpreparation,andadesire to want to work hard and deliver your best in competition. On 22 July, our girls turned up with an abundance of all of the above and again were too strong for our rival schools. Initiatives including our inaugural Cross Country camp at Shoreham, which tested our athletes’ patience, resilience and work ethic along with our tough hills sessions on Mentone foreshore provided great motivation and fitness to ensure our girls were well prepared for the Premiership round. For many girls, the Premiership round is the first race for the season, so naturally pre-race nerves are high and the fear of the unknown is present in many. But as with great leaders our Captain, Grace Bunting, was able to calm the nerves by taking the group through a familiar warm up and reassuring everyone that if they give their best, the result will take care of Theitself.girls valiantly secured the Premiership by a record margin, beating Yarra Valley by 287 points. To put that into perspective, in 2018 we won by a, then, record margin of 148 points! With great depth and an inclusive environment, Mentone Grammar Cross Country is poised to continue its success for many years to come.

CROSS CHAMPIONS!COUNTRYRESULTSSUMMARY Mentone Grammar score: 261 points Individual Medal Winners Year 12 Winner Grace Bunting Year 12 Bronze Medal Emma Scherger Year 11 Winner Hannah Schmidt Year 10 Winner Cassie Newman Year 9 Silver Tiana Skafte Year 9 Bronze Zoe Leaver Year 8 Winner Claudia Hollingsworth Year 8 Bronze Eliza Schmidt Year 7 Silver Noemi Sniezek Overall Event Champion Claudia Hollingsworth (Year 8) AGSV SelectionRepresentative Claudia Hollingsworth Hannah Schmidt Eliza TaraNoemiGemmaGraceSchmidtBuntingHollingsworthSniezekvanStraatan. CRAIG MOTTRAM CROSS COUNTRY COACH




Athletics has had an amazing year!! Over the six weeks of the season our team performed in two Inter-school Saturday competitions, one Friday evening competition and one internal meet, all leading to the AGSV Athletics Carnival at Lakeside Stadium on 11 September.

Participation was up on 2018 and expectations for great success were high amongst the athletes and the coaches. At the beginning of the season our leadership group, led by Captains Chris Perkins and Charlotte Pate met with the coaches to discuss the team goals.

It was clear the Girls’ team was a real chance at the Premiership and the Boys’ team wanted to consolidate on a great performance in 2018. For many, Athletics is an individual sport but at Mentone Grammar Athletics is a team sport and without depth and team focus, consistent results are extremely hard to achieve. In 2019, we missed many of our senior athletes due to multiple conflicting commitments, but it was the determination and desire for our younger members to step up have a go which pleased me the most this season.



Consistent weekly competitions combined with great training meant we were as ready as we could be for the AGSV Athletics Carnival on 11 OurSeptember.Girls’team got off to a legendary start, winning the Open 4x400 in an AGSV record time of 4.07.74. This performance set the trend for the remainder of the day with multiple victories and top three performances across both the track and field. Our girls led from start to finish holding a slender 10-point lead throughout the day only to secure victory and create history in the penultimate event when our U17 girls 4x100m team stormed home to finish second and secure enough points for the premiership, the first Girls’ Athletics Premiership in Mentone’s history. Our Boys’ team delivered a strong performance on Finals day. With the dominance of Trinity being tested this year by Marcellin College and Ivanhoe Grammar, competition for a top three place was extremely tough. In each competition our boys stepped up and gave it everything. The Boys’ team performed gallantly on a day of hot competition and great team performances from a number of our competitor schools, ultimately finishing in sixth position. With the hopeful return of some of our senior athletes in 2020, we will again challenge for a top-three place.

Overall, Season 2019 produced an outstanding result from an exceptional group of young athletes. Congratulations to all who participated in Athletics for Mentone Grammar in 2019. We look forward to delivering another great program in 2020. MOTTRAM HEAD OF ATHLETICS



In 2019, our Girls’ Athletics team created history, winning its first ever AGSV ThisPremiership.teamof athletes has been building over recent years, finishing second on the previous two occasions. The desire in 2019 to go one spot better was clear from the outset. Team Captain, Charlotte Pate, addressed her team at the start of the season and the collective team goal was to win the Premiership.



Yes, we have individual superstars, athletes who perform at the National level, but it is our depth across all our age groups and events that makes our team very hard to beat. It is this depth and consistency that kept Mentone on top of the table at every point check throughout the day and ultimately secured our first AGSV Girls’ Athletics Premiership, and in doing so, creating history for our School. The girls had an outstanding day and must be congratulated on a superb team effort. The following day, our Mentone girls were back at Lakeside Stadium again with 10 of our superstars chosen to represent Mentone at the Athletics Victoria Nitro competition.

This is a very prestigious event with the best schools and athletes from across Victoria competing. Mentone Grammar fielded one Intermediate girls team made up of Claudia Hollingsworth, Ashley van Rooyen, Cassie Newman, Lily Parsons, Emily Ryan, Olivia Hargreaves, Monique Zahra, Madison Carr and Riley Spence. The girls were entered across a series of different events scoring points for the team. Our Mentone Team won the Victorian Title and in doing so won the opportunity to head to the National Championships in Perth in December. This result was made even more spectacular when you consider they achieved this only 12 hours after creating history by winning the AGSV Girls’ Athletics championships the day Nonebefore.of the above could be achieved without a dedicated team of coaches and staff who share in the ups and downs with our athletes. I personally want to thank our team of coaches, Peter O’Gorman, Stuart Bainbridge and Erin Hunt for all they do to ensure we put our best team on the track, and I hope that all our athletes enjoyed the experience. Bring on 2020.

We knew we would have strong competition from Ivanhoe Grammar but the girls were determined. With the injection of some great new young talent our team was stronger than ever and team morale was high. Championship day got off to a winning start with the introduction of a new event to the program, the Open 4x400m race. Our team of Ebony McCarthy, Alanah Becker, Claudia Hollingsworth and Riley Spence took the win and in doing so set a new AGSV record of 4.07.74. Not to be outdone, at the exact same time in the field, Emily Ryan smashed the U17 Shot Put to take out first place in a new AGSV record of 14.25m. Throughout the day, the girls competed in over 70 individual and relay events with 18 event wins and over 20 top three finishes.






The Year 12 contingent was strong. Players voted to select Jai Florent as their Captain and Matt Scott and Chris Perkins as Vice Captains. All three were fantastic leaders from start to finish. Our first match against Yarra Valley was disappointing. Although we dominated general play, our goal kicking was poor, and we lost in a thriller. This included a contentious goal decision. It has been said this moment cruelled our hopes of holding a home final later in the year, but it could also be argued that it improved our resilience. We needed to win almost every match from then to make finals, and we did. A win over Camberwell was expected. Our second half against Trinity was sensational. We travelled to Assumption and lost, after our bus broke down on the way to Kilmore. The next match, against PEGS, was our best of the season; we won by nine goals at home. The victory over Peninsula in the wet down at Mt Eliza was better than it looked on the scoreboard. Then we travelled to Marcellin, beating the heavyweights in front of their schoolmates on a Friday afternoon. Finally, we beat Ivanhoe at home. Our home and away season finished 6-2. Playing Assumption at Kilmore again was something we wanted to do. On the way into Kilmore the boys were silent, listening to a recording of Kennedy, Hafey, Barassi and others talk about Finals football. We played a great game but lost by a slender margin. Our backline was our strength all year. Our midfield was rarely beaten. Our forward line, with Finn Ryan as our spearhead, was always threatening. But it was the teamwork and care for each other that were most impressive. It was a rare privilege to be a part of such a side. All the young men should be proud of the way they represented themselves, their families, their School, and each other.


After a season of rebuilding in 2018, the First team started 2019 with a clear aim to play in finals. The pre-season was held down at Parkdale and Mentone beaches. Fitness and decision-making were two of our priorities.


In Round 3 we travelled to Wesley College where we played the first ever AFLW First Girls’ Football game on the Wesley St Kilda Rd oval and although beaten soundly, we were part of history and enjoyed a lovely morning tea with the Wesley team. Bonnie Boys kicked the only major for the day although the score line did not reflect the girls’ enthusiasm and effort. In Round 4 we hosted Haileybury at Keysborough and we certainly were not on our game, falling short by 10 goals despite Charlotte Pate slotting her first major of the Trainingyear.was ramped up the following week but coming up against top of the table Caulfield we were completely out of our league and failed to score for the first After being asked back for another exciting year of AFLW Senior Football at Mentone Grammar, I was asked very early in Term 1 if the coaches would run an extra training session on Tuesday mornings at School as the new squad was raring to get the football pre-season under way.

As Round 1 approached, the coaches felt the squads were ready to take on a new season, but the draw gave the First team a Bye and they had to wait an extra week to get under Unfortunately,way.our Captain Bella Daddo broke her wrist in local football and was to miss all games until Round 7. An enthusiastic team hosted PEGS at Keysborough for a first up win with seven Year 9 girls in the squad, a new initiative for the 2019 season. Three of these girls, Amy Watkins, Charli Glanville and Summer Leonard all scored majors in their first game! Cassie Newman set the midfield alight, a sign of things to come!

SENIORAFLW GIRLS time in two seasons. To say the girls were disappointed was an understatement. We travelled to Ivanhoe next and, although it resulted in another loss, the girls played a much better quality of football, with the Year 9 girls continuing to hold their own and Cassie Newman and Abbi Moloney dominating through the midfield. Our last game before the winter term break was at Carey, with a very excited Captain Bella Daddo putting in an outstanding first game back and the girls played the best game of the season from a skills point of view, just falling short to the second top side by one goal! We travelled to PEGS for the second last game and a dominating performance saw the girls come away with a 44-point win, dominated by Abbi Moloney and Anna ForSiemering.ourfinal round and we went to Haileybury where the girls were determined to get the Year 12s their last win for their School, and a great win they got with Charlotte Pate scoring two goals, Ruby Timms and Tilly Glanville one each. It was a mixed season, but they have been an amazing group of girls to coach making for a very enjoyable 2019 season with plenty of emerging talent for a promising 2020 season!



Coming into the 2019 Girls’ Basketball season, we really focused on developing our players’ individual skillsets and playing a style of basketball that was fun and effective for all the ladies involved. Having a solid group of Junior girls, a developing intermediate squad and a group of committed senior girls, our aim was to develop a great culture that could build our Girls’ program for the future.

Ginger, Year 9, Denie, Year 10, and Meg and Ash, Year 11s all provided solid contributions, with a developing work Weekethic.inweek out, the girls competed to the best of their ability. With Matthew Scalzi introduced as Firsts Coach mid season, we saw renewed enthusiasm in the group

with achievable goals put in place. We implemented offensive structures that gave the girls greater scoring opportunities and better ball movement. The endeavour picked up through a tough and gruelling season and the last game against Peninsula showed the group’s true colours – winning the third quarter of the game - even though the end score margins didn’t fall our way.

Overall, we are really happy with the way the team competed and represented the School, and we are excited about our strong crop of junior girls, hoping to expose a handful of these players to an elite First competition next year.

The building blocks have been put in place, and we are already planning for the 2020 Girls’ Basketball season, hoping to continue on our upward curve.



Our Firsts squad, led by our Captain Bethanie Bridge and Vice Captain Emily Kerr, both Year 11s, fought hard and never gave up in any of the games. Emily was rewarded with her great play throughout the season by being named in the AGSV Representative squad, whilst Bethanie was named an emergency. We are very proud to have these two fine young ladies leading our Basketball program this year and next year. Throughout the season, we were able to expose four Year 8s and a one Year 9 athlete to a top level basketball league, which boasted several Victorian representatives and two Australian representatives. Mia, Jamie, Emily, and Alyce, our Year 8s, all worked hard developing their games, and were able to compete against high level opponents. This experience at this level will serve the team well moving forward.

The Firsts Table Tennis team commenced the season with two close victories over PEGS and Yarra Valley respectively. These results showed that the team could compete at this level and provided some encouragement and confidence for the team members. The second two games in Term 4 were against two of the traditionally stronger schools in Trinity and Camberwell. We headed into the summer break at ‘2 and 2’ and sitting mid-table. Term 1 saw close losses to Ivanhoe and PEGS followed by the re-draws for the final three weeks. Our team should be content with its efforts and endeavours throughout the season but should look to further challenge themselves in season 2019/20.



Cross Country has had an amazing year. Our season started with the inaugural Cross Country Team Camp at Shoreham. A two-day adventure into the depths of human resilience that set us up for great success. Across the season our team performed in seven rounds of AGSV Cross Country, three rounds of Athletics Victoria State Championships races and one Girls’ Premiership round. We achieved multiple State individual and team medals, 1 premiership and participation numbers are at a record high. We have created a fun and inclusive environment that encourages all athletes to be themselves and strive to be the best team member and athlete they can be. All of this combined resulted in our best season on record with our Boys finishing second and our Girls retaining the Premiership for a third year in a row. Thank you to Sean Williams and Paul Stockdale for all their ongoing support and advice.



The 2018/19 Season loomed as a challenging one for the boys in Table Tennis as many members of the squad had departed the previous year. This provided an opportunity for students to step up and take on the challenge of playing at the highest level in the School team.


The majority of the players remain for Season 2020, when they will again look to raise the bar and ensure the Hockey renaissance continues at Mentone Grammar.

The defensive line of Gracie Geddis alongside Evie (Year 9) and Lulu Stansby (Year 7) significantly strengthened Although the win loss record has been challenging over the past few seasons at Firsts level, the morale of the team has remained high, with recognition from all the team that although they have faced strong opposition over seasons, Mentone is getting stronger as a team and the learning and development of all players has been great to watch. the team’s ability to compete and made scoring harder for opposition teams. In addition, Jayde Temby (Year 9) played the majority of the season as Goal Keeper and did a great job helping out this talented defensive unit. Having a high number of talented females in our team reflects so positively on our Hockey program and is testament to the skill level of these players that they can hold their own and excel in a male dominated competition.

The Round 2 game against Yarra Valley proved decisive, easily identified as the best performance in many years. A 4-all draw resulted, albeit having held the lead three times throughout the game, including with only five minutes to play when a penalty was awarded to YVG that they were able to capitalise on. Matthew Hayes, playing as Centre Forward, scored a hattrick, the first time in more than a decade a Mentone player had achieved such a feat. The season included some challenging games against highly touted opposition, but the fact the group was able to look beyond the score line and identify how they have improved remained significant. Two incredibly close matches against Marcellin resulting in high scoring games, one a one-goal defeat and the other a draw, again demonstrated the improvement from this very young group.

The team was led extremely well by Josh Madden (Year 11), with his own outstanding individual season recognised by winning the MVP Award and being selected as part of the AGSV Representative team. His leadership and inclusive nature have been paramount to this team’s improvement and he has been well supported by his teammates.

Facing a strong PEGS team in Round 1, and with memories of a significant defeat in 2018, the team demonstrated its improvement with both teams having an equal distribution of attacking build up and attacking play. Only some individual player brilliance proved the difference in the end.




Participation in an international tournament hosted by Melbourne Grammar has been a staple of the recent preseasons, and this year was no exception, giving the team the chance to practise against highly rated opponents, as well as giving them the opportunity to gel off pitch.


A spirited effort in the first game of the season against the highly touted Wesley was encouraging, and as the season went on it proved to be reflective of the season, with some excellent bursts within games also accompanied by patches where the opposition got on top. Close losses to Haileybury and PEGS followed, with the PEGS game an absolute cracker with the one-goal margin at the end proving to the team they were right in the hunt if they had full commitment from all involved. Their just rewards came the week after when we defeated Geelong College by three goals in a game where we held sway for the majority, albeit with some minor concentration lapses. With a younger squad than previous seasons, it was not surprising there were some inconsistencies within games although, pleasingly, the girls stuck to their guns, recognising their strengths and committing to reducing the lapses.

With a new wave of Netballers coming into First team consideration, it was with a mix of excitement and anticipation that the season approached. With an emphasis on expanding the squad beyond the smaller number of previous years, the group knew there would be plenty of challenges to confront in a highly competition.competitive

Captain Dom Taylor led the team well, ably supported by Amelia Vise, who, along with Gemma Reynolds, provided the Year 12 contingent. The experience gained by the rest of the team who were all younger and therefore had less exposure to Firsts Netball will surely prove valuable in the seasons to come. Special mention to Zoe Leaver (Year 9) who received the Most Valuable Player trophy at season’s end in recognition of her outstanding contribution as a mid-courter.

The team committed to additional training sessions every Monday morning and it was a credit to all players for their willingness to embrace the cold mornings following busy weekends as they started their week endeavouring to improve their talents. This, combined with an understanding that the pieces of the puzzle often take some time to come together perfectly, provided the best reflection of the group and their willingness to give their all.


Our team was led brilliantly by Cate Rausz (Year 12), whose long-time commitment to Soccer at Mentone was rewarded with a fantastic final season, culminating in selection in the AGSV Representative team. Ruby Samild (Year 8) was also selected in this team as the Goal Keeper, a significant achievement at such a young age and we look forward to her continued development and contribution over the coming years. Together with Keisha and Maya Jacobs, Tilly Meagher and Amelie Blackham (all Year 8), and Sienna Salisbury, Ava Gibbons, Mia Georgantis and Zoe Turnbull (Year 9), there is plenty to look forward to in the years ahead!

It was with a great sense of excitement that our team approached Season 2019, with players and coaches thinking that, although very young, the level of talent belied the average age and we sensed a highly competitive season would be on the cards. Playing the ever-strong Wesley team in Round 1 was a tough start, and although we went down, the signs were extremely positive and the score line proved a great indicator that we had a talented group on our hands. This game was immediately followed by a game against 2018 Premiers Haileybury, and having conceded a large number of goals against them previously, conceding two late goals to lost 0-2 didn’t reflect the way our team was able to dominate for most parts of the game, and the time in our forward half was significant. The positive start to the season all came together in Round 4, when the girls went on a scoring rampage, winning 6-1, with Maya Jacobs (Year 8) scoring a stunning hattrick. This victory was followed the week after with a win against Caulfield, 3-1, an opposition that we had always had close games with but had rarely been able to get over the top of. This consolidated the belief amongst the group and only steeled their resolve to finish off the season with aplomb. The team went on to finish with five wins and a draw, easily the best Mentone result in the 19-year history of the competition. To have such a pleasing season with more than half of the starting 11 in Year 9 or below suggests there is huge scope for excitement over the coming seasons.






The 2019 Soccer season began in December last year with numbers like never before. Eager to improve the culture around the Soccer program at Mentone, the coaching staff worked hard to garner as many young, talented footballers as we could to attend the pre-season trials. And as testament to the diligent work shown by past First XI squad members, over thirty students laced up their cleats and took to the oval in what would be our most involved and arduous pre-season to date. With the boys fit and coming off a promising win against Brighton Grammar in a friendly match, we took on Yarra Valley in Round 1 of the AGSV season. Structure was a prominent part of our pre-season discussion. A structured team is a well-disciplined team, and we knew that if we stuck to our team plan, we’d put up a great fight every week. And this statement held true. Whilst the score line only showed a 2-1 victory to Mentone Grammar, it was a very promising performance, giving us a great start moving forward.


Round 2 saw us take on Camberwell Grammar that was coming off a 1-0 victory over reigning champions Trinity the week prior. High press and hard work were the emphasis of the match and no one heeded this advice more than Julius Schulze, who through pure grit and determination put us 1-0 up after stripping Camberwell’s defender and slotting it in the back of the net 25 minutes in. Starting the second half we knew it was pivotal to extend our lead as quickly as possible. And that we did. Skipper, Adam Leander, scored with his thigh from a corner to put us 2-0 up. However, as many footballers know, the game is not over until the final whistle, with Camberwell scoring two goals in the final 15 minutes, the equaliser being the last of the game, to clinch a draw. Despite the incredibly determined performance of the boys, it was not to be three points. With a promising start to the season, we headed into our toughest stretch of the fixture. A 2-0 loss to Trinity at home was followed by a two-week break. A Bye and a subsequent forfeit against Assumption meant we lacked match experience, before meeting PEGS at home. Being involved with the First XI program for six years now, as both a player and coach, I have never seen a Mentone team challenge AGSV giants PEGS like this team did at Keysborough. 1-0 down at half time, an inspired Mentone team came out and completely turned the match on its head. Dominating PEGS in all thirds of the pitch, Mentone came within inches of equalising. It was not until a goal against the run of play in the final 10 minutes to put PEGS 2-0 up, did PEGS find their feet and seal the victory. Although it was a loss, the boys showed tremendous promise. Some hard negotiating by the sports and coaching staff at Mentone led to a 5-0 win through forfeit after the Peninsula pitch was not suitable to play on.


Facing Marcellin the following week on a Friday night would define our season. The winner would prevail in securing a top four finish. The first half was all Mentone. We were defensively solid, dominated the midfield, and created multiple chances in our attacking third. However, as we’ve learnt throughout the season, failing to capitalise when on top can be extremely detrimental. And it was again at Marcellin. 0-0 at half time, we finished the game with another 2-0 loss. We would not be playing finals this year. After the semester break, we regrouped and looked to dismantle Ivanhoe to secure our fifth place finish at the end of the season. And that we did. Goals to Tim K, Seb F and Julius S, the boys prevailed as 3-1 winners, signifying the end to another to all the boys who were involved with the First XI program this year. To the Year 12s who have been involved with us, some for many years, you will be missed by everyone and we hope your future endeavours are successful.


Congratulations to everyone who gave the best of themselves over the season.

Overall, it was a memorable AGSV season of consistent and encouraging results that saw great joy and competition in equal measure, across all fixtures including Badminton, Basketball, Soccer, AFL, AFLW, Hockey, Netball, Cross Country and Athletics.


It is with great excitement that we were able to celebrate two girls’ premierships this season. Led by Craig Mottram, our dedicated Cross Country and Athletics coach and his team, the School is extremely proud of the girls who have worked hard over successive seasons to secure these history making results.



Row 2: Joshua Cooley, Gracie Geddis, Dominique Taylor, Angus Grant, Adrian Arcon, Nick Layton, Finn Ryan, Emily Kerr, Grace Bunting, Jack Williams


Row 2: Thomas Dale, Harrison Huber, Jack Williams, Oskar Phillips, Thomas Lewis, Spencer Blain-Bartle, Henry Hamilton, Kieren Dyer

Row 1: Noemi Sniezek, Tarn Smith, Hannah Schmidt, Carl Simondson, Julius Schulze, Benjamin Ryan, Aimee Grella, Emily Zallmann, Meg Lewis

Row 1: Jamie Taylor, Joel Ruberu, Carl Simondson, Ben Putamorsi, Luke Tucker, Thomas Wale, Oliver Fitt

Row: Madeleine Ghent, Alexandra Richards, Charlotte Bratuskins, Charlotte Pate Absent: Helena Papasimeon, Claudia Levey


Absent: Riley Barker, Fynn Baxter, Luca Duffin, Nicky Layton, Jared Ruberu


Row 4: Harrison Long, Ned Wilson, Christian Williams Row 3: Charles Anderson, Lachlan Bourke, Joshua Cooley, Michael Garbelotto, Tighe Taylor, John Humble, Alexander Barrett

Row 4: Jai Florent, Chris Perkins, Joshua Madden, Finlay McKinnon, James Gold, Brett Poll Row 3: Tom Dale, Bridie Wilson, Adam Leander, Tomo Owens, Ben Putamorsi, Matthew Scott, Jordan Evans, Cate Rausz, Michael Garbelotto

Absent: Jayde Boyd, Sarah Connell, Alex Hassan, Claudia Hollingsworth, Gemma Hollingsworth, Ruby Samild, Eliza Schmidt, Sophie Sibbald, Lulu Stansby, Luke Tucker, Tara van Straaten, Monique Zahra

Row 3: Jude Scott, Sam Albiston, Luca Cavarra, Derek Wang, Darcy Richards

Row 6: Summer Albiston, Aiden Laurent, Sarah Daniell, Meg Lewis, Teah Vassiliadis, Loke Egede-Poulsen, Riley Spence

Row 2: Tara van Straaten, Sarah Daniell, Lucy Page, Alex Enkelman, Lachlan Smith, Claudia Hollingsworth, Eliza Schmidt, Sienna Moore


Row 1: Sienna Moore, Remy Barker, Hannah Schmidt, Bridie Wilson, Phoebe Wearne, Meg Lewis, Hannah Wagner


Row 2: Monique Zakic, Alanah Becker, Emily Zallmann, Chloe Garifalakis, Jayde Boyd, Lulu Moore, Tarn Smith, Nichola Di Tirro

Row 3: Claudia Hollingsworth, Jude Scott, Jordan Michell, Thomas Lewis, Luke Ray, Jesse Turner, Evan Vrionis, Lola Murphy, Harvey Lansley

Row 3: Jenna Wale, Claudia Hollingsworth, Sophie Sibbald, Aimee Grella, Teah Vassiliadis, Lulu Stansby

Absent: John Humble, Ashley Kent

Row 1: Leo Hennessy, Liam Welsh, Lulu Stansby, Joel Ruberu, Riley Shilson-Josling

Row 2: Sienna Moore, Luke Gold, Will Garbelotto, Grace Bunting, James Gold, Emma Scherger, Thomas Hughes, Oliver Fitt, Eliza Schmidt

Absent: Tayla Fox, Ella James, Monique Zahra


Row 4: Aiden Laurent, Loke Egede-Poulsen, Evan Vrionis, Oliver Fitt

Row 1: Leo Hennessy, Joel Ruberu, Charlotte Maddern, Harvey Lansley, Megan Lewis, Riley Shilson-Josling, Liam Welsh

Row 5: Tara van Straaten, Alex Jones, Nicholas Thiele, Derek Wang, Timmy Wang, Charlotte Maddern

Row 4: Hannah Schmidt, Sam Albiston, Luca Cavarra, Alex Enkelman, Lachlan Smith, Darcy Richards, Lucy Page

Row 3: Lulu Stansby, Ruby Timms, Tiana Skafte, Mia Collins, Sienna Bolton, Abbi Moloney, Jenna Wale, Bella Orchard, Charlotte Pate


Row 2: Denie Bellamy, Emily Zallmann, Mia Callow

Absent: Piper Beretta, Ginger Brodie


Row 1: Meg Magennis, Emily Kerr, Bethanie Bridge, Ashley Kent, Jamie Shepherd

Row 2: Finlay McKinnon, Aaron Moore, Blake Williams, Angus Grant, Sammy Cartwright

Row 1: Nichola Di Tirro, Ella McNair, Hannah Schmidt, Cassandra Newman, Emma Scherger, Grace Bunting, Lola Murphy, Ebony McCarthy, Gemma Hollingsworth, Hannah Wagner, Sarah Absent:DaniellMiaCastello, Lelani De Silva, Sunday Hollingsworth, Holly Wale, Monique Zahra

Row 2: Mr Paul Stockdale, Riley Spence, Tara van Straaten, Zoe Leaver, Emily Zallmann, Sarah Pontifex, Ella Clark, Alanah Becker, Livinia Stockdale, Teah Vassiliadis, Summer Albiston, Sienna Moore


Row 1: Archie Padley, Ben Stephenson, Jack Pavlidis, Tomo Owens, Oskar Phillips, Will Durston, Philbert Lan

Absent: Lachlan Hiscock


Row 4: Eliza Schmidt, Lily Parsons, Lucy Page, Charlotte Maddern, Claudia Hollingsworth, Amy Watkins, Ella Wearne, Noemi Sniezek

Absent: Josephine Bohlken, Ruby Gonis, Grace Huxtable

Row 1: Loren Henry, Emma Rothberg, Olivia Dickson, Lauren Malby-Luke, Rachael Kernahan


Row 2: Lucia Taitoko, Dominique Taylor, Livinia Stockdale



Row 1: Jason Bartonek, Ben Gerresheim, Samasidh Siva Ram, Thomas Shepherd, Koki Ono

Row 1: Lachlan Nott, Jai Florent, Matthew Scott, Benjamin Ryan, Josh Madden, Zac Angus



Row 2: Iona Rich, Yani Ryan, Grace Felsenthal

Absent: Frixos Bountroukas, Harry Durand, Finn McCall, Frankie Varsamis

Row 1: Alyssa Hardy, Zoe Turnbull, Madeline Rickard, Cassidy Hardy, Bronte Reark, Erica Dudek

Row 2: Mia Watkins, Cassidy Hardy, Ruby Samild, Sienna Salisbury, Alyssa Hardy, Zoe Turnbull

Row 1: Theodore Politis, Joshua Jackson, Timothy Koulouris, Adam Leander, Kenny Zhang, Adam Brigo

Row 3: Maya Jacobs, Mia Georgantis, Keisha Jacobs


Absent: Seb Zahra

Row 2: Cian Curley, Finn Ryan, Archie Rowlands, Max Tulloch, Jeremy Williams

Row 2: Julius Schulze, Daniel Alston, Zac Vallis, Aaron Moore, Max Athanas, Sebastien Fernandes, Blake Rosenberg

Row 2: Julius Schulze, Nicholas Collins, Kagen James, Adrian Arcon, Jeremy Miao, Cooper Levey


Row 1: Tilly Meagher, Ava Gibbons, Karly Georgantis, Cate Rausz, Erica Dudek, Mia Causer, Amelie Blackham

Row 2: Tarn Smith, Amy Watkins, Abbi Moloney, Bethany Bratuskins, Bronte Reark, Caitlin Burke, Phoebe Wearne, Mikayla Watson

Row 2: Declan McComb, William Skinner, Jeremy Williams, Angus Grant, Jacob Edwards, Finn Ryan, Max Tulloch, Tom Grant, Alec McComb

Row 1: Ruby Timms, Tilly Glanville, Alexandra Sheppard, Isabella Daddo, Dekota Mark, Yasmin Duffin, Charlotte Pate

Absent: Bonnie Boys, Madi Brown, Tess Campbell, Maddi Cox, Olivia Dickson, Charli Glanville, Summer Leonard, Ash Rundmann, Anna Siemering, Stephanie Warmuz, Ella Wearne

Absent: Huntar Pace, Austin Parker, Jacob Tinker

Row 4: William King, Kieren Dyer, Angus Newman, Thomas Spencer

Row 3: Amelia Luca, Cassandra Newman, Emily Windram, Jenna Wale


Row 3: Lachlan Nott, Jordan Evans, Ben Putamorsi, Tomo Owens, Lachlan Hiscock, Louis Hanson

Row 1: Lachlan Fraser, Finlay McKinnon, Chris Perkins, Jai Florent, Matthew Scott, Damon Rimanic, Lucas Armstrong, Benjamin Murphy



Row 2: Ashley Kent, Tilly Deeks, Claire Syme, Bethanie Bridge, Isabelle Leonidas, Tilly Appel

Row 1: Teagan Gilligan, Ella Heidecker, Karly Georgantis, Cate Rausz, Jessica Grant, Tess Shilson-Josling, Zoe Lancaster


Row 1: Jayde Temby, Daniel Carruthers, Josh Madden, Evie Stansby, Lulu Stansby Absent: Sarah Connell

Row 1: Sophie Peachey, Katie Goakes, Ruby Timms, Megan Bresnehan, Yasmin Duffin


Row 1: Sophie Peachey, Zoe Leaver, Lucy Bond, Dominique Taylor, Amelia Vise, Ebony McCarthy, Charlee Peachey

Row 3: Joseph Shim, Matthew Hayes, Jake Adderley, Finn Vorrath, Singtong Chan Row 2: Alex Hassan, Cameron Connell, Myles Brown, Rory Thomas, Toby Richards, Harrison Dart, Gracie Geddis


Row: Kevin Yu, Daniel Matthew, James Hornibrook, Jack Caughey, Jayde Maluga


Row 2: Oliver Hamilton, Tom Mutton, Matt Corcoran, Angus Perkins, Jordan Evans

Absent: Tayla Fox

Absent: Joseph Shim, Edward Yang

Row 3: Zoe Leaver, Charlee Peachey

Row 2: Tiana Dimits, Lauren Malby-Luke, Lucia Taitoko, Sarah Pontifex, Sophie Porter, Mia Collins

Absent: Rhianne Brown, Ulyana Kondratova

Row 1: Tom Spencer, Angus Newman, Chris Perkins, Brett Poll, Oliver Moran, Declan Latchford Absent: Matthew Langenfelds, Aaron Moore, Austin Parker



FIRST CRICKET Row 3: Alec McComb, Declan McComb, William Skinner, Oscar Clarke

Row 2: Cassandra Newman, Ella Mairs, Olivia Hargreaves, Sophie Porter, Mia Collins, Isabella Daddo

Absent: Madi Brown, Maddi Cox, Charly Donchos, Charli Glanville, Hayley Parr, Skye Shipton, Jada Stephens, Holly Wale

276 THE MENTONIAN 2019 GROUP PHOTOS AGSV GOLF Row: Marcus van Straaten, Toby Hynes

INTER A HOCKEY Row 2: Harry Rowan, Rory Thomas, Thomas Charles Row 1: Justin Grant, Jake Newman, Douglas Allan, Charles Anderson, Ethan Pate Absent: Oscar Constantinou, Joshua Jakob, Tom Madden, Brayden Miller, Ethan Riach, Oscar Robinson

JUNIOR Row 2: Hannah Wagner, Zara Quin, Jessica Male, Ginger Fennessy, Gemma Hollingsworth, Keira Richmond, Remy Barker Row 1: Scarlet Park, Josephine Bohlken, Madeline Miles, Courtney Male, Kiyomi Rossborough, Lily Parsons, Ella Michell, Lexi Wheeler


INTER A FOOTBALL Row 3: Angus Reark, Angus Newman, Guy Studley, Brayden Mitchell, Dylan Hinton, Harrison Zammit, Samuel Leahy Row 2: Alec McComb, Tully McKinnon, Mitch Owens, Jacob Edwards, Angus Perkins, Simon Hall, Harry Officer, Coen Ursprung Row 1: Lachlan Jones, Lachlan Bourke, Peter Papadopoulos, Declan McComb, Jacob Whitehouse, Benjamin Fenech, Kane Wilson Absent: Charlie Daddo, Jacob Farrow, Henry Mentiplay, Matt Scherger

SURFING Row: Matthew Scott, Ethan Gorringe, Lachlan Bourke

CRICKET - 8A Row 2: Nicholas Corcoran, Nat Petty, Will Mutton, George Lewis, Christian Howe, Billy Bond Row 1: Matthew Georgiades, Luke Caris, Blake Mccure, Will Brown, Luke Trantino Absent: Murphy Dickson, Sam Lewis, Ryan Naismith, Declan Tibb

Absent: Willow Bailey, Nichola Di Tirro, Bridie Glanville

CHESS Row 4: Raegan Nguyen, Patrick Reynolds, James Kerr, Sarabjeet Dawar Row 3: Mr Michael Prabaharan, Ethan Pate, Singtong Chan, Blake Rosenberg, Grant Zhong, Mathieson Meakins, Rhys Basin, Elliot Grant Row 2: Ethan Green, Kevin Zhong, Daniel Nikolayevsky, Daniel Poberezovsky, Matthew Hayes, Mo Sha, Hugo Roest, Douglas Allen Row 1: Rahul Aravindth, Baxter Chan, Marlia Dezoysa Lewis, Kush Desilva, Hamish De Livera Absent: Aaron Britter, Alex Burrows, Ian Chaplin, Jessica Chaplin, Zach Granell, Cooper Hamlin, James Hornibrook, Liam Jakob, Justin Li, Leonard Liu, Irene Lu, Zen Nimorokiatakis, Jiahao Qian, Noah Ryan, Matthew Shing, David Sprung, Frank Varsamis, Erik von Zweigbergk


Row: Noemi Sniezek, Elise Laws, Sophie Frost, Holly Nish, Arabelle Jeffery

JUNIOR A VOLLEYBALLGIRLS’ Row 2: Elisha Fitzgerald, Alyce Kerr Row 1: Mady Kalogerakis, Lucia Vega, Mia Callow, Julia Kokkinos


Row 4: Dmitry Sorokin, Rhys Basin, Aaron Britter, Sarabjeet Dawar

Row 2: Mrs Debra McLeod, Ella Michell, Ella Rankin, Maximillian Topor, Nicholas Corcoran, Amelia Lea, Anika Cherney, Nikki Malotsis

Absent: Kristof Buschkuehl, Mr Matthew Cohn, James Dimopoulos, Zachary Granell, Viktor (Vitya) Kirsta, Sean Kulakovskiy, Miranda McLean, Rueben Verdiants

Row 4: Vincent Thai-Chan, Tianqi Li, Jed Zammit, Yifan (Ivan) Liao, Daniel Pate


Row 1: Harrison Tzounos, Patrick Reynolds, Harper Carroll, Hudson Close, Zahra Jacobs, Tian (Max) Tan, Oliver Tzounos

Row 2: Mr Frank Recchia, Mr Gavin Cornish, Jayde Maluga, Mo Sha, Rory Thomas, Shem Glasscock, Xiaojun (Alex) Xue, Valdis Guppy, Ms Natalie Morgenstern


Row 3: Sung Yin (Alex) Lam, Enrico Tirta, Xiaomin (Aaron) Xue, Jake Newman, James Hornibrook, Maximillian Topor, Felix O’Neill-Pugh, Avelyn Reynolds

Row 3: Keira Patron, Jiahao Qian, Zenas Nimorakiotakis, Andrew Wang, Reahn Orfanidis

Row 1: Keira Patron, Imogen Davis, Ella Heidecker, Christopher Hirst, Kerui (Ryan) Huang, Zoe Turnbull, Ella Whittaker, Ella Michell

Absent: Hamish Berry, Hardy d’Alquen, Victoria Gelbak, Joseph Shim


Row 1: Emma Burton, Charlie Turner, Georgia Stewart, Zoe Turnbull, Charlotte Bratuskins, Tess Shilson-Josling, Megan Bresnehan, Phoebe Palmer, Zoe Lancaster

Absent: Dominique Doig, Samuel Dyer, Emily Fitt, Georgia Griffin, Jasmin Hadjiyannakis, Ulyana Kondratova, Gabrielle O’Sullivan, Helena Papasimeon, Danielle Pedersen, Miss Samantha Robertson

Row 1: Lachlan Nott, Jai Florent, Matthew Scott, Benjamin Ryan, Josh Madden, Zac Angus


Row 2: Lucia Taitoko, Dominique Taylor, Livinia Stockdale Row 1: Alyssa Hardy, Zoe Turnbull, Madeline Rickard, Cassidy Hardy, Bronte Reark, Erica Dudek




Row 3: Mrs Debra McLeod, Isabella Mirhom, Kallis Bernasconi, Lachlan Majstorovic, Kushlan De Silva, Baxter Chan, Lucy Sweeny, Zicheng (Leo) Wang Row 2: Sophie Carr, Brooke Bernasconi, Angela Hooker, Zixuan (Kevin) Meng, Rhys Basin, Patrick Reynolds, Sophie Apostolidis, Zara Measures, Harrison Coulson

Row 3: Iona Rich, Annabelle Eustice, Holly Svojtka, Joshua Cooley, Nicholas Berry, Thomas Dyer, Olivia Dickson, Claudia Levey, Emily Growdon

Row 2: Cian Curley, Finn Ryan, Archie Rowlands, Max Tulloch, Jeremy Williams

Row 1: Linxi Zheng, Bailey Bartlett, Ruby Castello, Yenuth Premaratne, Taylor Sweeny, Mia Basin, Isabella Welsh, Tiffany Te Absent: Wenxin (Sura) Chen, Mr Matthew Cohn, Viktor (Vitya) Kirsta, Lachlan Smith, Bailey Tomas, Lexie Tomas

Row 5: Vincent Thai-Chan, Felix O’Neill-Pugh, Callum Prior, Ryan White, Lachlan Howard Row 4: Jamieson Papagiannis, Ashika Sarma, Gustaf von Zweigbergk, Harrison Dart, Valdis Guppy, Jake Newman, Alanah Heidecker, Irene Lu

Row 2: Ms Lidia Mancini, Priya Gill, Anna Caley, Sasha McLennan, Andrew Lancaster, Shem Glasscock, Bronte Reark, Charlotte Holland, Ella Heidecker, Charlotte Pate

Row 5: Anna Xue, Rory Garrick, Zhenling Shen, Fergus Riddle, Hudson Chan, Emma Jung Row 4: Lily Kerr, Alexandra Hooker, Oscar Cox, Stevan Dakic, Tian (Max) Tan, Chloe Britter, Mika Arvanitakis


Absent: Dominique Doig

CAT’S MEOW Row 3: Georgia Stewart, Alanah Heidecker, Holly Svojtka, Samuel Dyer, Emma Rothberg, Emilie Toby, Megan Bresnehan, Ashika Sarma Row 2: Ms Lidia Mancini, Ryan White, Harrison Dart, Nicholas Berry, Andrew Lancaster, Joshua Cooley, Gustaf von Zweigbergk, Felix O’Neill-Pugh, Lachlan Howard Row 1: Priya Gill, Ella Heidecker, Jamieson Papagiannis, Annabelle Eustice, Charlotte Holland, Charlie Turner, Irene Lu, Phoebe Palmer

CONCERT BAND 1 Row 4: James Wu, Heath Cananzi, Chethiya Ranaweera, Kerui (Ryan) Huang, Luka Pajic, Christopher Hirst Row 3: Tianqi Li, Georgia Stewart, Maximillian Topor, Dengping (Derek) Wang, Jayden Paine, Tess Shilson-Josling, Enrico Tirta Row 2: Ms Natalie Morgenstern, James Cramer, Brendon Holmes, Miranda McLean, Jake Newman, Youran (Tim) Wang, Sasha McLennan, Jed Zammit, Ella Heidecker Row 1: Ella Whittaker, Keira Patron, Reilly Clark, Avelyn Reynolds, Jennifer Bodinnar, Phillippa Davies, Riley Shilson-Josling, Ella Michell, Kate Clark


Absent: Jiaqi (Jack) Yu

CONCERT BAND 2 Row 3: Lily Oldham, Jemma Forstner, Lucy Wloszczak, Emily Holmes, Nelly Connor Row 2: Aimee Stewart, Oliver Fitt, Hamish Rankin, Aidan Rankin, Jordan Pyszczek, Jodhi Carter, Zian (Alan) Jiang Row 1: Lucas Wagner, Olivia Monro, Luke Sheppard, Atahan Yildiz, James Evans, Alexander Burrows, Hudson Close Absent: Sarah Daniell, Thomas Dumoff, Samuel Ferguson, Aras Harbutt, Ms Sally Haworth, Hugo Large, Archer Read, Charli Bucci, Christian Gourgoutas, Madyssen-Elana Kalogerakis, Kieran McNamara, Cayle Parker, Marcus Peachey, Matthew Temby, Zoe Tesoriero, Kayleigh Wallwork

FROGGERS Row 3: Ryan White, James Hornibrook, Akul Saigal, Jed Zammit Row 2: Ms Natalie Morgenstern, Maximillian Topor, Hardy d’Alquen, Rory Thomas, Shem Glasscock, Mo Sha, Jake Newman Row 1: Zoe Turnbull, Enrico Tirta, Zachary Sniezek, Tarn Smith, Jayden Paine, Felix O’Neill-Pugh, Ella Heidecker

Absent: Yicheng (Peter) Zhu, Hamish Berry, Anirudh Hariram, Jessica Poberezovska

Row 5: Natalie Nomikos, Asha Jewell, Lucy Wloszczak, Lana Cananzi, Lucy Riddle, Jordan Pyszczek, Aimee Stewart, Grace Sibbald, Zoe Nixon, McKenzie Hood Row 4: Sara Weeks, Keira Patron, Jodhi Carter, Jessica Poberezovska, Riley Hamilton, Mathieson Meakins, Zenas Nimorakiotakis, Ian Chaplin, Avelyn Reynolds, Emma Kombol, Poppy Samild

Row 3: Lawson Jones, Charlie Webster, Jake Adderley, Harrison Dart, Nelson Jaden Row 2: Mr Frank Recchia, Alex Hassan, Harry Officer, Samuel Clark, Rory Thomas, Shem Glasscock, Nicholas Berry, Felix O’Neill-Pugh

Row 1: Annabelle Eustice, Avelyn Reynolds, Holly Svojtka, Keira Richmond, Nicholas Saunders, Charlie Turner, Charlotte Holland Absent: Hamish Berry, Dominique Doig, Lachlan Harrington, Jared Ruberu

Absent: Viktor (Vitya) Kirsta ROCK BAND EXPERIENCE Row 4: Lexie Allan, Daniel Matthew, Nicholas Casa, Megan Bresnehan

Absent: Hannah Pitt, Fergus Rann, Joel Ruberu, Noemi Sniezek, Matthew Temby

Row 4: Chloe Britter, Ava Glotzer, Emma Jung, Taron Clarke Row 3: Jasmine Lombard, Annalise Di Tirro, Isabella Mirhom, Myra Arya, Ariana Goralski, Addison Hamilton, Sophie Shing

Row 1: Zahra Jacobs, Kate Pregnalato, Dmitry Sorokin, Aimee Lancaster, Reahn Orfanidis, Sarah Chun, Nicholas Saunders, Jessica Chaplin, Harper Carroll, Jade Knight, Sarabjeet Dawar, Ava Pregnalato, Kate Clark

Row 2: Miss Samantha Robertson, Marlia De Zoysa-Lewis, Zara Measures, Rhys Basin, Amelia Hall, Tianyu Li, Olivia Edmondson, Lily Kerr Row 1: Madeleine Saunders, Mika Arvanitakis, Jasmine Webster, Mary Mae Welton, Anna Xue, Mia Basin, Shalice Wong

Row 2: Miss Samantha Robertson, Brooke Knight, Chloe Nimorakiotakis, Jessica Rafferty, Charlotte Maddern, Aurora Hogios, Youran (Tim) Wang, Toby Duckinson, Abigail Barrett, Amelia Lea, Sarah Rafferty, Bella Orchard, Ms Lidia Mancini


Row 3: Taj Reynolds, Zoe Richmond, Phillippa Davies, Reva Thaker, Jackson Kemelfield, Callum Orr, Nicholas Corcoran, Morgan Shearer, Sahana Paine, Anika Cherney, Ella Michell



282 THE MENTONIAN 2019 STAFF REGISTER 2019 EXECUTIVE Malcolm J. Cater B Bus (Acc), Dip Ed, MACE, MACEL, MLM Ed, MAICD Principal Jarrod O’Neill B App Sc, Grad Dip Sports Sc, MSL Deputy Principal - Operations Adrian Camm B App Sci, Dip Ed, M Ed, MACAL, MAICD Deputy Principal –Teaching and Learning Cameron Lancaster B ASc (Digital Technology), Dip Ed, MLMEd Head of Frogmore Natalie McLennan B Ed (Visual Arts), Cert IV (Workplace Training and HeadAssessment)ofGreenways James Walton BA (Hons) English Studies, PGCE Secondary English Head of Bayview Jessica Richards B Ed, B (Teach) Eblana Teacher – Year 1 Head of Eblana Nicole Bradshaw B Bus (Acc), CPA, GAICD Business Manager Helen Voogt-Dillon (from Sem 2) BA (Soc Sci) Deakin Director of People and Culture TEACHING AND SUPPORT STAFF Nizam Abdallah Grad Dip CommerceHeadCommerceBusinessB.&Management(BusinessAccounting)BusComm(Accounting)Management&TeacherofHumanitiesand(shared) Melinda Allsop B Ed (Language and Literature) English DeightonTeacherHouse Mentor Christina Altidis B (Mgt), Grad Dip (Education), CPE, Cert IV (Workplace Training and Assessment) Business Management HeadTeacherof Teaching Practice Anastasia Antoniadis B Ed Eblana(Primary)Teacher - Year 2 Madeline Armstrong (from Term 2) M Psych (Ed & Dev); Grad Dip (Psych); BA (Psych) Counsellor/Ed Psychologist Tim Arnold (to Term 2) Science Teacher Bayview Mentor Anita Atkinson M Ed (Special Educational GradNeeds),Dip Ed (Primary), M (Project Management), Grad Dip (Midwifery), Dip App Sci (Nursing) Learning Enhancement –Eblana Jaki Atwell Cert III (Children’s Services) ELC Coeducator Stuart Bainbridge MLM Ed, BA, B Ed Director of Sport – Summer Officer Commanding - Cadets David Barber BA, MA, PGCE, Dip RSA Teacher of Languages Linda Barnard B Sc (Applied Mathematics), M Teach BayviewMathematics(Secondary)TeacherMentor Amanda Barnhoorn B Comm, Grad Dip Commerce(Education) Teacher Daily Organiser Vicki Baron BA (Business Studies), Dip ExpertEd andAssistantTeacherObserver/CommerceHeadofHumanitiesCommerce Jarrid Bartle B Ed (Outdoor & Physical OutdoorEducation)Education and PE teacher Lisa Barton (to Term 1) B Ed (Secondary), B Sc Mathematics Teacher Marina Basin Certificate III (Children’s ELCServices)Coeducator Liam Bassett B Ed WhiteEnglish(P–12)TeacherHouseCoordinator Kara Baxter BA, Dip Ed 7-12HeadTeacherPsychology/Humanities(Secondary)ofTeachingandLearning Kristie Beames B Eng (Electronic) (Hons), B Ed (Secondary) M Sc (Maths Education) Frogmore Mathematics AssistantTeacher Head of Mathematics Vicki Beaumont BA (Early ELC(Business)Education),ChildhoodGradCertTeacher Debra Bernasconi Dip (Early Childhood), Cert III (Children’s Services) ELC Coeducator Craig Best BSc Dip Ed, Grad Dip (Outdoor CoordinatorLionelMathematicsEducation)TeacherLargeHouse Anne Bingham ICT Support Officer Megan Blake (to Term 2) LLB, Dip Arts (English, Politics), Grad Dip Ed (Secondary), Postgrad Dip Arts (Research) Legal Studies Teacher Joanne Boyd Food Technology Technician Esther Brierley (from Sem 2) B Fine Arts (Visual Art –VisualPhotography)ArtsTechnician Melanie Briglia (to Term 3) B (Exercise Science), Post Grad Dip Ed (SecondaryPE & Outdoor Ed) Outdoor FacilitatorEducation/Teacher Angus Brown Art Technician Sarah Byrne BA (Early Childhood Studies), BTEC Higher National Dip (Early Childhood Studies) ELC Coeducator Veronica Byrnes Cert III (Children’s Services) ELC Coeducator Sue Carey BA, Dip Ed, Grad Cert Careers Education Careers Counsellor Jacqueline Cartwright Dip Teach (Primary), Grad Dip Special Education (Hearing Impairment), Grad Dip Deaf studies (Auslan) Years 5 & 6 Coordinator Bayview Mentor Mandy Chamberlain Dip Teach (Primary), Grad Dip (Information and Communication Technology) Eblana Teacher – Year 4 Leigh Chislett BSc BayviewGradGrad(Education),DipBus(Comp),DipSpSc,FHRMentor Libby Chislett M Ed (Special Ed), Dip Early Childhood Ed, B Ed ELC DirectorTeacherofELC Thomas Christiansen BA (English and Mathematics), BA Mathematics(Teach) Teacher Greenways Mentor Tim Clark B Ed (Technology and Applied DigitalStudies)Technologies Teacher Stuart Cleeve B Ed (Secondary), M GreenwaysTeach Mentor Officer of Cadets


Wayne Essing B Ed Bayview(Primary)Mentor Greg Evans B Ed Eblana(Primary)Teacher - Year 3

Assistant Gracie


Social Sciences –Child Care Studies) ELC Teacher Tammy Frankland Dip (Children’s Services) Cert III (Children’s Services) ELC Coeducator Kate Frazer M Teach (Primary/ Leadership), B Comm (Journalism) Health & PE Teacher Cocurricular Program Coordinator (Summer) Catherine Friend B Mus (piano/singing), A Mus A (piano/singing theory), MIMT, Grad Dip Ed VCE Music InstrumentalSchoolTeacherPianist/AccompanistMusicTeacher Robyn Fuerst Dip (Art & Design-Ceramics),


Ursula Erdelyi-Götz LLB, BA, Grad Dip Ed Teacher of Languages Umut Ersezer B Sc (Biology Major) Science Teacher




Amanda Gluyas

Miriam Floyd B (Early Childhood Studies), Dip Soc Sc (Child Care CertServices),(Applied Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip (Visual Arts) Master of Arts Arts Teacher Galloway (Term 1) Cert (Hospitality) Greenways(Tourism)Café Gao (to Sem 2) B Arts (App Linguistic: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) ChineseTeach Teacher Eblana and Bayview Head of Languages Gardner B App Sci (IT), M Teach (Prim Sec TechnologiesEd) Teacher Bayview Mentor Gill

Laboratory Manager Jonathan Gooley (to Term 2) BA (Fine Art – Painting), VCA Post Grad Dip (Teaching) Visual Arts Technician Katherine Gratton M Teach, Post Grad Dip (Humanities and Commerce), M AsiaPac (Hons), B Com (Marketing and Management), B AsiaPac (Anthropology), Grad Dip AsiaPac (Indonesian BusinessStudies) Management and Humanities Teacher Deighton House Coordinator Officer of Cadets Stacey Gwilym M Teach (Secondary), B SC Hons (Biology), Grad Dip (Clinical Embryol) Science and Biology Teacher Greenways Mentor Justine Hamilton BA, B Bayview(Teach)Mentor Jenni Harrison Dip (Teach), B Ed Eblana Teacher – Year 1 Matthew Hardie B Ed Eblana(Primary)Teacher – Year 4 Jocelyn Hartley BA, B Teach (Primary), M Ed Eblana Teacher – Year 1 Head of Teaching and Learning F-6 Meg Hayes B Ed, Dip Modern Languages (Advanced Indonesian), M Ed (Research), PhD (Research) Eblana Teacher - Year 2 Olivia Haynes B Ed (Primary), B Mus (Hons) Bayview(Violoncello)Mentor Caroline Hegarty Dip (Children’s Services) Cert III (Children’s Services) ELC Coeducator Emma Heine B Ec, Grad Dip (Education) Frogmore Teacher Danielle Henshall LibraryBA Technician Finlay Anderson Library Wendy Hong (from Term 3) B (Medical Science) M Teach BayviewMaths/Science(Secondary)TeacherMentor John Horler B FrogmoreEd Teacher Mary Howard Cert III Education, Cert IV Disability (ACRACS), Cert IV Ed EducationSupport Support Officer Administrative Assistant Learning Enhancement


Brooke Fielke (to Sem 2) M Psych (Ed & Dev); B Sci (Psych); Grad Dip Counsellor/Psychologist(Psych)


B Ed Arts

283THE MENTONIAN 2019 Matthew Cohn M Ed, B Mus, Cert IV MusicHeadGradTraining(Workplace&Assessment)Dip.IKMofStringsTeacher Sarah Connell B DipArts,Ed EnglishGreenways(Secondary)MentorTeacher Jacinta Conway B Ed (Primary), Certified Spalding Literacy Instructor and TeacherLearningTrainerEnhancement Aaron Cook BA (Hons), Post Grad Ed, M Ed (Lit Ed), M Ed (Hons) English/Humanities teacher Year 8 Mentor Head of Humanities and Commerce (shared) Gavin Cornish B Mus, Grad Dip Ed, Cert IV (Assessment and Workplace Training) Head of Performing Arts Director of Music Officer of Cadets Sonja Cowell G Dip Ed (Primary), B Bus Eblana Teacher - Year 4 Faye Crouch M Psych (Ed & Dev); Post Grad Dip Grad(Psych);Dip(Psych); BA (Hons) Psychologist Samantha Cunnington Dip (Children’s Services) Cert III (Children’s Services) Integration Aide ELC Coeducator Louise Daly B Ed (Drama Dance SeniorSociology)Drama Teacher Assistant Head of Performing Arts Tayeesha Despotellis B (Communication Design) Master Teach (Primary and VCDSecondary)andVisual Arts Teacher Finlay Anderson Mentor Melanie Di Rosato Cert III (Children’s Services) ELC Coeducator Vic Djajamihardja B Sc (Hons), Dip Ed Frogmore Mentor Science Teacher Troy Drinan B App Sci (Hons), Dip Ed Eblana PE & Sport Teacher Bayview PE Teacher Timothy Duivenvoorden BSOR, B Bus Com (HRM), M CertTeachIV (Outdoor Rec) Greenways Outdoor Education Facilitator Adam Eastick (from Term 3) Bayview Mentor Barbara Edgar B App Sci (Library and Information Services), Grad Dip Sc (Arc Rec) Frogmore Librarian Michelle Edmondson BA (Hons) English and Psychology, PGCE English and Drama (Post Grad Cert –MAEducation),(Contemporary English EnglishLiterature)Teacher

284 THE MENTONIAN 2019 Sonia Hu B Commerce, Post Grad Dip Art (Applied Linguistics), M TeacherTeachof Languages –Chinese Jo Huang BA, M Teach (Secondary) Language Teacher - Chinese Assistant Head of Languages (shared) Dimity Hughes BA – Writing/English Grad Dip Ed - English M Ed (TESOL) EAL and English Teacher Nadia Janetzki B Sci, B Teach (Secondary) Mathematics Teacher (Acting) Assistant Head of Mathematics (Term 1) Vanessa Johnston BA (Music Theatre), MA (Teaching), Grad Cert (Educational Research), Cert III (Community Recreation) Drama and Dance Teacher Deputy Head of Greenways Joanne Kamp B Ed Biology(Science)Science Teacher Were House Coordinator Mentonian Editor Karen Kennedy BA, Dip Ed Senior English Teacher Elizabeth King (to Term 3) B Ed (Primary), BA Bayview AssistantMentorHeadof English Henry Kiss BA (Rec Management), Dip Ed, M Ed (Experiential Learning), Cert IV (Workplace Training & Assessment) Duke of Edinburgh Program Coordinator (Award Leader) Humanities and VCAL Teacher President – Staff Association Movember Captain Millie Kornberg Wellbeing Assistant Melanie Lane BSc, Dip Ed Lionel Large Mentor VCE Physics and Science Teacher Alana Leahy B Ed (Early Childhood) ELC Teacher Geraldine Lennon B Ed (PE and Social Science), Grad Cert (Special Ed) Learning Enhancement Teacher Olivia Let ELC Co-educator Zoe Levey ELC Co-educator Hayley Lewkowicz B Mus, Dip Ed, M Ed Teacher(Gifted)–Gifted and Talented Kuan Li B (Electronic Engineering), M Mathematics(Numeracy)Teacher Jackie Liepa B Ed (Primary & Secondary) Eblana Teacher – Year 1 Siew Pyng Lim BA, Dip Frogmore/BayviewEd EAL/ Humanities Teacher Frogmore Mentor Michael Linahan BSc (Hons), PGCE, Cert IV ITMathematics/SeniorAssessment)(WorkplacePhysics/Teacher Emma Lindsay B Sci, Dip Ed Science GreenwaysTeacherMentor Kris Little B Ed (Primary), B App Sc (Human Movement) Bayview Mentor Julie Littlechild Higher Dip of Secondary Teaching (Art) VCD Teacher Juan Lizcano Design & Digital Technology Technician Yan Ma BA, Dip Ed Chinese Language Teacher Pip Madden B App Sc (Speech Pathology), M Teach (Primary) Primary BayviewEducatorMentor Sher-Mei Mah (to Term 4) Grad Dip (Early Childhood ELCBEducation)Comm(Management)Teacher Lidia Mancini B Music (Hons), (Education) Classroom Music Teacher Max Marrow Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip (Careers Ed), Grad Dip (Bus Policy St), Ass Dip (Art Sculpture) Careers Counsellor VET Coordinator Michael Martin Dip GradTeach,Dip(Curric Admin) English and HPE Teacher Deputy Head of Bayview Paul Matthew PhD, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Ed, MACE Frogmore Mathematics Teacher Terry Matthew B Ed (Hons) B Primary Ed English Teacher English Language Teacher Year 7 Coordinator Jamie McCarney M Teach (Senior), BPA Deighton Mentor Drama Teacher Bernadette McGill B Sc AssistantMathematics(Education)TeacherHeadofMathematics Kay McKenzie BA (French, German, Russian) Grad Dip Business (Marketing) M (Environmental Science) Dip Teach (Secondary) –Languages, Humanities Teacher of Languages Belinda McKindlay Grad Dip Ed EblanaLibrarianship)(TeacherTeacherLibrarian Debra McLeod B Ed (Secondary) A Mus A (Violoncello) STCA (Pri) (Suzuki Piano/ EblanaVioloncello)Music Teacher Eblana Instrumental Music Coordinator Kevin McMenamin B Sc (Ed), GCMME, PDMME Head of Mathematics Gennie McNair B Ed (Sec Arts) Cert IV (Training and YearBayviewEnglishAssessment)TeacherMentor8Coordinator Belinda McNeil M Ed (Special Education), BA, Dip Ed (Secondary) Learning Enhancement Teacher Tony McRae B Ed (Hons) MathematicsMathematicsTeacher Hayley Meeking BA Cert(Nursing)IV(Training & Assessment) Registered Nurse Division 1 School Nurse Tess Monda Grad Dip (Tech Ed) Dip (Hotel Management and Catering), Cert IV (Workplace Training and Assessment) Head of Technologies Elli Monro BA, Grad Dip (History), Dip Ed HumanitiesBayview(Secondary)MentorTeacher Joe Monro BSc, Grad Dip Ed Greenways Mentor Humanities Teacher Natalie Morgenstern Grad Dip Ed, BFA (Jazz Studies) Head of Woodwind Music Teacher Ken Morrish B Ed, ECE ELC Teacher STAFF REGISTER 2019

285THE MENTONIAN 2019 Shelley Moskowitz (to Term 4) BA (Political Science and International Studies), M Teach Humanities(Secondary)Teacher Shelley Muir BA, PG Dip Psych, Dip Ed Grad(Secondary),Cert(Career Education and CertDevelopment)IV(Workplace Training and PsychologyVCALAssessmentCoordinatorTeacher Barbara Mueller B Sc (Education) Dip Financial Planning Mathematics Teacher Carly Mulvihill BA, B LearningEd AdministratorEnhancement Rohan Murphy B Health Sci (Human Movement), Grad Dip Ed Frogmore HPE Teacher Liat Neuenschwander BA, Dip Teach TeacherDrama/TheatreSecondaryStudies Dianne Newman Dip Applied Science Nursing, Certificates (Royal Children’s GraduateHospital) Nursing Program, Paediatric & Neonatal Intensive Care, Extra Corporeal Life SchoolSupportNurse Arena Nilsson B Ed (Hons) (Secondary), Graduate Dip Genetic ScienceCounsellingand Chemistry AssistantTeacher Head of Science Melanie Nimorakiotakis B App Sci (Consumer Science), Dip Ed, Cert (Barista) Greenways Assistant Café Manager Katherine Nish B Ed (Secondary), B (Health Science) Cert IV (Training and GreenwaysAssessment)Café Program SportsCoordinatorCoordinator Beverley Novak Dip Teach (Primary), Trained CertTeacher’sTeacher of the Deaf BA,(TTCTD),MA(Education Hearing GradImpaired),DipEd FrogmoreLibrarianship)(SchoolTeacherLibrarian Vikki Octigan BA (Early Childhood Studies), Assoc Dip Soc Sc (Childcare) ELC Teacher Peter O’Gorman M Ed (Leadership and BManagement)Ed,BAppSci (Human CoachingDirectorMovement)ofSports–Winter Jenna Oliver B Teach (Physical and Health HeadHPEEducation)TeacherofHPE (shared) Michelle Palfrey BA, Dip TeacherEnglish/HumanitiesEd, Andrew Pate B Ed, Cert IV TimetablerTechnologiesTechnologies)(ProgramTeacher Tracey Pate M HeadEnglishLiteracyPostBA,(Leadership),GradDipEd,GradDip(Psych)CoachTeacherofEnglish Adrian Payne BA (Hons), Grad Dip TESOL Humanities Teacher Steve Peters (to Term 2) Dip Ed (Technology) Design and Technologies Teacher Kirsty Petschel BA (Visual & Media), Grad Dip Ed (Secondary) Cert IV (Training and CoordinatorFinlayVisualAssessment)ArtsTeacherAndersonHouse Caitlyn Platt BA, M Teach (Secondary) English BayviewTeacherMentor Catherine Poulton M Ed (Leadership and BManagement)Teach(Primary and Secondary), BA (Criminology and Linguistics), TCRG: An Coimisiun Le Rinci Gaelacha Humanities(TCRG) and Physical Education (Winter)CocurricularGreenwaysTeacherMentorCoordinator Rev. Michael Prabaharan BTh (Hons), Dip Min, Med (Counselling), Dip (Training & Assessment), Chaplain Religious Education Teacher Maddy Prowse M Ed Psych; Grad Dip (Psych); BA Counsellor/Psychologist(Psych) Jessica Price (from Sem 2) M Psych (Ed & Dev)/PhD GradCandidateDip(Professional Psych) B App Sci Counsellor/Psychologist(Psych), Poppy Price Certified Therapy Dog Wellbeing Assistant Bernard Quay Post Grad Dip Ed (Secondary), BA (Social LanguagesScience)Teacher – Chinese Greenways Mentor Jessika Rabe 1st and 2nd State examination for Primary and Secondary TeachingSchool – Germany Teacher of Languages Frank Recchia BA (Mus), Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Hum, Grad Dip Arts (Mus), Cert IV (Training and MusicAssessment)Teacher Leonie Redfern B Ed Maths/ScienceBayview(Secondary)MentorTeacher Penny Redgrave BA, Dip Ed, M Ed (Special Ed) Learning FacilitatorEnhancement–Frogmore Vanessa Riach M Teach, BSc Bayview AssistantHumanitiesMentorTeacherHeadofYear 7 Aaron Richard BA, BSc, Grad Dip Ed French, Chinese and German HeadTeacherof Languages Prue Richards BA, Grad Dip (Secondary) Senior English and Humanities Teacher Anderson House Coordinator Cameron Riley B Ed Bayview(Primary)Teacher Bridgitte Roberts M (Psych); Grad Dip (Adolescent & Child Psych); BA (Psych/Comm); Mediator Head of Student OfficerCounsellor/PsychologistWellbeingofCadets Beverly Ross BA, Dip Ed (Secondary), M Ed (Teacher librarianship) Teacher Librarian – Bayview Leigh Rowlands B VisualEd Arts Teacher Anita Saavedra BA, Dip Ed Legal Studies Teacher Laura Savage B Ed Eblana(Primary)Teacher Foundation Deb Sewell B EblanaEd EnhancementLearningTeacher Karen Sheehy (on Leave) BA, B Ed (Primary and (EducationPostSecondary)GradCert–Maths Leadership) Max Shekhar (from Term 4) ICT Support Officer

286 THE MENTONIAN 2019 Michelle Shepherd Dip App Science (Nursing), Bachelor Nursing (Hons), Grad Dip Registered(Midwifery)NurseDivision 1 School Nurse Yvonne Simmonds B Ed (Early Childhood) Eblana ELC Teacher (Music) Mark Smith M Ed, Grad Cert (Gifted Ed) B Ed, Dip (Teach) Gifted and Talented Coordinator Head of EnhancementLearning Neringa Smith (to Term 2) B Sc, Grad Dip Ed (Secondary), Grad Dip ED (Psych), M Ed Psychologist/(Psych) Student Counsellor Sally Smith ELC Coeducator Sally Smith B App Sci (Psych), B Teach (Secondary), M (Counselling) Psychology Teacher Jones House Coordinator Sarah Smith Dip Community Services ELC(Childcare)Coeducator Sheree Smith B Teach (Primary), B Ed Eblana(Primary)Teacher - Foundation Catherine Snell M (Teach), B Arts (Hons) English DeightonTeacherMentor Elizabeth Spiers BA (Nursing) Registered Nurse Division 1, Post Grad Dip (Child & Adolescent Health), Cert IV (Training and Assessment) School Nurse Atsuko Spink Cert 3 (Commercial Cookery), Cert (Barista), BA (Japanese) Café Assistant - Greenways Mark Stembridge Grad Dip (Tech Ed) , Cert IV (Professional Cookery), Cert IV (Training & Assessment) Assistant Cafe Manager Food & Technology Teacher Rebecca Stembridge M Ed (Specific Learning Difficulties), BA, Grad Dip Ed (Middle Years), Grad Dip EblanaTeacherLearning(Journalism)EnhancementandBayview Trevor Stevens BSc, FrogmoreHEd Science Teacher Officer of Cadets Rev. Andrew Stewart BEc, MA, B Div, Adv Dip Theo, Dip ReligiousChaplainEd Education Teacher Paul Stockdale B Ed (Health & PE), M Ed (Leadership, Policy & DeputyChange)Head of Frogmore Heather Stone Higher Dip Ed Bayview MathematicsMentorTeacher Claire Thiele BSc, Grad Dip Ed Mathematics Teacher Juby Thomas Dip Lab Tech, M Science Science(Biotechnology)Laboratory Technician Madeleine Thomas B AppSc, Grad Dip Ed, M Ed (Special Education) Learning Enhancement Bayview Facilitator Luke Thompson B Eng (Hons) (Ship Science Marine Engineering), M Teach TeacherScienceYear(Secondary)8MentorandMathematics Angus Todd BA, M Teach (Primary and BayviewSecondary)Mentor Marianna Tour Comb B Arts and Education VCE French Teacher Heath Tregear M Teach (Secondary), B Comm Economics and Mathematics Teacher Lauren Trevis B Ed Primary BA Policy Studies Eblana Teacher - Year 3 Lisa Turner BA (Psychology), B Ed (Primary & DrinanSecondary)House Coordinator Enzo Vozzo B Tech (Computer Studies), Grad Dip Mathematics,(Secondary)Science and Technologies Teacher Frogmore Mentor Briana Walker BA, B EblanaTeachTeacher - Year 2 Jillian Watkins B Teach, Grad Dip (Children’s EblanaServices)Visual Arts Teacher Fiona Watts Dip Ed (Primary) B Ed, M Ed (Special Educational Needs) Assistant Head of Learning FacilitatorLearningEnhancementEnhancementEblana Sarah Wells BSc (Mathematics/Statistics) Data Analyst Jeff Welsh B Teach, B Sc (Earth), B Sc M(Environment),Ed(InfoTech Ed) Mathematics and Science Teacher Naomi White M Teach (Secondary), BA, Adv Dip Performing Arts Grad(Acting)Dip Ed (English and EAL) English BayviewTeacherMentor Kym Willett MHRM (Training and Dev), B Ed HPE and English Teacher Jane Williamson Cert General Nursing, St Vincent’s Hospital Graduate Nursing Program: Cert (Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing), BA Health Science (Nursing), International Board Certified Lactation Consultant School Nurse Cameron Wilson B A Grad(Hons),Dip(Teaching and Learning – Secondary) English OfficerGreenwaysTeacherMentorofCadets Michael Wilton BSc, Dip Ed, Grad Dip (Health Ed) Science Teacher Officer of Cadets Luke Wintle B App Sci, Grad Dip Ed AssistantReligiousHPEBayviewDip(Secondary),(SportsDevelopment)MentorTeacherEducationTeacherYear8Coordinator Amelia Wong B Ed (Secondary and Science) Mathematics Teacher Bayview Mentor Michael Woolhouse B App Sci (Human Movement), Grad Dip (Ed), HPE Teacher Head of HPE (shared) Kim Wootton BA (Fine Art), Dip Ed Head(Secondary)ofVisual Arts Kate Wright (from Sem 2) M Teach (Prim), BA (Media and CertCommunication)III(Sportand Recreation) Eblana Teacher - Year 2 Peter Wynne BSc ED, BSc (Hons) Head of Science Peter Zerman BA, Grad Dip Ed, MMM, Cert IV (Assessment & Workplace AssistantTraining), Head of Technologies STAFFREPLACEMENT Anthony Bacon Materials Design Technologies Teacher Rachel Bainbridge Visual Arts Teacher Anjali Bhagwat Laboratory Manager Nuala Butler Learning Enhancement STAFF REGISTER 2019

287THE MENTONIAN 2019 Katie Connor Science Teacher Michele Drysdale Teacher Librarian Kate Ducardus Learning Enhancement Sarah Gowdie English/ Commerce Teacher Lemme Haralambakis ELC Teacher Robyn Licenblat ELC Teacher Katy Lo Humanities Stewart MacGowan Science Teacher Hayley McNally Drama Teacher Aoffie Marren Bayview Mentor Dominic Noonan-O’Keeffe Greenways Outdoor Education Facilitator/Teacher Alison Oakes FacilitatorOutdoorGreenwaysEducation Amany Shafik Laboratory Manager Jennie Valente Learning Enhancement Yuanyuan (Crystal) Zhang B A Media Creativity, M Teach (Secondary) Mandarin Teacher Yuetong (Una) Zhao Grad Dip Teach (Secondary), B Sci (Mathematics and MathematicsStatistics) Teacher MUSICSESSIONALTUTORS Susan Batten (Oboe/Piano) Chris Bieniek (Guitar) Justine Clark (Suzuki Violin/Violin/ Viola/ Piano) Matthew Cohn (Cello/Double Bass/ Viola/ Violin)

Frank Recchia

Stephen Coutts (Speech & Drama/Voice)

Gavin Cornish (French Trombone)Horn/Trumpet/

Victoria Landy (Flute/Piano)

Nicholas Pietsch (Trombone/Trumpet/Tuba)

Aaron Richard (French Horn/Jazz Piano/ Trombone/Tuba) Samantha Robertson (Voice) Angela Wasley (Voice) Jason Wasley (Voice) Catherine Waugh (French Horn) OPERATIONS Julie Aarons B Bus (Acc), CPA Finance Manager Ric Arnold Dip (Live Production and Events), Adv Dip (Audio AVEngineering)&Theatre Technician Suzanne Ashley BA (Legal), Dip (School Marketing), CMS Alumni Manager Andrew Baillie Dip Property Services Property Manager Sharon Bates Accounts Receivable Officer Jillian Baxter Receptionist/Admin Assistant Jennifer Blackburn MA (Prof Comm), Grad Dip Dip(Communications),(ProfWritingand Editing) Publications Manager Officer of Cadets Isabella Blair Catering Services Campus Supervisor Connor Bourke IT Support Deb Butler B Bus (Marketing), BA (Media & Communications) Marketing Manager Judy Cleverley PA to Teaching and Learning Simon Costa B Comm, CPA Business Operations Manager Jasmin Crawford Risk and Compliance Assistant Fiona Dallas Development Specialist Kelli Dawes Dip (Event Management and Public Relations) Events Manager Liz Dimitriadis Cert PayrollAccounts(Accounting)PayableOfficer Joshua Dunne IT Support Mike Durack B Eng (Mech) (Hons), B Teach (Primary), CPEng (Ret) Archives Assistant Pernilla Eklund Allan Registrar Julliet Eksiyan Adv Dip Business (Acc) Management Accountant Claire Forbes Accounts Payable Assistant Nicole Gray B. Social HR(PsychologyScience&Marketing)Coordinator Yana Hall BA (Business Administration) MA (Ergonomics, Health and Safety), GAICD Risk and Compliance Manager Nichole Hargreaves PA to Head of Bayview Deborah Heath Cert IV (Frontline Management) Facilities Manager Officer of Cadets MGACU Quartermaster Brigid Hicks PA to Head of Eblana Erin Hunt BA (Sport and Recreation SportsManagement)Administration Assistant Richard Keely Dip Teach, B Ed Grad Dip (HR Development) Human Resources Manager Laura Kenny Enrolments and Scholarship Coordinator Kathryn Lawlor PA to Principal Michelle Lewis Cert IV AssistantAdministration)(BusinessRegistrar Alexandra Lindsay B Com (Marketing and Commercial Law), Cert IV (Frontline CommunicationsMarketingManagement)andOfficer

Lidia Mancini (Voice) Debra McLeod (Cello/Piano) Natalie Morgenstern Saxophone)(Bassoon/Clarinet/Flute/Oboe/ Catherine Narayan (Cello/Suzuki Violin/Viola/ Violin)

Samuel Lappan (Trombone/Trumpet) Reave Maloney (Guitar/Bass/Double Bass/ Electric Bass Guitar/ Cello)

Liam Cullen (Cello)


Ella Jones (Replacement) (Suzuki Violin/Viola/Violin)

Catherine Friend (Piano/Theory/Voice) Sally Haworth (Clarinet/Saxophone) Cathy Hughes (Replacement) (Suzuki Violin/Viola/Violin)

288 THE MENTONIAN 2019 Jessica Matthews BA (Film & PerformingTelevision)ArtsCoordinator Patrick McArdle IT Support Robyn Mill PA to Business Manager & Deputy Principal - Operations Scott Miller B Director(Computing)ofICT Malcolm Mitchell Applications and Desktop Specialist IT Support Scott Moore IT Support Peter Newton Archives Assistant Man-Chi Nguyen B App DatabaseSc Administrator Colleen Robinson Receptionist/ Admin Assistant Colette Russell BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD Records Manager and School Archivist Rebecca Russell Cert (Service Coordination) PA to Head of Frogmore Georgina Scully B Comm (Human Resources), BA Human(Criminology),Resources Coordinator Fiona Slocombe PA to Head of Greenways David Song ITBScAdministrator Leanne Vallance Receptionist/Admin Assistant Paul Watson Cert III (Printing and Graphic Arts), Dip (Printing and Graphic Arts), (Digital Production) Ricoh Printing Services Sam Williams IT Support Danny Yardis Dip (Art & Design – Graphic Design) Graphic Designer BAYSIDE AQUATICS Erin Hall Austswim Teacher (Swimming and Water Safety), Austswim Teacher (Infants and Preschool Aquatics), Dip (Resort Management) Aquatics Coordinator Bel Malone (to Term 3) Senior Aquatics Coordinator Clare McGowan B ExSci, Dip Sports & Rec Management, ASCTA Swim Teacher Acc., First Aid Assistant Aquatics Coordinator Tim Mulvihill BA, B Ed, M Ed, ASCTA Silver Licence Head Swimming Coach Brad Smith ASCTA Bronze Level Swimming Coach Senior Assistant Squad Coach Joel Watson Squad Coach GROUNDS MAINTENANCEAND Barry Watts Maintenance Supervisor – Projects Chris Larson Maintenance Supervisor – Operations Tom Donnell Grounds Supervisor Patrick McCarthy Grounds Supervisor Henry WayneBenThomasZalegaGrahamStillFuller SECURITY Philip Danala Cert II (Security Operations) Peter Francis Cert III (Security Operations) Graeme Mitchell Stephen Nespor Cert II (Security Operations) STAFF REGISTER 2019

289THE MENTONIAN 2019 STAFF PHOTOS 2019 Julie Aarons Nizam Abdallah Melinda Allsop Christine Altidis AntoniadisAnastasia Madeline Armstrong Ric Arnold Tim Arnold Suzanne Ashley Anita Atkinson Jaki Atwell Andrew Baillie Stuart Bainbridge David Barber Linda Barnard Amanda Barnhoorn Vicki Baron Jarrid Bartle Lisa Barton Marina Basin Liam Bassett Sharon Bates Jillian Baxter Kara Baxter Kristie Beames Vicki Beaumont Debra Bernasconi Craig Best Jen Blackburn Isabella Blair Megan Blake Connor Bourke Joanne Boyd Nicole Bradshaw Angus Brown Deborah Butler Sarah Byrne Veronica Byrnes Adrian Camm Sue Carey Jacqui Cartwright Mal Cater Mandy Chamberlain Leigh Chislett Libby Chislett ChristiansenThomas Tim Clark Stuart Cleeve Judy Cleverley Mathew Cohn Sarah Connell Jacinta Conway Aaron Cook Gavin Cornish Simon Costa Sonja Cowell Jasmin Crawford Faye Crouch CunningtonSamantha Fiona Dallas Louise Daly Kelli Dawes DespotellisTayeesha Melanie Di Rosato

290 THE MENTONIAN 2019 Liz Dimitriadis Vic Djajamihardja Tom Donnell Troy Drinan Tim Duivenvoorden Joshua Dunne Mike Durack Adam Eastick Barbara Edgar EdmondsonMichelle Pernilla Eklund Allan Julliet Eksiyan Ursula Erdelyi-Gotz Umut Ersezer Wayne Essing Greg Evans Brooke Fielke Miriam Floyd Claire Forbes Tammy Frankland Kate Frazer Catherine Friend Robyn Fuerst Wayne Fuller Jessica Galloway Gracie Gao Wendy Gardner Michele Gill Amanda Gluyas Jonathan Gooley Tom Graham Katherine Gratton Nicole Gray Stacey Gwilym Erin Hall Yana Hall Justine Hamilton HaralambakisLemme Matthew Hardie Nichole Hargreaves Jennifer Harrison Jocelyn Hartley Meg Hayes Olivia Haynes Deborah Heath Caroline Hegarty Emma Heine Danielle Henshall Brigid Hicks Wendy Hong John Horler Mary Howard Sonia Hu Jo Huang Dimity Hughes Erin Hunt Nadia Janetzki Vanessa Johnston Joanne Kamp Richard Keely Karen Kennedy Laura Kenny Elizabeth King Henry Kiss STAFF PHOTOS 2019

291THE MENTONIAN 2019 Millie Kornberg Cameron Lancaster Melanie Lane Chris Larson Kathryn Lawlor Alana Leahy Geraldine Lennon Michelle Lewis Hayley Lewkowicz Kuan Li Jackie Liepa Siew Pyng Lim Michael Linahan Alexandra Lindsay Emma Lindsay Kristopher Little Juan Lizcano Yan Ma Pip Madden Sher-Mei Mah Bel Malone Lidia Mancini Maxwell Marrow Michael Martin Paul Matthew Terry Matthew Jessica Matthews Jamie McCarney Patrick McCarthy Bernadette McGill Clare McGowan Kay McKenzie Belinda McKindlay Natalie McLennan Debra McLeod Kevin McMenamin Gennie McNair Belinda McNeil Tony McRae Hayley Meeking Robyn Mill Scott Miller Malcolm Mitchell Tess Monda Elli Monro Joe Monro Scott Moore Natalie Morgenstern Ken Morrish Shelley Moskowitz Shelley Muir Barbara Mueller Carly Mulvihill Tim Mulvihill Rohan Murphy NeuenschwanderLiat Dianne Newman Peter Newton Man Chi Nguyen Arena Nilsson NimorakiotakisMelanie Katherine Nish Beverley Novak Peter O’Gorman

292 THE MENTONIAN 2019 STAFF PHOTOS 2019 Jarrod O’Neill Vikki Octigan Jenna Oliver Michelle Palfrey Andrew Pate Tracey Pate Adrian Payne Steve Peters Kirsty Petschel Caitlyn Platt Catherine Poulton Michael Prabaharan Jessica Price Poppy Price Madeline Prowse Bernard Quay Jessika Rabe Frank Recchia Leonie Redfern Penny Redgrave Vanessa Riach Aaron Richard Jessica Richards Prue Richards Cameron Riley Bridgitte Roberts Colleen Robinson Beverly Ross Leigh Rowlands Colette Russell Rebecca Russell Anita Saavedra Laura Savage Georgina Scully Deborah Sewell Karen Sheehy Michelle Shepherd Yvonne Simmonds Fiona Slocombe Brad Smith Mark Smith Neringa Smith Sally Smith (1) Sally Smith (2) Sarah Smith Sheree Smith Catherine Snell David Song Libby Spiers Mark Stembridge StembridgeRebecca Trevor Stevens Andrew Stewart Ben Still Paul Stockdale Heather Stone Mingjia Su Claire Thiele Juby Thomas Madeleine Thomas Luke Thompson Angus Todd Marianna Tour Heath Tregear

293THE MENTONIAN 2019 Lauren Trevis Lisa Turner Leanne Vallance Helen Voogt-Dillon Enzo Vozzo Briana Walker James Walton Jillian Watkins Joel Watson Paul Watson Barry Watts Fiona Watts Sarah Wells Jeff Welsh Naomi White Kym Willett Sam Williams Cameron Wilson Michael Wilton Luke Wintle Amelia Wong Michael Woolhouse Kim Wootton Kate Wright Peter Wynne Danny Yardis Henry Zalega Peter Zerman Not Pictured: Anne ZoeOliviaPeterPhilipMelanieBinghamBrigliaDanalaFrancisLetLevey Julie MaxStephenGraemePatrickLittlechildMcArdleMitchellNesporShekhar

294 THE MENTONIAN 2019 WHOLE SCHOOL AWARDS DUX (SHARED) 2018 Wencong Wu and Alexandra Siedle PREMIER’S AWARD FOR ART 2018 Harry Kingston ARTISSIMOAWARDSVALEDICTORIAN2019MUSICAWARD Ryan White ARTISSIMO DANCE AWARD Megan Bresnehan ARTISSIMO DRAMA AWARD Andrew Lancaster THE GOOD SAMARITAN PRIZE Iona Rich and Tiffany Spitzer THE PRINCIPAL’S AWARD FOR ART Kayla Skafte THE MENTONIANS ART & DESIGN ACQUISITIVE PRIZE 2019 Emma Rothberg EXCELLENCE IN APPLIED LEARNING Awarded to the Year 12 student who has demonstrated ongoing commitment to vocational training, academic endeavour and personal growth within the VCAL program. Patrick Distefano THE SPIRIT OF MENTONE GRAMMAR AWARD Samuel Pritchard THE MEMORIALGIBSON-ROBERTSPRIZE Jai Florent and Matthew Scott Charlotte Pate ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE 2019 HEAD PREFECTS Bronte ZacharyRearkAngus THE SIMON APPEL OAM MEDAL Joshua Cooley ACADEMIC MERIT AWARDS (Academic Merit Awards are based on the ranking of student’s academic results across all classes as judged by their various subject teachers) Zachary Angus Lucas EdwardJackZixuanJesseMaxHollyAlexandraJessieAlexandraBenjaminZiqiCharlieAmeliaJeremyAlanaOliviaIsabellaCharlotteToreyMekhalaJeffersonArmstrongBauerBeraBernamoffBratuskinsDaddoDicksonJonesMiaoMorrisOfficerOuPertichRichardsRosaiaSheppardSvojtkaTullochTurnerWangWilliamsYang MARK DREYFUS COMMUNITY SPIRIT & LEADERSHIP AWARD Samasidh Siva Ram ADF LONG TAN AWARDS The Australian Defence Force Long Tan Leadership Awards recognise students in Years 10 and 12 who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the School and wider community and who display strong values such as ‘doing one’s best’, ‘respect for others’ and ‘mateship’, that are integral to Australian society. Our award winners for 2019 are: Year 10 – Brayden Miller Year 12 – Aaron Moore CADET AWARDSCOMPANY Amiens Medal 2019 A Company Declan Latchford Beersheeba Medal 2019 B AlexCompanyMcCann

295THE MENTONIAN 2019 Cape Gloucester Medal 2019 C TheJesseCompanyTurnerKenSmith Perpetual Trophy is an annual award made to the Year 12 member of the Mentone Grammar Army Cadet Unit who is judged by the Officer Commanding to be the highest performing cadet and who demonstrates the following qualities: Exceptional leadership of peers, including the ability to maintain an appropriate and professional distance when exerting authority, diligence, conscientiousness and flexibility while managing responsibilities, superb performance under the pressure of multiple demands during Unit activities, A caring and patient manner in all interactions with younger cadets and respectful, cooperative interactions with Officers of the Unit. 2019 Recipient: Grace Phillips DEAKIN INFLUENCERYOUNGAWARD Kira Walters SEMESTER 1 – 2019 ACADEMIC AWARDS YEAR 12 ACADEMICFULLCOLOURS Zachary Angus Torey AlexandraMatthewEmmaEmmaJessieEleanorAlexandraErinBenjaminCharlieLachlanJeremyAbbyBenjaminZoeAlanaBlakeJamesLachlanFinlayHugoOliviaIsabellaJoshuaOscarMekhalaJeffersonLucasJakeHalfEdwardZixuanZiqiCharlotteBernamoffBratuskinsOuWangYangAcademicColoursAdderleyArmstrongBauerBeraClarkeCooleyDaddoDicksonGillHeathHiscockHornibrookIbrhaimJonesLancasterLeembruggenLeonardMiaoMilburnOfficerPertichPorterRichardsRobertsRosaiaRothbergSchergerScottSheppard YEAR 11 ACADEMIC HALF COLOURS Kieren AkulBlakeJoshuaDyerMaddenRosenbergSaigal YEAR 10 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Jack GeorgeJosephBraydenLittlefordMillerShimTryfonopoulos GREENWAYS –ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS SEMESTER 1 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Anna KevinEnricoAlannahMatthewOliviaUlyanaCalviKondratovaLeaMairsMarriottTirtaZhong ACADEMIC MERIT AWARDS Riley BellaTomIreneZoeDaisyGraceJordanJazmineMitchellAmeliaThomasRyanAshleighBrendonEllaJasminEmilyPriyaMiaVictoriaLiamCharlieSarahMiaEmmaHudsonRhianneJosephineCameronBarkerBerryBohlkenBrownBucciBurtonCollinsConnellDaddoDavisGelbakGeorgantisGillGrowdonHadjiyannakisHeideckerHolmesHortonHuangJacksonJohnsonKingKrussKurtaLaidlawLawsLeaverLuMaddenMarrierD’Unienville

296 THE MENTONIAN 2019 WHOLE SCHOOL AWARDS Eve WenruiJedMoniqueMikaylaHannahAmyCharlieZoeEmilieScarlettAkshayGeorgiaEvieRileyZacharyTianaByronAshikaSiennaJaredEmiliaPhongZoePhoebeGabrielleHamishJakeMaddisonLuluSashaMarshMcLennanMooreMooreNewmanNeumannO’SullivanPalmerPertzelPhanPiciocchiRuberuSalisburySarmaShimSkafteSniezekSpenceStansbyStewartTanejaTibbTobyTurnbullTurnerWatkinsWatkinsWatsonZahraZammitZang MUSIC Full Colours James RyanTarnZoeAndrewHornibrookLancasterLancasterSmithWhite Half Colours Nicholas Berry Charlotte Bratuskins Megan Bresnehan Holly VincentSvojtkaThai-Chan DRAMA Full Colours Charlotte Bratuskins Megan Bresnehan Joshua Cooley Andrew Lancaster Helena RyanVincentBronteCharlottePapasimeonPateRearkThai-ChanWhite Half Colours Matthew Corcoran Thomas Dyer Alanah Heidecker Sophie Leonard AWARDSARTSPERFORMINGSPECIALIST Senior Brass Hardy d’Alquen Senior Chorister Harrison Dart Senior Contemporary Jake Adderley Senior Percussion Shem Glasscock Senior Piano Andrei Krikun Senior String Vincent Thai-Chan Senior Woodwind Ella Heidecker Senior Dance Claudia Levey Senior Drama Harrison Dart Senior Chamber Music Andrei Krikun Greenways Artissimo (Drama) Charlie Turner Greenways Artissimo (Dance) Gabrielle O’Sullivan Greenways Artissimo (Music) Priya Gill Bayview Artissimo (Dance/ Drama) Megan Lewis Bayview Artissimo (Music) Avelyn Reynolds Bayview Brass Maximillian Topor Bayview Chorister Nicholas Saunders Bayview String Maximillian Topor Bayview Woodwind Heath Cananzi Bayview Piano Avelyn Reynolds CADETS Full Colours Spencer Blain-Bartle Megan Bresnehan Daniel MiaJesseKeganTessaBenjaminBronteSamuelGraceElyssaAaronJeremyAlexanderDeclanAndrewRileyJoshuaCarruthersCooleyFrisoLancasterLatchfordMcCannMiaoMooreOsianlisPhillipsPritchardRearkSorrensonStylesTimmsTurnerWatkins Half Colours Steven DylanRubyAlexandraCharlotteHelenaMackenzieChandlerHowePapasimeonPateSheppardTimmsTomlinson SOCIAL COLOURSSERVICE Full Colours Mekhala Bera Matthew Corcoran Olivia SocialPhoebeMiaHollyTiffanyIonaJeremyAlexanderZoeAndrewAlanahDicksonHeideckerLancasterLancasterMcCannMiaoRichSpitzerSvojtkaWatkinsWearneService Half Colours Thomas ClaireTessaSamasidhBronteMackenzieDyerHoweRearkSivaRamStylesSyme SPEAKINGPUBLIC Full Colours Joshua GemmaCooleyReynolds Half Colours Nicholas Berry Matthew Corcoran Alanah Heidecker SUMMER BASKETBALLCOLOURSSPORT Full Colours Jack TomoPavlidisOwens Half Colours Blake Williams CRICKET Full Colours Brett Poll Chris Perkins

297THE MENTONIAN 2019 Jordan Evans Half Colours Declan McComb Tom Spencer SAILING Full Colours Grace PatrickLachlanPhillipsHughesDistefano Half Colours Cameron Berry Eliza HamishEwartBerry SOFTBALL Full Colours Cate Rausz Half Colours Jessica Grant TABLE TENNIS Full Colours Jayde Maluga Half Colours James Hornibrook TOUCH FOOTBALL Full Colours Olivia Hargreaves Ruby Timms Zoe Leaver Half Colours Cassandra Newman Charlee Peachey Ella YasminSophieSophieMiaMeganIsabellaMairsDaddoBresnehanCollinsPeacheyPorterDuffin TENNIS Full Colours Adrian Arcon Half Colours Koki SamasidhOno Siva Ram VOLLEYBALL Full Colours Benjamin Ryan Cassidy Hardy Finn Ryan Jai MatthewFlorentScott Half Colours Alyssa Hardy Archie Rowlands Cian ZacMaxMadelineLachlanJoshuaJeremyCurleyWilliamsMaddenNottRickardTullochAngus SWIMMING Full Colours Ben Putamorsi Carl TeahTarnJaydeHannahBridieAimeeThomasNicholasMichaelJoshuaJackSimondsonWilliamsCooleyGarbelottoLaytonDaleGrellaWilsonSchmidtBoydSmithVassiliadis Half Colours Kieren TaylaPhoebeMoniqueJennaChloeSpencerOskarLachlanDyerBourkePhillipsBlain-BartleGarifalakisWaleZakicWearneFox WINTER BASKETBALLCOLOURSSPORTS Half Colours Bethanie Bridge Emily Kerr CROSS COUNTRY Full Colours Claudia Hollingsworth Grace JamesHannahBuntingSchmidtGold Will Garbelotto Half Colours Emma JordanHudsonSchergerBucciMichell AFL FOOTBALL Full Colours Chris Perkins Finlay McKinnon Jai MatthewFlorentScott Half Colours Angus Grant Austin Parker Finn Ryan AFLW Half Colours Abbi IsabellaCassandraMoloneyNewmanDaddo HOCKEY Full Colours Evie JoshuaStansbyMadden Half Colours Matthew Hayes NETBALL Full Colours Dominique Taylor Half Colours Zoe Leaver SOCCER Full Colours Adam Leander Julius EricaCateTimothySchulzeKoulourisRauszDudek Half Colours Sebastien Fernandes Cassidy Hardy Sienna Salisbury ATHLETICS Full Colours Aaron Moore Will EmilyJakeGarbelottoTurnballRyan Ebony McCarthy Riley HannahCharlotteLaurenSpenceMalby-LukePateSchmidt Half Colours Will Skinner Zac DominiqueOliviaChloeCassandraBronteAlanahClaudiaArchieTonOskarAngusPhillipsSpencerPadleyHollingsworthBeckerRearkNewmanGarifalakisHargreavesTaylor EXCELLENCEHIGHQUIZCHEMISTRYNATIONALAUSTRALIANDISTINCTION Alexander Jones High Distinction Ziyu Zhen DISTINCTION Kieren Dyer James Gowan Kevin Helmerson Xavier Hogios Ruidi Jin Yifan Liao Josh Madden Trent TianyuKristyYangSamSarthakHannahRyanOskarEthanMeakinsMurrayPhillipsRuanSchimdtSinghTuckerWanYinZheng

This year 204 students from Frogmore participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). The school had very strong results and all participants are congratulated for their efforts. Across Years 10-12, students achieved the following; one prize (top 0.3% in each state), 12 High Distinctions (top 5%), 33 Distinctions (top 25%) and 82 Credits (top 60%). All other students received certificates of Proficiency or Participation. Zixuan (Alan) Wang, Year 12, performed exceptionally well and received a Prize. He was also awarded the Best in School certificate as he achieved the highest score for secondary students in our school.

YEAR 12 High Distinction Zhehua SamasidhMekhalaMackenzieMiaJamesZacPhilbertDistinctionWangLanAngusHornibrookWatkinsHoweBeraSivaRam YEAR 11 High Distinction Yukang Ji Hao AlexanderFan Jones Haihan Yu Ryan Ruan Ruidi Jin Yifan Liao Distinction Kieran Dyer Akul JoelCaoSenyuanSaigalChenChenRotar Hannah HaoyuAibingZiyuHuiyuanKaichengSchmidtZhangYinZhenChenJiang YEAR 10 High Distinction Joseph Shim Danny Huang Aaron Xue Grant Zhong Distinction Guoxiang Ma Jack BraydenYu Miller James O’Day Ethan Pate Luke Bouwmeester Jake Dickson Luke Gold Koki Ono Rory JackMatthewDenieJackXiaojunThomasXueMogensenBellamyHayesLittleford MATHS TALENT QUEST High Distinction Rhys Basin (High Distinction: National Shortlist – Special MatthewLucyKristofHenryAward)PrzychodzenBuschkuehlRiddleShing Distinction Sophie Shing Sarah Chun Olivia Edmondson Credit Alexandra Hooker Angela Hooker Nikolas Lynch Amelia MaxSarabjeetHallDawarTan James ChloeRaeganPatrickShaliceAdhyaanMcGrathTataWongReynoldsNguyenBritter OLYMPIADMATHS Year 5 Top Student School Level and Top 10 per cent Carol Duan Year 5 Top 20 per cent Rimjhim Singh Year 6 Top Student School Level and Top 20 per cent Matthew Shing Year 7 Top Student School Level and Top 10 per cent Derek Wang Year 7 Top 10 per cent Justin Li Year 7 Top 20 per cent Lachlan Fraser Nimra Haseeb Year 8 Top Student School Level and Top 10 percent Ethan Green Year 8 Top 20 per cent Steven Wan Qian Jia Hao PHYSICSCHEMISTRYOLYMPIADSCIENCEAND High Distinction Alexander Jones BIOLOGY Ryan Ruan BIOLOGY Credit Nelvin SarthakWilliamTigheNelsonXavierAlexanderOngZhuHogiosJadenTaylorCurreySingh CHEMISTRY Distinction Ruidi TianyuJinZhang Credit Trent Meakins Ryan HannahRuanSchmidt PHYSICS Distinction Akul TrentRuidiSaigalJinMeakins Credit Hao OskarAdamKieranFanDyerCarnegiePhillips SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH Major Bursary Lily JessicaLeahmOliviaRhysWilliamKerrAdamsBasinMunroOrfanidisChaplin Minor Bursary Emily HenryAmeliaBrookeHudsonBirchChanBernasconiHallPrzychodzen & Kristof Buschkuehl Distinction Lawrence Walton Emma Jung Sophie SarabjeetShingDawar & Alexander NatalieBurrowsNomikos & Alice SarahFletcherChun Merit James Kerr James McGrath Jai Heib & Lucas Wagner



299THE MENTONIAN 2019 Jaxon Stephens & Nate Trowell Acknowledgement Julian May Ava Pregnalato & Kate Pregnalato JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHYSCIENCE Major Bursary Noemi Sniezek Patterns on Nature Minor Bursary Reva Thaker Artificial Moon Hannah Wagner Fire Merit James Wu Blue Moon JUNIOR PRODUCTIONSVIDEO Major Bursary Holly Nish & Paige Gallagher The Moon Merit Lunar Eclipses Charli Bucci & Clea Mumford SCIENTIFICPOSTERSJUNIOR WALL CHARTS Major Bursary Fletcher Batty Space Suit Science Ava Kombol & Ella Michell The moon, jumping off platform for ... OFTOURNAMENTMINDS Participants James Evans Henry Pryzchodzen (Honours) Kristof Buschkuehl (Honours) Kate Clark Alice Fletcher (Honours) Ava KatePregnalatoPregnalato (Honours) Lucas Wagner Aaron ThomasCameronBritterPertaHyoles (Honours) Zach Raffut (Honours) Nate JaxonTrowellStephens (Honours) Reva NicholasRohaanRubenMathiesonZaneAsharChloeMarcusAidenZachLiamRileyHannahThakerWagnerShilson-JoslingJakobGranellLaurentPeacheySelbyShahzadIschenkoMeakinsMcSwanThilak-MathewSaunders DA DECATHLONVINCI Zachary Granell Nimra Haseeb Noah Ryan Riley ThomasEnricoJakeSashaAlannahUlyanaVictoriaAnnalisaRoccoArcherMathiesonRubenThomasNicholasZacharyBellamyHannahRohaanRevaNoemiShilson-JoslingSniezekThakerThilak-MathewWagnerRhysChenCorcoranDumoffMcSwanMeakinsReadScottCalviGelbakKondratovaMarriottMcLennanNewmanTirtavanAmeyden OLYMPIADETHICS Ulyana TessJulieEmilieAvelynRubenSashaAlannahJoshuaJakeAnnalisaIreneVictoriaKondratovaGelbakLuCalviNewmanJacobMarriottMcLenanMcSwanReynoldsTobyShiShilson-Josling MODEL CHALLENGEVEHICLESOLAR Zachary Granell Aiden Laurent (3rd State Competition) Justin Li (3rd State Competition) Ella (NationalsMathieson(NationalsAvelyn(NationalsRuben(NationalsEthanNimra(2ndRohaan(2ndRileyRevaChloeJordanCallumMichellOrrPyszczekSelbyThakerShilson-JoslingStateCompetition)Thilak-MathewStateCompetition)HaseedGreenSelection)McSwanSelection)ReynoldsSelection)MeakinsSelection) Thomas Dumoff Aaryian Gokhale Jiahao Qian SOLAR CHALLENGECAR CONSTRUCTIONSHERIDANYEARSCIENCEWORKS-7KITCAR Second Place Rohaan Thilak-Mathew Riley Shilson-Josling Third Place Aiden Laurent Justin Li YEAR IMPROVISED8 SOLAR CARS Top 10 Ethan RubenAvelynGreenReynoldsMcSwan PHILOSOTHONSECONDARY Akul RoccoNicholasRubenAvelynUlyanaEmilieAlannahJoshuaSaigalMaddenMarriottTobyKondratovaReynoldsMcSwanCorcoranScott SCREEN IT! Reva Thaker Ella BrookeAmeliaWilliamMaxJakeOliviaAlexandraSophieEthanRileyLiamMichellWelshShilson-JoslingGreenShingHookerEdmondsonPyszczekTanAdamsHallBernasconi

300 THE MENTONIAN 2019 WHOLE SCHOOL AWARDS Angela Hooker Amelia Hall Brooke Bernasconi Angela Hooker Leahm Orfanidis Rhys KristofAlexHenryNimraHarrisonDieselOliverLucasJaeJamesBasinEvansHadjiyannakisWagnerTzounosReidTzounosHaseebPrzychodzenBurrowsBuschkuehl SCREEN JUNIORFINALISTSNATIONALITLIVEACTION Sophie OliviaAlexandraShingHookerEdmondson Listen to the Teacher Leahm Orfanidis Rhys Basin The Problem With Not Listening Amelia Hall Brooke Bernasconi Angela Hooker The Ooshie MIDDLE ANIMATION Ella Michell Listen To Your Heart Ethan Green Told Ya So SENIOR GAME Lana Tilli Discarded CHALLENGEG.A.T.E.W.A.Y.S James OliviaSophieRhysZacChloeJasmineKerrWebsterBritterHonesBasinShingEdmondson Leahm Orfanidis Jai LucasHudsonSarabjeetAvaRimjimCarolDieselHeibReidDuanSinghPregnalatoDawarCloseWagner JUNIORROBOCUP Aaron DavidAndrewAlanAlanNateJaxonMatthewSarahJessicaLachlanBritterCaldwellChaplinChunShingStephensTrowellZouJiangWangSprung DEBATINGJUNIOR Reva Thaker Sam AvelynMirandaZoëMadyAsharThomasRoccoLiamChloeNimarTierryHannahAimeeLochlannMcCauleyBellamyLancasterWagnerVayenasHaseebSelbyJakobScottDumoffShahzadKalogerakisTesorieroMcleanReynolds DEBATING Ulyana Kondratova (Year 9) Swannie Winner (Best Debater Keysborough Zone) 4 FROM 5 WINS Year 9 Ulyana GabrielleThomasJakeEmilieVictoriaKondratovaGelbakTobyNewmanvanAmeydenO’Sullivan 7 FROM 8 WINS Senior State Quarter Finals Joshua Madden Hannah Schmidt Akul JeremyWilliamSaigulCurreyCampbell YEAR 12 National High School Mooting - Bond University Joshua Cooley Senior Counsel Top 40 Speakers Nationally Gemma Reynolds Junior Counsel Top 40 Speakers Nationally Matthew Corcoran Solicitor ROTARY SPEAKINGPUBLIC Joshua Cooley (Year 12) Rotary Dingley Village Public Speaking Competition Harrison Huber (Year 10) Ainger Peck Public Speaking State Winner Hannah Schmidt (Year 12) Ainger Peck Public Speaking State Finalist LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR Zachary Angus (Year 12) YEAR CONFERENCEMODEL11UN Tom SitaoYingYifanThomasKostaOskarSarthakCarsonHarrisonTaylaHannahJoshuaGraceJamesTrentAkulLaurenJessicaJadeChloeJoshuaBellaCharlieEllaChrisArchieGadePadlyLeeMairsWebsterDaviesCulleyGarafilakisRechnerGrantMalby-LukeSaigalMeakinsGowanFelsenthalMaddenSchmidtFoxDartMumfordSinghPhillipsOsianlisShepherdLiaoRuanLi AWARDSCAMPUSEBLANA 2019 ACADEMIC Lucinda White (Foundation A) Lachlan Yang (Foundation B) Aprameya Awasthi (Year 1A) Linxi Zheng (Year 1B) Kevin (Zixuan) Meng (Year 2A) Hudson Chan (Year 2B) Zac Hones (Year 3A) Christopher Hobbs (Year 3B) Adhyaan Tata (Year 4A) Leahm Orfanidis (Year 4B) Sophie Shing (Year 4C)

301THE MENTONIAN 2019 ENDEAVOURACADEMIC Eloise Carroll (Foundation A) Charlize Alexandra(FoundationStephensB)Coates (Year 1A) Eliza Cregeen (Year 1B) Nathan Jones (Year 2A) Steven Karlaganis (Year 2B) Riley Evans (Year 3A) Yenuth Premaratne (Year 3B) Annalise Di Tirro (Year 4A) Rhys Basin (Year 4B) Brooke Bernasconi (Year 4C) Citizenship Constance Anush(FoundationRuigrokA)Bromidis(Foundation B) Harvey Dannals (Year 1A) Felix Jia (Year 1B) George (Zhenling) Shen (Year Sienna2A) Panopoulos (Year 2B) Lachlan Smith (Year 3A) Chloe Britter (Year 3B) Emily Murray (Year 4A) Sullivan O’Donnell (Year 4B) William Adams (Year 4C) Sportsmanship Ronnie Weng (Foundation A) Aisha Rahhali (Foundation B) Ella Hancox (Year 1A) Kennedy Grant (Year 1B) Sophie Apostolidis (Year 2A) Benjamin Crook (Year 2B) Ruby Castello (Year 3A) Claudia Piotrowski (Year 3B) Christopher Lucas (Year 4A) Olivia Monro (Year 4B) Blake Schultz (Year 4C) VISUAL ARTS Amelia Hall (Year 4) MUSIC Viktor Kirsta (Year 4) SophieChineseShing (Year 4) Cashion Brothers Writing LeahmAward Orfanidis (Year 4) FOUNDATIONAWARDSFOUNDATION2019 Joshua Webster Dance Year 1 Felix Jia Environment Ethan Paice-Brandt Robotics Year 3 Zoe Dwyer Athletics Ava Glotzer Dance Jasmine Webster Music Year 4 Blake Schultz Swimming BAYVIEW Year 5 Zoe Becker Gymnastics Luke Georgiou Karate Zahra Jacobs Performing Arts Ella Whittaker Violin Isabella Williams Dance Year 6 Emma Adams Netball Madison Carr Track & Field Anika Cherney Music Lina Fedotova Swimming Eve Opie Musical Theatre Caitlin Smith Soccer Dmitry Sorokin Photography Nate Trowell Cycling Joshua Villanti Cricket Year 7 Sarah Daniell CharlotteTennis Cowan Film & Editing Angus Hall Go Karting Aiden Laurent 3D Printing Trinity Madden Entrepreneur Chloe Nimorakiotakis Creative Writing Callum Orr Opera Elisha Parkes Cooking Lily Parsons Athletics Lulu Stansby Hockey Matthew Temby Digital Art Hannah Wagner Swimming Year 8 Willow Bailey Cricket Meg Lewis Swimming Zenas Nimorakiotakis Speed Cubing Bella Orchard Dance Jude Scott Cross Country GREENWAYS Hamish Berry Music Mason Cartwright Basketball Noah Davis Mountain Biking Luca Duffin Kitesurfing Jordan Kurta Sports Card Collecting Evie Mitchell Lifesaving Luci Neumann Music Recording Riley Spence Touch Rugby Evie Stansby Hockey Jayde Temby Hockey FROGMORE Year 10 Alex Hassan Hockey Nicholas Layton Swimming Matt Leembruggen Mountain Biking Thomas Lewis Lifesaving Ella McNair Dance Aaron Pickering Spear Fishing Year 11 Annika Challice Equestrian Sam Clark Guitar Jeremy Di Rosato Design Xavier Hogios Space Exploration Emily Kerr Basketball Tayla Langenfelds Palaeontology Joshua Madden Hockey Lauren Malby-Luke Visual Com & Design Brooke McCullough Triathlon Akul Saigal Music Year 12 Jake Adderley Karate Nicholas Berry Music Daniel Carruthers Beat Saber Andrew Lancaster Music Production & Recording Kayla Skafte Music Please note that not all Award recipients may be listed as some had not been decided at the time of publication. Additional awards and competition winners are also noted in the School’s newsletters or via social media.

302 THE MENTONIAN 2019 Frixos JacquelynMaxAlexanderDekotaYuAbbyNathanBlakeEllinorCharlieMichaelAbbeyThomasBountroukasDyerDykasGarbelottoHowellHumphreysIbrhaimKleinLeonardLiMarkMcCannMcCullochMendel Mitchell Newman Sarah Petfield Ben PhoebeJesseMaxNicholasTiffanyJakobCarlEmmaFinnJessieBrontePutamorsiRearkRosaiaRyanSchergerSimondsonSloanSpitzerThieleTullochTurnerWearne ANDERSON Zachary Angus Lucas Armstrong Lucas ZoeAndrewAlanaJonahMatildaMadeleineJaiImogenNicholasStevenBartlettChandlerCollinsDavisFlorentGhentGlanvilleHowellJonesLancasterLancaster Jack Melvin Max YueEdwardJeremyJackCunhuaiFeiyaoJamesKaylaEleanorSamuelBenjaminPedderPertichPritchardRobertsSkafteStavropoulosTangWangWilliamsWilliamsYangYin DEIGHTON Piper CharlotteHuntarAmeliaAaronSophieSophiaEthanJamesJamesLachlanBerettaFraserGoldHornibrookHuntKapetanasLeonardMooreMorrisPacePate Christopher Perkins Brett Poll Luke Ray Iona YiyunKaiqiRyanDanielTessaEthanRichStaggsStylesWalliserWhiteZengZhou DRINAN George Algeri Callum AidenEdwardDylanMackenzieNathanEricaOliviaIsabellaJoelMatthewBeachCorcoranCumminsDaddoDicksonDudekHarbuttHoweJohnsonKentKoniuszko Sung Yin Lam Philbert TingqiBenjaminCateGraceTomoyaLachlanFinlayJiaqiFengyunLanLiLiuMcKinnonNottOwensPhillipsRauszRyanYou FINLAY HOUSEANDERSONGROUPS VALEDICTORY

303THE MENTONIAN 2019 Jake CooperAngusGiccominatoStephanieGraciePatrickDanielTessCharlotteBonnieSpencerAdderleyBlain-BartleBoysBratuskinsCampbellCarruthersDistefanoGeddisGrantHamlin Alanah BridieJacobVincentHollyAlexandraEmmaParisGeorgiaJeremyDeclanLachlanHeideckerHiscockLatchfordMiaoPapayiannerisPapayiannerisRothbergSheppardSvojtkaThai-ChanTinkerWilson JONES Sienna Bolton Megan Bresnehan Oscar LeembruggenBenjaminWilliamCyannaLachlanAngusKarlyRileyJordanClarkeEvansFrisoGeorgantisHenryHughesIlicKing Jaylen YuxiEllaZixuanZhehuaNicholasAmeliaZacMatthewErinDylanCharlieMureOfficerPerryPorterScottVallisViseVitielloWangWangWilkinsonXie LIONEL LARGE Adrian TheodoreZiqiNathanielJaydeHuilongKagenMichaelMarkHebeMekhalaJeffersonArconBauerBeraBestButlerByrneJamesLiMalugaOngOuPolitis Jacinta AlexandraDylanBenjaminTarnSamasidhHarryJuliusDamonHaydenAlexandraReadingRichardsRichardsRimanicSchulzeSiemeringSivaRamSmithSorrensonTomlinsonWatkin WERE Torey SophieLachlanYilinAdamFinlayHugoCianJoshuaGraceNicholasBernamoffBerryBuntingCooleyCurleyGillHeathLeanderMaMilburnMilligan Nicholas Opie Elyssa SaphireMiaRubyKeganDominiqueGemmaFinnbarAustinHelenaOsianlisPapasimeonParkerReinehrReynoldsTaylorTimmsTimmsWatkinsYaari WHITE


It was a pleasure to share in the Valedictory celebrations with our Year 12 students throughout their final week. We commenced our Valedictory activities on Thursday with a Morning Tea in the Early Learning Centre for our longest serving students, affectionately referred to as ‘lifers’, some of whom have been with us for up to 15 years.




My fondest memory would have to be being the Performing Arts Captain in Year 4. This was quite an achievement for me. Also, watching the School change and grow has been quite amazing to see. I’m very thankful to be a part of this community.

JAYLEN MURE My time at Mentone Grammar has meant everything to me, with each year bringing a new set of experiences that were a fundamental part of my development as a person. I feel so fortunate to have been able to attend a school with such a great focus on core values, which have supported me in finding and refining my own personal interests as well as shaping me into the person I am today. I’d like to thank all of my teachers and friends for making my time at Mentone Grammar an unforgettable experience, as well as Mr Cater for supporting me in all of my endeavours. I will forever cherish my time at this School, and the memories I created here will be treasured throughout the many years to come.


Laughter filled the room as they reminisced about their memories of their time in the ELC, their journey into Eblana, Bayview and beyond and those students they’d met along the way. Our students were joined by Mrs Alison Barnett, Mr Troy Drinan, Mr Greg Evans, Mrs Nicola Hamilton, Ms Brigid Hicks, Mrs Margaret Hewett, Mr Kris Little, Mr Ken Morrish, Mr John Nolan, Mrs Deborah Sewell, Mrs Brianna Walker, Mrs Jillian Watkins and Mrs Libby Chislett for an enjoyable morning tea. Well done to our long serving students and thank you for all the success and memories: Frixos Bountroukas, Patrick Distefano, Riley Friso, James Gold, Lachlan Hughes, Edward Kent, Nathan Klein, Zoe Lancaster, Jaylen Mure, Charlotte Pate, Theodore Politis, Finnbar Reinehr, Damon Rimanic, Vincent Thai-Chan



My fondest memory of Mentone Grammar would have to be my first day. I still remember walking into the classroom and sitting down on a table with Ed, little did I know that he would become my best mate and that we would continue our journey through this School for the next 12 years. The last 13 years has been an unforgettable experience and I’m glad I went through it.

LACHIE HUGHES Mentone Grammar has been my home away from home since I was five years old. My teachers and friends have helped me grow from a shy and quiet little girl into a confident and passionate young woman and I will be forever grateful. Mentone has provided me with so many wonderful opportunities such as being Eblana Performing Arts Captain, providing performance opportunities such as J Rock, music lessons and school choirs, being the 2019 Wellbeing Captain and so much more. I have felt constantly supported by my teachers and peers and this has led me to who I am today. Thank you so much to all my friends and teachers, and to my father who followed me throughout my school journey as Head of Bayview and then Head of Frogmore. I hope to leave Mentone Grammar behind knowing that I’ve made a contribution to the School in some way and that I have made my School proud. Whether that be through the performing arts or through my example as a school leader. Thank you for everything Mentone Grammar.








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