Street fashion – subculture

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Street faShion – Subculture by: MercedeS loza 4/9

MercedeS loza entry #3: Street wear/Subculture (04/09/14)

he developed Such a great Style froM living in chicago; growing up and Seeing different cultureS throughout the city definitely changed hiS perSpectiveS and influenceS of how he dreSSeS today. hiS Style iS alSo derived froM a coMpetitive nature. growing up with a twin brother, they Stayed in coMpetition with each other, which inevitably StiMulated their great faShion SenSe. “when i look great, i feel great. So when i’M going out it’S not a queStion of whether i want to look nice or not, it’S kind of Mandatory.” he believeS that confidence iS everything. everyone haS hiS or her own perSonal Style, So it’S juSt about how you wear it. he feelS aS if Style iS an art, and you have to Show people that you’re a proud artiSt. baSed on the capitaliSt Society that we reSide in, lookS do Matter. people judge you baSed on how you look all the tiMe, and we are all guilty of thiS. but it’S iMportant to underStand thiS concept, and to uSe it toward your advantage.

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