Lacividina Product 2017

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Velour p.5 / Dos à Dos Louvre p.25 Antonio Rodriguez / Pierre Paulin




EN An Italian tale of design and dependability worldwide.

FR Une histoire italienne de design et fiabilité à travers le monde.

DE Eine italienische Geschichte, die der Welt von Design und Zuverlässigkeit erzählt.

With its firm belief in high-quality craftsmanship, attractive design and flexible projects, for over 40 years LaCividina has encapsulated the very best features associated with the “Made in Italy” label. It combines the values of manufacturing traditions with the international outlook of the contract and residential markets. Building on this wellestablished business vision, LaCividina rapidly grew from a prototype development workshop into a brand that can be found in hotels, offices, homes and public places all over the globe. It now competes on international markets thanks to its constant research into products and materials, its contemporary designs and its flexible solutions. It is chosen by people who want top production quality, the value added by consummate Italian craftsmanship, and the dependability of a company run by true professionals.

Croire dans la qualité artisanale des finitions, dans la beauté du design et dans la flexibilité conceptuelle : depuis plus de 40 ans LaCividina réunit le meilleur du made in Italy, alliant les valeurs de la tradition manufacturière et la vocation internationale pour les marchés du mobilier de collectivité et résidentiel. Une vision entrepreneuriale profondément ancrée qui, en peu de temps, a su transformer l'entreprise d'un atelier de développement de prototypes en une marque que l'on retrouve dans les hôtels, les bureaux, les habitations et les espaces publics du monde entier. Aujourd'hui, LaCividina occupe une place importante sur le marché international pour sa recherche incessante appliquée aux produits et matériaux, pour son design contemporain et pour la flexibilité de ses solutions. Ainsi, elle répond aux attentes de ses clients qui recherchent la plus haute qualité de production, la valeur ajoutée du meilleur artisanat italien et la fiabilité d’une entreprise composée de professionnels authentiques.

Der Glaube an die handwerkliche Qualität der Verarbeitung, an die Schönheit des Designs und die Flexibilität des Projekts: Seit mehr als 40 Jahren ist LaCividina ein Synonym für Made in Italy und verbindet die traditionellen Werte der Handwerkskunst mit dem internationalen Renommee im Contract- und Wohnsektor. Eine tief verwurzelte, unternehmerische Vision, die den Betrieb in kurzer Zeit von einer Werkstatt für die Entwicklung von Prototypen in ein Markenzeichen verwandelt hat, das seinen Einzug in Hotels, Büros, Wohnhäuser und öffentliche Bereiche der ganzen Welt gehalten hat. Heute hat sich LaCividina dank seiner ständigen Suche nach hochwertigen Produkten und Materialien, nach einem zeitgemäßen Design und flexiblen Lösungen einen festen Platz auf dem internationalen Markt erobert. Die Firma wird von den Kunden bevorzugt, die hohe Produktionsqualität, den Mehrwert der italienischen Handwerkskunst und die Zuverlässigkeit eines Unternehmens mit echten Fachleuten schätzen. professionnels authentiques.

Nel mondo, una storia italiana di design e affidabilità. Credere nella qualità artigianale delle lavorazioni, nella bellezza del design e nella flessibilità di progetto: da oltre 40 anni LaCividina racchiude il meglio del made in Italy coniugando i valori della tradizione manifatturiera con la vocazione internazionale del contract e del residenziale. Una visione imprenditoriale così radicata che in poco tempo ha trasformato l’azienda da un laboratorio di sviluppo per prototipi in un marchio capace di entrare negli hotel, negli uffici, nelle case e negli spazi pubblici di tutto il mondo. Oggi LaCividina compete sul mercato internazionale per la sua ricerca costante applicata a prodotto e materiali, per il design contemporaneo e per la flessibilità delle soluzioni. Ed è scelta da chi cerca la più alta qualità di produzione, il valore aggiunto del miglior artigianato italiano, l’affidabilità di un’azienda fatta di autentici professionisti. News 2017



Sofa system

Velour Family

Sofa system


Antonio Rodriguez

IT Pieno e leggero, solido e morbido. Velour è un progetto concepito in modo completamente innovativo e adatto a ogni ambiente, dai luoghi privati alle sale d’attesa. Flessibile e accogliente, è un sistema modulare di 57 elementi che comprende poltroncine, poltrone e divani per infinite composizioni dello spazio. Telaio in legno massiccio, sedute su cinghie elastiche e imbottiture in espanso indeformabile a quote differenziate si uniscono alla profondità perfetta e alla struttura flessibile dello schienale per una comodità assoluta. Rivestimenti in tessuto e pelle.


Full and light, soft and solid. Velour is a design that was conceived in a completely innovative way. It is suitable for all settings, from private surroundings to waiting rooms. It is a flexible, welcoming modular range of 57 items including chairs, armchairs and sofas, which can be combined in countless ways. A solid wood frame, elastic seat webbing and memory foam padding of varying densities come together with the perfect depth and the flexible backrest structure to offer total comfort. There is a choice of fabric and leather upholstery. cod. 10020 Cushion


cod. 10023 Cushion

VELOUR cod. 3402 B_2 seater H.80


VELOUR cod. 3595 Tray


Plein et léger, solide et doux. Velour est un projet conçu d'une manière totalement innovante et est idéal pour tout type d'environnement, qu'il s'agisse d'une habitation ou d'une salle d’attente. Souple et accueillant, ce système modulaire de 57 éléments comprend des chaises, des fauteuils et des canapés, permettant de créer des compositions infinies. L'armature en bois massif, les assises sur sangles élastiques et les garnissages en mousse à mémoire de forme de différentes densités se marient avec la profondeur parfaite et la structure souple du dossier pour un confort absolu. Les revêtements sont en tissu et cuir.

News 2017


Voll und leicht, solide und weich. Velour ist ein völlig innovatives Projekt, das in jedes Ambiente passt, von privaten Wohnbereichen bis hin zum Wartezimmer. Das modulare System ist flexibel, wirkt einladend und umfasst 57 Elemente wie Sitzmöbel, Sessel und Sofas, die bei der Raumgestaltung unzählige Kombinationsmöglichkeiten bieten. Das Gestell aus Massivholz, die Sitzflächen aus elastischen Gurten sowie die Polsterung aus formstabilem Schaumstoff in unterschiedlicher Dichte sorgen zusammen mit der idealen Sitztiefe und der flexiblen Struktur der Rückenlehne für absoluten Komfort. Bezug aus Stoff und Leder.



VELOUR cod. 3516 B_element 200 sx H.110


BOLD cod. 222 Carpet

cod. 10020 Cushion

Sofa system

VELOUR cod. 3595 Tray


cod. 10023 Cushion

VELOUR cod. 3512 B_element 180 half back sx H.110

News 2017

ACCURSIO cod. 9030 / 9031 / 9037 Coffee Table



BOLD cod. 612 Carpet


ACCURSIO cod. 9030 / 9032 Coffee Table

Sofa system

UP cod. 8506 Coffee Table


VELOUR cod. 3503 B_3 seater H.110

VELOUR cod. 350O B_armchair with feet H.110

News 2017



VELOUR cod. 3500 B_armchair with feet H.110


Sofa system

VELOUR cod. 3400 B_armchair with feet H.80


News 2017



DUOTONE cod. 931 Carpet


VELOUR cod. 3408 B_Corner H.80


Sofa system

VELOUR cod. 3595 Tray

VELOUR cod. 3417 B_dormeuse 165 dx H.80

VELOUR cod. 10023 Cushion

News 2017

TURI TURI cod. 8773_D50 / 8770_D30 Coffee table



BOLD cod. 112 Carpet


SCANCARÒ cod. 8831 Coffee table

SCANCARÒ cod. 8836 Coffee table


Sofa system

cod. 10023 Cushion

VELOUR cod. 3403 B_3 seater H.80

VELOUR cod. 3400 B_armchair with feet H.80

News 2017

SCANCARÒ cod. 8834 Coffee table



Sofa system

Cucitura standard. / Standard stitching.



Cucitura con nervetto. / Stitching with piping.

News 2017



Sofa system

VELOUR cod. 3304 A_armchair small with feet H.100



VELOUR cod. 3302 A_armchair small with feet H.80

News 2017

VELOUR cod. 3300 A_armchair small with feet H.67


Sofa system


cod. 3300 / A_armchair small with feet H.67

cod. 3301 / A_swivel armchair small H.67

cod. 3302 / A_armchair small with feet H.80

cod. 3408 / B_corner H.80

cod. 3409 / B_element 150 half back dx H.80

cod. 3411 / B_element 150 half back sx H.80

Height 67 × Width 79 × Depth 75 cm Seat height 40 cm

Height 67 × Width 79 × Depth 75 cm Seat height 40 cm

Height 80 × Width 80 × Depth 77 cm Seat height 40 cm

Height 80 × Width 70 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 150 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 150 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 26 3/8” Width 31 1/8” Depth 29 1/2” Seat height 15 3/4”

Height 26 3/8” Width 31 1/8” Depth 29 1/2” Seat height 15 3/4”

Height 31 1/2” Width 31 1/2” Depth 30 3/8” Seat height 15 3/4”

Height 31 1/2” Width 27 1/2” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 59” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 59” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

cod. 3303 / A_swivel armchair small H.80

cod. 3304 / A_armchair small with feet H.100

cod. 3305 / A_swivel armchair small H.100

cod. 3410 / B_element 180 half back dx H.80

cod. 3412 / B_element 180 half back sx H.80

cod. 3413 / B_element 165 dx H.80

Height 80 × Width 80 × Depth 77 cm Seat height 40 cm

Height 100 × Width 80 × Depth 81 cm Seat height 40 cm

Height 100 × Width 80 × Depth 81 cm Seat height 40 cm

Height 80 × Width 180 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 180 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 165 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 31 1/2” Width 31 1/2” Depth 30 3/8” Seat height 15 3/4”

Height 39 3/8” Width 31 1/2” Depth 31 7/8” Seat height 15 3/4”

Height 39 3/8” Width 31 1/2” Depth 31 7/8” Seat height 15 3/4”

Height 31 1/2” Width 70 7/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 70 7/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 65” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

cod. 3306 / A_low stool with feet

cod. 3400 / B_armchair with feet H.80

cod. 3401 / B_swivel armchair H.80

cod. 3415 / B_element 165 sx H.80

cod. 3414 / B_element 195 dx H.80

cod. 3416 / B_element 195 sx H.80

Height 50,5 × Width 38 × Depth 46 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 90 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 90 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 165 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 195 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 195 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 19 7/8” Width 15” Depth 18 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 35 3/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 35 3/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 65” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 76 3/4” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 76 3/4” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

cod. 3402 / B_2 seater H.80

cod. 3403 / B_3 seater H.80

cod. 3404 / B_3 seater major H.80

cod. 3421 / B_element 225 dx H.80

cod. 3422 / B_element 225 sx H.80

cod. 3417 / B_dormeuse 165 dx H.80

Height 80 × Width 180 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 210 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 240 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 225 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 225 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 165 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 31 1/2” Width 70 7/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 82 5/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 94 1/2” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 88 5/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 88 5/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 65” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

cod. 3405 / B_element 100 H.80

cod. 3406 / B_element 150 H.80

cod. 3407 / B_element 180 H.80

cod. 3419 / B_dormeuse 165 sx H.80

cod. 3418 / B_dormeuse 195 dx H.80

cod. 3420 / B_dormeuse 195 sx H.80

Height 80 × Width 100 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 150 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 180 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 165 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 195 × Depth 70 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 80 × Width 195 × Depth 70 cm Height seat 42 cm

Height 31 1/2” Width 39 3/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 59” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 70 7/8” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 65” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 76 3/4” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 31 1/2” Width 76 3/4” Depth 27 1/2” Seat height 16 1/2”



News 2017



Sofa system

cod. 3500 / B_armchair with feet H.110

cod. 3501 / B_swivel armchair H.110

cod. 3502 / B_2 seater H.110

cod. 3514 / B_element 200 dx H.110

cod. 3516 / B_element 200 sx H.110

cod. 3521 / B_element 230 dx H.110

Height 110 × Width 100 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 100 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 190 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 200 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 200 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 230 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 43 1/4” Width 39 3/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 39 3/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 74 3/4” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 78 3/4” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 78 3/4” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 90 1/2” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

cod. 3503 / B_3 seater H.110

cod. 3504 / B_3 seater major H.110

cod. 3505 / B_element 100 H.110

cod. 3522 / B_element 230 sx H.110

cod. 3517 / B_dormeuse 170 dx H.110

cod. 3519 / B_dormeuse 170 sx H.110

Height 110 × Width 220 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 250 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 100 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 230 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 170 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 170 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 43 1/4” Width 86 5/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 98 3/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 39 3/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 90 1/2” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 66 7/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 66 7/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

cod. 3506 / B_element 150 H.110

cod. 3507 / B_element 180 H.110

cod. 3508 / B_corner H.110

cod. 3518 / B_dormeuse 200 dx H.110

cod. 3520 / B_dormeuse 200 sx H.110

cod. 3590 / Pouf 60 × 60

Height 110 × Width 150 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 180 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 74 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 200 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 200 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 42 × Width 60 × Depth 60 cm

Height 43 1/4” Width 59” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 70 7/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 29 1/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 78 3/4” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 78 3/4” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

cod. 3509 / B_element 150 half back dx H.110

cod. 3511 / B_element 150 half back sx H.110

cod. 3510 / B_element 180 half back dx H.110

cod. 3591 / Pouf 100 × 60

cod. 3592 / Pouf 150 × 60

cod. 3593 / Pouf 100 × 100

Height 110 × Width 150 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 150 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 180 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 42 × Width 100 × Depth 60 cm

Height 42 × Width 150 × Depth 60 cm

Height 42 × Width 100 × Depth 100 cm

Height 43 1/4” Width 59” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 59” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 70 7/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 16 1/2” Width 39 3/8” Depth 23 5/8”

Height 16 1/2” Width 59” Depth 23 5/8”

Height 16 1/2” Width 39 3/8” Depth 39 3/8”

cod. 3512 / B_element 180 half back sx H.110

cod. 3513 / B_element 170 dx H.110

cod. 3515 / B_element 170 sx H.110

cod. 10020 / Cushion

cod. 10023 / Cushion

cod. 3595 / Tray

Height 110 × Width 180 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 170 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 110 × Width 170 × Depth 74 cm Seat height 42 cm

Height 40 × Width 40 cm

Height 30 × Width 55 cm

Height 10 × Width 42 × Depth 56 cm

Height 43 1/4” Width 70 7/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 66 7/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 43 1/4” Width 66 7/8” Depth 29 1/8” Seat height 16 1/2”

Height 15 3/4” Width 15 3/4”

Height 11 3/4” Width 21 5/8”

Height 3 7/8” Width 16 1/2” Depth 22”



News 2017

Height 16 1/2” Width 23 5/8” Depth 23 5/8”


Dos à Dos Louvre

Double seat

Dos à Dos Louvre Family

Double seat


Pierre Paulin

IT Il designer Pierre Paulin nel 1967 disegnò questa inusuale seduta per la prima volta per le gallerie del Musée du Louvre. Oggi, 50 anni dopo, il progetto Dos à Dos Louvre è rieditato da LaCividina e torna ad essere opera d’arte e di design dedicata al contract e agli spazi comuni: anima in metallo, seduta su cinghie elastiche e imbottitura in espanso indeformabile a quote differenziate. Rivestimenti disponibili in tessuto elastico e in altri tessuti specificati appositamente nella scheda tecnica. Dos à Dos Louvre si modella sulle curve del corpo per una seduta che può essere usata singolarmente. Ed essendo accostabile infinite volte, sa anche trasformarsi in panca.


In 1967, the designer Pierre Paulin designed this unusual seat for the galleries of the Louvre museum for the first time. 50 years later, LaCividina has presented a fresh take on the Dos à Dos Louvre concept. Just like the original, it is a work of art and design that is intended for the contract market and public spaces. It has a metal core, elastic seat webbing and memory foam padding of varying densities. The covers are available in stretch material and other fabrics, as specified in the data sheet. Dos à Dos Louvre is shaped around the curves of the body. The seats can be used individually or lined up in limitless numbers to form benches. BOLD cod. 112 Carpet



En 1967, le designer Pierre Paulin dessina pour la première fois cette assise inhabituelle pour les galeries du Musée du Louvre. Aujourd'hui, 50 ans plus tard, le projet Dos à Dos Louvre est réédité par LaCividina et redevient l'œuvre d'art et de design conçue pour le secteur professionnel et les espaces publics : âme en métal, assise sur sangles élastiques et garnissage en mousse à mémoire de forme de différentes densités. Les revêtements proposés sont en tissu élastique et autres tissus, tel qu'indiqué dans la fiche technique. Dos à Dos Louvre s'adapte aux courbes du corps et peut être utilisé seul ou aligné en nombre illimité pour former une banquette.

DOS À DOS LOUVRE cod. 3600 Double seat


News 2017


Der Designer Pierre Paulin entwarf dieses ungewöhnliche Sitzmöbel 1967 zum ersten Mal für die Galerie des Louvre. Heute, 50 Jahre später, geht das Projekt Dos à Dos Louvre bei LaCividina neu in Serie und ist wiederum ein Kunstwerk und Höhepunkt des Designs für Contract- und Gemeinschaftsbereiche: das Herzstück aus Metall, die Sitzfläche aus elastischen Gurten und Polsterung aus formstabilem Schaumstoff mit unterschiedlicher Dichte. Der Bezug wird in elastischem Gewebe und anderen Stoffen angeboten, die eigens in der technischen Beschreibung aufgeführt sind. Dos à Dos Louvre passt sich den Kurven des Körpers an und kann als Einzelsitz verwendet werden. Es können beliebig viele Exemplare aneinandergereiht werden, sodass eine Sitzbank entsteht.


Dos à Dos Louvre

PLOFF cod. 8760_D70 - 8762_D110 Pouf


Double seat

DOS À DOS LOUVRE cod. 3600 Double seat


News 2017


Dos à Dos Louvre

Double seat

DOS À DOS LOUVRE cod. 3600 Double seat



PLOFF cod. 8760_D70 / 8762_D110 Pouf

News 2017


Dos à Dos Louvre

Double seat

cod. 3600 / double seat

Height 71 × Width 60 × Depth 140 cm Seat height 41 cm Height 28” Width 23 5/8” Depth 55 1/8” Seat height 16 1/8”

Realizzazione senza cucitura, tessuto: Uniform mélange. / Production without seam, fabric: Uniform mélange.



News 2017

Realizzazione con cucitura, altri tessuti disponibili. / Implementation with stitching, other fabrics available.


Art direction Luca Botto — Graphic design Genny Canton Studio — Copy Carter&Bennett — Photo EYE Alessandro Paderni — Color separation Luce group — Printing Grafiche Manzanesi

LaCividina s.r.l. Via Cividina (N° 176), 33035 Martignacco Udine - Italy — Contact T +(39) 0432 67 74 33 E

Stampato in marzo 2017

News 2017


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