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Southern Cape Region
Ontbyt op 20 Nov by Hoeka Toeka Restaurant
By Waldo Scribante
Daar is met groot afwagting uitgesien na ons maand uitstappie na die Hoeka Toeka restaurant te Hoekwil op die plato by die Wilderness. Die 20ste November het aangebreek en dit was 'n heerllke sonskyndag. Die afspraak was dat ons mekaar by die Sasol vulstasie buite George sou ontmoet.
Wat 'n heerlikheid om te sien hoe die klublede die een na die ander opgedaag het en die ry van Mercedesse al hoe langer geword het. Daar is eers heerlik gekuier voordat almal aangeland het en die stoet in beweging gekom het vir die rit na Hoekwil. Weereens het ons net besef in hoe 'n mooi deel van die land ons woon. 0 Mercedesse, in konvooi, het rustig gery en die heerlike vars lug van die Tuinroete ingeasem.
Aangekom by die restaurant het ons groep heerlik saamgekuier met 'n pragtige uitsig op die Outeniqua bergreeks in die agtergrond. Die geparkeerde motors het sommer dadelik statuur gegee aan die restaurant en die ontbytspyskaart het bestaan uit 'n groot verskeidenheid van geregte.
Ons het almal heerlik gekuier en geëet en weer tot die besef gekom dat dit spesiaal is om saamgebind te word deur 'n gemeenskaplike belangstelling. Net te gou was dit tyd om te groet tot 'n volgende keer. ■
By René Scribante
It was Oktoberfest 29th of October. time on the
Eisbein and German sausage platters combined with true German side dishes (prepared by SCape members Chris and Rensche Kühn) and a beautiful evening, so what more could we ask for?
We could… it was the Black Forest trifle that stole the show with German music on the evening.
We even had true Germans Jürgen and Regina joining us for this festive evening with beer and lots of laughter.
We were also delighted to have Anton Schonken joining us and representing Stanmar Motors in George.
Everyone dressed the part for this joyous German evening, and we can’t wait for next year’s one.
MBCSA Year-end Southern Cape Region
By René Scribante
And just like that we have come to the last events for 2022...
t our regional AGM, AScribante became the René new chairperson of the SCape region. At the moment she is the only committee member.
This year’s Year-end Function was a long festive table for members, family and friends. With a pork on the spit, and pap and sous followed by magnum ice creams, it was a feast.
The winners of the Concours d’Elegance were:
2nd: Pieter Lourens (280 SL) 1st: Kobus Harris (220S Ponton) with his immaculate woodwork restoration!
We wish our members, their family and our friends a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We look forward to more adventures together in 2023!■
Gala evening auction benefits two very worthy causes
By René Scribante
The Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa’s (MBCSA) annual AGM & National Gathering was hosted by the Southern Cape region in June this year. At our Gala evening we had a charity auction. The MBCSA Southern Cape region nominated to support Carpe Diem School and Oudtshoorn Dogs In Need (ODIN).
An amount of R 59 625.00 was raised for each of the abovementioned charities, a total of R9250.00!
We cannot thank our members enough for making this possible!
From left to right: Waldo Scribante, Elzeth Grobler (Pricipal Carpe Diem School), René Scribante
Post on Facebook from Oudtshoorn Dogs In Need (ODIN):
On a HOT HOT day... busy with an Outreach in Oudtshoorn but hardly able to concentrate because our Vet bill is sky high... and what will we do? While educating the young men - feeding their dogs - the call came from René Scribante, representing the Mercedes Benz Club of South Africa (MBCSA). Ms Scribante informed Kennel mommy that we were one of the beneficiaries nominated at their charity auction! So much crying and phoning committee members, of course our Vet Eden Small Animal Hospital was the first to hear the GREAT news.
At the annual MBCSA AGM & National Gathering hosted by the Southern Cape region in June this year - specifically at the Gala evening - the members had a charity auction. The MBCSA Southern Cape region nominated to support Carpe Diem School and ODIN.
An amount of R59 625.00 was raised for both ODIN and Carpe Diem. The irony? Carpe Diem visits ODIN regularly! We were as excited for them as for ourselves.
This "breather" meant more to us than you can imagine... we are collecting animals in need since early hours every day to get them to our Vet for help and our staff don't get home before 8pm; having to go into areas where it takes time to drop off, explain and educate... all made possible thanks to our Vet and supporters such as the MBCSA. @ ODIN 072084374
Dr Susi Kok (Eden Small Animal Hospital, George), Marlene Mennie (ODIN), René Scribante (Chairperson of the MBCSA Southern Cape Region) and Waldo Scribante (President of the MBCSA)
Alle korrespondensie aan die Skoolhoof All correspondence to the Principal
Hoof/Principal: E.Grobler
FOUNDED 2000 GESTIG carpediem.inclusive@wcgschools.gov.za carpediemgeorge@gmail.com www.carpediemskool.co.za
Privaatsak/Private Bag X6576 Langstraat/Long Street GEORGE 6530
Telefoon/Telephone: 044-8744074
16 November 2022
To the Chairman of The Mercedes Benz Club of South Africa (MBCSA)
Gratitude and our heartfelt appreciation for the amazing donation to Carpe Diem School
The proverb says: ” It takes a village to raise a child” and now Carpe Diem School is privileged to experience this proverb in action with an amazing donation received form you as the MBCSA.
Our heartfelt appreciation towards all members that contributed to bless us with this donation of R59 625! This contribution will ensure that we can continue to feed more than 220+ learners every day and to support them over the coming holidays with food parcels. Also, this will help to fix our swimming pool that, due to ESKOM, has a burnt-out pump that needs fixing immediately. We use the swimming pool for therapy and we are jumping for joy, as your donation is an answered prayer.
We found that you cannot teach a child effectively when their tummies are screaming louder than the adapted curriculum and especially with our unique diversity of learners with different disabilities (Autism, Down Syndrome, Deaf, Severely Intellectually Impaired, Physically disabled, Specific Learning Disabled, Partially Sighted) at Carpe Diem School. We can testify that after a hot meal, the learners can move onto a day of learning, doing activities and therapy with positive results. You have now made it possible for us to continue with feeding learners at school and taking care of them.
On behalf of myself as principal, the School Governing Body, 112 staff members and all 387 learners at Carpe Diem School, we would like to convey a word of thanks to you all. Thank you for caring enough to take time to make a difference in many young lives.
Be blessed, be safe and may God protect us all every day we are granted. Have a blessed festive season because you brought Christmas early this year to Carpe Diem School!
Kind regards
Elzeth Grobler
Principal Carpe Diem School E-mail: elzethg@gmail.com Contact number: 083 2709040
VISIE-STELLING Carpe Diem streef daarna om die unieke potensiaal van elke leerder met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes optimaal te ontwikkel deur gepaste opvoedkundige en terapeutiese programme te bied. VISION STATEMENT At Carpe Diem we strive to develop the unique potential of every learner with special needs, through the use of suitable educational and therapeutic programs.
600 | Pagoda | G500
The Southern Cape region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa will be celebrating the 60th anniversaries of the 600 (W100) and W113 Pagoda at the 2023 George Old Car Show.
We are also inviting anybody with a G500 to join us!
Please register your vehicle at www.scocc.co.za
All MBCSA members attending the 2023 George Old Car Show are invited to the President’s Braai on the Saturday evening.
More info to follow.
René Scribante Chairperson: Southern Cape region