21 minute read
In Memoriam
c ’39 c ’42 c ’44
Thomas Farrell, March 24, 2023. After Mercersburg, he went to Princeton University, graduating in the Class of 1943. Thomas worked as a chemist, retiring to Venice, FL. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Marge; two children; and three grandchildren.
Earl August Rice Jr., December 15, 2022. He served in the Army Air Corps during World War II, before joining Mt. Parnell Fisheries in Mercersburg, a family business. He later went to work with his father-in-law at FSK Matthews, a propane gas and appliance business he helped manage in Emmitsburg, MD, until 1983. He planned to retire but started selling cattle in the Midwest, specifically Kansas, which he continued to do into his 90s. He is survived by two children, nine grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.
R. Earle Leonard Jr., September 13, 2019. Earle was an alumnus of Princeton University. He served in the Navy during World War II and spent most of his professional career in the electrical division of Reynolds Metals Co. He and his wife, Connie, were married for 68 years. He is survived by a sister and five children, as well as eight grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren.
James Marsh Jr., February 26, 2023. Jim served in the Army Air Corps as a weather observer and was a graduate of Princeton University. He worked as a personnel manager for General Electric Co., retiring in 1987. For 25 years, he sat on the Oneida County Board of c ’45
Cooperative Education. For 10 years, he was a trustee, chair, or co-chair of the Herkimer County Community College Board. During his tenure, the board began a Ph.D. program in conjunction with Utica College. After moving to Maine, he served on the President’s Advisory Committee of Southern Maine Community College. Jim is survived by three children, 11 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
Richard Murtland, November 4, 2021. Dick was the brother of the late J. Victor Murtland ’39 and A. Meade Murtland ’43. He graduated in 1950 from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. Dick served in the medical corps of the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. After two years of service, he completed his medical training at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, specializing in thoracic and vascular surgery. In 1959, he joined the Monterey, CA, medical community, living there for 60 years. He is survived by his wife, Linda, his children, and grandchildren.
John William Becker, July 28, 2020.
Walter Newkirk, May 3, 2021. Bud graduated from Bridgeton High School in 1944, and then completed a year at Mercersburg Academy, playing football for both, before returning home to help manage the family’s crop and dairy farm. When he left farming, he enrolled in the electronic technology program at Salem County Vocational Technical School, completing the program in 1962. Bud was then hired by IBM as a field engineer and enjoyed a 25-year career helping troubleshoot and resolve equipment problems at businesses throughout southern New Jersey. He also earned an AA science degree from Salem Community College in 1973. He was preceded in death by his wife, Doris. He is survived by four children, nine grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren. c c ’47 c ’48 c ’49 c ’50
Ralph Kenneth Perry, February 27, 2023. Ken was class salutatorian and a member of the debate team at Mercersburg. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton University and pursued a career with Procter & Gamble, Lever Brothers, the Army Chemical Center during the Korean War, and Monsanto Corporation. After retirement, Ken and his wife, Margaret, taught English as a second language in China. He visited all 32 towns in the U.S. named Princeton and authored the book Breakfast in Princeton, USA: A Year-Long Odyssey. Ken was preceded in death by his two children and is survived by his wife.
George Young Jr., March 15, 2012. He was a 1945 graduate of Gaithersburg High School, a 1946 graduate of Mercersburg, and a 1950 graduate of Franklin & Marshall College. He served with the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War and later received a law degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. He is survived by his wife, Shirley, three children, and four grandchildren.
William Sage Dalzell, March 2, 2018.
Robert Jones, July 14, 2022. He is survived by his son, Richard S. Jones ’81.
Hugh Doney, August 3, 2022. After Mercersburg, Hugh earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Dickinson College, a master’s degree in geology from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin. Hugh taught geology at Del Mar College and Northeast Louisiana State College. Hugh was preceded in death by his brother, John Doney ’50. He is survived by three children and six grandchildren.
Frank Harris Harvey Jr., January 25, 2023. He was the brother of the late Robert M. Harvey ’45. After Mercersburg, he attended Princeton University and Case Western Reserve University School of Law. He worked for the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., then the law firm Brouse McDowell, where he was a managing partner from 1984 until 1989. He retired in 1995, but continued to serve in an “of counsel” capacity. He is survived by his children, his grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Francis Effingham Laimbeer III, July 28, 2022. Frank received an undergraduate degree from Cornell University and a master’s degree in education from The State University of New York in Geneseo, NY. He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving as a sergeant during the Korean War. He taught mathematics at The Harley School in Rochester, NY, from 1959 to 1981, and at The Wakefield School in Flint Hill, VA, from 1981 to 1990, and continued tutoring students in mathematics well into his 80s. He is survived by a half brother, his children, and his grandchildren.
James Meminger, November 22, 2022. After Mercersburg, he attended Elizabethtown College and the Rutgers University Graduate School for Estates and Trusts. He served in the Korean War with the U.S. Army. While serving in the Army, he was recruited to play on the U.S. Army-Air Force basketball team. He was inducted into the Elizabethtown College Athletic Hall of Fame for lettering in basketball, tennis, and soccer. He spent most of his career as a trust banker in Allentown, PA, where he served as a senior vice president and senior trust officer. He was active in numerous banking trust committees in Pennsylvania, and taught trust banking at Bucknell University before serving as school director. He is survived by three daughters and four grandchildren.
David Clark Palmer, March 5, 2023. After serving in the U.S. Army, he received an MBA from Cornell University. He worked for Eastman Kodak and then taught high school business at South Huntington School District on Long Island. During the summer, he operated Palmer Point Boats and Cottages on Fourth Lake in the Adirondacks, where he established sailboat racing. He spent winters in Sun City Center near Tampa, FL, and served on the security patrol and ambulance. He is survived by two children.
Alan Bleznak, March 2, 2023. Alan was a prominent builder, developer, and principal of the Bleznak Organization. He was the brother of Richard Bleznak ’44. He was predeceased by a daughter. He is survived by his wife, Kathleen, two children, and two grandchildren.
Jonathan Lee Peeler, January 8, 2023. After Mercersburg, he graduated from the University of North CarolinaChapel Hill, the North Carolina Institute of Finance, and Alexander Hamilton Institute, and he was a member of Sigma Chi. After college, he joined his father’s investment banking firm, J. Lee Peeler & Co. He was a member of Midwest Stock Exchange, chairman of the North Carolina Municipal Council, chairman of the Security Dealers of the Carolinas, member of the board of directors of the North Carolina Advisory Committee, and a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Jonathan supported a large number of charities, regularly donated platelets, delivered food for Meals on Wheels, tutored, and transported families to Butner Prison. He is survived by his wife, Alice, four children, 10 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
Jack Witty, October 3, 2021.
Joseph Anthony Albanese, January 8, 2023. Joe graduated from Yale University and served in the U.S. Marine Corps, attaining the rank of lieutenant. His career in advertising included R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in North Carolina and Dancer, Fitzgerald, and Sample on Madison Avenue in New York City. He and his wife, Jean, were proprietors of a sporting goods store in Chappaqua and Mount Kisco, NY, and later continued in the sporting goods retail business in South Carolina. In addition to his wife, Joe is survived by three children, including John Albanese ’80; five grandchildren; and a sister.
Thomas Ray Puffer, October 16, 2022. Tom graduated from Hamilton College with a bachelor’s degree in history and later obtained a graduate certificate in industrial relations from the University of California. He served as an infantry captain in the U.S. Marine Corps and spent a 50-year career with the nonprofit San Diego Employers Association, leading the organization for many years as its managing director, president, and chairman of the board. He also taught industrial relations at the University of San Diego. Tom is survived by a daughter, four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
c ’51
R. Graham Dunlop, July 13, 2022. A graduate of Mt. Lebanon High School and Allegheny College, Graham served in the U.S. Navy as a submarine communications officer. Upon discharge from active service in 1959, he began his career as a bank officer for Mellon Bank, working there until his retirement as an assistant vice president and branch manager. Graham was a former member of Mercersburg’s Alumni Council. He was a member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs, and served on the boards of music for Mt. Lebanon, the South Hills Child Guidance Center, and Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church. He was predeceased by his brother, Gordon S. Dunlop ’59. Survivors include his wife, three children, two stepchildren, six grandchildren, four stepgrandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
William Haskell, November 25, 2022. He earned a bachelor’s degree at Yale and a master’s degree at the Columbia University School of Journalism. William took a leave of absence from Yale to serve three years with the Green Berets (77th Special Forces), U.S. Army Airborne. He spent the majority of his journalism career writing for the Torrington Register, for which he covered court proceedings and produced a popular weekly column. Before working at the Register, he worked for newspapers from New Zealand to Nantucket, with stints in broadcast news at WTIC in Hartford and in Manhattan for news units of CBS, NBC, and ABC. One of his favorite assignments was for Science magazine, which deployed him to Antarctica to cover a story. He was predeceased by his brother, R. Kent Haskell ’47. He is survived by his partner, Marcia Evans, two children and four grandchildren. He was the uncle of Richard K. Haskell ’72, who also survives him. c ’52
Richard McCaffrey, November 10, 2019. Following his graduation from Georgetown University, Dick served in the Marine Corps and then moved to Alexandria, where he began a career in real estate that spanned more than 50 years until his death. Survivors include Gayle, his wife of 31 years; five children; nine grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Richard Kline Jr., February 9, 2023, Richard attended Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania and graduated from Western Maryland College (McDaniel College), Westminster, MD, in 1957. He was vice president of R.F. Kline, Inc., a Maryland-based highway construction company founded by his father in 1946. A lifelong theatre organ enthusiast, he was a member of the Washington, D.C., Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and a member of the American Theatre Organ Society, serving on its national board for years. He is survived by his niece and cousins Richard R. Kline ’49, Jay D. Kline ’51, Lea Kline Allen ’73, Ralph I. Kline ’76, John R. Kline ’03, Harry W. Kline ’04, and Emily Wroe ’04.
Donald Laubach Jr., November 27, 2022. After Mercersburg, Mike attended Lafayette College. He was stationed in Korea with the 8th Army Headquarters Adjutant General Section and honorably discharged as first class sergeant in 1955. He was employed in the Display Advertising Department of the Easton Express for many years before retiring. He was predeceased by his parents, Josephine and Donald G. Laubach Sr. ’17; and one son. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Doris “Pat;” two sons; and seven grandchildren.
Arno Paul Niemand, November 1, 2022. He went to Cornell University and the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. Following military service, he joined and became the president of the family business, Niemand Industries, from 1960 to 1990; he then launched the fitness product Body Bar. His book, The Dream Team of 1947, tells the story of the small Cornell College team in Mt. Vernon, IA, that won the NCAA national wrestling championship. Arno’s Body Bar Company sponsored the first U.S. women’s wrestling team when that sport was added to the 2004 Olympics. He was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in
2009. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Brenda.
Thomas Appel Salsbury, March 22, 2022. Tom graduated from Washington & Lee University. Following college, Tom enlisted in the U.S. Navy, where he served as a gunnery officer aboard the USS Columbus stationed in the South Pacific. Upon completion of his service, he returned to the East Coast to begin a long career in the field of human resources, working for Westvaco Pulp and Paper Mill, Columbian Rope Co., and later Crouse-Hinds Co. and Welch-Allyn. He was predeceased by his brother, Joseph M. Salsbury Jr. ’51, and is survived by his wife of 64 years, Eleanor, and his three sons, five grandchildren, and a nephew, Mark D. Salsbury ’70.
c ’53
R. Lee Byers, December 14, 2022. Lee attained a B.A. from Juniata College, B.S. from Carnegie Mellon University, M.S. from the University of Rochester, and Ph.D. from Penn State University. Lee taught engineering for Penn State University and the University of New Hampshire, and joined the Exxon Research and Engineering Department, and then ALCOA Aluminum. Following retirement, he owned and operated a consulting group known as R.E. Byers Associates Inc. Survivors include his wife of 67 years, Sylvia; four children; six grandchildren; and two greatgrandchildren.
Carl Robert Frederick , September 20, 2022.
James Loveless, February 3, 2023.
Jim earned a bachelor’s degree from DePauw University in 1957, and a master of fine arts from Indiana University in 1960. He taught at Hope College, the University of Kentucky, and Colgate University. His work is included in the collections of Chase Manhattan Bank, Ithaca College, the Martha Jackson Print Gallery, MunsonWilliams-Proctor, Gettysburg College, Hamilton College, and Colgate, among others. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, RuthAnn; five children; nine grandchildren; and five greatgrandchildren. c ’54 c ’55
John Ross, December 27, 2022. John graduated from Yale University with a bachelor of engineering degree with honors in 1957, and received an MBA from Golden Gate University in 1972. John was hired by Standard Oil Co. of California during college, and held a wide variety of positions in numerous locations, ending as a vice president of international product marketing when he retired after 36 years. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Diane “Dee Dee”; two children; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
John Evans III , March 25, 2023. John attended Williams College before completing a master of science degree in mechanical engineering at MIT. John’s professional career as a mechanical engineer included working on the team that designed the McDonnell Douglas F15, thermo regulation systems for chemical plants at Monsanto, and silicon wafers for FruCon and MEMC. Mid-career, he started a housing rehab company. He was predeceased by his parents, Betty and James E. Evans Jr. ’26; an uncle, Merle A. Evans ’22; cousins James M. Evans ’49 and Peter A.
Evans ’54; and two sons. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis; one daughter; and cousins Geoffrey F. Evans ’57, Stacy D. Evans ’83, and Kirsten K. EvansOrville ’85.
Curtner Akin Jr., September 1, 2021. He was the son of the late Curtner B. Akin (1924) and brother of Edward S. Akin ’57.
Robert Bruce Mercatoris, February 18, 2023. Bob (“Doc”) graduated from Meadville High School, where he was a track star, still holding the 440yard dash record. After high school, he was recruited to play football at Mercersburg Academy for a year before entering the University of Miami, earning a bachelor of science in business administration. Upon graduation, he served in the U.S. Air Force, then joined the family business, Mercatoris Oil. Bob eventually became president and CEO of Mercatoris Realty, and owner and proprietor of Stateside Laundromat. He was predeceased by his brother, Clarence G. Mercatoris Jr. ’50 Bob is survived by his wife of nearly 57 years, Mary; three daughters; three grandchildren; and nephews Clarence G. Mercatoris III ’75 and Mark A. Mercatoris ’78.
James McPherson Proctor III, March 27, 2023. He earned a Navy officer training scholarship to Princeton University, where he graduated with honors in 1959 and was captain of the varsity swim team. He served on active duty as a Marine Corps lieutenant, and later graduated from Georgetown Law Center and practiced law in Washington, D.C. He became associate general counsel of the Small Business c ’56
Administration, prior to beginning a long career with General Investment Funds in Chevy Chase, MD. He was president of GIF Properties Inc. until his retirement. He is survived by two children and six grandchildren.
Richard Zirkle, November 18, 2022.
James Jeffries Chapman III, May 17, 2017. Jay received a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Virginia. He accepted a teaching job at MSU in the 1970s. He is survived by a son.
William Higinbotham, December 8, 2016.
John Phelps, November 20, 2022. After Mercersburg, Pat graduated from Harvard University and the University of Missouri School of Law. Pat served in the U.S. Army. He began his private law practice in 1965, later serving as the prosecuting attorney for Jasper County, MO, and working as a trust attorney for United Missouri Bank before retiring in 2003. Pat is survived by his wife of 62 years, Carolyn; three children; nine grandchildren; and two greatgrandchildren.
Joseph Algernon Wallace, November 13, 2022. Joseph graduated from Michigan State University. While there, he was class treasurer and class president. His juris doctor was conferred by Tulane University, where he received the Silver Key Award for his outstanding contribution to law schools in the (then) Fifth Circuit. Joseph served in the U.S. Army. He later practiced law in Elkins, WV, and served two terms on the West Virginia State Bar Board of c ’57
Governors. He was also a co-founder, charter, and board member of the WV Defense Trial Counsel and was a mediator for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia. Joseph was predeceased by his brother, John J. Wallace III ’49. He is survived by three children.
John Cantzon Foster Jr., April 3, 2023. After Mercersburg, he attended Duke University on a Naval ROTC scholarship. Upon graduation in 1961, John was commissioned an ensign and entered active duty. Following promotion to captain, John spent his final tour of duty as chief of the U.S. Naval Mission to Colombia, in Bogota, and retired from there in 1984. After leaving active duty, he taught Naval Junior ROTC. Along the way, he earned a master’s degree from Western Carolina University and a doctorate in education through the University of South Carolina, and fully retired in 2006. He was preceded in death by his brother, James A. Hayne III ’55, and is survived by his wife, Joye; a son; and a grandson.
Harry Daniel Gerber, January 9, 2023. Harry graduated from Penn State University with a bachelor’s degree in economics. He served 27 years in the U.S. Air Force, flying heavy cargo airplanes. After receiving an MBA in contract law from George Washington University, he worked in procurement. Following his active-duty service, Harry spent another 25 years in the private sector, working primarily on contracts with the FAA. Following retirement, he served as a docent at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., and delivered Meals on Wheels. Harry is survived by Barbara, his wife of 62 years, two children, and four grandchildren. c
Robert Philip Hoover, December 15, 2022. Bob received a bachelor’s degree from Franklin & Marshall College, a master of divinity in 1964 from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a doctor of ministry from Ashland Theological Seminary. He served as the most continuous pastor, 41 years, for the Logos Ministry. He is survived by his wife, Linda; two children; a brother, Benjamin A. Hoover ’55; and nephew Jonathan R. Hoover ’90.
Leighton Ross Scott Jr., December 20, 2022.
Robert Streeter Perry, April 7, 2023. Bob received a bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University and an MBA from Plymouth State College. Over his lifetime, Bob was employed by several companies, and served as treasurer, vice president, and president of New England Acceptance Corporation, and as treasurer of Perry Motors. He is survived by his wife, Judith; two children; and four grandchildren. He was the son of the late Charles W. Perry (1929) c
Antonio Enrique Colberg Perez, March 1, 2020. He was predeceased by his brother, Wilson F. Colberg ’50; and uncle, Ramon Aboy ’28. He is survived by brothers, Herman W. Colberg ’51 and Jorge R. Colberg ’63
Christopher Montgomery, February 4, 2021. Chris graduated from New York University with a degree in accounting and received a CPA license. He was an officer in the U.S. Navy and served as a defense courier during the Vietnam War before working as an accountant. Chris was predeceased by his father, Robert Montgomery ’33, and is survived by three siblings. c ’60
Matthew Perry, February 20, 2023. Matt received a bachelor of business administration from Bryant College (now University) and served in the U.S. Army. He later joined the family insurance business, Perry & Swartwood (now Perry & Carroll). Matt is survived by his wife of 37 years, Joy; four children, including James W. Perry ’87; and seven grandchildren.
Donald Burns Lewis Jr., September 5, 2022. He was the brother-in-law of the late Lawrence Lattomus II ’51.
Lee Franklin McVay, May 25, 2022. He was the brother of Demas L. McVay Jr. ’51.
Daniel Treloar III, December 7, 2022. After Mercersburg, Dan attended Mount Union College, and served in the U.S. Army from 1962-65 with the 13th USA field station in Menwith Hill, England. Dan’s career was with Westinghouse Corp. for 28 years. He retired in 1994. He is survived by his wife, Deborah; two children; four grandchildren; and a brother, David Treloar ’60 c ’61
Cheston Browning, November 20, 2022. After Mercersburg, Sonny worked in the family-owned supermarket in Oakland, MD, and was general manager of Browning’s Oakland Market from 1972-77. He was vice president of corporate development for Browning’s, Inc. from 1977-81. In 1987, he bought and operated Tommy’s Market in Cumberland, MD. He served as a board member and executive director of the Mid-Atlantic Food Dealers Association of Baltimore, MD, and was past president, secretary, and director of the Foodland Markets Retailer Association. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Earldean; two children, including W. Scott Browning ’88; three grandchildren; two great-grandsons; and nephew Michael T. Browning ’74. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Cheston H. Browning (1912); uncles, Donald M. Browning ’43, John R. Browning ’47, and Thomas D. Browning ’48; and cousin, Robert E. Browning ’65. c
Joel Lynn, July 25, 2022. Joel graduated from Brown University, after which he joined the Marines. Joel served in Vietnam and was awarded the Purple Heart. He spent several years as a stockbroker before learning clock-making. After school and an apprenticeship, he opened his own clock repair business. He is survived by his wife, JoAnn.
John Pearse Kaufman, January 1, 2023. John received a bachelor’s degree from Duke University and earned a medical degree from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, graduating as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. He interned at the University of Michigan, and did a residency at the University of Virginia. After his residency, John served in the U.S. Air Force before joining his father’s dermatology practice. He was predeceased by his uncle, Howell B. Kaufman ’31, and is survived by two children; four grandchildren; brother, Richard B. Kaufman ’65; niece, Julia K. Kaufman Nussdorfer ’99; nephew, Richard P. Kaufman ’00; and greatnephew Jonathan M. Nussdorfer ’26. c ’63 c ’64 c ’65
James Weaver Jr., November 27, 2022. After graduating from Ohio Wesleyan, he entered the Navy and was selected for the Navy’s Officer’s Candidate School and earned an advanced degree in the nuclear reactor program. After the Navy, James was active in the International Union for Conservation of Nature. He later enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of Maryland to study economics. James worked as an environmental engineer and later co-founder of Market Metrics in 1983. He founded Empower Partners and was co-founder of the Hourglass Foundation. James is survived by two children and a grandson.
Russell Ameter, August 6, 2022. Russell served in the Navy, Air Force, and the Michigan Air National Guard, ultimately as a flight surgeon. He is survived by his wife, Darlene; four children; three stepchildren; and 12 grandchildren.
Andrew Kreider II, December 28, 2019. He was predeceased by his father, Andrew J. Kreider (1926).
Thomas Cahalan Jr., January 1, 2023. Tom was an All-American swimmer at Mercersburg and a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. He was president of W&L Sales Co. for several years. From 1994 to 2000, Tom served as a member of Mercersburg’s Board of Regents. He was preceded in death by his brother, Michael Cahalan ’67, and is survived by his wife, Linda. c ’67
Richard Goeringer Binford, October 30, 2022. Rick graduated from the Blue Ridge School in Virginia and later attended Guilford College in North Carolina. He owned and operated Lush Lawns & Landscaping in Florida, then operated a home-improvement business in Hagerstown, MD. He is survived by a brother, Mark Binford ’74, and nephew, Christian Binford ’11
Dennis Hawbaker, January 16, 2023. Dennis graduated from Pennsylvania State University. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Karen; two children; brother, Jeff Hawbaker ’71, and cousin, Lynn W. Hawbaker ’67 c ’68 c ’71 c ’73 c ’74 c ’81 c ’82
David John Dunigan III, January 31, 2023. David attended the University of Colorado and was an instructor at St. Mary’s College, where he ran the school’s ocean-sailing program. He was an active ocean-racing participant with yachts and was the founder and president of “On Time, Every Time,” a local yacht delivery service. He is best known for his photography work with several magazines, and for his films recording sailing fleets up and down the East Coast and as far afield as Cuba. He is survived by his mother and four siblings.
Edward Keyser Masland Jr., March 16, 2023. Skip went to Rollins College and then had a successful career in advertising and public relations. He is survived by his wife, Teresa; two children; two grandchildren; and two stepchildren.
John Harrington Tanous, January 27, 2023. John graduated from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and earned an MBA from the University of Florida. After a career in music, he pursued a second career as a financial analyst. He is survived by his wife, Pam; one son; and two siblings, including James Tanous ’77.
Gregory Kemp, August 14, 2018. Greg was an avid skier and built two homes with the help of friends and family. Greg is survived by one son.
Jeffrey Jacobs Isaacson, October 25, 2022. Jeffrey spent his career as an accountant with the United Jewish Federation. He is survived by his parents, two children, and five grandchildren.
Monya (Von) Woodard Mu’min, January 17, 2021. She is survived by her sons and a grandson.
John Lindley Saucer, April 7, 2023. John attended The University of Texas, where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He had a successful career in the energy industry, and was the vice president of corporate strategy and development at Mobius Risk Group. Prior to Mobius, John spent 13 years at the Houston-based energy fund AAA Capital Management Advisors as a trading principal and petroleum specialist and 12 years at Citigroup, seven as vice president of energy analysis. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer; three children; his father; and his brother, Jamie Saucer Holland ’81. c ’84 c ’88
Marc Andrews Rizzo, March 28, 2023. Marc received a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University. After graduation, he worked for Sen. Dick Gephardt. He then earned a culinary degree from the Culinary Institute of America. Marc was the director of the Patriot Swim Team at Beacon High School in Beacon, NY, and had a long career as a chef, at one time owning the Mill House Panda in Poughkeepsie, NY. He also worked as head chef at various ski resorts in Colorado, including the Wildflower in Vail. He is survived by his wife, Vanessa; four children, two stepchildren; and two grandchildren.
John Andrew DuPuy, December 13, 2022.
Todd Hershey, February 22, 2023. Todd graduated from Elon College. He succeeded his father as president of Delmarby Inc., where for 22 years he managed the three Arby’s restaurants in Salisbury, MD. As a director of the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Todd served terms as treasurer and secretary, and as chairman of the Asset Development Committee. Todd served on the board of Atlantic General Hospital Foundation for many years, eventually becoming chairman. He also served on the board of the WorWic Community College Foundation and served on the Greater Salisbury Committee. He is survived by his father, W. Thomas Hershey ’61; four children; and his sister, Melinda M. Hershey Houck ’85, and brother-inlaw, Glenn W. Houck ’85.
c Former Faculty/ Staff/Friends
Carl Cowan, former custodian (1978-2010), February 27, 2023.
John “Eddie” Evans, former driver (2008-13), March 18, 2023.
Earle Grover, faculty emeritus (195292), director of music education, and language faculty member, January 24, 2023. Earle led the football marching band, the assembly band, and the “Blue and White Melodians,” a dance band with a “big-band” sound. He assembled a 35-piece concert band to perform classical and light classical music at the school’s spring concert and prepared the 85-voice glee club for an annual celebration of Mercersburg’s musical life. In 1964, he became a full-time teacher of German, and later was appointed chairman of the foreign language department. In 1981, he was appointed to the Robert Black Chair, the first recipient of that honor. In 1991, he received the Alumni Council Award for Outstanding Service to Mercersburg. The Earle H. Grover Endowment Fund, a resource to support German immersion opportunities for Mercersburg students, was established in his honor in 2010 through a gift by Dr. J. Laurence Ransom ’65