Mpact - Spring 2012

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S h a r i n g t h e i m pa c t o f p h i l a n t h r o p y a t M e r c e r s b u r g

Endowed Lectures Bring the World to Campus


n a December night in 2010, author James

McBride came to campus as part of the Jacobs Residency, made

McBride and his jazz ensemble held students and

possible by funding from the Morefield Family Endowment. Visits

faculty spellbound with a multimedia presentation that

from prominent writers, social activists, inventors, filmmakers, and

featured McBride reading from his work, interspersed

historians are made possible each year thanks to endowed funds that

with musical interludes. The following day, McBride held a writing workshop for a packed

cover the cost of bringing these speakers to campus. In addition to learning about issues such as the Arab Spring

house in Irvine Hall and led a master class with his ensemble for

and renewable resources, students are inspired by the passionate

the Academy Jazz Band. “The only person who sounds like you is

commitment, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and leadership that

you,” McBride told the student musicians. “Be prepared to take years

campus visitors embody.

working on your own sound.”

(continued on page 2)


ENDOWED LECTURES (continued from page 1) Endowed lectures also provide experiential learning opportunities, a

Last fall, Nicole Krauss, author

core tenet of the Mercersburg Plan. Most guest speakers come to campus

of the international bestseller The

for two-day visits so they can lead informal workshops for students and

History of Love, came to Mercersburg

faculty in addition to presenting their lecture.

as this year’s Ammerman Family

“Working with James McBride was a magical experience for the

Lecturer. Another recent guest

students,” says Academic Dean Julia Stojak Maurer ’90. “They gained

was poet Edward Hirsch, winner

so much confidence from what he taught them. Our visitors to campus

of a MacArthur Fellowship.

challenge the thinking of students while engaging them in fun and

Upcoming speakers are former

exciting ways.”

U.S. poet laureate Billy Collins and environmentalist Jonny Dubowsky of the Rock ’n Renew Foundation. While Mercersburg is fortunate to have a strong series of endowed lectures, endowment funds don’t

Nicole Krauss

always cover the full cost of bringing nationally renowned speakers to campus. Your gifts to True Blue: Best-selling author Reza Aslan

The Mercersburg Annual Fund help ensure that this important part

delivered this year’s Schaff Lecture

of the Mercersburg experience is made available each year.

on Ethics and Morals. Author of No

Endowed lectures—and annual fund gifts that support lectures—

god but God: The Origins, Evolution,

introduce students to men and women making a difference in a range

and Future of Islam, Aslan spoke

of fields. With your continued support, Mercersburg students will learn

on “America 10 Years after 9/11 and

from leading thinkers of our time.

the Future of the Middle East.” He If you are interested in supporting campus speakers, please contact

followed his riveting talk with a

Gail Reeder, director of development, at or

workshop for ninth graders studying Middle Eastern conflicts and an open forum for students and faculty. Funded

Reza Aslan

by the Schaff Family Endowment, this lecture features an annual speaker on topics related to fundamental human values. Building endowment funds for programs, facilities, and initiatives such as our speaker series is a key component of the Mercersburg Plan. Because endowed gift principal is protected and grows from investment income over time, an endowed gift has a lasting impact.




Leaving a

Lasting Legacy

“’Tis better to give than to receive.”

Recently, Torrence Harder ’61 established a

Who hasn’t heard that adage many times?

charitable remainder unitrust with Mercersburg

But what may be even better is to give and to

as the trustee and remainder beneficiary. His

receive. And that is exactly what’s possible with

gift will help the school continue to fulfill its

a planned gift to Mercersburg.

mission of preparing young men and women

While the economy has been sluggish

The Marshall & Irving Alliance was established in 1993 to recognize donors who have chosen to support Mercersburg’s mission through bequests, trusts, life income arrangements, or estate gifts. The alliance unites the names of the school’s competing John Marshall and Washington Irving literary societies.

for some time now, a charitable giving plan can actually flourish in times of uncertainty, allowing donors to simultaneously achieve their philanthropic goals, economic goals, and tax goals. One of the best and most popular planned giving vehicles is the charitable trust. The two main types of charitable trusts are the charitable remainder trust and the charitable lead trust.

for college and for life in a global community. Another exceptional planned gift was created by Hank Spire ’60. He named Mercersburg Academy as a beneficiary of a charitable lead trust that is—and has been—providing funds to Mercersburg each year for financial aid to talented students. The impact of planned giving on Mercersburg through wills, life insurance

number of years. When the trust ends, the

policies, and charitable trusts has been

remaining assets are distributed to the donor’s

remarkable. The entire Mercersburg community

transfers assets into a trust that then provides

designated family members. The assets may

has benefited from the generosity of alumni and

a tax-advantaged stream of income for a period

even remain in a trust if the donor wishes.

friends who have chosen to remember

of years or for life to the donor and the donor’s

The same significant tax advantages are enjoyed.

the school in such a special and lasting way.

In a charitable remainder trust, the donor

spouse. When the trust terminates, it passes to

Not only is this a good time to establish a

If you have included Mercersburg as

Mercersburg to fulfill the donor’s philanthropic

charitable trust because of the economy, it’s a

part of your estate plan or are considering

wishes. The donor receives an immediate

good time because Mercersburg can now act

doing so, please let us know by contacting

charitable income tax deduction and reduced

as trustee of the trust if the donor chooses. The

Bruce Rosengrant, director of gift

capital gains and estate taxes, at the same time

assets are managed professionally to achieve

planning, at

providing a degree of financial security for his

the best possible results, and if Mercersburg

or 717-328-6210. We stand ready to help

or her family.

is named as trustee and irrevocable charitable

you strengthen Mercersburg’s future

beneficiary, the trust documents are prepared by

while you receive considerable benefits

Mercersburg’s advisors at no charge to the donor.

for yourself and your loved ones.

In a charitable lead trust, the trust provides a stream of income to Mercersburg for a set

Pennsylvania Businesses Proudly Support Mercersburg Since 2002, when Mercersburg began

in funding for current use financial aid. Established

In the 2011-2012 school year, the following businesses took advantage of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit program by supporting scholarships at Mercersburg.

by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for businesses

• Ace Distributing

paying taxes to the state, the program offers a unique

• APR Supply Co.

means of supporting educational opportunities for

• Eastern Alliance Insurance Company/ Employers Alliance Inc.

participating in the Educational Improvement Tax Credit program, the school has received $2.2 million


gifted young people.

Eligible businesses committing to the EITC

Head of School Douglas Hale accepts a check from Cheryl Shields of Waste Management for use toward scholarship aid.

• First National Bank of Mercersburg

program for two consecutive years may receive a

• FMA Advisory Inc.

tax credit of 90 percent of their contribution to a

• In & Out Beverage Inc.

charitable organization providing educational services

• John M. Tice Inc.

and scholarships. The tax credit for a single year of

• Nitterhouse Masonry Products LLC

participation in the program is as high as 75 percent.

• Reading Anthracite Company

More than a dozen businesses take advantage of the tax credit each year by making a gift to

• Rockwell Construction Inc.

Mercersburg. Their support has made a difference to talented students who might not have been able

• Sage Dining Services Inc.

to attend Mercersburg without scholarship aid. The school is proud to acknowledge a wide range of

• Utz Quality Foods Inc.

businesses paying Pennsylvania taxes—from local banks to construction companies—and to thank

• Vulcan Spring & Mfg. Co.

them for making the dreams of Mercersburg students possible.

• Waste Management



Investing in the Future

with Scholarship Aid


aige Summers ’11 first came to Mercersburg at the age of eight, when she took part in Mercersburg Adventure Camp. “I fell in love with

the school,” Paige says of her experience. “I loved the campus and knew I wanted to return.” Paige’s dream was realized when she received a scholarship to attend Mercersburg in 2007. Now in her freshman year at Shepherd University, where she is majoring in nursing, Paige says her family wouldn’t have been able to afford Mercersburg without the scholarship support she received. Making a Mercersburg education possible for promising young men and women like Paige is a central goal of the Mercersburg Plan, and raising endowment support for financial aid is key to this effort. Half of Mercersburg’s current students

Paige Summers ’11

receive some form of need- or merit-based aid. For the 2011-2012 school year, $5.6 million was awarded. Over the past five years, more than $24.5 million in financial aid has been distributed.

Half of Mercersburg’s students receive some form of need- or merit-based scholarship aid. For the 2011-2012 school year, more than $5 million was awarded. For some donors, like Robert Kurtz ’52, supporting financial aid means opening doors to a life-shaping education for

spring break trip to Ireland, where a visit to the grave of William Butler Yeats was a highlight. When she reflects on her time at

deserving students whose families may not

Mercersburg, Paige recalls outstanding

have the financial resources to send them to

teachers and challenging classes. “I felt I was

Mercersburg. Bob and his wife Marilyn have

more prepared than anyone else here my first

endowed the Marilyn & Robert M. Kurtz Jr. ’52

semester in college,” she says. “I will always

Scholarship Fund primarily for students from

be looking for another Mercersburg. The

rural communities.

connections with students and faculty were

“The scholarship means that someone,

so precious, and I learned so much.”

probably like myself, has had a chance to go to Mercersburg,” says Bob. “The Academy was more of a factor in my life than my Marilyn and Robert Kurtz ’52

college. I feel that there’s a value in going to Mercersburg during what are really your

Mercersburg has adopted a policy of raising tuition only with a proportional increase in

formative years.” For Paige, her time at Mercersburg supplied

Through their support of the scholarship program with an endowment gift and with gifts

the funding pool available for financial aid.

invaluable experiences that expanded her

to True Blue: The Mercersburg Annual Fund,

Meanwhile, the Mercersburg Plan has set a

worldview and bolstered her confidence. She

donors have an impact on the lives of students

fundraising goal of $21 million for student

served as a prefect and tour guide and earned 12

and on the communities where Mercersburg

scholarships to ensure that the extraordinary

varsity letters in field hockey and track & field.

graduates make their mark. We are grateful to

Mercersburg experience is affordable for the

She also traveled outside the country for the first

alumni, parents, and friends of the school for

best and brightest students.

time on a one-month exchange to Chile and a

their support of this truly important effort!



Scholarships Make the Mercersburg Experience Possible A named scholarship can be endowed at Mercersburg for $100,000. Endowed funds generate more than $1 million in financial aid for our students each year. Below is a list of Mercersburg’s endowed scholarships.

Peyton and Tod Duncanson ’41 Scholarship Fund

Allan Neustadt ’46 Scholarship Fund

Margaret C. & Charles E. Elting ’34 Scholarship Fund

Palmer Family Scholarship Fund

Helen L. & John H. Eves ’44 Scholarship Fund

Megan Peffer Scholarship Fund

Faculty Scholarship Fund

Charles W. ’29 & Robert S. ’58 Perry Scholarship Fund

David L. Fillman ’56 Scholarship Fund

Leonard Plantz Scholarship Fund

Esther C. & Thomas M. Flanagan ’38 Scholarship Fund

Medary A. Prentiss ’14 Scholarship Fund

John W. Allen ’57 Scholarship Fund

Lena Manley Flanagan Scholarship Fund

Prentiss Family Scholarship Fund

Carol Amorocho Class of ’81 Scholarship Fund

Roger G. Flynn Jr. ’68 Memorial Scholarship Fund

John C. & Sallie E. Pyper Scholarship Fund

Preston F. Amspacher Scholarship Fund for Math

Donald B. Freedman, M.D., Scholarship Fund

John L. “Jay” Quinn Scholarship Fund

Arce Scholars Endowed Fund

Leonard S. & Lucille E. Fry Scholarship Fund

Reader’s Digest Endowed Scholarship Fund

Area Student Scholarship Fund

General Scholarship Fund

W.S. Red ’16 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Rosemary & Donald W. Ash ’31 Scholarship Fund

Eugene P. Gillespie ’36 Scholarship Fund

Martha J. and Harold F. Reed Jr. ’44 Scholarship Fund

George W. Baxter ’36 Scholarship Fund

Goodyear International Foundation Trust

Dr. Frank E. Reeder 1902 Medical Scholarship Fund

T. Edmund Beck ’22 Scholarship Fund

Norris W. & Thelma V. Grabill Scholarship Fund

Virginia B. & Daniel M. Ricker Jr. ’28 Scholarship Fund

Lansing H. Bennett ’44 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Graham Family Scholarship Fund

Donald and Sylvia Robinson Scholarship Fund

Douglas O. Blaney ’66 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Cora I. and John L. Grove Scholarship Fund

Tim O. Rockwell Scholarship Fund

Douglas S. Brown ’41 Scholarship Fund

Andrew W. Hall ’88 Scholarship Fund

Barbara and G. Frederick Roll ’30 Scholarship Fund

Wilbur F. Brown 1911 Scholarship Fund

Lester & Carl Hamburg Foundation Scholarship

Richard R. Schellenberger ’42 Scholarship Fund

Bouldin G. Burbank Scholarship Fund

Mary J. Hanks & George R. Hanks 1911 Scholarship

Walter A. Schiffer Jr. ’65 Scholarship Fund

Linda and Thomas P. Cahalan ’65 Scholarship Fund

Eric E. Harris Scholarship Fund

Lilian K. & John R. Schley 1915 Memorial Scholarship Fund

S. Erin Carey ’91 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Henry M. Hartman ’34 Scholarship Fund

S. Spencer Scott 1910 Scholarship Fund

Central Pennsylvania Minority Scholarship Fund

Finley B. Hess ’24 Scholarship Fund

Ruth K. & Thomas H. Shartle 1926 Endowed Scholarship

H. Ward Christopher ’43 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Donald D. Hill Scholarship Fund

Alan P. Shepard ’61 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Class of ’49 Scholarship Fund

Samuel S. Hill Jr. ’18 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Stephen A. Signorile ’67 Scholarship Fund

Class of ’50 Scholarship Fund

Dorothea & Lewis Hitzrot Scholarship Fund

Carol & James W. Smith Scholarship Fund

Class of ’54 Scholarship Fund

Ralph Erdman Holben ’35 Scholarship Fund

F. Perry Smith Jr. ’35 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Class of ’55 Scholarship Fund

William W. Howard Scholarship Fund

Soars Family Scholarship Fund

Class of ’61 Scholarship Fund

Earle S. Hurd ’47 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Stackpole-Hall Foundation Scholarship Fund

Class of ’63 Scholarship Fund

Margaret L. Imler Memorial Scholarship Fund

Paul M. Suerken Scholarship Fund

Class of ’65 Scholarship Fund

William R. Jewett ’65 Scholarship Fund

Stephen J. Szekely Memorial Scholarship Fund

Class of ’80 Scholarship Fund

John E. Jones ’44 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Jenny and Nicholas F. Taubman ’53 Scholarship Fund

Class of ’81 Scholarship Fund

Erdman Keeler Scholarship Fund

Ida Hildebrand & Arthur H. Torrence Scholarship Fund

Class of ’82 Scholarship Fund

Keizler Family Scholarship Fund

Robert W. Tunnell ’32 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Class of ’83 Scholarship Fund

Ralph E. Kirkpatrick 1908 Scholarship Fund

Craig D. Vail ’38 Scholarship Fund

Class of ’84 Scholarship Fund

Fred R. Kuhn Scholarship Fund

Ruth T. and E. Morrison Webb 1911 Scholarship Fund

Class of ’85 Scholarship Fund

Marilyn & Robert M. Kurtz Jr. ’52 Scholarship Fund

Jeanne & George H. Weiler Jr. ’34 Scholarship Fund

Class of ’86 Scholarship Fund

Marilyn S. Larson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Gayle J. Wells Scholarship Fund

Class of ’87 Scholarship Fund

Leisure Family Scholarship Fund

Donald Campbell Willard Scholarship Fund

Class of ’88 Scholarship Fund

H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest ’49 Legacy Scholarship

Joan C. & Wirt S. Winebrenner ’54 Scholarship Fund

Class of ’89 Scholarship Fund

George ’13 & Esther Manley Scholarship Fund

Witmer Family Scholar Endowed Fund

Class of ’90 Scholarship Fund

Edgar M. Masinter Class of ’48 Scholarship Fund

Clarence R. Wolf 1906 Scholarship Fund

Class of ’92 Scholarship Fund

Frank M. Masters 1904 and Frank M. Masters Jr. ’44 Scholarship Fund

Captain Edwin E. Woods Jr. ’44 Memorial Scholarship Fund

Richard J. Mauthe ’43 Scholarship Fund

Zimmerman Family Scholarship Fund

Class of ’93 Scholarship Fund Class of ’94 Scholarship Fund Class of ‘95 Scholarship Fund Class of ’96 Scholarship Fund Class of ’97 Scholarship Fund Thomas C. Cochran Jr. Class of 1938 Educational Fund James B. Crawford II ’38 Memorial Scholarship Fund Anne Ford & C. Benjamin Crisman ’32 Scholarship Fund John H. Culbertson ’24 Scholarship Fund Davenport Family Scholarship Fund William E. Davis ’49 Memorial Scholarship Fund Diane T. Decker Memorial Scholarship Fund Ashley “Ned” DeWolf ’23 Scholarship Fund Bayard C. Dickinson Scholarship Fund Robert W. ’37 and Lucy Donehower Endowed Scholarship Fund

Jonathan K. ’46 and Elizabeth G. Woods Scholarship Fund

Gerald R. McCulloh ’56 Scholarship Fund McDowell Family Scholarship Fund Richard N. McKee ’45 Scholarship Fund T.C. Meiselman ’66 Memorial Scholarship Fund Mendham Family Scholarship Mercersburg Academy Woman’s Club Scholarship Coach John M. Miller Swimming Scholarship Fund Jack H. Millstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Betsy Mitchell ’83 Scholarship Fund William Moonan ’35 Memorial Scholarship Fund W. Thomas Morris ’44 Scholarship Fund George B. Motheral II ’36 Scholarship Fund Robert B. ’30 and Elinor Murray Scholarship

A current use scholarship can be provided for a minimum of $12,500 a year for four years. Current use funds go to True Blue: The Mercersburg Annual Fund and are designated for financial aid. Below is a list of Mercersburg’s current use scholarship benefactors. Anonymous Class of 1982 Diana Flanagan Richard P. Klopp ’39

Raymon K. Nelson ’75 Scholarship Fund


Efforts Progressing for Saint Michael Window

Military Alums: We Want a Record of Your Service! As part of this year’s Alumni Weekend (October 26-28, 2012), Mercersburg is planning a military service homecoming for alumni who have served in the armed forces of the United States or any other country. If you are a veteran or an active duty service member, please answer a few questions at

The Loyalty Club Task Group of the Alumni Council continues its efforts to raise $40,000 for restoration of the Saint Michael Slaying the Dragon window in Irvine Memorial Chapel. The window was originally given in loving memory of Ralph Talbot, Class of 1916, by The Mercersburg News. The first Marine Corps aviator to

You can also complete the paper survey below and return it in the envelope provided to: Mercersburg Academy Alumni & Development Office 300 East Seminary Street Mercersburg, PA 17236

Thank you for your service!

receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, Talbot was killed in France during World War I. He is one of Mercersburg’s three Medal of Honor recipients. The Loyalty Club Task Group is encouraging Loyalty Club members and military veterans or active duty service members to support this restoration project. To learn more, contact Bruce Rosengrant, director of gift planning, at or 717-328-6210.

__________________________________________________________ 1. Name 2. Class Year __________________________________________________________ 3. Street Address __________________________________________________________ 4. City 5. State/Province 6. Postal / ZIP code __________________________________________________________ 7. Country (if different from United States)

What’s New in Your Life?

__________________________________________________________ 8. Preferred Phone Number (Circle one: Home, Cell, Business) __________________________________________________________ 9. Email Address 10. In which branch of the military did you serve? Army

Air Force

Army Reserve

Air Force Reserve

Army National Guard

Air National Guard


Coast Guard

Navy Reserve

Coast Guard Reserve

Marine Corps

Other (Please Specify)_______________

Marine Corps Reserve


11. If the country for whose armed forces you serve was/is not the United States, please indicate the country here. __________________________________________________________ 12. What were/are your rank and title (current or at the time of your retirement/discharge)? Submit your own note and photo to

__________________________________________________________ 13. Would you like this rank or title to be your official salutation when the school corresponds with you?



14. What was/is your term of service?____________________________ Please continue on the reverse side.


Military Alumni Survey (continued from page 7) 15. If you were/are an officer, what was/is your commissioning source? ROTC

Service Academy


Air Force Reserve


Other (Please Specify)______________


16. Please list any colleges, universities, or service academies

Class of 1961 Makes Milestone Gift Members of the Class of 1961 returned to Mercersburg last summer to celebrate their 50th anniversary reunion. To recognize this milestone, the class raised $316,200. Forty-two members of the class made restricted or unrestricted gifts, estate gifts, and gifts to the Class of ’61 Scholarship Fund. “Mercersburg Academy—and the wonderful experiences we had there—played a significant role in making us who we are today,” says

from which you graduated.

William Thompson ’61, who led the class’s fundraising efforts. “As __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

alumni of the school, we hope to ensure that the transformational experiences we had as students continue to be available as each new class follows in the footsteps of previous graduates.” Congratulations and sincere thanks to the Class of 1961 for its generosity!

17. Please list any wars or military operations in which you participated/are participating and the role(s) you were assigned. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Octet Alumni Lead Support for Suerken Spotlight

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 18. Please list any professional military education courses you have attended. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 19. Please list any awards or honors you have received for your

Octet alumni and friends of Mercersburg still have

military service. (This information is for Mercersburg’s record-keeping

an opportunity to help raise $200,000 for the Suerken Spotlight—a

and not for publication.)

space in the new Simon Student Center at Ford Hall named in memory

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

of the late Paul Suerken, longtime director of the Octet. Construction on the student center will begin this summer. For more information, please visit or contact Gail Reeder at or 717-328-6323.

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 20. Some of this survey information will be published as part of a Mercersburg alumni military registry for Alumni Weekend 2012. Would you like your name, class year, and title to be included in the directory?



21. Would you be interested in working with other alumni veterans and active duty service members to help plan Mercersburg’s military homecoming for Alumni Weekend, October 26-28, 2012? Yes, please contact me


If you have a military biography, we encourage you to submit it as part of this survey. Please send a copy to Tyler Miller in the Alumni & Development Office at or 300 East Seminary Street, Mercersburg, PA 17236.


MyBurg is


at your fingertips.

Browse the online alumni directory! Visit and click on “myBurg.” If you need help signing in, contact the Alumni & Development Office at 800-588-2550.

Alumni and Parents Participate in Irving-Marshall Week


enerations of Mercersburg alumni remember the excitement of Irving-Marshall Week and the thrill of Declamation. This year’s IrvingMarshall Week—the 118th in the school’s history—began

February 19 and culminated with Declamation on February 22. Alumni were invited to participate in this much loved Mercersburg tradition by making a gift to True Blue: The Mercersburg Annual Fund in honor of their society in the month leading up to Declamation. Parents of current students were invited to join in, too, and show support for their son’s or daughter’s society by making a gift. By the night of Declamation, the Marshall Society had eclipsed Irving with 183 gifts compared to 160 gifts. Thanks to all the alumni and parents who showed their True Blue spirit by joining our students in celebrating Irving-Marshall Week!

WMIS Lenfest Challenge Surpasses Goal From November 1 to December 31, 2011, alumni, current parents, and friends of Mercersburg responded to a challenge from H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest ’49 to join the William Mann Irvine Society or upgrade their gift to the next society membership level. For each participant, Gerry would contribute $1,000 to Mercersburg. When the challenge ended, a total of 148 supporters had been tallied, far exceeding the challenge’s goal of 100. Among them were 56 new society members. A special thanks to all participants for their generous

To learn more about the William Mann Irvine Society, visit or contact Will Waldron at or 717-328-6159.

support of Mercersburg!


Alumni Council Corner Students Welcomed into Alumni Community Representatives of Mercersburg’s Alumni Council hosted a school meeting in February to welcome all current students into the Mercersburg alumni community. This special celebration acknowledged students who have completed a full term at the school and, as a result, are considered alumni. Alumni Council President Ann Quinn ’84 spoke about the role of the Alumni Council and its work to support the Alumni & Development program. Ann was joined by several fellow council members who shared about the ways they are True Blue and what Mercersburg means to them. After the meeting, each student was presented with a personalized set of Mercersburg photo books. The gift of the books commemorates the students joining a body of more than 12,000 Mercersburg alumni across the country and around the world.

Mercersburg Announces New Assistant Head of School Mercersburg will welcome a new assistant head of school for

Calendar of Events Washington, D.C., Regional Event April 14, 2012

advancement in June with the arrival of Brian Hargrove, currently the director of development for St. Mark’s School of Texas in Dallas. An alumnus of St. Mark’s,

Chicago Regional Event April 21, 2012

Brian received his bachelor’s degree from Gettysburg College and his MBA from Texas State University. Brian succeeds Mary Carrasco, who has

Denver Regional Event May 19, 2012

planned to relocate outside the Mercersburg area with her husband, Phil. Mary has been part of the Mercersburg family since 1999, when she joined the Academy as director of development and led the Mightily Onward campaign. Brian, his wife Linda, and their children—Lois, Faith, Mac, and Mary Claire

Reunion Weekend For class years ending in 2 and 7 and the Loyalty Club June 8-10, 2012

—will relocate to Mercersburg this summer. We look forward to their arrival in the ’Burg and extend our best wishes to Mary and Phil!

Event Invitations... Photo Galleries... Networking Opportunities... Stay up to date on Facebook! 10

Alumni Weekend October 26-28, 2012 For complete details, visit

The Mercersburg Community

Out & About Email photos and captions to

Clayton Young ’08, faculty member Chip Vink ’73, and Aidan Crofton ’07 pose at the U.S. Naval Academy’s Bancroft Hall squash courts in Annapolis, Maryland.

Alumni gathered at the Boston home of Laura Ulvestad and Ron Stetler ’67 for a regional event in November. Above are Ryan Ma ’11, Magdalena Kala ’09, and Matthew Timoney ’11.

Alumni and friends celebrated the holiday season by attending Mercersburg’s annual Christmas Candlelight Service and reception in December. Above are Spencer Fleming ’06 and his father, Grant ’65. The Board of Regents met with young alumni for a reception at the Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia in January. Top left are Board president emeritus H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest ’49, current Board president Denise Dupré ’76, Head of School Douglas Hale, Peggy Hale, Marguerite Lenfest, Margery Masinter, and Board president emeritus Edgar Masinter ’48. At left are Regent Phil Dunmire ’64 P ’01 and Ian Thompson ’02. Below are Immy Byrd ’97 and Jenn Flanagan Bradley ’99.

Mpact is published by the Mercersburg Academy Alumni & Development Office. We welcome your questions and comments. Please email or call 800-588-2550. Mercersburg Academy abides by both the spirit and the letter of the law in all its employment and admission policies. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin. C To minimize its impact on the environment, this publication is printed on paper made with 30% process chlorine-free post-consumer recycled fiber. The inks contain a high proportion of renewable vegetable-based ingredients.



Mercersburg Academy 300 East Seminary Street Mercersburg, PA 17236

Reunions for class years ending in 2 and 7 and the Loyalty Club. Reconnect with former classmates and faculty!

Alumni Weekend October 26-28



Reunion Weekend June 8-10

Enjoy the traditional Step Songs, bonfire, and all-school picnic, plus a homecoming for military service members.

To explore how your giving can have an impact on Mercersburg, visit or contact us at or 800-588-2550.

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