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Live Webinar
Changing Organizational Culture
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Duration: 90 Minutes Location: Online
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Price : $195.00
(for one participant)
Instructor Profile: Mark A. Smith, MD, MBA, FACS Independent Healthcare Consultant, HG Healthcare Consultants
This presentation will consider organizational change- the factors that underlay culture and what it takes to get successful change. The discussion starts with change itself. The types of change will be discussed. This includes the levels of change and the types of change. This will then be applied to personal change that involves three parts. First, we will look at recognition of the different personal types or styles. Secondly, we examine the barriers or resistances to personal change, and, thirdly, we will lay out the various options for effecting personal change. Nest, we delve into what differentiates the culture level from the individual level. This will allow construction of modeling organizational culture. This leads to the fundamental discussion of the three underlying requirement of organizational culture change. From this, we will look at the types of culture change that can be effected and their relative prevalence.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Introduction to Organizational Culture Change Personal Change
Personal Styles Barriers to personal change ¡ Options for effecting personal change Organizational Culture Change
Differentiating factors Requirements for organizational change ¡ Types of organizational culture change Levels of Organizational Change
Individual Group or Work Unit ¡ Total Organization Lewin-Schein Organizational Culture Change Model
Levels of Model ¡ Resistance to organizational Culture Change Dwyer's Source of Power and Influence
Strategies to Effect Successful Organizational Culture Change
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Instructor: Mark A. Smith, MD,
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Mark A. Smith Dr. Smith is a consultant with HG Healthcare Consultants, a healthcare consulting firm. He brings 25 years of clinical practice and hospital management experiences to his work with physicians and hospitals across the United States. Dr. Smith is a board-certified surgeon. He practices part time as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Vascular Surgery Section at the University of California Irvine Medical Center. He works as a Senior Consultant with Morrisey Associates Inc.. He also is the Chief Medical Officer for Verisys Corporation. He had previously practiced General and Vascular Surgery in a private practice setting for 25 years. Dr. Smith’s previous positions included president of the Medical Staff, chief of surgery, chairman of peer review committee, and medical director of cardiac surgery at Desert Regional Medical Center. Dr. Smith is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College. ....more
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