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Physical Education

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What does GCSE Physical Education offer me?

For the Physical Education enthusiast the OCR GCSE PE Course Offers an exciting opportunity to take your sporting knowledge and performance onto to higher levels and gain an academic qualification in Physical Education.


It also requires the students to underpin their practical performances with theoretical knowledge of the anatomical, physiological and psychological demands of physical activity and how these factors affect physical competence. The PE students will also learn how to use methods of practice to improve their performance in physical activity and the importance of being physically active as part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Playing for a school or club team or weekly involvement in a sports activity is a must for a GCSE PE student as 40% of their marks will come from Component 3 where there is a performance assessment in three activities and an analysis and evaluation written assignment. GCSE PE students should also be competent in science.

What does the course entail?

The GCSE PE Course comprises 3 components as detailed below, spread over two years.

Component 1: Physical Factors Affecting Performance

Anatomy and physiology

Physical Training

Component 2: Socio-Cultural Issues and Sports Psychology

Sports Psychology

Socio-cultural Influences

Health, Fitness and Wellbeing

Component 3: Performance within Physical Education

Performance practical in Three Activities — one team and one individual sport and one other Analysis and Evaluation of a Performance (AEP)

Curriculum enrichment

In PE we offer many extracurricular opportunities which challenge our students. Our top athletes have the chance to perform at a high level in a number of sports, reaching regional and national finals. They also have further opportunities to be sporting ambassadors for the school on our international sports tours and through observing elite sport performances. Students are given the chance to take part in leadership roles within the department running and managing events staged at school or within the local community. Our players enhance their understanding of the many core and advanced skills and tactics used in different sport through participating at an increasingly more competitive level. The department constantly encourages our girls to strive for the very best they can achieve and our students are taught through a variety of differentiated methods, including practical sessions to ensure all students can access the content.

What does GCSE Business offer me

Business Studies is offered from Year 10 and therefore no prior knowledge of the subject is assumed or required. However, to enjoy this course, students must have a lively and enquiring mind, an interest in finding out about business and finance and an ability to communicate their ideas effectively. Business Studies GCSE helps students to acquire the understanding, knowledge and skills relevant to the changing world of work. It appeals to those who enjoy keeping up with what is going on in the world of business and finance, want to develop as a commercially minded and enterprising individual and appreciate the importance of being a responsible consumer, citizen and employee.

What does the course entail?

The course aims to develop a critical understanding of all aspects of business and how it operates, addressing questions such as:

•How are businesses owned, organised and controlled?

•What are, or should be, the aims and objectives of business?

•How can people in business best be managed, developed and motivated?

•How can products be made most efficiently and sold most effectively?

•What are the essential components of successful financial management?

•How can products be successfully marketed and sold to consumers?

Module 1 is ‘Investigating Small Business’, while Module 2 is entitled ‘Building a Business’.

The course is assessed through two 90-minute written examinations with a mixture of multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions.

Beyond GCSE

A GCSE in Business Studies allows students to understand more about the business world and motivates and challenges students, preparing them to make informed decisions about further study and career pathways. GCSE Business provides a strong foundation for A level study. There are a wide range of degree courses that are directly related to this subject.

Curriculum enrichment

GCSE Business provides the opportunity for stretch and challenge throughout the course. Pupils are encouraged to see beyond the course content, we encourage independent learning through extension opportunities e.g. a wide range of related fiction and non-fiction reading to support learning, relevant podcasts and TED Talks. We also provide the opportunity to attend relevant talks from visiting speakers. Participation in various national competitions including BASE and encouragement to participate in relevant essay competitions.

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