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Coaching Model and Layers of Support
The majority of Continuous Improvement work is providing professional learning to teachers through a coaching model. Content experts provide on-site professional development to teachers, who are the first and most important layer in student success. After on-site professional development, content experts support implementation of instructional strategies through in-class coaching and demonstrations. This coaching model helps to reduce what is often called the Knowing-Doing Gap. Teachers are more likely to implement strategies – and implement them with quality – when their learning through application is supported in the classroom. The next most influential layer within the system is the educational leadership at the school site level. Content experts help to build the capacity of instructional leaders through engaging in activities such as classroom walkthroughs or providing professional learning to administrators in order to help them understand the instructional shifts that teachers are asked to implement in the classroom. Just as it is important for teachers to provide feedback to students, it is equally important that leadership provides feedback to teachers in a constructive manner that will lead to a change or improvement in their instructional practices.
State And Federal Requirements
The Continuous Improvement team includes State and Federal Programs experts who support the outer layers of the school and district system, which includes the school district office and school board members. At the most general level, this includes providing technical assistance to school districts in meeting requirements for state and federal compliance, such as Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) development and approval.
Number Talks (Math) Language fluency routines that help students communicate about mathematics while building understanding in mental math. These routines also support speed, accuracy, flexibility and the use of multiple strategies.