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PSA Halifax has confirmed it has signed a new agreement with Konecranes to acquire eight new electric Rubber Tyred Gantries (eRTGs) for its Atlantic Hub facility on the East Coast of Canada.

Delivery is expected during Q2 2024 and will see the terminal’s total RTG fleet increase

DCI Dredging Plans

The Dredging Corporation of India Limited (DCI) is making moves to meet India’s port dredging needs of 100 million cubic metres per annum (mcmpa). DCI said it can already reach 70-75 mcmpa of this total, with 60mcmpa met by using nine of its in-house dredgers and outsourcing the remaining 10-15 mcmpa. To support activities, an order has been placed for a Beagle Series-12 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD).

from nine to 17 units. This new equipment will replace the existing diesel units and will result in the terminal being an all-electric RTG facility, which is an important to meet its sustainability and decarbonisation reduction targets.

Jan Van Mossevelde, CEO, PSA

ACFS Sany Order

Australia’s transport, warehousing and freight logistics company, ACFS Port Logistics, has placed a large new equipment order with SANY Group. Before the end of 2023, the company will receive 19 twin pick empty container handlers and 14 heavy reach stackers from the Chinese port equipment manufacturer. A nationwide service maintenance contract with Ultro Port Solutions is also included, AFCS outlined.

Halifax notes: “Volumes at PSA’s Atlantic Hub have grown rapidly over the last hree years. The new E-RTGs will allow us to densify our container yard and increase our total terminal handling capacity by over 25 per cent while bringing us closer to achieving our sustainability goals.”

New STS at MCT

New ZPMC ship-to-shore container cranes have been delivered to the Port of Gioia Tauro. Italy, in the Central Mediterranean. The units are for the Medcenter Container Terminal, which is operated by Terminal Investment Limited (TIL), part of MSC. These new units have an outreach of 72m and a height of 54m , enabling them to successfully support container ships of up to 24,000 TEU in size.

the existing capacity of 2.3 million TEU per annum due to rise to 4.1 million TEU.

PSA Sines further notes that this new equipment will play a key role in reaching its sustainable goals through helping to reduce its carbon footprint.

PSA Sines has invested in excess of €200 million (US$210 million) since 2000 and this latest project, dubbed Phase III, will see a further €300 million (US$310 million) spent to raise annual capacity to 4.1 million TEU per annum by 2028.


MARAD Invites

The US Maritime Administration (MARAD), Department of Transportation, is inviting public comments on future electric port requirements. MARAD is requesting the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) ask for information under OMB 2133-NEW (Building American Production Capacity for Electric Port Equipment and other Port Infrastructure Items), to help identify future demand for electric-powered port equipment.

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