What does an MFL GCSE course offer me?
You will continue to build on the grammar and vocabulary you’ve already learnt and will become more confident and competent using the language in a range of different situations. You will learn to understand detailed texts, decipher information when someone talks to you and express yourself clearly both in writing and when speaking. This GCSE course offers much more than a qualification; it’s a package of skills that both employers and universities look for, as well as an ability to navigate the world with confidence in years to come.
What does the GCSE course look like?
The MFL GCSE is linear, meaning that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course. Subject content:
There are three broad themes:
• Theme 1: People and lifestyle
• Theme 2: Popular culture
• Theme 3: Communication and the world around us
GCSE French has a Foundation tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers (all worth 25%) at the same tier.
Paper 1 - Listening:
• Understanding and responding to spoken extracts
• Dictation of short, spoken extracts
Paper 2 - Speaking:
• A role-play
• A reading aloud task
• Discussion based on a picture card
Paper 3 - Reading:
• Understanding and responding to written texts
• Translating from French into English
Paper 4 - Writing:
• Writing sentences or essays
• A grammar exercise
• Translating from English into French
Curriculum Enrichment:
We offer a range of opportunities to support you in your learning beyond the classroom. These include:
• Regular speaking lessons with a native speaker in both Years 10 and 11
• A range of online resources including Kerboodle and Quizlet to support and extend your learning
• Access to national competitions
• The invitation to take part in Spellian, an online conversation exchange.
The course includes the following three main themes and twelve sub-topics culture national, international, and global areas of interest papers
The test involves: Role-Play, Photo Card and General Coversation. The test is conducted and audio-recorded by the teacher and marked by an AQA examiner.
understand and respond to different types of written language and question types, including literary texts and a translation.
The subject materials such as core vocabulary and grammar list will be shared with the students. We expect the students to exptend their vocabulary range whenever possible by accessing availible resources on the internet or recommended by the teacher. The department will purchase the latest text books, online learning platforms to assist learning.