Prepared for:
4Sight Consulting
28 August 2019
Turitea Windfarm Construction Noise Management Plan
Revision Number:
Prepared by: Kelly Leemeyer, MASNZ Consultant
Reviewed by: Jon Styles Director and Principal
Construction Noise Management Plan prepared by Styles Group for 4Sight Consulting. Revision history Rev
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Draft for comment
Kelly Leemeyer Consultant
Jon Styles Director and Principal
Kelly Leemeyer Consultant
Jon Styles
Updated following comments Updated for additional helicopter use
Updated for clarity around helicopter use
Kelly Leemeyer Consultant Kelly Leemeyer Consultant
Director and Principal Jon Styles Director and Principal Jon Styles Director and Principal
Table of Contents 1.
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4
Contacts ........................................................................................................... 4
Project Description ............................................................................................ 4
Scope of Works ................................................................................................ 5
Construction methodology ................................................................................ 5
Project Conditions ............................................................................................. 6
Duration of Works and Hours of Construction ................................................... 6
Project Noise Performance Criteria ................................................................... 6
Special Construction Activities .......................................................................... 8
Potentially Affected Properties .......................................................................... 8
Community Liaison ........................................................................................... 9
Likely Noise Emissions ..................................................................................... 9
Noise Mitigation Measures .............................................................................. 10
Monitoring & Reporting ................................................................................... 11
Corrective Action Measures ............................................................................ 12
General Requirements .................................................................................... 14
Appendix A: Glossary of Acoustical Terms ................................................................. 15 Appendix B: The Construction Site ............................................................................. 16 Appendix C: 70 dB LAeq noise contour for helicopter use for Towers 17 and 18 .......... 17 Appendix D: Noise Monitoring Form ........................................................................... 18
4Sight Consulting has engaged Styles Group to prepare a Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP) for the construction of a new 12km long 220kV transmission line to connect Transpower’s existing Linton Substation to the “Plantation Substation” at Mercury’s Turitea Wind Farm, near Palmerston North. The Turitea Wind Farm is located within the Turitea Reserve (owned by Palmerston North City Council (the PNCC)) and on adjoining private farmland. This CNMP has been prepared in accordance with the project conditions and with reference to Appendix E of NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction noise. It is designed to ensure appropriate management of noise effects during the construction period. It has been prepared based on the specific construction plant and methodologies for this project and with respect to the specific receiving environment. This CNMP is a ‘living document’ that will be updated as the works progress and if changes become necessary to adopt the best practicable option to reduce noise emissions. A glossary of the acoustical terms used in this document is provided as Appendix A. 2.
The contact for queries, comments or complaints regarding the project, and the manager responsible for implementing this CNMP is: Emma Comrie-Thomson
Electrix Environmental Manager (consultant)
Ph: 021 755509 The consultant engaged to provide construction noise monitoring and advice is: Styles Group Acoustics & Vibration Consultants 3.
Ph: 09 308 9015
Project Description
This CNMP relates to the environmental effects associated with the construction of the new 12km long 220kV transmission line and its associated poles and towers. The project includes:
associated substations
internal electricity reticulation (made up of underground cables and overhead transmission lines from turbines to substations, internal overhead transmission lines connecting the two proposed substations and an external overhead transmission line connecting the Turitea Wind Farm to the national grid at Linton substation)
tracks and access roads; and
associated earthworks, construction activities.
clearance and discharges associated with
The closest receiver to any of the towers or construction works is 145 Harts Road, which is 270 m from towers 1 – 3. All other receivers are over 400 m from the nearest construction works or tower. The closest receiver to the take off / landing area for the helicopter is 762 Kahuterewa Road, which is 1.1 km away. The closest receiver to a tower requiring the helicopter to transport towers and equipment is 166 Greens Road, which is approximately 920 m from tower 17 - 18. All other towers requiring the helicopter to transport towers and equipment are over 1.2 km from the nearest receivers. 4.
Scope of Works
The following works will be undertaken during the construction phase of the project:
Installation of double circuit transmission line structures, including a mixture of steel tubular monopoles and steel lattice towers complete with concrete foundations, anticlimb devices and signage;
Two circuits to be strung with simplex Sulfur All Aluminium Alloy Conductor, complete with all insulators, fittings, conductor hardware, and vibration dampers;
Two composite fibre-optic ground wires, complete with fittings, junction boxes and hardware and vibration dampers;
Duplicate 220kV line protection schemes for circuit 1 end to end inclusive of the required protection communications;
Access tracks for construction and future maintenance of the line and structures; and
Vegetation removal and trimming.
Access to the site will be from 241 Kahuterawa Road, 132 Greens Road, 131 Greens Road and 146 Harts Road (Transpower Property – Linton Substation). A helicopter will be used to string the transmission cables between all towers located within Turitea Reserve (towers 25-38), and for towers 17 - 24. All other transmission cables will be strung manually without the use of a helicopter. 5.
Construction methodology
Works will be undertaken using the following plant:
Trucks / truck and trailer units
Concrete trucks and pumps
A Helicopter 5
Polaris 1000XP with Prospector Pro tracking system
Hand held tools
Project Conditions
The relevant consent conditions for the project are set out below. Please refer to Section 7 of this CNMP for interpretation of the construction noise limits with respect to the working hours and receiving sites.
Noise from all construction work shall be measured and assessed in accordance with NZS 6803, and shall comply with the noise limits for long-term duration set out in that Standard
A CNMP shall be prepared prior to the commencement of any construction works and shall be properly implemented at all times. The CNVMP shall be generally in accordance with section 8 and the relevant annexures of NZS6803, which detail the relevant types of construction to which the CNVMP is to apply, and procedures that will be carried out to ensure compliance with that Standard.
The CNMP shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified and experienced acoustic consultant, and shall be submitted to the Environmental Compliance Managers of each respective Council for review, acting in a technical certification capacity. A response should be provided within 30 working days of receipt. Construction activities must not commence until written certification has been obtained.
Duration of Works and Hours of Construction
Construction works will take up approximately 12 months to complete and are scheduled to begin in August 2019. Works will generally be undertaken between the hours of 07:30 to 18:00, Monday to Saturday. 8.
Project Noise Performance Criteria
This section sets out the noise performance criteria for the project. Applicable Noise Performance Criteria In accordance with Condition 14 of the conditions for the project, construction noise shall comply with the following noise limits in Table 7.1: Table 7.1 Construction noise limits Time of week
Time period
Maximum noise level (dBA) Leq
6:30am - 7:30am
7:30am - 6:00pm
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Time of week
Sundays and public holidays
Time period
Maximum noise level (dBA) Leq
8:00pm - 6:30am
6:30am - 7:30am
7:30am - 6:00pm
6:00pm – 8:00pm
8:00pm – 06:30am
6:30am - 7:30am
7:30am - 6:00pm
6:00pm – 8:00pm
8:00pm – 06:30am
All noise levels will be measured and assessed in accordance with the New Zealand construction noise Standard NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction Noise. The noise limits are applicable at 1 m from the most exposed facade of any occupied building where the construction noise is being measured and assessed. The noise limits do not apply at a building (or the affected part of it) that is not occupied during the works. If an assessment of the noise levels within a building is required, the noise will be measured with reference to Clause 6.2.2 of NZS 6803:1999 and the provisions of NZS 6801:2008 Acoustics – Measurement of environmental sound. This section requires that noise levels inside a building must be at least 20 dB lower than the noise limits in the above Table (and therefore Condition 7 of the consent). In addition to the project conditions, there is the overarching requirement to comply with section 16 of the Resource Management Act. Section 16 (1) of the Act states: Every occupier of land (including any premises and any costal marine area), and every person carrying out an activity in, on, or under a water body or the costal marine area, shall adopt the best practicable option to ensure that the emission of noise from that land or water does not exceed a reasonable level.
The best practicable option (BPO) is defined by the Act as: best practicable option, in relation to a discharge of a contaminant or an emission of noise, means the best method for preventing or minimising the adverse effects on the environment having regard, among other things, to— a) the nature of the discharge or emission and the sensitivity of the receiving environment to adverse effects; and b) the financial implications, and the effects on the environment, of that option when compared with other options; and c) the current state of technical knowledge and the likelihood that the option can be successfully applied.
Special Construction Activities
This section sets out the construction activities requiring special noise management or mitigation measures. Helicopter use A helicopter will be used to transport towers and equipment as well as to string the transmission cables for towers 17 - 24. Within the Turitea Reserve, a helicopter will be used to transport towers and equipment as well as to string the transmission cables for towers 25-38. The towers within Turitea Reserve and towers 17 - 24 are at least 900 m from any receivers and this work will comply with the permitted noise limits. Use of helicopters will only be during the daytime. 10. Potentially Affected Properties The properties potentially affected by construction noise are generally those within 50 m of any works. Additionally, properties within 200 m of the helicopter flight path will also potentially be affected by construction noise. Table 10.1 sets out the closest receivers to the towers. Any tower not listed in Table 10.1 is further than 400 m from any receivers. Towers 25 – 38 are located within the Turitea Reserve and do not have any receivers within 1000 m. Table 10.1 Noise receivers and closest tower Address
Closest tower
145 Harts Road, Turitea
305 Ngahere Park Road
307 Ngahere Park Road
309 Ngahere Park Road
317 Ngahere Park Road
325 Ngahere Park Road
331 Ngahere Park Road
133 Greens Road
166 Greens Road
168 Greens Road
251 Kahuterewa Road
299B Kahuterewa Road
301 Kahuterewa Road
303 Kahuterewa Road
305 Kahuterewa Road
307 Kahuterewa Road
73A Lacebark Drive
73B Lacebark Drive
Potential noise emissions are discussed in Section 12 Likely Noise Emissions. The separation distances detailed in Section 12 will be used to identify the potentially affected properties at each stage of the works and physical mitigation will be used where required (and practicable) to allow compliance with the project limits. 11. Community Liaison Works for the Turitea Wind Farm will be managed under the Community Liaison Group. Prior to works commencing on site all receivers within 400 m of works will be informed of the following information by letter drop:
A brief overview of the works, including details of helicopter use
The expected start date of works
The expected duration of works
The days and hours of the week when works may be undertaken
The noise mitigation to be implemented
The availability of noise monitoring to address any concerns
Contact details for the receipt of any noise complaints or concerns.
A complaints register will be kept and maintained on site to record the details of any noise complaints received and the action taken in response to the complaint. 12. Likely Noise Emissions Table 12.1 details the reference noise levels at 10 m for activities on site, along with the minimum compliance distance between the noise source and 1 m from the façade of any occupied building. The minimum distances must be observed for the noise limits to be complied with. The calculations assume 100% operating time for the plant during any 15 minute sample. Table 12.1 is provided as a guide and can be updated when measurements of the site specific equipment are undertaken.
Table 12.1: Separation distances for works
Activity on site
Reference noise level at 10 m from plant
Minimum compliance distance between noise source and 1 m from facade of occupied dwelling (unmitigated)
40 t excavator
79 dB LAeq
38 m
30 t excavator
75 dB LAeq
24 m
22 t excavator
71 dB LAeq
15 m
100 t mobile crane lifting load
71 dB LAeq
15 m
400 t mobile crane lifting load
78 dB LAeq
34 m
28 t dozer
79 dB LAeq
38 m
Truck and trailer
66 dB LAeq
82 dB LAeq
54 m
Angle grinder
80 dB LAeq
43 m
Concrete pump and truck discharging
67 dB LAeq
10 m
66 dB LAeq
Concrete cutter (low noise saw blade)
Where it is predicted or measured that any activity will exceed the noise limits for the project, Sections 13 and 15 of this CNVMP will be referred to and mitigation implemented wherever practicable to reduce the noise effects at the nearest occupied sites.
Noise levels predictions for helicopter use have been predicted using computer noise modelling software. The results of the noise modelling show that use of the helicopter for towers 17– 38 (on Turitea Reserve) will comply with the daytime noise limits at all times. Helicopter use must be limited to between the hours of 0730 to 1800 on weekdays and Saturdays only. The noise contours for helicopter take off / landing, and use for tower 17 and 18 are shown in Appendix C. 13. Noise Mitigation Measures The contractor will take all practicable steps to reduce the noise associated with the works by implementing the general noise mitigation measures listed below: Control at Source 
Where possible, the quietest machinery and methods available and practicable will be used. 10
All machinery will be either new or in good condition upon its arrival at the site, and will thereafter be maintained in good condition throughout the entire duration of the project. For example, all saw blades will be kept sharp, and all tracked plant will be greased to reduce squeaking
Upon arrival at the site, the machinery and plant will be checked to ensure that it is not generating unnecessary noise and rectified if necessary
When selecting any plant such as compressors, generators or pumps for use on the project, the degree of noise generation between models will be considered as a major factor
When machinery or plant is not required to be running, it should be switched off and not left idling
Noisy plant and machinery should be strategically positioned on the site to reduce the effects on neighbours where practicable e.g. away from the site boundaries and using structures or plant on site as screening
Where practicable, all plant and equipment shall utilise broadband reverse alarms in place of traditional pure tone ‘beepers’
The tail gates of trucks must be closed with care and not slammed or allowed to fall closed causing unnecessary noise
Horns shall not be used under any circumstances unless in the case of an emergency
Any radios or music played on site must be inaudible at the neighbouring sites
All workers shall be familiar with the provisions of this CNMP and made aware of the impacts of noise and the above methods that can be used to minimise noise emissions.
Acoustic Screening Due to the significant separation distances available on this project, specific acoustic screening is not anticipated to be required. However, temporary acoustic screening will be constructed around the works area if any construction works are required within the minimum unmitigated compliance distance (column 3) listed in Table 12.1. To be acoustically effective, all screening must be no less than 2.0 m in height and have a surface density of no less than 10 kg/m2 with no gaps along the length of the barrier or between the barrier and the ground. 14. Monitoring & Reporting Noise monitoring will be performed:
If, in the opinion of the Site Manager or Council (or their representatives), the noise from any activity on the site appears excessive; or
Following the receipt of any reasonable noise complaint.
The results of the monitoring will be used to determine what, if any, further mitigation is required following comparison with the relevant noise limit(s). The results will be used to update and maintain this CNMP to ensure that minimum compliance distances and mitigation measures are specifically tailored to the equipment used on site. The results of all monitoring will be retained and made available to Palmerston North City Council and / or Tararua District Council at their reasonable request. Any non-compliance with the noise limits will be addressed by following the corrective action measures in Section 15 of this CNMP and reducing noise levels with reference to Section 13. A noise monitoring form is attached as Appendix D. Measurements will be undertaken in accordance with this document and by observing the following requirements: 
All noise measurements will be undertaken using a sound level meter conforming to at least IEC651 Type 2 criteria
All noise measurements and assessments will be carried out in accordance with NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics - Construction Noise
All noise monitoring and assessment will be undertaken by a suitably qualified and experienced person.
15. Corrective Action Measures Should noise measurements undertaken by Palmerston North City Council and / or Tararua District Council (or its representative) or the consent holder identify non-compliance with the limits set out in this CNMP, the following corrective action measures will be followed. The process is illustrated by Figure 15.1. i.
The activity responsible for the exceedance will cease when practicable and only if safe to do so.
Further mitigation options will be investigated. Where practicable mitigation measures are available, these will be implemented and step (iii) followed.
Monitoring will be undertaken to confirm the performance of the mitigation measures
If non-compliance is identified, including the further mitigation measures implemented, the process will be repeated from step (i) to include any further practicable mitigation options.
Undertake attended noise monitoring (Section 14): In response to a reasonable complaint. Noise from construction activity is deemed excessive by site manager or Council To test mitigation implemented.
Do the measured levels exceed the project limits?
Cease works if practicable Notify Site Manager and implement corrective action measures (Section 15).
No Review mitigation and management strategies to reduce noise emissions.
Update CNVMP where required. Liaise with Site Manager, Council and stakeholders where appropriate.
Can noise limits practicably be met with implementation of mitigation methods?
Implement mitigation methods.
Figure 15.1: Process for corrective action measures
16. General Requirements This CNMP is intended to be a ‘living’ document. It will be updated throughout the works as site and plant specific noise data is obtained. A copy of the CNMP must be kept at the work site for the duration of the works. All personnel should be informed about the need to reduce noise and about the effects and hazards of excessive noise. As part of their training, special attention should be given to:
Proper selection, use and maintenance of tools, machinery and related noise control devices
Positioning of machinery on site
Avoidance of unnecessary noise
Procedures for receiving, referral and investigation of noise complaints.
Appendix A: Glossary of Acoustical Terms
Acoustical term Noise
dB (decibel)
LAmax NZS 6803:1999
Definition A sound that is undesired by, or distracting to, the recipient. The basic measurement unit of sound. The logarithmic unit used to describe the ratio between the measured sound pressure level and a reference level of 20 micropascals (0 dB). A frequency filter applied to the full audio range (20 Hz to 20 kHz) to approximate the response of the human ear at lower sound pressure levels. The A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level with the same energy content as the measured varying acoustic signal over a sample period (t). The preferred metric for sound levels that vary over time because it takes into account the total sound energy over the time period of interest. The maximum A-weighted sound pressure level recorded during the measurement period. New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction noise. Construction noise management plan. A document to assist with the appropriate management of noise during construction works.
Appendix B: The Construction Site The area of the wind farm is shown in Figure B.1 below. The location of towers and piles are identified by number.
Figure B.1: The construction site
Appendix C: 70 dB LAeq noise contour for helicopter use for Towers 17 and 18 The green line shows the 70 dB LAeq contour for this flight path.
Appendix D: Noise Monitoring Form Name:
Notes for noise monitoring All sections of this form must be completed when undertaking construction noise measurements for the project. Please provide a sketch of the area, sound sources and measurement position on the rear of this form. Valid measurements cannot be undertaken in persistent rain or in wind speeds greater than 5 m/s. Measurements are to be undertaken at 1 m from the faรงade of the receiving building most exposed to the sound under investigation, and 1.2 m to 1.5 m above the relevant floor level. No adjustment to the measured level is to be made for reflected sound from the faรงade. If measurements must be undertaken at a proxy location then adjustments to the measured level may be required to correct for distance and faรงade reflections (+3 dB). Sound source and instrumentation Location of works Description of construction activity being monitored Measurement instrumentation (type and serial number) Date of most recent laboratory calibration Field calibration check (time and adjustment)
Meteorological conditions Cloud cover (Octas) Rain Wind speed and direction
Methodology Location/orientation of microphone Height of microphone above ground and distance to faรงade of receiving building Distance between microphone and sound source Ground conditions between sound source and microphone Any barriers or objects between sound source and microphone Distance to any reflective surfaces other than receiving faรงade Extraneous noise sources
Measurement results Sample
Duration of
Sound sources controlling
start time
the measured levels
Adjustments required for distance, faรงade correction or barriers
Do the measurements show full compliance with the project noise limits? Yes:
The measurement results shall be used to update the site specific noise levels and construction separation distances within the CNMP.
The CNMP shall be referred to for the appropriate corrective action measures and further noise mitigation options.