22 minute read
by Karen Becker
Among the many reasons to switch from ultra-processed diets to fresh food for our furry family members, unwanted toxins are high on the list. Because pet food manufacturers are not required to conduct quality control testing, consumers never know exactly what toxins their dogs and cats are inadvertently ingesting. According to PetFoodIndustry.com, “Some level of contamination is unavoidable.” Here is a look at the most common toxins found in many popular pet foods. ARSENIC is used in herbicides, insecticides, wood preservatives and insulation, as well as in chicken feed in factory farms. According to Greg Aldrich, Ph.D., associate professor and pet food program coordinator at Kansas State University, “The measured presence of arsenic in pet foods does not equate to toxicity for this naturally occurring earth element.” While this may be true, bioaccumulation can do significant damage over time if sublethal doses are consistently consumed. The gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels and skin are most vulnerable to arsenic damage, which interferes with hormones and causes cancer and death. To help pets with elevated arsenic levels, try iodine- and selenium-rich foods, including sea vegetables and Brazil nuts; sulfurous foods like garlic; alpha lipoid acid; and N-acetylcysteine. MERCURY is released into the air and waterways primarily through burning coal, and seafood is the most common route of exposure. It is best not to feed pets an exclusive diet of fish protein. On the other hand, seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to a pet’s wellbeing. Consider feeding them low-mercury options like wild-caught salmon, sardines packed in water, mussels or rainbow trout in rotation with other proteins, or
supplementing their diet with krill oil or an omega-3 fatty acid that is third-party validated as contaminant-free and sustainably sourced. Mercury detoxification can be achieved by using chlorella and cilantro.
(PCB) and POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHER (PBDE) are used as fire retardants and can bioaccumulate at high levels in large, predatory fish at the top of the food chain like tuna, tilefish, king mackerel, shark and swordfish. Research suggests that cats are especially sensitive to PBDEs and PCBs found at high levels in both canned and dry pet foods. Although PCBs were banned in the U.S. in 1979, they are still used elsewhere in the world and continue to pollute the oceans. These fat-soluble toxins can be cleared through the bowels, so add fibrous veggies and chlorophyll-containing foods or supplements to the pet bowl. BISPHENOL A (BPA) is used in plastics and coatings inside pet food cans. It imitates the body’s hormones, especially estrogen, in ways that are damaging to the health of both humans and animals. A 2017 study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri concluded that even a short-term (two-week) feeding of canned dog food resulted in a three-fold increase of BPA in dogs. Avoid canned pet foods and #7 plastic food and water bowls and storage bins. Provide ongoing BPA detoxification support by offering foods rich in Lactobacillus acidophilus (kefir and yogurt) and glutathione-rich foods, including culinary and medicinal mushrooms.
DIOXINS, a byproduct of industrial processes, can disrupt the signaling of both male and female sex hormones in the body. They’re found in much of the U.S. food supply, including factory-produced meat, fish, milk, eggs and butter. Offer pets organic food whenever possible. Because dioxins are fat-soluble, they are stored in adipose tissues. Try the Ayurvedic practice of lipophilic-mediated detoxification, which uses healthy fats, including ghee, coconut and MCT oil, to pull out fatstored toxins.
AFLATOXIN contamination has been the cause of several pet food recalls and major disease outbreaks for more than 20 years. Known to cause acute toxic illness and cancer, they are naturally occurring mycotoxins produced by fungi in agricultural crops. Corn, peanuts and cottonseed have the highest rate of aflatoxin contamination. Aflatoxicosis is more common in dogs than cats because commercial dog food more often contains corn. Many animal studies demonstrate the efficacy of using ginger, thyme, broccoli, turmeric and carrots for aflatoxin detoxification.
The only way to know exactly what a pet is eating is to buy the ingredients and prepare nutritionally complete meals at home. When choosing a commercial pet food, make sure that it contains human-grade ingredients and that manufacturers employ quality control steps in their operations to test for contaminants.
Veterinarian Karen Becker, DVM, has spent her career empowering animal guardians in making knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their animals. For more information, visit DrKarenBecker.com.
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A New Year. A New You.
Many people ring in the New Year and utter the words, “My New Year’s resolution is (fill in the blank).” Research, however, shows that 80% of these resolutions fall by the wayside within the first month. Unity on the Eastern Shore has a January theme all about Intentional Living and welcomes people wherever they are on their path to explore what Unity offers.
“At Unity on the Eastern Shore and in the New Thought movement we set intentions and use affirmations to create a better or different life,” says Reverend Linda Fisher, M.Msc., minister at Unity on the Eastern Shore in Fairhope. The process involves focusing on what is wanted in life, and what is not wanted, along with looking for the positive things and practicing gratitude for them. “We come to this life as whole and perfect beings, as clean slates. Sure, our DNA from our heritage is embedded within us and we imprint upon our children the cultural norms of our times and sometimes drag along all the past hurt and confusion from our ancestry. As a spiritual teacher I am not here to label anything as good or bad, right or wrong. Life is up to us and we can make of it what we desire. Intentional Living as the qualities of God (compassion, love, kindness, generous, accepting, peace and health) is our aim.”
Fisher points out that one’s mindset going into any project, relationship or opportunity defines the outcome. Adding the spiritual practice of daily intention setting can transform every aspect of life as long as one is willing to do the work to live them. According to The Technology of Intention author, Kim Stanwood Terranova, “Intentions give us the pathway to consciously create our lives.” The power lies within us ready to act and take aim at what we desire to see and be. Terranova goes on to state that, “Intentions are energetically lasered statements that inform the Universe of your desire and the direction in which you wish it to be
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Jubilee Healing Arts - Thrive Yoga fulfilled. Intentions are based on qualities of experiences and are always stated in the positive, present tense.”
At Unity on the Eastern Shore there is a gathering space, classes, events and support to transform life from good to great as people come together to support one another in living an intentional life.
Whether you have a strong spiritual foundation, are just at the beginning of your spiritual journey or do not believe in God at all, Unity offers spiritual insights and guidance for all people. While having its origins rooted in Christianity, the Unity teachings bring together ancient wisdom from many faith traditions. You will not find dogma in Unity and we honor all spiritual paths.
~Unity Worldwide
Location: Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 US-98, Fairhope, Alabama. 251-304-4715. UnityEasternShore@gmail.com. Sunday celebration service at 10:30 in person or streaming on Facebook. See ad, page 28.
Embracing Slow Fashion and Sustainable Fabrics
To appear in the magazine, submit your listing online at NAGulfCoast.com . Online-only listings may be submitted online at any time. Please email MichelleS@NAGulfCoast.com with questions.
View our full calendar online at NAGulfCoast.com/calendar!
Discounts on Supplements – Every Sunday 15% off supplements at Fairhope Health Foods (251-928-0644) and Virginia’s Health Foods (251479-3952). 280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center, Fairhope, AL and 3055-A Dauphin St, Mobile, AL. VA-FairhopeHealthFoods.com. Open Table United Church of Christ – Sunday School 9:30-10:20am. Worship 10:30-11:30am, rear chapel of All Saints Episcopal at 151 S. Ann St, Mobile, AL. Wednesdays 6-7:30pm online book study: Sleeper, Awake on Facebook, Facebook.com/ WhereTrueLoveIs or by Zoom. Office@Open TableUCC.org. OpenTableUCC.org.
Spiritual Awakening Center Sunday Community
Service – 10:30am. In person and streaming LIVE at FaceBook.com/Sac360.org. Join Rev. Jack Fowler and a loving, inclusive spiritual community for an inspired morning of music, message and encouragement that you are meant to thrive in all areas of life. Letting go of old beliefs, we create a place within for something new to be born. This is humanity awakening to its spiritual magnificence. You are part of this transformation. Call 251-289-1038 for service location. Spiritual Awakening Center 360, P.O. Box 848, Daphne. Sac360.org@gmail.com. Sac360.org.
Unity on the Eastern Shore Sunday Celebration
Service – 10:30am. In person, streaming on Facebook.com/UnityEasternShore or via Zoom. Rev. Linda Fisher and Bobbi Jo Machholz along with guest speakers present a metaphysical message each week. Join our vibrant, progressive spiritual community for a gathering of inspired talks, life-affirming music and the recognition of the presence of God in all living things. We honor all religions, spiritual paths and lifestyles. Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 US98, Fairhope, AL. UnityEasternShore@gmail.com. Check our calendar for talk titles and guest speakers: UnityEasternShore.wixsite.com/unity. Youth/Children’s Spiritual Program – 10:30am. Unity’s co-founder Myrtle Fillmore exclaimed that children are not our future, they’re our present. Kids ages 4 and up are invited, while parents are in service, to learn about the life changing principles of Unity, which promotes kindness, love of one another, confidence and self-esteem through the understanding that they and every person are children of God. Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 US-98, Fairhope, AL. UnityEasternShore@gmail.com. UnityEasternShore.wixsite.com/unity. Fairhope Unitarian Sunday Service – 11amnoon. Held inside and streamed on Zoom. Different guest speakers each week—either a member of our congregation or someone from the surrounding community. Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship, 1150 Fairhope Ave, Fairhope, AL. FairhopeUnitarian Fellowship@gmail.com. FairhopeUU.org. Plans Change–Call Ahead
Mobile Bay Makers Market – 11am-3pm, 2nd and 4th Sundays. Open air, sustainably driven market showcasing 25+ local artisans and growers. Music. Food trucks. Year-round, family and dog friendly. Free. South Park of Fairhope Pier, Fairhope, AL. MBMakersMarket@gmail.com. Conversations on ‘A Course in Miracles’ – 12pm, 2nd and 4th Sundays. Join Rev. Jack Fowler for a heart- and mind-opening discussion of these life altering concepts which teach us to see the world through the eyes of love instead of fear. Learn how to use the immense power of forgiveness to experience the permanent peace of God. Donations accepted. Call 251-289-1038 for meeting location. Spiritual Awakening Center 360, P.O. Box 848, Daphne. Sac360.org@gmail.com. Sac360.org. Ecstatic Dance – 6:30-8pm, 1st and 3rd Sundays. Explore the wisdom of your body and connect with your intuition through free-form dance. This is a safe space for releasing stagnant energy and emotions to find self-expression and freedom within. No experience required, only openness and curiosity. $25. The Yoga Hive Studio, 1901 Main Street, Daphne, AL. Facebook.com/EcstaticDanceFairhope. Contact Rebecca Washburn at Dance@RebeccaWashburn.com or 251-929-4634.
Open Door with the Minister – Noon-3pm, every Tuesday. Learn about intentions and how to apply them in your life. Come pray with us, meditate in our sanctuary and converse with the minister. 22979 US-98, Fairhope, AL. UnityEasternShore@gmail. com. UnityEasternShore.wixsite.com/unity. THURSDAYS
Gulf Coast Creation Care – Every 1st Thursday of the month at 4pm by Zoom. An alliance of faith communities working to focus the Gulf Coast community’s moral attention on the climate crisis. Info@GulfCoastCreationCare.org. GulfCoast CreationCare.org. SATURDAYS
Tai Chi – 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays, 8-10am. Join Jim Harkins for an interactive hour of Mind, Body and Spirit rejuvenation. 22979 US HWY 98, Fairhope. Hosted by Unity on the Eastern Shore.
Tai Chi & Restorative Yoga Morning Workshop
– First Saturday (Jan 7) from 9am-noon. Join Jim Harkins & Bobbi Jo Machholz for a 3-hour morning of Mind, Body and Spirit rejuvenation. Just the way to start your New Year. $25 donation to UES is suggested but not mandatory. Prism United – 2-4pm. Find community. Be yourself. Serving LGBTQ youth in Mobile and Fairhope through facilitated, activity-based support groups for pre-teens, teens and families. Info@ PrismUnited.org. 251-219-8441. PrismUnited.org.
Friday, January 27
Unity on the Eastern Shore Pizza and Game
Night – Join us for pizza and laughs. A good time for the whole family. Non-denominational fun with open-minded thinkers. Bring your own non-alcoholic beverage. 22979 US-98, Fairhope. Text Bobbi Jo @ 720-339-4411 RSVP (required for a head count.) Open to the Eastern Shore community. See ad, page 28.
mark your calendar
March 13-15
Above and Beyond Yoga India Retreat – Twoweek yoga retreat with Shoshana Treichel and Nrithya Jagannathan (director of KYM Institute of Yoga Studies). Spend time in the mountains, at the beach and at the world-renowned Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. Additional details and itinerary coming soon. For more information, contact Jake Treichel at Jake@ABHotYoga.com or 251-639-9030. See ad, page 6.
$1 per word, per month. Email content to MichelleS@NAGulfCoast.com. Deadline is the 10th of the month.
CLASSES AND CONSULTATIONS. Learn how to grow your own food organically. True organic (without any chemical inputs). I can help you from start to finish. Contact Julie Groth at GardenOrganic1010@gmail.com.
LOOKING TO HIRE two part-time holisticminded individuals from the Mobile area. No experience needed. We will fully train for lymphatic therapy. Will work 1-3 days weekly. Please call Carolyn for more information at 251-644-4692.
ING TO HIRE full- and part-time cooks in Mobile and Fairhope. The Cafes are open only for lunch Monday-Saturday. Apply in store or call Krissy Little at 251-479-3952.
NEW YEAR LIFESTYLE?—Struggling to prioritize healthier choices? Get focused, get active, make a plan. Michelle Smith, Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach will take you by the hand and coax change by designing customized BEST PRACTICES for your life. Find out how. 251-635-6250 or TryMyCoach@gmail.com.
Connecting you to local resources for natural and green living. To find out how you can be included in the directory, email MichelleS@NAGulfCoast.com or call 251-990-9552.
TruAura Skincare Specialist/Makeup Artist Daphne, AL • 256-508-0389 TruAuraBeauty.com/trubeauty4u
Skincare, anti-aging, cosmetics and body care that are pure, clean, safe and effective with zero harmful ingredients. Prebiotic/probioticbased and microbiome- friendly. See ad, page 15.
Old Government, Mobile: 251-607-6666 2101 Hwy. 98, Daphne: 251-725-4334 TMACsHairStudio.com
A relaxing salon environment that is free of harmful chemicals, impurities and fragrance. Offering customized hair services and regenerative treatments with 100% vegan organic products and essential oils. Ask about following the lunar calendar effective hair treatments. See ad, page 15.
Carolyn Olson, Certified Thermographer Mobile & Foley (other locations by request) 251-623-2225 ThermographyAdvantage.com
FDA registered thermography offers breast/full-body screenings that are noninvasive and radiation-free, without compression or bodily contact. Valuable for detecting early-stage breast disease and more. Also offering ElectroLymphatic Therapy. See ad, page 16.
280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center 251-928-0644 Va-FairhopeHealthFoods.com
Comprehensive health food store offering a range of CBD products: caps, soft gels, gummies, sprays, tinctures, topicals, mixed with ghee, teas, waters, hot cocoa, infused honey, pedicure powders. See ad, page 25.
Aaron VanHauter, Owner 2005 Hwy 98, Daphne, AL 251-586-8890 • Simply-CBD.net
At Simply CBD our goal is to provide customers with the highest quality hemp-derived CBD products and help them experience healing benefits. Aaron VanHauter has earned Google status as the highestranked CBD store in Alabama by providing customers with an experience. Simply CBD is a spa-like environment, relaxing, conversational and VanHauter spends ample time with customers providing samples and educating on the variety of solutions. “We want you to be comfortable with your purchase and be knowledgeable about how CBD can help change your life,” he says. See ad, back cover.
3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 251-479-3952 Va-FairhopeHealthFoods.com
Comprehensive health food store offering a range of CBD products: caps, soft gels, gummies, sprays, tinctures, topicals, mixed with ghee, teas, waters, hot cocoa, infused honey, pedicure powders. See ad, page 25.
1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL 251-929-3207 • FairhopeUU.org FairhopeUnitarianFellowship@gmail.com
Welcoming people of any age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or cultural background. We seek truth and knowledge, care for the Earth and show kindness to others while creating an atmosphere of love.
151 S. Ann St., Mobile, AL 36604 Pastor@OpenTableUCC.org 251-333-0435 • OpenTableUCC.org
We are believers, seekers, and skeptics. We are Open Table. Worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Providing progressive biblical scholarship and ministries for racial reconciliation, care of creation, and LGBTQ+ support. See ad, page 11.
Daphne, AL 251-289-1038 • sac360.org sac360.org@gmail.com
A new loving, inclusive spiritual community focused on the integration of spirit, mind and body. If you’re ready for support and growth in all areas of life, this is the place to be. Join Rev. Jack Fowler and a group of inspired spiritual seekers for our 10:30 a.m. Sunday service and upcoming events, classes and workshops. Call 251-289-1038 for meeting location. All are welcome.
22979 US-98, Fairhope, AL 36532 UnityEasternShore@gmail.com 251-304-4715 UnityEasternShore.wixsite.com/unity
An extraordinary spiritual family honoring every religion, path and lifestyle. All are welcome to join our progressive Sunday morning service or attend one of our life-affirming classes & events. With the presence of God within each of us, we are co-creating a world that works for everyone. See ad, page 28.
240 W. Laurel Ave., Foley, AL 251-597-8787 MindPerformanceCenter.com
Drugs are not the only answer. Our unique approach is noninvasive and has helped dementia patients that originally scored poorly on cognitive assessments restore to normal scoring on the same assessment. See ad, page 3.
240 W. Laurel Ave., Foley, AL 251-597-8787 MindPerformanceCenter.com
We can reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression. Our treatments often deliver improvement when nothing else has. 70% of our depression patients see symptoms reduced by at least 50%. See ad, page 3.
20733 Miflin Rd. (Co. Rd. 20), Foley, AL 251-709-4469 CoastalAlabamaMarket.com
Open year-round on Saturdays only, 9am2pm. Featuring local farms with seasonal produce, meat, eggs, honey, jellies, baked goods, seafood, hand-crafted soaps and more. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. See ad, page 11.
Foley, AL NatureNineFarms.com
100% sustainable farming practices. Your source for local, ethical-grown food. Pasture raised eggs, grass fed and finished beef. Find us at your local Piggly Wiggly Fairhope, Greers Markets, or order online at NatureNineFarms.com. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center 251-928-0644 • Café: 251-929-0055 Va-FairhopeHealthFoods.com
Comprehensive health food store and organic café serving the public for 40+ years. Extensive supplement selection: organic groceries, produce and meats; bath and body products; bulk bins; pet supplies; baby products; CBD and more. See ad, page 25.
3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 251-479-3952 Va-FairhopeHealthFoods.com
Comprehensive health food store and organic café serving the public for 40+ years. Extensive supplement selection: organic groceries, produce and meats; bath and body products; bulk bins; pet supplies; baby products; CBD and more. See ad, page 25.
National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach 251-635-6250 GoodLifeHealthCoaching.com
Attention health conscious, men and women struggling to prioritize the things that will prolong your life—healthy meals, exercise, recovery. Health Coaches help you make changes when change is hard, in all areas of your life. I’ll take you by the hand to offer guidance + tools that work. See ad, page 13.
620 N. McKenzie St., Ste. 200, Foley, AL 251-210-8615 AlabamaIntegrativeHealth.com
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Family Nurse Practitioner Tara McLellan addresses the root cause of disease with integrative medicine—a blend of traditional western medicine and science-based functional medicine. Ask about our custom weight loss program. See ad, page 27.
217-B Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL 2724 Old Shell Rd., Midtown Mobile, AL 251-270-7200 • 251-586-8198 PeakAlkalinity.com
Offering cleansing far infrared sauna sessions followed by a hydrating collagen shower and detoxifying foot spas. Ask about package specials. See ad, page 22.
National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach 251-635-6250 • TryMyCoach@gmail.com GoodLifeHealthCoaching.com
Attention health conscious, men and women struggling to prioritize the things that will prolong your life—healthy meals, exercise, recovery. Health Coaches help you make changes when change is hard, in all areas of your life. I’ll take you by the hand to offer guidance + tools that work. See ad, page 13. Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Personal Trainer 251-504-5237 • BeHealthyAndThrive.com Kimberly@BeHealthyAndThrive.com
Holistic, Integrative Health Coach specializing in helping busy women get off the diet rollercoaster, release stubborn weight, balance hormones, gain energy and achieve the health they deserve in mind, body and spirit. Come love yourself healthy versus starve yourself thin! See ad, page 15.
Carolyn Olson, Certified Thermographer Mobile & Foley (other locations by request) 251-623-2225 ThermographyAdvantage.com
Electro-Lymphatic Therapy is noninvasive, painless and calming. Similar to a light touch massage, the certified lymphatic therapist uses an instrument with 2 small handheld wands that are lightly moved across the body in a direction that correlates to the body’s lymphatic flow. An impaired lymphatic system often results in inflammation, colds, flu, sinus problems, edema, excess water retention, heart disease, fibrocystic and tender breast, cellulite, enlarged prostate and cancer. The proper flow of lymphatic fluid can have a positive impact on many of these conditions. See ad, page 16.
6920 Airport Blvd., Ste. 111, Mobile, AL 251-342-6415 ElementsMassage.com/Mobile A therapeutic massage handcrafted just for you. Reduced stress, elevated mood and a strengthened immune
system are all part of experiencing a therapeutic massage The Elements Way. Schedule an appointment today. See ad, page 18.
Jennifer (Adams) Killgo, LMT #3263 28170 N. Main St., Ste. C, Daphne, AL 251-616-4201 • JubileeHealingArts.com
Intuitive integrative massage techniques are used to facilitate the body into a state of healing without the “no pain no gain” mentality. Over 15 years experience in the bodywork and natural wellness field. See ad, page 35.
22873 US Highway 98, Ste. I-2 Fairhope, AL • 251-216-1922 NeuroFlourishLife.com
Cutting-edge treatment for ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, spectrum disorders, TBI.
6348 Piccadilly Square Dr., AL 251-216-1922 NeuroFlourishLife.com
Cutting-edge treatment for ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, spectrum disorders, TBI.
22873 U.S. 98, Building I, Fairhope, AL 251-277-1816 Dennis@WatersongLife.com
We All Carry Painful Emotions. Splankna is a Christian mind/body protocol for the release of stored negative emotions from trauma resulting in emotional and physical freedom.
127 Harbor Blvd. 1018 Government St., Ocean Springs, MS Info@WildFlier.com
We carry a wide selection of crystals, jewelry, yoga apparel and accessories along with men’s and women’s coastal fashion. Find your inner Zen and fly high with us. See ad, page 12.
Mary Beth Svatek, M.A. Certified Hypnotherapist, IMDHA 251-300-9912 • EnergyModelOfChange.com EnergyModelOfChange@gmail.com
35 years experience with anxiety, PTSD, weight loss, smoking cessation, removing blockages, regression, behavior modification, energy healing & streamlining, pain management. See ad, page 22.
Dr. Daniel Bishop, DPT, SMT, CIDN 251-626-7778 • BishopPhysicalTherapy.com Office@BishopPhysicalTherapy.com
Our goal is to truly help patients overcome pain and conditions in a timely and cost-effective manner. We offer a unique experience by combining physical therapy, dry needling and joint alignment. See ad, page 17.
Unique System for Developing Skeletal Strength Josh Fandrich, Owner Fairhope, Mobile 333 Greeno Rd., Suite 2B OR 2724 Old Shell Rd., Suite D Fairhope@OsteoStrong.me MidtownMobile@OsteoStrong.me
Just 15 minutes, once per week on our proprietary, osteogenic loading equipment can help you build a stronger you. See ad, page 19.
320 Eastern Shore Shopping Center, Fairhope, AL • 251-929-0055 Va-FairhopeHealthFoods.com
An organic cafe offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairyfree options. Open for lunch Monday-Saturday. See ad, page 25. 3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 251-479-3952 Va-FairhopeHealthFoods.com
An organic cafe offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairyfree options. Open for lunch Monday-Saturday. See ad, page 25.
22979 us-98, Fairhope, AL UnityEasternShore@gmail.com. UnityEasternShore.Wixsite.com/Unity
Treat yourself to a relaxing, healing and rejuvenating session of Restorative Yoga with Bobbi Jo Machholz. Bring mat, pillow, blocks and willingness. 1st Saturday each month, 10 a.m. Donations to Unity accepted. See ad, page 28.
Pam Reaves, Certified Rolfer® 22806 Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL 706-681-2935
Rolfing® is a holistic approach to manual therapy that seeks to improve your health and function by reestablishing the natural alignment and structural integration of the human body. More information at EasternShoreRolfing.com. See ad, page 11.
127 Harbor Blvd. 1018 Government St., Ocean Springs, MS Info@WildFlier.com
We carry a wide selection of crystals, jewelry, yoga apparel and accessories along with men’s and women’s coastal fashion. Find your inner Zen and fly high with us. See ad, page 12.
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson