Autumn—Winter 2019
378 — 423
420 Richard Tuttle ........................ p.4 The Role Of The Story Teller 408 Ricardo Brey......................... p.6 Adrift 416 Ed Miller................................ p.8 417 Kwon Dae Sup ....................... p.8 411 Voouit ................................. p.10 Icon & Future
393 MUSEUM III 2.1.................. p.26 Sven Augustijnen & Sammy Baloji 378 MUSEUM III 2.2................. p.26 Narcisse Tordoir & Fedry Ekel 395 Julião Sarmento................... p.28 Some Art Sites Of Recent Historical Interest 412 Espace 251 Nord............... p.28
410 Debby Huysmans................ p.12 Flotsam
421 Istvan Ist Huzjan.................. p.30 Fontana Huzjan Delvaux Derycke
389 Salam Atta Sabri................. p.12 Letters to my Father
406 Danny Bergeman................. p.30 The Zandberg Drawing.
418 Inge Braeckman.................. p.14 In de eerste uren Zomer
409 Tim Onderbeke ................... p.32 Labyrinth
419 Luc Dondeyne..................... p.14 Third Eye
423 Michel Mazzoni ................... p.34 Dimitru
398 Tadashi Kawamata.............. p.16 Maquettes / Models I.
396 Laura De Coninck................ p.34 Saudade
313 Koen van den Broek............ p.18 STUFF
A20 Aki Onda & Paul Clipson .... p.36 Make Visible The Ghost
394 Yayoi Kusama...................... p.20 Love Forever
A21 Mireille Capelle ................... p.36 Blue Veil
422 Jean-Marie Bytebier............ p.22 A B(ee)
402 Joanna Bossier ................... p.38 An Inner Portrait
414 MUSEUM III 3.1................. p.24 Een vertaling van de ene taal naar de andere
403 Parcifal Neyt ....................... p.38 Flemish Masters in Portugal
415 MUSEUM III 3.2.................. p.24 Dirk De Vos
405 Katrien Alliët........................ p.38 57 Branches 404 Katrien Alliët........................ p.38 Protuberance 394 Stefaan Dheedene............... p.40 List 385 Thomas Frontini................... p.40 391
Boy & Erik Stappaerts........ p.42 Polaristion Painting Conflict Painting Noise Painting
388 Jef Van Eynde...................... p.42 Salad Days
List of Art Editions............... p.45
Backlist 1998—2019 ........... p.51
MER. Catalogue Autumn–Winter 2019
378 423
Richard Tuttle The Role Of The Story Teller ISBN 978 94 6393 113 7 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release September 2019 Language EN Authors Phillip Van Den Bossche, Ann Demeester Dimensions 21 × 21 cm Volume 504 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €125.00
Color is not easy to translate into words. Perhaps color actively resists language or plausible definition? And vice versa: words can change color. I got this idea from thinking about how color and sound are similar. We can use the same words for both: depth, tone, brightness, etc.… Where sound is not ordered in nature, we order it and make music. Color must be the same. ... Richard Tuttle reflects on color during his stay in Ostend in 2017, where his solo exhibition Light And Color was on view at Mu.Zee. It was here that he set out the initial framework for what became The Role Of The Story Teller, a book that invites us to his world of color. The book consists of five sections, depicting and illustrating two of his marvellous artist books—Not the Point (2009) and You never see the same color twice (2017)—while connecting them with three exhibitions from 2017, namely his solo-presentation at de Hallen (Haarlem, NL), Books, Multiples, Prints, Writings and New Projects at Galerie Christian Lethert (Cologne, DE) and Light and Color at Mu.Zee (Ostend, BE). With his documented writings, images of artworks and selections of text, Tuttle departs from concrete notions of color, instead proposing a boundless vision of “real” color. Tuttle’s themes and provocative questions bring together seemingly disparate episodes, providing new ways to consider and experience our own relationship to color. __
Richard Tuttle (°1941, Rahawy, New Jersey) lives in New York, New Mexico and Maine. He received a BA in art, philosophy and literature from Trinity College, Hartford and held his first solo show in New York at Betty Parsons Gallery in 1965. Tuttle has exhibited worldwide, and was included in the Venice Biennale and documenta, three times each. His works span a range of media, from sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, and artist’s books to installation and furniture.
Richard Tuttle The Role Of The Story Teller
Ricardo Brey Adrift ISBN Publisher Release Languages Authors Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail
978 90 8931 996 8 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts September 2019 EN, Germ. Arie Hartog, Erica Moiah James, Evan Moffitt, John Welchman, Luc Derycke 31 × 24 cm 240 pages hardcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €39.99
This book can be seen as and independent editorial project that resume the core of Ricardo Brey’s most recent body of works Adrift (2014–ongoing) The publication, developed as a separate undertaking reflects as well on the core of the overall aspiration of Ricardo Brey for his exhibitions in Museum De Domijnen in Sittard, the Netherlands (10 February – 10 June 2019) and Gerhard-Marcks Haus, Bremen, Germany (10 December – 1 Maart 2020). While it is not an artist book in the traditional sense, it is definitively a project by an artist. The aim of the publication is to create a sense of the artistic space that Brey wants to offer, with a polyphony of voices and an immersive sphere in which a quality of behavior is of prime importance. It will focus strongly on the most recent body of works, Adrift. “… Ricardo Brey’s most recent ongoing body of work lacks the defined cohesiveness of previous artistic projects, which were united by shared formal and thematic concerns. After being confined to a wheelchair for several months due to medical issues, the artist described himself as “drifting around … wandering in my study not … working in my total capacity.” Discovering that this description—“drifting off”— described his new state of mind, he began to create a series of disparate yet interconnected works from, in his words, “fragments that float in my memory, images that have no place in the rigid parameters of my previous work.” Ranging in form from sculptures and installations to photographs and drawings, these works recall earlier projects while breaking new ground. (Alexander Gray Associates New York)
Ricardo Brey Adrift
Ed Miller
ISBN 978 94 6393 082 6 Publisher Axel Vervoordt NV. & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release 2019 Author Arjen Ribbens Language EN Dimensions 34,5 × 25,5 cm Volume 128 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.99
Nobody can remember that the wood turner Ed Miller (1928–2017) ever considered himself an artist. At the very most, he’d speak of “the art of wood,” or ‘the art of turning.’ Miller was a medical man from Columbus, Ohio. He was a man who had an incredible urge to create. From the age of thirteen until just before his death, he would regularly stand at a lathe and engraved his name in no less than two thousand wooden bowls and platters. As a legacy he leaves an oeuvre that is homogenous and of outstanding artistic quality, of which not a single piece has ever been exhibited in a museum. Nor do any publications exist about his work. This is quite remarkable, since Miller’s platters and bowls attest to an intense power that supersedes by far the perfect mastery of a craft. Ed Miller was a basement artist, one of those selftaught creatives who make it clear that dedication, perseverance, and talent can sometimes lead to impressive artistic results. Take one of his bowls in your hands and experience its beauty: however small and simple the bowls may be, their purity represents a universal truth. Time and again Miller succeeded in rendering the ordinary sublime, and so to lend dead wood new life. His output is a considerable achievement.
— Arjen Ribbens
Kwon Dae Sup ISBN 978 94 6393 083 3 Publisher Axel Vervoordt NV. & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release 2019 Author Axel Vervoordt, interview with the artist Language EN Dimensions 34,5 × 25,5 cm Volume 156 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.99
Kwon Dae-Sup is a Korean contemporary pottery master known for his series of Moon Jars, traditional Korean plain white porcelain which was originally made during the late 17th through 18th century, the late period of the Choson Dynasty (1392–1910).
Originally trained as a painter in Honkik University, Kwon was introduced to moon jars in 1970s and became so fascinated that he changed his course of life to pottery. While keeping the tradition of Korean pottery, he attempts to communicate the aesthetics of moon jars to audience of the contemporary world by transferring essential traits of simplicity and a sense of modesty. He breaks all the works that does not satisfy him. He throws away everything that does not move his soul.
Ed Miller
Kwon Dae Sup
Vooruit Icon & Future ISBN Publisher Release Languages Authors Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail
978 94 6393 079 6 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts October 2019 EN, NL Geert LM Pauwels, Christoph Grafe, Béatrice Josse, Christoph Hefti, Stefaan De Croock (Strook), Vincent Glowinsky (Bonom) 29,2 × 21,5 cm 160 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €39.00
Dit boek biedt een architecturaal verslag van de metamorfose die kunstencentrum Vooruit gekend heeft gedurende de laatste tien jaar. Aangespoord door een groeiende noodzaak van het kunstencentrum om zich fysiek aan te passen en nieuwe verbindingen te leggen met zijn omgeving en zijn gebruikers, onderging het iconische monument een transformatie van historisch cultuurhuis naar stedelijk platform.
Het boek gaat verder in op de visie van de architect en hoe hij op een unieke en uitdagende manier verder wil bouwen aan deze kunst- en architectuurschat uit het verleden. Het maatschappelijke belang en de verantwoordelijkheden van het kunstencentrum in de stad worden uitgediept in een debat, waarin ook duurzaamheid en vergroening een plaats krijgen. Daarnaast wordt kunst in de publieke ruimte een belangrijk thema in de publicatie. Via interviews geven drie kunstenaars hun reflectie weer op de nieuwe architectuur. Hun kunstwerken zijn een blijvende getuige.
In het eerste deel gaat architectuur recensent Christoph Grafe dieper in op het maatschappelijke en architecturale belang van de transformatie. In een tweede deel gaat Louis Demey (ov) de dialoog aan met architect Geert LM Pauwels. Ten slotte geven de kunstenaars Christophe Hefti, Strook en Bonom hun kijk op kunst in de publieke ruimte. De dialoog tussen oud en nieuw wordt mooi verbeeld door de krachtige fotografie van Karin Borghouts, Michiel Devijver en Reinhart Cosaert.
Vooruit Icon & Future
Debby Huysmans Flotsam
ISBN 978 94 6393 084 0 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release September 2019 Language EN Dimensions 24 × 15 cm Volume 96 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €34.00
In de foto’s van Debby Huysmans zien we hoe de dagelijkse realiteit wordt gedocumenteerd. Tijdens haar reizen naar voormalige communistische landen probeert ze authentieke momenten vast te leggen zonder strikte narratieve lijnen. Hoewel het niet om onze realiteit gaat, zijn de foto’s toch sterk herkenbaar. Huymans’ werk legt de veranderingen vast die door het modernisatieproces zijn teweeggebracht. De kunstenares is gefascineerd door het veranderende post-communistische heden en probeert zich onder te dompelen in een andere wereld die nog vlug verandert alvorens voorgoed te verdwijnen. Huysmans brengt haar tijd door ten midden van een realiteit waar we niet bij stil staan en haar foto’s stralen dan ook een rust uit die niet meer van deze tijd is. Door eenvoudige, haast banale dagdagelijkse fragmenten te tonen en de klassieke esthetische voorschriften te negeren, slaagt Huysmans erin om te vatten wat haast onzichtbaar is.
Salam Atta Sabri Letters To My Father ISBN 978 90 8931 990 6 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release September 2019 Language EN Dimensions 29,7 × 21 cm Volume 160 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.00
Salam Atta Sabri (°1953, Iraq) lives and works in Baghdad. He is a former lecturer at the Institute of Folkloric Arts, Baghdad and from 2010 to 2015 he was the director of the National Museum of Modern Art in Baghdad. Having lived in the USA and Jordan for 16 years, Sabri returned to Baghdad in 2005. His work deals directly with the experience of returning to a country so changed by conflict. Despite working in the arts all of his life and initially training as a ceramicist, Atta Sabri kept all of his own works of draughtsmanship out of the public eye until he participated in the Ruya Foundation’s exhibition Invisible Beauty, the National Pavilion of Iraq at the 56th Venice Biennale.
Letters To My Father is an art book that presents a set of drawings by Salam Atta. Like a stream of conciousness, the images flow into a story. They are a personal testimony of an artist who recalls his life—the important moments that he related to his father, Iraquan artist Atta Sabri, who remains a major figure in his life—through the use of notes and names of cities.
Debby Huysmans Flotsam
Salam Atta Sabri Letters To My Father
Inge Braeckman In de eerste uren Zomer
ISBN 978 94 6393 112 0 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release 2019 Author Inge Braeckman Language NL Dimensions 29,7 × 21,5 cm Volume 48 pages Cover softcover Illustrations — Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €19.00
ISBN 978 94 6393 114 4 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release 2019 Authors Arno Kramer, Eric Rinckhout, Diana Wind Languages EN, NL Dimensions 25,1 × 25,1 cm Volume 192 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €35.00
In haar jongste dichtbundel In de eerste uren Zomer neemt Inge Braeckman het delicate maar belangrijke evenwicht tussen natuur en cultuur, poëzie en muziek, taal en zang als uitgangspunt. Aan de hand van vier delen die fungeren als vier bewegingen van het muzikaal-poëtische principe, structureert ze de bundel op een intuïtief-rationele manier waarbij ze telkens weer elke voor de hand liggende of voorspelbare systematiek ontkracht. Op die manier ontstaat er een ingenieus spel met de gulheid en onverwachtsheid van taal. Haar beeldspraak laveert tussen het tastbare en onaantastbare De realiteit wordt omhelsd in eigenzinnige metaforiek. Details zijn essentieel. __ Inge Braeckman (°1974) studeerde Latijn-Grieks aan het Sint-Bavohumaniora in Gent. Ze is Licentiaat in de Rechtsgeleerdheid en volgde Germaanse Filologie. Net na haar rechtenstudie ging ze als journalist aan de slag. Ze recenseerde niet alleen tentoonstellingen, maar schreef ook reisverhalen. Ze schrijft regelmatig over hedendaagse kunst in catalogi waar ze haar tekst combineert met een gedicht over het werk van de kunstenaar. Vaak vloeien daar echte symbioses uit voort, zoals Opera Aperta (2006) met het werk van Honoré d’O, Bougainvillea, (2016, Ergo Pers) met etsen van Carole Vanderlinden, Door de handen van Amor van een adem voorzien bij de foto’s van Malou Swinnen in la pose voilée (2019, Uitgeverij P), of Alsof het net gebeurd is (2019) bij het werk van Ronny Delrue in Correspondance, S.M.A.K. Inge Braeckman schrijft al van haar 12e–14e jaar gedichten. Haar debuut verscheen in een privéuitgave: (2004). In 2006 publiceerde ze Gedaantes, poëtisch proza, eveneens in een privéuitgave.
Braeckman publiceerde reeds 4 dichtbundels bij het Poëziecentrum: Beeltenissen (2009), I ncantaties 1 (2011) en Incantaties 2 (2013) en Venus’ Vonken (2018). In 2018 verscheen haar dichtbundel Onder de olijfbomen van Lesbos bij het S.M.A.K. in Gent.
Luc Dondeyne Third Eye
Luc Dondeyne geeft ons met zijn werk zijn blik op de wereld. Hij biedt ons de mogelijkheid met hem mee te kijken door soms letterlijk te laten zien dat hij via de lens de wereld bekijkt. Dat meekijken levert bijzondere en ongebruikelijke composities op zoals portretten zonder of met afgewend gezicht en personen die op de rug worden afgebeeld. De toeschouwer wordt daardoor onderdeel van de driehoeksverhouding waarin Luc Dondeyne zichzelf en ons bewust plaatst. Degenen die de werken bekijken worden daarmee onderdeel van de blik, van de kunstenaar en dus van het werk. De intuïtie, verbeelding en innerlijke wijsheid die het derde oog of het zesde chakra geeft, opent wellicht ook de poort naar het collectieve geheugen waar niet alleen Luc Dondeyne zich op verlaat, maar ook de toeschouwer die naar de werken van de kunstenaar kijkt. Regelmatig refereert hij in titels en beelden bewust of onbewust aan de kunst- en cultuurgeschiedenis. Luc Dondeyne nodigt ons uit om ons eigen derde oog te openen om samen met hem te putten uit die enorme bron van kennis en associaties waardoor hij een verbinding maakt tussen datgene wat hij ziet door het derde oog, wat hij daarvan weergeeft op het doek of papier en de toeschouwer die het uiteindelijke resultaat bekijkt.
Door zijn brede kennis en rijke associatievermogen geeft Luc Dondeyne de toeschouwer met zijn schilderijen en tekeningen een omvangrijke wereld van bedoelde en onbedoelde voorstellingen die heden en verleden met elkaar verbinden. De titels geven richting of verwarren en maken het vooral mogelijk om een eigen interpretatie aan de werken te geven.
— Diana Wind, maart 2019
werken van boven naar beneden: As You Like It, 2016, olieverf op doek, 140 × 100 cm Skin Friction, 2013, olieverf op doek, 70 × 90 cm See Change, 2016, olieverf op doek, 140 × 200 cm Courtesy galerie Transit, Mechelen
Inge Braeckman In de eerste uren Zomer
Ze zingen de tijd geworden zon, het onaanraakbare dat tastbaar wordt. Tussen het dakgebinte van muziek, als een koepel over het landschap gelegd. Muzieknoten bladeren de ziel open. Ook wat nog geen naam heeft, neemt de hemelse gedaante aan. Kon het heelal denken, het stond stil. Inge Braeckman
Luc Dondeyne Third Eye
Tadashi Kawamata Maquettes / Models I. 1980–2005 ISBN 978 90 8931 580 9 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release September 2019 Language EN Authors Tadashi Kawamata, Andreas Pluskota, Mouna Mekouar Dimensions 29,7 × 21 cm Volume 472 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Sven Beirnaert Retail €60.00
Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata (°1953) lives and works in Paris. For the past three decades, Kawamata has been creating transient, site-specific intallations in public spaces, often where you least expect them. An essential element in his work is the process of building, by which the participation of local residents plays a key role. Typically, his sculptural works are made of simple construction materials, such as wooden pallets, residual wood, old chairs, etc. This edition, the first volume of a trilogy, focusses on his impressive maquettes, created in preparation for the monumental installations. Kawamata chose the title maquette, which for him, in this context, refers to relief-like, semi-three-dimensional pieces.
Al drie decennia construeert de Japanse kunstenaar Tadashi Kawamata (°1953) vergankelijke, plaatsgebonden installaties in publieke ruimtes, vaak daar waar je ze het minst verwacht. Hij gebruikt daarvoor eenvoudige materialen (palletten, afvalhout, oude stoelen...) Het proces van het bouwen staat centraal en daarin is de participatie van lokale bewoners een belangrijk onderdeel. Zijn indrukwekkende installaties zijn internationaal verspreid en bekend. Zo stelde hij tentoon in New York, Berlijn, Kassel, Venetië, Parijs, Tokyo etc. In België nam hij onlangs deel aan de Triënnale in Brugge, met een werk in het Begijnhof. Zijn driedelige ‘Catalogue Raisonné’ focust op de – vaak even indrukwekkende – maquettes die hij maakt ter voorbereiding van zijn installaties. In het eerste deel komt vooral zijn vroeg werk aan bod, namelijk van 1980 tot 2005. Een uniek en monumentaal naslagwerk van een inspirerende kunstenaar.
Tadashi Kawamata Maquettes / Models I.
Koen van den Broek STUFF ISBN 978 90 8931 997 5 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language EN Author Wouter Davidts Dimensions 24 × 24 cm Volume 272 pages Cover softcover Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.99
Koen van den Broek (°1973, BE) creëert ruimtes op doek vol suspense met een sterk gevoel voor contrast, compositie en kleur. Zijn schilderkunstige oeuvre geniet reeds twee decennia internationale bekendheid. Van den Broek verweeft alledaagse thema’s als de straat, stoepranden, weidse landschappen en bruggen tot een geheel eigen beeldtaal door de cinematografische manier waarop hij de werkelijkheid kadreert en een vernuftig spel met referentie. Als bronmateriaal gebruikt de kunstenaar foto’s die hij maakt op reis of onderweg. Hij zoekt de details op, zoals barsten, architecturale elementen en de slagschaduw, die op een natuurlijke en puur toevallige manier zijn ontstaan. Licht, ruimte en focus zijn de noodzakelijke voorwaarden om tot zijn bijzondere beelden te komen.
Het boek STUFF biedt een artistiek en architecturaal verslag van een ander aspect van zijn parcours: kunst in opdracht voor de publieke ruimte, in situ werk en samenwerkingen. Van den Broek verwezenlijkte onder meer het monumentale werk Sampled in opdracht van het AZ Sint – Maarten (BE, Mechelen) dat de kunstenaar uitdaagde zijn archieven digitaal te samplen. Hij beschilderde de Hofkamer te Antwerpen, een 18de-eeuwse pronkruimte waar muren, inclusief plafond, bekleed werden met doek. Het werk S olution verbindt de volledige kamer tot één synthese met een compilatie van sleutelwerken uit zijn oeuvre. Voor Opera Ballet Vlaanderen leverde hij de affichecampagne voor het seizoen met als thema Borderline. Een sculptuur voor de openluchttentoonstelling De Blik van Bruegel: reconstructie van het landschap, platenhoezen, boekcovers, een schilderkunstige ingreep en de borden voor Restaurant ’t Zilte op de bovenste verdieping van het MAS zijn slechts een greep uit wat de voorbije jaren is ontstaan. STUFF onderzoekt hoe dit onderdeel van zijn traject Van den Broek uitdaagt op gebied van dimensies, schaal, verhouding tot de locatie, materialen, texturen, het gevoel voor veranderlijkheid en reflectie en de verrijkende wisselwerking met de praktijk in het atelier. Een diepte-interview met Prof. Dr. Wouter Davidts en nieuwe schetsen op kalkpapier illustreren de originele kijk van de kunstenaar en zijn visie op kunst als een essentieel onderdeel van de maatschappij. Zowel permanente, als tijdelijke, als niet uitgevoerde projecten komen aan bod in deze publicatie die is opgevat als één coherent kunstenaarsboek. Aan de hand van ontwerpen, maquettes, foto’s en reproducties wordt voor het eerst, en op een unieke manier, inkijk gegeven in het totale universum van de kunstenaar.
Koen van den Broek STUFF
Yayoi Kusama Love Forever ISBN 987 94 6393 077 2 Publisher 0-INSTITUTE, Asa MER. Language EN Authors Harrie Verstappen, Paul Damstee, Margriet Schavemaker Dimensions 21 × 14 cm Volume 128 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Tijs Visser with Luc Derycke Retail €25.00
Yayoi Kusama (°1929, Matsumoto, Japan) is one of the most important post-war and contemporary artists of the moment, with exhibitions all over the world. Her work is not only of historical importance, but it also appeals to a huge, broad and international audience, and escapes almost all art concepts such as Minimal Art, Pop Art and Happening,
Her work from the sixties, the time she worked in New York, was regularly shown in exhibitions around the world. Little known until now, however, was that her work originated to a large extent in the N etherlands, Germany, and Belgium, and was exhibited there, more often than in New York. In the aftermath of the Second World War, a group of young German and Dutch artists undertook to leave the past behind and create a new artistic beginning. Starting with Heinz Mack and Otto Piene, they chose the name ZERO in 1958 in Germany, as Piero Manzoni and Jan Schoonhoven did in the Netherlands in the same year. They were followed by Henk Peeters and Armando, who took the Dutch word for zero NUL in 1961. In just five short years, they and their European network created an avant-garde movement that had a strong influence and continues to inspire contemporary artists.
Yayoi Kusama Love Forever
J-M Bytebier A B(ee) ISBN 978 94 6393 117 5 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language EN Author Denis Gielen Dimensions 31,5 × 21 cm Volume 128 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €29.90
Jean-Marie Bytebier (°1963) graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Gent in 1988. Together with artists such as Wim Delvoye (°1965) he focuses mainly on the possibilities of how painting could be presented in order to understand our increasingly complicated postmodern society. In doing so he wants to seal the gap with conceptual art, as opposed to a previous generation of contemporary artists in Belgium, which followed the new German painting. Bytebier places the paintings in diptychs, triptychs and quadriptychs. Bringing together various small paintings influencing one another was one of his first steps to question the complete painting. There was no univocal answer, but different possibilities.
J-M Bytebier A B(ee)
MUSEUM III 3.1 Een vertaling van de ene taal naar de andere
ISBN 978 94 6393 080 2 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release October 2019 Authors Various Languages EN, NL Dimensions 27,9 × 21,6 cm Volume 80 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €20.00
S.M.A.K. bestaat in 2019 twintig jaar. Dat viert Museumcultuur Strombeek/Gent met een tweeluik. Het eerste luik is een hommagetentoonstelling die 21 nooit eerder geziene werken uit de rijke Gentse collectie voor het eerst ontsluit. Het tweede luik vertrekt vanuit een intens kijken naar het verleden en naar de toekomst van musea en (potentiële) collecties in een tijd waarin alles virtueler wordt en ook het “live” gebeuren in musea meer en meer op de voorgrond komt.
Beeldend kunstenaar Guy Rombouts tekende voor deze kunstwerken een scenografie. Guy Rombouts behoort tot een van onze weinige kunstenaars die de taal van antwoord gaf via de creatie en de inventieve toepassing van het AZART in inmiddels talloze tentoonstellingen sedert de jaren tachtig.
MUSEUM III 3.2 Dirk De Vos ISBN Publisher Release Authors Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail
978 94 6393 081 9 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts October 2019 Lieze Eneman, Luk Lambrecht EN, NL 27,9 × 21,6 cm 40 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €20.00
Het geschilderde oeuvre van Dirk De Vos (°1943) zal hier voor de eerste maal in een globaal overzicht worden getoond. De selectie omvat 12 secties die beantwoorden aan de thema’s die hij sinds 1969 in individuele tentoonstellingen heeft behandeld en toont door middel van 150 werken een overspanning van bijna 50 jaar schilderen.
Museum III 3.1
Museum III 3.2
MUSEUM III 2.1 Sven Augustijnen & Sammy Baloji ISBN Publisher Release Authors Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail
Deze publicatie documenteert de tentoonstelling van Sven Augustijnen (°1970, Mechelen) en Sammy Baloji (°1978, Lubumbashi) in het Cultuurcentrum Strombeek in het najaar van 2018.
De kunst van Sven Augustijnen breidt zich al geruime tijd uit tot thema’s zoals wapenindustrie, ideologie en kolonialisme, invloed en macht. Augustijnen graaft in de donkere geschiedenis van onze relatie met de voormalige kolonie. Hij maakte naam met zijn in film gezette onderzoek “Spectres” over de tragische dood van/moord op Patrice Lumumba. Augustijnen kocht een quasivolledige set van het vijftiger jaren magazine “Europe Magazine” dat hij oordeelkundig en betekenisvol openvouwt in een monumentale vitrine, zodat de tijd van de Koude Oorlog, kolonialisme en wapenwedloop in beeld en tot de verbeelding van de bezoeker komt. Vanuit de onaangeroerde, druktechnisch perfect geconserveerde magazines – die nu documenten zijn geworden – weet Sven Augustijnen een indringend tijdsbeeld te evoceren dat tot op vandaag nog steeds niet is verwerkt.
Sammy Baloji, die pendelt tussen Brussel en ubumbashi, was aanwezig op documenta 14 in L Kassel en Athene met video en sculpturen die via hun symbolische geladenheid (koper) de inhoud letterlijk laten spreken vanuit de materie waarmee “wij” rijk zijn geworden. Hij maakte afdrukken in koper van luxetextiel uit musea in Brussel en Kopenhagen, toonde originele koperen Katangakruisjes en wist met een indringende video een beeld te geven van hoe koper wordt gesmolten, bulk-klaar voor de globale markt. Daarmee wist hij een reflectie neer te zetten over grondstoffen en de manier waarop ook immateriële diensten zoals educatie, godsdienst en cultuur werden ingezet om de houdbaarheid van de kolonisering bij de bevolking te continueren.
MUSEUM III. 2.2 Narcisse Tordoir & Fendry Ekel ISBN Publisher Release Authors Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail
978 94 6393 007 9 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts July 2019 Lieze Eneman, Luk Lambrecht, Sandrine Colard, Sven Augustijnen, André Tilburck, Sammy Baloji EN, NL 27,9 × 21,6 cm 32 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €20.00
978 90 8931 969 2 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts January 2019 Michel Dewilde, Frank Reijnders, Astrid Honold EN, NL 27,9 × 21,6 cm 44 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €20.00
In het voorjaar van 2018 presenteerde Cc Strombeek een greep uit het oeuvre van Narcisse Tordoir (°1954) van 1975 tot 2017 in dialoog met de Indonesische kunstenaar Fendry Ekel (°1971). Narcisse Tordoir (°1954) is een vaste en eigenzinnig gebleven artistieke waarde in ons land. Verontwaardiging en een groot, impliciet wereldengagement maakt zich meester over zijn gehele werk. In Strombeek presenteert Tordoir een enorme, diagonaal in de zaal gebouwde muur met een puntgave selectie uit zijn brede oeuvre waaruit “engagement” spreekt. Narcisse werkt een project uit met de Indonesische kunstenaar Fendry Ekel (1971) die momenteel leeft tussen Jakarta en Berlijn. Hij maakt technisch verbluffende schilderkunst: figuratieve montages waarin hij zijn politiek beladen thema’s als het ware op een schaakspel aanbiedt aan de toeschouwer. Het schaakspel als een metafoor voor het verschuiven van betekenissen tussen zien en het an sich particulier interpreteren. In Cc Strombeek zal Fendry Ekel nieuw werk presenteren in een sterke en intense dialoog met Narcisse Tordoir.
Museum III 2.1
Museum III 2.2
Julião Sarmento Some Art Sites of Recent Historical Interest In America
ISBN 978 94 6393 006 2 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release May 2019 Language EN Dimensions 27,9 × 22 cm Volume 64 pages Cover softcover Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €35.00
This artist book brings together 32 photographs by Portuguese multimedia artist and painter Julião Sarmento (°1948, Lisbon) of sites in America that were once locations of art-historical importance.
Julião Sarmento is one of the most notable members and instigators of a wave of Portuguese artists emerging in the wake of the democratic regime in Portugal. Because of his assertive participation in post-war artistic reflections and because of the certainty and consistency of his discourse, Sarmento’s work was rapidly appreciated by the international art scene; resulting in group and solo shows and representations in major galleries throughout the world.cities.
ISBN (EN) ISBN (FR) Publisher Release Authors Dimensions Volume Cover Design Retail
978 94 6393 004 8 978 94 6393 043 7 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts June 2019 Laurent Jacob, Pierre Henrion 30 × 24,2 cm 574 pages softcover Studio Luc Derycke €49.00
Espace 251 Nord is a belgian art center dedicated to the production and exhibition of Belgian and foreign artists. To intensify visibility and circulation of artists in Wallonia and Brussels, the non profit organization organizes exhibitions and communication plan in the Euregio Meuse-Rhin and Europe (Rome, Venice, Florence, Delft, Lisbon, Paris, Lille). Espace 251 Nord organizes extra-muros exhibitions to get artists works to circulate, in order to raise awareness about contemporary art among various types of audiences. Since 1984 it has also been offering periods of residence to belgian artists. Espace 251 Nord provides a unique framework for artists to pursue their practice and engage in current debates and researches that examine the potentials of contemporary artistic production. To celebrate its 35th birthday, Espace 251 Nord shares its history with a 640 pages’ volume book, opening with an extensive plates’ section of exhibition views and closing with an exhaustive chronology & anthology of the 187 exhibitions and events, since 1983 produced by Espace 251 Nord under the direction of Laurent Jacob. fr
Espace 251 Nord E2N Archives Actives
Espace 251 Nord a été fondé par un groupe d’artistes à Liège. Le groupe se veut alors force de proposition pour l’art contemporain auprès des élus locaux. Le centre d’art contemporain prend ses quartiers en 1983 dans l’ancien site administratif d’un charbonnage, aujourd’hui considéré comme patrimoine industriel de la fin du 19ème siècle. Il se démarque alors du white cube et devient acteur de la réhabilitation d’une friche industrielle. Une action qui sera renouvelé en 2000/2001 avec les premières expositions à Tour & Taxis. Dans une région profondément européenne (Eurégio), à quelques minutes de l’Allemagne et des Pays-Bas, riverains de grands axes de circulation, le centre d’art a toujours déployé ses ailes pour migrer vers d’autres lieux. Expositions et événements à Liège et dans les pays frontaliers mais aussi à Bruxelles, en Flandre, en Espagne, en Italie ou en en Ethiopie, Espace 251 Nord est familier de l’organisation de projets extra-muros, souvent d’envergure. Pour célébrer son 35ème anniversaire, Espace 251 Nord partage son histoire avec un livre de 640 pages. Il commence avec une vaste partie montrant les expositions et se termine avec une chronologie et une anthologie exhaustive des 187 expositions et événements, depuis 1983 et produits par Espace 251 Nord, sous la direction de Laurent Jacob.
JuliĂŁo Sarmento Some Art Sites
Laurent Jacob E2N Archives Actives
I tvan I t Huzjan Fontana Huzjan Delvaux Derycke ISBN Publisher Release Dimensions Volume Cover Retail
978 94 6393 050 5 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts together with Edition Gallery Rigo, Muzej - Museo Lapidarium, Novigrad-Cittanova August 2019 33,7 × 27,7 cm 36 pages softcover €100.00
FONTANA cuts into canvas 1
HUZJAN performs in front of the cut canvas.
DELVAUX photographs the performance in front of the cut canvas.
DERYCKE forms a book from photographs of the performance in front of the cut canvas.
Edition of 25 copies, numbered and signed.
ISBN Publisher Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Design Retail
The artwork Concetto spatiale: “Attese” from 1967 was sold by Lucio Fontana to Museo Revoltella in Trieste at a symbolic price only a few months before the artist’s death in February of 1968. As one of his letters to the director of the museum attests, he agreed to entrust the artwork to the new modern art gallery believing it was “an honor to be present in the Museum”.
Danny Bergeman The Zandberg Drawing 987 94 6393 049 9 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts September 2019 EN, NL 29,7 × 42 cm 236 pages hardcover Studio Luc Derycke €79,99
The Zandberg Drawing is the silent, loyal and monumental witness of the sustained and painstaking work of Danny Bergeman (°1960, Izegem). In September 2011, Bergeman first set pencil to paper in an A3 sketchbook while on holiday in France. He started to draw small, precise and recognisable motifs that he observed, such as the façade of a house, a roof, and so on. Back in Belgium, he continued to work in his sketchbook in the De Zandberg art workshop in Harelbeke, albeit that his drawings were now based on his observation and interpretation of reproductions and images in (art) books, catalogues and magazines. Over time he filled all the pages in his sketchbook with an almost endless array of abstract shapes, that were derived from the images in these books. Eight years later, Danny declared that the work was finished when he arrived on the last page. The Zandberg Drawing now offers everyone the opportunity to follow Bergeman’s drawing project, which took several years to complete, in chronological order and in its entirety. The book challenges us, both as a reader and a spectator, confronting us with the sustained effort and wordless yet magnificent visual art achievement of an unassuming man who set himself a formidable goal. (Jo Coucke)
The Zandberg Drawing is de stille, getrouwe en monumentale getuige van het jarenlang volgehouden monnikenwerk van Danny Bergeman (°1960, Izegem). In september 2011 begint Bergeman in Frankrijk te tekenen in een A3-schetsblok. Hij vult de bladen met kleine, precieze motieven die hij waarneemt en die we herkennen: de gevel van een huis, een dakpartij enzovoort. Terug in kunstwerkplaats De Zandberg in Harelbeke gaat hij in hetzelfde schetsblok door maar is zijn tekenwerk gebaseerd op zijn waarneming en interpretatie van reproducties en afbeeldingen in (kunst)boeken, catalogi en tijdschriften. Gestaag vult hij alle bladen met een schier eindeloze rij volledig abstracte vormen afgeleid van de beelden in de boeken. Acht jaar later is het A3-schetsblok vol getekend en is voor Danny het werk af. The Zandberg Drawing biedt nu iedereen de mogelijkheid Bergemans jarenlange tekentraject chronologisch en in zijn volledigheid te volgen. Het boek, dat ons tegelijk als lezer en als kijker uitdaagt, confronteert ons met de zelfgestelde opdracht, de volgehouden inspanning en de woordenloze maar des te overweldigende plastische realisatie van een bescheiden man met een onvoorstelbare missie. (Jo Coucke)
I tvan I t Huzjan
Danny Bergeman The Zandberg Drawing
Tim Onderbeke Labyrinth ISBN 987 94 6393 085 7 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release September 2019 Language EN Author Veronique Boone Dimensions 29,7 × 21 cm Volume 224 pages Cover softcover Illustrations B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.00
Na het afwerken van een reeks foto’s over Brutalisme in opdracht van een Belgisch magazine bleef Tim Onderbeke (°1983, Gentbrugge) met een ongenoegen zitten.
“Wat is de intentie van een gebouw? Wat betekent de symbiose van het functionele en de esthetiek beïnvloed door zijn tijd en welke invloed heeft dit op het het landschap zoals we het vandaag kennen? Het ene gebouw is al wat meer getekend door de anarchie dan het ander.”
De beelden die Onderbeke maakte lijken deconstructies van een ideaal. Ze voelen aan als teksten van dichters maar dan in vorm. Tim Onderbeke probeerde zijn foto’s op dezelfde manier te behandelen als zijn beeldend werk en bij het trachten te begrijpen van wat hij had gemaakt, liet hij zich bijstaan door teksten van o.a. Georges Bataille en Le Corbusier.
Het fotograferen van deze gebouwen bracht hem tot het inzicht dat de tijd die het gebouw heeft getekend meer vertelt over hem als beeldenmaker dan over de architectuur zelf. Bij het maken van dit boek ging Onderbeke een eerlijke dialoog aan met wat is overgebleven van de ontwerpplannen van deze architectuur. Om het boek in te leiden nodigde hij Veronique Boone (Faculteit Architectuur ULB) uit om hem te interviewen. Het gesprek resulteerde in een tekst waarin de kunstenaar de gefotografeerde architectuur in vraag stelt en V eronique zijn bedenkingen weerlegt aan de hand van haar jarenlange ervaring binnen de academische wereld.
Tim Onderbeke Labyrinth
Michel Mazzoni Dumitru
ISBN 978 94 6393 094 9 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release September 2019 Language FR Dimensions 33,9 × 23,9 cm Volume 120 pages Cover softcover Illustrations B&W Design Neutre Retail €26.00
Dumitru is a project started in 2015. The corpus of images which composes it, comes mainly from archives relating to the period of the reign of the Ceaucescu dictatorship in Romania (1974/1989). Missed Utopias, lost dreams, technologies that have become obsolete ... For four years, I drew on these images, scrutinized their surfaces, revisited places by producing new images, trying new assemblies, like a montage game, until evidence emerges. The book is a posthumous homage to Dumitru Bedeleu who had meticulously kept these documents and without whom I could not have realized it. It was for me a wonderful starting point to experiment new data and to hinder the purely documentary nature of photography.
Artist edition available of 5 copies with numbered and signed print (19 × 29 cm, €300)
Dumitru est un projet commencé en 2015. Le corpus d’images qui le compose provient principalement d’archives relatives à la période du règne de la dictature de Ceaucescu en Roumanie (1974/1989). Utopies manquées, rêves perdus, technologies devenues obsolètes... Pendant quatre années, j’ai puisé dans ces images, scruté leurs surfaces, revisité des lieux en produisant de nouvelles images, m’essayant à de nouveaux assemblages, tel un jeu de montage, jusqu’à ce que des évidences jaillissent. Le livre est un homage posthume à Dumitru Bedeleu qui avait minutieusement conservé ces documents et sans qui je n’aurais pas pu le réaliser. Cela a été pour moi un merveilleux point de départ, pour expérimenter de nouvelles données et venir entraver le caractère purement documentaire de la photographie.
Édition limitée de 5 exemplaires de tête avec tirage numéroté et signé (19 × 29 cm, €300)
Laura De Coninck Saudade ISBN (NL) 978 90 8931 994 4 ISBN (EN) 978 94 6393 104 5 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Authors Kristien Hemmerechts, Herman De Coninck Release June 2019 Languages NL or EN Dimensions 30 × 20 cm Volume 100 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.99
Visual artist Laura de Coninck expresses in images what her father — the unforgettable poet Herman de Coninck — captured in words. That is no mean feat, because both seek to convey a feeling, want to say the unsayable. You don’t have to stay silent about things you can’t say. You can and you must talk about them, and Laura de Coninck does that with verve. Saudade is the untranslatable Portuguese word for a feeling of longing, which has Passion as its brother, Sorrow as its sister and Nostalgia as a parent. Laura loves words in general and this word in particular. We all have a rich emotional life, we all often feel emotions keenly and we are all familiar with a hopeless inability to put those emotions into words. Laura expresses herself in images, in pictures that tell stories about power and powerlessness, about strength and about the fragility of love.
The emotional worlds her father could evoke with the right words, expressed in his own unique way, are evoked by Laura with equal authenticity in a sober interplay of line, image, ink and paper. I like to read her. — Jan Moeyaert, Kunstenfestival Watou
Michel Mazzoni Dumitru
Laura De Coninck Saudade
Aki Onda & Paul Clipson Make Visible The Ghosts
Genre Electronic, Experimental Publisher AudioMER. Release 20 September 2019 Tracklist 1. Shadow Rakes Across the Cold Pavement 2. Palm Held Out for Us to Read 3. Deep Black Degrees 4. Gravity… Intruders UPC 5414165089056 Retail €20.00
AudioMER is happy to announce the release of a new LP; Make Visible the Ghosts with music by Aki Onda (US/JP) and artwork by Paul Clipson (US). This album is the follow-up of Aki Onda’s Cinemage project Lost City—with Loren Connors and Alan Licht— released on audioMER. in 2015. On Make Visible the Ghosts, New York-based musician Aki Onda composed the soundtrack for the images of the San Francisco experimental filmmaker Paul Clipson, who suddenly passed away on February 3, 2018. In 2009, Clipson and Onda met at the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport for the first time and shared a ride to the International Film Festival Rotterdam, where they presented audio-visual works in the same bill. Since then, the two artists—known for their highly personal approach with Super 8, 16mm, cassette Walkman and radio—maintained a close friendship over the next nine years. Their works deal with memory, time, space, and those reflections, and they had a lot to share.
Onda and Clipson completed their collaboration work Make Visible The Ghosts—a combination of vinyl LP of Onda’s music and large-size collage artwork by Clipson—a few months before Clipson’s departure from life. The work is composed of the materials they used for their performance in New York in 2012 and developed over the three years from 2015 to 2017. Onda notes: “The loss of Paul has left a huge hole in our mind including his friends and collaborators. Paul is no longer here, and this is a chance to remember him and his images that extended and expanded our perception of how the world can be seen and heard.”
Genre Contemporary Classical Publisher AudioMER. Release November 2019 Tracklist 1. Blue Veil 2. wabi 1 3. wabi 2 UPC 5414165089049 Retail €18.00
The world of Mireille Capelle is one of music and t heatre. She has performed as a singer in numerous European opera houses, under the artistic direction of the fore-most stage directors and conductors. She is member of the artistic board of HERMESensemble. Mireille Capelle has a particular affinity with contemporary music and art, characterized by many encounters with the most important contemporary composers. Blue Veil is a sonic architecture composed for the exhibition I Fortuny. Una Storia di Famiglia, curated by Daniela Ferretti, at Palazzo Fortuny, in Venice. The essence of the piece was inspired by the installation of Axel Vervoordt and Tatsuro Miki in the wabi-space of the palace. A live performance with artist Marie Balcaen took place on 27 September 2019 at Palazzo Fortuny.
mireille capelle in her words about the piece:
“I took two pieces of white marble stones—both sculptural and radiant. I banged and rubbed them. In Venice I recorded the sounds of the bells of San Marco and the rustling of the water. I remembered the words coming to me. Sometimes they came very clear, sometimes barely understandable. S temming from my fictional journey into the past, the words of Proust and d’Annunzio arrived… I catch Wagner’s breath as in his Shepherd’s Song… The whisper of a great white sail in the wind…
In Blue Veil Henriette F ortuny—the silent muse— appears. Her pink dress and blue veil are floating in the wind… There is light of sounds and shadows. Blue Veil is both a quest for transparency and a path of perpetual repetition. I wanted this piece to allow us to hear the inaudible. I wanted to enlarge what is hidden in sound. “Eternity is the one who is, who will be and who was”. This sentence from Plato signifies to me that we are all particles of eternity.”
Mireille Capelle Blue Veil
A20 Aki Onda & Paul Clipson Make Visible The Ghosts
A21 Mireille Capelle Blue Veil
Joanna Bossier An inner portrait
Parcifal Neyt Flemish masters in Portugal
ISBN 978 94 9232 056 7 Publisher Dirty Old Dog & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release 2019 Language EN Dimensions 19,5 × 26 cm Volume 28 pages Cover softcover Illustrations B&W Design Joanna Bossier Retail €20.00
ISBN 978 94 6393 057 4 Publisher Dirty Old Dog & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release July 2019 Language EN Dimensions 19,5 × 26,5 cm Volume 38 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK Design Parcifal Neyt Retail €25.00
Drawings and shadow images of a dead bird. Klavdia Chauchat meets Hans Castorp in a sanatorium of Davos, Switzerland. After 7 months she decides to leave the spa, but not before giving Castorp, who is madly in love with her, an X-ray portrait of herself. Hans Castorp and Klavdia Chauchat are characters of The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann.
Paintings captured at the Sacred Art Museum of Funchal became posters which were glued in the streets of Porto and then photographed again and developed in Flanders to be presented at Sismógrafo Art Space in Porto.
Katrien Alliët 57 Branches
Katrien Alliët Protuberance
ISBN 978 94 9304 506 4 Publisher Dirty Old Dog & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release 2019 Language EN Dimensions 27 × 20 cm Volume 124 pages Cover softcover Illustrations B&W Design Parcifal Neyt Retail €20.00
114 studies for a pile of dead wood—Ceramics— A work by Katrien Alliët.
ISBN 978 94 6393 055 0 Publisher Dirty Old Dog & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release July 2019 Language EN Dimensions 21 × 14,8 cm Volume 32 pages Cover softcover Illustrations B&W Retail €15.00
Shadows of a sculpture, painted with brown bister on paper.
Joanna Bossier An inner portrait
Parcifal Neyt Flemish masters in Portugal
Katrien AlliĂŤt 57 Branches
Katrien AlliĂŤt Protuberance
Stefaan Dheedene List
ISBN 978 94 6393 005 5 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release June 2019 Language EN Authors Stefaan Dheedene, Dries Verstraete, Marina Gržinić, Frank Maes, Johan Pas, Francis Denys Simon Delobel, Noor Mertens Dimensions 24,5 × 17 cm Volume 424 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.00
This first monograph on conceptual artist Stefaan Dheedene (°1975, Belgium) brings an overview of 20 years of artistic practice. The book can be considered as an instrument or handbook, created to conceive a mental and fysical space in which the oeuvre can be documented and illustrated and interrelationships can be exposed. This monograph was structured by Dheedene himself, with use of eight named lists. This principle makes the underlying artistic research visible and creates the possibility of a multiple approach, without falling into corrections and forced interpretations and contextualization.
Deze eerste monografie van kunstenaar Stefaan Dheedene (°1975, Belgium) brengt een overzicht van 20 jaar artistieke praktijk. Het boek verschijnt als een instrument of handboek en wordt ingezet als een ruimte waarbinnen een lange werkperiode wordt verdicht om verbanden te leggen. Deze monografie werd door Dheedene zelf gestructureerd aan de hand van acht benoemde lijsten. Alle producties werden onder deze categorieën opgedeeld en konden ook in meerdere lijsten terechtkomen. Door middel van dit principe wordt het onderliggende artistieke onderzoek zichtbaar gemaakt en wordt de mogelijkheid gecreëerd om een meervoudige benadering te laten bestaan, zonder te vervallen in overkoepelende correcties en opgedrongen interpretaties en contextualisering.
Thomas Frontini ISBN 978 90 8931 950 0 Publisher AsaMER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release May 2019 Language EN Authors Cornelia Lauf, Chris Kraus, David Pagel, Christian Egger Dimensions 29 × 26,9 cm Volume 144 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €45.00
Thomas Frontini (°Kingston, 1967) lives and works in Cleveland, Ohio. With a love of art history and background in paper conservation, the history of painting visibly weighs on his decision of palette and technique. His works show the strong influence of Italian Renaissance artists, combined with Surrealist tendencies, and a touch of irony. Thomas Frontini’s work is based on the premise that fantasy and reality are always clashing in one’s consciousness, particularly in dreams. Typically, Frontini uses strong foreground imagery, set against a background of intangible landscapes and tableaux of fluid colours. The depicted scenes seem to suggest a certain narrative; as if an attempt is made to recollect a vague memory, of which some bits have remained crystal clear and some bits have disappeared into oblivion. Frontini captures the viewer’s gaze in strong images that are full of symbolism, references, and humor. Simultaneously apocalyptic and elegantly hopeful.
Thomas Frontini (°1967, Kingston) woont en werkt in Cleveland, Ohio. Na een educatieve achtergrond in restauratie & conservatie en vrije kunsten, weegt de geschiedenis van de schilderkunst zichtbaar door in zijn artistieke palet en techniek. Door zijn schilderijen schemert een grote invloed van vroeg Italiaanse renaissancekunst, gecombineerd met Surrealistische tendenzen en een allomtegenwoordige toets ironie. Het werk van Thomas Frontini vertrekt van de propositie dat fantasie en realiteit beiden hun plaats bevechten in ons bewustzijn en onderbewustzijn, vooral in dromen. Kenmerkend is Frontini’s gebruik van een sprekende figuur in de voorgrond, voor een achtergrond van ondoorgrondelijke landschappen en vloeiende kleuren. De scenes lijken een bepaalde narratief te suggereren; alsof er wordt gepoogd een vage herinnering te reconstrueren waarvan sommige flarden haarscherp zijn gebleven en andere zijn vervlogen in vergetelheid. Frontini grijpt de blik van de toeschouwer naar betekenisvolle beelden vervuld met symbolisme, referenties en humor. Apocaliptisch en tegelijk schitterend hoopvol.
Stefaan Dheedene List
Thomas Frontini
Boy & Erik Stappaerts Polarisation Painting – Conflict Painting – Noise Painting ISBN Publisher Release Languages Author Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design
978 90 8931 995 1 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Mei 2019 EN, NL Adriaan Gonnissen 30 × 30 cm 24 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke
Boy & Erik Stappaerts (BES) create Conflict and Polarization Paintings without the conventional act of painting. A painter hasn’t needed a canvas, oil or acrylic paint, or a palette for a long time, much less a brush. Why can’t a painter simply be someone who wants to become sensible of the maximum potential of colours, which no doubt are best suited to ‘paint’ themselves? The painter then plays the part of ‘colour developer’, a person that helps colour — be it a digital creation on a computer or, still, a material mixture of pigments — approximate its optimal ‘fullness’. Boy & Erik Stappaerts is an artist who uses a double name as he thinks that his work is made by one person, divided in two roles. Boy is responsible for the artistic concept, Erik provides the productional aspect.
Jef Van Eynde Salad Days ISBN 978 90 8931 957 9 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release April 2019 Language EN Dimensions 23,2 × 17 cm Volume 104 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.00
This book is the result of keeping company to my friend Werner Mannaers. All pictures were found in his vicinity. All works depicted, except the Passion Flower for T. edition, never made it to Werner’s oeuvre. They are traces. —Jef Van Eynde For this book, Belgian painter and artist Werner Mannaers (°1954) was invited to work with a given set of photographs, selected by 19 patrons. Froms these images he created 19 unique works, mixed media on photoprint A4 format. These works are presented in Salad Days. Dit boek ontstond in het gezelschap van mijn vriend Werner Mannaers. Het verzamelt een selectie uit honderden foto’s van zijn bloemen, woorden en daden. Ook veel kunstwerken zijn in zicht, geen enkel behoort echter tot zijn oeuvre. Het zijn uitgewiste sporen. — Jef Van Eynde Schilder en tekenaar Werner Mannaers (°1954) bewerkte foto’s uit een boek naar keuze van 16 personen tot een uniek werk, mixed media op fotoprint A4. De uitgave Salad Days vormt een bundeling van deze werken.
Boy & Erik Stappaerts
Jef Van Eynde Salad Days
bags. A heap of filled 6 garbage bags were exhibited in front of the gallery at 365 5th Avenue on 8th of February 2017. The following morning the heap was picked up by The City of New York Department of Sanitation.
List of Art Editions E38
Michel Mazzoni Dimitru 2019 Dimensions: 29 × 19 cm Price: 300.00 euros Edition of 5 copies, numbered and signed
E37 Stefaan Dheedene One Synonym For “Hammered Into” 2019 Dimensions: 34 × 24 cm Price: 500.00 euros Edition of 21, numbered and signed certificate.
Ištvan Išt Huzjan I. MERA: Walk On Water 2017 Dimensions: 44 × 33 cm Price: 85.00 euros Edition of 100 copies
Michel Mazzoni Other Things Visible 2019 Dimensions: 30 × 20 cm Price: 200.00 euros Edition of 20 copies, numbered and signed by the artist.
E31 Cindy Wright Dead Poetry 2018 Dimensions: 23,5 × 32,5 cm Price: 600.00 euros Colour etching on Zerkall Natural White 230gr. + signed book. Edition of 30 copies
Johan De Wilde Requiem 2018 Dimensions: 30 × 20 cm Price: 200.00 euros 51 drawings, printed offset on 14 folded Perigord Condat 170 gr. with cover Acquarello Bianco 390 gr., 42 × 29,7 cm. An edition of 90 copies, numbered and signed by the artist
I tvan I t Huzjan III. MERA: Thank You All For Coming 2019 Dimensions: 44 × 33 cm Price: 125.00 euros Edition of 100 copies
Ištvan Išt Huzjan II. MERA: Daily Chores on 5th Avenue 2018 Dimensions: 44 × 33 cm Price: 185.00 euros Edition of 100 copies On the occasion of the exhibition NSK State Art: New York, The Impossible Return at James Gallery of the Graduate Center City University of New York Huzjan walked the 5th Avenue from the corner of W143 street and 5th Avenue to the North entrance of the Washington Square Park. His movement was photo documented from the position of the Avenue’s 126 intersections. During his walk he cleaned the gutter of the Avenue by collecting waste in transparent plastic 16-gallon
Charlemagne Palestine Aa Sschmmettrroossppecctivve 2018 Dimensions: 31,2 × 31,5 cm Price: 250.00 euros
This publication was created on the occasion of Mouffe’s solo-exhibition ‘Thinking The Veil’ at Royal Museum of Fine Arts Brussels March-August 2018.
Thierry De Cordier Dieu 2018 Dimensions: 24,3 × 31,5 cm Price: 150.00 euros Limited edition of 25 handnumbered and signed copies. As stated in the preface to this volume, the artist “one day started to collect – endeavouring to uncover the absolute absurdity that would
Stefaan Dheedene Ghost Shift II 2015 Dimensions: 26,1 × 19,7 cm Price: on request Ghost Shift is a) a closed display case housing a circular table saw and a copy machine, b) a the simultaneous performing of sawing and copying by two actors in the Ghost Shift display case, c) a series of books, registers of the consecutive Ghost Shift performances. On January 31, 2009 at Deweer Gallery in Otegem, Belgium, Stefaan Dheedene systematically sawed small wooden beams into pieces as small as he could make them. Deborah Delva simultaneously began copying on A4 paper, starting from a blank sheet, always using the latest copy as the original. A process of photographic feedback started. Another process was that of physical interference: sawdust gathering on the glass plate of the copy machine. The performance ended when all wood was cut. This publication is a collection of centerfold pages that can be removed for exhibition purposes. The publication Ghost Shift II comes in an edition of 21 copies; all signed and numbered by the artist.
Michel Mouffe Thinking The Veil 2018 Dimensions: 24,3 × 31,5 cm Price: 450.00 euros An edition of 12 artist pieces with a drawing by Michel Mouffe
Michel Mouffe (°1957, Brussels) lives and works in Brussels, Le-Poët-Laval (France) and in La Mola (Spain). Mouffe’s paintings take the visitor on a journey into the enigmatic world of colours. Between clarity and darkness, overwhelming feelings immerse the visitor into art works that express the artist’s quest for colours and light.
Stefaan Dheedene Ghost Shift III 2015 Dimensions: 29,7 × 21 cm Price: on request Ghost Shift is a) a closed display case housing a circular table saw and a copy machine, b) a the simultaneous performing of sawing and copying by two actors in the Ghost Shift display case, c) a series of books, registers of the consecutive Ghost Shift performances. On January 31, 2009 at Deweer Gallery in Otegem, Belgium, Stefaan Dheedene systematically sawed small wooden beams into pieces as small as he could make them. Deborah Delva simultaneously began copying on A4 paper, starting from a blank sheet, always using the latest copy as the original. A process of photographic feedback started. Another process was that of physical interference: sawdust gathering on the glass plate of the copy machine. The performance ended when all wood was cut. This publication is a collection of centerfold pages that can be removed for exhibition purposes. The publication Ghost Shift III comes in an edition 3 copies; all signed and numbered by the artist.
This is a limited edition of 81 copies which contains a book, a vinyl and an exclusive print / jacket numbered and signed by Charlemagne Palestine. A result of an intense collaboration between the artist, BOZAR and MER. Paper Kunsthalle/audioMER.
MERA (in English: measure) is a series of books by artist Ištvan Išt Huzjan documenting distances he has been measuring using his own body. On the occasion of his one man exposition De Métrico a Imperial Huzjan shook hands and spoke with visitors attending the inauguration. To each of them he presented himself and expressed his gratitude for their attendance and interest starting with a sentence; “Thank you for coming.” E33
On the seaside border between the Netherlands and Belgium Huzjan took a photograph of the Netherlands, turned around and started walking along the Belgium coast. With one leg in water and the other on land he walked slowly and took a photograph of the horizon facing southwards about every hour. By nightfall he reached Ostend where he rested. Next morning his movement continued in the same manner until he reached France where he turned yet again facing north and took the last photograph.
A sculpture: a wooden hammer a support to be mounted at reaching height of its owner.
be God – all affirmations of his being, whatever their character or source, contradictory or not.” The result is a 284 pages compendium buffering even the most avid reader.
Jochem Vanden Ecker A skydog’s time. A skydog’s place 2015 Dimensions: 26 × 21 cm Price: 150.00 euros A skydog’s time. A skydog’s place is an artist’s book dealing with notions of unbuiltness on many different levels. It is based on both the book ‘projet pour un livre. projet pour un film.’ by Nico Dockx and Helena Sidiropoulos (in its turn based on an unpublished catalogue of Marcel Broodthaers) published by RA in 2009 and a selection of raw photographic footage of an unfinished abandoned skytrain shot between August 2007 and January 2009 in Bangkok Thailand. Numbered and signed in a limited edition of 100 copies.
E38 Michel Mazzoni Dimitru
E37 Stefaan Dheedene One Synonym For “Hammered Into”
E33 I tvan I t Huzjan II. MERA: Daily Chores on 5th Avenue
E33 I tvan I t Huzjan II. MERA: Daily Chores on E32 5th Avenue, I. MERA: Walk On Water
E29 Michel Mouffe Thinking The Veil
E28 Thierry De Cordier Dieu
E27 Stefaan Dheedene Ghost Shift III & II E26 Stefaan Dheedene Ghost Shift II. Centerfold
E36 Johan De Wilde Requiem
E31 Cindy Wright Dead Poetry
E35 Michel Mazzoni Other Things Visible
E30 Charlemagne Palestine Aa Sschmmettrroossppecctivve E25 Jochem Vanden Ecker A skydog’s time. A skydog’s place
When the age-old tree in front of Ljublijana’s Museum of Fine Arts was knocked down, artist Ištvan Išt Huzjan retrieved chunks of the mighty tree and saved it for future generations by turning parts of it into works of art. Edition of 30 copies signed and numbered by the artist.
Jerry Galle PRETEXT nrs. 1 — 22615 2015 Dimensions: 29,7 × 24 cm Price: on request Artist book in an edition of 1 copy. This volume was printed by the Jerry Galle Pretext installation at the M HKA, Contemporary Art Museum, Antwerp between March 7 and March 27, 2015 as part of the exhibition Lodgers #1: MER. Paper Kunsthalle (MER. Station 8).
Pages are numbered from 1 to 22615. Missing numbers were taken away from the Pretext installation by visitors of the exhibition (against warning), and were not replaced.
Adriaan Verwée Towards the soul of the wine bottle 2015 Dimensions: 29,5 × 12,5 × 12,5 cm Price: 450.00 euros
Artist edition specially designed on the occasion of MER. Station 11, held at Netwerk, Aalst (B) in the Spring of 2015. Each of the 20 boxes contains Verwée’s artist book ‘Under a poor cloak you commonly find a good drinker’ and a signed and numbered silk-screen print. In his MER. Station ‘Towards the soul of the wine bottle’, artist Adriaan Verwée (°1975) explored the possibilities for translating his artist’s book back into a spatial intervention. Starting from the individuality of his practice, which is characterized by a particular interest in architecture, a startling process of transformation takes place. With a powerful physical gesture, the artist demolished the sculptural contours of Netwerk and allowed a new installation to rise from the ruins. The remains of the presentation material were reorganized in the new order and supplemented by new works created specifically for the site. These objects in turn relate to the soul of his publication, the hollow space in which artistic sediment accumulates. E22
Ištvan Išt Huzjan Lesorez / Woodcut 2015 Dimensions box: 105 × 75 cm Dimensions paper: 100 × 70 cm Price: 2450.00 euros When the age-old tree in front of Ljublijana’s Museum of Fine Arts was knocked down, artist Ištvan Išt Huzjan retrieved chunks of the mighty tree and saved it for future generations by turning parts of it into woodcuts. These were used to make silkscreen prints, produced on 150 gr Offset paper. Edition of 10 boxes.
Ištvan Išt Huzjan Lipa S Pod lipami 2015 Dimensions: 50 × 35 cm Price: 190.00 euros
Diego Tonus I, the Dog of my Master 2015 Dimensions: 21 × 29,7 cm Price: 450.00 euros These drawings, all made with a BIC ballpoint pen, are preparatory sketches used for the making of I, the Dog of my Master, an animation that refers to a video taken with a mobile phone by Italian artist Diego Tonus, in which a dog has been filmed throughout the course of a day. The artist has redrawn each frame constituting this video (1’58’’) over a period of two years (2006–2008), focusing on the main subject and its gestures. Both camera movements and the animation technique used to retrace each image, contribute to enhance the cinematographic quality of the video and to spectacularize a personal everyday life moment. Several preparatory sketches available. Contact us for more information. Certificate signed and numbered by the artist.
Published by MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent in an edition of 1 copy abridged by anonymous visitors of the exhibition Lodgers #1: MER. Paper Kunsthalle (MER. Station 8), with 2 unabridged artist’s proofs and 2 unabridged publisher’s proofs, all numbered and signed by the artist.
on a structure of hardboard sheets. In an attempt to connect the drawing to space, a couple of mirrors were again positioned on the tracings and were partly traced with a cutter. When cutting out forms from the drawing, the hardboard appeared through the paper. When cutting further across the hardboard, fragments of tabletops of the supporting working tables and fragments of the studio floor became visible. A selection of tables, objects and sculptures present in Vangrunderbeek’s studio was used to compose the views of the different holes in the drawing, with the intention of accentuating the essences of their formal and material qualities. This artist’s book was published within the framework of the author’s PhD research and in conjunction with the exhibition “Dealing with Ordinary Form” held at Netwerk, Aalst from March 29th til June 13th 2015. Edition of 250 copies, 125 signed and numbered (€ 50). E15
Edition of 50 copies, signed and numbered by the artist. E14
Julião Sarmento The Beginning 2015 Dimensions: 40,2 × 54,8 cm Price: 2000.00 euros Lambda print mounted on Dibond. Diasec 3 mm plexi UV-protected. Certificate signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 10 copies.
Julião Sarmento The Harmfull Effects of Tobacco 2015 50 × 38,5 cm Price: 2000.00 euros
Pieter Vermeersch Untitled 2015 29,7 × 21 cm Price 2750.00 euros Lambda Print. Edition of 15 copies. Certificate signed and numbered by the artist.
Dimitri Vangrunderbeek Through and Through 2015 Dimensions: 34,5 × 26,5 cm (SC / 20 pages) ISBN: 978 94 9177 585 7 Price: 50.00 euros For this artist’s book, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek carefully placed old mirrors and glass from second-hand table tops -often large, heavy and fragile- on drying paper, and subsequently traced them with a pencil. A 10-metre long drawing of partly overlapping tracings was used to connect to the space of Vangrunderbeek’s studio. It was laid out on working tables across the three rooms of his studio
Ištvan Išt Huzjan OHO and the Korean Avant-Garde Association 2013 Dimensions: 30 × 21 cm (SC / 110 pages) ISBN: 978 94 9177 531 4 Price: 150.00 euros As one buys or comes to win the publication at hand one has a right to ask Ištvan Išt Huzjan to come to his or hers preferred location and perform his piece entitled OD TU DO TU (From Here To There). Huzjan’s performance is a simple gesture where the artist enters the chosen location and barefooted measures the distance between two random architectural elements chosen together by the artist and the person in possession of the book. To mark the starting point of the measuring the artist writes down OD TU (from here) directly on the first architectural element and to mark the end point the artist writes down the measured distance on the second architectural element DO TU MERI × STOPAL (to here measures × number of feet). During the performance the artist talks about his work and the context of the publication. This publication is signed and numbered on 50 copies. (Laureate for the Fernand Baudin Prize 2013)
Diptyc. Lambda print mounted on Dibond 4 mm. UV matte lamination. Certificate signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 20 copies. E17
Ruben Bellinkx Current 2014 Dimensions: 65 × 49 cm Price: 250.00 euros
Luc Deleu Eurasian Academical Tour 2017-2018 for the Mobile Medium University 2014 Dimensions: 80 × 80 cm Price: 500.00 euros Digital C-print (80 x 80 cm) signed and numbered from 1 to 50, production MILO PROFI Photography, Duffel (B). This artist edition is an imaginary voyage for the project Mobile Medium University (from 1972 on three recycled aircraft-carriers), which was planned for October 1st 2017 until June 30th 2018. Luc Deleu is a Belgian conceptual architect, urbanist and artist. He studied and teaches at the Higher Architectural Institute Sint-Lucas,
E24 Jerry Galle PRETEXT nrs. 1 — 22615
E23 Adriaan Verwée Towards the soul of the wine bottle
E20 Diego Tonus I, The Dog of My Master
E16 Dimitri Vangrunderbeek I, Through and Through
E19 Julião Sarmento The Beginning E15 Ruben Bellinkx Current
E18 Julião Sarmento The Harmfull Effects of Tobacco
E14 Ištvan Išt Huzjan OHO and the Korean Avant-Garde Association
E22 Ištvan Išt Huzjan Lesorez / Woodcut
E17 Pieter Vermeersch Untitled E21 Ištvan Išt Huzjan Lipa S Pod lipami
E13 Luc Deleu Eurasian Academical Tour
Brussels. Together with Laurette Gillemot he created T.O.P. Office (Turn on Planning) in 1970, a studio for urbanism and architecture, which won the 2014 Flemish Culture Prize for Visual Arts. He launched numerous proposals to rethink the use of space throughout the globe, and reflects on the occupation by man of the earth’s surface. Deleu’s thoughts are manifested in his anarchistic-utopian models. He filters his thoughts in drawings and models, which propagate his fresh vision on a reorganisation of an overcrowded world. E12
Edition of 20 copies. Lambda print, in frame. E07
Kristien Daem Kodak, T-Max 400 Film 135–36 2014 Dimensions: 23,5 × 16 cm (SC / 28 + 2 prints) ISBN: 978 94 9177 548 2 Price: 440.00 euros
Heidi Voet Stars & Constellations 2013 Dimensions: 108 × 76,1 cm Price: 750.00 euros
Inkjet print on 308 grs. Photorag Bright Hahnemühle Acid Free Paper. Edition of 12 + 3 A.P. + 2 P.P. Comes with a certificate signed and numbered by the artist. E10
Pieter Huybrechts & Erki De Vries Book #1 L01 2018 2013 Dimensions: 24 × 18 cm (HC / 30 Leporello pages) ISBN: 978 94 9069 392 3 Price: 350.00 euros With Book #1 L01 2018 Erki De Vries and Pieter Huybrechts present the first result of their enquiry into the spatial potential of a book. In line with their earlier work that focused on spatiality considered from installation art and photography, in Book #1 the two artists explore an extra layer by integrating the medium art book. Can the architectural use of this art form possibly result in new images and experiences? Starting from an in situ installation that literally positions the environment, scale model and photography on a single line, the transformation into an art book creates a particularly hybrid experience of space. Immaterial trompe l’oeils and the material dimensions of the book are literally built on top of each other. Virtual images, the essence of architectural elements and type page fade into each other as a material montage on the interface of film, photography and mental architecture.
Jan Van Imschoot Mei 1970. Het Aantreden 2013 Dimensions: 69 × 48 cm Price: 300.00 euros Edition of 100 copies, numbered and signed. 4 colour print on Offset Bouffant 400 grs.
Toon Van Borm The Fields. 12 notes on clarity 2012 Dimensions: 24,5 × 16,5 cm (HC, 296 pages) ISBN: 978 94 9069 369 5 Price: 180.00 euros The artist’s book The Fields is a hermetic book of reference in twelve parts by Belgian artist Toon Van Borm. The book only comprises handwritten parts; which are close to illegible. After printing, the artist will make an intervention on each book.
Julião Sarmento Bloodline/Heartline 2013 Dimensions: 27 × 21 cm (HC / 112 pages) ISBN: 978 94 9069 342 8 Price: 85.00 euros The artist Julião Sarmento grew up with a somewhat complicated background. This book is a testimony to his ‘real’ biological family and his ‘other’ foster family. The first part of the book; Bloodline, has all the photographs the artist could find of his biological family up to his birth, they show persons he often doesn’t feel connected to or hardly knows. Heartline has all the photographs he could find of the two people in his foster family. They are close to his heart, far from his blood. The book is signed and numbered by the artist in an edition of 250 copies.
Artist edition of 15 copies by photographer Kristien Daem, featuring the Van Wassenhove building constructed by reknown Belgian architect Juliaan Lampens. E11
Pieter Vermeersch Untitled (Diptych) 2013 Dimensions: 2 × (65,3 × 44,8 cm) Price: 1250.00 euros
Charif Benhelima Semites: The Album 2011 Dimensions: 25,5 × 20,5 cm (HC, Collected in a cardboard box / 2 × 96 pages) ISBN: 978 94 9069 330 5 Price: 35.00 euros For his series Semites (2005), presented in a limited signed book of 500 copies, Charif Benhelima chose the polaroidcamera 600 as a working instrument, enabling him to question issues of identity and reality that result in what can be called a fake documentary work. The Semites: The Album comprises 90 (2 × 45) polaroid pictures of already existing images: they are reproductions received via the polaroidcamera, in which the flash of the camera is clearly visible. The reflection of this light shines on top of the original image and becomes visible through over-exposure on the final result.
Dennis Balk Splinter Group Black Op 2011 Edition of 5 copies. Dennis Balk Jack Knife 2011 Dimensions: 42 × 30 cm (SC / 174 pages) Price: 5000.00 euros Jack Knife is a companion book to a smaller version with a different edit called “Splinter Group/Black Op”. Magnus Opus on the Failure of the Left. Edition of one unique copie, signed and dated by the artist.
R. H. Quaytman Orchard Spreadsheet 2009 Dimensions: 5 × 127 cm Price: 3500.00 euros Edition of 10 + 5 AP. 205, inkjet print on Photorag Hahnemühle Acid Free Paper.
Gabriel Orozco Trebol Time 2006
E12 Kristien Daem Kodak, T-Max 400 Film 135–36
E08 Pieter Vermeersch Untitled (Diptych)
E05 Charif Benhelima Semites: The Album
E07 Julião Sarmento Bloodline/Heartline E04 Dennis Balk Splinter Group Black Op
E11 Heidi Voet Stars & Constellations
E02 R. H. Quaytman Orchard Spreadsheet
E10 Pieter Huybrechts & Erki De Vries Book #1 L01 2018
E06 Toon Van Borm The Fields.12 Notes on Clarity
E09 Jan Van Imschoot Mei 1970. Het Aantreden E01 Gabriel Orozco Trebol Time
Richard Tuttle The Role of the Story Teller 2019 Softcover | 504 pages | 21 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Authors: Philippe Van Den Bossche, Ann Demeester Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 113 7 Price: 125.00 euros
Luc Dondeyne Third Eye 2019 Softcover | 192 pages | 25,1 × 25,1 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts & galerie Transit Language: EN–NL Authors: Arno Kramer, Eric Rinckhout, Diana Wind Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 114 4 Price: 35.00 euros
Inge Braeckman In de eerste uren Zomer 2019 Softcover | 48 pages | 29,7 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: NL Authors: Inge Braeckman Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 112 0 Price: 19.00 euros
Kwon Dae Sup 2019 Softcover | 156 pages | 34,5 × 25,5 cm Publisher: Axel Vervoordt NV & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 083 3 Price: 39.99 euros
Ed Miller 2019 Softcover | 128 pages | 34,5 × 25,5 cm Publisher: Axel Vervoordt NV & MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN Authors: Arjen Ribbens Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 082 6 Price: 39.99 euros
MUSEUM III. 3.2 Dirk De Vos 2019 Softcover | 40 pages | 27,5 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: NL–EN Authors: various Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 6393 081 9 Price: 20.00 euros
MUSEUM III. 3.1 Een vertaling van de ene taal naar de andere 2019 Softcover | 80 pages | 27,5 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: NL–EN Authors: various Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 6393 080 2 Price: 20.00 euros
Tim Onderbeke Labyrinth 2019 Softcover | 224 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Authors: Veronique Boone Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 085 7 Price: 39.00 euros Ricardo Brey Adrift 2019 Hardcover | 240 pages | 31 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN–Germ. Authors: Arie Hartog, Erica Moiah James, Evan Moffitt, John Welchman, Luc Derycke Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 996 8 Price: 39.99 euros
Koen Van Den Broeck STUFF 2019 Softcover | 272 pages | 24 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Author: Wouter Davidts Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 90 8931 997 5 Price: 39.99 euros Espace 251Nord En attendant l’année dernière 2019 Softcover | 576 pages | 30 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: FR Author: Laurent Jacob Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 043 7 Price: 49.00 euros De Vooruit Icon & Future 2019 Softcover | 160 pages | 29,2 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN–NL Author: Geert LM Pauwels, Christoph Grafe, Béatrice Josse, Christoph Hefti, Stefaan De Croock (Strook), Vincent Glowinsky (Bonom) Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 079 6 Price: 39.00 euros Debby Huysmans Flotsam 2019 Softcover | 96 pages | 24 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: En Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 084 0 Price: 34.00 euros
Yayoi Kusama Love Forever 2019 Softcover | 128 pages | 21 × 14 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Authors: Harrie Verstappen, Paul Damstee, Margriet Schavemaker Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 077 2 Danny Bergeman Zandberg Drawings 2019 Softcover | 236 pages | 29,7 × 42 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 6393 049 9 Price: 79,99 euros Parcifal Neyt 57 Branches 2019 Softcover | 124 pages | 20 × 27 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Authors: Katrien Alliët Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9304 506 4 Price: 20.00 euros
Katrien Alliët Protuberance 2019 Softcover | 32 pages | 21 × 14,8 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Language: EN Author: Katrien Alliët ISBN: 978 94 6393 055 0 Price: 15.00 euros
Parcifal Neyt Flemish Masters in Portugal 2019 Softcover | 32 pages | 19,5 × 27,5 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog nr.13 & MER. Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 6393 057 4 Price: 25.00 euros Joanna Bossier An Inner Portrait 2019 Softcover | 28 pages | 19,5 × 26 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Language: EN Author: Joanna Bosier ISBN: 978 94 9232 188 6 Price: 20.00 euros Agwa architects In Practice 2019 Softcover | 144 pages | 24 × 17 cm Imprint: AraMER. Languages: EN or FR Authors: Philippe Vander Maren, Richard Venlet, Pierre Chabard, Harold Fallon, Benoît Vandenbulcket Design: Überknackig ISBN: 978 94 6393 040 6 Price: 24.00 euros
Jelena Juresa Aphasia 2019 Hardcover | 240 pages | 34 × 25 cm Publisher: Argos, KASK, MER. Language: EN Authors: Jelena Jureša, Branka Benčić, Berber Bevernage, Eline Mestdagh, Barbara Matejčić, Asa Mendelsohn Design: Dušica Dražić, Out of Sight ISBN: 978 94 6393 042 0 Price: 25.00 euros
389 395
Agwa architects Chantier / Construction Site 2019 Softcover | 96 pages | 27 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN or FR Authors: Jan De Vylder, Tom Emerson Design: Überknackig ISBN: 978 94 6393 002 4 Price: 20.00 euros Tadashi Kawamata Maquettes / Models I. 1980–2005 2019 Hardcover | 472 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Authors: Tadashi Kawamata, Andreas Pluskota, Mouna Mekouar Design: Sven Beirnaert ISBN: 978 90 8931 580 9 Price: 60.00 euros
Laura De Coninck Saudade 2019 Softcover | 100 pages | 30 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: NL Author: Laura De Coninck Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Wilco Art ISBN: 978 90 8931 994 4 Price: 39.99 euros
Julião Sarmento Some Art Sites Of Recent Historical Interest in America 2019 Softcover | 100 pages | 30 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Author: Julião Sarmento Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 006 2 Price: 35.00 euros Stefaan Dheedene List 2019 Hardcover | 424 pages | 24,5 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Author: Stefaan Dheedene Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 005 5 Price: 39.00 euros
Museum III. 2.1 Sven Augustijnen & Sammy Baloji 2019 Softcover | 32 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN–NL Authors: Lieze Eneman, Luk Lambrecht, Sandrine Colard, Sven Augustijnen, André Tilburck, Sammy Baloji Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 007 9 Price: 20.00 euros
Boy & Erik Stappaerts Polarisation Painting Conflict Painting Noise Painting 2019 Softcover | 24 pages | 30 × 30 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN–NL Author: Adriaan Gonnissen Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 995 1 Price: 39.00 euros Parcifal Neyt Six Ans 2019 Softcover | 138 pages | 14 × 20 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Language: FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9304 505 7 Price: 20.00 euros Salam Atta Sabri Letters To My Father 2019 Softcover | 160 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 90 8931 990 6 Price: 39.00 euros Jef Van Eynde Salad Days 2019 Softcover | 104 pages | 23,3 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Design: Luc Derycke Print: Cultura ISBN: 978 90 8931 957 9 Price: 39.00 euros Joris Van De Moortel Cylinder #9 2019 Softcover | 48 pages | 42,3 × 29,7 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6393 000 0 Price: 10.00 euros Simon Boudvin Un nouveau musée 2019 Softcover | 32 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts and Accattone Language: FR Author: Simon Boudvin Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 90 8931 991 3 Price: 20.00 euros
Thomas Frontini 2019 Hardcover | 144 pages | 44 × 33 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Authors: Essays by Christian Egger, Chris Kraus, David Pagel and Giorgio Verzotti, Edited by Cornelia Lauf Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 950 0 Price: 45.00 euros
René Heyvaert 2019 Softcover | 196 pages | 18 × 12 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN or NL Authors: Peter Swinnen, Eva Wittocx Design: Kim Beirnaert Print: Die Keure ISBN: 978 90 8931 960 9 Price: 19.00 euros
374 380
Michel Mazzoni Other Things Visible 2019 Softcover | 128 pages | 31,5 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN–NL–FR Author: Christine Jamart Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 993 7 Price: 39.00 euros I tvan I t Huzjan III. MERA: Thank You All For Coming 2019 Softcover | 92 pages | 44 × 33 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Author: Ištvan Išt Huzjan Design: Ištvan Išt Huzjan with Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 971 5 Price: 125.00 euros Mira Sanders Inland Voyages in An Inland Voyage 2019 Softcover | 168 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Imprint: AraMER. Languages: EN or FR Authors: Sébastien Faucon, Marie-Pascale Gildemyn, Ive Stevenheydens, Mira Sanders. Contributions by Filip Berte, Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir, Jan Kopp, Erwan Mahéo, Cédric Noël and Poussins Studios Design: Gestalte ISBN: 978 94 9304 502 6 Price: 19.00 euros
Johan De Wilde Requiem 2019 Softcover | 28 pages | 42 × 29,7 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: NL Author: Charlotte Crevits Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem Price: 200.00 euros
MUSEUM III. 2.3 Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkacova 2019 Softcover | 32 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: NL or EN Authors: Raluca Voinea, Anetta Mina Chişa Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 970 8 Price: 20.00 euros MUSEUM III. 2.2 Narcisse Tordoir & Fendry Ekel 2019 Softcover | 44 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Languages: NL or EN Authors: Michel Dewilde, Frank Reijnders, Astrid Honold Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 969 2 Price: 20.00 euros Ruimtes voor nieuwe rituelen 2018 Softcover | 164 pages | 21,3 × 31,8 cm Imprint: AraMER. Language: NL Authors: Jan De Pauw, Harlind Libbrecht, Barbara Raes, Joris Van Poucke, Eva Vens Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 90 8931 958 6 Price: 29.00 euros
Indrid Godon Dantesken 2018 Softcover | 640 pages | 42 × 29,7 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Author: Indrid Godon Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 90 8931 939 5 Price: 59.99 euros Herma De Wit – Orobio De Castro Sculptures & Drawings 2018 Softcover | 152 pages | 32 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN Author: Indrid Godon Design: Loes Claessens Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 951 7 Price: 39.00 euros Rein Dufait Things & Air 2018 Softcover | 164 pages | 31,8 × 21,3 cm Publisher: MER. Languages: EN or NL Author: Zoë Gray Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9304 508 8 Price: 39.00 euros Raoul De Keyser In Print A Catalogue of the Silkscreens, Lithographs, Linocuts and Etchings 2018 Softcover | 64 pages | 28 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or NL Authors: Wouter De Vleeschouwer, Steven Jacobs Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9304 507 1 Price: 24.00 euros
Joost Colpaert Heterotopia 2018 Softcover | 192 pages | 29 × 24 cm Publisher: Mer. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL–FR Author: Joost Colpaert Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9304 501 9 Price: 39.00 euros
371 372
368 367
365 DIVA Room of Wonder I 2018 Softcover | 96 pages | 19 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Sven Duprez, Romy Cockx, Paul Huvenne, Taro Miki Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9304 504 0 Price: 19.90 euros Thierry Lagrange The Matrix Project 2018 Softcover | 152 pages | 34 × 24 cm Imprint: AraMER. Language: EN Author: Thierry Lagrange Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: KOPA ISBN: 978 94 9232 196 1 Price: 35.00 euros
PLAY 2018 Softcover | 160 pages | 26,5 × 19,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: NL or EN Authors: Patrick Ronse, Hilde Teerlinck, Luk Lambrecht and Rutger Bregman ISBN: 978 94 9232 198 5 Price: 24.00 euros Cindy Wright All Well Hardcover | 240 pages | 29 × 29 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Cindy Wright Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 199 2 Price: 45.00 euros
Time Regained A Warburg Atlas for Early Music 2018 Hardcover | 528 pages | 27 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Björn Schmelzer & Margarida Garcia Design: Gerard Leysen ISBN: 978 94 9304 500 2 Price: 65.00 euros
Yves Velter Beïnvloeiingen 2018 Hardcover | 240 pages | 33 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: NL or EN Authors: Mieke Mels, Mark Kinet, Yves Velter Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 181 7 Price: 39.00 euros
Léon Nys Louvre / Abu Dhabi 2018 Softcover | 24 pages | 19 × 14 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 189 3 Price: 15.00 euros Ineke Debacker Learning How To Draw / Drawing in Absence of Model 2018 Softcover | 44 pages | 28 × 20 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Ineke Debacker Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 188 6 Price: 15.00 euros Jerry Galle DITTO 2018 Softcover | 304 pages | 14,8 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Jerry Galle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 195 4 Price: 39.00 euros An Onghena Performance for the book 2018 Softcover | 144 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: ENorNL Author: An Onghena Design: Print: Bruno Devos at Stockmans ISBN: 978 94 9232 183 1 Price: 39.00 euros Charlemagne Palestine Aa Sschmmettrroossppecctivve 2018 Softcover | 132 pages | 30 × 30 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and BOZAR Books Language: EN Authors: Michel Baudson, Xavier Garcia Bardón Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: L.capitan ISBN: 978 94 92 3218 62 Price: 35.00 euros
Didier Volckaert Animated Life / Otaku Futurism 2018 Softcover | 728 pages | 18,3 × 12,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or JP Author: Ikari ‘Ellis’ Katsumi Design: Didier Volckaert ISBN: 978 94 9232 190 9 Price: 39.00 euros MUSEUM III. 1 2018 Softcover | 168 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or NL Authors: Stefan Banz, Hugo De Greef, Louis De Mey, Hans De Wolf, Joris D’hooghe, Lieze Eneman, Luk Lambrecht, Frederik Leen, Ali Moraly, Dieter Roelstraete, Adam Szymczyk, Dorian van der Brempt, Denys Zacharopoulos Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 185 5 Price: 20.00 euros Michel Mouffe Thinking The Veil 2018 Softcover | 64 pages | 24,3 × 31,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België Languages: EN–FR–NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 184 8 Price: 65.00 euros
Ištvan Išt Huzjan II. MERA: Daily Chores on 5th Avenue 2018 Softcover | 128 pages | 44 × 33 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Ištvan Išt Huzjan in conversation with Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 92 9232 182 4 Price: 185.00 euros
Katinka Bock Zarba Lonsa, _0_0__0, Mesonya/ 2018 Softcover | 192 pages | 28 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or FR Authors: Alexandra Baudelot, Clara Schulmann, Georgina Jackson, Aisha Sasha John, Lauren A. Wright, Kathy Noble Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 170 1 Price: 39.00 euros
Parcifal Neyt Cheat Sheets 2018 Softcover | 32 pages | 25 × 17,5 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 178 7 Price: 15.00 euros Playground ’16 ’07 2018 Softcover | 144 pages | 22 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and M–Museum Leuven Language: EN Authors: Adva Zakai, Anne-Sophie Dinant, Béatrice Balcou, Catherine Wood, Cis Bierinckx, Cristina Grande, DD Dorvillier, Dora Garcia, Els De Bodt, Emmanuel Lambion, Guillaume Désanges, Hans Bryssinck, Ilse Van Essche, Isabel De Naveran, Jamie Eastman, Jimmy Robe Design: Michaël Bussaer Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 177 0 Price: 20.00 euros Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu 3 boek 7, 8, 9 2018 Softcover + box | 8 + 272 + 80 + 176 pages | 28,9 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Various ISBN: 978 94 9232 174 9 Price: first 53: 297 euros, next 31: 353 euros, last 29: 451 euros
Parcifal Neyt BURGERS 2018 Hardcover | 130 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 92 9232 180 0 Price: 25.00 euros Parcifal Neyt Koxiepy 2018 Softcover | 32 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 179 4 Price: 15.00 euros
Paul Robbrecht & Wim Cuyvers Choreo 2017 Softcover | 80 pages | 31,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Paul Robbrecht, Wim Cuyvers Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 176 3 Price: 39.00 euros
Thierry De Cordier Dieu, 2017 Softcover | 284 pages | 24 × 15,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: FR Author: Thierry De Cordier Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 166 4 Price: 39.00 euros
Masatoshi Masanobu 2017 Softcover | 224 pages | 32,2 × 21,5 cm Imprint: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Koichi Kawasaki, Tsukasa Ikegami, Jiro Yoshihara, Ming Tiampo, Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 166 4 Price: 39.00 euros Textile as Art: Antonio Ratti entrepreneur and patron 2017 Softcover | 272 pages | 28 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or IT Authors: Various Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 173 2 Price: 39.00 euros Robin Vanbesien Solidarity Poiesis: I Will Come and Steal You 2017 Softcover | 224 pages | 17,5 × 11 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and b_books Language: EN Authors: Tom Engels, Bryana Fritz, Christos Giovanopoulos, Avery F. Gordon, Valeria Graziano, Christina Papadopoulos, Christos Sideris, Alberto Toscano Design: Goda Budvytyte Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 39 4221 450 6 Price: 12.00 euros Nele Wynants De Binnenkant Van Het Beeld 2017 Softcover | 324 pages | 23,5 × 16,5 cm Imprint: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Nele Wynants Design: Marie Wynants ISBN: 978 94 9232 167 1 Price: 29.00 euros
Emilio López-Menchero Trying 2017 Hardcover | 320 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL–FR Authors: Luk Lambrecht, Hans Theys, Koen Van Synghel ISBN: 978 94 9232 152 7 Price: 45.00 euros
Da.ta (Transcriptions) 2017 Softcover | 400 pages | 27,5 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Michael Schwab, Gerhard Eckel and David Pirrò Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 172 5 Price: 39.00 euros Tim Volckaert Archivist: An Introduction to The Work of Tim Volckaert 2017 Softcover | 320 pages | 33 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Hans Theys, Frank Maes, Stefan Hertmans, Joris Van der Borght, Karel Thienpont, Frederik Van Laere, Luc Derycke, Stef Van Bellingen, Pieter Vermeulen and Louis De Cordier Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 169 5 Price: 45.00 euros
Carla Swerts Woestijngetijden 2017 Softcover | 448 pages | 14,8 × 10,5 cm Imprint: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Carla Swerts Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 171 8 Price: 25.00 euros Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One. 2017 Softcover | 112 pages | 30 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–FR Authors: Various Design: Esther Le Roy ISBN: 978 94 9232 163 3 Price: 35.00 euros Ann Huybens SOP 2017 Softcover | 160 pages | 21 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Ann Huybens Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 165 7 Price: 19.00 euros Koenraad Tinel Crux 2017 Softcover | 144 pages | 27,5 × 18,9 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Stefan Hertmans Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 164 0 Price: 35.00 euros Angel Vergara From Scene To Scene 2017 Hardcover | 96 pages | 32 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België Languages: EN–NL–FR Authors: Michel Draguet, Frederik Leen, Angel Vergara Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 90 7701 315 1 Price: 35.00 euros Daniel Buren A Tiger Cannot Change Its Stripes 2017 Softcover | 78 pages | 28 × 21,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Rudi Fuchs, Guy Massaux, Steven ten Thije, Luk Lambrecht, Lieze Eneman Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 161 9 Price: 35.00 euros
Ištvan Išt Huzjan I. MERA: Walk on Water 2017 Softcover | 24 pages | 44 × 33 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Ištvan Išt Huzjan Design: Ištvan Išt Huzjan in conversation with Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 162 6 Price: 85.00 euros Intuition 2017 Hardcover | 424 pages | 29 × 29 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or IT Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Eddi De Wolf, Ludovica Lumer, Michel Vande Vyvere, Erik Lumer, Francesco Poli, Margaret Iversen, Davide Daninos, Giulio d’Alessio, Paul Vandenbroeck, Michael Gardner Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 159 6 (EN) ISBN: 978 94 9232 160 2 (IT) Price: 65.00 euros Michel Mouffe Alphabet 2017 Hardcover | 264 pages | 24,5 × 30 cm Imprint: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: FR or EN Author: Joel Benzakin Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 157 2 Price: 45.00 euros Johan De Wilde Hands Of Time (Plein été) 2017 Softcover | 230 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: NL–FR Authors: Menno Wigman, Johan De Wilde, Michel Houellebecq Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 154 1 Price: 39.00 euros Henk Peeters From nul to zero 2017 Softcover | 220 pages | 23 × 23 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 158 9 Price: 39.00 euros
RESONANCES I, FOOD 2017 Softcover | 34,5 × 25,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Adriaan Eeckels, Paul Hearn, Frank Raes, Luc Derycke, a.o. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Price: 20.00 euros Museum II 2017 Softcover | 331 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or NL Authors: Xavier García Bardón, Dirk De Meyer, Dietmar Elger, Rudi Fuchs, Joris d’Hooghe, Piero Gilardi, Koichi Kawasaki, Luk Lambrecht, Cornelia Lauf, Ulrich Loock, Guy Massaux, Jeroen Peeters, Steven ten Thije, Philippe Van Cauteren, Anneleen van Kuyck Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 153 4 Price: 39.00 euros
Nikolaas Demoen Discuter La Peinture 2017 Softcover | 18 × 11,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: NL–EN Design: Katrien Daemers, Nikolaas Demoen ISBN: 978 94 9232 156 5 Price: 29.00 euros Dirk Braeckman & Jan Lauwers The House of Our Fathers 2017 Softcover | 24 pages | 54 × 45 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 151 0 Price: 85.00 euros
Michel Couturier Through the Looking Glass 2017 Hardcover | 96 pages | 30,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and ARP2 Editions Languages: EN–FR Authors: Michel Couturier with Michela Sacchetto Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 29 3011 545 0 Price: 38.00 euros
Dirk Braeckman DW B 161 / 5 / 8x F.B.-D.B.-16 2017 Hardcover | 54 pages | 33 × 23 cm Publisher: DW B and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Jan-Willem Anker, Frederik Willem Daem, Erik Lindner, David Nolens, Bart Koubaa, Koen Sels, Wytske Versteeg, Fiep Van Bodegem Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 143 5 Price: 39.00 euros
Philippe Vandenberg Crossing The Circle 2016 Softcover | 136 pages | 28,5 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Mary Doyle, Jo Applin Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 140 4 Price: 39.00 euros
Maekawa II 2017 Hardcover | 152 pages | 33 × 24 cm Imprint: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Boris Vervoordt, Koichi Kawasaki Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 144 2 Price: 45.00 euros
Sven ‘t Jolle The Age of Entitlement 2017 Softcover | 192 pages | 24,5 × 15 cm Imprint: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Languagew: EN–NL–FR Authors: Zoë Gray, Blair French, Sven ‘t Jolle, Koen Kleijn Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 149 7 Price: 35.00 euros Benjamin Verdonck Even I must understand it 2017 Hardcover | 88 pages | 28 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or NL ISBN: 978 90 7673 432 3 Price: 29.00 euros
AnneMarie Maes Alchimia Nova 2016 Softcover | 184 pages | 21 × 14,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: AnneMarie Maes, Luc Steels, Armin Medosch, Darko Fritz, Edith Doove Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 148 0 Price: 25.00 euros
Michael Seidner Siebzehn 2016 Softcover | 48 pages | 30,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Dries Verstraete Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 146 6 Price: 29.00 euros Roman Signer Projet pour un jardin 2016 Softcover | 144 pages | 30,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: Middelheimmuseum with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL–FR Authors: Gerhard Mack, Cees Nooteboom, Sara Weyns, Pieter Boons. With pictures by Aleksandra Signer and Simon Vogel Design: Peter Zimmerman Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 145 9 Price: 29.00 euros
Pol Dehert The World of a/the Monkey 2016 Softcover | 264 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Imprint: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Pol Dehert Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 121 3 Price: 29.00 euros Update_6 new technological award 2016 Softcover | 88 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: Zebrastraat and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or NL Authors: Jean-Marie Dallet, Isolde De Buck Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 147 3 Price: 29.00 euros Heads and Tails. Tales and Bodies 2016 Hardcover | 526 pages | 27,5 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with the KIKPE Foundation, The Benaki Museum and The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Language: EN Authors: Manos Dimitrakopoulos, Angelos Delivorrias, Vasiliki Penna, Christos G. Doumas, Chris Carey, Henry Maguire, Maria Mavroudi, Ianthi Assimakopoulou, Ilya Putyatin Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 131 2 Price: 80.00 euros
Nik Gaffney Stillness 2016 Softcover | 112 pages | 20 × 28 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Timothy Morton, Maja Kuzmanovic Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 141 1 Price: 40.00 euros Allan Sekula Mining Section (Bureau des mines) 2016 Softcover | 96 pages | 16,5 × 11,5 cm Imprint: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Nicola Setari, Hilde Van Gelder, Anja Isabel Schneider, Jeroen Verbeeck, Bart De Baere, Mieke Bleyen & Edwin Carels Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 142 8 Price: 15.00 euros
Werner Cuvelier Parallellen 1975–2016 2016 Softcover | 320 pages | 24,5 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL–FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 139 8 Price: 25.00 euros
Off Work N°4 Drawing Review 2016 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Parcifal Neyt Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 2406 6176 Price: 13.00 euros Stoffel Debuysere Figures of Dissent Cinema of Politics / Politics of Cinema 2016 Softcover | 256 pages | 21 × 14,8 cm Imprint: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Stoffel Debuysere Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 124 4 Price: 25.00 euros Toshio Shibata Laurent Ney 2016 Hardcover | 124 pages | 24,50 × 30 cm Publisher: MediuMER. Languages: EN–JP–FR Authors: Toshio Shibata, Laurent Ney Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 125 1 Price: 60.00 euros
Ryuji Tanaka 2016 Hardcover | 146 pages | 31,9 × 24,5 cm Imprint: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Alexandre Carel, Koichi Kawasaki, Shoichi Hirai, Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 127 5 Price: 45.00 euros
Gülsün Karamustafa & Koen Theys Mystic Transport 2016 Hardcover | 112 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: Argos and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL–FR Authors: Rolf Quaghebeur, Gülsün Karamustafa, Koen Theys Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 122 0 Price: 25.00 euros
Ief Spincemaille Hacking Velo 2016 Softcover | 72 pages | 21 × 14,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 136 7 Price: 20.00 euros Ief Spincemaille Musée de l’inconnu 2016 Softcover | 52 pages | 16,5 × 11,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 135 0 Price: 15.00 euros Simryn Gill Wormholes 2016 Softcover | 105 pages | 24 × 19 cm Publisher: MSK with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Ruud Ruttens Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 137 4 Price: 25.00 euros
Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #8 2016 Softcover | 64 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Be-Part & Galerie Nathalie Language: EN Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: Graphius ISBN: 978 94 9232 138 1 Price: 10.00 euros Anne-Marie Van Sprang Tongue 2016 Hardcover | 232 pages | 29,5 × 23,5 cm Imprint: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or NL Authors: Carel Blotkamp, Roos Gortzak, Anne-Marie Van Sprang Design: Pieter Slagboom Print: Unicum, Tilburg ISBN: 978 94 9232 133 6 Price: 40.00 euros
292 Libretto Daniel Buren: A Fresco, Une fresque, Een Fresco 2016 Softcover + cardboard case | 60 pages | 37,5 × 27 cm Publisher: BOZAR with Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Languages: EN–NL–FR Authors: Joël Benzakin, Dirk Snauwaert, Daniel Buren, Mo Gourmelon, Yves Aupetitallot, Georges Adé, Various Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN (EN): 978 90 8931 634 9 ISBN (FR): 978 90 8931 634 9 ISBN (NL): 978 90 8931 634 9 Price: 30.00 euros
Wendy Morris Off by Heart and Out of Breath – A Silva Rerum 2016 Softcover | 140 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: Argos with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Wendy Morris Design: Ellen Bilterest Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 134 3 Price: 25.00 euros Off Work N°3 Drawing Review 2016 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Parcifal Neyt Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 2406 6176 Price: 13.00 euros Shozo Shimamoto 2016 Hardcover | 120 pages | 30 × 25cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Shozo Shimamoto, Jiro Yoshihara, Yoshio Katoh, Tijs Visser and Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 128 2 Price: 35.00 euros Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei Cross-Examinations 2016 Softcover | 96 pages | 23 × 15 cm Publisher: Extra City and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Vincent Van Gerven Oei Design: Remco Van Bladel Print: Drukkerij de Raddraaier, Amsterdam ISBN: 978 94 9232 107 7 Price: 20.00 euros
Mare Medi Terraneum 2016 Softcover | 64 pages + insert pages | 37,5 × 27 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN or ES Author: Nekane Aramburu Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 111 4 Price: 10.00 euros Jean-Marie Bytebier 2016 Hardcover | 172 pages | 30,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 118 3 Price: 39.00 euros
Julião Sarmento La Chose, Même 2016 Softcover | 116 pages | 28 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian Language: EN, FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 119 0 Price: 29.00 euros Jeroen Uyttendaele & Dewi de Vree Ground 2016 Softcover | 60 pages + DVD | 29 × 20 cm Publisher: AudioMER. Language: EN Author: Hicham Khalidi Design: Jeroen Wille & Ruud Ruttens Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 120 6 Price: 27.50 euros Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven Jazzz 2015 Softcover | 124 pages | 26 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Jeroen Olyslaegers, Leen Huet, Pol Hoste, Koen Peeters, Arnoud van Adrichem & Jan Lauwereyns, Alfred Schaffer, Patrick Bassant, Martijn den Ouden, Peter Verhelst Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 115 2 Price: 29.50 euros Werner Cuvelier 2015 Softcover | 1268 pages | 29,70 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL, FR Authors: Willem Ellias, Frank Maes, Sergio Servellón, Hilde Van Canneyt Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 117 6 Price: 29.50 euros Off Work N°2 Drawing Review 2015 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Parcifal Neyt Design: Parcifal Neyt Price: 13.00 euros Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #7 2015 Softcover | 32 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Küntlerhaus Bethanien Language: EN Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 106 0 Price: 10.00 euros
Tina Gillen Echo 2015 Softcover | 140 pages | 26 × 22 cm Publisher: BOZAR with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN–NL–FR Author: Eva Wittocx Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 116 9 Price: 24.50 euros
Christos Bokoros The Bare Essentials 2015 Hardcover | 140 pages | 31,90 × 25,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Christos Bokoros Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 549 9 Price: 45.00 euros Luc Coeckelberghs AB–I 2015 Softcover | 278 pages | 29,50 × 22,6 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN–NL–FR Authors: Etienne Van den Bergh, Dirk Snauwaert, Isabelle De Baets Design:Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9177 561 1 Price: 39.00 euros
278 Ayse Erkmen & Ann Veronica Janssens A 2015 Softcover | 2 × 56 pages | 27,5 × 21 cm Publisher: S.M.A.K. & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Guillaume Desanges, Jan Verwoert, Philippe Van Cauteren Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 105 3 Price: 20.00 euros
Jasper Rigole Addenda 2015 Softcover | 7 books of 28, 32, 144, 60, 40, 40, 176 pages | 27,5 × 21 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN–NL Authors: Jasper Rigole Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 101 5 Price: 30.00 euros
Reinaart Vanhoe Front. 2015 Softcover | 28 pages | 21 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Reinaart Vanhoe Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 565 9 Price: 20.00 euros
Dominique Stroobant 2015 Hardcover | 300 pages | 30,5 × 27,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Axel Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Dirk Pörschmann, Angela Thomas Schmid Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 582 6 Price: 45.00 euros Fooling Utopia Contour 7 2015 Softcover | 144 pages | 21 × 13 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: various Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 108 4 Price: 20.00 euros Jochem Vanden Ecker A skydog’s time. A skydog’s place 2015 Softcover | 328 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Jochem Vanden Ecker in conversation with Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9147 100 1 Price: 150.00 euros
Remi Verstraete X 2015 Softcover | 100 pages | 29,7 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 595 6 Price: 40.00 euros chevalier masson Des choses à faire 2015 Softcover | 256 pages | 23 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN–FR Authors: Tim Ingold, Laurence Mauderli, Peter Swinnen, Marie Pok, John Picton Design: Olivier Lamy Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 104 6 Price: 45.00 euros Diego Tonus I, the Dog of my Master 2015 Hardcover | 40 pages | 30,50 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Diego Tonus Print: KOPA, Lithuania ISBN: 978 94 9177 594 9 Price: 65.00 euros ZERO The Artist As Curator 2015 Hardcover | 536 pages | 20 × 21 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Tiziana Caianiello, Dirk Pörschmann, Johan Pas, Ulrike Schmitt, Andres Pardey, a.o. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 568 0 Price: 45.00 euros
Mekhitar Garabedian Table, Gentbrugge (Living Room) 2012–2015 2015 Softcover | 80 pages | 23 × 17,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & BOZAR Language: EN Author: Liene Aerts Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 90 7481 647 2 Price: 20.00 euros
Mekhitar Garabedian Table, Gentbrugge (Kitchen) 2012– 2015 2015 Softcover | 80 pages | 23 × 17,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & BOZAR Language: EN Author: Pieter Van Bogaert Design: Céline Butaye Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 90 7481 646 5 Price: 20.00 euros
Mekhitar Garabedian To A Stranger From A Stranger 2015 Hardcover | 196 pages | 23 × 18 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Mekhitar Garabedian Design: Céline Butaye Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 102 2 Price: 29.00 euros
Ignorance A Laboratory On The Open Fields 2015 Softcover | 136 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Gívan Belá and Annemarie Maes Design: The Rodina: Tereza Ruller ISBN: 978 94 9177 598 7 Price: 20.00 euros Proportio 2015 Hardcover | 440 pages | 29 × 29 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN or IT Authors: various Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN (EN): 978 94 9177 583 3 ISBN (IT): 978 94 9177 593 2 Price: 65.00 euros
Sofie Van der Linden Coin perdu 2015 Softcover | 80 pages | 34 × 24,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Author: Cornel Bieren Design: Geoffrey Brusatto Print: Leën, Hasselt ISBN: 978 94 9177 599 4 Price: 25.00 euros Marcin Dudek The Department of Subterranea 2015 Hardcover | 200 pages | 24 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Harlan Levey, Anna Stüler Design: Amélie Bouvier & Rita Máximo ISBN: 978 94 9232 103 9 Price: 35.00 euros Museum 2015 Softcover | 384 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: Museumcultuur Strombeek/ Gent & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Roland Jooris, Wim Van Mulders, Nicola Setari, Frederik Leen, Christel Stalpaert, Patrick Van Rossem, Rik Pinxten, Ulrich Loock, Silvano Manganaro, Francesco Poli, Tommaso Trini, Cornelia Lauf, Francis Smets, George E. Lewis, Philippe Van Cauteren Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 100 8 Price: 39.00 euros
Ludovik Vermeersch Personally, I’m Most Interested in The Shapes and Colours 2015 Softcover | 304 pages | 23 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Kunstraum Ossastrasse Language: EN Authors: Ludovik Vermeersch, Sarah Hayden, Marc Holthof, Erik Porath, Jens Presser, Rahel Schrohe, Kristof van Baarle a.o Design: Toon Leën and Kato Six in conversation with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Leën, Hasselt ISBN: 978 94 9177 590 1 Price: 25.00 euros Yorgos Maraziotis Night of the World 2015 Hardcover | 64 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, GR Authors: Sotirios Bahtsetzis Design: Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza Print: Drukkerij Leën, Hasselt ISBN: 978 94 9177 591 8 Price: 20.00 euros
Honoré ∂’O Vibrations Off 2015 Softcover | 224 pages | 24 × 16,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle with Kristof De Clercq gallery Language: EN, GR Authors: various Design: Honoré ∂’O, Kahil Janssens, Fien Rebry in conversation with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 589 5 Price: 20.00 euros Dimitri Vangrunderbeek Through and Through 2015 Softcover | 20 pages | 34,5 × 26,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Dimitri Vangrunderbeek Design: Studio Luc Derycke with Dimitri Vangrunderbeek. Concept and Photography in collaboration with Kristien Daem Print: Cultura, Weteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 585 7 Price: 50.00 euros Joris Ghekiere Tomorrow 2015 Softcover | 32 + 8 pages | 35 × 24,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Ulrich Loock, Martin Germann, Philippe Van Cauteren Design: Studio Luc Derycke, with Joris Ghekiere Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 586 4 Price: 25.00 euros
Yuko Nasaka 2015 Hardcover | 164 pages | 24 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Axel Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Mizuho Kato, Ming Tiampo, Midori Yoshimoto Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 581 9 Price: 45.00 euros
Michalis Pichler De enige en zijn eigendom 2015 Softcover | 464 pages | 15 × 10 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, DE Design: Laura Garcia Cabanillas with Michalis Pichler Print: Vilnius / Yaiza Camps, Berlin ISBN: 978 94 9177 584 0 Price: 15.00 euros Carole Vanderlinden Creole & Vanity 2015 Softcover | 72 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, DE Authors: Philippe Van Cauteren, Hans Theys, Inge Braeckman Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 578 9 Price: 29.00 euros
Reinaart Vanhoe Kortrijk 2015 Softcover | 120 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Reinaart Vanhoe Design: Reinaart Vanhoe Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 564 2 Price: 20.00 euros Jan-Erik Andersson Life on a Leaf 2015 Softcover | 190 pages | 27 × 20,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Jan-Erik Andersson Design: Marjo Malin Print: Nord Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 553 6 Price: 25.00 euros
Luc Derycke & Lorenzo Benedetti In memory of the exhibition Published by: MER. Paper Kunsthalle 2015 Softcover | 48 pages | 16,5 × 11,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 544 4 Price: 10.00 euros Peggy Wouters The Big Escape 2015 Hardcover | 170 pages | 34 × 25,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Zebrastraat Gent Language: EN, NL, FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 574 1 Price: 45.00 euros
Christophe van Gerrewey 50 fictieve gebouwen 2014 Softcover with removable poster | 120 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Christophe Van Gerrewey Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 572 7 Price: 29.50 euros Joachim Coucke Unforced Errors In The Desert 2014 Hardcover | 80 pages | 25 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Oscar van den Boogaard, Wim Waelput Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 576 5 Price: 20.00 euros
Carl Uytterhaegen Urban Cave Drawings 2014 Softcover | 78 pages | 11 × 17 cm Publisher: MediuMER. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 577 2 Price: 20.00 euros Bart Van Dijck Great-hearted all friend horizonno matter what my line 2014 Softcover | 112 pages + DVD | 23 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Christine Vuegen, Annelies Nagels, Natalie Gielen Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 569 7 Price: 29.00 euros
Catherine de Zegher Women’s work is never done 2014 Hardcover | 620 pages | 25 × 20 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Catherine De Zegher Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 347 3 Price: 65.00 euros
Peter Beyls Simple Thoughts 2014 Hardcover | 240 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Joel Chadabe, Helena De Preester, Sahra Kunz, Frieder Nake, Luc Steels, Grant D. Taylor, Peter Beyls Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 560 4 Price: 39.50 euros Matteo Marangoni No Patent Pending 2014 Loose pages in cardboard box | 84 pages | 24,5 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Ando bv, Den Haag ISBN: 978 94 9177 567 3 Price: 25.00 euros
UPDATE_5 Technology as Context 2014 Softcover | 76 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: Liedts-Meesen Foundation and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 575 8 Price: 29.00 euros Royden Rabinowitch Ghent 2014 Softcover | 76 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Roman Kurzmeyer, Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, Frank Maes, Roland Nachtigäller, Royden Rabinowitch Language: EN Design: Roger Van Hecke Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 562 8 Price: 29.50 euros Johan Clarysse Walden & other suspicions 2014 Hardcover | 192 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Willem Elias, Isabelle De Baets, Hans Theys Language: EN, NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 559 8 Price: 39.50 euros
Roger D’Hondt Tussenwereld 2014 Hardcover | 80 pages | 26,5 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Roger D’Hondt Language: NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 566 6 Price: 29.00 euros
Sébastien Capouet Palimpsest 2014 Softcover | 56 pages | 29,5 × 19,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Theophile’s Paper Authors: Sébastien Capouet Design: Alexis Jacob Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 571 0 Price: 34.00 euros
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp CONTRADIcTIONS & PRO-POSITIONS Art and / as Education 2014 Hardcover | 302 + 304 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Johan Pas, Nico Dockx & Els De bruyn Design: Jan Mast in conversation with Nico Dockx Print: Guido Maes Printingdeluxe, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 547 5 Price: 49.50 euros Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder 6 2014 Softcover | 32 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Künstlerhaus Bethanien Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 570 3 Price: 10.00 euros Shooting Range Photography & The Great War 2014 Softcover | 224 pages | 31,2 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Inge Henneman, Maureen Magerman, Lyne Viskens, Tamar Cachet, Rein Deslé, Gita Deneckere, Bruno De Wever, Johan Pas Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 554 3 Price: 39.00 euros
Adriaan Verwée Under a poor cloak you commonly find a good drinker 2014 Softcover | 224 pages | 31,2 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Sofie Van Loo, Valerie Verhack, Adriaan Verwée in conversation with Asta Vaičiulytė Design: Studio Luc Derycke with Adriaan Verwée Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 555 0 Price: 39.50 euros
Jan Steen Being In Playing 2014 Softcover | 308 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Jan Steen Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 556 7 Price: 35.00 euros Tommaso Speretta Rebels Rebel. Aids, Art and Activism in New York, 1979–1989 2014 Softcover | 264 pages | 21 × 13 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Tommaso Speretta Design: Tankboys Print: Grafiche Leone, Venice ISBN: 978 94 9069 323 7 Price: 25.00 euros Shooting Range Fotografie in de vuurlinie? 2014 Softcover | 224 pages | 31,2 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: NL, Authors: Inge Henneman, Maureen Magerman, Lyne Viskens, Tamar Cachet, Rein Deslé, Gita Deneckere, Bruno De Wever, Johan Pas Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 552 9 Price: 39.00 euros
Robert Hoozee Hommage 2015 Hardcover | 256 pages | 32 × 25,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER; De vrienden Museum Voor Schone Kunsten Gent Language: EN, NL Authors: Catherine de Zegher, Robert H. Marijnissen, Sylvia Van Peteghem, Koen Van Synghel, Anne Pingeot, Marc Dubois, ... Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 551 2 Price: 69.00 euros
Nick Ervinck GNI_RI_2014 2014 Hardcover | 264 pages | 33 × 27,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Neil Spiller, Julia Kelly, Freddy Decreus & Christine Vuegen Language: EN, NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke with Nick Ervinck Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 529 1 Price: 67.00 euros Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven Een leeg 2014 Softcover | 16 pages | 26 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff ISBN: 978 94 9177 543 7 Price: 20.00 euros
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Raoul De Keyser The Last Wall 2014 Softcover | 48 pages | 23 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, Authors: Jef Van Eynde Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 528 4 Price: 24.50 euros Ida Ekblad The Root Cellar 2014 Hardcover | 64 pages | 43 × 32 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 539 0 Price: 65.00 euros
Ruben Bellinkx No Obstacle, No Image 2014 Softcover with dust jacket with DVD | 208 pages | 25 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Author: Peter De Graeve, Ann Meskens, Maïté Vissault, Isabelle Makay Design: Studio Luc Derycke with Ruben Bellinkx Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 523 9 Price: 39.00 euros Hugo Puttaert Think in Colour 2014 Softcover | 385 pages | 23,5 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, Authors: Rick Poynor & Steven Cleeren Design: Dimitri Jeannottat & Visionandfactory Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 518 5 Price: 45.00 euros
Kristien Daem Kodak, T-Max 400 Film 135-36, 2014 Artist edition 2014 Softcover | 28 + 2 prints pages | 23,5 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle . Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 548 2 Price: 440.00 euros Kristien Daem Kodak, T-Max 400 Film 135-36, 2014 2014 Softcover | 28 pages | 23,5 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 548 2 Price: 44.00 euros Christophe Meierhans Some use for your broken clay pots 2014 Softcover | 356 pages | 20 × 13,50 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR, DE Design: The Theatre of Operations Print: Schaubroeck ISBN: 978 94 9177 542 0 Price: 5.00 euros Tsuyoshi Maekawa 2014 Hardcover | 122 pages | 34 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Tsuyoshi Maekawa, Koichi Kawasaki, Shoichi Hirai, Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 541 3 Price: 45.00 euros Ricardo Brey Qué le importa al tigre una raya mas 2014 Softcover | 200 pages | 24 × 31 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: EN Authors: Bart De Baere, John Welchman, Jesse McKee, Thomas Miessgang, Sandra Sosa Fernandez Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 535 2 Price: 35.00 euros
Anne Daems & Kenneth Andrew Mroczek OPA-TISHA-WOCKA-LOCKA 2014 Softcover | 188 pages | 23 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Anne Daems & Kenneth Andrew Mroczek Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 540 6 Price: 25.00 euros
Benjamin Verdonck Kalender 09. 365 Dagen in actie in Antwerpen 2014 Softcover | 320 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Toneelhuis and KVS Language: EN Authors: Benjamin Verdonck Design: Afreux Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 352 7 Price: 29.00 euros Elly Strik Ghosts, Brides & other Companions 2014 Hardcover | 296 pages | 30,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: ES, EN Authors: Ben Okri, Manuel Borja-Villel, Carlos Gamerro with Victoria Noorthoorn, Beatriz Preciado, Bart Verschaffel, Jean-Christophe Ammann in conversation with Elly Strik Design: Elly Strik with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 84 8026 483 9 Price: 35.00 euros Marie Angeletti Hobbs McLaughlin 2014 Softcover | 56 pages | 30 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Theophile’s Papers Design: Marie Angeletti Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 536 9 Price: 20.00 euros Heidi Voet One In Many 2013 Hardcover | 192 pages | 28 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, CI Authors: Mathieu Borysevicz, Aimee Lin Yu, Filip Luyckx Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 525 3 Price: 38.00 euros
Ištvan Išt Huzjan OHO and the Korean Avant-Garde Association 2013 Softcover | 110 pages | 30 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Ištvan Išt Huzjan Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 531 4 Price: 150.00 euros Steven Jacobs & Lisa Colpaert The Dark Galleries 2013 Softcover | 176 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: AraMER Language: EN Authors: Steven Jacobs & Lisa Colpaert Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 519 2 Price: 29.50 euros
Julião Sarmento One Hundred Seventy One Entertainment Celebrities 2013 Softcover | 176 pages | 13,8 × 10,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 533 8 Price: 25.00 euros Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #5 2013 2 posters pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 514 7 Price: 10.00 euros An Pierlé Bell 2013 Softcover and 7” vinyl record | 32 pages | 31 × 31 cm Publisher: MediuMER Language: NL Authors: Steven Heene Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 515 4 Price: 25.00 euros
Mark Cloet C. Stone 2013 Softcover | 22 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Jan Laurens Siesling Design: Studio Luc Derycke, with Mark Cloet & Jan Laurens Siesling Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 534 5 Price: 20.00 euros Niels Trannois Drawings 2013 Softcover | 72 pages | 27,5 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR Authors: Clara Guislain, Guillaume Ollendorff Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 522 2 Price: 25.00 euros Daniel Linehan A No Can Make Space 2013 Softcover | 352 pages | 24 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Daniel Linehan & Afreux Design: Afreux Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 517 8 Price: 65.00 euros
Keren Cytter MOP Museum of Photography 2013 Hardcover | 232 pages | 26,5 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 527 7 Price: 35.00 euros Goele De Bruyn Clean Speech 2013 Softcover | 70 pages | 22 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, CN Authors: Els Roelandt Design: Studio Luc Derycke, with Goele De Bruyn Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 520 8 Price: 20.00 euros
L’Opéra hors de soi: La pensée et l’art Wagner 2013 Hardcover | 208 pages | 27 × 22 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: FR Authors: Charles Méla, Christophe Imperiali Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Proost, Turnhout ISBN: 978 94 9177 524 6 Price: 39.50 euros
Anouk De Clercq Thing 2013 Softcover | 32 pages | 23,5 × 17 cm Publisher: AraMER Language: EN, Authors: Anouk De Clercq Design: Michaël Bussaer Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 516 1 Price: 20.00 euros David Helbich Belgian solutions 2013 Softcover | 302 pages | 17 × 13 cm Publisher: MediuMER Authors: David Helbich Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 513 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art More Light 2013 Softcover | 382 pages | 25 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Catherine de Zegher, Joseph Backstein, Svetlana Boym, Noemi Smolik, Souchou Yao, Pascal Gielen, Alexei Penzin, Keti Chukhrov Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: SIA Preses nams Baltic, Latvia ISBN: 978 94 9177 530 7 Price: 39.50 euros
Pieter Huybrechts & Erki De Vries Book #1 L01 2018 2013 Softcover | 30 Leporello pages | 24 × 18 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Design: Pieter Huybrechts & Erki De Vries in conversation with Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 392 3 Price: 350.00 euros
Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen 2013-1663 CONTRADIcTIES 2013 Hardcover | 302 pages | 28 × 21 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: NL, Authors: Eric Ubben, Johan Pas, Hans Theys, Paul Illegems, Sarah Heynssens, Jan Lampo, Piet Lombaerde, Jozef Glassée, Saskia De Bodt, Katrien Dierckx, Peter van de Moortel, Dries Lyna, Griet Blanckaert, Beatrijs Wolters Van der Wey, Veerle Stinckens, Design: Jan Mast in conversation with Nico Dockx Print: Graphius, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 375 6 Price: 35.00 euros Dada & Surrealism in Brussels, Paris & London: The Star Alphabet by E.L.T. Mesens L’alphabet d’étoiles d’E.L.T. Mesens Dada & le surréalisme à Bruxelles, Paris & Londres Het sterrenalfabet van E.L.T. Mesens Dada & Surrealisme in Brussel, Parijs & Londen 2013 Hardcover | 292 / 232 pages | 28 × 23 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: FR / NL /EN Authors: Phillip Van den Bossche, Christiane Geurts-Krauss, Virginie Devillez, Nele Bernheim, Xavier Canonne, Simon Delobel, Erich Weiss, Peter J.H. Pauwels Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN (EN): 978 94 9177 511 6 ISBN (FR): 978 94 9177 512 3 ISBN (NL): 978 94 9177 510 9 Price: 39.00 euros (EN), 65.00 euros (FR/NL) Marijke van Warmerdam Uit of thuis 2013 Hardcover | posters pages | 21 × 14 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Language: EN, NL Authors: K. Michel, Thijs Lijster, Roel Steenbeek Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 374 9 Price: 20.00 euros Gábor Ösz Three by Three 2013 Hardcover | 180 pages | 27,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Gábor Ősz Design: Inedition, Amsterdam Print: Drukkerij Wilco, Amersfoort ISBN: 978 94 9069 334 3 Price: 39.00 euros
Robert Devriendt Scènes 2013 Hardcover | 128 pages | 26 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL, Authors: Delphine Lecompte, Koen Peeters, Saskia de Coster, Yves Petry, Willem Bongers-Dek, Erik Spinoy Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 505 5 Price: 29.50 euros
Joris Van de Moortel & Paul Schwer Cylinder #4 2013 Softcover | 32 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle . Language: EN Design: Joris Van de Moortel & Paul Schwer Print: New Goff ISBN: 978 94 9177 506 2 Price: 10.00 euros Kristof Van Gestel Mooi is nuttig 2013 Softcover | 252 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: AraMER Language: NL Print: Cassochrome ISBN: 978 94 9069 370 1 Price: 39.00 euros
Berlinde De Bruyckere & J.M. Coetzee We Are All Flesh 2013 Softcover | 144 pages | 26 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: J.M. Coetzee Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9069 390 9 Price: 19.50 euros
Simryn Gill Here art grows on trees 2013 Hardcover | 296 pages | 26 × 20,9 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with the Australian Council for the Arts Language: EN Authors: Catherine de Zegher, Carol Armstrong, Lilian Chee, Ross Gibson, Kajri Jain, Brian Massumi and Michael Taussig Design: Collider Print: Deckers-Snoeck ISBN: 978 94 9069 371 8 Price: 39.90 euros Johan De Wilde ik wordt 2013 Softcover | 300 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, NO Authors: Various Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Mariakerke ISBN: 978 94 9177 504 8 Price: 29.00 euros An van. Dienderen & Lisa Spilliaert Scattering of the Fragile. Cherry Blossoms 2013 Hardcover | 82 pages | 17 × 12 cm Publisher: AraMER Language: EN Authors: Trinh T. Minh-Ha Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 391 6 Price: 19.50 euros
Antoni Tàpies Lo Sguardo dell’Artista 2013 Hardcover | 224 pages | 28,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Axel Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Walter Hartsarich, Daniela Ferretti, Toni Tàpies, Natasha Hébert, Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 507 9 Price: 45.00 euros
Sam Dillemans Authors 2013 Hardcover | 222 pages | 32,5 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Luc Vanackere Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN 978 94 9069 399 2 Price: 39.00 euros
Margarita Production Micro, Contact, Strings & Things 2013 Softcover | 214 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL, EN Authors: Valérie Wolters, Agnès Quackels, Pieter T’Jonck & André Eiermann Design: Überknackig Print: SNEL, Herstal ISBN: 978 94 9069 302 2 Price: 10.00 euros Ida Barbarigo 2013 Hardcover | 152 pages | 34 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Axel Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 503 1 Price: 39.00 euros TIME SPACE POKER FACE 2013 Softcover | 164 pages | 27 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Sofie Van Loo Design: Thomas Desmet Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 502 4 Price: 20.00 euros a2o-architecten On Connectivity 2013 Softcover | 110 pages | 30 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN / NL Authors: Angelique Campens, Luc Vanmuysen, Eline Dehullu, Nick Ervinck, Lieven van der Stock Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN (EN): 978 94 9069 387 9 ISBN (NL): 978 94 9069 368 8 Price: 39.50 euros Alain Arias-Misson From the Cutting-Floor of the Public Poem 2013 Softcover | 80 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Roger D’Hondt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN 978 94 9069 315 2 Price: 25.00 euros
Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #3 2013 Softcover | 32 pages | 30 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Künstlerhaus Bethanien Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 501 7 Price: 10.00 euros Kelly Schacht The Backstory 2013 Softcover | 84 pages | 28,6 × 22,3 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Laguage: EN Authors: Kelly Schacht & Dirk Elst Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 379 4 Price: 34.00 euros Luciano Fabro From Contratto Sociale to Colonna di Genk 2013 Hardcover | 56 pages | 22 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Luciano Fabro, Thérèse Legierse & Kristof Reulens Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 362 6 Price: 24.50 euros
Jan Van Imschoot You can use my skin 2013 Hardcover | 56 pages | 28 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Jan Hoet Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 398 5 Price: 24.50 euros
Koen Theys Home-made Victories 2013 Hardcover | 256 pages | 29 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & S.M.A.K. Ghent Language: EN Authors: Chris Dercon, Dirk Paesmans (JODI), Martin Germann, Edwin Carels Marie-Claude Lambotte, Seamus Kealy Ulrike Lindmayr, Philippe Van Cauteren, Steven Humblet, Hans Theys & Thibaut Verhoeven Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Deckers-Snoeck ISBN: 978 94 9069 396 1 Price: 34.50 euros
Herman Asselberghs & Dieter Lesage After Empire 2013 Softcover | 256 pages | 18 × 11 cm Publisher: AraMER Authors: Herman Asselberghs & Dieter Lesage Design: garage64 Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 394 7 Price: 15.00 euros Werner Mannaers Love Letters 2013 Hardcover | 260 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9069 389 3 Price: 39.50 euros
L’Origine des Choses / De Oorzaak der Dingen / The Causes of Things 2013 Softcover | 288 pages | 23,4 × 15,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: FR, NL, EN Authors: Sébastien Faucon and Carine Fol. Design: Marie Proyart and Clément LeTulle-Neyret Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 319 0 Price: 25.00 euros
Luc Dondeyne Distances 2013 Hardcover | 320 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle in co-publication with galerie Transit Language: EN, NL Authors: Oscar van den Boogaard, Sven Vanderstichelen, Thibaut Verhoeven Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 397 8 Price: 29.50 euros
Norio Imai 2013 Hardcover | 144 pages | 27,3 × 21,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Norio Imai, Shoichi Hirai, Ming Tiampo, Midori Yoshimoto Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 332 9 Price: 39.50 euros
Berlinde De Bruyckere & J.M. Coetzee Allen Vlees 2013 Hardcover | 144 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: J.M. Coetzee Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9069 367 1 Price: 29.50 euros Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #2 2013 Softcover | 48 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Künstlerhaus Bethanien Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 395 4 Price: 10.00 euros
Julião Sarmento Bloodline/Heartline 2013 Hardcover | 112 pages | 27 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 342 8 Price: 85.00 euros Kurt Ryslavy Flemish Art Assets 2012 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Johan Pas, Peter Wächtler Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 360 2 Price: 20.00 euros Toon Van Borm The Fields. 12 notes on clarity 2012 Hardcover | 296 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9069 369 5 Price: 180.00 euros Paul De Vree & de neo-avant-garde Neonlicht 2012 Softcover | 240 pages | 27,5 × 21,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: NL Authors: Johan Pas Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: PurePrint, Oostkamp ISBN: 978 94 9069 346 6 Price: 39.50 euros Michael Fullerton Pleasure In Nonsense 2012 Hardcover | 208 pages | 27 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Ghent in co-publication with Carl Freedman Gallery, London Language: EN Authors: John Calcutt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 363 3 Price: 29.80 euros Marc Corbiau Architectures 2000-2012 2012 Softcover | 304 pages | 30,5 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER Language: EN, NL, FR Authors: Luk Lambrecht Design: Dojo Design Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 373 2 Price: 39.50 euros
Julião Sarmento 95 POLAROIDS SX70 2012 Softcover | 168 pages | 24 × 12 cm Publisher: MER Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 341 1 Price: 20.00 euros Les mots et les monnaies De la Grèce ancienne à Byzance 2012 Hardcover | 380 pages | 27 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle en co-publication avec la Fondation K.I.K.P.E. Authors: Johan Pas, Peter Wächtler Language: FR Authors: Vasso Penna, François de Callataÿ, André Hurst, Ioli Kalavrezou, Andrew Meadows, et alt. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: PrinterTrento ISBN: 978 94 9069 384 8 Price: 59.50 euros Words and Coins From Ancient Greece to Byzantium 2012 Hardcover | 380 pages | 27 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and co-publication avec la Fondation K.I.K.P.E. Language: EN Authors: Vasso Penna, François de Callataÿ, André Hurst, Ioli Kalavrezou, Andrew Meadows, et alt. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: PrinterTrento, Italy ISBN: 978 94 9069 364 0 Price: 59.50 euros
Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #1 2012 Softcover | 48 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Joris Van de Moortel Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 366 4 Price: 10.00 euros
Marc De Blieck, Volkmar Mühleis Zien, doen, denken – Jacques Rancière en de kunstpraktijk 2012 Softcover | 160 pages | 23,5 × 14 cm Publisher: AraMER Language: NL Authors: Marc De Blieck, Volkmar Mühleis Design: Joris Kritis & Julie Peeters Print: Mart.Spruijdt ISBN: 978 94 9069 377 0 Price: 29.50 euros
Peter Rogiers The Hunger #2: Promiscuity 2012 Softcover | 80 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Peter Rogiers Design: L’Organe, coverdesign: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 388 6 Price: 20.00 euros Leen De Wilde and Jozefien Muylle Dragende Muren Over 2012 Hardcover | 200 pages | 21 × 28,5 cm Publisher: AraMER Language: NL Authors: Jozefien Muylle, Leen De Wilde Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 340 4 Price: 39.00 euros
Victor Servranckx De jaren twintig 2012 Hardcover | 240 pages | 28,6 × 23,3 cm Publisher: Mu.ZEE & AsaMER Language: NL Authors: Phillip Van den Bossche, Anouck Clissen, Sergio Servellon, Ann Verdonck Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 90 7469 408 7 Price: 39.50 euros
Katrin Lohmann As it is done, 57 contemplations 2012 Hardcover | 144 pages | 23,5 × 15,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Katrin Lohmann Design: Afreux Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 378 7 Price: 17.50 euros Hans Ulrich Obrist Paesaggio (Penguin Issue) 2012 Softcover | 52 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER Language: EN Authors: María Thereza Alves, Gianfranco Baruchello, e.a. Design: Blauer Hase et alt. Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 359 6 Price: 15.00 euros
Needcompany Marketplace 76 2012 CD Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9069 361 9 Price: 17.00 euros Edwin Carels Graphology – drawing from automatism and automation 2012 Softcover | 96 pages | 18,5 × 13,5 cm Publisher: Ara.MER, Drawing Room London and M HKA Language: EN Authors: Kate Macfarlane, Edwin Carels, Thomas Zummer, Ed Krema Design: Marit Münzberg Print: Aldgate Press, London ISBN: 978 09 5582 995 6 Price: 15.00 euros Logboek Z33 2012 Softcover | 194 pages | 23 × 17 cm Publisher: Z33 and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: NL or EN Author: Régine Débatty Design: Niek Kosten Print: Haletra ISBN: 978 94 9069 350 3, (NL) 978 94 9069 349 7 (EN) Price: 20.00 euros
C.I.N.V.U. Tijdschrift over eenzaamheid 2012 Softcover | 64 pages | 28 × 22 cm Publisher: Medium Language: NL Authors: Rory Pilgrim, Isabelle Andriessen, Gijs Frieling, Julika Rudelius, Chris van der Kaap, Jaap Scheeren, Ruben Jacobs, Jan Hoek, James Lee Byars, Dore van Duivenbode, Sands-Murray-Wassink, Willem Waterschoot, Robin Waart, Susan Kooi e.a. Design: Christian van der Kaap, Samira Ben Laloua Print: Veenman +, Rotterdam ISBN: 978 94 906 9358 9 Price: 6.95 euros C&H Epilogue. Postcards from the Future 2012 Softcover | 158 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL–FR Authors: Heike Langsdorf, Christophe Meierhans, Christophe Ragg, Sébastien Hendrickx Design: Manuele Dechamps Otamendi Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 355 8 Price: 20.00 euros Ludwig Vandevelde Pietà 2012 Softcover | 128 pages | 23 × 15,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Ludwig Vandevelde Design: Danny Dobbelaere (Grafijn) Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9069 348 0 Price: 20.00 euros Catherine de Zegher & Gerald McMaster All Our Relations – 18th Biennale of Sydney 2012 Softcover | 400 pages | 25,5 × 19 cm Publisher: Biennale of Sydney Language: EN Author: Jean Fisher, Bruno Latour, Michael Hardt, Everlyn Nicodemus, Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, David Abram, Subhankar Banerjee, Alwar Balasubramaniam, Philip Beesley, Thomas Seeley, Andrew Murphy, Craigie Horsfield Design: Sarah Nguyen, Collider Print: SC International ISBN: 978 06 4657 199 7 Price: 39.50 euros Peter Rogiers The Hunger #1: Snowman Vs. Squid 2012 Softcover | 72 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: L’Organe, coverdesign: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 353 4 Price: 20.00 euros
Parcifal Me 2012 Softcover | 40 pages | 35 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9069 328 2 Price: 35.00 euros Emi Kodama If I Were You 2012 Softcover | 120 pages | 21,5 × 14,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Emi Kodama, Oscar van den Boogaard Design: Studio Luc Derycke with Emi Kodama Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 345 9 Price: 17.50 euros Jerry Galle Poëtische machine 2012 Softcover | 288 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Jerry Galle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 336 7 Price: 29.00 euros
Karin Hanssen The Borrowed Gaze – Variations GTB 2012 Hardcover | 72 pages | 27 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Kurt Vanhoutte, Johan Pas, Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 344 2 Price: 32.50 euros Parcifal Fake Star 2012 Softcover | 52 pages | 29,5 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 327 5 Price: 35.00 euros Parcifal Zonder Titel 2012 Softcover | 46 pages | 27,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 327 5 Price: 35.00 euros Parcifal Lightning Strikes Again 2012 Softcover | 44 pages | 30 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9069 335 0 Price: 35.00 euros Robin Vanbesien Instant Ruins 2012 Softcover | 64 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Robin Vanbesien with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo Printing, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 318 3 Price: 15.00 euros Johan De Wilde Hands of Time 2012 Softcover | 240 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Hans Theys Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 339 8 Price: 34.50 euros
Reading Urban Cracks Practices of Artists and Community Workers 2012 Softcover | 232 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: University College Ghent: School of Arts & Faculty of Education, Health and Social Work, and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Riet Steel, Elly Van Eeghem, Griet Verschelden & Carlos Dekeyrel Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9069 338 1 Price: 19.00 euros
Benoit Platéus Parties de voyant 2012 Softcover | 100 pages | 28 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR Design: Benoit Platéus Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 337 4 Price: 20.00 euros Hilde D’haeyere Dislexicon 2011 Hardcover | 64 pages | 19,5 × 13 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Hilde D’haeyere Design: Sophie Nys and Hilde D’haeyere Print: New Goff ISBN: 978 94 9069 331 2 Price: 15.00 euros
Gabriele Guercio The Great Subtraction 2011 Softcover | 112 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers Language: EN Authors: Gabriele Guercio Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome ISBN: 978 94 6117 016 3 Price: 24.00 euros
Charif Benhelima Semites: The Album 2011 Hardover (Collected in a cardboardbox) | 2 x 96 pages | 25,5 × 20,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 330 5 Price: 35.00 euros
Stefaan Dheedene Against the Sun 2011 Softcover | 36 pages | 28 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Johan Pas Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 333 6 Price: 20.00 euros Sadaharu Horio 2011 Hardcover | 288 pages | 29,6 × 19,4 cm Publisher: Vervoordt Foundation and ASA Publishers Language: EN Authors: Atsuo Yamamoto and Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 6117 014 9 Price: 39.50 euros Architecten de Vylder Vinck Taillieu Boxset 2011 Softcover (Collected in a cardboardbox) | 304 + 312 + 400 pages | 21 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus Language: EN, NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9069 326 8 Price: 80.00 euros
Hans Demeulenaere 8 interventies 2011 Softcover | 48 pages | 42 × 29,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Julie Rodeyns Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 325 1 Price: 20.00 euros Z33. NU. 2011 Hardcover | 258 pages | × cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Jan Boelen, Maaike Grungeon, Ils Huygens, Mieke Mels, Lieve Vanhoyland, Karen Verschooren Design: Vika Varganova Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 307 7 Price: 20.00 euros T.J. Demos Sven Augustijnen’s Spectropoetics 2011 Softcover | 28 pages | 23,5 × 15 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers Language: EN Authors: T.J. Demos Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 6117 015 6 Price: 7.00 euros TRA Edge of Becoming 2011 Softcover | 340 pages | 33,2 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, IT Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Rosa Martínez, Francesco Poli, Eddi De Wolf, Tatsuro Miki Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 317 6 Price: 49.00 euros
Architecten de Vylder Vinck Taillieu 1 boek 3 2011 Softcover | 400 pages | 21 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9069 313 8 Price: 35.00 euros Architecten de Vylder Vinck Taillieu 1 boek 2 2011 Softcover | 312 pages | 21 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus Language: EN, NL Authors: Paul Vermeulen, Kersten Geers, Piet Bodyn & Ellen Meurez, Joachim Declerck, Jan De Vylder, Katrien Vandermarliere Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9069 312 1 Price: 19.00 euros
Sven Augustijnen Spectres 2011 Softcover | 504 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers Language: EN, FR, NL Authors: Sven Augustijnen Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 6117 009 5 Price: 39.00 euros
Raoul De Keyser De dingen die ik zie 2011 Softcover | 96 pages | 24 × 16,5 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers Language: NL Authors: Jan Peumans, Robert Hoozee, Paul Robbrecht Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 6117 010 1 Price: 19.50 euros Johan Pas Multiple / Readings. 51 kunstenaarsboeken 1959–2009 2011 Softcover (Collected in a cardboardbox ) | 112 + 108 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and ASA Publishers Language: NL Authors: Johan Pas Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Mariakerke ISBN: 978 94 6117 011 8 Price: 30.00 euros
Jef Van Eynde Ostende 2011 Hardcover | 176 pages | 23,7 × 16 cm Publisher: Medium Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9069 314 5 Price: 29.00 euros Alice Joseph Het Huis Huilt 2011 Softcover | 330 pages | 23,5 × 11,6 cm Publisher: Medium Language: NL Authors: Alice Joseph Design: Michiel de Vreede with Michelle Adriaense Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9069 316 9 Price: 19.50 euros
Bracha L. Ettinger Art as Compassion 2011 Hardcover | 320 pages | 25 × 20 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Rosi Huhn, Christine Buci Glucksmann, Catherine de Zegher, Judith Butler, Erin Manning, Griselda Pollock Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 6117 008 8 Price: 39.00 euros Mina Wu Het Plateel 2010 Hardcover | 96 pages | 21 × 14 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Ymere Language: EN, NL Authors: Louise Schouwenberg, Roel Steenbeek, Dirk van Weelden Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 311 4 Price: 25.00 euros Luc Lambrecht, Thibaut Verhoeven Dirk Vander Eecken 2010 Hardcover | 112 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Galerie van der Mieden Language: EN, NL Authors: Luk Lambrecht, Thibaut Verhoeven Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Bema-graphics, Wommelgem ISBN: 978 94 9069 310 7 Price: 29.50 euros Juliaan Lampens 2010 Softcover | 152 pages | 27,5 × 21 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers, Brussels Language: EN Authors: Angelique Campens, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Sara Noel Costa De Araujo, Jan Kempenaars, Francis Strauven, Joseph Grima Design: Thomas Desmet Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 6117 005 7 Price: 29.50 euros
Architecten de vylder vinck taillieu 1 boek 1 2010 Softcover | 304 pages | 21 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus Language: EN, NL Design: architecten de vylder vinck taillieu with Levi Seeldraeyers Print: New Goff, Gent ISBN: 978 94 906 9 308 4 Price: 31.95 euros Nico Dockx, Ann Veronica Janssens L’éclipse de l’objet, l’éclipse du sujet 2010 Softcover | 24 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Luc Derycke & Nico Dockx Print: Guido Maes Printing Deluxe, Ghent Jef Verheyen Le Peintre Flamant 2010 Softcover | 256 pages | 23 × 23 cm Publisher: AsaMER. with Axel Vervoordt Language: EN, DE Authors: Tijs Visser, Dirk Pörschmann, Jenny Trautwein, Johan Pas, Francesca Pola, Beate Kemfert, Tiziana Caianiello, Léonore Verheyen Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Vestagraphics, Vosselaar ISBN: 978 94 6117 007 1 Price: 45.00 euros Max Borka Art of the Loom 2010 Hardcover | 160 pages | 31 × 24 cm Publisher: Medium Language: EN Authors: Max Borka Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 309 1 Philippe Van Snick Dynamic Project 2010 Softcover | 352 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers Language: EN Authors: Lies Daenen, Liesbeth Decan, Marie-Pascale Gildemyn, Anny De Decker, Hans M. de Wolf, Alexander Streitberger, Paul Tanghe, Hilde Van Gelder, Lore Van Hees Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 6117 002 6 Price: 39.00 euros
Karin Hanssen The Thrill of it All 2010 Hardcover | 127 pages | 27 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Ghent Language: EN, NL Authors: Philippe Van Cauteren, Gregory Salzman, David Broker Design: Kim Beirnaert Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 923 6 Price: 35.00 euros
Vermeersch family Book 2010 Hardcover | 288 pages | 28,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: ASA Publishers Language: EN, NL Authors: Various Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 6117 001 9 Price: 39.00 euros Werner Mannaers About Flowers & Taxis 2010 Hardcover | 136 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and De Garage Language: EN Authors: Koen Leemans, Wim Van Mulders, Isabelle De Baets, Luc Derycke, Marc Verminck Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 90 7697 943 4 Price: 29.00 euros Rehabilitation The Legacy of the Modern Movement 2010 Softcover | 228 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: Wiels and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR Authors: Dirk Snauwaert, Christophe Van Gerrewey Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 90 7893 711 1 Price: 20.00 euros Giannina Urmeneta Ottiker Un-There 2010 Hardcover | 112 pages | 27,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: Medium Language: NL, FR Authors: Philippe Van Cauteren, Anna Luyten Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9069 304 6 Price: 30.00 euros
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Frank Depoorter & Lore Rabaut Book, a Room 2010 Softcover | 224 pages | 23 × 17,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Ghent Language: EN, NL Authors: Bart Verschaffel, Christophe Van Gerrewey Design: Frank Depoorter & Lore Rabaut ISBN: 978 90 7697 946 5 Price: 29.00 euros Joseph Kosuth ‘ni apparence ni illusion’ 2010 Hardcover | 164 pages | 32 × 26 cm Publisher: MER Paperkunsthalle, Ghent, Musee du Louvre, Paris Language: EN, FR Authors: Henri Loyrette, John Welchman, Marie-Laure Bernadac, Joseph Kosuth, Jacino Lageira Design: Joseph Kosuth ISBN: 978 94 9069 303 9 Price: 49.00 euros
Parcifal Neyt LIQUID GOLD GOLD RUSH 2010 Softcover | 32 pages | 29 × 20,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9069 300 8 Price: 45.00 euros Parcifal Neyt Without Title 2010 Softcover | 28 pages | 26 × 19,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle, vzw Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9069 301 5 Price: 20.00 euros Parcifal Neyt DIEGO/MICHAEL/BRITNEY 2010 Hardcover | 120 pages | 28 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent Language: EN ISBN: 978 90 7697 964 9 Price: 45.00 euros Ronny Delrue Touching the Earth and The Sky 2010 Softcover | 160 pages | 17 × 11 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, DE Authors Wolfgang Becker, Peter De Graeve Print: Die Keure, Brugge ISBN: 978 90 7697 961 8 Price: 15.00 euros In-Finitum 2009 Hardcover ed | 339 pages | 27 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Ghent Language: EN, IT Authors: De Wolf, Eddie; Jocks, Norbert; Miki, Tatsuro; Poli, Francesco, Romanelli, Giandomenico; Van Hout, Nico; Vervoordt, Axel Design: Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 981 6 Price: 65.00 euros Joost Swarte Kunst voor het Johannes Enschedé Hof 2009 Hardcover ed | 49 pages | 21 × 14 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent, Ymere, Amsterdam Language: NL Authors: Mélanie van der Hoorn, Bert Sliggers, Roel Steenbeek Design: Joost Swarte & Nina Rödner Print: Erasmus-Euroset, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 900 7 Price: 15.00 euros
Frederik Bruylant Dark Room 2009 Hardcover | 96 pages | 24,5 × 18 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent, Sleeperhold publications, Antwerpen Language: EN Design: Ward Heirwegh Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 993 9 Price: 20.00 euros Sanna Marander W.R. said to Kierkegaard Catalogue 2009 Hardcover | 252 pages | 20 × 28,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw Language: EN Design: Sanna Marander ISBN: 978 90 7697 991 5 Price: 29.00 euros Time is a Book 2009 Softcover | 344 pages | 33,8 × 24,5 cm Publisher: Time Festival vzw, Gent, Distribution: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent Language: EN, NL Authors: Erik Eelbode, Agna Smisdom Design: Kim Beirnaert, Pierre Stubbe Print: New Goff, Ghent ISBN: 978 90 7697 999 1 Price: 24.00 euros
Frederic Geurts (un)balanced 2009 Softcover | 178 pages | 27,5 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent Language: EN Authors: Francis Smets, Jean Paul Van Bendegem Design: Livin Mentens Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 90 7697 932 8 Price: 29.00 euros Chantal Crousel Andy Warhol / Crude Icons 2009 Softcover (Stapled) | 32 pages | 30 × 30 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Galerie Chantal Crousel Language: EN, FR Authors: Chantal Crousel Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 998 4 Price: 15.00 euros
Siegfried De Buck Ring 2009 Hardcover | 162 pages | 24,5 × 17 cm Publisher: Medium Language: EN, NL Authors: Siegfried De Buck, Shany Goemaere, Koen Van Synghel, Lieven Daenens Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 90 7697 996 0 Price: 29.50 euros
Isabelle Cornaro De l’adresse 2009 Softcover | 60 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: FR Authors: Julie Pellerin Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 997 7 Price: 15.00 euros
Raphaël Buedts 2009 Hardcover | 288 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and S.M.A.K. Language: EN, NL Authors: Lies Daenen, Roland Jooris, Luk Lambrecht, Frank Maes, Marco Meneguzzo, Tom Van de Voorde, Wim Van Mulders,Philippe Van Cauteren Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 990 8 Price: 50.00 euros
Anouk Declercq Oops Wrong Planet 2009 Softcover | 88 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER, Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Ghent Language: NL Authors: Jan Knops, Landschip Design: Boy Vereecken, Kasia Korczak Print: Extrapool, Nijmegen ISBN: 978 90 7697 995 3 Price: 20.00 euros
Objects of vertu, Artist Instruments and Thingamajigs HAP 2009 Softcover | 94 pages | 27 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw Language: EN Authors: Dieter Roelstraete Design: Boy Vereecken, Kasia Korczak Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 9023 509 7 Price: 15.00 euros
Mara Goldberg Optic Nerve and Ruffini Ending 2009 Softcover | 80 pages | 30,4 × 22,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 989 2 Price: 20.00 euros Roy Villevoy Twee Vrouwen 2009 Hardcover | 96 pages | 21,6 × 14,2 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Ymere Language: NL Authors: Roel Steenbeek, K. Michel, Ine Gevers, Roy Villevoye Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Erasmus-Euroset, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 994 6 Price: 20.00 euros
Rob Scholte Hot chocolate 2009 Hardcover | 84 pages | 21 × 13,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Ymere Language: NL Authors: Martin Bril, Rudi Fuchs, Teun van de Keuken, Rob Scholte, Roel Steenbeek Design: Luc Derycke, Jeroen Wille Print: Erasmus-Euroset, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 979 3 Price: 20.00 euros Rita Mc Bride, Koenraad Dedobbeleer Tight: Repeating Boredom / Hall / Privaat 2009 Hardcover | 208 pages | 28 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Fonds régional d’art contemporain Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 986 1 Price: 39.50 euros Reinaart Vanhoe Antwerpen bij 5 graden boven 0 2009 Softcover | 12 pages | 14,7 × 14,8 cm Publisher: MER, Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Ghent Language: NL ISBN: 978 90 7697 984 7 Price: 10.00 euros
Christian Philipp Müller La Tour, The Vertical Element 2009 Softcover | 160 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Les Grands Ateliers de l’Isle d’Abeau Language: FR Authors: Patrice Béghain, Marie-Claude Jeune, Thierry Boutonnier, Florence Lipsky, Antoine Picon, Christian Philipp Müller Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Ghent ISBN: 978 90 7697 980 9 Price: 20.00 euros Cum* An Orderly Fashion 2009 Softcover | 52 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle; Maes & Matthys Gallery ISBN: 978 90 7697 974 8 Price: 15.00 euros Werner Mannaers Anyth_= 2009 Softcover | 132 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and S.M.A.K. Language: EN, NL Authors: Philippe Van Cauteren, Thibaut Verhoeven Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 978 6 Price: 29.00 euros
Lieve Dhondt Blue Garden 2009 Softcover | 200 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER, Paper Kunsthalle Design: Lieve D’hondt with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 977 9 Price: 65.00 euros Giga C. 2008 Softcover | 120 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 976 2 Price: 65.00 euros Benjamin Verdonck Werk/Some Works 2008 Softcover | 456 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: Mer. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent / CAMPO, Gent Language: EN, NL Authors: Benjamin Verdonck Design: Affreux Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 967 0 Price: 55.00 euros
ZERO 1957-1966 NY 2008 2008 Hardcover | 320 pages | 21 × 20 cm Publisher: Sperone Westwater Gallery, NY / ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf / MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Gent Language: EN Authors: Valerie L. Hillings, Catherine Millet, Heike Van Den Valentyn, Design: Mattijs Visser ISBN: 978 90 7697 973 1 Price: 49.50 euros
Academia Qui es-tu? 2008 Hardcover | 248 pages | 26,8 × 21,5 cm Publisher: Axel Vervoordt and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: FR, EN Authors: Henry-Claude Cousseau, René de Bartiral, Eddi de Wolf, Bernard Lietaer, Dominique Païni, Giandomenico Romanelli Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN (FR): 978 90 7697 965 6 ISBN (EN): 978 90 7697 963 2 Price: 49.50 euros Charlotte Beaudry 2008 Softcover | 176 pages | 25,5 × 19,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent / Stuk, Leuven Language: EN, NL, FR Authors: Denis Gielen, Luk Lambrecht, Eva Wittocx , Design: Donuts Print: Dereume Printing, Drogenbos ISBN: 978 90 7697 966 3 Price: 22.00 euros John Baldessari, Koen van den Broek This an Example of That 2008 Hardcover | 52 pages | 42 × 29,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle, bkSM and De Garage Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 972 4 Price: 50.00 euros
Z33 Design & Art Projects collected ZOOM in ZOOM out 2008 Softcover | 192 pages | 23 × 17 cm Publisher: Z33, Hasselt, MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent Language: EN, NL Authors: Geert Zagers, Claire Warnier Design: Julie Peeters Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7460 500 7 Price: 20.00 euros Dirk Vander Eecken Nano 2008 Softcover | 144 pages | 28,8 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Paul Huvenne, Stef Van Tendeloo, Marc Ruyters Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 969 4 Price: 35.00 euros
Dirk Vander Eecken Kunst van het onzichtbare 2008 Softcover | 160 pages | 28,8 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Paul Huvenne, Stef Van Tendeloo, Marc Ruyters Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 968 7 Price: 00.00 euros
Freestate 2008 Softcover | 160 pages | 24,5 × 16,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Hendrik Tratsaert, Lieven Van Den Abeele, Koen Van Synghel, Pierre-Olivier Rollin Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8114 422 3 Price: 20.00 euros Ives Maes Recyclable Refugee Camp 2008 Softcover | 144 pages | 28 × 23 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent Language: EN, NL Authors: Dieter Roelstraete, Monika Szewczyk, Philippe Van Cauteren Design: Joris Kritis & Julie Peeters Print: Die Keure, Brugge ISBN: 978 90 7697 959 5 Price: 29.90 euros Gabriel Lester Elevating Witte de With 2008 Hardcover | 56 pages | 21 × 13,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Ymere Language: NL Authors: Jan Rothuizen, Xander Karskens, Lex Pouw Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Erasmus-Euroset, wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 957 1 Price: 20.00 euros
35 jaar Frans Masereel Centrum 2008 Softcover | 128 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 90 7697 951 9 Price: 24.50 euros Rebecca H. Quaytman Allegorical Decoys 2008 Hardcover | 48 pages | 24,5 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle vzw, Gent Language: EN Authors: Quaytman, Rebecca Design: Geoff Kaplan Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 954 0 Price: 30.00 euros Isabelle Cornaro Black Maria 2008 Softcover | 48 pages | 25 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 955 7 Price: 15.00 euros
Jan Dheedene Walks 2008 Softcover | 112 pages | 28 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 90 7697 958 8 Price: 35.00 euros Gerard Richter Panorama 2008 Softcover | 108 pages | 26 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Luk Lambrecht, Frederik Leen, Robert Storr Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 953 3 Price: 20.00 euros
Edith Dekyndt Subjects (Preview) 2008 Softcover | 64 pages | 26 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Charlotte Bonduel, Rodney La Tourelle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren Price: 00.00 euros Adam Lehner The Rearrangement 2008 Softcover | 198 pages | 26 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 952 6 Price: 20.00 euros
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Karolien Vanderstappen Mamamania 2007 Publisher: Medium Language: NL Authors: Karolien Vanderstappen Design: Karolien Vanderstappen with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 949 6 Price: 15.00 euros
Werner Mannaers Cahier de brouillons 2007 Hardcover | 108 pages | 27 × 29,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Pocketroom Language: EN, NL Authors: Inge Henneman Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 950 2 Price: 40.00 euros Lore Vanelslande Dates 2007 Softcover | 168 pages | 29,7 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Print: Cultura, Wetteren Artempo - Where Time Becomes Art 2007 Hardcover and Softcover | 344 pages | 27,5 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Axel Vervoordt Language: EN, IT Authors: Massimo Carriari, Giandomenico Romanelli, Jean-Hubert Martin, Axel Vervoordt, Eddi De Wolf, Heinz-Norbert Jocks, Mattijs Visser Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 947 2 Price: 55.00 euros
Joëlle Tuerlinckx Study Book (Drawing Papers 59) 2007 Softcover | 560 pages | 27,8 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle, The Drawing Center, and The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago Language: EN Authors: Catherine de Zegher, Suzanne Ghez, Katherine Carl, aleh Mansoor, Michael Newman Design: Joëlle Tuerlinckx in dialogue with Luc Derycke and Thomas Desmet Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 09 423 2424 2 Price: 65.00 euros
Matt Mullican That Person’s Workbook 2007 Hardcover | 744 pages | 34,5 × 22 cm Publisher: Ridinghouse and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Ullrich Wilmes, Vicente L. de Moura Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Die Keure, Brugge ISBN: 978 19 0546 407 4 Price: 65.00 euros
Ricardo Brey Universe 2006 Hardcover | 508 pages | 32 × 31,5 cm Publisher: S.M.A.K. and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Levi Seeldraeyers, Ricardo Brey Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 756 7927 0 Price: 69.00 euros
Siegfried De Buck Ajour 2006 Softcover | 64 pages | 22 × 16,2 cm Publisher: Medium Language: NL Authors: Bart Janssen Design: Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 7697 940 3 Price: 10.00 euros Niek Kemps Energie sombre dans une nuit blanche 2006 Hardcover | 64 pages | 21,5 × 14 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Ymere Language: NL Authors: Phillip van den Bossche, Elbeth Brouwer Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Erasmus-Euroset, Wetteren ISBN: 90 769 7937 5 Price: 15.00 euros Pieter Vermeersch Acoustic Abstractions 2006 Softcover | 96 pages | 22,8 × 17,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Lieven Gevaert Research Centre Language: EN Authors: Hilde Van Gelder, Paul Cruysberghs, Stéphane Symons Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 769 7939 1 Price: 17.50 euros
Sofie Van Loo Gorge(l) Beklemming en verademing in kunst 2006 Softcover | 372 pages | 25,8 × 21 cm Publisher: KMSKA, Gynaika and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Bracha L. Ettinger, Sofie Van Loo Design: Luc Derycke & Thomas Desmet Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 769 7935 9 Price: 40.00 euros Els Vander Meersch Implants 2006 Softcover | 160 pages | 28 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Dieter Roelstraete, Ernst Van Alphen Design: Els Vanden Meersch & Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 769 7938 3 Price: 25.00 euros
Filip Van Dingenen Zoonation 2006 Hardcover | 176 pages | 20 × 15,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: David Van Reybrouck Design: Filip Van Dingenen & Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Ghent ISBN: 90 769 7936 7 Price: 20.00 euros Willem Oorebeek Bigger, Higher, Leader! 2006 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and S.M.A.K. Language: EN, NL Authors: Keren Cytter, Eva Meyer, Willem Oorebeek Design: Luc Derycke & Willem Oorebeek Print: ARTE-Print, Brussels ISBN: 90 769 7931 6 Price: 19.50 euros
Craigie Horsfield Relation 2006 Hardcover | 404 pages | 28,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Jeu de Paume and Fundação Calouste Gilbendian Language: EN Authors: Craigie Horsfield, Carol Armstrong, Bracha L. Ettinger, Slavoj Zizek, David Ebony, Serge Guilbaut Design: Luc Derycke Print: Arteprint, Brussels and Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 90 769 7933 2 Price: 49.00 euros Joris Ghekiere MMV – MMVI 2006 Hardcover | 404 pages | 28,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Jeu de Paume and Fundação Calouste Gilbendian Language: EN Authors: Craigie Horsfield, Carol Armstrong, Bracha L. Ettinger, Slavoj Zizek, David Ebony, Serge Guilbaut Design: Luc Derycke Print: Arteprint, Brussels and Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 90 769 7933 2 Price: 49.00 euros Jan Fabre Kijkdozen en Denkmodellen (1977–2005) 2006 Hardcover | 388 pages | 28,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Vision Publishers Language: NL, FR Authors: Florent Bex, Paul Demets, Nadia Sels, Willem Elias Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 769 7929 4 Price: 39.00 euros Anne Daems, Koenraad Dedobbeleer Remember the Small Things 2005 36 pages Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle
Julião Sarmento A Short Story 2005 Hardcover | 64 pages | 21 × 14,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Museum Dhondt Dhaenens Language: EN, FR Design: Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 532 5925 1 Price: 19.50 euros
Artur Barrio Barrio – Beuys ........ 2005 Softcover | 126 pages | 28 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and S.M.A.K. Language: EN, NL, ES Authors: Arhur Barrio, Justo Pastor Mellado, Philippe Van Cauteren, Thibaut Verhoeven Design: Luc Derycke & Thomas Desmet Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 756 7922 X Price: 29.50 euros
Z33 (No. 0 – No. 7) = Z33 (06/2002 – 10/2004) 2005 Softcover | 184 pages | 25 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Z33 Language: EN, NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: New Goff, Ghent ISBN: 90 769 7924 3 Price: 9.00 euros
Pieter Vermeersch Work In Progress I > III 2005 Hardcover | 54 pages | 21 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Koraalberg Art Gallery and CC Strombeek Language: EN, NL Authors: Luk Lambrecht Design: Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 90 7697 92 0 Price: 15.00 euros
28 Willem Oorebeek met zonder KOP 2005 Softcover | 64 pages | 27,5 × 20,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 978 90 7697 925 0 Price: 15.00 euros
De XXIII De cross-over katernen in DWB 2005 Softcover | 396 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Design: Luc Derycke Print: ARTE-Print, Brussels ISBN: 90 769 7927 8 Price: 19.50 euros 26
Stephan Vanfleteren Flandrien 2005 Hardcover | 120 pages | 14 × 14 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Design: Luc Derycke, Stephan Vanfleteren Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 90 769 7902 2 Price: 19.50 euros
23 Saskia De Coster La Optica Moderna 2005 Softcover | 48 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle and FotoMuseum Price: 15.00 euros Gert Robijns Re-Shade 2005 Softcover | 104 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: MERZ and MuHKA Language: EN, NL Authors: Michael Tarantino, Wim Peeters Design: Luc Derycke in conversation with Gert Robijns Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 90 7697 912 0 Price: 35.00 euros Reinaart Vanhoe Le monde 2005 Softcover | 176 pages | 17 × 13 cm Publisher: MERZ and Agnes b Language: EN, NL, FR Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 769 7915 4 Price: 19.00 euros
Gabriel Orozco Of Games The Infinite and Worlds: The Work of Gabriel Orozco 2004 Hardcover | 184 pages | 21 × 13,7 cm Publisher: MERZ and Douglas Hyde Gallery Language: EN Authors: Miguel A Gonzalez-Virgen, John Hutchinson Design: Luc Derycke, assisted by Nelis Schyttecatte and Bettina De Boever Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt, Belgium ISBN: 09 076 6086 X Price: 00.00 euros Joris Ghekiere CXVIII–IV 2004 Hardcover | 80 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: MERZ and Koraalberg Gallery Language: EN, NL Authors: Gerrit Vermeiren, Hilde Van Gelder Design: Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 769 7920 0 Price: 19.00 euros Hassan Khan 17 and in AUC – The transcriptions 2004 Softcover | 216 pages | 22 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MERZ and Galerie Chantal Crousel Language: EN Authors: Hassan Khan Design: Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 29 522 6300 0 Price: 22.00 euros
La Ribot 2004 Softcover | 176 + 120 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MERZ and Centre national de la danse Language: EN Authors: Adrian Heathfield, José A. Sanchez, Laurent Goumarre, Gerald Siegmund, André Lepecki Design: Luc Derycke, in conversation with La Ribot Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 29 141 2425 2 Price: 35.00 euros Christoph Fink Atlas of Movements #59–#63 2003 Softcover | 352 pages | 21,5 × 14 cm Publisher: MERZ Language: EN Authors: Christoph Fink Design: Luc Derycke, in conversation with Christoph Fink Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 7697 919 7 Price: 14.95 euros
13 Jean-Paul Deridder Kino 2003 Softcover | 190 pages | 21 × 14,5 cm Publisher: MERZ Language: EN, NL ISBN: 90 769 7913 8 Price: 19.00 euros Martien Van Beeck In Limbo 2003 Hardcover | 190 pages | 21 × 14,5 cm Publisher: MERZ Language: EN, NL Authors: Martien Van Beeck Design: Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 90 7697 913 7 Price: 25.00 euros
Anne Daems Drawings 2003 Softcover | 158 pages | 21,5 × 17 cm Publisher: MERZ Language: EN Authors: Michael Tarantino, Midori Matsui Design: Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 769 7910 3 Price: 22.00 euros Wiels! 2003 Softcover | 170 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MERZ and Centrum voor Hedendaagse Kunst Language: EN, NL, FR Design: Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 769 7917 0 Price: 22.00 euros Bestuifbegeerte 2003 Softcover | 62 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: Cera Foundation, Z33, DWB and MERZ Language: NL Authors: Peter Verhelst, Hugo Bousset, Luk Lambrecht, Dirk Van Weelden Design: Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 769 7918 9 Price: 10.00 euros
Cœurs crus The Flemish Primitives 2002 Hardcover | 52 pages | 24,8 × 28,4 cm cm Publisher: MERZ Language: EN, NL, FR Design: Philippe Blondez Print: IGO ISBN: 90 769 7906 5 Price: 29.00 euros
Lukas Jodogne Urban Arboretum 2002 Softcover | 16 pages | 42 × 30 cm Publisher: MERZ Language: EN Design: Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 90 769 7907 3 Price: 19.00 euros Jonathan Hernandez Se Busco Recompensa 2002 Softcover | 90 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: S.M.A.K., Kurimanzutto, and Merz Language: EN, NL, ES ISBN: 90 769 7911 1 Price: 19.00 euros Marcel Broodthaers Un Voyage à Waterloo 2001 Softcover | 40 pages | 24,8 × 19,8 cm Publisher: Marot, Tijdsbeeld and MERZ Language: NL, FR Authors: Hans Theys Design: Filiep Tacq Print: Die Keure, Brugge ISBN: 90 691 7012 4 Price: 21.00 euros Marcel Broodthaers Ceci est une pipe 2001 Hardcover | 24 pages | 21 × 18 cm Publisher: Marot, Tijdsbeeld and MERZ Language: EN, NL, FR Authors: Hans Theys Design: Kim Beirnaert Print: Die Keure, Brugge ISBN: 90 691 7011 6 Price: 21.10 euros
Wim Delvoye Scatalogue 2002 Hardcover | 96 pages | 28 × 21 cm Publisher: MERZ Language: EN, NL Authors: Thierry Raspail, Jean-Hubert Martin, Peter Bexte, Pierre Sterckx Design: Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 29 064 6156 3 Price: 00.00 euros Jürgen Partenheimer La robe des choses 2002 Softcover | 88 pages | 28 × 19 cm Publisher: MERZ and S.M.A.K. Language: EN, NL Authors: Jan Lauwereyns, Rolf Quaghebeur, Anke van der Laan en Johan Deumens, Sun Zhouxing Design: Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 769 7908 1 Price: 22.00 euros
Joëlle Tuerlinckx Expositions.Projections 2001 Softcover | 768 pages | 21 × 30 cm Publisher: MERZ and Argos Language: EN, FR Design: Luc Derycke and Joëlle Tuerlinckx ISBN: 90 768 5504 8 Price: 50.00 euros
Robert Devriendt Schilderen 2001 Softcover | 72 pages | 21,5 × 14 cm Publisher: MERZ Language: NL Authors: Robert Devriendt Design: Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 90 769 7902 2 Jan De Vries Co-Relief 2000 Hardcover | 128 pages Publisher: MERZ ISBN: 90 691 7005 1 Valérie Mannaerts Hit me with your Color Stick 2000 Softcover | 160 pages | 23 × 16 cm Publisher: MERZ and Cera Foundation Language: EN ISBN: 90 691 7006 X Price: 22.00 euros
Gabriel Orozco Photogravity 1999 Hardcover | 184 pages | 28 × 19 cm Publisher: Philadelphia Museum of Art and MERZ Language: EN Design: Luc Derycke ISBN: 90 691 7004 3 Marin Kasimir From Here to There 1998 Softcover (Leporello) | 88 pages | 18 × 15,4 cm Publisher: Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim and Luc Derycke Language: EN, DU Authors: Michael Tarantino Design: Marin Kasimir with Luc Derycke ISBN: 90 691 7003 5
Wim Delvoye Volume 1 1998 Hadcover | 122 pages | 22 × 16 cm Publisher: Luc Derycke, Ghent in co-production with Delfina, London Language: EN Authors: Gerardo Mosquera, Luc Derycke, Adrian Dannat, Josefina Ayerza Design: Claudia De Backer ISBN: 90 6917 001 9
MER. imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Burgstraat 18 k, BE–9000 Ghent pauline.scharmann(at) luc.derycke(at)
image cover: Richard Tuttle, installation view, De Hallen (Haarlem), 2017