Quick tips for effective time management

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Quick tips for effective time management If you are a HR recruiter whose phone is always buzzing get ready to learn how to manage your time more effectively. Listed below are some handy time management tools you can adopt to efficiently recruit at lesser cost and time. 7 tools you must try to be a smart recruiter Facebook, LinkedIn Social media / professional platforms are being retooled to enable talent hunt and it is yet another cost-effective way to engage with job seekers. Unsurprisingly, a whopping number of employers are also making use of professional platforms like LinkedIn for marketing as well as brand building. Mobile Devices The migration of job portals to mobile sites is fast gaining steam as more and more young talents looking to enter the workforce are depending on their mobile for round-the-clock engagement. mobile sites have a higher chance of being viewed and acted upon by job seekers. Short Message Services Mobile-technology driven mass recruitment tools such as SMS and WhatsApp are being widely used for alerting job seekers. It is cost effective and also a great platform for following up through the job selection process. Google Knowledge Graph New Age Semantic search engines help identify the right-fit candidate by analysing the intent of the search and meaning of words thus rendering high quality matches. Recruitment Portals Progressive talent recruiting firms offer new-age HR recruiting tools for efficient and in time recruitment, while massively cutting down on cost. Job matching portals like MeraJob’s SmartProfileTM option is a boon for recruiters a as it highlights the key info of a resume that

can grasped in one go. MeraJob also offers innovative, customizable and responsive pre-

screening, employer branding and hot Jobs / featured jobs listing opportunities that maximise the probability of hiring the best talent at lesser time.

Talent recruiting and time management Are you an HR recruiter whose phone is always buzzing? Do you identify yourself with these below listed mind-numbingactivities? Reviewing resumes It is difficult to make time to review resumes from an extensive resume database when you are also concentrating on your business’s other core objectives. It is imperative to pay undivided attention when you are searching for the “right-fit� candidate for the job. More

often than not some other work comes to our mind and if it is an urgent requirementwe just want to fill in a position so we might overlook certain drawbacks.58% of HR leaders say that identification of high-potential talents needs improvement when it comes to HR analytics.

Tracking candidates This is especially important when you are hiring for multiple jobs openings.While it is important to avoid losing track of candidates, unless you have a tracking software or template in place it becomes chaotic.

Organisingand scheduling interviews After finding the closest match, it is again a mammoth task to organise and schedule an interview. It is important to not keep the candidate waiting for long. The interview has to be scheduled at an ideal day or time when you are free from your schedule.

Emailer and other communication Communication is important to job seekers, however writing personalized letters to each and every candidate can be time consuming. Using template response letters can help but they do not give a personal touch and candidates often find them less assuring. According to a recent survey 55% of candidates will not apply again to an organisation that has not responded to them.

Building relationships with candidates Are you taking time to track post interview feedback from candidates? Do you provide enough feedback even if a candidate has not been selected?

If you are facing difficulty with any of the above processes it is high time yousought the help of a talent recruitment firm. Employing atalent recruiting firmthat offersnew-age HR recruiting tools for efficient and in time recruitment can add value and also helpcut down recruitment cost. New-age talent recruitment firms in India like MeraJob.inoffers innovative, customizable and responsive pre-screening, employer branding and hot/featured jobs listing opportunities that maximises the probability of hiring the best talent at lesser time. Improve your chances of finding the right fit match at half the time and cost today.

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