MER. Catalogue Spring–Summer 2019

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Spring Summer 2019

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385 Thomas Frontini..................... p.4 394 Stefaan Dheedene................. p.6 List 400 AgwA architects..................... p.8 Chantier | Construction Site 401 AgwA architects.................... p.8 In Practice 392 Espace 251 Nord............... p.10 387 Joris Van de Moortel........... p.12 Cylinder 395 Julião Sarmento................... p.12 Some Art Sites Of Recent Historical Interest 397 Jelena Jure a....................... p.14 Aphasia 393 Museum III. 2.1................... p.14 Sven Augustijnen & Sammy Baloji 398 Tadashi Kawamata............... p.16 Maquettes / Models I. 1980–2005 396 Laura De Coninck............... p.18 Saudade 389 Salam Atta Sabri.................. p.20 Letters To My Father 386 Simon Boudvin..................... p.20 Un nouveau musée

373 Museum III 2.4.................... p.22 Raoul De Keyser In Print: A Catalogue of the Silkscreens, Lithographs, Linocuts and Etchings 382 Mira Sanders........................ p.24 Inland Voyages In An Inland Voyage 388 Jef Van Eynde...................... p.24 Salad Days 381 René Heyvaert..................... p.26 384 Michel Mazzoni.................... p.28 Other Things Visible 374 Rein Dufait........................... p.28 Things & Air 376 Ingrid Godon........................ p.30 Dantesken 378 Museum III 2.2.................... p.32 Narcisse Tordoir & Fendry Ekel 379 Museum III 2.3.................... p.32 Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkácová 375 Herma de Wit...................... p.34 Sculptures & Drawings 366 Cindy Wright........................ p.36 All Well

Backlist 2014–2019............. p.38


MER. Catalogue Spring–Summer 2019

374 402


Thomas Frontini ISBN 978 90 8931 950 0 Publisher AsaMER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release May 2019 Language EN Authors Cornelia Lauf, Chris Kraus, David Pagel, Christian Egger Dimensions 29 × 26,9 cm Volume 144 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €45.00



Thomas Frontini (°Kingston, 1967) lives and works in Cleveland, Ohio. With a love of art history and background in paper conservation, the history of painting visibly weighs on his decision of palette and technique. His works show the strong influence of Italian Renaissance artists, combined with Surrealist tendencies, and a touch of irony. Thomas Frontini’s work is based on the premise that fantasy and reality are always clashing in one’s consciousness, particularly in dreams. Typically, Frontini uses strong foreground imagery, set against a background of intangible landscapes and tableaux of fluid colours. The depicted scenes seem to suggest a certain narrative; as if an attempt is made to recollect a vague memory, of which some bits have remained crystal clear and some bits have disappeared into oblivion. Frontini captures the viewer’s gaze in strong images that are full of symbolism, references, and humor. Simultaneously apocalyptic and elegantly hopeful.

Thomas Frontini (°1967, Kingston) woont en werkt in Cleveland, Ohio. Na een educatieve achtergrond in restauratie & conservatie en vrije kunsten, weegt de geschiedenis van de schilderkunst zichtbaar door in zijn artistieke palet en techniek. Door zijn schilderijen schemert een grote invloed van vroeg Italiaanse renaissancekunst, gecombineerd met Surrealistische tendenzen en een allomtegenwoordige toets ironie. Het werk van Thomas Frontini vertrekt van de propositie dat fantasie en realiteit beiden hun plaats bevechten in ons bewustzijn en onderbewustzijn, vooral in dromen. Kenmerkend is Frontini’s gebruik van een sprekende figuur in de voorgrond, voor een achtergrond van ondoorgrondelijke landschappen en vloeiende kleuren. De scenes lijken een bepaalde narratief te suggereren; alsof er wordt gepoogd een vage herinnering te reconstrueren waarvan sommige flarden haarscherp zijn gebleven en andere zijn vervlogen in vergetelheid. Frontini grijpt de blik van de toeschouwer naar betekenisvolle beelden vervuld met symbolisme, ­referenties en humor. Apocaliptisch en tegelijk ­schitterend hoopvol.



Thomas Frontini


Stefaan Dheedene List


This first monograph on conceptual artist Stefaan Dheedene (°1975, Belgium) brings an overview of 20 years of artistic practice. The book can be considered as an instrument or handbook, ­created to ­conceive a mental and fysical space in which the oeuvre can be documented and illustrated and ­interrelationships can be exposed. This monograph was structured by Dheedene himself, with use of eight named lists. This principle makes the underlying artistic research visible and creates the possibility of a multiple approach, without falling into corrections and forced interpretations and contextualization.


Deze eerste monografie van kunstenaar Stefaan Dheedene (°1975, Belgium) brengt een overzicht van 20 jaar artistieke praktijk. Het boek verschijnt als een instrument of handboek en wordt ingezet als een ruimte waarbinnen een lange werkperiode wordt verdicht om verbanden te leggen. Deze monografie werd door Dheedene zelf gestructureerd aan de hand van acht benoemde lijsten. Alle producties werden onder deze categorieën opgedeeld en konden ook in meerdere lijsten terechtkomen. Door middel van dit principe wordt het onderliggende artistieke onderzoek zichtbaar gemaakt en wordt de mogelijkheid gecreëerd om een meervoudige benadering te laten bestaan, zonder te vervallen in overkoepelende correcties en opgedrongen interpretaties en contextualisering.


Stefaan Dheedene List


ISBN 978 94 6393 005 5 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release June 2019 Language EN Dimensions 24,5 × 17 cm Volume 424 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.00


L I S T c








Stefaan Dheedene List


AgwA architects Chantier | Construction Site


ISBN 978 94 6393 002 4 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release April 2019 Languages EN, FR Authors Jan De Vylder, Tom Emerson Dimensions 27 × 21 cm Volume 96 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Überknackig Retail €20.00


AgwA shows work in progress: execution as a verb. A collection of collected images. Without a necessary order or sequence. Enlarged and then zoomed in again. But moments that had to be visualised at that time. Perhaps merely to serve as witness. Perhaps ultimately as an unencumbered catalogue of which only this or that will really be understood later on. Or will even be used. AgwA makes work of work in progress: execution as a context. That all of those images are collected is not odd. Not odd in and of itself. As situated: the importance of the building site. But also not strange for AgwA itself. The work itself of AgwA. Increasingly the work situates the idea of what a building truly is. How it is made. Or rather, how it is actually made. — Jan De Vylder AgwA is a Brussels based architecture office. The ­projects of AgwA architects focus mainly on p ­ ublic infrastructures and buildings for collectivities in Belgium. Amongst these, reconversion projects in complex urban contexts are predominant. In these loaded surroundings, AgwA aims at clear spatial cuts which can be built in a very straightforward way. To achieve this, the internal resources of architecture are fundamental. Structures, construction materials, ample spatial systems and a precise contextual positioning are at the heart of their design strategies. Their architecture is simultaneously ordinary and exceptional.



Photographs by AgwA, Filip Dujardin, Antoine ­ spinasseau, Delphine Mathy and Sévérin Malaud. E Texts by Jan De Vylder (architects de vylder vinck taillieu, Ghent) and Tom Emerson (6a architects, London). AgwA partners : Benoît Burquel, Harold Fallon, Benoît Vandenbulcke

AgwA architects In Practice ISBN 978 94 6393 040 6 Publisher AraMER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release May 2019 Authors Philippe Vander Maren, Richard Venlet, Pierre Chabard, Harold Fallon, Benoît Vandenbulcke Languages EN, FR Dimensions 24  × 14 cm Volume 140 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Überknackig Retail €24.00


In this book, together with Pierre Chabard, Philippe Vander Maren and Richard Venlet explore and explicit the design process of House D through a set of unpublished work documents such as sketches, scale models, series of annotated plans, collages and pictures. They retrace the collaboration with the client, the exchanges between the architect and the artist, the moments of discovery of essential features of the design, the similarities and dissonances with architectural precedents. This book was produced following the In Practice conference in Liège, Galerie Opéra, on June 12th 2018. In Practice is an initiative of Harold Fallon (KU Leuven) and Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège).

Initially, In Practice were conferences at which architects were invited to unveil their working documents and tell their story. These short conferences were followed by a conversation with a panel of critics, architects, editors and academics. Architecture opened up to the modalities of research. With this book, In Practice goes further and positions itself at the heart of research, while remaining at the heart of the architect’s work. The book is written on the basis of collected statements. Or rather, it is written by many hands: the external outlook and inner knowledge complement each other. The work dissects the genesis of a project, it shares the doubts, it extracts the mechanisms that lead to choices and it discovers the intuitions which make poetry.


Agwa architects Chantier | Construction Site


Agwa architects In Practice


Espace 251 Nord E2N Archives Actives / Published ISBN (EN) ISBN (FR) Publisher Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail


978 94 6393 004 8 978 94 6393 043 7 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts June 2019 EN, FR 30 × 28 cm 640 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €49.00

Espace 251 Nord is a Belgian art center dedicated to the production and exhibition of Belgian and foreign artists. To intensify visibility and circulation of artists in Wallonia and Brussels, the non profit organization organizes exhibitions and communication plan in the Euregio Meuse-Rhin and Europe (Rome, Venice, Florence, Delft, Lisbon, Paris, Lille). Espace 251 Nord organizes ‘extra-muros’ exhibitions to get artists works to circulate, in order to raise awareness about contemporary art among various types of audiences. Since 1984 it has also been offering periods of residence to belgian artists. Espace 251 Nord provides a unique framework for artists to pursue their practice and engage in current debates and researches that examine the potentials of contemporary artistic production. To celebrate its 35th birthday, Espace 251 Nord shares its history with a 640 pages’ volume book, opening with an extensive plates’ section of exhibition views and closing with an exhaustive chronology & anthology of the 187 exhibitions and events, since 1983 produced by Espace 251 Nord under the direction of Laurent Jacob.



Archives Actives / Published Es



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Espace 251 Nord E2N Archives Actives / Published


Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #9


ISBN 978 94 6393 000 0 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release April 2019 Language EN Dimensions 42,3 × 29,7 cm Volume 48 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Joris Van de Moortel Retail €10.00



Comics were Van de Moortel’s first love: his first drawings, his first stories; a dwelling of fantasies and a lack of reality: he devored them as a child. His first publications with MER., the Cylinder Series, is not a real comic book series, but the idea is based on the structure of it. It fits perfectly to get Van de ­Moortel’s work published. The sketches, the colouring, the humour that feels close to the practice: it’s a work in itself and not just a representation of images. The artist prints one new Cylinder issue on the occasion of each new project or exhibition. Each cahier has a unique design and cover. Each will be published separately at first; becoming one book after 10 editions that will be published as a whole. Every edition is a new adventure having the same basic players, added, transformed. It’s one big playground: like a show. This is the sequel to Cylinder #8. It is the ninth issue of the Cylinder Series.

Julião Sarmento Some Art Sites of Recent Historical Interest In America ISBN 978 94 6393 006 2 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release May 2019 Language EN Dimensions 27,9 × 22 cm Volume 64 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €35.00


This artist book brings together 32 photographs by Portugese multimedia artist and painter Julião ­Sarmento (°1948, Lisbon) of sites in America that were once locations of art-historical importance.

Julião Sarmento is one of the most notable members and instigators of a wave of Portuguese artists emerging in the wake of the democratic regime in Portugal. Because of his assertive participation in post-war artistic reflections and because of the certainty and consistency of his discourse, Sarmento’s work was rapidly appreciated by the international art scene; resulting in group and solo shows and representations in major galleries throughout the world.


Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #9


JuliĂŁo Sarmento Some Art Sites


Jelena Jure a Aphasia


ISBN 978 94 6393 042 0 Publisher Argos, KASK, MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Authors Jelena Jureša, Branka Benčić, Berber Bevernage, Eline Mestdagh, Barbara Matejčić, Asa Mendelsohn, Rolf Quaghebeur Release May 2019 Language EN Dimensions 34 × 24 cm Volume 240 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Dušica Dražić, Out of Sight Retail €25.00


Aphasia is a book that is published at the occasion of a filminstallation and exhibition with the same title by the artist Jelena Jureša. As a medical term, ‘aphasia’ refers to the inability to speak or to find the right words. Jureša’s new film consists of three chapters, each focusing on the collective silence surrounding crime and the compartmentalisation of historical events, and tracing the line between Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism and the wars in Yugoslavia. With Aphasia, Jureša not only digs for the roots and preconditions for a state sponsored violence, but also for the reasons why such collective crimes keep being repeated. The film zooms in on objectivisation and dehumanisation processes, among other themes, while at the same time shedding light on the roles played by photography and film. Aphasia is a work of art about racism and intolerance, exposing the banality and triviality of evil. The films challenges us to look (literally) more attentively and to question our own individual and collective position. Aphasia is a call, not for punishment or outrage about the crimes committed during colonial times, the Holocaust or the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars. Rather, it is a call to break the collective silence, and to actually look at the blind spots that seem to have become a fundamental part of our European identity. Aphasia begins where everything else ends— precisely because the artistic imagination can offer different perspectives, solace and justice.


Museum III. 2.1 Sven ­Augustijnen & Sammy Baloji ISBN Publisher Authors Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail


978 90 8931 991 3 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Sandrine Colard, Sven Augustijnen, André Tilbuck, Sammy Baloji June 2019 EN, NL 27,9 × 21,6 cm 32 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €20.00

Sammy Baloji’s and Sven Augustijnen’s penetrating exhibition was on view in the Cc Strombeek when the new Africa Museum in Brussels opened and at once criticism was levelled at the tame and partially institutionally disinfected—primarily by contemporary art—shame about the Belgian colonial past. The exhibition found itself at the heart of the new, more open and less black-and-white debate that was finally initiated in Belgium when very slowly the public learned about the bewildering numbers regarding the mass murder of our black brothers and sisters between 1885 and 1960, as well as about the profit and the huge ‘transfers’ from Congo to Belgium— transfers to which until late in the 1950s we owned a prosperity that was sanctioned by state and church. Sven Augustijnen confronted us with the unabashed thinking, printed in black on white, in his judicious presentation of the pages from Europe Magazine, with their outspoken extreme right views and explicit illustrations. Sammy Baloji presented a circular configuration of a series of works that show the mechanisms of how museums neutralize the view of Congo and how these museums mobilize aesthetical means to avoid ethical issues relating to the theft of the African heritage and raw materials. For Museum Culture Strombeek/Ghent, this exhibition was of great significance, because the audience at large and the middle class in particular is not very familiar with ‘our’ colonial role in Congo. Furthermore, in Belgium public opinion, museums and schools weren’t ‘culturally’ ready to think in a ‘different’ manner and to cope with the reality that our world view is still very white and that despite the first confrontational lessons about colonialism, ‘we’ still consider ourselves economically and culturally superior in the sense that we still live off the import of raw materials and ‘cheap’ production. With a new essay and translations, this catalogue wants to contribute to a broader insight in how we as ‘white people’ in and through the course of time still don’t behave as we should. We therefore express our greatest respect for the artists and the author, who have made a great effort to make this a truly valuable publication.




Museum III. 2.1


Tadashi Kawamata Maquettes / Models I. 1980–2005 ISBN 978 90 8931 580 9 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release May 2019 Language EN Authors Tadashi Kawamata, Andreas Pluskota, Mouna Mekouar Dimensions 29,7 × 21 cm Volume 472 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Sven Beirnaert Retail €60.00


Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata (°1953) lives and works in Paris. For the past three decades, Kawamata has been creating transient, site-specific intallations in public spaces, often where you least expect them. An essential element in his work is the process of building, by which the participation of local residents plays a key role. Typically, his sculptural works are made of simple construction materials, such as ­wooden pallets, residual wood, old chairs, etc. This edition, the first volume of a trilogy, focusses on his impressive maquettes, created in preparation for the monumental installations. Kawamata chose the title maquette, which for him, in this context, refers to relief-like, semi-three-­dimensional pieces.


Al drie decennia construeert de Japanse kunstenaar Tadashi Kawamata (°1953) vergankelijke, plaatsgebonden installaties in publieke ruimtes, vaak daar waar je ze het minst verwacht. Hij gebruikt daarvoor eenvoudige materialen (palletten, afvalhout, oude stoelen...) Het proces van het bouwen staat centraal en daarin is de participatie van lokale bewoners een belangrijk onderdeel. Zijn indrukwekkende installaties zijn internationaal verspreid en bekend. Zo stelde hij tentoon in New York, Berlijn, Kassel, Venetië, ­Parijs, Tokyo etc. In België nam hij onlangs deel aan de ­Triënnale in Brugge, met een werk in het Begijnhof. Zijn driedelige ‘Catalogue Raisonné’ focust op de – vaak even indrukwekkende – maquettes die hij maakt ter voorbereiding van zijn installaties. In het eerste deel komt vooral zijn vroeg werk aan bod, ­namelijk van 1980 tot 2005. Een uniek en monumentaal naslagwerk van een inspirerende kunstenaar.



Tadashi Kawamata Maquettes / Models I.


Laura De Coninck Saudade ISBN 978 90 8931 994 4 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Author Kristien Hemmerechts Release June 2019 Language NL Dimensions 30 × 20 cm Volume 100 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.99


Met het boek Saudade doet Laura een oproep naar ambassadeurs van het woord. Ze hoopt zo veel mogelijk mensen te ‘besmetten’ met de liefde voor dit woord, zodat het gedeeld en gemeengoed wordt. Toen ze het woord hoorde en de betekenis bij herhaling tot haar doordrong, ervaarde ze dit als een soort thuiskomen. Het was alsof plotseling alles op zijn plaats viel; haar oeuvre en dat wat haar dreef om te schilderen had plots een gemeenschappelijke noemer gevonden, een vlag die de lading dekt. En ze ontdekte nog iets anders: wat zij tracht uit te drukken in beelden is net zo onbestemd als wat haar vader probeerde uit te drukken in zijn poëzie. Laura vertrok bij het maken van deze bundel met het neerschrijven van emoties. Waarvan de sfeer zich vertaalde in beelden. In een poging om op een zachtere manier over de werkelijkheid te communiceren dan woorden kunnen doen. Woorden schieten vaak tekort, kunnen harder aankomen dan bedoeld en worden vaak verkeerd begrepen. Om haar waarheid uit te drukken grijpt Laura bij voorkeur naar een beeldentaal. Het is een zachte manier van spreken over datgene wat haast onzegbaar is. Een gesprek zonder woorden over Saudade en de kracht en de fragiliteit van de liefde.

“De emotionele werelden die haar vader kon oproepen op zijn unieke manier, met de juiste woorden, roept Laura op met eenzelfde authenticiteit aan de hand van een ingetogen samenspel van lijnen, beelden, inkt en papier. Ik lees haar graag.” — Jan Moeyaert, organisator Kunstenfestival Watou.



Laura De Coninck Saudade


Salam Atta Sabri Letters To My Father


ISBN 978 90 8931 990 6 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release September 2019 Language EN Dimensions 29,7 × 21 cm Volume 160 pages Cover hardcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail tbc



Salam Atta Sabri (°1953, Iraq) lives and works in Baghdad. He is a former lecturer at the Institute of Folkloric Arts, Baghdad and from 2010 to 2015 he was the director of the National Museum of Modern Art in Baghdad. Having lived in the USA and Jordan for 16 years, Sabri returned to Baghdad in 2005. His work deals directly with the experience of returning to a country so changed by conflict. Despite working in the arts all of his life and initially training as a ceramicist, Atta Sabri kept all of his own works of draughtsmanship out of the public eye until he participated in the Ruya Foundation’s exhibition ‘Invisible Beauty’, the National Pavilion of Iraq at the 56th Venice Biennale. Letters To My Father presents a set of drawings by Salam Atta. Like a stream of conciousness, the images flow into a story. They are a personal testimony of an artist who recalls his life—the important moments that he related to his father, Iraquan artist Atta Sabri, who remains a major figure in his life—through the use of notes and names of cities.

Simon Boudvin Un nouveau musée ISBN 978 90 8931 991 3 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Author Simon Boudvin Release June 2019 Language FR Dimensions 24,80 × 10,50 cm Volume 144 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €20.00


French artist Simon Boudvin (°1979) brought a narrative but also political depth to the architectural project of building the new museum of folklore in Mouscon. His work consisted in inserting bricks that were recovered from the demolition sites of several small heritages in Mouscron. The bricks inserted in the facade contribute to the story of the preservation of tradition and minor architecture under threat. As part of the work, the book Un nouveau musée consists of a text by the artist, in which he extensively descibes the museum, without showing it.


Simon Boudvin (°1979) a apporté une épaisseur narrative mais également politique au projet. Son travail a consisté à insérer dans les façades des briques récupérées sur les chantiers de démolition du petit patrimoine mouscronnois. Ces bâtiments démolis, souvent par la Ville de Mouscron elle-même, était les lieux mêmes des activités artisanales exposées à l’intérieur du Musée. Les briques insérées dans la façade participent du récit de la préservation de tradition et d’architecture mineure menacées. Dans les façades, les briques récupérées se distinguent des briques neuves par leur patine et leur relief. L’artiste a fait le choix de les recouvrir d’une peinture à la chaux blanche ne laissant percevoir que le geste et l’idée de sa démarche sans mise en scène appuyée du principe de récupération.


Salam Atta Sabri Letters To My Father


Simon Boudvin Sabri Un nouveau musĂŠe


Raoul De Keyser in Print A Catalogue of the Silkscreens, Lithographs, Linocuts and Etchings ISBN Publisher Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail

978 94 9304 507 1 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts September 2019 EN, NL 28 × 21 cm 64 pages hardcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke 24.00€


Belgian artist Raoul De Keyser (1930–2012) is primarily known for his paintings. Several critics have noticed De Keyser’s emphatic preoccupations with the processes, components, and materials that are inherently linked to the medium of painting: brushwork, the layers of paint, the texture and wilfulness of the paint and the stretcher, the relation between canvas and wall, et cetera. This interest in pictorial qualities—which between 1963 and 2012 resulted in almost a thousand paintings—constitutes the basis for De Keyser’s reputation as a ‘painter’s painter’—a painter often praised by other artists because of his thorough understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the pictorial medium. Apart from his paintings, De Keyser’s oeuvre also comprises many drawings and watercolours. In addition, he frequently experimented with printing techniques such as silkscreen printing, lithography, etching, and linocut.

Next to a comprehensive essay on the silkscreens, lithographs, linocuts, and etchings, this book also includes a catalogue raisonné of De Keyser’s graphic prints.This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Raoul De Keyser in Print’ at the Cultural Centre Strombeek in Grimbergen during the fall of 2018.



Raoul De Keyser in Print


Mira Sanders Inland Voyages In An Inland Voyage ISBN Publisher Release Languages Authors Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail





978 94 9304 502 6 AraMER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts February 2019 FR, EN Sébastien Faucon, Marie-Pascale Gildemyn, Ive Stevenheydens, Mira Sanders. Contributions by Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir, Filip Berte, Jan Kopp, Erwan Mahéo, Cédric Noël and Poussins Studios 27,9 × 21,6 cm 168 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Gestalte €19.00

Jef Van Eynde Salad Days ISBN 978 90 8931 957 9 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Release April 2019 Language EN Dimensions 29,7 × 21 cm Volume 104 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €39.00

Under the generic title of Journal of a user of space, Mira Sanders (°1973, Brussels) develops a manifold oeuvre on mapping and territory as well as architecture and social space. The network of lines as well as the physical and temporal trajectories of her wanderings, constitutes through her drawings, videos and installations, a work of fiction inspired by the everyday and the trivial. As an invitation to multiple travels, Inland Voyages in An Inland Voyage was presented during two exhibitions, at Argos – Center for Art and Media in Brussels in 2016 and at the Musée d’art contemporain de la ­Haute-Vienne, Château de Rochechouart in 2018.


Sous le titre générique de Journal d’un usager de l’espace, Mira Sanders (°1973, Bruxelles) développe une œuvre multiple touchant aussi bien à la cartographie et au territoire qu’à l’architecture et à l’espace social. Le réseau de lignes et de trajectoires physiques et temporelles de ses déambulations devient, à travers ses dessins, vidéos et installations, le support d’une fiction inspirée du quotidien et de l’anodin. Invitation au voyage multiple, Inland Voyages in An Inland Voyage a été présenté lors de deux expositions, à A ­ rgos – Center for Art and Media à Bruxelles en 2016 et au Musée d’art contemporain de la ­Haute-Vienne, Château de Rochechouart en 2018.


This book is the result of keeping company to my friend Werner Mannaers. All pictures were found in his vicinity. All works depicted, except the Passion Flower for T. edition, never made it to Werner’s oeuvre. They are traces. —Jef Van Eynde For this book, Belgian painter and artist Werner Mannaers (°1954) was invited to work with a given set of photographs, selected by 19 patrons. Froms these images he created 19 unique works, mixed media on photoprint A4 format. These works are presented in Salad Days. Dit boek ontstond in het gezelschap van mijn vriend Werner Mannaers. Het verzamelt een selectie uit honderden foto’s van zijn bloemen, woorden en daden. Ook veel kunstwerken zijn in zicht, geen enkel behoort echter tot zijn oeuvre. Het zijn uitgewiste sporen. — Jef Van Eynde Schilder en tekenaar Werner Mannaers (°1954) bewerkte foto’s uit een boek naar keuze van 16 personen tot een uniek werk, mixed media op fotoprint A4. De uitgave ‘Salad Days’ vormt een bundeling van deze werken.


Mira Sanders Inland Voyages In An Inland Voyage


Jef Van Eynde Salad Days


René Heyvaert ISBN Publisher Authors Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail

978 90 8931 960 9 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Peter Swinnen & Eva Wittocx January 2019 EN, NL 18 × 12 cm 196 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Kim Beirnaert €19.00


After briefly working as an architect, René Heyvaert (1929–1984) decided to pursue a career as an artist. He saw art as essential to his life; a way of dealing with the world. Heyvaert’s artistic practice is very versatile; he has created drawings, photos, mail art and sculptures in the most diverse of materials, and has also published and took part in performances. But he is best known for his work with found objects that he reinterprets through minimal interpositions. By carrying out small, poetic interventions, Heyvaert took everyday objects out of their context and stripped them of their original function. This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition of the oeuvre of René Heyvaert at Museum M Leuven in the winter of 2018 and exposes on his artistic as well as architectural practice, with interviews, essays and personal reflections. nl


Na een korte loopbaan als architect koos René Heyvaert (1929–1984) voor het kunstenaarschap. Hij zag kunst als een noodzaak, een manier om met de wereld rondom hem om te gaan. Vanuit een unieke kijk op vorm, kleur en materiaal ontwikkelde hij een heel eigen beeldtaal die zich ontplooide met behulp van een breed spectrum aan materialen. Heyvaert werkte met sculpturen, tekeningen, foto’s en mail art, maar is vooral gekend voor zijn werk met gevonden materiaal. Alledaagse objecten haalde hij uit hun context en ontnam hij van hun functie. Met een minimale ingreep ontstond er een poëtische vertaling. De catalogus werd gepubliceerd naar aanleiding van de overzichtstentoonstelling van Heyvaert’s werk in Museum M in Leuven in de winter van 2018 en zoomt in zowel op zijn praktijk als beeldend kunstenaar als op zijn architectuurpraktijk; met interviews, theoretische essays en persoonlijke reflecties.


René Heyvaert


Michel Mazzoni Other Things Visible ISBN Publisher Release Languages Authors Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail




978 90 8931 993 7 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts February 2019 FR, EN, NL Christine Jamart 31,5 × 21 cm 128 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €39.00

Situated as it is at the very turn of the century, and questioning from the outset the inflation and desubstantialisation involved in the hegemony of images, Michel Mazzoni’s photographic practice is an image factory or rather an image-thinking factory. An image which outflanks it and decompartmentalises it in multifarious ways, from its installation in situ to its editorial deployment. An image qua cultural artefact in its capacity to link us to the world in a shared sense of perpetual present and of circular time. An image qua material reality pushed to the limits, based on the phenomenology of its perception, hence on its intrinsic quality of enigma. Other Things Visible, like the corpora of photographic images that preceded it, proceeds from a serial but disruptive logic, and in its installation or in its book version, it derives from a logic of ­quasi-cinematographic montage giving primacy to what is at play and circulates between the images. Either digital or analogue, mostly close-up, they are subjected to manipulations at the source (luminous, chemical of optical manipulation of the negative) or through post-processing (scans, printing, screens, inversions), in order to degrade them, to shield them from overly indicial information, and provide them with a renewed quality as an attention catcher. The image as fragment, resistant to capture, here acts with a delayed effect, a displacement and a distance which allow it to take place within the time of its differed reception. The delay thus becomes a form of resistance to immediacy and to the ready-to-consume. Our gaze is grazed by the image, which paradoxically tries to shy away from it while reviving it within the frame of its own frustrated iconicity, and out of frame, in its colliding and echoing with others.

Rein Dufait Things & Air ISBN Publisher Authors Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail

978 94 9304 508 8 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Zoë Gray November 2018 EN, NL 31,8 × 21,3 cm 164 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €39.00


For Rein Dufait, the definition of sculpture is the adding or subtracting of material. His rigorous approach to his chosen medium has led him to develop a singular — perhaps also solitary — ­practice that is nourished by an insistent curiosity about material (whether natural or manmade) and a fascination with form (whether organic or artistic). In his work, Dufait confronts the fundamental questions of sculpture: how to divide space; how to combine textures; how to create volume and height. His sculptures are never narrative, seldom figurative, but often refer to organic structures. Always human in scale, they reveal an efficiency in construction that is fundamental to their meaning. — Zoë Gray extract from ‘Digging Upwards’ nl

Voor Rein Dufait bestaat beeldhouwkunst uit het toevoegen of wegnemen van materiaal. Door een rigoureuze aanpak ontwikkelde hij een specifieke, misschien wel uitzonderlijke, praktijk. Daar komt een nieuwsgierigheid naar de materialen zelf bij (zowel natuurlijke als kunstmatige) en een fascinatie voor de vormen (organisch en artistiek). Dufait behandelt in zijn werk daarbij de fundamentele problemen van de beeldhouwkunst: hoe kan ruimte ingedeeld worden; hoe de textuur van verschillende materiaalsoorten met elkaar te verbinden; hoe volume en hoogte te creëren. Zijn beelden zijn nooit verhalend, zelden figuratief, verwijzen wel dikwijls naar organische structuren. De menseijke maat is steeds aanwezig, de werken tonen een efficiënte opbouw, die tevens de betekenis bevat. —Zoë Gray fragment uit ‘Opwaarts Graven’


Michel Mazzoni Other Things Visible


Rein Dufait Things & Air


Ingrid Godon Dantesken ISBN 978 90 8931 939 5 Publisher MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Author Introduction by Eddie Guldolf Release December 2018 Language NL Dimensions 28,5 × 20,9 cm Volume 640 pages Cover softcover Illustrations CMYK, B&W Design Studio Luc Derycke Retail €59.99




Ingrid Godon (1958) used to be a drawing child. Always and everywhere. And she still does signs. Her books are translated worldwide and she has already won a lot of prizes, such as Boekenpauw and Gouden Griffel. With ‘Dantesken’, her first art publication, she shows that her perspective extends even wider than the children’s book. For the first time she brings a publication without text with images that speak for themselves. Who are the beings who populate the drawings of Ingrid Godon? They are people, certainly. What then is there of a person who only exists as an image? In this book we travel through the works of a gifted image maker, a thin world of human nature. Who are we meeting? Who, or what, do we recognize? A book with 800 images of Ingrid Godon speaking for themselves. Ingrid Godon (°1958) was vroeger een tekenend kind. Altijd en overal. En tekenen doet ze nog steeds. Haar boeken worden wereldwijd vertaald en ze sleepte al heel wat prijzen in de wacht. Godon stelde ook al tentoon in Keulen, Montreuil, Parijs, Mulhouse, Moulin, Castelo Branco (Portugal) ,Amsterdam, Den Haag, Brussel, Gent, Hasselt, Antwerpen. Met ‘Dantesken’, haar eerste kunstuitgave, toont ze dat haar perspectief nog breder reikt dan het kinderboek. Ze brengt voor het eerst een uitgave zonder tekst met beelden die voor zich spreken. Het boek wordt geïntroduceerd in België met een tentoonstelling met als eerste halte het stadsfestival in Damme. (Jan Moeyaert)


Ingrid Godon Dantesken


MUSEUM III. 2.2 Narcisse Tordoir & Fendry Ekel ISBN Publisher Release Languages Authors Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail




978 90 8931 969 2 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts January 2019 EN, NL Michel Dewilde, Frank Reijnders, Astrid Honold 27,9 × 21,6 cm 44 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €20.00

In het voorjaar van 2018 presenteerde Cc Strombeek een greep uit het oeuvre van Narcisse Tordoir (°1954) van 1975 tot 2017 in dialoog met de Indonesische kunstenaar Fendry Ekel (°1971). Narcisse Tordoir (1954) is een vaste en eigenzinnig gebleven artistieke waarde in ons land. Verontwaardiging en een groot, impliciet wereldengagement maakt zich meester over zijn gehele werk. In Strombeek presenteert Tordoir een enorme, diagonaal in de zaal gebouwde muur met een puntgave selectie uit zijn brede oeuvre waaruit “engagement” spreekt. Narcisse werkt een project uit met de Indonesische kunstenaar Fendry Ekel (1971) die momenteel leeft tussen Jakarta en Berlijn. Hij maakt technisch verbluffende schilderkunst: figuratieve montages waarin hij zijn politiek beladen thema’s als het ware op een schaakspel aanbiedt aan de toeschouwer. Het schaakspel als een metafoor voor het verschuiven van betekenissen tussen zien en het an sich particulier interpreteren. In Cc Strombeek zal Fendry Ekel nieuw werk presenteren in een sterke en intense dialoog met Narcisse Tordoir.

MUSEUM III. 2.3 Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkácová ISBN Publisher Authors Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail


978 90 8931 970 8 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Raluca Voinea, Anetta Mona Chişa January 2019 EN, NL 27,9 × 21,6 cm 32 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €19.00

Deze publicatie documenteert de tentoonstelling van de Roemeense Anetta Mina Chişa (°1975) en ­Slowaakse Lucia Tkáčová (°1977) in het Cultuurcentrum Strombeek in het voorjaar van 2018. De kunstenaars studeerden samen af aan de Academie voor Schone Kunsten en Design in van Bratislava en werken samen sinds 2000. Echt in de kijker liepen ze met hun bijdrage voor het Roemeense Paviljoen op de Biënnale van Venetië in 2011 waar ze tal van vanzelfsprekendheden als heilige huisjes aankaartten van en in de benepen en op status en luxe beluste kunstwereld (én markt). Ze namen in dat officiële paviljoen ook de autoritaire rol van de curator op de korrel die zich haast als een kunstenaar de kunst toe-eigent bij het opzetten van een coherent curateel verhaal. Zij werken met alle media, van porselein via video tot performances, over postcommunistische thema’s en tussenin de hoop die er heerste na de val van de Muur van Berlijn (1989) en de (nog) na smeulende ontgoocheling en verbittering. Op een handige manier ontluisteren en demythologiseren Anetta en Lucia het valse laagje ideologie dat zich nestelt tussen bijvoorbeeld lage en hoge cultuur. Rollenpatronen tot zelfs tips voor wanhopige Oost-­Europese vrouwen passeerden de revue. Anetta en Lucia maken een nieuw voorstel waarin, vanuit een oprecht dealen met de rechten van de mens en (specifiek) de plaats van vrouwen, thema’s aan bod komen zoals de onzichtbare krachten en machten die ons leven op een onzichtbare wijze leiden en begeleiden.


Museum III. 2.2


Museum III. 2.3


Herma de Wit – Orobio de Castro Sculptures & Drawings ISBN Publisher Release Languages Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail

978 90 8931 951 7 MER. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts December 2019 EN 32 × 24 cm 152 pages softcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €39.00


Herma de Wit lives and works in Amsterdam. After studying at the Rietveld Academy and following a career in fashion de Wit shifted her interest to visual arts. Since 1999 she has been creating art pieces going from fragile sketches of flowers to robust bronze or wooden sculptures. A guiding principle in her practice is her fascination for natural cycles, which gives rise to reflections about emotion and processes of life and ephemerality. Distinctive in her work is her flawless sense of detail and technique, her balanced sensitivity and powerfull femininity. In the course of time, de Wit’s work has become more monumental; by incorporating steel and robust materials and enlarging the scale she triggers a tension between the vulnerability and strength of nature. nl

Herma de Wit woont en werkt in Amsterdam. Na haar studie aan de Rietveld Academie en carrière in de modewereld, verschoof haar interesse naar de vrije beeldende kunsten. Sinds 1999 creëert de Wit beeldend werk dat variëert van fragiele bloemenschetsen tot robuuste bronzen of houten sclupturen. Met de natuurlijke cyclus als leidraad zijn emoties en vergankelijkheid terugkerende thema’s in haar werk. De Wit’s werk onderscheid zich door haar onberispelijk gevoel voor detail en techniek, haar gebalaceerde sensibiliteit en krachtige feminiteit. Doorheen de jaren werd het werk van Herma de Wit monumentaler; door het incorporeren van robuuste materialen als staal en door het vergroten in schaal legt ze de spanning bloot tussen de kwetsbaarheid en kracht van de natuur.



Herma De Wit Sculptures & Drawings


Cindy Wright All Well ISBN Publisher Author Release Language Dimensions Volume Cover Illustrations Design Retail


978 94 9232 199 2 MER. Paper Kunsthalle Cindy Wright 2018 EN 29 × 29 cm 240 pages hardcover CMYK, B&W Studio Luc Derycke €45.00

Cindy Wright creates large-scale oil paintings on canvas. At first glance the monumental still life paintings appear to be photo-realistic, using the photographic methods of cropping compositions and intense source lighting. But on closer inspection, the range of mark making and painterly applications become astoundingly apparent. Wright’s work echoes the morbide tradition of vanitas from the Dutch Old Masters of the 16th and 17th Century. Between beauty and decay, archetypal symbols like the human scull, rotten fruit, raw flesh and dead animals traditionally represent the transience of life. Within a contemporary context, these symbols may refer to mass consumption or the exploitation of natural resources. However, this is not essentially the artist’s intend. Rather than being shocking or moralising, the images evoke a sense of peacefulness, silence and fragility. Wright’s subjects are taken from her immediate surroundings and are transformed into iconic images for our times. This catalogue is published on the occasion of Wright’s solo exhibition Dead Poetry in November 2018 at the Castle of Gaasbeek.



Cindy Wright All Well

383 I tvan I t Huzjan III. MERA: Thank You All For Coming 2019 Softcover | 92 pages | 44 × 33 cm Publisher: MER. Language: EN Author: Ištvan Išt Huzjan Design: Ištvan Išt Huzjan in conversation with Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 90 8931 971 5 Price: 125.00 euros 377 Ruimtes voor nieuwe rituelen 2019 Softcover | 164 pages | 21,3 × 31,8 cm Imprint: AraMER. Language: NL Authors: Jan De Pauw, Harlind Libbrecht, Barbara Raes, Joris Van Poucke, Eva Vens Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 90 8931 958 6 Price: 29.00 euros 372 Joost Colpaert Heterotopia 2018 Softcover | 192 pages | 29 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Languages EN–NL–FR Author: Joost Colpaert Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9304 501 9 Price: 39.00 euros 371 372 DIVA Room of Wonder I 2018 Softcover | 96 pages | 19 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Sven Duprez, Romy Cockx, Paul Huvenne, Taro Miki Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9304 504 0 Price: 19.90 euros 369 Thierry Lagrange The Matrix Project 2018 Softcover | 152 pages | 34 × 24 cm Imprint: AraMER. Language: EN Author: Thierry Lagrange Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: KOPA, Lithaunia ISBN: 978 94 9232 196 1 Price: 35.00 euros 368 367

PLAY 2018 Softcover | 160 pages | 26,5 × 19,5 cm Imprint: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: NL or EN Authors: Patrick Ronse, Hilde Teerlinck, Luk Lambrecht and Rutger Bregman. ISBN: 978 94 9232 198 5 Price: 24.00 euros

365 Time Regained A Warburg Atlas for Early Music 2018 Hardcover | 528 pages | 27 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Björn Schmelzer & Margarida Garcia Design: Gerard Leysen ISBN: 978 94 9304 500 2 Price: 65.00 euros

357 Yves Velter Beïnvloeiingen 2018 Hardcover | 240 pages | 33 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: NL–EN Authors: Mieke Mels, Mark Kinet, Yves Velter Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 181 7 Price: 39.00 euros

364 Léon Nys Louvre / Abu Dhabi 2018 Softcover | 24 pages | 19 × 14 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 189 3 Price: 15.00 euros 363 Ineke Debacker Learning How To Draw / Drawing in Absence of Model 2018 Softcover | 44 pages | 28 × 20 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Ineke Debacker Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 188 6 Price: 15.00 euros 362 Jerry Galle DITTO 2018 Softcover | 304 pages | 14,8 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Jerry Galle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 195 4 Price: 39.00 euros 361 An Onghena Performance for the book 2018 Softcover | 144 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL Author: An Onghena Design: Print: Bruno Devos at Stockmans ISBN: 978 94 9232 183 1 Price: 39.00 euros 360 Charlemagne Palestine Aa Sschmmettrroossppecctivve 2018 Softcover (Swiss Binding) | 132 pages | 30 × 30 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & BOZAR Books Language: EN Authors: Michel Baudson, Xavier ­Garcia Bardón Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: L.capitan ISBN: 9789492321862 Price: 35.00 euros

358 Didier Volckaert Animated Life / Otaku Futurism 2018 Softcover | 728 pages | 18,3 × 12,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–JP Author: Ikari ‘Ellis’ Katsumi Design: Didier Volckaert ISBN: 978 94 9232 190 9 Price: 39.00 euros 357 MUSEUM III. 1 2018 Softcover | 168 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–NL Authors: Stefan Banz, Hugo De Greef, Louis De Mey, Hans De Wolf, Joris D’hooghe, Lieze Eneman, Luk Lambrecht, Frederik Leen, Ali Moraly, Dieter Roelstraete, Adam Szymczyk, Dorian van der Brempt, Denys Zacharopoulos Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 185 5 Price: 20.00 euros 356 Michel Mouffe Thinking The Veil 2018 Softcover | 64 pages | 24,3 × 31,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België Languages: EN–FR–NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 184 8 Price: 65.00 euros

355 Ištvan Išt Huzjan II. MERA: Daily Chores on 5th Avenue 2018 Softcover | 128 pages | 44 × 33 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Ištvan Išt Huzjan in conversation with Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 92 9232 182 4 Price: 185.00 euros 354 Katinka Bock Zarba Lonsa, _0_0__0, Mesonya/ 2018 Softcover (silver on coated linen) | 192 pages | 28 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN–FR Authors: Alexandra Baudelot, Clara ­Schulmann, Georgina Jackson, Aisha Sasha John, Lauren A. Wright, Kathy Noble Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 170 1 Price: 39.00 euros

351 Parcifal Neyt Cheat Sheets 2018 Softcover | 32 pages | 25 × 17,5 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 178 7 Price: 15.00 euros 350 Playground ’16 ’07 2018 Softcover | 144 pages | 22 × 19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & M–Museum Leuven Language: EN Authors: Adva Zakai, Anne-Sophie Dinant, Béatrice Balcou, Catherine Wood, Cis Bierinckx, Cristina Grande, DD Dorvillier, Dora Garcia, Els De Bodt, Emmanuel Lambion, Guillaume Désanges, Hans Bryssinck, Ilse Van Essche, Isabel De Naveran, Jamie Eastman, Jimmy Robe Design: Michaël Bussaer Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 177 0 Price: 20.00 euros 349 Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu 3 boek 7 8 9 (box set) 2018 Softcover magazines collected in cardboard box 8 + 272 + 80 + 176 pages | 28,9 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: various, essay by Moritz Kung ISBN: 978 94 9232 174 9 Price: first 53: 297euros, next 31: 353 euros, last 29: 451 euros

353 Parcifal Neyt BURGERS 2018 Hardcover | 130 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 92 9232 180 0 Price: 25.00 euros 352 Parcifal Neyt Koxiepy 2018 Softcover | 32 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: Dirty Old Dog & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 978 94 9232 179 4 Price: 15.00 euros






Paul Robbrecht & Wim Cuyvers Choreo 2017 Softcover | 80 pages | 31,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Paul Robbrecht, Wim Cuyvers Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 176 3 Price: 39.00 euros


Thierry De Cordier Dieu, 2017 Softcover | 284 pages | 24 × 15,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: FR Authors: Thierry De Cordier Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 166 4 Price: 39.00 euros

Masatoshi Masanobu 2017 Softcover | 224 pages | 32,2 × 21,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Koichi Kawasaki, Tsukasa Ikegami, Jiro Yoshihara, Ming Tiampo, Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 166 4 Price: 39.00 euros Textile as Art: Antonio Ratti entrepreneur and patron 2017 Softcover | 272 pages | 28 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, IT Authors: various Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 173 2 Price: 39.00 euros Robin Vanbesien Solidarity Poiesis: I Will Come and Steal You 2017 Softcover | 224 pages | 17,5 × 11 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & b_books Language: EN Authors: Tom Engels, Bryana Fritz, Christos Giovanopoulos, Avery F. Gordon, Valeria Graziano, Christina Papadopoulos, Christos Sideris, Alberto Toscano Design: Goda Budvytyte Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 39 4221 450 6 Price: 12.00 euros Nele Wynants De Binnenkant Van Het Beeld 2017 Softcover | 324 pages | 23,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Nele Wynants Design: Marie Wynants ISBN: 978 94 9232 167 1 Price: 29.00 euros

342 Emilio López-Menchero Trying 2017 Hardcover | 320 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR, NL Authors: Luk Lambrecht, Hans Theys, Koen Van Synghel ISBN: 978 94 9232 152 7 Price: 45.00 euros





Da.ta (Transcriptions) 2017 Softcover | 400 pages | 27,5 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Michael Schwab, Gerhard Eckel and David Pirrò Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 172 5 Price: 39.00 euros Tim Volckaert Archivist: An Introduction to The Work of Tim Volckaert 2017 Softcover | 320 pages | 33 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Hans Theys, Frank Maes, Stefan Hertmans, Joris Van der Borght, Karel Thienpont, Frederik Van Laere, Luc Derycke, Stef Van Bellingen, Pieter Vermeulen and Louis De Cordier Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 169 5 Price: 45.00 euros





Carla Swerts Woestijngetijden 2017 Softcover | 448 pages | 14,8 × 10,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Carla Swerts Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 171 8 Price: 25.00 euros Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One. 2017 Softcover | 112 pages | 30 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR Authors: various Design: Esther Le Roy ISBN: 978 94 9232 163 3 Price: 35.00 euros Ann Huybens SOP 2017 Softcover | 160 pages | 21 × 15 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Ann Huybens Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 165 7 Price: 19.00 euros Koenraad Tinel Crux 2017 Softcover | 144 pages | 27,5 × 18,9 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Stefan Hertmans Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 164 0 Price: 35.00 euros Angel Vergara From Scene To Scene 2017 Hardcover | 96 pages | 32 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België Language: EN, FR, NL Authors: Michel Draguet, Frederik Leen, Angel Vergara Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 90 7701 315 1 Price: 35.00 euros Daniel Buren A Tiger Cannot Change Its Stripes 2017 Softcover | 78 pages | 28 × 21,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Rudi Fuchs, Guy Massaux, Steven ten Thije, Luk Lambrecht, Lieze Eneman Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 161 9 Price: 35.00 euros






Ištvan Išt Huzjan I. MERA: Walk on Water 2017 Softcover | 24 pages | 44 × 33 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Ištvan Išt Huzjan Design: Ištvan Išt Huzjan in conversation with Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 162 6 Price: 85.00 euros Intuition 2017 Hardcover | 424 pages | 29 × 29 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN or IT Author: Axel Vervoordt, Eddi De Wolf, Ludovica Lumer, Michel Vande Vyvere, Erik Lumer, Francesco Poli, Margaret Iversen, Davide Daninos, Giulio d’Alessio, Paul Vandenbroeck, Michael Gardner Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 159 6 (EN) ISBN: 978 94 9232 160 2 (IT) Price: 65.00 euros Michel Mouffe Alphabet 2017 Hardcover | 264 pages | 24,5 × 30 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: FR, EN Authors: Joel Benzakin Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 157 2 Price: 45.00 euros Johan De Wilde Hands Of Time (Plein été) 2017 Softcover | 230 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL, FR Author: Menno Wigman, Johan De Wilde, Michel Houellebecq Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 154 1 Price: 39.00 euros Henk Peeters From nul to zero 2017 Softcover | 220 pages | 23 × 23 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 158 9 Price: 39.00 euros







RESONANCES I, FOOD 2017 Softcover | 34,5 × 25,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Adriaan Eeckels, Paul Hearn, Frank Raes, Luc Derycke, a.o. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Price: 20.00 euros Museum II 2017 Softcover | 331 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Xavier García Bardón, Dirk De Meyer, Dietmar Elger, Rudi Fuchs, Joris d’Hooghe, Piero Gilardi, Koichi Kawasaki, Luk Lambrecht, Cornelia Lauf, Ulrich Loock, Guy Massaux, Jeroen Peeters, Steven ten Thije, Philippe Van Cauteren, Anneleen van Kuyck Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 153 4 Price: 39.00 euros




Nikolaas Demoen Discuter La Peinture 2017 Softcover | 18 × 11,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL, EN Design: Katrien Daemers, Nikolaas Demoen ISBN: 978 94 9232 156 5 Price: 29.00 euros Dirk Braeckman & Jan Lauwers The House of Our Fathers 2017 Softcover | 24 pages | 54 × 45 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 151 0 Price: 85.00 euros

Michel Couturier Through the Looking Glass 2017 Hardcover | 96 pages | 30,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & ARP2 Editions Language: EN, FR Authors: Michel Couturier with Michela Sacchetto Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 29 3011 545 0 Price: 38.00 euros

Dirk Braeckman DW B 161 / 5 / 8 x F.B.–D.B.–16 2017 Hardcover | 54 pages | 33 × 23 cm Publisher: DW B & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Jan-Willem Anker, Frederik Willem Daem, Erik Lindner, David Nolens, Bart Koubaa, Koen Sels, Wytske Versteeg, Fiep Van Bodegem Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 143 5 Price: 39.00 euros




Philippe Vandenberg Crossing The Circle 2016 Softcover | 136 pages | 28,5 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Mary Doyle, Jo Applin Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 140 4 Price: 39.00 euros

Maekawa II 2017 Hardcover | 152 pages | 33 × 24 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Boris Vervoordt, Koichi Kawasaki Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 144 2 Price: 45.00 euros

Sven ‘t Jolle The Age of Entitlement 2017 Softcover | 192 pages | 24,5 × 15 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR, FR Authors: Zoë Gray, Blair French, Sven ‘t Jolle, Koen Kleijn Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 149 7 Price: 35.00 euros Benjamin Verdonck Even I must understand it 2017 Hardcover | 88 pages | 28 ×19 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL ISBN: 978 90 7673 432 3 Price: 29.00 euros


AnneMarie Maes Alchimia Nova 2016 Softcover | 184 pages | 21 × 14,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: AnneMarie Maes, Luc Steels, Armin Medosch, Darko Fritz, Edith Doove Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 148 0 Price: 25.00 euros

Michael Seidner Siebzehn 2016 Softcover | 48 pages | 30,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Dries Verstraete Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 146 6 Price: 29.00 euros Roman Signer Projet pour un jardin 2016 Softcover | 144 pages | 30,5 × 22,5 cm Publisher: Middelheimmuseum with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Authors: Gerhard Mack, Cees Nooteboom, Sara Weyns, Pieter Boons. With pictures by Aleksandra Signer and Simon Vogel Design: Peter Zimmerman Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 145 9 Price: 29.00 euros






Pol Dehert The World of a/the Monkey 2016 Softcover | 264 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Pol Dehert Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 121 3 Price: 29.00 euros Update_6 new technological award 2016 Softcover | 88 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: Zebrastraat & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Jean-Marie Dallet, Isolde De Buck Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 147 3 Price: 29.00 euros Heads and Tails. Tales and Bodies 2016 Hardcover | 526 pages | 27,5 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with the KIKPE Foundation, The Benaki Museum and The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Language: EN Authors: Manos Dimitrakopoulos, Angelos Delivorrias, Vasiliki Penna, Christos G. Doumas, Chris Carey, Henry Maguire, Maria Mavroudi, Ianthi Assimakopoulou, Ilya Putyatin Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 131 2 Price: 80.00 euros





Nik Gaffney Stillness 2016 Softcover | 112 pages | 20 × 28 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Timothy Morton, Maja Kuzmanovic Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 141 1 Price: 40.00 euros Allan Sekula Mining Section (Bureau des mines) 2016 Softcover | 96 pages | 16,5 × 11,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Nicola Setari, Hilde Van Gelder, Anja Isabel Schneider, Jeroen Verbeeck, Bart De Baere, Mieke Bleyen & Edwin Carels Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 142 8 Price: 15.00 euros

Werner Cuvelier Parallellen 1975–2016 2016 Softcover | 320 pages | 24,5 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 139 8 Price: 25.00 euros


Off Work N°4 Drawing Review 2016 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Parcifal Neyt Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 2406 6176 Price: 13.00 euros Stoffel Debuysere Figures of Dissent Cinema of Politics / Politics of Cinema 2016 Softcover | 256 pages | 21 × 14,8 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Stoffel Debuysere Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 124 4 Price: 25.00 euros Toshio Shibata Laurent Ney 2016 Hardcover | 124 pages | 24,50 × 30 cm Publisher: MediuMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, JP, FR Authors: Toshio Shibata, Laurent Ney Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 125 1 Price: 60.00 euros





Ryuji Tanaka 2016 Hardcover | 146 pages | 31,9 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Alexandre Carel, Koichi Kawasaki, Shoichi Hirai, Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 127 5 Price: 45.00 euros

Gülsün Karamustafa & Koen Theys Mystic Transport 2016 Hardcover | 112 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: Argos & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Authors: Rolf Quaghebeur, Gülsün Karamustafa, Koen Theys Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 122 0 Price: 25.00 euros

Ief Spincemaille Hacking Velo 2016 Softcover | 72 pages | 21 × 14,8 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 136 7 Price: 20.00 euros Ief Spincemaille Musée de l’inconnu 2016 Softcover | 52 pages | 16,5 × 11,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 135 0 Price: 15.00 euros Simryn Gill Wormholes 2016 Softcover | 105 pages | 24 × 19 cm Publisher: MSK with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Ruud Ruttens Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 137 4 Price: 25.00 euros








Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #8 2016 Softcover | 64 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Be-Part & Galerie Nathalie Language: EN Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 138 1 Price: 10.00 euros Anne-Marie Van Sprang Tongue 2016 Hardcover | 232 pages | 29,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Languages: EN, NL Authors: Carel Blotkamp, Roos Gortzak, Anne-Marie Van Sprang Design: Pieter Slagboom Print: Unicum, Tilburg ISBN: 978 94 9232 133 6 Price: 40.00 euros Wendy Morris Off by Heart and Out of Breath – A Silva Rerum 2016 Softcover | 140 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: Argos with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Wendy Morris Design: Ellen Bilterest Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 134 3 Price: 25.00 euros Off Work N°3 Drawing Review 2016 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Parcifal Neyt Design: Parcifal Neyt ISBN: 2406 6176 Price: 13.00 euros Shozo Shimamoto 2016 Hardcover | 120 pages | 30 × 25 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Shozo Shimamoto, Jiro Yoshihara, Yoshio Katoh, Tijs Visser and Axel Vervoordt Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 128 2 Price: 35.00 euros Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei Cross-Examinations 2016 Softcover | 96 pages | 23 × 15 cm Publisher: Extra City and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Vincent Van Gerven Oei Design: Remco Van Bladel Print: Drukkerij de Raddraaier, Amsterdam ISBN: 978 94 9232 107 7 Price: 20.00 euros





Libretto Daniel Buren: A Fresco, Une fresque, Een Fresco 2016 Softcover newspaper in a cardboard case | 60 pages | 37,5 × 27 cm Publisher: BOZAR with Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Language: EN, FR or NL Authors: Joël Benzakin, Dirk Snauwaert, Daniel Buren, Mo Gourmelon, Yves Aupetitallot, Georges Adé, … Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN (EN): 978 90 8931 634 9 ISBN (FR): 978 90 8931 634 9 ISBN (NL): 978 90 8931 634 9 Price: 30.00 euros Mare Medi Terraneum 2016 Softcover | 64 pages (with insert pages) | 37,5 × 27 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, ES Authors: Nekane Aramburu Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 111 4 Price: 10.00 euros Jean-Marie Bytebier 2016 Hardcover | 172 pages | 30,5 × 23,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, ES Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9232 118 3 Price: 39.00 euros





Julião Sarmento La Chose, Même 2016 Softcover | 116 pages | 28 × 21,6 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian Language: EN, FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 119 0 Price: 29.00 euros Jeroen Uyttendaele & Dewi de Vree Ground 2016 Softcover | 60 pages + DVD | 29 × 20 cm Publisher: AudioMER. Language: EN Author: Hicham Khalidi Design: Jeroen Wille & Ruud Ruttens Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 120 6 Price: 27.50 euros Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven Jazzz 2015 Softcover | 124 pages | 26 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Authors: Jeroen Olyslaegers, Leen Huet, Pol Hoste, Koen Peeters, Arnoud van Adrichem & Jan Lauwereyns, Alfred Schaffer, Patrick Bassant, Martijn den Ouden, Peter Verhelst Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9232 115 2 Price: 29.50 euros Werner Cuvelier 2015 Softcover | 1268 pages | 29,70 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL, FR Authors: Willem Ellias, Frank Maes, Sergio Servellón, Hilde Van Canneyt Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 117 6 Price: 29.50 euros Off Work N°2 Drawing Review 2015 Softcover | 64 pages | 27 × 20 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Parcifal Neyt Design: Parcifal Neyt Price: 13.00 euros Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder #7 2015 Softcover | 32 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Küntlerhaus Bethanien Language: EN Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 106 0 Price: 10.00 euros




Tina Gillen Echo 2015 Softcover | 140 pages | 26 × 22 cm Publisher: BOZAR with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Author: Eva Wittocx Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 116 9 Price: 24.50 euros


Christos Bokoros The Bare Essentials 2015 Hardcover | 140 pages | 31,90 × 25,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Christos Bokoros Design:Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 549 9 Price: 45.00 euros Luc Coeckelberghs AB–I 2015 Softcover | 278 pages | 29,50 × 22,6 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Authors: Etienne Van den Bergh, Dirk Snauwaert, Isabelle De Baets Design:Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9177 561 1 Price: 39.00 euros


278 Ayse Erkmen & Ann Veronica Janssens A 2015 Softcover | 2 × 56 pages | 27,5 × 21 cm Publisher: S.M.A.K. & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Guillaume Desanges, Jan Verwoert, Philippe Van Cauteren Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 105 3 Price: 20.00 euros






Jasper Rigole Addenda 2015 Softcover | 7 books of 28, 32, 144, 60, 40, 40, 176 pages | 27,5 × 21 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Jasper Rigole Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 101 5 Price: 30.00 euros


Reinaart Vanhoe Front. 2015 Softcover | 28 pages | 21 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Reinaart Vanhoe Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 565 9 Price: 20.00 euros


Dominique Stroobant 2015 Hardcover | 300 pages | 30,5 × 27,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Axel Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Dirk Pörschmann, Angela Thomas Schmid Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 582 6 Price: 45.00 euros Fooling Utopia Contour 7 2015 Softcover | 144 pages | 21 × 13 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: various Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 108 4 Price: 20.00 euros Jochem Vanden Ecker A skydog’s time. A skydog’s place 2015 Softcover | 328 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Jochem Vanden Ecker in conversation with Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9147 100 1 Price: 150.00 euros


Remi Verstraete X 2015 Softcover | 100 pages | 29,7 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 595 6 Price: 40.00 euros chevalier masson Des choses à faire 2015 Softcover | 256 pages | 23 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, FR Authors: Tim Ingold, Laurence Mauderli, Peter Swinnen, Marie Pok, John Picton Design: Olivier Lamy Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9232 104 6 Price: 45.00 euros Diego Tonus I, the Dog of my Master 2015 Hardcover | 40 pages | 30,50 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Diego Tonus Print: KOPA, Lithuania ISBN: 978 94 9177 594 9 Price: 65.00 euros ZERO The Artist As Curator 2015 Hardcover | 536 pages | 20 × 21 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Tiziana Caianiello, Dirk Pörschmann, Johan Pas, Ulrike Schmitt, Andres Pardey, a.o. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 568 0 Price: 45.00 euros

Mekhitar Garabedian Table, Gentbrugge (Living Room) 2012–2015 2015 Softcover | 80 pages | 23 × 17,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & BOZAR Language: EN Author: Liene Aerts Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 90 7481 647 2 Price: 20.00 euros






265 Mekhitar Garabedian Table, Gentbrugge (Kitchen) 2012– 2015 2015 Softcover | 80 pages | 23 × 17,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & BOZAR Language: EN Author: Pieter Van Bogaert Design: Céline Butaye Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 90 7481 646 5 Price: 20.00 euros


Mekhitar Garabedian To A Stranger From A Stranger 2015 Hardcover | 196 pages | 23 × 18 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Mekhitar Garabedian Design: Céline Butaye Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9232 102 2 Price: 29.00 euros

Ignorance A Laboratory On The Open Fields 2015 Softcover | 136 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Gívan Belá and Annemarie Maes Design: The Rodina: Tereza Ruller ISBN: 978 94 9177 598 7 Price: 20.00 euros Proportio 2015 Hardcover | 440 pages | 29 × 29 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN or IT Authors: various Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN (EN): 978 94 9177 583 3 ISBN (IT): 978 94 9177 593 2 Price: 65.00 euros

Sofie Van der Linden Coin perdu 2015 Softcover | 80 pages | 34 × 24,50 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Author: Cornel Bieren Design: Geoffrey Brusatto Print: Leën, Hasselt ISBN: 978 94 9177 599 4 Price: 25.00 euros Marcin Dudek The Department of Subterranea 2015 Hardcover | 200 pages | 24 × 16 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Harlan Levey, Anna Stüler Design: Amélie Bouvier & Rita Máximo ISBN: 978 94 9232 103 9 Price: 35.00 euros Museum 2015 Softcover | 384 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: Museumcultuur Strombeek/ Gent & MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Roland Jooris, Wim Van Mulders, Nicola Setari, Frederik Leen, Christel Stalpaert, Patrick Van Rossem, Rik Pinxten, Ulrich Loock, Silvano Manganaro, Francesco Poli, Tommaso Trini, Cornelia Lauf, Francis Smets, George E. Lewis, Philippe Van Cauteren Design: Studio Luc Derycke ISBN: 978 94 9232 100 8 Price: 39.00 euros






Ludovik Vermeersch Personally, I’m Most Interested in The Shapes and Colours 2015 Softcover | 304 pages | 23 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Kunstraum Ossastrasse Language: EN Authors: Ludovik Vermeersch, Sarah Hayden, Marc Holthof, Erik Porath, Jens Presser, Rahel Schrohe, Kristof van Baarle a.o Design: Toon Leën and Kato Six in conversation with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Drukkerij Leën, Hasselt ISBN: 978 94 9177 590 1 Price: 25.00 euros Yorgos Maraziotis Night of the World 2015 Hardcover | 64 pages | 24 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, GR Authors: Sotirios Bahtsetzis Design: Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza Print: Drukkerij Leën, Hasselt ISBN: 978 94 9177 591 8 Price: 20.00 euros


Honoré ∂’O Vibrations Off 2015 Softcover | 224 pages | 24 × 16,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle with Kristof De Clercq gallery Language: EN, GR Authors: various Design: Honoré ∂’O, Kahil Janssens, Fien Rebry in conversation with Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 589 5 Price: 20.00 euros Dimitri Vangrunderbeek Through and Through 2015 Softcover | 20 pages | 34,5 × 26,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Dimitri Vangrunderbeek Design: Studio Luc Derycke with Dimitri Vangrunderbeek. Concept and Photography in collaboration with Kristien Daem Print: Cultura, Weteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 585 7 Price: 50.00 euros Joris Ghekiere Tomorrow 2015 Softcover | 32 + 8 pages | 35 × 24,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Ulrich Loock, Martin Germann, Philippe Van Cauteren Design: Studio Luc Derycke, with Joris Ghekiere Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 586 4 Price: 25.00 euros

Yuko Nasaka 2015 Hardcover | 164 pages | 24 × 24 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Axel Vervoordt Foundation Language: EN Authors: Axel Vervoordt, Mizuho Kato, Ming Tiampo, Midori Yoshimoto Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 581 9 Price: 45.00 euros



Michalis Pichler De enige en zijn eigendom 2015 Softcover | 464 pages | 15 × 10 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, DE Design: Laura Garcia Cabanillas with Michalis Pichler Print: Vilnius / Yaiza Camps, Berlin ISBN: 978 94 9177 584 0 Price: 15.00 euros Carole Vanderlinden Creole & Vanity 2015 Softcover | 72 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, DE Authors: Philippe Van Cauteren, Hans Theys, Inge Braeckman Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 578 9 Price: 29.00 euros







Reinaart Vanhoe Kortrijk 2015 Softcover | 120 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Reinaart Vanhoe Design: Reinaart Vanhoe Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 564 2 Price: 20.00 euros Jan-Erik Andersson Life on a Leaf 2015 Softcover | 190 pages | 27 × 20,5 cm Publisher: AraMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Author: Jan-Erik Andersson Design: Marjo Malin Print: Nord Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 553 6 Price: 25.00 euros



Luc Derycke & Lorenzo Benedetti In memory of the exhibition Published by: MER. Paper Kunsthalle 2015 Softcover | 48 pages | 16,5 × 11,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 544 4 Price: 10.00 euros Peggy Wouters The Big Escape 2015 Hardcover | 170 pages | 34 × 25,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Zebrastraat Gent Language: EN, NL, FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 574 1 Price: 45.00 euros


Christophe van Gerrewey 50 fictieve gebouwen 2014 Softcover with removable poster | 120 pages | 24,5 × 16,5 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: NL Author: Christophe Van Gerrewey Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 572 7 Price: 29.50 euros Joachim Coucke Unforced Errors In The Desert 2014 Hardcover | 80 pages | 25 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Oscar van den Boogaard, Wim Waelput Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 576 5 Price: 20.00 euros


Carl Uytterhaegen Urban Cave Drawings 2014 Softcover | 78 pages | 11 × 17 cm Publisher: MediuMER. Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 577 2 Price: 20.00 euros Bart Van Dijck Great-hearted all friend horizonno matter what my line 2014 Softcover | 112 pages + DVD | 23 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL Authors: Christine Vuegen, Annelies Nagels, Natalie Gielen Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 569 7 Price: 29.00 euros


Catherine de Zegher Women’s work is never done 2014 Hardcover | 620 pages | 25 × 20 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Catherine De Zegher Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9069 347 3 Price: 65.00 euros

Peter Beyls Simple Thoughts 2014 Hardcover | 240 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Authors: Joel Chadabe, Helena De Preester, Sahra Kunz, Frieder Nake, Luc Steels, Grant D. Taylor, Peter Beyls Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cultura, Wetteren ISBN: 978 94 9177 560 4 Price: 39.50 euros Matteo Marangoni No Patent Pending 2014 Loose pages in cardboard box | 84 pages | 24,5 × 17 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Ando bv, Den Haag ISBN: 978 94 9177 567 3 Price: 25.00 euros




UPDATE_5 Technology as Context 2014 Softcover | 76 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: Liedts-Meesen Foundation and MER. Paper Kunsthalle Language: EN, NL, FR Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 575 8 Price: 29.00 euros Royden Rabinowitch Ghent 2014 Softcover | 76 pages | 27,9 × 21,6 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Roman Kurzmeyer, Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, Frank Maes, Roland Nachtigäller, Royden Rabinowitch Language: EN Design: Roger Van Hecke Print: Stevens Print ISBN: 978 94 9177 562 8 Price: 29.50 euros Johan Clarysse Walden & other suspicions 2014 Hardcover | 192 pages | 26 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Willem Elias, Isabelle De Baets, Hans Theys Language: EN, NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 559 8 Price: 39.50 euros






Roger D’Hondt Tussenwereld 2014 Hardcover | 80 pages | 26,5 × 22 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Roger D’Hondt Language: NL Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 566 6 Price: 29.00 euros

Sébastien Capouet Palimpsest 2014 Softcover | 56 pages | 29,5 × 19,7 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle with Theophile’s Paper Authors: Sébastien Capouet Design: Alexis Jacob Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 571 0 Price: 34.00 euros

Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp CONTRADIcTIONS & PRO-POSITIONS Art and / as Education 2014 Hardcover | 302 + 304 pages | 28 × 21,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Johan Pas, Nico Dockx & Els De bruyn Design: Jan Mast in conversation with Nico Dockx Print: Guido Maes Printingdeluxe, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 547 5 Price: 49.50 euros Joris Van de Moortel Cylinder 6 2014 Softcover | 32 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle & Künstlerhaus Bethanien Design: Joris Van de Moortel Print: Graphius, Ghent ISBN: 978 94 9177 570 3 Price: 10.00 euros Shooting Range Photography & The Great War 2014 Softcover | 224 pages | 31,2 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Inge Henneman, Maureen Magerman, Lyne Viskens, Tamar Cachet, Rein Deslé, Gita Deneckere, Bruno De Wever, Johan Pas Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Cassochrome, Waregem ISBN: 978 94 9177 554 3 Price: 39.00 euros





Adriaan Verwée Under a poor cloak you commonly find a good drinker 2014 Softcover | 224 pages | 31,2 × 24,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Sofie Van Loo, Valerie Verhack, Adriaan Verwée in conversation with Asta Vaičiulytė Design: Studio Luc Derycke with Adriaan Verwée Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 555 0 Price: 39.50 euros

Jan Steen Being In Playing 2014 Softcover | 308 pages | 29,7 × 21 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Jan Steen Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Graphius, Gent ISBN: 978 94 9177 556 7 Price: 35.00 euros Tommaso Speretta Rebels Rebel. Aids, Art and Activism in New York, 1979–1989 2014 Softcover | 264 pages | 21 × 13 cm Publisher: AsaMER. Paper Kunsthalle Authors: Tommaso Speretta Design: Tankboys Print: Grafiche Leone, Venice ISBN: 978 94 9069 323 7 Price: 25.00 euros Tommaso Speretta Rebels Rebel. Aids, Art and Activism in New York, 1979–1989 2014 Hardcover | 256 pages | 32 × 25,5 cm Publisher: AsaMER; De vrienden Museum Voor Schone Kunsten Gent Authors: Catherine de Zegher, Robert H. Marijnissen, Sylvia Van Peteghem, Koen Van Synghel, Anne Pingeot, Marc Dubois, ... Design: Studio Luc Derycke Print: Lannoo, Tielt ISBN: 978 94 9177 551 2 Price: 69.00 euros

MER. imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts Korianderstraat 2k, BE–9000 Ghent pauline.scharmann(at) luc.derycke(at)

image cover: Blinky Palermo, Blaues Dreieck, 1969. Mural. (from the book Espace 251 Nord 1983–2018)

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