3 Effective Ways to Find the Right Work-Life Balance A global career survey conducted in 2015 by Man Power Group Right Management revealed that 45% of employees rated work-life balance as their No.1 career aspiration. Only 10% of employees used the terms ‘high performance’ and ‘productivity’ to define career success. How do your employees rate their work-life balance? Does their work take up all their time or do they the find time to unwind? Nowadays, employees stay very connected to their work and 9 to 5 work hours are no longer the norm. It has become increasingly important to create a workplace that caters to an employee’s career aspirations and motivates employees to do their best work. Kumar Mangalam Birla says, “The work environment is very important in determining how enjoyable work is. It is very important to work with smart guys who have a superior level of intellectual bandwidth and still have softer skills as well.” If your employees are struggling to set aside a few minutes for family and recreation, they can find time by following the 3 simple steps listed below: 1) Unplug: Technology might be adversely influencing the quality of our life. Responding to emails after work hours should be strictly moderated for the benefit of your employee. Encourage your employees to disconnect from gadgets and devote quality time to family, friends or themselves. In the wake of making this a habit, they will be upbeat about not using their mobiles to check emails while at home. 2) Exercise: The minimum time that can be spent on an exercise is 15 minutes. Suggest fixing a particular time every day for yoga or simple breathing exercises. Investing energy in hunching over the work desk
for 8 hours will slow down the metabolism. In the event that they are bogged down with work, suggest getting up, stretching a little bit or taking a small walk. 3) Quick short breaks: It is important to take small breaks to refresh the mind, but it is also important for your employees to spend this time well. Scrolling through mind-numbing Facebook and Twitter feeds will not improve the quality of mind. Idle chatter is also not recommended as it will subconsciously affect any feelings of serenity. A good way to spend this time is to let go of thoughts for few minutes and to concentrate on nothing. Some of the other key findings from Right Management’s Global Career Aspiration research include: • Employees are likely to quit for work/life balance and higher pay. • When it comes to success, enjoyment/happiness at work trumps performance and salary. Keeping these points in mind, it is important to attract the right-fit employees into your workforce. MeraJob.in, India’s 1st Job Matching Portal, offers unique hiring solutions that help in tracking and curating profiles using data on preferences and skills. MeraJob employs a recruitment model that combines behavioural patterns and judgement for finding out if a particular candidate would find a good work-life balance at a particular organization. This way, recruiters are assured of finding quality candidates who are the right fit for their organisation and the shortlisted candidates have the opportunity to work with an organisation that will enhance their life for the best. With MeraJob.in, you can hire the best-matched candidates at ½ the cost and in ½ the time.