1 minute read

Study spotlight: early signs of coronary artery disease

Can coronary artery disease be detected early by including a polygenic (genetic) risk assessment?

The Early detection of coronary artery disease by polygenic and metabolic risk scoring (EDCADPMS) study aims to identify whether a polygeneic risk score (PRS) can predict the presence of coronary calcium in the arteries, which occurs when plaque is present.


Who can participate?

You may be eligible if you:

• Are aged 40 to 70 years old

• Live in Victoria or Tasmania

• Are not currently taking cholesterollowering drugs (‘statins’)

• Have no previous personal history of heart failure, heart attack or stroke

• Have or had a family member or friend with coronary artery disease (e.g. has had a heart attack, stents or bypass surgery in the past).

For more details, call 03 6226 4251 or email epic.bp@utas.edu.au

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