3 Questions to Ask Yourself While Choosing a Career
Choosing a career path or college major is one of the major decisions that we make in our lives. Hence, the decision should be righteous as it shapes future lives. So, here are some questions that you need to ask yourself while selecting a career. 1.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." – Confucius. What
you are good at or what you love to do? Some love to paint; some are passionate about the dancing, while others like cooking. Likes and dislike vary from one to another. You can come up with a list of options that you enjoy working. For example, if you love working in a corporate environment and managing people and resources, business management courses will be your right pick. Menzies Institute’s business management courses can be a perfect career path for those who are looking to develop their entrepreneurial skills. 2.
Analyse your skills and capabilities. Do you have all those qualities to be successful in the
chosen career? Do you feel nauseous at the sight of bloodstain? If yes, you may say adieu to careers related to medicine and police work, which include pathology courses, dental, crime scene investigation, forensic science and more. Similarly, compare the job profile with your personal preferences. 3.
What are my options? Now you might have filtered out limited options with you. Next is to
find out the way to get there. What are the courses available? Are you planning to pursue TAFE courses in Melbourne as a pathway to university? In this stage, it is always recommended to seek guidance from your parents, mentors and career counsellors as they can help you take the right decision. Selecting a major or choosing a career should never be a random or impulse decision. Gather as much information as possible before finalising a choice. Good luck! Visit http://www.menzies.vic.edu.au to gain a better insight about TAFE courses Melbourne