Financial Support & Scholarships Information Guide

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Financial Support & Scholarships

Information Guide
2 Contents Bursaries Applying for a Bursary Scholarships Sibling Discounts General Information 3 4 5 10 11 Academic Scholarships Music Scholarships Art Scholarships Drama Scholarships 6 7 8 9


Merchant Taylors’ School is able to provide financial assistance with fees for pupils whose parents/guardians could not otherwise afford a place at the Senior School The provision of means-tested bursaries is a central part of the purpose of the School’s aim to assist academically able boys and girls, whatever their financial circumstances and to broaden access to our School

We do not receive any Government funding for our bursary programme; instead it is funded through the generosity of donors and through the School’s investments Our donors come from many walks of life and from all over the world, yet they all have a Merchant Taylors’ connection in common

The number of bursary places available each year depends entirely on the generosity of our donors, and any amount given, large or small, contributes to creating opportunities for our pupils Bursaries are awarded up to 100% of fees, depending on the family’s financial circumstances There are bursaries available for entry into our Senior School at Year 7 and into the Sixth Form at Year 12

All bursaries are means-tested and are underpinned by a rigorous review process The School utilises an external company to conduct independent financial reviews of successful applications This will involve each family having a compulsory review of financial circumstances and will result in a confidential report to the School with a recommendation on the level of award

A bursary application will only be successful if both of these criteria are met:

The child has strong academic ability/potential, as demonstrated by their performance in the Year 7 Entrance Assessment and interview process for entry into our Senior School or for Sixth Form entry (Year 12) based on their GSCE grades and interview process

The School is satisfied that the family meets the Schools’ criteria for financial assistance Given the value of bursary awards, all awards are subject to annual review to ensure continued eligibility However, the School does have a number of awards which are offered for the duration of the child’s education whether that be at Year 7 or Year 12 entry This will be explicit within the offer made


Applying for a Bursary

The first step in the process of applying for a bursary is to register your son/daughter for a place at Merchant Taylors’ School

The Closing date for applications for a Year 7 place for September 2023 is Monday 24th October 2022 Sixth Form applications can be submitted throughout the year On receipt of your application, if you have indicated interest in Financial Assistance, a Bursary Application will be sent to you

You will need to complete the confidential means-tested Bursary application form we send you to be considered for assistance, Gross income from all sources must be £60,000 or less per year and family income/ expenditure is taken into account Full details can be found in our Financial Assistance Policy which is available through the website

Following the Year 7 Entrance Assessment and interview process, or Sixth Form interview, you will be notified if your application for financial assistance has been successful and, if so, the next stage of the process is an independent financial review which will then result in a recommendation to the School on whether you meet the financial criteria for award and the level of Bursary which should be offered

The final stage of the process involves the review of each recommendation/report

The Bursary Application Form asks for information about the following:

Income (Salary, Pension, Benefits etc )

Outgoings (Tax, NI, Pension contributions, Mortgage repayments etc )

Capital Assets (Savings, ISAs etc )

Capital Liabilities (Mortgage etc )

Net Assets

You will also be asked to provide:

3 months’ payslips Mortgage statement Most recent P60

Latest audited accounts (if appropriate)



Scholarships are the highest awards offered by Merchant Taylors’ School and are granted at the discretion of the Headmaster/mistress

The tenure of a scholarship is intended to be for the duration of the holder’s education at Merchant Taylor’s School, provided that the holder’s academic progress and general conduct remain satisfactory and that the holder continues to enthusiastically fulfil the obligations associated with the scholarship, evidenced in an annual review of progress and contributions All external scholarship candidates need to have registered for a place at Merchant Taylors’ School

For entry to Year 7 scholarships are available for academic excellence, music, art and drama The amount of scholarship awarded is decided by the Headmaster/mistress and is typically up to the value of 10% of tuition fees There is no annual means testing of scholarship awards

Application forms for Scholarships are available from the Admissions Team

The closing date for return of Year 7 Scholarship applications is Monday 24th October with auditions and assessments taking place during the following weeks

Academic Scholarships

Academic Scholarships

All candidates taking the Year 7 Entrance Assessment will be considered for an Academic Scholarship and, therefore, do not need to complete a separate application

Internal candidates will be selected using the attainment data gathered by Stanfield, together with recommendations from Miss Lynan and Year 6 teachers

Candidates achieving commendable results will be invited to attend an Academic Scholarship Day which will take place the following Saturday after the External Entrance Assessment Pupils will undertake further subject based assessments in both Maths and English They will also attend an interview with a member of our Senior Academic Team during the day A sample of the style of questions and topics for the additional assessment during the day, can be found on our website:

For more information, please visit

All Round Scholarship

On occasion we will award an 'all round' scholarship to the value of 20% of tuition fees These cannot be applied for and are awarded to a candidate who has been considered for an Academic award, Music, Art and/or Drama These awards are very rare and are only awarded to individuals who excel in at least three individual scholarship assessments

Harrison Scholarships (Sixth Form only)

In recognition of the Schools’ Founder John

http://www merchanttaylors com/admissions/entrance-assessments/

These scholarships are awarded purely on academic merit and potential

Music Scholarships

Our programme for Music Scholars is designed to recognise those with outstanding potential and to further develop musical skills and talents during a pupil's time at MTS Award holders are ambassadors for music, who make a full contribution to the Music Department throughout their time at MTS We expect that musical practice and performances will be the priority of an award holder in terms of the co-curricular programme

Year 7 and 8

Young musicians will have access to a range of choirs, bands, orchestras and small ensembles in addition to studying music as part of their academic curriculum

Music Scholars will be mentored by the Directors of Music, who will meet with them to set and review individual learning goals

Music Scholars are expected to show commitment to both their personal musical studies and to the Music Department, be proactive about involving themselves in the musical life of the School and to study music as one of their options subjects in future years

Year 9 to 11

Music Scholars will have access to a range of opportunities aimed at developing general musicianship and to enhance individual performance, and the opportunity to further their development through membership of the School's more advanced ensembles There are also opportunities to conduct a small ensemble

Scholars will also have access to concert trips and visiting musicians They will meet regularly with the Director's of Music and take a leading role in the musical life of the School Music Scholars will be expected to study academic music to GCSE

Sixth Form

Music Scholars in the Sixth Form will gain leadership experience as senior members of music ensembles and role models to the younger students They will continue to benefit from all scholars’ activities and receive individually tailored support in their chosen specialism in preparation for university and beyond Specific leadership roles are available for Sixth Form Music Scholars to interview for

Who can apply?

Music Scholarships are awarded for musical ability and potential to those who have attained the entrance criteria for MTS Evidence of musical ability, potential and enthusiasm are demonstrated though interview

How do I apply?

Once your child is registered for entry to MTS, you should complete the Music Scholarship application form which is available from the Schools’ admissions office The online application will be reviewed and only shortlisted candidates will be invited to take part in the scholarship audition

Candidates for a Music Scholarship will be required to play two contrasting pieces which best demonstrate their musicality and passion for music This can be on one instrument However, if a candidate plays two instruments, they are strongly encouraged to play one piece on each They should also expect to play at sight on their main instrument or voice and complete aural tests which are designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their musical potential Candidates will answer general questions abut their musical background and ambitions


Art Scholarships

Art Scholarships allow students to grow their knowledge and skills in a specialist creative environment The Art Department is looking for students who are:

Artistic leaders

Original and inspiring

Motivated thinkers

Creative explorers

Curious and resilient learners

Committed and enthusiastic


7 – 11

Art Scholars will experience creative workshops led by the Art Department and nationally renowned artists intending to ignite pupils interests in the creative world They will be introduced to new media and processes to extend their knowledge and learning Scholars are invited to take part in trips to art galleries and Universities Being a Scholar also allows students to mix with creative students from other year groups across MTS, to share ideas, learn from each other and spend time with like-minded people It is expected that Scholars will enter competitions and exhibitions run through the department to champion creative learning

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Art Scholars are the creative pinnacle of the School Their work should showcase an exploration of the creative processes and be confident and bold Sixth Form Scholars have access to specialist one to one mentoring from our dedicated Art Department They should play a leading role in Art activities at MTS, for example by entering and encouraging others to take part in internal and external art competitions Sixth Form art scholars have a dedicated workspace in the Art room and curate an exhibition of their work which is part of the annual school art exhibition held at the end of term They should act as mentors to Scholars in the younger years

Expectations of a Scholar

Regular attendance at the Art Department clubs

Write about art trips, visits by artists into School and art events for school publications

At 13+ select art as one of their GCSE choices; at 16+ select art as one of their A Level choices

Have a meeting with the Head of Art (or appropriate mentor) at the start and end of each academic year to appraise progress and discuss future work

Assist the Art Department on Open Day and other events

Who can apply?

If you are a student who lives for art, keeps a sketchbook and wants to drive forward your creative learning, this is the programme for you Art Scholarships are awarded for creative ability to those who have attained the entrance criteria for MTS

How do I apply?

Once your child is registered for the Entrance Assessment, you should complete the Art Scholarship application form, available from the Schools’ admissions office Successful applicants will then be invited in for an assessment

On the day of assessment Candidates:

Must submit a portfolio of work and a sketchbook, these should: Demonstrate a range of media, materials and processes alongside observational and expressive drawing work and also include work pursued by the candidate during their own time and not just work set during lessons

Sit a drawing test where the candidate will be asked to produce an observational drawing from a ‘sill life’ set up

Attend a subject interview with the Head of Art It is expected that Scholars have been to art galleries and have studied paintings by major artists of the past in whom they have a special interest


Drama Scholarships

Our Drama Scholarship programme celebrates those with exceptional performance, design or technical potential Scholars are ambassadors for drama, who should make a full contribution to the dramatic life of the School throughout their time here Drama activities will be the priority of a Drama Scholar, in terms of the co-curricular programme, but this will not exclude them from participating in other endeavours

Scholars will benefit from being at the forefront of the cultural life of the School They have the opportunity to be involved as performers, designers, technicians, production or front of house for all of the major Drama Department productions throughout the year They have access to trips and live theatrical events, broadening their dramatic experience, and regular ‘challenges’ encourage students to expand their knowledge base through exploration and research

Scholars receive specialist guidance and technical instruction from the Drama Department, with opportunities to gain further experience in areas which support entry into Higher Education courses

Expectations of a Scholar

To represent the school at events and productions and within the Drama Department as a whole

Who can apply?

Drama Scholarships are awarded to those who have attained the entrance criteria for MTS Applicants should have a genuine interest in drama and live theatre and be willing to dedicate their time to developing their natural talent and learned skills Drama Scholars are expected to study Drama and Theatre Studies to GCSE

How do I apply?

Once your child is registered for the Entrance Assessment, you should complete the Drama Scholarship application form, available from the Schools’ admissions office Successful applicants will then be invited in for an assessment and interview

Performers should prepare a 2 minute monologue from a published play, learned by heart, to be presented at the audition day The piece can be from any published play and should demonstrate an ability to create a convincing character Applicants might also wish to provide a portfolio of evidence of exam certificates, photos or programmes of shows they have been in

Designers should prepare a short presentation explaining either a stage or costume design Photographic or artefact material is encouraged Applicants might also submit a portfolio of design ideas to be discussed in an interview on the audition day

Interviews will be held to appoint the role of Drama Captain at both Senior Schools

Scholars will be assessed using LAMDA criteria, based on grade 3 for the age group Full details of which can be found HERE


The School offers a sibling discount for children with a brother and/or sister already in the School

The discount applies to the tuition fee only and may be varied by the School at any time The current sibling discount is 10% on a second and third child with the same Parents and a 20% discount on a fourth child and subsequent children with the same Parents

Sibling discount does not apply to overseas students If any pupil(s) within the family is in receipt of any other form of financial assistance (excluding Harrison Scholarships) then that pupil(s) will not be included within the scope of the Sibling Discount

For pupils in receipt of Academic, Music, Art or Drama Scholarships, who also qualify for a Sibling Discount; such discount will be awarded at the Head’s absolute discretion

Sibling Discounts


The Entrance Assessment for entry to Year 7 in September 2023 is planned to take place on Saturday 5th November Following receipt of your completed registration form, the Admissions Team will contact you with details of the arrangements for the day

The Entrance Assessment is a computerised cognitive ability test comprising verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning This test is in three sections each last around 40 minutes No preparation is required for this test as it is designed to measure innate ability Further details of each of these sections can be found HERE

Whilst no preparation is required, sample papers can be downloaded/purchased via GL Assessment

As part of the assessment process, some pupils will be called for interview with a member of the Senior Management Team Appointments will be arranged in advance of the interview and, where possible, will be outside of school hours

Families will be notified of the Entrance Assessment results by 14th December

If offered a place at the School, acceptances should be received by the Admissions Team on or before 6th March together with a deposit of £300 which can be paid either by bank transfer or bank card over the telephone

The acceptance deposit will be held on account by the School and returned by way of a credit against fees for the final term of the relevant year, provided that fees have been cleared in full and any outstanding School property has been returned to the School Until credited the acceptance deposit will form part of the general funds of the School

Liverpool Road, Crosby, Liverpool L23 0QP Call: 0151 949 9366 Merchant Taylors' School

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