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Favorite Memories from
Amy Hendrickson P ’03, ’06, ’19
“Some of my favorite times at Mercersburg were living in South Cottage with the girls and interacting with the wrestlers and managers on the wrestling team when Rick [Hendrickson, former faculty member and Amy’s husband] was the head coach. The students at the school are terrific, funny, and just great people. Watching them grow up during those teenage years, trying to discover who they were and truly caring for each other and treating my children so kindly was a gift to me. These same students are incredible adults now!
When we came to Mercersburg, the faculty and their spouses were so friendly and inclusive. I felt like I had some really great friendships and support since we were new to boarding school life. A lot of our friendships at Mercersburg will be lifelong.
I can’t leave out the Business Office. Gail Wolfe hired me, and he really kept the office fun! He was very kind and had a lot of empathy for people. My colleagues were like family to me. We laughed every single day, so coming to work was never hard to do!”