ISCC Date: 22-11-2012 Subject: CALL Career: Profesorado en Idioma Inglés Teacher: Matilde Oria Course: 4° Año Student: E. Mercedes Maidana
FINAL SELF-REFLEXION Technology is considered one of the most important tools in the process of learning; we as students at Teaching training collage have the opportunity to learn how to integrate these implements in the English classroom in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). The subject previously mentioned gives us the possibility to manipulate innumerable resources for instance; Google Docs, Skype, Voicethread, Photovisi, Devolver Moviemaker and many others. All of these are only illustrations of the tools to be taken into consideration while thinking and organizing our lesson plans, taking into account the potentialities that each tool has and the diverse ways in which the tools could be used with our students at any level of English or at any age. The main appreciation is to create an exceptional atmosphere while using a tool that is well known by our pupils. It is a general truth that Technology changes and evolves day by day and as result of this educators must be prepared and capacitated diary. Many education experts see the teacher as a reflective practitioner and as reflecting is a constantly looking back, making connections and analyze each personal experience to be updated is an obligation. Considering my personal experience during the period, it could be said that from the very beginning each lesson give us the chance to manage the resources while thinking the different ways in which the tool could be put into practice. So, to perform each task, the tool had been manipulated in advance. As result of this, time was the clue because errors were a constant during all the period. The subject provides us the occasions to become autonomous learners. It was a real matter that the teacher was open to our doubts but taking risks and making mistakes were crucial in the course of the subject. As regards the way how to learn and analyze our own process of learning I think that taking notes, watching on the screen and working collaboratively were the best. The obstacles that I have encountered were innumerable; I could start mentioning the lack of a good internet connection and as the technological resources were infinite we couldn´t be able to manipulate them during the lessons correctly. While developing the Call lessons we realized that
the subject has to be annual in order to let students to manipulate the technological devices while learning from their own errors. It is my firmly conviction that having the equipment and an efficient internet connection are unavoidable requisites to have a nice experience with technology are unavoidable requisites. What is more, it is necessary to take into consideration that any human being has their own proper rhythm while learning. To sum up it is indispensable to admit that manipulating technology not only gives us the occasion to be renovated and enlarge our knowledge but also let us the occasion to adapt the resources to our own lessons. CALL opens us the doors to the world of CREATIVITY and INNOVATION. By Mercedes Maidana