Infrastructural challanges and inflation

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Infrastructure Challenges & Inflation

By Jaya

Infrastructural Challenges

Index Energy Transportation Communication Health Education


Index Importance Sources Electricity Sources of Electricity Difficulties & Problems related to Energy Recent Steps Taken

Energy Important in production process and consumption activities India is major energy producer and consumer Sixth largest energy producer Fourth largest energy consumer Primary Energy vs Final Energy

Energy Sources

22% is obtained from non-commercial sources or traditional sources

Electricity Most important source of commercial energy. Generating power was 2300 MW IN 1950-51. 2,49,000 MW in 2013-14. over a period of 63 years 100 times increase in capacity. Major users of electricity are industry(37%), domestic(25%), agriculture(21%)& commercial establishments (10%)

Sources of Electricity 5 major sources Water, Coal ,Oil ,Gas , Radioactive elements like uranium,thorium etc. Installed Capacity-69% is thermal (coal,gas and oil), 17% hydel, 2% nuclear, 12% renewable Generation of power- Thermal+renewable(82%) hydel (14.5%) & nuclear (3.5%) Central State &Private all work together in the generation of power

Difficulties and problems relating to Energy ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Demand and supply imbalances in commercial fuels Oil prices and Inflationary pressure Growing oil import bills- 37% of our import bill is on POL Transmission and distribution losses Sick SEBs Operational inefficiency- PLF(65% in 2013-14) Lowest in Eastern Region(62%) Highest in Southern Region(81%) SEB (65%) Central & Pvt. (79%) ● Inadequate electrification

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