2 minute read
The Electives Programme has been designed to provide a breadth of opportunity that is rare to find in schools. We want you to find something which inspires, challenges, and extends your horizons. You will see from the courses in this booklet that some are closely linked to traditional subject areas, but that a good number are completely different from anything you may have encountered in school before. We urge you not to play it safe with your choices: given that most of you will make two or three choices for a term, you have the opportunity to mix things up to quite an extent. So, do not feel you have to choose something you already have experience in, or be guided by what your friends want to do: choose the options which really stand out to you and resolve to make the most of them over the duration of the course. You will have opportunities to change your electives, usually on a termly basis, so we’re confident you will have a range of excellent experiences over the academic year. Some of you will have other school commitments on a Saturday, but we anticipate that everyone will be able to get involved during at least one term. Finally, we want the elective programme to develop based on the interests of students and staff, so please do share your ideas with us.
Sign up using the links below.
Junior School (First to Third Form): Sign up here
Middle School (Fourth to Fifth Form): Sign up here
Senior School (Upper and Lower Sixth): Sign up here
Dr Cartwright and Dr Mechie Academic Leadership Team
Sports desk sports desk sports desk time for music time for music time for music visual expression visual expression
Maths resit support merchisteam merchisteam intro to spanish
EAL intro to spanish science media politics science media e-sports politics model making/gaming chinese culture sat english
MMA MMA model un model un ancient greek for beginners ancient greek for beginners
Sports desk sports desk intro to spanish sports desk intro to spanish robotics science media science media physics extension book group kitchen chemistry kitchen chemistry merchisteam merchisteam visual expresson visual expresson
Type of Elective
Ancient Greek For Beginners
Run by: Mr Hillier
Describing the ideal education, Winston Churchill wrote, “I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat.” available to:
Learning Ancient Greek, perhaps even more so than Latin, requires curiosity, abstract thinking, and discipline. It’s an entirely new alphabet, but the roots of so many English words derive from Ancient Greek. Are you up for the challenge?
Middle School, Sixth Form
Type of Elective
Book Group
Run by: Mrs Gibb
This is an opportunity for book lovers to meet and discuss what we’ve been reading. There will not be a set book each week, but there may be particular, seasonal, shared texts: Burns poems, for example, or Summer Solstice Stories.
available to:
Junior School
Type of Elective