As part of its funding agreement with the Australian Government, Mercedes College is required to ensure that ‘School Performance Information’ is made publicly available. Information is provided publicly via the Mercedes College website, as well as within the College community through regular electronic updates and newsletters.
The information within is provided in response to the reporting areas required by the Australian Government in line with Schools Assistance Regulations 2009 responsibilities. The information relates to the 2023 school year. Questions about this information can be directed to Principal’s Executive Assistant, on +61 8 8372 3200.
Mercedes College is a Council of International Schools (CIS) accredited Reception to Year 12 International Baccalaureate (IB) world school with a global mindset.
Renown for educating young people and fostering leadership, Mercedes College has a proud academic record of excellence. Through a progressive, internationally focused curriculum supported by our values, we provide opportunities that enable students to reach their full potential.
The strategic direction of Mercedes College is underpinned by our values, the Mercy Keys, along with a series of guiding principles.
From the Principal Educators are privileged to guide young people in their learning, personal development, and growth as they develop into creative and critical thinkers who are emotionally and socially aware.
At Mercedes College we are fortunate to attract and retain quality teachers with high expectations, providing high levels of support. This is visible across our Campus, from the kind word encouraging a student working their way through their first reader, to guiding our Year 12 students during the school holidays as they prepare for end of year assessments and exams.
Outstanding academic results continue to be a prominent feature of a Mercedes Education as we continue to both challenge and support students to achieve to their potential.
Across our Reception to Year 12 Campus there is always something interesting going on, a hive of activity in our classrooms, as well as community service, art exhibitions, music recitals, theatrical performances, sporting competitions and carnivals.
Now well into implementing our Strategic Plan 2021–2025, with a common direction, defined ambition and alignment of effort underpinned by our Master Plan and 10-year Financial Plan, we are investing in technology, facilities, and future capability, and building on the excellence that is synonymous with Mercedes College.
Andrew Balkwill Principal
Guiding Principles
Mercy Keys
Contextual information about Mercedes College
Mercedes College is South Australia’s only Catholic school offering the IB curriculum from Reception to Year 12, and one of just a handful of schools delivering the programme at all 3 levels. Our students are inspired to become lifelong learners with the skills and confidence to flourish in their academic, extra-curricular and personal pursuits.
For more than 30 years, students at Mercedes College have studied the IB curriculum. From Reception to Year 5, students participate in our IB Primary Years Programme. Then, from Year 6 to Year 10 they study our IB Middle Years Programme.
Students in Years 11 and 12 may choose to complete the IB Diploma Programme or the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Regardless of their choice, having studied the IB programme students are well equipped for success.
Each programme enables students to make sense of global complexities and equips them with critical and creative thinking skills. The programmes provide an education that crosses disciplines, cultural, national, and geographical boundaries, championing critical engagement, and stimulating ideas and effective relationships.
Our strong values-centred Catholic education is based on the Mercy. These values are an integral part of the way of life for all members of our community.
In 2023, 24.8 per cent of our Year 12 graduates received an ATAR in the 90s, with 7.5 per cent placing in the top 5 per cent nationally, having gained an ATAR of 95 or higher. Our College Dux achieved an ATAR of 99.55.
We commend 20 Year 12 students together achieved 33 Merits:
IB Merits
French B SL
Spanish ab initio
Geography HL
Psychology HL and SL
Biology HL
Physics HL
Sports, Exercise and Health Science HL
Mathematics Applications
Interpretations SL.
SACE Merits
Research Project B
General Mathematics
Visual Arts – Art
Business Innovation
Physical Education
Creative Arts
Religion and Meaning
IB Spanish ab initio.
students only, not inclusive of international students.
In 2023, 34 Year 12 students also studied VET subjects across a range of areas including Fitness, Screen and Media, Business, Health Services, Retail, Applied Fashion, Sport Coaching, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Music.
Our International Student Programme attracted 45 students from 12 countries in 2023, wherein our community celebrated 55 years of welcoming international students to Mercedes College. Countries where international students travelled from include China, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Italy, Iran, Germany and France.
International students generally live in Homestay accommodation, with support from specialist staff ensuring their social welfare and academic needs are met. These specialists help facilitate enrolment at the Adelaide International School to accommodate language needs of newly arrived international students prior to joining the Campus.
Breakdown of Year Levels
Staffing Profiles
Strategic Goal 3.0
Support our staff to flourish and reach their full potential.
In 2023 Mercedes College dedicated and skilled workforce comprising:
Strait Islander 0
*Of the teaching faculty, 63 per cent are female, and 37 per cent male.
To successfully deliver the programmes offered by Mercedes College, key teachers have responsibility for areas including Performing Arts, Languages, Humanities, Science, Visual Arts, Mathematics and Physical Education.
Mercedes College is structured with three Heads of School (Junior, Middle and Senior) responsible for all staff and students within each. Other Positions of Responsibility include Learning Area and Year Level Leaders.
With a holistic approach to education and learning, a team including two registered, endorsed Educational and Developmental Psychologists, a Registered Nurse with qualifications
All teaching and non-teaching team members participate in relevant and effective professional development activities enabling them to deliver the educational programme to a high standard. Professional development activities comprise a combination of local and international events and meet local, national and IB expectations.
Nearly half – 47 per cent – of our team have been working at Mercedes College for more than five years.
The whole College in 2023 was involved in the Living Learning Leading (LLL) Survey developed in collaboration with Curtin University to help schools rate participants’ perceptions of the school’s performance/satisfaction. The College received a report summarising all feedback which has been used to inform and improve practices.
Centered on the strategic oversight of Mercedes College, and championing continuous improvement, the Council implemented a streamlining of operations, reducing standing committees from six down to three: Culture and Engagement, Faith and Education, plus Finance, Risk and Infrastructure.
The membership of the College Council comprises:
• One member appointed by the Director of Catholic Education.
• Three members elected by our parent body.
• Five members recommended by the Council and appointed by the Director of Catholic Education.
• Mercedes College Principal (ex officio).
Throughout 2023, our governing College Council, together with the Executive and Senior Leadership Teams, focused on ensuring Mercedes College remained a leading IB world school.
College Income
Strategic Goal 5.0
Revitalise our operating model to long term sustainability.
As a Catholic school, the primary source of funding for teaching and learning programmes, and ongoing operational needs, is derived from family tuition fees.
National and State Government grant funding programmes provide some additional resources to assist with the financial viability of the College, as does private donations and fundraising through our community events.
Student Attendance
Strategic Goal 1.0
Nurture our students to flourish and reach their full potential.
Student academic success is directly related to school attendance, and Mercedes College works with families to ensure maximised learning opportunities.
Families contact the College when a student will be absent, and this notification is recorded in the student’s Daily Planner. If the College does not receive notice of an absence, a message is sent to parents.
The overall average attendance rate in 2023 was 91 per cent.
Fortunately, remote learning via Managebac, whether while absent or after a student’s return, is actively managed by teaching staff to help our young people remain successful in their studies.
Teaching and Learning Overview
In 2023 the College implemented strategies for continuation in the rise of literacy and numeracy levels. A focus on phonemic awareness in the Junior School was reflected by improved reading scores in the ACER Progressive Assessment Tests (PAT). While we also noted improved reading scores in NAPLAN, we will continue to track student achievements longitudinally to determine the extent of impact of these strategies.
A major focus for the year was on building assessment literacy, obtained through investigation by Learning Area Leaders and Programme Coordinators to ensure learning intentions were clear and connections to success criteria understood by students. In addition to the revision of task specific clarification, assessment was broken up into smaller, continuous components that help inform students of their progress of learning through multiple opportunities for feedback.
A significant commitment in 2023 involved the preparation for the 2024 evaluation visit by the International Baccalaureate Organisation and the Council of International Schools. This evaluation will provide feedback on a range of aspects relating to teaching and learning across a number of standards and practices that will be measured against international standards. Throughout the year, teachers have been involved in collaborative working teams to explore, evaluate and improve our teaching and learning programmes to reflect these high standards.
At all three levels of the IB Programme, students develop strong academic, social and emotional characteristics
The IB Programme
At all three levels of the IB programme – Primary, Middle and Diploma – students develop strong academic, social and emotional characteristics as they:
• Are encouraged to think independently and drive their learning.
• Build a sense of identity and cultural awareness.
• Develop their curiosity and spirit of discovery and enjoyment of learning.
• Become equipped with the skills to learn, individually or collaboratively, and apply these qualities across a broad range of areas.
• Participate in programmes of education that can lead them to some of the highest-ranking universities around the world.
• Become culturally aware through the development of a second language.
• Engage with people in an increasingly globalised, rapidly changing world.
Annually students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are required to participate in Australia-wide reading, writing, spelling, and numeracy testing to establish the if national standards are being achieved.
In 2023 the Australian Government moved NAPLAN testing to March (previously May) allowing schools to have feedback earlier in the year to help schools make informed decisions around support mechanisms. The way NAPLAN is reported has also changed with the previous 10 bands replaced by four levels of achievement (exceeding, strong, developing and needs additional support).
National expectations are that 70 per cent of students will be placed in the strong or exceeding levels. Mercedes College students exceeded this threshold in nearly all categories.
Senior Secondary Outcomes
In 2023, 141 students studied Year 12 at Mercedes College.
• 27 students studied the IB Diploma.
• 114 students studied SACE.
• 13 students studied SACE with at least one IB Diploma subject to boost their ATAR.
• 34 students studied SACE with a Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathway.
The median ATAR for the 2023 cohort was 84.00, with our Dux achieving an ATAR of 99.55, and 35 students (25 per cent) reaching Laureate status for achieving a Merit and/or an ATAR of 90 or more.
Popular Tertiary Directions
Mercedes College Community Satisfaction
Strategic Goal 4.0
Build partnerships with parents and the community.
A significant change to the connections between College and community in 2023 was the adoption of a Parent Engagement Group (PEG) in place of an incorporated Mercedes Parents and Friends Association (MPFA). This shift was discussed with the College community, who opted for a PEG structure as a more effective way to hear from College leadership, and participate in events.
A collection of Year Level Representatives was also recruited, with these enthusiastic volunteers acting as social directors and contact points that helped build stronger connections between families and helped informed community sentiment towards new initiatives.
Other volunteers, more than 250 of them, helped enrich our students’ experience in classrooms and on excursions, as well as assisting as community mentors in our Student Mentoring Programme.
Top five reasons given for choosing to join Mercedes College in 2023
4. Values/Mercy Keys
5. Reception to Year 12 on one Campus
Families joining Mercedes College in 2023
Families new to the College were invited to participate in a survey to capture their opinions and satisfaction rates for their enrolment experience, learning outcomes being achieved, and communications received.
Most new families in 2023 enrolled 1 child in Mercedes College, with the highest intake in Year 7 (26 per cent) and Year 5 (18 per cent)
Those who attended a College Tour prior to starting school rated their experience as very or somewhat satisfying (94 per cent), as they did for their child’s experience of Orientation Day (95 per cent). Their enrolment experience was also rated well, with 90 per cent very or somewhat satisfied.
Communications between the College and new families was rated highly in general, with qualitative feedback from those less satisfied with their experience citing the volume of communication channels as a barrier to quality understanding. In response to this feedback, the College has sought improvement by streamlining whole-ofCollege communications and managing frequency of content through a central communications team.
Student Input
Our students are also prompted to provide feedback about their learning process, participating in regular ‘pulse checks’ with their Home Group teachers. This quick check helps our educators gain insight into student perceptions of their learning, as well as tracking engagement, ‘the mood’, and attitudes that can help identify student concerns early.
Online Engagement
Our community connected through our social media platforms, with reach and engagement increasing by more than 200 per cent across the course of 2023.
• Facebook content reached more than 220,000 people
• Instagram posts generated more than 35,000 comments
• Our LinkedIn followers increased by 24 per cent
The introduction of a short-form online weekly newsletter in Term 2 also gave families a way to engage with College activities, with an average of more than 580 unique views of each edition.
Community Events
In 2023 our Mercedes Old Scholars’ Association (MOSA) hosted 10 events for the community, including a family breakfast, Liturgy and lunch for Foundation Students, and six reunions where former students maintain connections to the College and each other.
The College also introduced a Mother’s Day Lunch, Dad’s Night Out, Senior School House Party, and Quiz Night to great success, as well as showcasing student learning through concerts, dance and drama showcases, visual arts exhibitions, theatre productions, and graduation celebrations. A large proportion of our community also joined staff and students at the Mercy Day Mass at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral in the CBD.